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Page 1: Secrets of Data-Driven Sales Managers

Secrets of Data-DrivenSales ManagersA look at how today's sales leadersinteract with their data.

Page 2: Secrets of Data-Driven Sales Managers

Modern sales teams live and breathe data. From identifying opportunities to understanding performance, having the numbers on your side helps you lead with confidence. Our Data-Driven Sales Survey polled more than 400 sales leadersto see how this plays out in the trenches. Can sales organizations access thedata they need? Are they confident in its accuracy? Are they using iteffectively? We asked hard questions—and the answers surprised us.


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Sales leaders need datato do their jobs well.

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • F I N D I N G S

Data is critical for more than96% of sales leaders.

84% rely on data todo their jobs well.

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Sales leaders want up-to-date information.(And they’re not getting it.)

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • F I N D I N G S

90% say real-time accessto data is important.

66% can't access their data in real time.( )BUT

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65% say it takes too long toreceive insights from their data.

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71% struggle with slow data analysis.

35% said it takes at least a fewhours to get the data they need.

31% said it takes acouple of days or more.

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Sales leaders are concerned aboutthe accuracy of their data.

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51% of sales leaders are concernedtheir data isn’t accurate.

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Access to data is not only slow―it's elusive.

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • F I N D I N G S

60% have to wait for somebody elsefor access to their data.

38% have no acces to data they need.

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of sales leaders say it’s too difficult to getmeaningful insights from their data.65%

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Data is overwhelming sales leaders.

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • F I N D I N G S

53% feel overwhelmed by thevolume of their data.

38% don't know what to dowith their data when they get it.

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • F I N D I N G S

Problems sales leaders have with their data:


slowtoo hard to access

hard to understandinaccurate


irrelevantnot enough time



not mobile

desktop onlydisparate

overwhelming don’t know whatto do with it

not up to date

don’t know whatto measure

not always accessible

lack of confidence

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Sales leaders want a better wayto consume their data.

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38% have to usemore than 4 systems.

59% of sales leaders must use1-3 systems to track goals and priorities.

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92%of sales leaders want to seedata in a single dashboard.

Only 31% can.( )

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would consume sales data more often if theycould see it in real time.66%

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73% would consume data more often if they could see it in one place.

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87% think it’s important to have accessto sales data on all their devices.

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Sales leaders spend too much time reporting.

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41% of sales leaders are responsiblefor creating their own reports.

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39% spend at least a few hoursper week creating and analyzing reports.

21% spend an entire dayor more each week creating

and analyzing reports.

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • F I N D I N G S

Sales results are typically consumed as:

third-party vendor (7%) spreadsheets (43%) dashboards (24%) email (13%) other (13%)

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • F I N D I N G S

Sales results are typically delivered as:

PowerPoint (12%) spreadsheets (36%) dashboards (19%) email (16%) other (17%)

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Reporting needs a serious reboot.

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • F I N D I N G S

Only 2% of sales leaders rate their relationshipwith their sales data an A- or better.

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83% of respondents gave theirorganization lower than a B- when it

came to leveraging data— equivalent to a 2.30 GPA.

38% would gradetheir company

below a C-—equivalentto a 1.30 GPA.

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D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • D E M O G R A P H I C S

More than 400 sales leaderscompleted the survey.

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Of those surveyed...



2%Presidents75% of respondents were

managers and above. 26%Directors


D ATA - D R I V E N S A L E S S U R V E Y • D E M O G R A P H I C S

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Great mix of big and small companies:

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$500 million-$1 billion (7%)in revenue

$1 billion+ (21%)in revenue

$0-10 million (33%)in revenue

$10-500 million (39%)in revenue

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Great mix of big and small companies:

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501-5,000 (21%)employees

5,001-10,000 (5%)employees

0-50 (20%)employees

51-500 (29%)employees

10,000+ (17%)employees

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Sales leaders need timely access to data in order to do their jobs well, butmost of them don’t have it. Those who do, however, often lack confidence intheir data’s accuracy.

In a data-rich world, many sales leaders are overwhelmed by the amount ofinformation available, and spend hours each week creating reports.Ultimately, only 2% of survey participants would rate their relationship withsales data as an A- or better.

Domo transforms the way sales leaders take care of business.See for yourself how Domo can help you do the same.


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