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Page 1: screenshots from premiere of work

For our music video we used various different editing techniques to create an professional looking video.

one of the editing techniques we used was cross dissolve at the beginning of the video to find into the first location of the video the bath room.

To create this technique I first clicked on video transitions and click on the cross dissolve faded and placed it just before the footage played, which allowed to create an fade in.

The next editing technique used was overlay. To create this technique we selected two different footages such as one of the central protagonists and long shot of a busy street to establish character and location. To

do this techniques we placed the establishing shot (MVI_6529) above the close up shot the character so both clips can play at once which allowed the video to be more effective.

Page 2: screenshots from premiere of work

This editing technique is used to establish

two main characters. The spilt screen was created by placing one of the video footage of one of the characters on top of the other allowing us to create a spilt screen.

Slow motion was used to match the beat of the song in one of the chorouses. To create the slow motion effect I right click on the clip and selected speed/duration which allowed me to change the clip spped slower to match the audio. We changed the speed to 30% which made the clip slower and also to create the idea the POV from the main character

holly is drunk.