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STUDENTS AGAINST VIOLENCE EVERYWHERE ⋅ ⋅ 1-866-343-SAVE SAVE Essentials © National Association of SAVE, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom or SAVE Chapter use only.


SAVE ACTIVITY Suicide Prevention

Objectives: • Students will understand what suicide is • Students will identify possible warning signs • Students will gain an understanding of suicide prevention methods • Students will learn how to respond in potential suicidal situations • Students will know who to talk to and where to get help

Materials Needed: • Around 25 plastic or styrofoam cups • Classroom set of the “Everyone Teach One Facts” (Activity CM12 -1) • “Suicide Warnings Self-Quiz” (Activity CM12-2) • “Suicide Scenario-Calvin” (Activity CM12-3) • “Suicide Scenario-Sam” (Activity CM12-4) • Classroom set of “Suicide Prevention Brochures” (Activity CM12-5)

Special Note: It is imperative that you invite several Community Resource Professionals such as a Crisis Specialist or Mental Health Professional to aid in the presentation of this subject matter. This lesson plan in its entirety should be shared with these individuals PRIOR TO addressing your group. Make sure that you have a plan and immediate means for providing assistance to a student needing help. Icebreaker/Introduction Activity: Overwhelmed! Note: The facilitators should practice this short activity before presenting it to the group. Facilitator 1: Begin by introducing yourself. Then place one cup upside down on a table in front of you and say “Today I will be represented by this cup. I am this cup.” Then continue on to mention the following statements. Each time you mention a new statement, try to add another cup to the top of the cup, in the opposite direction so that it is stacked. At some point, the cups may begin falling off but just keep trying to pile them on:

• “I just moved recently to a new neighborhood. It is alright, but I still don’t have many friends.” (Add one cup)

• “I did make one friend though. She is pretty nice, but my mom thinks she is trouble because we got caught skipping school last week. I never skipped school at my old school.” (Add one cup)

• “My new friend took me to her house and we tried some of her dad’s alcohol from his alcohol cabinet.” (Add one cup)

• “We didn’t get drunk or anything, we just tried it but my parents were so mad that they grounded me for a whole month and told me I can’t hang out with her again!” (Add one cup)

• “And my parents have been fighting so much lately!” (Add one cup) • “I can barely think at home. My grades are slipping and the teachers think I am stupid, I

know it.” (Add one cup) • “I don’t even like myself anymore.” (Add one cup) • “I just don’t think I can take it anymore.” (Add one cup…and then let all of the cups fall, if

they haven’t already.)

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Follow-Up: Facilitator 2: “In this short activity, we got to see first-hand what happens to people who feel as though they can’t deal with everything that is coming at them. School work, friends, families, and all the stresses that come with these things can really leave you wondering how you can handle everything and stop the pain. Today we will be learning about suicide. We will be discussing possible warning signs, prevention methods, how to respond in a potential suicidal situation, who to talk to, and where to get help.” Activity: Each One Teach One Prior to the class, take the “Every One Teach One Facts” handout (Activity CM12-1) and cut it into individual fact strips. Distribute them among members of the class or group. Repeat facts for larger groups. Instruct the group to do the following:

• “You have received a strip of paper with a fact relating to suicide. Read and become familiar with your fact.

• When I say “go,” stand up from your seat and find other people to individually share your fact with. Take time to listen carefully to the fact that they have to share with you.

• Only share your fact with one person at a time, not with a group. Move carefully through the group trying to reach as many people individually as possible with your fact.

• When you see my hand raised in the air, please raise yours as well and stop where you are in sharing your fact. Then quietly return to your seat.

• Are there any questions?”

If there are no questions, start the activity. Watch and monitor participants to see if everyone has shared a fact with at least a few people before signaling to end the activity by raising your hand and waiting for the group to join you.

Once the group has rejoined, engage the group members in discussion by asking: • What did you learn about suicide?

o One by one, call on students, and list their responses on the board or flipchart. • Is suicide a problem in the US? Were there any facts that support your answer?

o Yes – See facts #1, #8, #9 • Which gender attempts suicide more frequently, males or females?

o Females attempt suicide more frequently than males (3:1); however males complete suicide more frequently than females (4:1) – See fact # 2

• Do the majority of suicide attempts result in death? o For every completed youth suicide it is estimated that 100-200 attempts are made. –

See fact #8 • If a person talks about suicide, does that mean that person is suicidal?

o If you know someone who is talking about suicide, take them seriously. Know that there are resources available for them and ACT to get help for them. – See fact #25

Mention to the group that although most of us do think about suicide at some point, the majority of people choose life because they realize the situation they are having a problem with is temporary. It is also important to highlight the fact that if you or someone you love is thinking about suicide, there are a number of resources that can help.

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Activity: Warning Signs “One of the facts we learned in our last activity was that: Nearly everyone at some time in his or her life thinks about suicide. If this is a somewhat normal feeling, how can we know when one of our friends is really in trouble? How do we know when we should get help? Today we will take the Suicide Self-Warnings Quiz (Activity CM12-2). Please listen as I read the questions aloud for you. This quiz is just for your information and your information only. Answers will not be shared out loud. Read each question on the quiz aloud slowly. After the group takes the quiz, review some of the other warning signs below. End this section of the lesson plan by stating. “If you answered yes to any of the quiz questions or notice some of the warning signs we discussed in yourself or someone else, than you should seek help from a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, counselor, police officer, etc.” Other warning signs to discuss include:

• Talking about dying • Recent loss • Change in personality • Change in behavior • Change in sleep patterns • Change in eating habits • Fear of losing control • Low self-esteem

• No hope for the future • Suicidal impulses, statements, and/or

plans • Giving away favorite things • Previous suicide attempts • Substance abuse • Social isolation • Victims of harassment

Activity: Suicide Scenarios Perform one or both of the Suicide Scenarios: “Suicide Scenario-Calvin” (Activity CM12-3) or “Suicide Scenario-Sam” (Activity CM12-4). Discussion Questions: Ask the following questions of the group. After each question is a possible answer for each scenario.

1) Does this young person remind you of anyone you know?

a. Calvin: Most schools have a Calvin that is picked on and can’t seem to get a break. Added pressure from home makes the situation even worse.

b. Sam: There are many people in each school who appear to be doing great on the outside, but there is a lot of pain hidden inside. It is always hard to tell what is really going on inside of people.

2) Did this young person display warning signs before taking their own life?

a. Calvin: Yes, Calvin is socially isolated and probably also has low self-esteem. He is also being harassed by both kids at school and at home.

b. Sam: It is difficult to say from the skit. Sam’s friends at school were probably shocked when she committed suicide, considering she was very successful at school and liked by everyone. Her parents were the only ones that might have noticed she was a little different, but they were so caught up in their own drama that they probably weren’t aware.

3) What do you feel ultimately drove this young person to commit suicide?

a. Calvin: Most likely, Calvin could see no other way to avoid the pain he was experiencing

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as a result of his depression and the abuse he was getting at school and home. b. Sam: It seems that Sam saw no other options and was tired of the pain she was

experiencing because of her parent’s relationship.

4) What other options did this young person have that they might not have been able to see?

a. Calvin: Most likely, someone at school would have been able to help him. It isn’t clear in the scenario if Calvin had ever tried to talk to a teacher, counselor, or administrator and these individuals could really help with stopping the bullying.

b. Sam: Sam could have talked to someone. There are laws in place to protect victims of abuse. Maybe there was someone in the community from a church or another organization that could have offered Sam’s family support.

5) Who do you think this young person could have turned to for help?

a. Calvin: Teachers, counselors, and administrators could have helped at school. To help his home situation, he could have talked to any other relatives who would have supported him or other members of the community.

b. Sam: Sam probably could have turned to her friends, her teachers, school counselors, and members of the community.

6) Who could have stopped this young person from committing suicide?

a. Calvin: Another student at school who witnessed the bullying happening could have helped. A teacher who cared enough to call home and check on Calvin’s home life or another relative who is aware of Calvin’s situation could have stopped this from happening.

b. Sam: In Sam’s case, it seems a little harder to determine who could have stopped this tragedy. Still, there may have been neighbors or family friends who were aware of the situation who could have stepped in.

7) If you knew this young person, what do you think you could have done to change their

fate? a. Calvin: I could have helped Calvin by standing up for him when he was being bullied or

inviting him to eat with me at lunch. b. Sam: I could have helped Sam get help by talking to an adult who could help or

providing Sam resources in the community or at school where she could get help.

8) What is the best way for this young person’s family and friends to heal after this tragedy?

a. Calvin: Calvin’s father will most likely heal by accepting responsibility for his role in Calvin’s decision to end his life. Those who tormented Calvin at school would most likely heal by vowing to change their ways as well.

b. Sam: Hopefully, Sam’s parents heal by accepting responsibility and changing their behavior. Sam’s friends will probably heal by honoring her memory and remembering the good times they shared together.

9) What does this scenario tell us about who might be thinking about suicide?

a. Calvin: This scenario tells us that no matter how different a person may be, it is not appropriate or respectful to make fun of, harass, or bully another human being. We can never be sure what the consequences of our negative behavior could be.

b. Sam: This scenario tells us that people who are contemplating suicide are not always spotted easily. Friends and families must pay attention to those they love to make sure

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they are paying attention for possible warnings signs. Remember, suicide can affect anyone; it doesn’t discriminate for gender, age, or ethnicity.

Activity: Codes of Silence Most family members, professionals, and friends of someone who is suicidal are often asked to not tell someone or to not make a referral. This is mostly because they are anxious, depressed, feeling hopeless, and alone. The facilitator for this activity should share this with the group by saying: “It is very common for those who are thinking about committing suicide to request secrecy from anyone they talk to about their suicidal thoughts or plans. Often, suicidal plans are discussed with others but they also keep them secret. When something is this serious, why do you think friends of people who have shared they are suicidal keep it secret?” Answers may include:

• They are trying to honor their friend’s wishes • Afraid how parents will react • Don’t want to take them seriously • Don’t want them locked up • Don’t want them mad at them • Don’t trust the adult professionals • Don’t know the warning signs • Believe that adult helpers will be ineffective

The facilitator MUST let the group know that 9 out of 10 adolescents who commit suicide give clues before the suicide attempt.1 STAYING SILENT is a significant factor in suicide fatalities and can be avoided if you share the information with a trusted adult. It is much better to have a friend who is alive and mad at you for sharing something they asked you to keep secret than to have lost a friend forever to suicide. Action Plan/Next Steps: Facilitator: Ask the group “What are ways that we can cope with feeling overwhelmed”. Record their answers on flip chart or board. Ask students what they can do if a friend talks to them about suicide. Share with them that they should ACT:

• Acknowledge: Take it seriously, and be willing to listen. • Care: Take the initiative, and voice your concern. • Treatment: Get professional help immediately.

Distribute the Suicide Prevention Brochure (Activity CM12-5). Review information with participants. Wrap-Up Activity: Overwhelmed…Take Two Facilitator 2 (same person as in the beginning of the session): “Let’s revisit our friend who was feeling overwhelmed earlier.” Facilitator 1: Begin by introducing yourself. Then place one cup upside down on a table in front of you and say “Today I will be represented by this cup. I am this cup.” Then continue on to mention


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the following statements. Each time you mention a new statement, someone will come to offer support for the issue at hand.

• “I just moved recently to a new neighborhood. It is alright, but I still don’t have many friends.” (Add one cup)

• “I did make one friend though. She is pretty nice, but my mom thinks she is trouble because we got caught skipping school last week. I never skipped school at my old school.” (Add one cup)

• “My new friend took me to her house and we tried some of her dad’s alcohol from his alcohol cabinet.” (Add one cup)

• “We didn’t get drunk or anything, we just tried it but my parents were so mad that they grounded me for a whole month and told me I can’t hang out with her again!” (Add one cup)

• “And my parents have been fighting so much lately!” (Add one cup) • “I can barely think at home. My grades are slipping and the teachers think I am stupid, I

know it.” (Add one cup) • “I don’t even like myself anymore.” (Add one cup) • “I just don’t think I can take it anymore.” (Add one cup…and then let all of the cups fall, if

they haven’t already.) Follow-Up: (Option: Have the folks who came up to provide support sing “Lean on Me” happily!). Facilitator 2: Tell the audience that there will be times in our lives that things can become overwhelming – whether they are problems with relationships, school, work, or everything at once. It is important that we surround ourselves with support systems – friends, teachers, family members that care. Know where you can get help for yourself or a friend and remember it is extremely import ant to seek help for a friend in need. Afterwards, ask if anyone has comments or questions. Introduce your Community Resource Professionals and reiterate to the group that help is on hand if anyone would like to speak with them. Extensions: Language Arts: Encourage students to try journaling or writing poetry to let go of their feelings and reflect on their lives. Social Studies: Have students think about all of the things throughout the world that demonstrate life is good. Students can then make presentations on why it is good to be alive. Healthful Living: Review what is involved in a healthy lifestyle, including physically, socially, and psychologically. Discuss the importance of remaining healthy, especially when you are facing difficult situations. Have students brainstorm ideas of how to stay healthy when stress is high and situations seem overwhelming. Art Education: Have students think about someone they know at school who might need a pick me up. Have each student make a humorous card to brighten their selected student’s day. Opportunities for Parental Involvement: Share the “Suicide Prevention Brochures” (Activity CM12-5) with parents so they can be aware of things to watch out for in their children and in their children’s friends.

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Activity CM12-1

Everyone Teach One Facts

1) Adolescent suicide is an increasing problem in the U.S.1 2) Females attempt suicide more frequently than males (3:1); however males complete suicide more frequently than females (4:1) .1 3) Most teens who are experiencing active suicidal ideation will admit their plans to someone who is concerned and asks about their distress. 1 4) Suicidal threats, preoccupation or behavior must always be taken seriously. 1

5) Adolescent suicide is a threat to young people of every race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.1 6) Over 90% of suicidal adolescents give clues to others prior to their attempt.1 7) Studies have shown that, among parents of children found to have suicidal ideation; up to 86% of parents were unaware of their child’s suicidal risk.1 8) For every completed youth suicide it is estimated 100-200 attempts are made.1 9) Each day there are approximately 12 youth suicides. A person under the age of 25 dies by suicide every 2 hours, 11 minutes.1 10) It is likely that three students (one boy and two girls) within a typical high school classroom have made a suicide attempt in the past year.1 11) Research has shown that most adolescent suicides occur after school hours, in the teen’s home.1

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12) Adolescent suicide is a major health problem, however, a great deal is known about the risk factors and underlying causes which can guide prevention efforts.1

13) Suicide ranks third as a cause of death among young (15-24) Americans. Only accidents and homicides occur more frequently.2 14) Mental health diagnoses are generally associated with a higher rate of suicide.2 15) Socially isolated individuals are generally found to be at a higher risk for suicide.2 16) Research has shown that the access to and the availability of firearms influences significant increases in rates of youth suicide.2 17) One in 12 college students has made a suicide plan.2

18) Not all adolescent attempters may admit their intent. Therefore, any deliberate self-harming behaviors should be considered serious and in need of further evaluation.2 19) Most adolescent suicide attempts are triggered by interpersonal conflicts. The intent of the behavior appears to be to effect change in the behaviors or attitudes of others.2 20) Suicide is preventable. Most suicidal individuals desperately want to live; they are just unable to see alternatives to their problems.2 21) Most suicidal individuals give definite warnings of their suicidal intentions, but others are either unaware of the significance of these warnings or do not know how to respond to them.2 22) Talking about suicide does not cause someone to be suicidal.2 23) Approximately 32,000 Americans kill themselves every year. The number of suicide attempts is much greater and often results in serious injury.2

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24) Nearly everyone at some time in his or her life thinks about suicide. Most everyone decides to live because they realize that the crisis is temporary, but death is not.2 25) If you know someone who is talking about suicide, take them seriously. Ask them if they are thinking about suicide and be willing to listen to their response. Know that there are resources where you can seek help and take action to get help for this person.2 26) Don’t promise someone who may be talking about suicide that you will keep their intentions secret; you must seek support for them.2 27) Surviving family members not only suffer the trauma of losing a loved one to suicide, but they may also be at higher risk for suicide and emotional problems.2 28) Some people who don’t know how to cope may engage in self-injury. One type of self-injury is called cutting or injuring yourself on purpose by making scratches or cuts on your body with a sharp object.3 29) If you are struggling with problems, make sure you tell someone you trust what’s going on so you can get help figuring out what to do about the problems you are facing. Surround yourself with people who are caring and positive.3 30) Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you are getting down and depressed, if you don’t have a strong support network, or feel you can’t cope.3 31) Friends are often in a good position to recognize teens at-risk of suicide and must involve others when trying to help prevent a suicide.4 Resources:

1. 2. 3. 4.

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Activity CM12-2

Suicide Self-Warnings Quiz

Answer the following questions to see if you, or someone you know, are displaying suicide warning signs.

1. Do you talk about death and dying often? 2. Do you think about killing yourself? 3. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? 4. Has your personality and behaviors changed? 5. Has there been a change in your sleeping patterns? 6. Have your eating habits changed? 7. Do you fear you are going to lose control of yourself? 8. Do you have low self-esteem? 9. Do you believe there is no hope for the future? 10. Do you believe the world would be better off without you?

If you answered yes to any of the questions, for yourself or someone else, than you should seek help from a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, counselor, police officer, etc.

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Activity CM12-3

Suicide Scenario-Calvin

Narrator: This is Calvin. He is depressed and has been thinking about taking his life.

He has a hard life at school. A certain young man named Josef picks on Calvin and takes poor Calvin’s lunch away as seen here…

Josef: Hey four eyes! Calvin: Who? Me? Josef: Yeah you! Give me your lunch money! Calvin: No, I’m really hungry! Action: Josef proceeds to beat up Calvin Narrator: As you have seen, Calvin does not have a very good school life, but his

home life is even worse as seen here…. Dad: What happened to your face? (drunk) Calvin: Nothing... nothing’s wrong. (trying to hide his face) Dad: Learn how to be a man! I can’t believe this! You can’t admit that you were

in a fight? You are such a pansy. If your mom was still alive she probably wouldn’t believe it either!

Calvin: I hate you! Narrator: That night at 10:36 pm … Calvin took his own life.

(Dramatic pause). Narrator: Each one of us may know a Calvin in our lives or maybe you are

experiencing thoughts of self hurt like Calvin. Each one of us can help – be a true friend and provide a listening ear. Don’t be afraid to talk to a parent, counselor or other trusted adult if you are considering hurting yourself or know of someone who may be suicidal.

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Activity CM12-4

Suicide Scenario-Sam

Narrator: Once there was a girl named Sam, she was very successful in school and she was liked by everyone. But at home things weren't going so well...

Father: Get away from me; I don't want to see you right now!!! Mother: You know what? That’s it; I'm tired of you yelling at me like I'm nothing!

Who do you think you are?! Action: Father swings his hand and slaps Sam's mom Mother: AAAHHHHHH Sam: You Monster! Why did you do that??!!!! Father: You stay out of this, you little Brat! This is between me and your mother!!! Sam: No! I'm not going to let you touch her anymore! Action: Sam's father grabs her and throws her across the room. Narrator: This has been going on for a few months now. Sam does not know what

to do. She can't find a way out of this trauma. Sam: How could you! Why are you treating us this way!!!??? Sam cries. Father: I warned you to stay out of this and this is what you get! Action: Sam's father continues to beat her mom. Action: While still crying, Sam gets the strength to get up and walk away. She

goes to the kitchen and gets a knife. Narrator: You could still hear her parents fighting. Then she makes the drastic

decision to end her life...(Dramatic pause). Each one of us may know someone like Sam or maybe you are experiencing thoughts of self hurt. Each one of us can help – be a true friend and provide a listening ear. Don’t be afraid to talk to a parent, counselor or other trusted adult if you are considering hurting yourself or know of someone who may be suicidal.

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Activity CM12-5

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