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Page 1: SAPIENZA - · Negli anni ha sviluppato una forte collaborazione con l'Agenzia spaziale italiana (ASI) e, sin dalle origini del Programma ... Sapienza alia International

Consiglio di Arnrninistraztone

Seduta del

2 1 LUG. 2015


Nell'anno duemilaquindici, addi 21 luglio aile ore 15.36, presso jl Salone di rappresentanza, si e riunito il Consiglio di Amministrazione, convocato con nota rettorale prot. n. 0048107 del 16.07.2015 e integrato con nota prot. n. 0048629 del 20.07.2015 per I'esame e la discussione degli argomenti iscritti at seguente ordine del giorno:

............. OMISSIS .

Sono presenti:il rettore, prof. Eugenio Gaudio; il prorettore, prof. Renato Masiani; i consiglieri: prof.ssa Antonella Polimeni, prof. Maurizio Barbieri, prof. Bartolomeo Azzaro, prof. Michel Gras, sig. Domenico Di Simone, dott.ssa Angelina Chiaranza, sig. Luca Lucchetti, slq.ra Federica Di Pietro e iI direttore generale Carlo Musto D'Amore, che assume Ie funzioni di segretario.

Assistono per iI Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti: dott. Massimiliano AteIIi e dott.ssa Alessandra De Marco.

II presidente, constatata I'esistenza del numero legale, dichiara I'adunanza validamente costituita e apre ta seduta.

............. OMISSIS .

Mod 1003universita degli Stud: dl Roma "La Sapienza"

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Consiglio di Amministrazione

Seduta del

2 1 lUG. 2015



II Presidente presenta, per la discussione, la seguente relazione predisposta dal Settore Convenzioni dell'Ufficio Progetti e Fund Raising dell'Area Supporto alia Ricerca.

Da parte del Prof. Sergio Marchisio, Ordinario di Diritto Internazionale presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, e pervenuta la proposta di adesionealla IAF (International Astronautical Federation). Si rappresenta che il Prof. Marchisio sin dal 2007 partecipa ai negoziati per I'adozione di un Codice di Condotta Internazionale per Ie Attivita nello Spazio Extra­Atmosferico.

L'adesione della Sapienza all'lnternational Astronautical Federation (IAF) rappresenta un'importante opportunita per rafforzare la dimensione internazionale della nostra Universita nel settore delle attivita spaziali.

La Sapienza estata culla delle attivita spaziali italiane sin dalla nascita del Progetto San Marco. Negli anni ha sviluppato una forte collaborazione con l'Agenzia spaziale italiana (ASI) e, sin dalle origini del Programma spaziale italiano, docenti della Sapienza sono stati coinvolti nei piu importanti programmi dell'Agenzia. Secondo uno studio recentemeote pubblicato dalla Thomson Reuters - "The Future Is Open -2015 State of Innovation" - la Sapienza si colloca al terzo posto a Iivello mondiale, e primo in Europa, tra i "Most Influential Scientific-Research Institutions in Aerospace".

La IAF e il principale network internazionale in materia di attivita spazialL Ai suoi lavori partecipano Ie plu importanti agenzie nazionali e internazionali, universlta, enti di ricerca e societa private che lavorano e investono nella ricerca. Attualmente la Federazione conta 282 membri da 64 StatL La quota di partecipazione per Ie Universita e di 440 € annul. Tra gli Enti pubblici di ricerca italiani che aderiscono alia IAF vanno menzionati I'ASI, il CNR, il Politecnico di Torino e l'Universita degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II":

La IAF promuove la cooperazione internazionale nell'ambito della ricerca e della diffusione della conoscenza in materia di attlvita spaziali. La Federazione costituisce, infatti, una piattaforma per prornuovere ricerche e progetti, e consente alia nostra Universita di accedere a una rete globale di potenziali partner per sviluppare sinergie con Ie agenzie spaziali, Ie altre universlta, il settore industriale e gli enti di ricerca.

La Federazione promuove 10 scambio e la diffusione di conoscenze e buone pratiche tra gli stakeholders e promuove attlvita per studenti e giovani

universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Mod 1003

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Consiglio di Amministrazione

Seduta del

2 1 lUG. 2015


professionisti, anche attraverso finanziamenti per favorire la lora partecipazione a eventi in materia di attivita spaziali. L'adesione, dunque, rappresenta una significativa opportunita per la formazione dei nostri studenti.

La nostra Universita puo, inoltre, trarre vislblllta da questa partnership, promuovendo eventi e corsi relativi aile attivita spaziali sulla newsletter IAF, inviata a oltre 30.000 contatti in tutto it mondo, e nelle pubblicazioni promozionali della stessa Federazione.

Professori, studenti e ricercatori potranno partecipare aile call for papers e ai lavori dell'lnternational Astronautical Congress (lAC), I'evento annuale che riunisce tutti i membri della Federazione. L'adesione garantisce ai membri anche I'accesso allo lAC Paper Archive con pill di 22.000 testi . scientifici.

In ragione di tali considerazione si ritiene che I'adesione della Sapienza alia International Astronautical Federation s'inserirebbe in un percorso di crescita dell'intero Ateneo, utile a consolidare la propria posizione d'eccellenza nel settore delle attivita spaziali.

L'adesione alia Federazione comporta il versamento annuale di € 440,00. Nello Statuto (art. 5.2 lettera a e lettera b) della Federazione e prevista la possibilita di recedere dalla compagine sociaIe tramite comunicazione scritta da inviarsi al Direttore Esecutivo della Federazione con congruo anticipo rispetto alia riunione plenaria dell'Assemblea Generale.

Per I'adesione, il Prof. Paolo Gaudenzi, Ordinario del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale, si e reso disponibile a sostenere, con i fondi del Master in Satelliti e Piattaforme Orbitanti impegnati presso il proprio, Dipartimento, I'importo in parola.

Analoga relazione sara sottoposta all'esame del Senato Accademico nella prima seduta utile.

Allegato parte integrante: Guide to Membership

Allegato in visione: Statuto IAF

univcrsita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Mod. 1003

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Consiglio di Amministrazione

Seduta del

2 1 lUG. 2015


.......... OMISSIS .



• Letta la relazione istruttoria; • Valutate Ie cpportunlta derivanti dall'adesione alia IAF; • Valutata, altresi, la disponibilita fornita dal Prof. Paolo Gaudenzi,

Ordinario del Oipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale, a sostenere, con i fondi del Master in Satelliti e Piattaforme Orbitanti impegnati presso iI proprio Oipartimento, I'importo di € 440,00 richiesto per I'adesione alia IAF per iI corrente anna;

• Considerata I'importanza della partecipazione ad una iniziativa di assoluto valore


della dlsponlblllta manifestata dal Oipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale a sostenere, con i fondi del Master in Satelliti e Piattaforme Orbitanti, I'importo riportato in narrativa


Presenti n. 11, votanti n. 9: con voto unanime espresso nelle forme di legge dal rettore e dai consiglieri: Polimeni, Barbieri, Azzaro, Gras, Oi Simone, Chiaranza, Lucchetti e Oi Pietro


• di approvare I'adesione alia IAF (International Astronautical Federation);

• di autorizzare iI Magnifico Rettore all'adozione di tutti gli atti necessari per iI perfezionamento dell'adesione in parola;

• di stabilire, fin da ora, iI recesso dalla IAF laddove, per gli anni a venire, nessun dipartimento dimostri interesse ne disponibilita a fornire la copertura finanziaria necessaria a coprire la quota associativa.

Letto e approvato seduta stante per la sola parte dispositi

IL SE Carlo

.......... OMISSIS .

Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Mod. 1003

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Guide to Membership



Contents>> WHO WE ARE





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Guide to Membership

Founded in 1951, the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) is the world’s leading space advocacy body with 282 members from 64 countries on six continents including all leading agencies, space companies, societies, associations, universities and institutes worldwide.

Following its theme “A space-faring world cooperating for the benefit of humanity”, the Federation advances knowledge

about space, fostering the development and application of space assets by advancing global cooperation.

As organiser of the annual International Astronautical Congress (IAC) as well as other thematic conferences and workshops, the IAF actively encourages the development of astronautics for peaceful purposes and supports the dissemination of scientific and technical information related to space.

Who We Are

What We Do


The Federation’s International Astronautical Congress, the IAF Global Networking Forum and various committees provide unique collaborative platforms for experts from space agencies, industry and research


The Federation is building a future of cooperation, development and international friendship, bringing together experts from experienced and emerging space nations alike


The Federation has many well-established channels to disseminate information within its global network and the wider space community


The Federation’s prestigious awards are presented annually to individuals who have distinguished themselves in the global space community


The global network of the Federation and its dedicated publications help to promote the public appreciation of space activities worldwide


To nurture new talent, the Federation has many activities for students and young professionals to facilitate their attendance at IAF events and connect them with senior experts

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Guide to Membership

IAF Technical & Administrative Committees

Technical Committees

>> Astrodynamics Committee

>> Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee

>> Committee for the Cultural Utilisation of Space (ITACCUS)

>> Committee on Integrated Applications

>> Committee on Near Earth Objects

>> Committee on Space Security

>> Earth Observations Committee

>> Subcommittee on the Global Earth Observation System of Systems

>> Entrepreneurship and Investment Committee (EIC)

>> Human Space Endeavours Committee (Human Spaceflight Committee)

>> Knowledge Management for Space Organisations

>> Materials and Structures Committee

>> Microgravity Sciences and Processes Committee

>> Space Astronomy Technical Committee

>> Space Communications and Navigation Committee

>> Space Education and Outreach Committee

>> Student Activities Subcommittee

>> Global Workforce Development Subcommittee

>> Space Exploration Committee

>> Space Life Sciences Committee

>> Space Operations Commitee

>> Space Power Committee

>> Space Propulsion Committee

>> Space Systems Committee

>> Space Transportation Committee

>> Space Economy Committee

Administrative Committees

>> Committee for Liaison with International Organisations and Developing Nations (CLIODN)

>> Congress and Symposia Advisory Committee (CSAC)

>> Finance Committee

>> Honours and Awards Committee

>> IAF/IAA/IISL Advisory Committee on History (ACHA)

>> IAF Regional Groups

>> Industry Relations Committee

>> International Project/Programme Management Committee

>> IPC Steering Group

>> Policy Advisory Committee

>> Space Societies Committee

>> Space University Administrative Committee (SUAC)

>> Technical Activities Committee (TAC)

>> Workforce Development/Young Professionals Programme Committee

IAF Committees are at the heart of IAF’s work. While the Technical Committees, composed of space experts, focus on defining the

technical programme of the International Astronautical Congress, the Administrative Committees provide specialised advice and

recommendations to the IAF Secretariat, Bureau and General Assembly.

If you are interested in joining a committee, please contact the IAF Secretariat ([email protected]).

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Guide to Membership

* Country and continent listings based on the United Nations Statistical Division classification


Algeria Agence Spatiale Algérienne (ASAL)

LiberiaYouth Network for Reform, Inc. (YONER - LIBERIA)

Libya Association of Arab Remote Sensing Centers (AARSC)

Morocco Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatiale

Nigeria National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA)

Nigerian Meteorological Agency

Republic of Kenya Kenya National Space Secretariat

South Africa South African National Space Agency (SANSA)

South African Space Association (SASA)

Space Commercial Services Holdings (Pty) Ltd


Stellenbosch University

University of the Western Cape

Tunisia ATUCOM - Tunisian Association for Communication and Space Sciences

Centre National de la Cartographie et de la Télédétection (CNCT)


Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency (NASA) of Azerbaijan Republic

Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory

BahrainA9C Capital

China Beihang University

Beijing Sunwise Space Technology Ltd.

China Head Aerospace Technology Co.

Chinese Society of Astronautics (CSA)

Shaanxi Engineering Laboratory for MicrosatellitesThe Chinese Aeronautical and Astronautical Society located in Taipei

Cyprus Cyprus Astronautical Society

India Astronautical Society of India

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)

Indonesia Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN)

IranAerospace Research Institute Iranian Space Agency

IsraelAsher Space Research Institute(ASRI)

Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.

Israel Space Agency

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.The Fisher Institute for Air and Space Strategic Studies

Current IAF Member Organisations(Africa - Asia)*

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Guide to Membership

* Country and continent listings based on the United Nations Statistical Division classification

JapanIHI Aerospace Co, Ltd.Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Japan Manned Space Systems Corporation (JAMSS)Japan Society for Aeronautics and Space Sciences (JSASS)Japanese Rocket SocietyKyushu Institute of TechnologyMitsubishi Electric CorporationMitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.Nec Space Systems Division

MalaysiaAstronautic Technology SDN BHDNational Space Agency of Malaysia (ANGKASA)

PakistanInstitute of Space Technology (IST)Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

Republic of Korea Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)Korea Astronomy and Space Science InstituteSatrec InitiativeThe Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences

Saudi ArabiaKing Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACST)

SyriaGeneral Organization of Remote Sensing (GORS)

Thailand Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA)

Turkey AMSAT-TR (TAMSAT), the Society of Amateur Satellite Technologies of Turkey Faculty of Aviation and Space Sciences,Necmettin Erbakan University Gumush Aerospace & Defense Istanbul Technical University STMTÜBITAKTurkish Aerospace Industries

United Arab EmiratesEmirates Institution of Advanced Science and Technology (EIAST)

Vietnam Space Technology Institute (STI)Vietnam National Satellite Center (VNSC)Viettel Technologies Joint Stock Company


Austria Austrian Research Promotion Agency

European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)

Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)

Joanneum Research

Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC)

Belgium Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)

CSL(Centre Spatial de Liège)

European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)

Euro Space Center

QinetiQ Space nv


VITO Nvvon Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

Bulgaria Bulgarian Aerospace Agency

CroatiaCroatian Astronautical and Rocket Federation (HARS)

Czech Republic Czech Space Alliance

Czech Space Office

Denmark Danish Astronautical Society

DTU Space, National Space Institute

GomSpace Aps

Estonia Enterprise Estonia Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab, University of TartuTartu Observatory

Current IAF Member Organisations(Asia - Europe)*

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Guide to Membership

* Country and continent listings based on the United Nations Statistical Division classification

Finland Finnish Astronautical Society

France ArianespaceAssociation Aéronautique & Astronautique de France (AAAF)Airbus Defence and Space SASCentre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)CVA (Community of Ariane Cities)Dassault AviationEADS SodernEURISYEuroconsultEuropean Space Agency (ESA)EurospaceGIFASICARE-CNRSInstitut Français d’Histoire de l’EspaceInstitut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE)International Space University (ISU)NovespaceOffice National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA)SEMECCEL Cité de l’EspaceSnecmaStarsemThales Alenia Space France

Germany Access e.V.Airbus DS GmbHDeutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Lilienthal-Oberth e.V. (DGLR)Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)EumetsatEurockot Launch Services GmbH German Aerospace Industries AssociationHE SpaceIABG Industrieanlagen - Betriebsgesellschaft mbHInsyen AGInternationaler Förderkreis für Raumfahrt – Hermann Oberth – Wernher von Braun e.V.MT Aerospace AGOHB System AG-BremenOHB System AG-MunichTesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KGUniversity of WuerzburgWFB-Wirtchaftsförderung BremenZARM Fab GmbH

Hungary Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT)

Ireland National Space Centre

Isle of Man International Institute of Space Commerce

Italy Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica (AIDAA)

CGS S.p.A. Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio

CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre

Desà Engineering srl


Italian National Research Council - CNR

Italian Space Agency (ASI)

Politecnico di Torino

Sitael Spa


Techno System Developments S.R.L.

Telespazio S.p.A.

Thales Alenia Space Italia

University of Naples Federico II

Lithuania Lithuanian Space Association (LSA)

Luxemburg SES

Norway Andøya Space Center

Kongsberg Satellite Services AS

Norsk Astronautisk Forening

Norwegian Space Centre

Poland Polish Astronautical SocietyPolish Academy of Sciences

PortugalCentre for Mechanical and Aerospace Science and Technologies (C-MAST)

Proespaço-The Portuguese Association of Space Industries

RomaniaAssociation Dedicated to Development in Astronautics (A.D.D.A) Commission d’Astronautique de l’Académie RoumaineRomanian Space Agency (ROSA)

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest - Research Center for Aeronautics and Space

Current IAF Member Organisations(Europe)*

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Guide to Membership

* Country and continent listings based on the United Nations Statistical Division classification

RussianFederationCentral Research Institute for Machine Building (FGUP/


Cosmoexport Aerospace Research Agency

Federal Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS)

JSC Glavcosmos

JSC NPO Energomash

Khrunichev State Research & Production Space Center

Lavochkin Association

Moscow Aviation Institute

Russian Academy of Sciences

Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU)

S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia

Samara Space Centre “TsSKB-Progress”

Serbia Cluster of Serbian Aeronautical Industry - UVIS

Spain Agrupación Astronáutica Española

Airbus Defence and Space SA

Deimos Space S.L.

EMXYS (Embedded Instruments and Systems S.L)

GMV Aerospace & Defence SAU

Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA)

SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A.

University of Vigo

Sweden GKN Aerospace Engine SystemsRUAG Space


Swedish Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics

Switzerland Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

SwissSpace Association

The NetherlandsAirbus Defence and Space Netherlands B. V.Delft University of TechnologyInternational Association for the Advancement of Space Safety

National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) Netherlands Space Office (NSO)

Netherlands Space Society (NVR)


TNO Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E)

UkraineDniprotekhservice, SPF, LLC Dnipropetrovsk National University Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (NTUU KPI) PJSC “Elmiz” State Enterprise Production Association, ‘KYIVPRYLAD’ State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) The National Aerospace Educational Centre of Ukraine Youth The Sergei Korolev Space MuseumThe State Scientific and Productive Center of National Space Agency of Ukraine (SSPC “Pryroda”)Yuzhnoye State Design Office

United Kingdom Airbus Defence and Space LtdSpace Enterprise Partnerships LimitedSurrey Satellite Technology Ltd Telespazio VEGA UK Ltd.The British Interplanetary SocietyUK Space Agency


ArgentinaComisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE)Federación Argentina Astronáutica (FAA)Invap S.E.

BrazilBrazilian Space Agency (AEB)Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE)

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)

ColombiaInstituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC) Sergio Arboleda University

EcuadorEcuadorian Civilian Space Agency (EXA)

Current IAF Member Organisations(Europe - Latin America and the Caribbean)*

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Guide to Membership

* Country and continent listings based on the United Nations Statistical Division classification

Mexico Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM) Instituto de Geofisica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Ramirez de Arellano y Abogados, S.C. Law Firm

Uruguay Centro de Investigación y Difusión Aeronáutico-Espacial (CIDA-E)

NORTHERN AMERICA Canada Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute (CASI)Canadian Space AgencyCanadian Space SocietyCenter for Planetary Science and Exploration, Western UniversityMDA CorporationNeptec Design GroupSpace Canada Corporation

United States Aerojet RocketdyneAmerican Astronautical Society (AAS)American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)Association of Space ExplorersCalifornia Polytechnic State UniversityDepartment of Space Studies, University of North Dakota Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation (FAA/AST) Future Space Leaders FoundationGeorgia Institute of Technology, School of Aerospace EngineeringInternational Lunar Observatory AssociationLaw Offices of Sterns and TennenLockheed Martin CorporationMicrocosm, Inc.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Odyssey Space ResearchProject Management InstituteRocket Research Institute, Inc.Secure World FoundationSierra Nevada CorporationSirius XM Radio South Dakota School of Mines and Technology Space Center Houston Space Foundation Space Policy Institute, George Washington UniversitySpace Systems/LoralTeledyne Brown EngineeringThe Aerospace Corporation The Boeing CompanyThe Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics LaboratoryThe Planetary SocietyU.S. Geological SurveyUniversity of Alabama in HuntsvilleVirgin Galactic L.L.C Vishay Precision GroupWorld Space Week Association WyleX PRIZE Foundation

OCEANIA Australia Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre (AITC)CSIRO Astronomy & Space ScienceCurtin University Engineers AustraliaRMIT University, Australia SHOALSpace Industry Association of AustraliaSpace Coordination Office, Department of IndustryUniversity of South AustraliaUNSW AustraliaVictorian Space Science Education Centre

Current IAF Member Organisations(Latin America and the Caribbean - Northern America - Oceania)*

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Guide to Membership

How to join us


» Your organisation’s profile and news on the IAF website» Your organisation’s latest developments and events featured in the IAF newsletter, sent to almost 30,000 contacts worldwide» Visibility in IAF promotional and IAC-related publications, e.g., Congress Call for Papers and Second Announcement


» Access to a global network of potential business partners, experts and decision-makers» Opportunity to promote your organisation and attract future workforce at events for students and young professionals» Privileged access to the IAF Global Networking Forum, such as roundtables dedicated to your main focus of interest


» Eligibility to join IAF administrative and technical committees» Eligibility for partnership in organising and developing IAF events and projects» Eligibility to nominate IAF Officers candidates for IAF President and Vice-President positions» Vote in the IAF General Assembly

SHAPING THE IAC» Access to members-only meeting facilities» Influence the IAC programme» Submit plenary event and keynote lecture proposals» Discounts on exhibition space» Eligibility to host an IAC


» Opportunity to nominate candidates for IAF Awards» Recognition of member organisations’ achievements in IAF e-communications


» Discounted rates for IAC registration and exhibition» Unlimited complimentary access to the IAC Paper Archive with more than 22,000 manuscripts

How to Become a Member

Membership in the IAF is open to all companies and organisations working in space-related fields. If you are interested in becoming a member, please complete the “Application for IAF Membership” form and send it together with your company’s by-law, statutes and any other relevant material to:

IAF Secretariat94bis Avenue de Suffren75015 ParisFrance

Phone: +33 (0)1 45 67 42 60Fax: +33 (0)1 42 73 21 20Email: [email protected]

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Guide to Membership

How to join us

Membership Dues Scale

Dues are paid annually in Euros according to the following scale:


Budget up to 35 Million € 1467 €

Budget between 35 - 335 Million € 2200 €

Budget over 335 Million € 2200 € + 735 € per every additional 335 Million € in budget


Turnover up to 6 Million € 735 €

Turnover between 6 - 13 Million € 1467€

Turnover between 13 - 135 Million € 2200 €

Turnover over 135 Million € 2200 € + 735 € per every additional 135 Million € of turnover

The maximum dues for an industry member is 5867 €.


Societies with up to 100 individual members 440 €

Societies and Associations

with up to 1000 corporate and/or individual members 735 €

with more than 1000 corporate and/or individual members 1467 €

with more than 2000 corporate and/or individual members 1467€ + 735 € per every additional 1000 members


Budget up to 6 million Euros/year 735 €

Budget over 6 million Euros/year 1467 €

UNIVERSITIES/SPACE MUSEUMSAll universities and space museums 440 €

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Guide to Membership

Contact usIAF SECRETARIAT94bis Avenue de Suffren75015 ParisFRANCE

T: +33 (0)1 45 67 42 60 F: +33 (0)1 42 73 21 20E: [email protected]:

Follow us on

The IAF is a non-profit organisation established under the French Law of 1 July 1901

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