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Page 1: Screen Shot Analysis

Camera Shot

This is a head and shoulder shot of the main character being angry at the girl. The shot is also an over the shoulder shot showing the girl looking at the boy and listening. This shot is used because it shows the anger being portrayed by the boy and his facial expressions.

Mise En Scene

In this shot, you can see the blocks of flats in the background, this is connoting that the characters are living in a lower class area who may have nothing going for them and so that is why there is a lot of anger and confusion. Also in the shot are the youths friends watching. This is showing that the main character is only acting like he is because he has his friends behind him who will stick up for him, without them he may be just a coward.

The sounding in this clip is all diagetic and mostly dialogue. The boy is shouting at the girl and there is the sound of traffic in the background. This is showing that the youths are in a built up area and the shouting is creating a big build up which is going to result in a dramatic ending.

Screen Shot Analysis- In The Ends

Page 2: Screen Shot Analysis

Screen Shot Analysis-Fight

The camera technique used is a close up shot and focused on the knife. The rest of the picture is out of focus so the audience is immediately drawn to the weapon in the boys hand. This is done because knife crime is very common in today’s society so the maker is trying to raise awareness of it.

The sounding is very quiet in this screen shot. There is a diagetic sounds of a boy being beaten up in the distance. The maker may have kept everything quiet to create more focus on the knife and to show the character in his “own little world.”

The mise en scene in this screen is very plain. There is not a lot within the shot except from the park where the youths are beating up a boy. This connotes that the main character is alone in a big place and that there is nobody that to help him. The characters clothing is all black, this connotes that the character is lonely and prefers to keep himself to himself by not wearing different or bright colours.

Page 3: Screen Shot Analysis

Screen Shot Analysis- Fence

The sound is all diagetic in this screen shot. There is no music over the top but instead the sounds of children playing in the playground. This is used because it is further showing the child is alone as he is left staring quietly as everyone else around him is socialising and having fun.

The camera shot used in this screen shot is a head and shoulder shot focused on the boys face. The camera shot is showing the boy looking thought a fence and looking curious. This is connoting that the boy is thinking about something that he wants but is finding difficult to get.

The mise en scene is important in this screen shot as it connotes a lot about the child. The fence is portrayed like a prison and the child is trapped inside it. He is looking out at a field which he believes is the better side of the fence he is currently on. The background of the school is unfocused yet the fence is fully focused, this is making the audience notice the fence and draw the conclusion that the child is feeling trapped where he is.

Page 4: Screen Shot Analysis

VScreen Shot Analysis- School Of Life

The camera shot in this screen shot is a medium shot showing the main character sitting on his own, at the back and in the corner of the room. It is showing other children around him talking with each other but him on his own. This is connoting that the boy is a loner.

The sounds in this screen shot are once again diagetic. The shot consists of sounds of the class room around the boy of his peers talking to one another, however he is silent throughout as he has nobody to talk to. This is further connoting that he is a loner.

The mise en scene is in the class room. The school looks very dull going by the colour scheme and this is most likely the reason why the boy’s friend decided to bunk the lesson. There is a lot of ambient lighting near the boy which helps the audience to focus on him as he is made to look like the main attraction in the high key lighting. The uniforms all connote that the children are equal however the main character is still singled out and therefore left to sit on his own.

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