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Some say Google is God. Others say Google is Satan.

Tuesday 3rd March


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S e rgey B r in , co - fo unde r, G o o g le

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Simon HunterE-Business Advisor INI


Applies all he knows to

Alison NichollE-Business Advisor INI


NI u17 Ladies Soccer Manager, and social media strategist

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Before we begin . . .

Super Fast broadband• NI Executive has invested heavily in Northern Ireland’s

broadband infrastructure.

• Superfast broadband is now available to 91% of premises in Northern Ireland.

• Uptake is 24% and we want to see this increase.

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Before we begin...

Super Fast broadband

• Have you heard of Superfast Broadband?

• Do you have it?

• How is it working for you?/ Is it worth the extra cost?– Standard broadband £10 to £31 per month

– Fibre £25 to £46 per month

• How are you using it?

• Prices have come down significantly – what would encourage you to change? (£5 higher than standard)?

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Plan for Today

09:30 :: Registration

10:00 :: WHY?? & SEO - Simon Hunter

10:10 :: Social Media - Alison Nicholl

10:30 :: email Marketing - Simon Hunter

11:00 :: Getting the buses to run on time – Jennifer Clear

11:45 :: Create an effective Digital Marketing Strategy - Alison Nicholl

12:15 :: Case Study – Robert Patton -

12:45 :: Top Tips, Tools and Links – Simon Hunter

13:00 :: Lunch


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The ‘Google Guru’ guys

• Avinash Kaushik

– Works for Google

– Prolific blogger

– Follow on LinkedIn

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The ‘Google Guru’ guys

• John Mueller

– Works for Google


– Does Google hangouts

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Digital Marketing Strategy

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If it’s worth doing....

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The questions everyone asks . . .

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48 hours 12,000 new signups

Other Marketing? Few Google Ads

So who’s seen it? Only 18.5 million to date....

No-one watched it first 3 months – 4.75 million

Bet it ££££ a lot!! No – just $4,500

Facebook a mere 1.6 million to date....

Twitter 58 thousand followers ...Active customers 1.2 million...

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Does it work all the time?

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• 48 million views• Film was ....rubbish

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What’s Digital Marketing all about?

• Acquisition

• Engagement

• Conversion

• Retention

• Support

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Surely a website is enough?

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SHADOW(What everyone else

says about you!)



(Ads, Social Media, e-zines,


Source: Gareth Dunlop, Ion

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What?Internet overtakes television to become biggest advertising sector in UKSource: Year


Web > TV

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WHY Digital??

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It’s about Driving Traffic......

Web Site


Social Media


Paid Search


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Traditional Marketing

• Telephone

• Postal mail

• TV & Radio Advertising

• Events

• Brochures, Fliers

• Recommendations

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Because that is

where your

customers are

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Start with your

customers and work


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Influence on B2B

Of businesses use the Internet to research and find potential vendorsSource: Forrester



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But it’s not freeNo cost •The Investment



•Engage with What??



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•Listen to your audience

•Be honest

•Publish Consistently

•Be gracious - acknowledge others

•Use Images

InteractionDo’s & Don’ts

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•Act without thinking

•Reveal personal information about colleagues, competitors


•Use images without permission

•rights- managed


•Creative commons

InteractionDo’s & Don’ts

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Keep the focus

Some have in built tools

•Facebook insights





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Influence on retail

Of all retail sales are expected to be influenced by or made on the InternetSource: Forrester



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SEO – the Google Way

• 3 Algorithms to be aware off

– Panda

– Penguin

– Hummingbird

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SEO – the Google Way

• Panda – April 2011– Content more relevant,

– Google fights thin, stolen or plagirised content.

– Interestingly, Google now dislikes sites with high ad/content ratio.

– Sites with too much ad-space above the fold were penalized.

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SEO – the Google Way

• Penguin – April 2012

– Link Schemes

– Keyword Stuffing

– Over Optimization

– Web Spam

– Unnatural links

– ‘No’ to reciprocal links

– Google Disavow Tool became very useful at this point!

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SEO – the Google Way

• Hummingbird – August 2013

– More User Centric than previous major updates.

– Google tries to give the searcher what Google thinks they want (using user info), rather than just on the keyword phrase.

– Knowledge graph on search returns is evidence of this.

– Google wants Fast, Relevant, Comprehensive, User Experience.

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SEO – the Google Way

• Penguin 3.0 – October 17 2014

– > 12 months since previous Penguin update,

– many major brands damaged by focus on poor links

– the release of Penguin 3.0 sees a significant change in returns

– Google claimed that only 1% of English speaking websites were affected.

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Pay per Click – PPC

• Google Adwords

– a PPC advertising platform

– allows advertisers to show ads to a targeted audience on Google Search Results as well as on advertising websites.

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PPC• Instant Traffic

• Unlimited Keywords

• Total control over adtext & landing page

• Certainty

• Cost Effective

• Warning – can kill in the hands of a novice!

SEO• Medium to Long term


• Limited Keywords

• Degree of control over text & landing page

• Volatile

• When it works, it’s possibly the most cost-effective marketing an advertiser will ever do.

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