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Social Action

Charlotte Shaw

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Photography; there is one main image used that is the focal point of this poster, the fact the his eye level is lowered shows his innocence, and vulnerability, expressing sadness and unhappiness feeling sympathy towards him. the photographer uses a small depth of field to focus on the expression of the child, as you can see that the surroundings are out of focus

and blurred. The lighting has been set to give the photograph an erary feel, such as the candle which adds to the mise-en-scene of the poster, and the ideas surrounding homelessness.

Colours; there is a clear colour scheme which runs through this advert which helps to make it look professional, using the colours red and black, both very striking colours. Red is used as a colour to emphases a specific point as a text box in the donations box, as apart of the logo and used on the clothing of the model. The fact that they have taken the colour scheme from the original logo, helps to run seamlessly as an advertising campaign which all there other promotional material have in common Text and language; the language is formal as it is used as an informative piece to state the facts and get the points across, by doing this in short snappy sentences helps to get there point across and aiming to get donations. The key ‘donate £3 to help us in our work, simply text ‘home’ to 70007’ is also emphiased by the coloured text box which it is in to get that message across .

Layout; the format for this poster is clearly set out, with a text box and main image, I feel this layout works well because you can clearly see the text and doesn’t distort or interfere with the image which helps to get the message across. Both the text and images are also well interlinked with what the message is saying ‘no room at the inn’ and the image which relates to this.

Fonts; there are two main fonts included in this poster, the first used as the logo of the company, and seen on all there advertising material, which will mean it can be recognized by the public. The second is used for the main part of the text and is in sans serif font that is clear and readable which also catches the eye of the reader

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Photography; as a webpage the images used help to split the text out and makes it more interesting to the reader. These images are mainly amateur as there purpose is mainly photography captures, the moments from fundraisers and campaigns to help promote and press which comes with such a small local charity. The photographs are displayed in a flip card manner to make it more interactive and eye catching. There are also some forms of candid photography and portrait photography which Is used to tell the story of a case study, using a small depth of field to focus on that person where then the surroundings are blurred out. .

Layout; it has been presented in a way which splits up the text in to smaller paragraphs, with an equal balance between images and text making it informative yet and visually appealing. There are also links to social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and you tube which helps connect them with the wider community. The homepage also has a slide show effect with 3 running boards. This moving image helps to make it more visually appealing and is a clever way of adding more information without it looking over crowed, Which helps to categories' the information into what is the most important. The logo is also clearly places at the top left of the webpage along with the side bar full of all the other links, to learn more into the company.

Text and language; the text which is included uses simple language, and short sentences to get to the point and also adds impact, the use of rhetorical questions therefore hooking them into the webpage. The text has also been presented in a formal manner which helps to make it look professional and high quality.

Font; like many of the campaigns the text has been included in a sans serif font which is clear and easy readable for all ages. I also feel that by using that type of font also matches in with other pieces of promotional material working well as a combined campaign. However to emphasis some of the main point boldness has been added helping to emphasis the key points.

Color scheme; using a green and white color scheme is another color combinations, and from this research have found that most of these charity do this. The color green is there to connote growth, harmony and safety something which can be associated with these homeless charities and the sense of community and support it brings. The green is not only used as a text color but also as backgrounds for some of the text

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Photography; there is one main image within this poster which is used as a background for the advert, as it is in soft focus because it makes the person look more innocent and make the text the focal point of this advert. The lighting used has helped to emphasis the rough sleeper in the photograph which has been set within an underground tube station in a urban location associated with homelessness.

Layout; this poster has a set layout with the text to one side and the main image to the other, as you can see the text is also places round the focal point of the image, which also helps to emphasis this point. The ratio between the text and image is also similar as the message is clearly read.

Text and language; the fact that includes the word millions helps to emphases this problem, and encourages people to donate. As they aren't stating this as fact and showing there belief is a way of grabbing the attention of the reader. They have used short snappy sentences which help to keep the reader interested , as I feel without if the poster had to much text the public wont be as interesting and too informative. They have also made sure that they have included the contact details to get in touch, however this poster doesn’t ask for donations and instead is based on the interest of the public and finding those homeless.

Colour scheme; this poster uses a mainly monochrome colour scheme, which sets a monotone and depressing outlook which reflects the life of the homeless. However the hint of red which emphasises that point and draws your eye into the poster, the colour red is also a very common colour found in homeless posters such as the shelter poster I analysed earlier. The connotations behind this colour suggest, warning, sense of emergency and danger. The fact that it is used for the text ‘no second night out on the streets’ helps to emphases this and making it the main purpose and focus to this advertising campaign.

Fonts; the text is in a bold sans serif font like most advertising campaigns as it is clear and easy readable from a distance. The same font is used throughout the whole poster which shows continuity and makes it look professional, however towards the bottom of the page there are the logo and links to the supporters and brands which are involved in this company.

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