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Page 1: sasrai-Movement appeal 2015

Post 2015 Let's have Pause and Ponder Everything on this planet is symbiotically connected-plants, animals, humans and the Earth itself. Unfortunately our main focus always human based. We are in need of far sighted Goal & Target. We are in Need Each Creature Equality Gender Equality sasrai Living Stop Consumption Slavery Stop Advertisement Administered Lifestyle

In absence of sasrai living, thinking, practicing we cannot achieve those are utmost need. `sasrai’ only the path to save mother planet Earth, Combat Global Warming, Climate Change, End Poverty, Hunger, Disaster - Ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for each.

Dear Madam/Sir Greetings from sasrai-Movement that works voluntarily since 2004 across the globe aimed at promote prudent and sustainable consumption and conservation, optimum use and reduce the abuse of resources. sasrai target to animate, activate each individual, family, community, institution, organization to Combat Climate Change, Global Warming, food, fuel, water, poverty, hunger, disaster, waste, ecosystem, biodiversity - finally reverse the devastating trend of globe. `sasrai’ is the road map towards the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration - sasrai brings into focus Six MDGs, 09 time-bound targets and 31 quantitative indicators. The biggest threat for the planet earth is Climate Change, Global Warming - that breeds Disaster, Poverty, Hunger successively humiliation of Peace, Justice, Rights. And all those fatal threats are the product of our `Consumption Slavery’ or we can say `Advertisement Administered Lifestyle’ or we can say `Purchase and Possession’ mindset. We have already crossed four “planetary boundaries.” They are the extinction rate; deforestation; the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous (used on land as fertilizer) into the ocean. Scientist shown human activities — economic growth, technology, consumption — is destabilizing the global environment,” To address the said threat we must bridle Consumption Slavery. Student/children/youth needed to be taken prime force spread the message as well as bring the significant change in mindset. Humanity in need `Each particle of Food and Resource cared by Each.’ . Student/children/youth needed to be learned

a. At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings.

b. If we don’t smarten up in consumption, scientists estimate that humans will consume twice as many resources as the planet can support by 2050. The consequences grow more and more severe as forests shrink, water becomes scarcer, arable lands diminish, and the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere approaches a deadly point of no return.

c. Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that driving changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s the Hotter and Hungry World. Hungry world

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will contribute millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: They riot, they fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure countries.

To get Each Responsible to Each Particle Food and Resource, Student/Children/youth involvement in sasrai activity has multiplier effect and impact including other as follows

01. Student/Children/youth informed about local, national and global issue of Climate Change, global warming 02. Get chance to invigorate and reorganize their mindset, thinking, planning 03. Student/Children/youth could design own work, path, decision to lead their life 04. Student/Children/youth get chance for positive contribution to the self, society and humanity 05. Student/Children/youth could have and initiate their doings, partnership with adult nationally, internationally 06. Student/Children/youth get chance utilize their potentials for positive changes 07. They shall be motivated to learn for positive contribution for self, family and community 08. They shall be motivated to contribute for Children, Mother, disable, old - deserving humanity 09. Motivated to contribute in reducing disaster and environmental degradation 10. They will Kick start the process to address Climate Change and Global Warming Threat 11. They will be able to identify role for self, family, community, nation and humanity 12. Student/Children/youth will get chance to build themselves as Sustainable Development Leader

Considering the aforesaid reality we believe - sasrai ONLY THE PATH TO SAVE MOTHER PLANET EARTH, NATURE. It’s only the path to Eliminate Racial Discrimination - End violence against WOMEN and CHILDREN. sasrai only the path to end POVERTY, VULNERABILITY, HUNGER, DISASTER, CLIMATE Threat. Each second, minute, hour day needed to be spent considering earth, environment and humanity. We must get each child caring to each particle of food and resources. Wish the Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. Humanity is in need of Climate Responsible Community, Climate Compatible Development. Planet demand voice from each corner to Combat the Climate Change and Global Warming Threat Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities Please, plant at least a Native tree annually at own home or community Please, let’s waste not single particle of food Please, let’s waste not single particle of any resource Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day Please, keep a day in a week luxury free Please, do not throw away the waste wherever you like Please, No more junk food Please, Avoid one time Please, Buy items made from recycled materials Please, Prefer land phone instead of your cell Please, save one minute to think on Climate Change and Environment You Can Reduce CO2 Emissions, Plant Native Trees Worldwide

sasrai Volunteer demand your kind contemplation to spread sasrai across the globe effectively. Please keep a sasrai-Movement slogan at the bottom of your each letter, printing and publication. Let’s keep a sasrai-Movement banner/poster at residence and office gate. Regards SM Farid Uddin Akhter Secretariat In-charge sasrai-Movement email: [email protected] Phone: 88 01553 748 354, 0312855382

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Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences.

Let's be a desired friend to all creature, humanity, environment, earth Plant for planet, water for world, environment for entire

sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global

sasrai BANNER Keep the planet habitable everyone's interest and each needed to be involved – sasrai is the strategy sasrai commenced involved mass in most major combat, the climate change and global warming. sasrai believe Peace, Justice, Rights, Dignity, Poverty, Hunger, Disaster, Development and

Environmental Protection - Climate Change, Global Warming closely linked and inseparable. Climate Change Critically Changing Civilization - Cordial, Prudent, Purposeful Partnering urgent

ensure desired environment & ecology, habitable earth for the youth, next generation. Save nature that save your Family, Community, Nation, Humanity

sasrai help you to save all those “The world is heading for irreversible and potential catastrophic climate change.” "Nature does not discriminate rich/super power or a poorer, distress equally. Nature demand’s absolute care – We must stop `Consumption Slavery’, "Have lead to spread sasrai-Movement aimed at habitable earth. Dear Madam/Sir Greetings from sasrai-Movement that works voluntarily since 2004 across the globe aimed at promote prudent and sustainable consumption and conservation, optimum use and reduce the abuse of resources. sasrai target to animate, activate each individual, family, community, institution, organization to Combat Climate Change, Global Warming, food, fuel, water, poverty, hunger, disaster, waste, ecosystem, biodiversity - finally reverse the devastating trend of globe. sasrai is the road map towards the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration - sasrai brings into focus Six MDGs, 09 time-bound targets and 31 quantitative indicators. Scientists estimate that humans will consume twice as many resources as the planet can support by

2050. At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings. And have shown that human activities — economic growth, technology, consumption — are destabilizing the global environment,” We have already crossed four “planetary boundaries.” They are the extinction rate; deforestation; the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous (used on land as fertilizer) into the ocean.

"Human security will be progressively threatened as the climate changes," the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCCC) warned in its overview report. The Pentagon agrees. "Rising global temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, climbing sea levels, and more extreme weather events will intensify the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty and conflict,"

UNSG said climate change “is a humanitarian issue, a development issue, and an issue of security and stability.” "The power of young people is essential if we are to succeed in facing global challenges, not least ending poverty and avoiding the worst impacts of climate change".

Albert Einstein opine ~Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act."

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USA President in Berlin speech has said the global threat of our time severe storms, Famine and floods, Coastlines vanish, Oceans rise and Climate change. Obama said, "We have to all shoulder the responsibility for keeping the planet habitable, or we're going to suffer the consequences—together."

No matter whatever the experts, scientists, policy maker, power holder opine the prime force mass people far from the fact and perfectly perplexed by the malicious climate crisis. To reduce worldwide emissions each person participation is vital. sasrai commenced aimed at the same for the better earth for youth or our old age. Our appeal was very simple “To combat the Climate Change, Global Warming, Poverty, Hunger, Disaster - ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for Each - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources.” Since commencement sasrai theme appreciated by several individual, institution, organization. Chinese President voiced the same and appeal to the Nation “build a thrifty society.” Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that driving changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s Hotter, Hungry World. Hungry world will contribute millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: They riot, they fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure countries. We believe humanity in need of Climate Responsible Community, Climate Compatible Development and we must get Each baby Caring to Each particle of Resources. To Combat the Climate Change and Global Warming Threat Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities Please, plant at least a Native tree annually at own home or community Please, let’s waste not single particle of food Please, let’s waste not single particle of any resource Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day Please, keep a day in a week luxury free Please, do not throw away the waste wherever you like Please, No more junk food Please, Avoid one time Please, Buy items made from recycled materials Please, Prefer land phone instead of your cell Please, save one minute to think on Climate Change and Environment You Can Reduce CO2 Emissions, Plant Native Trees Worldwide

sasrai Volunteer demand your kind contemplation to spread sasrai across the globe effectively. Please keep a sasrai-Movement slogan at the bottom of your each letter, printing and publication. Let’s keep a sasrai-Movement banner/poster at residence and office gate. Regards SM Farid Uddin Akhter Secretariat In-charge sasrai-Movement email: [email protected] Phone: 88 01553 748 354, 0312855382 Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences.

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Let's be a desired friend to all creature, humanity, environment, earth Plant for planet, water for world, environment for entire

sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global

sasrai BANNER Keep the planet habitable everyone's interest and each needed to be involved – sasrai is the strategy sasrai commenced involved mass in most major combat, the climate change and global warming. sasrai believe Peace, Justice, Rights, Dignity, Poverty, Hunger, Disaster, Development and Environmental Protection - Climate Change, Global Warming closely linked and inseparable. Climate Change Critically Changing Civilization - Cordial, Prudent, Purposeful Partnering urgent ensure desired environment & ecology, habitable earth for the youth, next generation.

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Dear Madam/Sir Greetings from sasrai-Movement that works voluntarily since 2004 across the globe aimed at promote prudent and sustainable consumption and conservation, optimum use and reduce the abuse of resources. sasrai target to animate, activate each individual, family, community, institution, organization to Combat Climate Change, Global Warming, food, fuel, water, poverty, hunger, disaster, waste, ecosystem, biodiversity - finally reverse the devastating trend of globe. sasrai is the road map towards the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration - sasrai brings into focus Six MDGs, 09 time-bound targets and 31 quantitative indicators. We believe and appeal to all since 2004 ”sasrai only the path”. In absence of sasrai feeling, thinking among all we cannot achieve whatever humanity need - combat the Climate Change, Global Warming, Poverty, Hunger, Disaster - ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for Each. We must get each baby Caring to Each particle of Food & Resource, each person must have feeling `How much less consuming I can be. Each individual, family, community, nation must have the position to say we all Street Beggar to State Driver are Resource Responsible, Climate Sensible and Development Policy is Climate Compatible. We like to keep our children destruction and warning free. Each citizen across the globe must say I am the follower of sasrai – never abuse single particle of food or any resource. We are self asking in every step `HOW MUCH LESS CONSUMING I COULD BE.’ Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences. sasrai Volunteer demand your kind contemplation to spread sasrai across the globe effectively. Please keep a sasrai-Movement slogan at the bottom of your each letter, printing and publication. Let’s keep a sasrai-Movement banner/poster at residence and office gate. Scientist Opine

01. Scientists estimate that humans will consume twice as many resources as the planet can support by 2050. At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings. And have shown that human activities — economic growth, technology, consumption — are destabilizing the global environment,” We have already crossed four “planetary boundaries.” They are the extinction rate; deforestation; the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; and the flow of nitrogen and phosphorous (used on land as fertilizer) into the ocean.

02. "Human security will be progressively threatened as the climate changes," the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCCC) warned in its overview report. The Pentagon agrees. "Rising global temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, climbing sea levels, and more extreme weather events will intensify the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty and conflict,"

03. Africa Will Starve and Asia Will Drown in 30 Years Due to Climate Change 04. People in Asia and the Pacific are four times more likely to be affected by natural disaster than in

Africa and 25 times more than in Europe or North America? 05. Global warming could cause an 18 percent drop in world food production by 2050 06. 15 Cities Threatened by Climate Change 07. The World Bank alarm bells are just the latest to sound about the the havoc climate change and man-

made global warming will cause to the planet. 08. The World Health Organization predicts that climate change will cause 250,000 additional deaths per

year around the globe between 2030 and 2050, primarily from malaria, diarrhea, heat exposure and malnutrition.

09. Humanity in need of Climate Responsible Community, Climate Compatible Development 10. We must get Each baby Caring to Each particle of Food 11. sasrai Living for Healthy Soils that Ensure Healthy Life

Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that driving changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s the Hotter and Hungry World. Hungry world will contribute

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millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: They riot, they fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure countries. How we respond will determine the future of our species. Aimed at habitable earth, partnering individual, institutions, organization, communities and government is urgent to formulate better policies that maintain healthy ecosystems. To Combat the Climate Change and Global Warming Threat Please, save a drop of water daily, during all water related activities Please, plant at least a Native tree annually at own home or community Please, let’s waste not single particle of food Please, let’s waste not single particle of any resource Please, keep off electric appliances one minute daily Please, suspend travel by personal car once a day Please, keep a day in a week luxury free Please, do not throw away the waste wherever you like Please, No more junk food Please, Avoid one time Please, Buy items made from recycled materials Please, Prefer land phone instead of your cell Please, save one minute to think on Climate Change and Environment You Can Reduce CO2 Emissions, Plant Native Trees Worldwide Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences.

Let's be a desired friend to all creature, humanity, environment, earth Plant for planet, water for world, environment for entire

sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global

sasrai BANNER sasrai-Movement Appeal Warning Free Life for the next generation Consumption and Possession. Our urgent job is responding to great challenges of sustainable development. Initiative should be aimed at include each person in contribution. That's demand significant change in mindset, behavior and attitude. Present world trend is `HOW MUCH I COULD PURCHASE AND POSSESS.' To achieve `sustainable development' or Earth Friendly development we must get each one free from the said mentality. That’s need vibrant movement across the globe we say sasrai-Movement. Each one will be in thinking and practicing save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. We must offer a habitable earth to our next generation. Sequentially we must prepare ourselves to have Our heartiest felicitation to the WOMEN-Mothers, Sisters, Daughters who are unconditional and relentless service provider to the humanity, nature across the globe.

Page 8: sasrai-Movement appeal 2015 Date: Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 8:58 AM Subject: [MGCY-Post2015] Student across the Globe Must be Learned. To: [email protected] 01. The climate crisis can be solved, but only if each of us do our part. Let’s raise our voice - sasrai ONLY THE PATH TO SAVE MOTHER PLANET EARTH, NATURE. It’s only the path to Eliminate Racial Discrimination - End violence against WOMEN and CHILDREN. sasrai only the path to end POVERTY, VULNERABILITY, HUNGER, DISASTER, CLIMATE Threat. Each second, minute, hour day needed to be spent considering earth, environment and humanity. We must get each child caring to each particle of food and resources. Wish the Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. 02. US Experts Say Climate Change is Threat to National Security. In February, the Partnership for a Secure America published an open letter signed by 38 United States national security experts urging President Obama and Congress to take action on climate change as a threat to national security. The letter states that consequences are undeniable if inaction continues. “The cost of inaction, paid for in lives and valuable US resources, will be staggering,” it states. “Washington must lead on this issue now.” 03. Planet is at a turning point cause Person crazy to Profit, Property and Possession. Planet under irreversible Catastrophic Climate Change sequences Famine and Flood, Severe Storm, Coast line Vanish and Ocean Rise. We must get Each Child Caring to Each Particle of Food & Resources. Wish the peace for each to ensure rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. 04. Climate change can seem like a remote problem for our leaders, but the fact is that it's already impacting real people, animals, and beloved places. These Faces of Climate Change are multiplying every day. Fortunately, other Faces of Climate Change are multiplying too: those stepping up to do something about it. 05. Water "may become dramatically scarcer much earlier than previously thought," Michael Obersteiner, another study co-author, said in a statement. (Reporting By Chris Arsenault; Editing by Tim Pearce) 06. sasrai believe in Climate Justice and urge to all across the Globe ----- Each individual, family, community, nation must have the Position to say we all Street Beggar to State Driver are Resource Responsible, Climate Sensible and Development Policy is Climate Compatible. We like to keep our children destruction and warning free. Each citizen across the globe must say I am the follower of sasrai – never abuse single particle of food or any resource. We are self asking in every step `HOW MUCH LESS CONSUMING I COULD BE.’ Let's we try to save one Taka/dollar/pound/yen ........from our daily use, consumption, expenditure, LUXURY combat the CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING and the sequences.

sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity sasrai-Movement aimed at combat the Climate Change, Global Warming, Poverty, Hunger, Disaster - ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for Each. Scientists opine Commercial growth, technology, consumption destabilizing global environment, diminishing

organism, threatening earth existence. 18 percent food production may dive by 2050 due to global warming Due to Climate Change Africa Will Starve and Asia Will Drown in 30 Years Climate Change may drown 15 Cities

Absolute truth for today’s world advertisement administered consumption prompt indefensible production that contributes climbing temperature, climate change, global warming that shaping a

Page 9: sasrai-Movement appeal 2015

disastrous and hungry world that breeds millions of distressed people. Desperate populace will act desperate they riot, fight over food, hug lawlessness, create mayhem that’s the curse for each. Earth urges prudence in consumption. Scientists presume resource consumption might be twice by 2050 than earth can afford. Increased production will affect nature, water, forest, arable land and the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would be in deadly point of no return. Humanity is in need of climate and resource responsible individual, humanity. Need Each baby Caring to Each particle of resource, have mindset save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources for habitable earth.

sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global

`sasrai’ only the path to save mother planet Earth – End Poverty, Hunger, Disaster Combat Global Warming, Climate Change Ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for each UNSG opine World was experiencing “more frequent and more intense natural disasters,” overall momentum was

growing for a sustainable and disaster-resilient future. “We have to act. Disaster risk reduction saves lives and cuts losses.” The course towards global sustainability will inevitably start in Sendai for three major reasons –

disaster risk reduction inherently involves forward planning; investments in this area advance both sustainable development and climate action; and the vision for development and climate action is a universal one.

“We are working for a life of dignity for all,” We believe `sasrai’ only the path to Save mother planet Earth – End Poverty, Hunger, Disaster Combat Global Warming, Climate Change Ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for each

This is the Peak time to Voice EQUALITY FOR ALL – ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE. That can offer sound environment, ecology and sasrai is the vehicle that could carry us to the utmost need of humanity. Ladies and Gentleman Greetings We must have comprehensive plan that ensure

We must raise voice to ensure Equality for Each Creature Homo Sapiens FREE from Consumption Slavery Homo Sapiens are Conscience Guided Homo Sapiens free from Advertisement Administered life style Homo Sapiens stopped wild life crime

To achieve the desired goal ie combat the Climate Change, Global Warming, Poverty, Hunger, Disaster - ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for Each need sasrai feeling. Each of us Street beggar to state driver - Must have feeling `HOW MUCH LESS CONSUMING I COULD BE’.

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At first we should have significant change in mindset, attitude and behavior. Each of us across the globe need sasrai Feeling, Living, Thinking. In absence of sasrai feeling, thinking, Practicing and living in daily life of individual, family, national and international world community can't achieve any result. Let’s make our each moment, minute, hour, day as Earth Day, World Environment Day, World Water Day ........... Next Generation Friendly Day. To get the earth habitable for the next generation - Need harmony in thinking, talking, acting, designing, devising the initiative among the lead organization across the globe, is urgent. Present totality denotes that we are yet to find the desired path. Only, only and only the path is sasrai for the habitable earth. NB. "Human security will be progressively threatened as the climate changes," the UN's

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCCC) warned in its overview report. The Pentagon agrees. "Rising global temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, climbing sea levels, and more extreme weather events will intensify the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty and conflict,"

US Experts Say Climate Change is Threat to National Security. In February, the Partnership for a Secure America published an open letter signed by 38 United States national security experts urging President Obama and Congress to take action on climate change as a threat to national security. The letter states that consequences are undeniable if inaction continues. “The cost of inaction, paid for in lives and valuable US resources, will be staggering,” it states. “Washington must lead on this issue now.”

Scientists estimate that humans will consume twice as many resources as the planet can support by 2050. At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings.

Africa Will Starve and Asia Will Drown in 30 Years Due to Climate Change People in Asia and the Pacific are four times more likely to be affected by natural disaster than in

Africa and 25 times more than in Europe or North America? Dear Madam/Sir Greetings There are several highly appreciated initiatives across the globe and each of them is needed Along with those we must have far sighted voice from all corner aimed at sustainable planet. We must have Comprehensive Plan and Program. And none will be part performing. At least we needed to be decided on few points, those each one across the globe should bear. Global Community in Need Each Creature Equality Gender Equality sasrai Living Stop Consumption Slavery Stop Advertisement Administered Lifestyle [email protected]

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UNISDR BAN KI-MOON: 'SUSTAINABILITY STARTS IN SENDAI' A new United Nations report urging greater investment in risk prevention has underscored disaster risk reduction as a building block for future sustainable development, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon affirmed today as the Organization prepares for a pivotal upcoming global conference on the issue. Delivering remarks at the launch of the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction, the Secretary-General told those gathered that as the world was experiencing “more frequent and more intense natural disasters,” overall momentum was growing for a sustainable and disaster-resilient future. “The report shows how investing in risk prevention pays high dividends while saving lives. It charts a path toward a more disaster-resilient future,” explained Mr. Ban at a headquarters press briefing. “We have to act. Disaster risk reduction saves lives and cuts losses.” The report’s release comes just two weeks ahead of the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, scheduled to take place from 14-18 March in Sendai, Japan when Member States and UN officials will meet to broker the follow-up to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) and chart a global course on disaster risk reduction for the coming decade. The Sendai conference is also the first landmark meeting of a particularly crucial UN year as the Organization is set to lead the global development and climate agenda at a number of major international events: an international meeting in Paris in December on the adoption of a universal text on climate change; the UN special summit in September for the adoption of a global sustainability agenda; and the financing for development conference in July in Addis Ababa, to renew commitment to global development financing. Mr. Ban acknowledged that the course towards global sustainability will inevitably start in Sendai for three major reasons – disaster risk reduction inherently involves forward planning; investments in this area advance both sustainable development and climate action; and the vision for development and climate action is a universal one. “We are working for a life of dignity for all,” he continued. “That means helping the poorest and most vulnerable people and countries to manage disaster risk. When we do that, we honour our pledge to leave no one behind.” Step Up for Disaster Risk Reduction - To let the world know that children and young people are partners in reducing disaster risk. Children Charter) five points identified by the children: Schools must be safe and education must not be interrupted Child protection must be a priority before, during and after a disaster Children have the right to participate and to access the information they need Community infrastructure must be safe, and relief and reconstruction must help reduce future risk Disaster Risk Reduction must reach the most vulnerable people sasrai ONLY THE PATH TO SAVE MOTHER PLANET EARTH, NATURE. It’s only the path to Eliminate Racial Discrimination - End violence against WOMEN and CHILDREN. sasrai only the path to end POVERTY, VULNERABILITY, HUNGER, DISASTER, CLIMATE Threat. Each second, minute, hour day needed to be spent considering earth, environment and humanity. We must get each child caring to each particle of food and resources. Wish the Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources.

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sasrai – sustainable augmentation, solicited restraint, animated integrity sasrai – work locally-serve globally, initiative local-outcome global

Informal briefings for non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council There will be three consecutive informal briefings for non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council on Monday, 16 March 2015, at 3:00 p.m., in the Economic and Social Council Chamber.

The first will be a briefing by the Vice-President of the Council, Her Excellency María Emma Mejía Vélez (Colombia), on the Council’s ongoing dialogue on longer-term positioning of the United Nations development system. The ECOSOC dialogue is mandated by Council resolution 2014/14, in which the Council decided to convene a dialogue on the longer-term positioning of the United Nations development system, taking into account the post-2015 development agenda, including the interlinkages between the alignment of functions, funding practices, governance structures, capacity and impact of the United Nations development system, partnership approaches and organizational arrangements. The Vice-President will outline her vision for the ECOSOC dialogue and present its roadmap.

The second will be a briefing by the Vice-President of the Council, His Excellency Vladimir Drobnjak (Croatia), on the preparations for the Integration Segment to be held from Monday, 30 March, to Wednesday, 1 April 2015. The Integration Segment will consider the theme “Achieving sustainable development through employment creation and decent work for all”. The Segment aims to bring together Heads of States and Governments, ministers, the United Nations system, the tripartite constituents of the International Labour Organization, civil society and the private sector to focus on how the creation of good quality jobs could be a tool for promoting the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, and to identify policy choices and possible trade-offs that could arise from an integrated approach.

The third will be a briefing by the Vice-President of the Council, His Excellency Mohamed Khaled Khiari (Tunisia), on the preparations for the Humanitarian Affairs Segment to be held from Wednesday, 17 June, to Friday, 19 June 2015, at United Nations Office in Geneva. Member States, UN agencies, humanitarian and development partners, civil society, the private sector and affected communities will discuss emerging and pressing humanitarian issues during two High-Level panel discussions, a Transition event, side-events and a humanitarian fair.

Stephen Hawking: Aggression could destroy us

“It may have had survival advantage in caveman days, but now it threatens to destroy us all.” Aggression is the human race’s biggest failing and it “threatens to destroy us all”, Stephen Hawking has said, urging people to be more empathetic. Professor Hawking spoke at the Science Museum while giving a tour to Californian Adaeze Uyanwah, who beat 10,000 international entrants to win a special trip to London, in which he is shown the sights by celebrity guides. “The human failing I would most like to correct is aggression,” the astrophysicist said. “It may have had survival advantage in caveman days, to get more food, territory or a partner with whom to reproduce, but now it threatens to destroy us all.”

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The human quality the scientist would most like to magnify was empathy. “It brings us together in a peaceful loving state.” Professor Hawking is the subject of the film The Theory of Everything, in which he is played by Eddie Redmayne. He said he was pleased to provide his official synthesized voice to give Redmayne “a bit of a boost in his efforts to win an Oscar” and joked: “Unfortunately Eddie did not inherit my good looks.”

UN Team work

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ESCAP - Ms. Napidchaya Pichedtanavanich ([email protected]) UNEP - Ms. Imae Mojado ([email protected]) APWLD - Ms. Wardarina ([email protected]) and Ms. Pichayapuk Leangsombut ([email protected]) [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Lotta Tahtinen Major Groups Programme Coordinator Division for Sustainable Development/DESA United Nations, S-2619 E-mail: [email protected] Kriti [email protected], [email protected] Ms. Raquel Rosenberg [email protected] Mr. Aldo Arce [email protected], [email protected] [email protected]

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[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],!forum/post2015 [email protected]!forum UN Major Group for Children and Youth.

Sustainable Consumption and Production Working Group Youth Leadership Working Group (YLWG) Africa Landmark Challenge [email protected], [email protected] FHI 360 [email protected] Pippa Gardner <[email protected]> sasrai2004 Let’s be Free From Consumption and Possession Mindset Let’s be Free From Purchase and Possession Mindset Bedi Amouzou [email protected] International Office Survival International 6 Charterhouse Buildings London, EC1M 7ET United Kingdom [email protected] Emilienne de León Aulina INWF Executive Director Lucía Carrasco Scherer INWF Program Officer [email protected] Global Greengrants Fund 2840 Wilderness Place, Suite A

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Boulder, CO 80301 United States of America Ms. Courtney Banayad Senior Foundation Partnerships Manager [email protected] Joke Lannoye Global Advocacy Manager Restless Development [email protected] [email protected] Christopher Dekki Coordinator PAX ROMANA // UN New York Advocacy Team Open Working Group The countdown has begun to September’s Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with world leaders discussing the 17 goals and 169 targets proposed by the United Nations Open Working Group. The post-2015 development agenda will focus primarily on strengthening opportunities to reduce poverty and marginalisation in ways that are sustainable from an economic, social and environmental standpoint. Your reference number in this regard is 40599. Dear Madam/Sir Greetings. We are in need of far sighted goal Global Community in Need Each Creature Equality Gender Equality sasrai Living Stop Consumption Slavery Stop Advertisement Administered Lifestyle

In absence sasrai living, thinking, practicing we cannot achieve any thing those are utmost need. Our food system, our economies, our cities and our communities — they’re all adapted to the climate we currently live in. But what if the climate changes too fast for us to keep up? The fate of the one and only planet we’ve ever called home is uncertain. It is in everyone's interest to come together to address the challenges we face. Scientists estimate that by 2050, we need to reduce worldwide emissions to at least half of their 1990 levels in order to avoid further harmful impacts from climate change. It’s an urgent challenge, and it requires an equally urgent response. Around the world, many of the most vulnerable communities are already struggling to cope with the impacts of climate change. CI has been pioneering ways to help communities adapt to challenges like rising sea levels, severe storms and more frequent flooding. We also develop new ways of farming that support a healthy environment, minimize climate impacts and create a better quality of life for farmers. And, in addition to on-the-ground expertise and scientific know-how, CI offers practical recommendations that policymakers need to make smart decisions. What can you do?

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Earth’s climate affects everyone. Your actions and your support can make a difference in how the world responds and adapts to its changing climate. 32 million people in 82 countries were displaced by climate - and weather-related disasters in 2012, nearly twice as many as in 2011, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre. This number is expected to increase as climate change intensifies.

Save nature that save your Family, Community, Nation, Humanity sasrai help you to save all those

Climate change is reshaping human civilization. How we respond will determine the future of our species. Partnering with governments, institutions and communities to put better policies and resources in place — to maintain healthy ecosystems for the shared benefit of all people. Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible. Rio Declaration, Principle 25 (1992) Our lives are inextricably linked to the health of our planet. Conflicts over scarce and degraded natural resources are widespread. Conservation International's Policy Center for Environment and Peace was created to help address these conflicts. We build upon CI's 27 years of scientific knowledge, practical experience and technical and financing expertise to form partnerships with governments, businesses and communities. Together, we develop innovative strategies to better protect ecosystems, and we influence policy and investment decisions to implement these strategies on the ground. And we share best practices with decision-makers to increase our impact on a global scale. Greetings everyone, At this week's post-2015 negotiation, some very interesting points were made by Brazil around the concept of "leave no one behind." According to Brazil, this concept does not take into account the destructive and deleterious effects of the massive wealth inequality that exists in the world. Brazil called to attention the idea that "leave no one behind" does not touch upon the wealth of the 1% and how the existence of such elites with so much is in itself, an obstacle to sustainable development. During a meeting with Major Groups and Other Stakeholders this morning, we among ourselves discussed how we should think more deeply about what Brazil said and how we can operationalize this in our advocacy. Inequality is certainly not being given its due at this negotiation and it is critical that we begin to focus more on balancing leaving no one behind with the need to redistribute so much of the wealth that is concentrated in the hands of so few. We must be strategic about this and there is talk about creating a CSO cluster around this as to highlight more strongly the importance if equality. Anyway, this message is not meant to get rid of "leave no one behind," but it is certainly meant to make us all think more deeply about these important points going forward. Have a great weekend!

Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda Declaration Session

A collective vision of the road to 2030:

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o The declaration should clearly state the need to leave behind the concept of blind growth and remain within planetary boundaries, while recognizing climate change and its adverse affects on all dimensions of sustainable development.

o It should make clear that the agenda, its implementation, and its accountability mechanisms must be firmly grounded in human rights, gender equality, and the principle that people of all ages and abilities, everywhere, matter equally.

What we must do to get there: o A bold and forward-looking agenda must build on existing human rights commitments. o Explicit reference must be made to age-related instruments such as the World Programme

of Action for Youth, which should be recognized as a tool for implementation of the post-2015 agenda.

o Robust, measurable, and innovative indicators will be required. These should not be constrained by only what is currently measured.

o The indicators will have to operationalize and explicitly measure the progress on remaining within planetary boundaries, achieving gender equality and fulfilling human rights commitments.

o Indicators must be disaggregated on the basis of age and other factors to measure the impact of the sustainable development agenda on all young people and guarantee that they receive access to basic services, social and economic opportunities and fulfilment of their rights.

How we will do this o To deliver sustainable development, the focus needs to be on transforming economic

systems that treat the environment as subservient to the economy, and perpetuate the imbalance of wealth and power within and between countries that worsen poverty and inequality.

o We need to generate new liquidity and create a macro economic environment that appropriately allocates risks to unsustainable ecological footprints.

Follow-Up and Review o No partnership or commitment, even voluntary, is above accountability through an

institutionalized mechanism at the highest level. o Partnerships should be assessed to ascertain if they genuinely deliver sustainable

development or simply strengthen special interests. Award Competition `sasrai’ only the path to save mother planet Earth – End Poverty, Hunger, Disaster, Combat Global Warming, Climate Change, Ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for each - - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. Action Plan We are aimed at bringing significant change in mindset among all `How much less consuming I could be or I will save resources in every step no matter how small it is.’ Our work officially started April 14, 2004 and it is continuous process will continue for long time. It is assumed in each community there will be someone with voluntary zeal come forward to uphold the program aimed at better earth for next generation. Scientists estimate that humans will consume twice as many resources as the planet can support by 2050. At the rate things are going, the Earth in the coming decades could cease to be a “safe operating space” for human beings.

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Impact and Contribution Absolute truth for today’s world careless consumption driving untenable production that driving changes in temperature and weather patterns and that’s the Hotter and Hungry World. Hungry world will contribute millions of desperate people. Desperate people do desperate things: They riot, they fight over food, they overthrow governments, and the mass migrate to food-secure countries. sasrai ONLY THE PATH TO SAVE MOTHER PLANET EARTH, NATURE. It’s only the path to Eliminate Racial Discrimination - End violence against WOMEN and CHILDREN. sasrai only the path to end POVERTY, VULNERABILITY, HUNGER, DISASTER, CLIMATE Threat. Each second, minute, hour day needed to be spent considering earth, environment and humanity. We must get each child caring to each particle of food and resources. Wish the Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. Replication potential and social acceptance (10 points) Last 11 years our programs are appreciated by all sector people. We prefer educational institution aimed at create Climate Change Cader (CCC) in each community. Student/Children/youth involvement in sasrai activity has multiplier effect and impact. sasrai-Movement presentation among Student/Children/youth could contribute including other

01. Student/Children/youth informed about local, national and global issue of Climate Change, global warming 02. Get chance to invigorate and reorganize their mindset, thinking, planning 03. Student/Children/youth could design own work, path, decision to lead their life 04. Student/Children/youth get chance for positive contribution to the self, society and humanity 05. Student/Children/youth could have and initiate their doings, partnership with adult nationally, internationally 06. Student/Children/youth get chance utilize their potentials for positive changes 07. They shall be motivated to learn for positive contribution for self, family and community 08. They shall be motivated to contribute for Children, Mother, disable, old - deserving humanity 09. Motivated to contribute in reducing disaster and environmental degradation 10. They will Kick start the process to address Climate Change and Global Warming Threat

Additional Information 21st century advances and the global population rises, competition for water, energy and natural

resources will cut across policy agendas, from trade and investment to agriculture, infrastructure and defense. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and ecosystem mismanagement reflect cumulative governance failures and act as a threat multiplier to economic and social sustainability. Citizens across developed, developing, and least-developed countries will find it increasingly difficult to rely on governments or insurance companies as systemic vulnerabilities escalate. In areas worst-affected by drought, flooding, declining crop yields, and health threats, “climate migrants” will leave their homes and land.

Predictions of climate-induced displacement are shocking – 200 million people by 2050. Since 1990, when the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggested that large-scale migrations might represent the “greatest single impact” on world security, scientists have scaled up their predictions and highlighted the risks associated with slow-onset disasters (such as sea level rise, droughts, and environmental degradation) and rapid-onset disasters (such as earthquakes, fires, and hurricanes). In 2014, the IPCC has acknowledged the multitude of climatic and non-climatic drivers of migration but says that there is no question that “human security will be progressively threatened as the climate changes.”

Global warming could cause an 18 percent drop in world food production by 2050, but investments in irrigation and infrastructure, and moving food output to different regions, could reduce the loss, a study published on Thursday said.

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To address national eco-security `Needs Each Kid responsible to Each Particle of Resources - Environment. Wish the Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources.

The climate crisis can be solved, but only if each of us do our part. Let’s raise our voice - sasrai ONLY THE PATH TO SAVE MOTHER PLANET EARTH, NATURE. It’s only the path to Eliminate Racial Discrimination - End violence against WOMEN and CHILDREN. sasrai only the path to end POVERTY, VULNERABILITY, HUNGER, DISASTER, CLIMATE Threat. Each second, minute, hour day needed to be spent considering earth, environment and humanity. We must get each child caring to each particle of food and resources. Wish the Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for all - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources.

Climate change threatens our planet, the world economy, and our lives -- and it will impact young people the most. It's only fair that they get a chance to demand answers and action from the leaders who are responsible for protecting their future.’

US Experts Say Climate Change is Threat to National Security. In February, the Partnership for a Secure America published an open letter signed by 38 United States national security experts urging President Obama and Congress to take action on climate change as a threat to national security. The letter states that consequences are undeniable if inaction continues. “The cost of inaction, paid for in lives and valuable US resources, will be staggering,” it states. “Washington must lead on this issue now.”

Message from Pamela Good Day to you Dearest Farid, thank you yes, for your hard work have been missing chatting with you tomorrow I will meet with a producer about the videos for Hope Island wishing that our dreams for what must change will happen and soon, my friend I respect your leadership and will have good news for you sometime this week thank you again for pushing for a safe/war free planet so many worries it is hard to remain focused but take care and be well yours truly Pamela Dear Pamela, Hope you are fine in all. I am very much thankful for your inspirational comment and tenacious job aimed at better earth for the next generation. I am sure WE SHALL OVERCOME. I hope you have received my information regarding sasrai effort via email There are several organizations working across the globe aimed at betterment of the community, nation, and humanity. Yes we are agreed all those are needed. Time has come to decide some universal work/slogan for all. We believe sasrai is one of those. No matter where we live and what we do, each of should have a common goal - save a bit, reserve, preserve, rejuvenate and conserve resources. State Driver to Street Beggar should follow `How much less consuming I could be.’ sasrai Slogan Save resources that save the nature that save your Family, Community, Nation, Humanity sasrai help you to save the Nature, Earth, Environment and Humanity Let’s stop the `PURCHASE and POSSESSION’ mindset Let’s make us FREE from CONSUMPTION SLAVERY Let’s be Conscience Guided regarding our Consumption Let’s stop the Advertisement Administered Lifestyle Let’s have a Comprehensive plan combat Climate Change, Global Warming, Poverty, Hunger,

Disaster – ensure Peace, Justice, Dignity and Rights for Each

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Position Paper The vision of the UN Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) is a world that upholds Human Rights and the Rights of the Child and achieves sustainable development. In this world, children and youth are planning, designing, implementing, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating sustainable development policies Our present life style is `Purchase and Possession.' To ensure effective, purposeful and logical participation of our youth need significant change in mindset among all. We need to keep spaces that ensure a Process that could bring desired change in mindset first. Ensure `sasrai’ promotion in every step is urgent. Let’s we try to include it as policy principle. Our traditional development discourse and concepts are stuck in the conception of a world that is not crossing critical thresholds. If we are to create ‘sustainable prosperity’, well-being and equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, then we are going to need a new vision of the economy and its relation with the rest of the world, a development agenda that ensures development within respects planetary boundaries, that recognizes the dependence of human well-being on and fairness-equity, and peaceful societies and that the ultimate goal is real human sustainable well-being and human security not merely growth in material consumption and GDP. `sasrai’ Only the path Can Rescue from Water Shortfall The planet is facing a 40 per cent shortfall in water supply by 2030, unless we dramatically improve the management of this precious resource. This is the unavoidable conclusion reached in the 2015 United Nations World Water Development Report, "Water for a Sustainable World" launched today in time for World Water Day which will be celebrated on 22 March 2015. - See more at: The report, published by the World Water Assessment Programme on behalf of UN-Water stresses the urgent need to change the way we use and manage this vital resource, as the United Nations prepares to adopt new Sustainable Development Goals. Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said, "The impacts of our increasingly stressed global water resources can be felt by almost everyone, in the form of food insecurity, disease, degraded ecosystems, biodiversity loss, loss of economic productivity, endangered marine life, loss of tourism and more". UNEP Newsdesk [email protected], [email protected] Daniella Bostrom, Communications officer for UN-Water

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A Swedish scientist claims in a new theory that humanity has exceeded four of the nine limits for keeping the planet hospitable to modern life, while another professor told RT Earth may be seeing an impending human-made extinction of various species. Environmental science professor Johan Rockstrom, the executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre in Sweden, argues that there are nine “planetary boundaries” in a new paper published in Science – and human beings have already crossed four of them. Those nine include carbon dioxide concentrations, maintaining biodiversity at 90 percent, the use of nitrogen and phosphorous, maintaining 75 percent of original forests, aerosol emissions, stratospheric ozone depletion, ocean acidification, fresh water use and the dumping of pollutants. “The planet has been our best friend by buffering our actions and showing its resilience,” said Rockstrom. “But for the first time ever, we might shift the planet from friend to foe.” Rockstrom’s planetary boundary theory was first conceived in 2007. His new paper reveals that because of climate stability, which began when the Ice Age ended 11,000 years ago, a planetary calm helped our ancestors to cultivate wheat, domesticate animals, and launch industrial and communications revolutions. But those advances have strained the stability of the planet, and Rockstrom says we have broken four boundaries: too much nitrogen has been added to ecosystems, too many forests have been cut down, the climate is changing too quickly and species are going extinct at too great a rate. Speaking to RT’s Ben Swann, Professor of Ethics Bron Taylor from the University of Florida said that we have accelerated the extinction crisis through deforestation and ocean acidification, a development which is driving species to extinction. “[Human] beings have increased, even from 1925, from 2 billion – which is considered to be a sustainable population for human beings, according to northern European consumption standards – to 7.2 billion at this point,” he said. “What we have also done is increased the number of domestic animals, the ones we eat and the ones that are companion animals. We have 4.3 domestic animals one for every two human beings on the planet. Cultivating the land they need creates species extinction because where they are, other organism are not. Where we cut down forests for cattle, other species are not there." “We are losing literally tens of thousands of endemic or native species to these trends.” Professor Taylor told RT that scientists say we entering the Sixth extinction, but that this an anthropogenic extinction caused by human beings. “If you don’t have control over something, there is no moral obligation,” said Taylor. “In this case, we are doing it. So we have to ask the question: If we are doing something that is driving species off the planet, are we in some sense morally culpable?” “What right do we have to drive [out] other species, who got here in precisely in the same way that we have, who have participated in the long struggle for existence just as we have?” Meanwhile, Professor Rockstrom is using his planetary boundary theory not as a doomsday message but as analysis to keep the planet “safe” for humanity. He said nations can cut their carbon emissions to almost nothing and pull the Earth back across the climate boundary. “For the first time,” he said, “we have a framework for growth, for eradicating poverty and hunger, and for improving health.” One Earth One Mission Everything on this planet is symbiotically connected-plants, animals, humans and the Earth itself. The purpose of One Earth, One Mission is to facilitate a better understanding of this connection through the presentation and discussion of ecological issues, and to offer courses of action which will best address our ecological concerns of today in order to ensure a healthy tomorrow. As individuals we care about many different causes, but in our concern for the fate of our children and our Earth, we are united. We share one home-Earth. It’s our mission to save it.

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