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Page 1: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test

J.r- : : . ; : r r , I I I j - ; l i . ; ; f ; , : j j . , i , ' t r , l

. , , l i j i , j . ; i i ' , , ' ; i , , ' 1 , , : : ; i : l i ; ) ' j ; ] : i i : r

- : . : : , . . , ' : . 1 . , r . ' ; , . , 1 1 j - , l i l , ; . i . - . t i J

i '-:;.': r - i1 ri r: li,:i .Jl*iji:,

" , _ ' , . :, i j i l . . t i ; ; . l i _ / :

1Qs*. jJUI,Y;


- , ; , : ] ! . | ?vtut4y1. | Ist, J,1t l ,2/, .Lup41; ; ; . ,-

s,ffiri1is_^ li5!1f tg. pr.ove u nsaliifa'cti-v,n co"n'p a 1;Ti u u s tti.;; #rTilli;1,i+Xl'J,Iteturns for:i lre ytiars, lg?b-h;A,igug.,.Tl1e. retur,rl s for i 1tr9= 1i1*iriil*;;;l'nyl,q troen ,Jrept rn the more conl-!l!.19/manner.&s at presehi the com-.penscn- : vill .be to i.l certnio_

""i-rnt .

tunrelia.ble b,ut may.b. t*fr.o *r"Atrd|.!,proximate,," e.acspting in. thli,iiia; -.tity and valtie of rle eiporq;1Ji"!i.pto$u,ce^ in ]Z_8, {n wnrcu lproctuce ex- ,ry,ofed fi'om Oufsrarions dli;;ii;"F;;_ ,

ilg:^l^:,I!9_. tu, n o,t includ.a, .,,r,r, i, t,,

Page 2: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test

Isr JUI-,Y,

: r lr l

l l

over to Aban Jau's emisseiies;'aiiit ji { 'e-"sn;t

th;;. i;;*-11!,h*ou been w6ti,t;.rh;F; I ,n?"U".il.r1r" iUj

'Governnrentarepreparecl iot reat them|. .o39AbanJarr , . , , f f i . .-with clemencv anct, in consider6Tion I a,uron.ri oi-in. fi;;;il?;"tili*t*rt'of their position as peoplo.rEato'!.lt.1,t9".-ir-;;il;;#'*,.-l"t.r-"toiJalii; ttransferl'eal from anunsettled td a'iet-+1,'iheir way back uoa rioog[i tJirr. rrJ'' { ,'tleclGovernment,wisptoavdid;as.rltqtlli nt Bara'il, where trrey fite rhi;.a.# 1',,,'':lt:"l"_it*iT: yfii', their good,;;.Tq'.litil;.i.191s,aoa'nrlr*oorr,"been seir ;;# . .enlorclng any great radical anflptifl.t1.Q..n-l the s.s. Loina Doone. ., .i.

- ,. e,hanges in thelr cus.toms,.leve_fthi,lelir,il;,'.'+1'x. Resident i".ci;rg. iotor.. tiru :they must not construe this,cbplsiaei;i*licommitiee tuat iireine?t.*r" -"+.,i , '.i

ation into a want of powei'oiwitt tr;;Jl by the statem."t oi i-fu tra?l#iir"inl, . ,ipunish sqc.h ryisrleedi as rhar taidlil pi'qy t]'il"ihr;;;;il;ii;;;rtil . ' Aban Jau. . rli- ; I btt:ile.orders'.t'tf ATen Jau - ,,,:,

1l l' The;:'Sd9,:,irnngpe{rgJQp* ni,lrf{s o4li,;1-e9m-mi4iag lhis {4u.r^de.r.n hQ*{1ps : ' :;:;92,800;:idiheavv^rnqeea ror suc.h.neo-',|. ilqppdpd a;fine ot;t00ifl1p1116.i6; [tt; ,''ll

,'fJ.iliyr*uitlt;'p,';:*le#"$,r*tF'?'i":*Jr#l#'*ii,,,ffi"tr;gift?f,;ffifijfr#H., ,, ji:r!",te4':,*4igtltft"#*-,,t4.*i***ili,ti[T;r*fr**-};1tffi Fiffi Fn$fi ;if :: ou 'ti'adets .and '.-produce,'-rccllebtors...l .Comn''iite'e 'that this,"semi-jn, :i,'Whatever

course .-he mav :choose ,15 | depenclent and-flies- his orvn flas. .., IIe - :jLn$opt."hiq poqer rvill be i,roke;;lna l i:roposes'on account.of tbis fi',iia.t .' ;'his. downfall *ill not'ont{ brins'in I'to",forbtd'him to fl.y hib':fldqT6T''tEe .',,oihers ,yho must have watchec1"t6. I fuiure,andtoabsoibiiniar,iiit" : i.:attitudei of ,thcj' Governineirt .towar4, I District: brrt awaits ttredecisiod:of the , r,.

.this chief with ;irieat' iii[er.est 'sg

i Conmittee before tahins this steb. . :i

afforclins & cue Jolheir olvn',{q[rre.l . !u- President *niiiira.pi:.b*tiog ' ",jb.efqvigilr, bu-t will atso co"3*t*riit'i"y:l tni*:oc.;;;;;;"a rriio n.ionuisog -,:, ,;i..

cnlels ancl. others, who have hither- I the :heinousness of the.-crime".wliicil:'; ;,;,iito, per force.,b-oy'ecl,,ro .![;,er1r'-fior f .i,;; ;;;;";"*".iti;'a, rro;'h.:;;i#:#'i ]ijcunnluA a,nc[ det'ermmation oi.''lliis |-Abaq Jau,',po-intouirto-,iUe. ,l ,,{'chief;

1ndbytheq6 qtralities ato"o'r''as | #aa;m'.'iri;T1u]r".rriai'fr;sfila;ii,'"?i-: ,i'chief; 1ndbytheq6 qtralities ato"o'has | #aa;m'Jiri;T1u]r".rriai,fr;sfA'i,;ll,'",it:- .,

+brr-n Jau mnintained his,,tiuthiirity I come uuder the Sararvak or any;civi-{q^l,l:,hlf l,l,t,l*pogi [o,[o,Eit'sri...{i't I tirea;9t. -;,i ii'* ie,."";ila66'6;lfor he has but

" r.g,.i1.,[0,]*fqji..Tlt I tirea ;"r. ;;,i iir* i3,.."jqaiign of thg': iB:r.unei, Parl fier'an s., ji | ft?r;'iii"{iit 1..,,., or*o",,,clesp'atching q, niirieiable ,ol{,;:'siiii, l ,t uuri.;jr&*A ,rro His;j- a death by toiture*-.for: sudh..wiiii::the lrnajari to,continub tolflir

11i?.qji.";JIJre1 the'' qlayerry,3i&',,4Fgb.d [:Uiicl6l"tlrdsa ciidriiiiFt#ri

l?-"9':1r" cannor be too',stiblgrt | 'a;"F;rii;;L"fTil;:g;tlbjiiiild"*"dlril ' ,. j

condemned. .. , i-- , l .:.1,' I are.boilr in_Epglancl, nb d.tepiibe,Caken ,,:. , : : ,, i , ): : l ' ' to "absorb,Il injd,"r or, mako auv altei*- ,!, ; ) : l ,- to absorb Tin.jd,r or,mako auy.altera_

i,, ,; '.'

I tion in the poiicy of tlie'Gov-ernment@grllnritfre of gbmirrtstiatiorr., | #;;ffi. ffiJ;";;i, To'l'.1001r1",";i1i1:

^'' q;p+*1:, 0p.,"'l'' i' I uiurdut;;-p..;

.;;";,;f,{d'i,.,1n*l,;os1,,,i$ij';tiiii,;,;ry'i{a+, i I ;ifti,*4 thar any eteps ;,o.r.:rh&b,n.rl

'' *",,,,HT#.,"Xri'+9ryt*i'l, i,,n +T-i.o;qe*;,;+o,';f,{J*',;npr[i;

' i ' . r ! ' ' ' - : t : - l : : , ; '1: :1-aiY14' ' l . ;Sno, mlDl(- that any ,qlepg ; ,o. f .$!?|hn. l-

i ; . , . . : : t ' t ' a s e f t t t , . , , , t i ; i i . , i l . . t u r e w o u l c l b e p r e m a t t t r € . . , . ; . , r , , . . . i r . r .r Tlw Presid,ei'it, Frin. q: I.r-.:0.:.Iuaxweil, ll..,,lTt u Tieagurer poi"ir,,o"t'.in".ir*,, D,atu E-.;:;; H;;i;u;iffi: " ""' l-i,;di,i-;;;TJd:fy flf;T:,'I],',ilffi;ii#Abang Mohamaii Kasbim.,':r i" , l ,o"t i*ii*or ,.rr".""unt :from: ;nni*m.,,opllDang lvlohamad 6ur3itp., :r.1 | ion i.attagsyfiloq$h!,!.rgm,,Bnram;,i'4s

- The meeting is'ihii dai'ionirdnsd. I compaied with tfei Uy sailinl{.oibthet

Ili -Lt"l President inrorni.',ll-y jl..,q: I :::i'll*ii:""i1'€"9ry"-Ii:r- l*.lq 'I,lg:!ers- that hb had. 'receivea'u:dt,;pa-ilf,

I plng:qmq91 a{,Barqm:,igiapportigmngfrom the Resialent in gnalgU'di-B;;;; | ;ihq:tya"tity.ti each:shiiipei,,,;!;ii,,rl,iY-infoiming lher Cciinm{*"4ihdt ;5',il |

', ,'it:ir'p'r..qp'sbd;rffit,l*U'**jigUWUnder,had'-b'eef iomriiimraibihl,frit, i iatinas.,bo *iiutrup'{b-iF"bii;f;Ti.ffiof xrnll, cciing' rin,1jr,, tu6qbiidiir;? I ii il-fi;,i,Jrlis'Jr,;"rf1#;; ir,n*"'uo' , i i ; : ' , i I t . t i i . j

Page 3: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test

1 '


\ - : . ' ! : \

.GAZETTE, .rlsr .JUIJY, :l8g4, - 1 5

oy, lrlay ,2nd ,-Bijdng Baram lelu ior{1gt 0 o,m. tollofe3omS- o! hdr dbpper

I ; . Sattrrd ay, May 8rd. - aij "i

g' b; o',:;a'arri r ed; in .tho. aftetuobn with the Pinoce Guslfa in" t o l v . . ' . , , . , t '

; i;lg3:t''LI:.v- I lt:. :1 i a1t 84 i,i,ti _l e ir,forl(nching. Foi.tmeu,.cleaned.: arhs. . Insooi iDynk pnid g2 reveirue, enya.ho iraa l i i6d in

.. l lugam -eixteen jear.e and-:ie ,msrricdl,to a:..\vomftn -of ,the. I--long Kiput tribe, l ivee in the-:-..\v9mrrq - ot , i l le- JJgng frrput . tr ibg, l ivee in the' .bouse of .oue Ahi Aion. I, . Irtondcy, i l fay Sth.-I-nggat came,to complnin

th[t.,qulte. &llumber of up river. people.have1 thnt,qrri.te a:rumber of up river. .people havelrgt'i indeb.ted. to him.for y_enre nnd witi riot piylr im. ' Ie l l lnggat rhat- I d.o not thinir I canl s s i s t h i u i , . bu f r v i l l . eee i f ony th ing .csn betlone wlreu O. K. r\triong nextcomes down.

. ' I 'ueedayr. Mny 6th.-Fortn,en cleaning upi,:slr*s nud undel the fort. - garpentere (irvo)

. . prapering trlonhs for'f loor of bil l iard .oori. I. . L i rn l { iaugln ' Chinnmnn, ahd.Pone,a l ia ia-:ltalr Dyak; bronght tLrwri soue ipecirirena of a';ff$ s.tgne,gbtoircd .by ,Dyorig..Dong iri Long

., h;*. ;r "".

afri 15i* '":'

I O O t u . ' , . . : . , . l . , .. Snturrlny; Moy 10th.-3.8, Lor-no Doono

.Ertirrcl at I a.m.. rncl-t l ircbarqeil cargo. ehetowerl irp a junk. Awang Baknr-riturn*1 ironTutu,' reports tirat Matnlior.i wil l be down to-tuolrow, O, I(. ' I 'rmonggong hacl. no-coraplain!t'hst,ever to make againat lVfotnhari, pr Bny oflu8 p&rty, on' the co_utrnry, he bae conceivcd.agreat frioudship for lfata]rnri and hra aesisted

Sunrlay, May 1Lth.-/,ornn Dioia loadius,- I\Iortley, IIay .1?ih.-Lorna Doone lef,b fdt

I! . rvirtr 4,99s buhdles rarisnri.aud 41pikuls guttn..- Ivlatahrti arrived. rl le-deniesthet, h.g. .!rns. n'rade himseif obnorioue ,to any of

l r im rv i [ l r . r ice, .&c.

l lte lp river people, An'arrg Bakar rrat€s tl iati|€-lLp rlver peopre, Aw8ng uakar rrates i ltatlro. Kampnrl 'pan ,who wrotc the lettar for O.l(,r*h"G;;"s j;j[;;; d;-"f, ';;;riltil li,ilri:i r r 'uer 'pretcd.whntwr i ,s t i ic tnted ' tobim. l

Tbi Ilou'ble the P"esiclent 3rd Divieion left.ingtructioue that Matalrari wae fo be sent bockto hir own bountry (Rejong). .,, . ; :

I\{stshari to remain .here a[ Marudi unti l Ihear from tbe ;I{on'ble. the Beeideat ,as ir ie

. t

, t$ i l. ;,!,yrl,l

_ , ; . , , I-.,., . ::t. ;: : I

i.-.'..: .iJ,: ; : , I1 ' . . . i:,. ,t'1 .: tl


. t , : . , . . I: 1 . : I

, : : l . |.. .. \|' ' " I, l' ' l

i, _ . . , - i


for pli ,: , . . ; r r ; . : ] , . , i

Ngeo leports that le hris heartl that ,


IItII, 1III, Il-

Page 4: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test


' i : l

THh ,SARAWAK. GAZETTE, . 1gr'JULY, ;.1884.the prisoner Che l-roir.who escapea bn Anril2Srd has made h ie.wav' to Labuan-. , . . . , : ' , . " , , '

.T,errt_ I\Ir..Walteis 4- toni coal . (te, b"Cii"ib)whicL he.wil l lepay on..t, is retuin,frbm Irr-

.Le-rrt 1\Ir.. Walters 4 tons coal (48. baskete)w h i c L h e . w i l l r e n a v

' ' ' - 1 -

i;;i;; _* "'l'1 ,1"v''r oo, 'n'0.

tttl'.9rlli'll,8.S.I'rgflczr left for Labuou with' 2+0'nikule

rnttrrns nntl 88 pikule gutto ana lnAio-ribUei.,' R n i n y e v g p i n g . ' , , , , ; . , . . , . . . . . . , , , . , . . . ' . ' " i ' ' 'Wednesday,, i\{ay. 21et.-No,r.ain iest"rd"v

but strong fresh stil l runrririg .dowb,,. , ,, ,,; l,l *-Eot tmen n[ wor l r on ie latonc. ' , , . . .Thurs<lay, Itlay 22iid.--.A. K"yuo ,nemeil

Trmn Deng came to tlre iort. Ho beloncs toBslui but hng n'arriecl in Bgram. Statee"thafhie nephew is Tuah of not faiifr6mAban Nipa's, ancl that hig follorv'ere oid,afraidof the Government !e cause they are rinnble iciapeak lIalny.. .: .for sundiy ai:t icld's: Bc-cording -to tlte ueunl cuitom.

- .ta"nrri' Dp"g

:f:"[i.S*y^j:,Et1r oncr mny te3ry,ful +'i auln l€rp l 'e ler ,6ome Ctay. . _ . . . ' . . - r ' . . . i - , . , . t

Give l i im e .la.boug fol hig wife' who,lrascome.dovn .wi th h iur . : i . :

Hamar, a Ilnhong mnn, br:ingr .a'f#1,'rcntRs a present by one Oyong Urln wlro' , l iveant tbe hend of T in jor . . I I r ,mar e"ys that ' ihshnd to pny l.piece of -blachu to A'ban J*u onhis woy dow4 ar customs, the'I lon.ble ThiF,egident lqid t!* thar he- need not,poy anythiug to Abnn Jnu, bur, as tho latter i l is'e tod.emand ii, l io corrld not lrelp himeelf.

' " *

. Forimen at worh finishing jelatong in irr"i.o-ing, and mohiug path to

-bi[ iard' roonr in

afternoou. ' ,The value of expoi.i froia Boiam ior-'tho

f i rs t forr r monthg - of the cnl reut re"r wu,

$68,584, wl r i ls t Jor the wholb of l88b t i ,e e i - 'por ts wdre ouly $62,6Ib. T l r is is very grat i fy-ing ns it shorvg that t lre tracle;.,; lace'isdeveloping vcr-y fast. The sbove ngirres ai.o iorBarnrn onlv. aud do r:ot inchrtle-Il ir i, Sibuiinnd N inh . '

' t

Satirlday, I\Iay 24th.--River ff l, l I ine't *it.t iu.'Ihc Ohineee soy that the recenr flood wis tirchighest they have knorvn her.c.

' ' : .: i , ' :Suuclny, Ifn.y ?5tb.-S. S; I/rqilant. Contnin

Welters, arl ifecl at 8'p.m. from''Latrubu.' ' , ̂\ iop a l t i c u l a r n c w e . - ' " '-

The l/ igitant broirghb 20 Lingea, Drakewho irod tuken passage frour Kidlrins"iri aChineso j r rnk, which hns beeu ly ine

'a" t the

-rnouth of this river for severnl davs. ," ' : .IUondny, . Irfay 26rh.:-S. S. lr ig,I itr l ' werit

. dowu to Ilnkong to tow up -th6'junk,.rihichshe chst ofr grerE'on'l iei ' tr isl,tr iu.J, ;:

' i ' . ' i l : .:::

l \Ir. f,ulivorl vhilst .s,rpbriLtandioi{,,t'e c tiri n bf th e : biilgolow .f el l-f1'o iri' t h 9 .to"p ?i ttof tho hoirse to ihl gronncl..,' Foltuirhilti:i i;,eustai!erl no injuries, beyond. a sev'ere itrock'and.several cuts anct coufnsion. Tbe accitlbnt wnscousc-d Iy o sudden ntinck of gidclineis. vhichaeizcd. h im, brought on no doubt by tIIo suD.

IVletnhari and hie pnrty re[irruet{ fcour 'Iuhr. ''the Yigilant 9

-Cliincse antl 6 tlalav

possergers from I-raburnYong Jew and. Low I(im, two l_iabuan,[r.adei.s

h'ing ench a letter'' Ifr. Treabhdr. Ai.rninistrntor an<l rctirg Consul .Genertl. ad-dressed to Tlrc Hon'ble The Reeident the kiucl nssiitance of ibe Iattcr. oibehnif of i l fessrs. Youg Jerv autl I:orv If im iucolleeting snntl 'y dcbts ryLich arc d.rrc to them

by people l iving here. l,ow,Kim ond,,Yone Jewrvis'h to opeu shop.s in. ttrd [ia]aai: il:erj; and

- msl(e application for land for that purpose..ifug;rlgry, May 21th,-S. Q. Zonri .Do.oni

contempiatetl sacii6ce, hlsb. tb iell'.Til6,1';o6i1o",- -:' :',:his '6ori; ' .:that the Gcivernrb€ir!. l ias ddiideil t l j

' ,, i ;accept a froq,r tire:Ba.-Mnletrb; tontei,rle.t

to Tutong to a:li Peugernn Dipa to, give lriti'; r

;i*;.;i; b".i;t;tr,"i i,"?irrnrr Jau) niay immotsrjthe -unfort,unrite wret'ch to"appeari"i lre'nidtes '.. 'of his daoghterjih-l.arv, Tiria doijrig,:.who: i l idtl

' :. d.g9, and whosi-corfrsb is . ieti i l ly' iuf in tbo house.' ,If. parj,{breu:DiUr , -cannot sent Lim o wet'(new)ihea"d'Ab'uii. 'Jiu . .n ' i l l nccep t C , ' d r y (o ld )o ;u . i : i ' , ' i . ' . ; J l ' : ' '' . Jappnr to pr-odbed'to^.Tinjir i,:tr i-moiiow,to .forb i il' la ba n i i nu nt' h'i f pbi,ii-''i6+i #-*:d,, r"'rrr'i' r.,:'.

oiriveb,' puesengers I{i.,Deiibbnt; ittfr irrjfrom lenve and Mr. Bur']s,-tvtro l id,,Ui6ii,eu- .dng.{ by E.H. lhe Rajatr .{o.prorbrct6i

i; i-rieral s'be tweeir Kidurong p bi ir i nod'Bsi,;li : I' i.

: l-; ' I l |e'YjqilantI toi 'ec[ up ttre'"5unk fro'm .8a1,k o n g . . . . - ' .

' . ) " , " . : t ' i : ' . . . ' : ' . ; . " . i i ,'

Bnjang Baiam arrived.' ' f i :oni,Kuchingl, 'blecalletl irr at Binrulq for tbe cattle iatelybought for .Gbvernmeot, und alto:io-taf,idruprisoners fg.Bararn,, bu!, .bq!} the,.officer incherge and the'vr:iter ueidg'Lbs6ht' iron.' thsfom, her'erland wae e fruit legiiori ir- ' : ik;1): ',r

' ..l' Wddnebday;. trIay z8tb:lj.S.g. l47ilij:nt ldft .'{"-r,blltq

:Fnd._ !,o,.na l)oonc. f.ot 'Kuihing.

,Irfat:Bal!birl i lvlalny, trnda$ fr6m iTinidfi-1r;, ' tbrit 'Abart Jau' hag Cent,soiitL foitoiver,i

lccepr & f,ne lrom ilre:Ba.--lVlnlelrb; tnniiefnerl' in the murder of t le sar:rre DyokijntNii l l , i ir i , l ,t lat ' i lerdfore'.hia"il i l ; inpiUli"! 10r.,,,ft i l f ing tl)e mur.der.ere ni:e ho longdrirdqul-"ri;Jnppnl is. frirther instrtctetl to dlmnu,ltn fini -gf f 0 pikirls each from O;.bn'fidh fu*lii lntlI-ri jnri l lrr lnrr ,for the rvh,i le 'f ine .(p,0,bikuls), - .

1)ie' rhis ,f ine js.pnid it .T,ist; aire|-i i . ir"ri i" 'g

expen6es, be elediteci- to:l leirruq, i.- t, : ,:" ' ' | .. I ' . * d g . ' l " T i r : j n r i s s n i d . t o : ' b e ' n o a t l 7 a t ' t

stnnd isti l l orving to the' i i ,n' l i t, ' ' : iedral,l i t led bv

Abrltt- Jrn, *' l :c is ,mnkii igt:6*[t ' t iohl, fruii it lndbrs'hnd ot,herd right snd.ieli; l i -, ' . i i i i 'r ' r

I $eleral Dyok boits whicfi-rt6ok oiitipdlet,ii .:-'for Upper Baram hoi'e rdttiirielt, but liitherionone.of theru Irnve becu.suiceeuful : in Obtiinliug auy gr i t to . '

' - ' ' ' : ' . : : - " ; l ' , ' i l - -' Thrrrsday, tvlry 29th.-Scnl Bil,janq to Tutu with Jappar'hd it is'B8id tl iaU iqlg is t lule. Should tlr isi be the chse ilre

. O: I(. ' to come tlown. at: onc'e-in the sibnmerir

i,Ti:*,il'iq9 ff fi ' i;H':;il; : ;&,r! J.' rui;B urls;, .1) trj a n g : B ri,,ai,, t 6'nii ea tu tii Ji [dr-noon with O. Ii. IIiarrifo;"-Ife r:6p'bltsl'll buietup 'river ,rvith': tl-re , exceptidn' tirrit , 6* rbirrti,'bf

' U ma Pol: s hare'stnrteil for. tlre'Kdabit touritir.yto make peac'e ri i th the lntter:, ari ' i lrei i" ior'*.ed the Or.ang Kaya, , the la t ier 'howevcr d is-!1u,ste$ their. assurnnces h-nil ,nreefiug : 'fourKeLibits .sent"theur bnok to ]il,eir,.io iru"trvI towarn their'."tribe thai .therUirra.po.h; ;;;t ;

. t l 'e i r wny fo v is i t theLi i . ' . i i ; : l - . : ' . , r

- , ' - . J

- ., ' Ihc Urnn Poh'g hlve.o *ery Uaa rdputaiiori,they nre ri lwoys goipg'off i ih,i lre.,i iai..,pa[h

ll l,:ii qr 3.r t ! h i e ve :, _ll llii g.l F,Tapis5r'g,lt. A,ndmbei.-of ;trjaid.ers .Lt+6' soiue Ao-\yii itidFi:1

tha O. r(. nntl broughr. ryiih lthdm,.i,t i ,aoCc Va:luet l . n t t rprvoi 'de of $10,000: , ' : l , ' ; i . ' :

. -

- The Orang Iirtyn Inys ttrad'tbo |f uri ls,*reho

Page 5: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test


THE SARAWAK ,GAZETTE,' lsr"JULY;'at one'tiriro thrertened' to Lre jtrodblesome,r rirorjo#'mos d nmerinbl e. Prii.d $25' t! O.' K'M-irlngbt i rg h id expenses up ' r ' i ve l i ' ' . t ' , t : ! ; ' i : " : :

, '

' . l.,Tiie'Juntilr of Br'friri '#diiegjnbbui ihb cnse' bf Triiijn'Kal riri i wlid'ff n g -"fi u €[ 90"b,iki11it bi

' tt,e Houb'lei C. e ; de iCLesiiigny;'.',iJfritlm Lbir'Brkor also requests that auy fionic,+ chllecbedon &ccouut of the estate of Ynknb (v idejournatotr accouut of the estate of Ynkub (videjournalApril l6tlr, .188a) rlray Lre rerniitcd to Br'uniby t!e- snm-e ttus trvo.t'tlt,v -pelson rbY t l ]e 8&me l lus twofu lv p€ t 'Bonr '.".Frit1oy, I\Ioy BOth-}'Ii'. Dnubeny left fcrN i n l r i n " 3 r g , r i g B t r a n , . . - " ' tia\ in Buiang Bnrant,

.b. .ii.' rdi"iig . r,i,"rgi't a ; Ltlet rrooi'ho."Siutrrolias Oyou AIatian, the'principal I(e-rriah obief, in which the lntter bulogisesi l lrelbrrner and begs that tho Gouerrimdrit wil leurpl.oJ no ot,6_i,lse trit ,thri Ora'ng I(aye onruiisions 1o the l(eniah'country.:.. ' i , ir ' i '. ' ; As regnrds .the recent uidtder'o( tvp Lepu1I'ans by T 'amtr 0.1'oug 'lnnjang;

,Tamri Sinnuryiehes

-to know if the Governhbnt inieud.[o

, take cognizarrce of t l re mat tcr . as, i f Tnrna

lvliang visits, ' i the torl (wheu nexl ur&ng Jrf ixo l l laug vrsi ls. , Upper Baram) pro l ided thu t lhe Governmeu!

is wi l l iug to receivc. l t iur . ' : : ,- - _ - - - - o . . . '' I ' ir is uews ie most eutisfrrct.oly

-as-ttp .to't!e

esent t ime none'irf the i.rnpcr'"I(eniali! hcve

' I ' i r is uews ie most eutisfrrct.olv -as

ttp . to' tLe

i:lrresen-t tiq,e r:,1e oj. the 'uppcr:'$eriiui;s 4ci,p

; i iorne rlonilr ' to ltfarutl i. t- ' , ' ' ,: : ..

: O. K. t r l iuug b l ings wi th h im, l?"chi luarrgs., nrr.l tan'uks, t i 'old muskets antl '2 wir j&tket's,l ' ,( t0 pi}uls) inrposeil ou tlre r\Irrrits -fdr the: rnuli lel of ronre Lebuns belonging to Baigrlgun.i.The lt lurits wil l bsv five uikuls lt lurite wil l pa,v fir 'e pikuls'morg,'.to*!lre

l,ebune tbeu:seh'es, ortl ,t lre lu,tter;ar'e:caitl .toLe s ill iug, !9. .nccept tJlq, f y,c.;*,Flriel1., i e. 1q.r;yfortui lnte, &s thcy were prepnl ' lng't0 stt&ck tho. fortuilnte, &s thcy wereprepnl' lng't0 stt&ck tho

. I lurite who ar,e by far'-thbrvtiolier of tLe.two' i l i l - r c r . i . ' " ' - . - . . . . . : .

l 1 ' - - '

Y- .

i :

g .


; 3 -


--tr'T! - ' . ' .



l l ' lucs. r ' : -

:- l i loir 'Jnngiir Tri i lh Iof ,tth'6' l iul ite,'nLndl, rb lnsr guu as er toker i o f : f l iendship. .T l r is gtn.or i ts eouivalent to be ret ,urnei l to h im vii i t:Clnutle Ton'n. i"' "t r,il; s;'; jiloi

"[lby nk ; t'iil'g-' 5 oLl ir e "a s' rvlrioh s'l iere .preseirtecl to hirn by tlre'I(yen

cbief O1 orrg Deng. I Ie ( I iudang) nske 1,er-urission to keen thd Lends. . I canno! occerleto hin request' oi, if ihe prnctico of Dynlier'eceiving headg from I(yaus beccjmes geueralit mty [ir 'c an impulse fo heacl-hrrntiug*. : .

Snturdni', Mny 31st.-I lad the hegde surrki u t h e r i v e i ' . . . j , , , ' : . I , , , , ; r '

I iechil f ir 'eman, Snlleh juromudi ond \\ '&hitsnilor have.hgreed to eail in-e.e. Bujang Baramlbr'. 12 mortLs froin 1{ny i90bh (vido letterf rorn ' l 'he I ' lc r r 'Lr lo tho l les ideut ls t Div is io. lI t l n , v 2 1 s t ) . ' . - , , : . . l

d*uu i ir. forimcn R holidoy-to go aud tubaa small stlcnnr a,short'cl isttt,nce tbove the-:fori;I lcssrs. IJuils and Hoee accomponied tLcmnud exlrresscrl tLcmselres rvell seiisl ied withtho spor:ts nffcri led, upn'nrds of hnlf a lon offish being ttkeu in iht'ee ,jr lbur lrouis.

- . . i , , : , - . . ' t . ; ' : ^ - : - : . i : ; . ' i ' i ' ; ' i

Buuilny, -Ju'no 1st.:-Srid ^o-. ci,n,roog'!(par t of Sur ian 's f ine) by orrc[ ion. " , : r ' r :" trIoudny, Jrine 2rrd.-"Ilnjang 3otam" .re-turued .fr:om Niah.,. Surrtoug.-:eports .tbet hoho<l no diff iculty in gelti:rg ovet thg bnl buitou8hed e l ight ly just ine idc.

h6 hirirsef int6nds iiditir:g the covuir. . j

.Ho{ a.long tslk ,Oi X. aqd gsvi

hin his instrttctions;iesoidins Tinini- ' ' " .';1-To varn Aban Jau Ythst'eEoulcl"hd eacridcditi.'"'o:Blare,'f,8 Ld is ssid to be deairons'df:iloing; h6 \nill ti

treriteil es &n ensny of 'tbe-Governnieni.

i:. ,.j L .,rr lne

l a

ha.*iiii,-;treriteil ee &rr en€By of 'the-Goverr..2-To inform ' Iama Loons..sor..z-to inform Time iloo"'*-,'.ro-o-J-,L1"" ilo.:iut t'

tlie Ba Moleh murderers heyd ,ticen hn-ed, add th;t hig.. ..2-To inform 'Iama.IJoong.

the Ba. Moleh murtlerern hn!i"'bdryices will therefore be nd lbnger'rdquireil in captur-i n g o r k i l l i n g t h e m . " : ' ' " , : - i ' ' , i ' ' . ; r. r

-s.-'fo ctemand from O.ioh Liah a fine of a0 irikuk

for ths muider of Tua'rlis Muats antl to co1le.6!. the'80me., 4-To take O. K. Jentirig and Lii Dyits with him, endoavonr .to obtaii .permissioi 3tor them tbworlgutrta in'Tiujer and its tributarios.' ,,i r ..r1... *..r.

6 -To-try enil incluce the irppoi Tinjar-ihiefr-to'oomc'd.bvri tothe.loit in.spite of .l.badJeut lht6atel'1" r' ..i i 6-:-On !o aji?oFt to pry anythin! to'Lbrin:Jtri loiA g o g n ( l l n g l A e I I n l A r r ' . r : . ' r : i ' \ ; " ; l ; l n ' l ! 1 : , r , i . . : , i ; , r j i - ; :- ,At middny, one Trralr, .a:natiye,of Bgkoig,arrivecl from down river, oncl relrorted tbet hohacl h.esrd from enother Bufong, nimed.Irebat, :that three. people had beenj[_iltia in Bdrinlruuby the party sent by Aban Jau to Tutong td


obtnin a slnve from Prrngerari.Dipa.:, Onir'e-'-ceipi of thig newe deepatched ,lBujang Baram'.'

' .

to llakong to fet,ch l-.rebnr. ;-The et€omertd.-tulnerl at 6 p.m. Lebor saya thil-Bakar.toltthirn nbout the retrorteal ruul:.,er. Bulrot'eisteg :thirt h e' .wae i nib r.;nbh by' IJdti p;. ; If rik&ti' uian,t h nt' h e \ad he ir,,l a.rep'or.t' tlint'['*ii iiip-ple ha,ib6eii murdeietl in niil'aitl,-'Latiri iJstid' ta b';n[ t l id r ' iouth' of biranil ' lsenia c.'tdttei 't 'r i . 'Oinrig l irryo Baling of Bakong insirrictlnlih'rnito serrd messengers to Belait.rvith *l! -despatch .to nsc'ertoiu ri l iethei any'ori6.bae' ,b.bdn kiltod.'os repbrterl. Coneuli

"'iitr. O. tr. lliong ds tO

ihe' best iteps which caulbe tdkeir'to,int"ifdeDrAtral Jau'9 party ou their. ireiirrhii:itthsrbiiiti,:lby 'Pegalrinn. to ,b9 watcheil:.!ry tbB pikori$ .

' p e o p l e ; _ ' . " ' j :

' ' ' ' " " ; " i r : : ' ' : ' i ' s ' r ' 1 t ' ; :j-..Tuesday;. rrurie,:.{t'd..-.:.1iry iit'i;'riii.ted. oiifi is expedibion'. to'Pelufnni,i[i 61t'5,;',i3pii1oBninm j"'ii 1, ich' will:, convuy hi m ; ae, rur-:riJllEmOUgr."Of: Tt i iu,,r , , , r . . . ' ' ; i

' ; .- r .) .r , . ; . .r . . ; i_

I i .*-. ] j . ,':':i; : lir.t''oiterjiioon"'o. n. ri h f"" .h,na',ioti['j :,foit briusins witti irirh'trio of i6sn J;u;6'foijlower;.

'itie ' Orari! finj'a

' .oyi' tti'ii i"iroiai.

l tely on reccirrt of nry -letter laat lr ish[ heetoried lbl Beli it, nnd bn'rencli ini t[ irfaoutirof Bnkouq me! Abnu Jau's narlv i, j tr i i .ni,,s -fi'om Tut"ong. The.y iuforin'ei--lri'i"l tft,il.tii'Ereport t1r:rt two pcople'had bieh kil led i i iBe-lait wns fnlse. Thev'also eaii l th[T .. ihdv h:r{gol n slg,ve from Pnngoraii'-Tcjriiiiiii,.,iffitaAban Semnnin, thc leadei:of ihd partv.fromTiii.toirg, lrobded in i t locnme"t ptirrtoi:t!pg'ta'lUa' -

fro m ?ange r'ons'f.ej u di rr ond Ma [u s ini'on il.ttrii i fyirrg tlrrt thcy hrrye rrintl6' their f i ierid AbrilqJau ti nresent of n i lcle, nnd, 'that'they havedel iver ld th i sn i t l e l lvo in tb iho 'cr ts iody of


Abtu ,seniuuin; Ou ibeiug ' i 'eq les led to+rojdrrcc tho' slnve, Abair Sernuriiu' iOvg'fb,it ' ftravkil led him in Rruni n'ucl have broniht the l idiri lwitir them.' 'Aban Semuuin anrt l i i idomonuiri i iare nt once hnrrclcuffed orril nlacecl irt qaol rindO. I(. r\finng"is cent witli n' prit.q otltort'rir.nto:'t ' the. remairri lcr : 'of, i l ie: ' ' l ' !a'ftn feiShtmcn) who org 'iL tlieir b.o-at 'in,''t"1ej;.93,igL:'Iheir' artest i.s effecbed Eithout qriy Aiffibnltianil thei.aro aiso lodgcdin'irrisonl. ' i 'r l j \r-t"i' l(habai an tl I) am i t, rr a tivos'bf NI irtislt,' t'ii ag' iletter from Oyon Iiinl-r of Tir:jar, reporting tliat

Page 6: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test

a numbei of Dyaks huve eute.ed Tinj,ar by.,t""y I on the'rubject oarriosthe ClgPqg.s,t-q9iqh!.+y$ : ,rilffiof Lons Taboi, ond requbeting thatthdy.may I ihat.h'e,,is,certain that if ,A!4p.lau.,isi*t$? .*{j

HX'"Tyl',i,f;.i',l*,11'$.!"ojl,utftfr-il,'X'il1 I runryJtS,l'r';t'i$'?"ii1iffiii"Bg'#l - -' i$- J J a m r u c o m p l a l n t r a r o y o n g - w a _ u ' ' F . . . ' F . , u - P 6 j i . ' ' . r ' i i i €

theur whjr.r-he o*ee them ancl aleo thit aI- l , .. ,SARAWAK', CAITENDAR;: 'i - ' . ,'i:#

i [ o o g b T h e i { o n . t h o R e s j d . e n t t o l t l . t h e m t h , a " I : , : # i r t * ] l l " ' i ' : , . , - i ' i . , - ' * : $

lill'ffii;a'.ili H?1e1"i".11'#li#iikifiilt ; ,$*ii{:!*rn*Tll"g"'};t"lJHff-r"?Tr;: L,-'l "l:-li"""l :n;;fir;;'r '-,; ,i,i :l,';.i,o-

pnving tribute to 'b'im i-l ,hi,l*";l j''.l g lj.".. ljirl-- .;,,4--;

'.- g

,,f;:*T'l&1.{il1,$'i;;"e.'.':ti*!tiB IFhl iiiiili'it| ' "1 ',,,, ,1.1, , ,,nHu'l',Tir,';"u.';i';'ffiTittl'"["J't#fi"" l gill-; l iisl 3:til ' " :,,,', :' r..sent him and his. co.mpanione to Bru,ni with I s. I 9 I 91ll 4.0.7^lrourthd!ter {Iinity. ,.,,1 , tirqinetr irct ioneto ask'Pang-eranDipatog'vo.f |1 I l t : ' i 1l l i i l ' f . i | l r"ui ioq; i ; ' , ;" ' , . ' i ' ' l ; , , , , . . . , , ,1#Ha blave; In tFe ,event d'f ;iheit,i6hieinE th'reotreet tbey vere ro biins thd slsvo't01T1"5"i ', l ;*ft i tB I i: i ] l '3:l3l ' ' , t ' r; " ' ,

i ' tr ' :. : -. ,;1ffa l i v e i f p o e s i b l e , b u t i f t l r ' e y e x p e r i e n o e d . d . n j d i f . | F r i . l u l ' 6 ' 6 7 i 7 : l 6 |

liitiiiitfm:**fliiil'l;*:*lt*i+li I tll il I l,iii r:311"irq1,'/,-i'1,ir,l;,,;:i.,:j",, t ;ffiao"n 'oncl saw' the Re4ident , who:eutrustbd I iT;" | i ; l 9 : ; i I 9 : ;8 l raetqu*r te i . j , ] i ' : ' ' l ] ; . ' ' r , ' - f f i' i hem, r r i t ha l ' e t t e r f o rPonqe r f t nMonb i : They l \Ted l 1o . l tO . l a l r o ' r r l : ' : 41 ' j : ' t " i - i t , : , , '

, . ' , f ; l; ; i - t r ; ; " t , e o n y m e u l i o i o r t i r e i r e l r d n d , b | $ i , I l i l l ' l ? i u ' 5 2 1

. ' : ' ' i ' i : r : 1 :t h e R e e i , t e n t .

' . ' - : - ' - - - - - - : , . I I s s t I r s I r . g l , . ! 3 1 ' ' - . ' ' l , i . ' 1 . ' . ' " , " ' f f i" i l ; ; ; ;sof

t t ,epai tysreBrfo l t r ,#s, ; ' l - .q ' l i i l i : t i l -9 : i6 ls1"r1

a1tc l r r ; i r t i t l i : ' ' , . , * . f

Ltr*"tb.*unin, Mimaioh, beirig-'aomici!"'1 | 'Itlonl 2t | 3'30 1 4

i r rT in iar ; r ruear, sebop, drrnn.r .uy 'p, ; j i l | f t i ! ] | i ; i i l \ t i ; l l , \x 'o 'uooo ' ' : ' , ; - -

r - ; , iu f f ihand

-man l Pari, Berawanr lt{oeius' $obop''l rl l er l o.t' t

::i i l st. to*r: ste";r.,i .,

r i- ,".iffi.i l i;.;f a3;r;,1*.ll S'uqi,Beinwon;Sqg6lqng, I r'ri ' lzs I e'ro'[ 1tllft:,".:,Tii fh.l11];,;,.i,,,,, ,,; ,f;ffiduo-n'; ualng, d.;#;;1-C^g;,:b..i^*.;i I qot i ' lq ! i '19 | 9'-'-l ;;i: ' ; : "1'""'oyong sororrg, spbop; Lnyu, Kynd 3r1r"'ilt l $i;ljij:,.11 i:igTu''?'b;!:","'::?i, ,,'-'

',' ' ' 9

Aben Ja1.Lrusot, ' Oyo4g Belong, ;Golnp, Lgyu,.1

uaong rb'rain,id at ruiong ylrir,t.,r,;-"ti'11 I llli iYlii:iilil:lil .':'-'l l,t':,; ,;l;ri t .lffi

f i v e . i - e n t o n t , o . B r q u i , w I r e r e P r n g o r a t r s l \ I e t u . l . ] ; qeir *nat 'r'ejtidiq mode them e present ,or.1 | .' SDlttt't'usctt;r'ts. , ' ''


-i:ffi[:i'x,l'o*tyl']:"JT,';'T.?111i*Ti I " ':,i.ii::i','*,r"xl;f:

b1",x'.:1",lrif:i$.Tl:t I , -' ':*.:?oli,f,",,i:,T:.::r;r:

;i,,, . 1$iffi eilried ofi'for Tutong overland ,,!y

Tll I ^u""rrieems.r",irr,"* ^r"il"ilr,';1,"," 1,, ,i .. .,ira:il:il.*.:ir"iJrii;'if,:3.''i;1,::i:'.tit"Rj} I .:i",,.::["::'.'r'i1",'i'ffi;Hi;;;;ol'g8 i,; : ,.r''f,::.i i;ifl'l;'li,it ',iT'ti 'il'i::i* :'1'l'&l]'l; | ̂ *;,;#liililil; -.",li,u" ;,J;"+.i, :9 1.b i,,l r: 'ii l o u l i l c n u s e l l r u m c o u s i t l e r o b l e ? e l a y ; ' b e i u g | ' ^ - : ' - ' : : - r ; t f t ; ; i ; ; ' - - - - : r . o o ' ,.c*i*"tyuUfe to wrlk. 'I'ney ngrreotltothis arid I secoud e1lrhird ffgnt":u.;"::: l:33 ;

$lilitrllf#;'llr.ln;Tll[","'f',i'J[,fJs | ̂ ."*',ff1ffi,s"*# ""1'11.., ', ]brow,vi,iur a parang, trrd

'orh.-ere 'mbiili'rtii'Jd I a:::'*Y"ra'--tii:it*cl".l',T.1T

l1T ', '1:33:.- i . ,' on." Triey'roolrrh.i'rrJ^i tb r"t"rri;fi.-r ilal [ 3ii"#,t]*third

tunserlionfie! i ;. r o m a i n e c l o n e c l a y . P a , L g e r a n s D 1 - p a a n ' d . F 1 t . 1 . i

us in know o f t he murde r , bu t . d id no t make l ' '

, . . ,NOTICE. : , : r I r . l i ' , : ' - . . ' '*liilt*?;'i#fi;iil6iruf; ;s' I i;;*.,; ;, ;:;;.,,.** il;+ii,' rithem wants eeveral of, ibe-frong:teeth., ,In l; l iJtit le-ttttfr inti"s,'&c.3'oildi:shbsiribtdir 'toihe.. ' ' - ' '*:;

the .Iiatra oan giv€o to Ab-on Semunin ,by Pan- | Gaz,cttc wilhout tb€ sigdotuiki 'of th€untleriligned" i 1 - .,.gersns M-utusin. and Ilejudin, the. Pangoran | .; : i- ' : ' . '

9, '4' BAMPFniDE. " l i

[,,r",."f,l"foi',fiill'.",,"uii 3f lilitfu'::?; I '1' - '

::l'filil;.T * x, im, i:r #f; : #.ii t[ I n:m:.L1.4;;g:E'--T*.ii*igF*"';1tr91r, .l o r v c c I t o g o ' u r r p u o i s h e r l . ' I f e e l s u r e t b a t i f | a e r e d f r o m E n g l a n t l .an

"x".pl i is made of bim we sbal l 'hrve-acl | 'Ku6hing, I fay e7th, 188{. - "= I

u lo ie L ruuurE t r t t !=

all tbe chiefe will nt once_eccept tbe SsraYak I Ko.or*n.-D.J.J. Rornro-uag,'Goteiniient'Printer, tr! - :

fln-.- Anrl Oralg'Knya lrliang, rrhose opinioa I tb. Saratak GazettcOfrce', Snravrk Proper. . lKscnrxo .-D. J. J' Rolnrouag,'Goteiniieni'Printer, nt

tbe Sorarco& dazctfc Of&ce, Snravnk Pioper, l


4 .

K Ii

; ti li l: ' i

: l

: l ,

: . I

i N i' i ;

t .I

i -I' t ,

r l

I: i

' I

I' I




' , 1 . r

t i l t ' ; I

Page 7: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test


iand.livln$'thei.e in thti sitiiig' yco'nihaalol' l ; ;and.l ivlns thelo in l,he sit i ing'ycom.hi6le .dir,ye dnd:niglits. i 'Lettor'f irom'therrnoral at l(anowit asl<ins for new driifoltis.rporal ,at wi_t dUlC. {ot ll1 riniforms..l i te to Resioent le i lDio le ion ' fo i r ' castor o i i

cotton)rvaets for use of. Ghita;'$aih-bricksincl feaiher-brushesrfor Fort use. ! ' .:

: ;; ' !

;$urntr,@61i11 $otrnnli _ - ; : , : , - : - i . , ' . r - - i - ; O : - - 1 : I

r ; , , . : ' i Satur i lav. Msich:1, Xt v . . . :

_ . .

. r ' Saturday, Meich ' l X884. , 'rpar retuluecl froni .Long Salai,.Aborrar retuluecl froni ilong Salai,.Abon Nipn

to'let .the Dya)re work,in upferBalAm

, ; ] ]

eturn poy,of iall pibduce theyollect, thirteou :boatsi nt .orice rt&ke iout l iabdes.npqg jountl in Sipabah ' i incl 'brotrglrt speci-

i. i .roct euppiiecl f i 'orn rl(uchiug, t ire "other. is '

oced with m,inrrte crystels wlriclr hov'e the irp-


the cona.itiori I'n1m9$: t]lsi..th9y shoulci. oa

;of&uce :as lto forsr;, 'of::din,rp6uds' ' IJut luylass :i13o! a,':very. p9 )r, erfo l, tone.',An ottrer is

t, I-Io rvent to-eee the {rmbus caves rrnmetl

ures to sholv it,)to rnel 6i well ns other speci'

tfarairg.,and irr : s6115sq11s1tce,. of rvirnb lte sa;w'

i ja soid, ' some people norv:: igtend to worh the

i ,O. K . ' 'Ong XI iang ig coming, t lown. , I Ie hnsb l lec ted somo: f ines . . ' - t r t i s t rue Tamn Long, ,

phew of Aban Nipo, hns gone ngainst thoi lr , l i i is hub i t is hoped. that O.I(. Olg IUiatrg

ns,beeir nble to s top h inr ' Akarn Niparv i l l notclino'rvlcdgc itirn ns Uig_ 1o,11!ivL,auf

mo19 if

e,really itt^chs'ths :lJelnhits (they itre wellble .to ital<q cnre of

'. thernsblvei, tuless from.'eacherr', nttd have oflen beaten the l iyn,us).'' tong i )errq, ' ch ief of the Long Wats, hasrtrrrd-wlrtt ho thinks ie goltl in I. ltrrVun, oud

',tii;;"" t'on rotuouot'r,o- i.,b;j" ,0'

ne the Lorrg:l(iprits foi the share. t lrey hatl inhe sluughtdi' of ,. ' | Iama ,D.eT.g r,ud. his people'';Tr- ;4:' ltl i,r l:ili P ̂ "i li:'q:-ii ;i: I :,:^- ;-Juppir 'hns brorrght ' a , mnp which, 'whenr:ouerlv , made . out, ' witl givb a tolertblytoperly. matl-e-, du[; witt givb a tole|0bly

iori 'ect-iden of Upper Btiram' .rrp to ibs veryAorrrcn. rrlr iclr is Brr,tu Lnrvi. Tvhiclr ' is'olso theBource, 'nhiclr is Btitu Lnrvi, Tvhictr' is'olso the

tirource of Irimbnng nncl Tilbau. l l trtrr Lowi mirst

between' betweett th ls l le i t ( t o l ]J i l rom. an(L i

,: brnnch of i i t to'the soutbwrral. ' FrotFroin :Il*tuiLarvi also'f lows a rivet' to tl is e&st\rard inhn-irbitea by Eagais. I 'his is mosb likelylhe river

-: At"r. 1Notili"c was. saiil abnuu the RejBllg or

" ;Kota l . Thei l sources in ' I ibong v i l t 'be ' r I sup 'ii:;pose, further.soptlrwartls. : i Belnwien g'" qon of ': : : - ,Dog€. lur ther.SoRihwert lg. . ' lJe l | r rYtenqt ' bol l ur :

1 Lat.i ?*' l lug ti[r it, didd a' few rlayi'eince o{': ' ' drbusv (or,teri-beri) ' : '

I ' i f , : - ^ ! -

o 1 o O ,

i . , ' , '- - ' '

: 'Sulrclay, .March 2.,1884. ." Packed utr spelimcns'an'J 'posted them for',-'Bonteo Co. I-rtci. at Kuching.

- The rice in thei:i:.iBot'neo Co.'I-,tcl. at Kuching. The rice in the

' ; bszaar nenrly fir i ished, and ' in tho foit rve. lrave but two' bags left. ,It islt ime.for Loita, ioi"i-ti srrioe with fresh snpplids' 'Ah $ah

,:"left for Balait where hi: had a f i'ntru full of rice'' I{ondav. lVlalc}r 8. 1884.

', p.nJur:io Tinjar, informing me tbauTaFa Pu-'rni hae offereti to poy tlie Penanexemptiol tax. but he would rathcr !ay i l himself ' Fron Torna.Liri and'O. K. Padulir saying'that 2 yeare agotamu Lrong, sou of Aban Jair Gane, pnicl to Tuulr

i , 'D i )

'r,Karla as..Qput*8 pdraqgs;:1 ladbutong,. 1 sum-'pitan, 1 ;eirielcl, il pieci: of {obadcol ancl Taire:I(nda gave in :returnl-S0lcnttiestgiltteiS0 ta:, ban'gg .cor.rse I campf ot'; i 10 tlbange, fi ne', camp-'hbr, 1 eaiing'udang,'3 ibezoai stones, 6,crittiesofrwrtx.l'Now Tama l-rong demandd in ndditionthr eb tetawaks. .,To Tam-a :I-rong antl I Sama.Bi.moug telling them 'thab if ;,the i Sebops makoony demancls oh'tlrem Vhich they donsider


just,.to refer the Ssbobs to,de; ;arid,"in futurethe .Penane ,had better,niit, ,becorhci indebfed '

to Tama puiai. :, ' i': l;jf,:,.:,:jl;ri:,''i: .., . l , ,.

, , tu ls of grr f t r . : Hear, that ,O. l i . .Tumor iggongtrtts gone up I'utow, to'.engage his 'Penans--to'eerrch for, his missingigu!ic. .1y',;8:-thosewho h ide can f i nd . i i . : r ; r , l . . l j - i . , ; . . ' : ' : ' ' '

. : ' . : F r i i l av . Marc l r , . 7 ,11884 . , r . i " , i , : ' , '

' i .Tueird,ry, .I\Iarch '4,1884. , ' , ,j . - r q v e u . . J , . i t ^

, i ' : I l ,angers, clearin g: babss : lst ' i 596l<'. f . bazdar. Wednesdoy, Mat'ch 5;1884j ; : / Ji l , t '

'ti' Ilice in bazaar finish.el' .finirgbrs ns yesterclalr.' ;, i .. . .rf lnirsdnv. 'I\{orCh 6 fs84l: l;: i : ' : .'; , i .. . . rflnirsaln"v. 'I\{orCh 6.'ls84li l;:i j'1 .

' Un step pe,l :mai n m4s[ i o'f.' B ti (ut g . ;!E ar d mancl nut a,eorrreriter: on'to ihorteri. lt $v:erlhtan{ put a,,corpenter: on'to ihorten dt {y:s1g51feet. Sonre l)rnks broueht':do'wu,about 30,;pi-80..1pi-feet. Sonre Dj'nks orought',

. : " ' , ' ' ' .Sa tu lday , ' , I l a i ch '8 "1884 ; ' i r . ' , : , t " r r l . .

I ,, Opium iu.brizaar finishecl, 'gove'the farmei'e,;agent €ome gurn. opii,:wlricb I rfound'.€,moDgthe uredicines. Iso. ivife of Cotpdral Drdtnan,died of "dug:tl, a{' ier a long'' i l lness. Rdngers

, as veste| t lav , . _ . . , ; , i i : . i : i . , . .' , i loue tately been,ad work seti l ing'Mulrc dndOya lanrl cases which have beeri sent up oD sp-.peal, tlierr) r'emoin ; ho kevd r, two, rvhich I :gan -, uot decide rtnti l l .visit,; lho5e,placeb in 'April. 'Cons tr n c t ihg map (approxitnately : t correct) .ir f

,,upper Barau from rdota icrillectcd by rlalpar'..AIrong Patrl, nometl l{alin$toug Molt.yu, halviuq lost a rif le bv the swamping'of i ' ,his boat'nerri

l\frlnng in A;ru, o Soribisr'Dyik r'r'ameilAi r r .d ivc i lnnd recover 'e i l i t . ' . , Ihe Loug Pota ''mrr ,v

i l rve i I or r pavrdgnt : df $2 which wiU be'r"oi to Ain (norv" leaving) .,rvho livo!: i4lthe ,i rouse of Anggat near Betobg, : . , ' . . j . '

SundaY , Mer4h 9 ' ' 1S84 . : ' . : , ' ' ITire rnissiug muils arrivecl by'Lai Ngee's boat

lrorn ltuchins. ehe'has be'en a' long',time on thorvay havins iub into Mukri aird Bihtulu. , ' ' '

F.o,o IL'H. t lre Rajuh.dated December'8rtl1883. snyins th&t e-pnddle wheel vessdl ie Aboutt" G

-t i'itf for thie Boram ttafle' That' he

is in trerity with rl geologist to come oub to es- |nlore ihe ue* concelsion-for t l inslrt ls: ' . :

i \IondnV, Mrttch:10, 1894. . . :Ranqet's eottini{ t imber for bungalow on'to

tlre lrili Ciipenters at B$itng Barait"s main- '

'mast, Unhouded Jlujang B('tant, and spreaclt l r e . a w n i n g - r , i . ' ' . '

, Ilront .tlie Hon'ble T[e Resideut 1et Divleioneirclosind a l ist of churgdr of'bribery againstSatia l l,r, jah of I{uha,, r,rnging;over & period'of f ifbeen vears. .The precious tlocument wosuooov*ou* and ldft mylteriously of the Resi-dent's houge irr Kuching. One 'of .the perio'dical attadks,. I 'presumo, matle by Pangerar.

. M a [ u s i n ' s p n r t Y . ' ; . . . .iuuid"y, I\Iarch 11, 188{.

Raugers ns Yesterday.- \Yethiesdny, March 12' 18P+..

Ilanqbrs 'ce[tinq -timber for Bil l iard roota

lpulctr'nseA bll rne)"ou to the hill, then ilearing'

. Rnng'era gett:n$ timbet ,for Bungalow'to the h i l l . . i . ' . . ' , ' . r ' : , ; : ; r i . i ; .,;, ,:: ,,::t ' ,:t j ' .. j ..:, i, r : ; rJ ; . . j . : . ,


, l

: lI

l' t

r l--:- ': il. " - l


, l. l:1 , {' ,1..1,it, i. : ' r I: '1:;.:i:"f

'1,.' . r . ' l t

liiiI i:;i

Page 8: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test


-"ili:lt;l,rivetl in rr,r:.eueaing:rr",i;i;o_: | 'lia,i' tii. "i,''"ii,"u*ifiirJai:liT.;i:i

l:::*j:q g-ii;ri;;i..:" ,"y re*ers,.inror.m ms | :i_""ifl,]:"t:_l',1^-:::f, q*"t r'.ruit,ii*r"ii,E fr,iiiii"#"ii,r",l,v,i!i-i1';fillif, fii,,i,fiffi:"-i,rTlfft[1igg.\fiiffib'otlle' 're Rajatr Muda hae sugg..ara. ^"..ei.:"

1 xir;;i"tl;;i;";.,;G,69o- innch w6rfi i:'#'t?-litilt;ar6j;*utesiu,ttreriiobot."s;. f 1nq d,r,a.,r,l,r"'r.J" nssisring:.,[ii[,;s6cavesr. Ah poh

"*oi ,il;, *l;,#,:r,.1....*..11;, I i1;., *a ir1i."ieffi&v comcs dow,r r:ivcavesf. Ah poh rov' trri,t, r,ra'o,"i,'',i'o"i'ffi I ,.iirr:i;.rtir'ff jf,:r,$1.H:,m:"4._;l,ruinl

iJft:Tif ffi n;]:il:;."t'-cts rro; t-u..i"r.u."'i | lems duries.i"r trrer. -9ooday, Marc''r0,-;;r;,

"::ll"li' , u"''ttni'o t'ioi'ro'litti:-rTifffi:;f

, "{iJi il,iX ?ii l #::,""*' ;i,"il, $}r ;, ; h ar r i h e I ."# t .';}" :J'ji iil i {fiifi*iiil *i:"ri;;i;;ffi t;#::i'fdli11*"il,.;i*Ji_Hf 1:r"f 6X,&iiTf";,Iffi *:.ffi5,ili r'T'i,i "*.T. " il" J:l',. ̂t _b_"".d:;*l tl 1i,i i" 1 re qts te q' hu,our rlltro'ar in 're bazaar.

errleless, rice-is st;;i.,1 up Tirrjai or _the:lib1#tf#tgl*:r:ffinro trverve g;,fi-^r;",Tf.'o:'J:.{yT::;::i:: I ::Ll-$'rftj $g*};r:iil1i="aT*i;,tffifl1,1T _il1:"11,9;11 ll: i*i:!i 4r'*i1,!

'Jl ; ,**u Lo'g,s-rrouse ill;nln:lir"".r"::p:

' t.,iscrrorging Lorna "::::.'..:i::i:, "onsist. I i!?lt:;y i"bit{Ji-HiilH1{;nd,it"h}"li?ltlg &lmost e'tirelv of Gove'nmeol prop.i:ii,

I s.t tue.!_nairae-i,* searnan.himselir; ,,1:-;i.e.. conl rlr Buiatis nyy*,,ytt1y;:pt#f ij., | -

,,,,,, ,. s'l;iiay, March?2,:1884. , .prr6on ancr coFper coin'"closet,'oti'.r[i""il. i6. | '.,.1.r"r, ri.ffiudJ"']filXjji;l:rq*rl*.^.,,'l"ruugalorv, r'ice-ior fort, oesroes planks on mv I of twenfv nihni" if l.i*ff?.:liiTd;nl.q+lil:;qirllil:t'4ry***i;,T#:f f+l':;*"";'i'iIt'ffi qtliqt?:ffi "*,n:. i;::f ;" r;;^ i;ii*c, room, *a, u oa"y j ' i:lTjlll od'i:i

"+lr***$lf*f*i'rluestfay, Ilrnrcl 18. 18s4. . , ' " i llt^9;5Y,?lid:nd.t accept,,,:/r[3 '-did;;1ir,",.aing't1jl4orr.un.crr.r8, r's4.r ,r ' !iijrfii.t'T.f}Ii,,li*Ttrfh.f''fffjifl:,,#or guua arrd rndia-r,,;';jj'u"','ll":34+^ J 1;,t;!,:eeTi'ill'.s,rrr in arisd of eub.iiior s. tta arr d r n dia. r"l::i;, ill ;,i,-";,r :i; | fiff ;b ff JiX,:fl,"-,H# {T!:;ff

t;T'iconsequeugl srrip 609 brrnrriss or c";.;;;;;;, I conie ,'rd;; a";;.;;menr,,if Gsvgrnmsps,E,",.,-Tl:J:!'',F.11lt""ffi|ff"*:!::..that.tb€I-are.gever.;,46.r;9^atta*l1l*{dii^$fiTiilT'Mlii;dtl}ir;""i.,,.f, *ttli:;"}ffi*l"'itiJiltiii:5'1.""*';"0*angan

w)rlro o,'',uu.o- | *tii;*,;{i,lri#lti;$:ri1,i "::fitl

{:' , " ' , ' ,

] ' ; ' t ' i

TTE;. 21roi lJUNnt 1j6r;;,.1i.;1Jittl--lll. of . bazaar. -, Carpenteriaiffi----+,,--irr,:',,ri'

r:.. "

P.X;nn":ffi;* yiii]ftTlt;t'ft#;,{r l I't.?'rt' ";a +ro "i tr. .J*, rr".'*i-bFAl',any are ar rrre u""llt':^",.-i!{4.,";:; I ;:i';*ig,t 11*n*'o d-i*,y,iiq.;;fii"n,,Tanv are 'l-;l'; ;;*;i;,?,H;',n""r1ii?i.I Portunitv., -o-o--' 'r" 'u|'rY,lr"r uv+retJ)oone to , come .n,ithhave oue bas rer!. "," ll.r.^,. i*-h,. rf,t l" I ,- tor,{i!:;:tg,#f'L{itj.i;ffii;i

5Hffi f;'$iltijtll,'ffi :,li{ifft*}i'*f,#*'fi$ffi1ni f "*;",,1;;'*' ae"i ioi "i;;, ; ;1,;; : I fi:ffi;iiXfi :'. ; ;;i;rm 1r ;i{i5ffirr.."' ;:r*#t E,I:::!"1J;1g$f -,., ;^.- I r *.".*.fl?'i:1?',lttjl'f.';1.'.'"1,; *" ;ii. sent Bnjang En'ant tI'.;;irh u,.'fong.l ;"il:::'l}'i:ill,t n r*:':,tr.:"ou, io.,"ijDua,ils in tow, to o.'n,.orflg_l;, pr8;i;ffi | Ni",, r""t.""tloii,#,3.ir1:i, #iijl,,,l;,rlr"j::$if"ffdl;a;il1',il*,li:;i fi;?;i'."i: l :lFxaje ili sfnce tne conrrpct r,ios ma.rraknm TVan il.BrX;;F".i"",.r.e1lerofo.

I :"i."0:b}ht_1.. ".

' ', ',.;:ri.'il1*"'":-'::-*:

tiT_. dem:rnding usut'frdmtn.i* i,l i. l , . spnr p,i.i--;..:o- lndol'?r,"1ss+. ', ' ;i l":i iulisome rime dem:rndine o.ot,n.J''inl;;;ilffi | ,",*.::":;riir{|;^Ji}l"rr;11;'*lliil,,;i,fbr murcler committJtl: by,th-em f.

"fa ti*.il I lchooners

-tl,ai,;mny. Dave:arrive4,li: Th

ffi lt"$:,il"fi},'. *[3:-*,*"i*:iffil 1 noog",=-i;i'iyT", tci .stsil isr;,6rro,iriroir

I(ipur:trora-'oii,'rriji-*.* t'rirns anil Lone I Tupt:aie to roo'rfJn ii,iil1""al..[r'.]iifl?irvnrr nnno.r. l^ _- give noitiing.,-.",i | ,reir leisure r^.,,t fl3:^.Tt1,'1urlilYan oppenrs to' .".--, f*"$; u+il, l',f; lT I :i?i, jif Ti;:.t:#'*n:u:'oorr roi GF.;*-li: li!fu # : t ? ii "tl #, i,f* ;*; t,*;:'J | 3u'su * n " il; #'" ti.' t'd .xii'l,**tiffi'ljiys t,t'o. rol'iir.-rir..."r pea,ce ro fopow tr,o Lli"f i"lle*,it, :: *ot} nt ir*i' pr;;.:i'i.l., "ii"r' tra' ;i# : 'lffi:ld: 1H { I j:' ji,u,', ; I il I ff

,,"* i tT "13 U I g; : *ilI*lJfr',i.*'T' and usut ;' ;on|-riily"srr=fr!

l.$!^'y1i.,';'ii';#n"* cusroms,cbuobroir,.r.rb

:lilel" t!'i$L'3b ivr..-a'-iil,'i';iljtfsi; | ;{fp.:;}-;ji!il': "1:'u'1. 1o

"li: 11,;li;""l^*::

lr{n,ilpfurtre ie appoi'rbrl ,o unn." l r,fl;ru;?:gJf,:g"_'3ry,,.ul"l:il. td5rgls"",*,.^-n;;r,',,T,,1*:3iil{_iil11"#ru1ff }!':tH,i3,Ti",,ri;};'::,.1*;*t*}j*i:t1'rT:i$;:'i fl1;e'lr rusau and Lijd"Bari", I tri'!#-"^ui;;;i;;ll klred. by sdrrmarr-in .raui

, ;;;ffi',"*tj::*:*-j:i, l'H{-te:iti:,}fi irfflidk,ffil,f}"'"#

f*?+i:l;,1.1;itt*U{i.t':!::::#1,,***F;i"##i:${dffi ;'+i:';:;",tl*plx;iffi ;', ffi I ilJ:*l*t*[ffifirffi

Page 9: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test

fll:l^*"-:,T9.r l,r yar .been abte to get to itrdin which u,uv"'i'n G i-i.r.,iuTl,il.:;; | '#iuifli,l9"frl',,1

"::*.^T:':afa3r,ek or Boo!q u&u. .r1a&r-s entlr .s p&rty werei:n . , , ; , i ;Ilim sel f, B-rok, Jd,li, Foletiai,,[11 o ; ;,u"]ri;.l'tru 4.1";11 1 y,o s. e x p e n s., " n,,; l, ;; I ;#',?T l';;"ff d"'.?r', {iififfiG: "; l,lthe las,l.fou.1 ^1onil,-q to. bro"i.i"ti,,

""a^ t"u"i,1i3 | ine of a rree. ,: ru^ ,l-it -b-tliJlng{br- t[eiiau-

:,;rtt 'u&u rvro lras mede th'ee ,attempts to etab I clay,.lras rto "w*y.

ifr*;brffi:#,."".#yiUootrarrclsLrootpcopre,ancr ' t fered..""r j ; .art ; ; ; | , f i i " . , " i i ; i i . ' " iaoy.r ,r . AbbnNipi :nir t to

i *"-':9' :gii":t

the Governrnent. ," --*^ "-

| rlit." i" *i:;*e wbo wish .to hafe brnnchll.,llj;1n,,',1-,1*1,f,i:ll,'n':ii,:'T"'"r[**,H I ;,rt:,,,t,*ii1 *':;i, i:ili1pffii,,i';ill'l:*i*iiilT:!i:Jii:,t?iltfiliifi"fi,,i#; I :"i'.e'Hi[l'{,; u*. ";;';,i,;';ii,;i#*i",lll.L'i_1"",,1,1 *_'ly jl.o,'ll,!t,11d jl he. Aban .r.1" I *.p.: -{o:i ,orr!. Mi,,ngio;ooir"i:#riT.U",per;mits lrim tolso r,shon i,oia:iii'"-.qi,;ii; I ll1l:11:"lr*tli,,r.'j"i,ii#,$Ti1',i1,^.rr,"guilty' '1'helc

nrc sorno.'_r1u*i.". l l tr ' .6"ry- | gover'ment

_morl-rrou Do put to ,rhame,.,anrl,.f:H.il_tl_"t lal ofr, aa ! lf.? f*** f_,",["io | 6ntleorhcr,fr*oal.,ur.o"ltrirfford, toput:b,ir]ericl

;{;:;;;i;;oT '^iii"il#ili.:"ffi;J'l?:tT I ''fr:j,"$i:'r-il*,:,1.'r_"1:FIijd;:, ,

1f53^bfilg,9] a,ryo3tll,ror eacr m',n..,: .,r.,i.; :,, : | ,raitooed rarerv in *t"ti",t?"otl3;liu,lL:i"^oinuul-u9 1,"'"pi'{hr;#;1; ;lfi#T;;;ia*., I tettooed latelv in Balpi {n,}fatu:',tio"'i:l!,:i:

"m'J"r' *'f. JJil tnree .artemprs to .tni I u"Ii**,"t1*;"9.*g,;1'.{f+rJi.1,i.,il;Tft,i-

llc,,.tior vill Aban tiil;,'t;; r"il oJii"' i'"",i I t.qr.nce of this rina thei? dectoili;;'*;;;;estrn in.h i -* r rcphew. . -


i;;*,;';;j,;;;_[] ;:';:X;1Jit,i:T fJ'f.ff I ;;;,1'"i:'il;'*tl"T';, can't'irffora ro purb* ericr;goon goirig to trfirl<nu; .iin,f .i,iuiii";lr;r;;;.i;jarranlemEn r'itr' iii,l,' abod r trrdi' cnp,*..'-; I i::. *t|l;ltl l,lilfllti:?ffii njifffrF.T; q b,lJiifl - :'Ji"6,'r: p;U *;y * -l** I ::tlt lll-r *i: ;:m *ifil' t ;,r#l;'i|;"ii :',1]:oToTit

"tit i,,, but "iii,,t.; {,; ;;""1' I ror the o' K' I\Iiang'tw'1tl-s-y"q s"#ilHii!:

11rr {1inss. .ir.:tbiuk l;til;*,lli,tf'*i;;; I *!:i " -fit,1J,,i,";[3:F;*i*;i:*ij::

i. 1j,.,u1"-,n"i'!,'*i, 'r,r."1e.1

,,i,e 1;,.." ;J", l,f;.f::;ffi,".llilf, r"ii"i;il"'',iii;#-lih;;i::?'bli,lj"l.- c*". o.{ rri*rs:di',i;X;;: I pl*ii"j"n.."g,.1r,:Jloj:,t:ififllji_t'l;, i#li L1q,:ri i:*ff ;1l, i;t, ffi . 1 ""^!tr I ] i#:-i;ffi#ft l*r ; ;i-*xffi-illti:iJi:'tlit,ir:'t1,lx,,"fl lrjr*i,:ffi Ii*ix'i:x;i"tff Jr;k;;tHt+,l..: t'fr *;'bnt, the.y rvnl. . lnicl his

;*:ii:l,li l.:i.llii:',ffffJ;:T,"1'i1,,'Ire#ji I ,,,'1?'#!i*-l;l,jl'd, '1 ",r1',!i6:; :q,,:'sii*ii*r+*#!','i-.':*J,fi i*+:yj*+:l;J;;;lf,:m-*i31{+r'**ini;"lllfl;idi ffi"l";,!,r',iq4.;,1;:;;a:il;il;,]iil l ,- Fo"*r.i,n-A1;,11'if,J,H fty.irili m,;.#:iqT:r;3'.:'.'liil;-;iix;.;ulli."TJ::fi Il,}f ilill#';",:Tiili.l,ll;**:;;:if i:i#rrveeu 5ul'&tn nutl Bttlongan, and-if ,tirey. reraail I l)y:rng^ r'atirna u. I{.,:d.r-r'r'a, , ;t," . i"rla".J*.t..r;'l:J,:.:.,,i1 :jl1_':t:'_f..9..'"iti; tfe i';[; ii'r,i.i, I i']l y.* -"a-"i,iia,,ir"]";i;.;;;'tj;, ilili.",j' : lff ;*:*;::"ir*11 11;f{i":'"uope rvlu spring up wirL i1'at r:iver..,. , . I

no, o lorf ii_u f;-Ai?i"frJl,;!l-:T'h.: luq,,*,^ntsusecl to le ftlg,ge.bur*..o. I ::t: ll.], fi:l] ."t 1,*1 g*trl,.i"a1rr-1,,#"''.i.. i"ll!."'fii,,j;;I',:n,;i;:*t.*irrl"nffi; I flil'i5},.;i;fi'#il*i1i;:t",.::rffij*,it-r.'tfesp would be eirher.orn,,uaio*,i'r,;;*;,,j;;: I l,:g,i^:?*" ,Noli.ce,senr,to tu"-uon'frl rrruufircture. , . -:-:i,:: .l-r".1 ::"1. I rtesiderit .of 1st Dioision. ior.. li,ifrtiftiii"'t"r-Sunilny, tr{'za, fssi. :

' ' ' ', ' j .mation, uotice nlqopent tu I{.,'iarrniUT*-Ji,,- rlre l'Brrjans ii,,'.*,oJ ,.i,,r,*r i"',', xr,rra-' | ,,i"1tll"?t"ll'u'. ,li*il:11,1:*"lo.,i<lffi""g t"T:11

schco:rer .and' trrc 'n"irr *ri i .h *. ' l r do 'oi wn,nf, oritr ",,.t" '^'{;ul3orstand.that


6::'.',:f;';:lJ :i:,ft:;TJiiis#l iJ,jiliXJ::Ji: I do not want auv nip nia -ihrg["b"'r""".s

i,,ranri ror s,;n i;;;,i*$r:,t'l'Jft1".,3;fr#j i flri:l*:!t"il"u,nij *"1]:;jr$B';;ll:';',.,r:-jlttt p"a'1i'ira'.; i;;;) #;;J;il I:'tlTt"lijl*k;":;";:l;;iii;*_ilf I1i,:i' ttro rciter') nrrcl clritdr., f;;;)."r'';il;;il-l :"h1:toiil;"ft*!uJi,i;iii"l'uon;iu;l_;.til.#ll./:!?":ff",:"1q"":*, y ̂ p:i;G1. :. ., "'T,?elxyr:.',il:l;iif,i:ir"Jl',::Tlir,o..r,iraie* *r""".'i*,. *:;*ilf-"-X* lt Fetrrer i":i:-'lliiHii!'t?fuiliiir'o"",,r'o"i',s''b..u-r''i';;;f;i-.

"r'eri B.*f;il.;;: | $,1,L*,'.;fl?ili"l:.;,:-;l;;;l;;;'.-riou,I#r,';f ;::l' ilf,l?t:#'l"r.v" **'l:ljlii r . - . ..Tu$nesd.av; Ma?eir 26, 1s84. ' l<reposirs hc e unrir t $_.:1fu:ril"il;;;'; I s.,,t,,Hffiifl;ufflffi#ililono,,,"no,,,.l':::il. "ir,:'*;:J*r::fri*ly:11:::, r - rhursdriv, nfalcrr z7, o'a. I*_6camp. ond rre mrrsuon no acco*nr r,",ii.*j

| , nnogorJi;;:Titog'il;it,:,i;#li. do*n roii"?",ili:tii':i?;?,i1,".T:ilii""".iyl* I :*l*.:;,i:'.ik:."ening ,,Bujaig Baram,,;i;l;;,^i;"t;l:.:.;f;',",L11il,iil'f11#?tJ,:l I a*ivodwitit.a j"'\r" tsw.- i , ;- , r,,ceruiug one lta a T)vn,lr ' ., ir .+^ ,":,,^' ' ' .^^-- I -

'Fliday, i l Iarcli 28, fgd+.

iiili"f,r i!::ili l3i:ilonilo ril;l:,v{!i3 | noog... -;;ilr';#i3':!_'1,1i'"ui;'e,r..,.,*urouua irii ii. .r,l,iir.r', *.ere rrremsetr* I X[ i:,',"",101"*l'"^-:,*^^t*u-!?Tiy;{";;r\the letters I hnve reeeived f.;"i,U, ii."hfrl

" , : ' ' '

. ' r;:;::'i. - ; l ' ' ' .

' ; . , , . , r :1 i ! ' : ,1 j ;1

1 ' . r , l . i r ' ' : ! ! ,

. i , : ' . ; . : : ' . : '

,l '-

, ' :'. :'


, i.: ,lr

: l ' :

i r : :

t u ill!;#

. i

Page 10: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test

1 .

I - 1 : -

j 68 , THE sARAWAI(:e.tZrirrE,izno.JUNE;tise+.jRajah since f .have heltl ibe Thi,l:p"u srnce I havs heltl tbe Thirdr.Division.,rney are,to remain in Kuching,unti l.H.iH, re-tur,ne f*m FggJanrl.'i _T.hi, i" iai..-t i

"aciae"i._..P.14. jr_ {it:e: deposited $6d0, being,proceeds,bfgulra :tonnd ., in somo.,pewlyi 'disdof.,:ed, place;: up 'rutow; rvh_i-ch,stiowi itt* ri;U*iJioi,o.t;exlrausted., VelVe,.off<jedp.qmp, in,jB;j"rf;i' 3 Bram " o u t, of ord ert g et".lli $", irr."tf "g1,.

.*. .;. Sqlurddy; Maitdh 29,. 1884;,;;;i.;_ \yrore to,Tania

!;i'.,il ' it"j;;,;;;;;r;;, him on. no:accodnt to- go bn: ulit; ana saying:l:1i_l.uhoulh bo glarl fi;,.. tii*'t";#'rhirna,getns! somo enemies of goVernmentj,but with- j:.out mentiori'm'ds; :-t.: i i ., i .,rt1rr.,, i .o, j

-. ' .

. Iirngers gettingr timbef out of foiee6 .'\r[/.r,ot"i,to Tnma Liai ab-ou! aUooe, .rra'rrffds;,irjrn:

-ogtuT_: ro 6ee rie,. , Sent,him a cbop dakirLim ;ruali oi .;ir-it.ln*;;;;;; f.;fi:ig:Tirrjar. q chbp ateo to-O.fl-p"i.f,_t loJntr

,m&krDS -hiq,, Iunh of nl l people of i l re

;::f.::ll^yy, be in Tinjar. - r io"'Ja.r"y.a.grvlng tlrese chops unti l now forreisons. f i 'rstthar.botlr 'I 'uahs-might bu.o,n. *.ri ' ! . i"-fri i jr"a.:r1*.u9o,r r uarrs mrglrt.lrecome well .establishcdln .tlr!,rr, secondly rbut Abuu.JaLi .iniqlrt

no[be abls to talre offencei ,i"., ir-tfri"[;;;;_per 19 notify:to me.his ,on'. i,rt.oiir"-,51" -on ullr, I de_la,y no longe[ to issrre these chons.

_ . $unday, March 80, 1gS+., . ..,. ..,i ', ,- One Brili im cJme from tnu'*ooit ; ,rvs ilrar,Lorira D-oone only got, oot- oi-ir,. ',t?'.,j i".tlVednesdriy. nroogiit * l;;;';trff;who sa,itl lie hns neig from Ni- i"i'"r*iiltll;illat tho-. mau *r,o ou, -iat irili;;t"., :e1! trom l-he, mou ilr two Clrineee:ivlio I Iia,A.lvRIKe(t &lOnS tlle Lench- thav'.airl f;n,j; rTr,',r^*; ..lvnllie(t along the Loach, thev'saicl from T,itorri

' I i.1":'I $u'91 ai] tlis tHd,',;ina,it.q^rilntyibnt Jappar -rhoughr,:,.."^: li!i;i;;rijiti;"";:, I


ff".:,,1'3iil;xllf ilu?:il,$;,i"91;"'r*r: l':illi'",[,{#t:""il,l.r*H'f*i:"Htu,*$i,*Tq'1"Tff 1.11"",i,x"{,y;i;,*.'ln;il.:}h1"1'"ffi i1r'*ffitYJii;til;lraye,drifred our anit becn' d-rowne? h",l ti;.; i ; r3;43!i;;-ii*"otraio,;ru"h"";;: i;lil':n'i"hl'iillT: "J {en d "!h;-;"d";il; I tHokian, rr,e.y tei-r ralu,oliirf't *jl';t-|,* l r-, ll-poElE.eo"upnu;,ru*t-t loti lan' I ' lrey tell.rad thei'r story isYquits'tr,b^ i" ' 'anil o'no Ah Toi who re lr.€r.e \y&s*r:qrioi'te,l 1

oavotthel rinis'o.hiqh1.1,,

'r: i-llil .l'l

llluu3i.#,,,1*"ro"s. arii.oi';Jfr,;;';ffi | _ I_ |.'Uii,:*I,.i:o"",;,r*,,,:1,,;iti

;AtrtT,'[fir##r'r*l*:-=sii1:' | # l€ i;;G;f ' 'r1'1': :':';iiNd;; i,; r.."' l'B"i',t, an tho co'reuis ,.'.1 | s lrrl ,q fl f t'- | "-"*,;;.;-i';li;f,hTi:$",Jll,-r* io in;uGarii; r,;.,i; I Hil i ll:!ii-jBl;;r"1,;;.,, .li*

;.ktfl'ff,,r.-,rg,"i.i::,,?i;*'g*lJtjn It{| illiiii ;,ffi-' '"''""'o'' ', =,i',. i , 's.d"".r"i i i ,; i ' i ,a,t?'^,, i;;: lyl i l lJl i l ' i ! ; l :! : ! ., ' , l l i ,

t'&ne'-milclr guttn also coltecrccl by the peunns. I oY""l H I : g I |')I,,j!rt,r,sunday. Fuu |rdt

iT,i,Jl h'k 'n:,*;1";:;,a;",T;*;x"tn i [:i:l ,a i iiil r'iil';';;i'*" Tiul.lff*lt.:-n.r**-iTi,i .;';Fi li;irr'fiff I

'il$-l il I ltll i,iil"i "-''|::',t, ,' xi#

.o'K' 'rumonssons

- '"vl thar Beciin ,o", I Bn' I li | 3.?B I B:r*t t r:

ij*tiffiiilur"'*:* r:;-':lxi: | [iil ii'lt'ii| #'i: I*:1';{iii#:'ln"!' ':'1;i,nesg. Sdnt tho', skull.oboa,goingro',arn,-:.1!i;;'io'dfi'Xi;Tit if{.'i ii lii,iiliiii :; ' , ':.''.;i'r!.neur th-ar.&,"r,iol,. beronging to u. rru. I #i I ti I ;,iil ilii

' ', :;.j

1,1!,:,*'",*"tJL'o.o?ioTLil::J;l;il$jiT I ft=i ii I i,iil l,ll | *'."',::,t.r'; " r'*i,a-' ;:,;,i1l;,t#$1i; *.ff ;,;' I ffi.l 1;! i;zsl ;:li i nt*t#s,i'#;"J,,,*iri,,ja.,-r,rin;il8;;i;h r,i". ruai;-;;';;iil | $l Ilii l{| l.lil ,-. ;',*;i

J;ll:f',*trfl *i-u ;l""ltt-*lrr- d;;; I g]ii].tr{,illl l-quaaa; ni,i;'iii


Page 11: Sarawak Gazette 1884 - Test

172 THE

?Ac47 yrt issrN

Orving to the carelessness of a Sa-rawah Nakoda; a'larse fire-occfiiibd ijn't'hc'plain .to' the seiwo.rcl {of .tli'e'foi:t..:'Ihe nran threw a jightecl match on ttrbparched grass;'gnuiing'a bl6,zb'which'come yei')' ri6ht the'forl, hhd {edtioyerl'the honses anil gardens of ihree.Chi-nose Enr'deners. .The.,Nahocla .hasbeen oldered to pay'clamas'es."whichseerrg' to have hid"'a sbod" bfftict. as'tne nrds'hdcl'' bestr ot cvommtin'Sddiil:,rence for some time"irasb .rina'thbre

lrave'beer i 'none since. | ' : " , ' . '

. ' .L . .

A nralicious attempt has.been mricleto se[ fire to Awang Tengah's -houserrncl to a neigtrbouring honie in:rvhich\yere only rvomen. a kiis rvas thrusiup' ihrorish 'thb 'floorins. ''ilniioiVlvmissins i cliiltt. I'he ibrnetratorshnve n"ot^en tliscoveieclj : :'

'' ;' , ' , , ' , 1 : . ; . , ' , : , . r . , 1 ; , . , ' - . ; r i . ; ; : . - ' ,


TI-re expOrt trade has again {q!enoff t luring the past rrronth, only 369picnls of rattans and {3 picnls of gnt-tn having been exbolLecl. as aq'r in.st983 riicul"s of ratials-ancl 131 iricnlsof gutia rluling' the srme moritir.iait

: : : : ' \ l V V t g ( ! O V r D ' I { r l $ g u ( ! U U Y

! t : _ _ _ _ ! -

)'eiu'. .To Seo Septembcr 30bh. t lLe totalis valuecl at ovel S 1 003::,,ieclense is valueil at over' $11,003':,

' BAT t i \ l f . ' . . ' i

' : : ' '

An cp.iclernic of fevel has set in,:in tireupper Barotu.

. A boatful of refusees from llutons'hns alrivecl nntl the ieople are ru,rkin[cl.enrings a shoi:b distrunce .bdlorv,thifort. A large influx of l-rimb-ang pe{ple, at whose irantls the Pangirnri-Te-monggong of Brunei ratel,y suffered nroilulse, is expecieil shortly, fhey aroreporfed to be rb[iring toryorcls theborder,' their" tlestination being abranch s[ream of the Baram. the Tntri.Prrngilari Dipa, of Brunei, iras seni arness&ge expresging a desire to re-.movc into ths Baram, if the Govern.ment rvill permit.irim to reside af 'Pelgalainn an?l, rviliiexeinptiliim and his'fo*llolels frotn pilying exemptio{r tqr,,,

I{any peoplc are no\Y removingbncli fronr Biutuln anrl' othel places,rvhere they ilnd. tahen refugei


thc l.]ir,r'nnt disbricL ryae 'ceded to Sa-rir,\T&li, nnd'rvheril the

-nraior,iiy harl

bcetr lcsitling for thc past eight iears.

Aban Jau. beiris. unable io lav hiblne in cnsh, tiaii,Trii#ri!,aea ah:iristat- "mebt ia brbssiiare, .h'e:I1i:eliadmitted .his cririe oncl beEsedifi6 G;nitiirdenttq a 9 at, I enieiitly-#ith :,hi*, bn,{,to, ire'.' j 1: ; 'r: r ' " "":6 laf't i id.o*il l iai i ia-c€ I v o. ll1.€ 0 {* I s.\Y,P f .9 ̂,.,at P9,o,w g ;Y. llT Iuon. 'yrz: r\yenry

'fite inibuls.l'.With .regorcl to Aban Semuir's^paiiy (at pi'e-sgnt in 'Kuching jail),ihe_; ie r entirelyin, !!.e, hqnds.of the,GpypTpmerr!..1; .,1In'tol<en

of their completb riubmissiop;he and his peoplg..haye .moved. {ownib, the, mouth ;,of ,tlie: lTisa-m,' F.g{' axeno*: bui ld ing, their , ,houses.: : i in, ; the-banks of the Tinjar. . Tisam is,'oneciayis pnll from the ,mouth of ;''theTinjar,,anil". is the

-.rylin,.roube, to,the.',

head oI thg Biptpiu rivpr,',$, being- possible in the -ruiny..rieason. to .draga fair sizecl boat from one .river to.theother:. The.Iruah peopie are alsq,go-iug to:shifb into the main stieam... 1,i.

: . . ' - . . ; : : : - - - - ; - . / ! . j , l - - ' r , . t ' : I

abin Jau is almost' in ' l i is

,riotageand little attenbiqn is p aicl io hiri.His;sg.n, Aban Batu, is.the,real chiefanrl conclucts liis faihtir's . affuild ; heyill shortl.v comg clown u f,9r!. .

".- . ; ' . : : . .

' . . ' . . r - - \ - ' ' ' ' ' :-Tire' Siboti : rruopt. 5i'e,1, ablid[{e,f irt'

- tl i6 jf,il I lb f-'t tr e i i' tjlit eri eiiiiy,- A6'ri [t f ;'i'"of ivUbur' thbi hrlv;. tritir[it,; lifetl irithe sreabesb "'fear. ' O.i "ond'l 'of : 'I i is

-maia"ndirrE ,excutsions he Lilled the

orang .Iliia I'ingong'b' broilr'ei antdt r v o o t h e r r e l a f i v e s . . ' ' . ' . . ' , , : i . : . , , , , 1 ,

The Niahl'people have', ndvbr'. beenrcbuallv attackecl bv''Abau Jau. butfor:' malv' vearJ thiv'have beeii:keprin a stai6 6f suspettse'in coii,ffianlaor reueatecl threats. hdnc'e""a'nublber .of thbse' people.'rbmovdtf io Biniulu'som'e yeais ago, ttrey'irdve"'norv re-'iurried.


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