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SAP Anywhere Features Overview

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1 Features Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

2 P U B L I CSAP Anywhere Features Overview


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1 Features Overview


SAP Anywhere is a SaaS front office suite for small businesses. It enables companies to manage commerce activities across multiple sales channels seamlessly, with insights into buyers, real-time inventory visibility, and unified order fulfillment.

With SAP Anywhere, companies can sell their products across multiple sales channels, including general channels, physical stores, online stores, and online marketplaces, with support for mobile, tablets, and desktops, all while maintaining a single, integrated view of their business.

This document briefly describes major features of SAP Anywhere.

Master Data

Table 1:

Feature Area Feature Description

Customers and Contacts Customers Keep track of the companies (B2B) and consumers (B2C) with whom you do business, including names, addresses, and contact details.

Manage the various sales channel accounts for each customer, as­sign specific price lists to customers, and gain detailed insights with Customer 360 dashboards, including customer ranking, or­der- and opportunity-related summaries, top purchased products, and so on.

You can also create customer appointments, notes, attach relevant files, and view a complete history of your targeted marketing cam­paigns.

Contacts Track the people with whom you do business and assign them to related customers. You can quickly create contact-specific ap­pointments, notes, and attach relevant files.

Products and Pricing Products Centrally manage product and SKU master data, including product descriptions, sales information, and related price lists, and manage product media across sales channels.

Products can be assigned to opportunities, quotations, orders, and all other business documents.

Sell products in bundle. Add components to products that are ena­bled as bundle products. You can track inventory of the bundle products and their components.

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Feature Area Feature Description

Price Lists In addition to a standard price list, create customized price lists for different sales channels.

Product Categories Facilitate purchasing and optimize the setup of your online store by categorizing products hierarchically.

Warehouses Warehouses Centrally manage your product inventory across multiple ware­houses, with real-time inventory visibility.

Vendors Vendors Keep track of the vendors from which you purchase products, in­cluding names, addresses, and contact details.

You can quickly create vendor-specific appointments, notes, and attach relevant files.

Multiple Currencies Currencies & Exchange Rates

Conduct business with your customers in more than one currency. Define the required currencies and their exchange rates, and set the transaction currency later.

Tax Rules Tax Set tax rates and effective date ranges to enable automatic tax identification in sales documents.

Marketing Campaigns and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Table 2:

Feature Area Feature Description

Marketing Campaigns Target Groups Engage in targeted marketing campaigns by assigning customers to specific groups or filtering them by attributes and order history.

User-defined fields are also supported for customer filtering.

Campaigns Run marketing campaigns and monitor customer engagement. You can target campaigns to specific customer groups and automatically apply promotions.

Generate leads, opportunities, quotations, and sales orders from campaigns. Link SAP Anywhere to your MailChimp account to send email and synchronize data (including the number of customers that have clicked, opened, bounced, or forwarded campaign emails).

Access the Campaign dashboard for a detailed analysis of campaign results.

Presales Leads Identify and qualify potential purchase interests from a contact or customer. You can qualify leads according to their readiness, willing­ness, and ability to purchase.

Leads can be copied to an opportunity or quotation.

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Feature Area Feature Description

Opportunities Manage your sales cycle, monitor the progress of your sales teams, and generate sales forecasts. Customize opportunity stages and de­fine the closing percentage of each stage to calculate the weighted amount for opportunities.

Opportunities can be converted to quotations and orders.

Quotations When dealing with potential orders, provide customers with itemized prices and apply the required discounts. When creating quotations, you have the option of applying an additional discount to all products in the document.

Quotations can be converted to orders.

Sales Pipeline Pipeline Manager Monitor your sales pipeline, identify stalled opportunities, and get an instant overview of your team’s performance. Effortlessly move op­portunities along the sales cycle from one opportunity to the next. If an opportunity stalls at a certain stage, you can identify it immedi­ately and arrange follow-up action.

Sales Channels

Table 3:

Feature Area Feature Description

Channel Setup Channels Setup and configure different sales channels for your business, in­cluding general channels, customized online stores, and online mar­ketplaces.

You can manage warehouses, payment accounts, and product list­ings for each sales channel in the channel master data.

Channel Products Define specific product lists for each sales channel.

Online Store Online Store Quickly and easily create and deploy your own online store in SAP Anywhere. You can centrally manage product listings, present in­ventory and pricing information in real-time, and employ promotion strategies.

SAP Anywhere helps you to automatically capture customer infor­mation, process orders, and manage after-sales services.

In addition, guest checkout is also supported, so that buyers have a smooth buying experience from browsing to checkout.

Storefront Customization Customize your online store with responsive and mobile-friendly themes out-of-the-box.

You can easily personalize the look and feel of your online store us­ing the theme customization tool.

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Feature Area Feature Description

Online Marketplaces Taobao / Tmall Trades Synchronize trades from Taobao / Tmall online marketplaces to SAP Anywhere, and generate sales orders as part of the order-to-cash process.

Amazon Trades Amazon e-commerce listings can be mapped to your SAP Any­where SKUs, so that prices and inventory are automatically updated in real-time. Amazon purchases are automatically synchronized to SAP Anywhere, where you can easily fulfill the order.

Data Sync Center The Data Sync Center is a log to capture success and error mes­sages for integration scenarios for all sales channels.

If data creation in SAP Anywhere or in the target system failed, you will get an error log and can resolve the issue accordingly.

Physical Stores Show & Sell The SAP Anywhere mobile Show & Sell application for iPad enables you to sell products in a physical setting.

Select and scan products for checkout, manage shopping carts, ap­ply discounts and promotions, and process refunds and returns.

The application also integrated with the typical hardware required for in-store sales, such as barcode scanners and receipt printers.

You can create new customers online in Show & Sell, and set a stamp for a product, which will be displayed in the product show­room.

At check out, available promotion benefits will be applied to the shopping cart. Your customer can pay with a combination of pay­ment methods. You can upload and preview receipt templates in the channel settings.

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SalesTable 4:

Feature Area Feature Description

Sales Sales Orders Access the Sales Order Management Center to gain a complete overview of all your sales documents at a glance.

Easily update the status of documents as you conduct business, in­cluding preparing stock, fulfilling logistics requirements, issuing in­voices, and receiving payments.

For each document, you can quickly access related logistics docu­ments, invoices and payments, service cases, related orders, and other related documents, such as opportunities, quotations, pur­chase orders, etc.

You can also process returns, refunds, and exchanges, and gener­ate follow-up orders based on the source document.

Sales Deliveries Generate sales deliveries based on one or multiple sales orders. A sales order can also be assigned to several delivery documents.

Processing deliveries includes picking, packing, and shipping prod­ucts from warehouses.

Sales Returns Record and track products returned by customers. When part of a delivery is returned, you can create a sales return based on the re­turn order.

Invoices Invoices are commercial documents issued to your customers that itemize purchased products, corresponding quantities, and agreed prices. When creating an invoice, you can specify a date on which payment is due.

An invoice can be canceled in the case that it is issues incorrectly or circumstances change.

Credit Memos Credit Memos are issued in case of damaged goods, errors, or al­lowances, and reduce the amount that a customer owes to you.

Credit memos can be generated from return orders.

Payment Accounts Configure multiple payment accounts to receive payments in-store and online, with support for popular services like PayPal, Alipay, and Stripe.

Payments Manage customer payments based on invoices and credit memos.

Prepayments Prepayments are payments made by customers in advance before the official due date, and can be used to reduce the due amount in any upcoming payment.

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Inventory and Shipping

Table 5:

Feature Area Feature Description

Inventory Goods Receipts Increase inventory levels manually, without the need for a purchase document.

Goods Issues Reduce inventory levels manually, without the need for a sales docu­ment.

Inventory Transfers You can transfer inventory between warehouses. An inventory transfer can also be carried out as a consignment. Items that are previously stored in the consignment warehouse are sold from here.

Inventory Counting Verify the quantity and condition of items in your warehouses by carrying out inventory counting.

Assembly Orders Assembly orders allow you to assemble a planned quantity of bun­dle products and add them into inventory. Accordingly, consumed component products will be deducted from inventory.

Inventory Replenishment You can make flexible arrangements for inventory replenishment ac­cording to the products in stock, committed, and purchased, as well as minimum inventory level, and reorder quantity.

Shipping Shipping Configure shipping rates and assign them to different sales chan­nels; for example, free shipping, fixed rates, or dynamic rates based on weight and region.

Set up packaging boxes, and SAP Anywhere will recommend a cost-effective way to pack and ship your order.

Manage carriers and associated shipping label templates, with sup­port for batch printing during the pick and pack process.


Table 6:

Feature Area Feature Description

Purchases Purchase Orders Record purchase orders you send to your purchasing department or vendors as a purchase order.

You can specify the product description, quantity, pricing, and tax details.

Purchase Receipts Record the receipt of products purchased from your vendors.

By generating a purchase receipt, you can close the related pur­chase order.

Purchase Returns Record the return of products to your vendors.

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Feature Area Feature Description

Inventory Replenishment Inventory Replenishment Monitor stock by warehouse, product category, vendor, or stock status, Use inventory insights to create purchase orders as either a dropship or regular purchase.

Inventory replenishment is also connected to order-to-cash scenar­ios, which allows you to process purchases for selected orders.

Customer Service

Table 7:

Feature Area Feature Description

Customer Service Knowledge Base Provide solutions online for common problems and situations to streamline customer service.

Service Cases Deal with customers' queries and complaints. Customers can create and follow up services cases in their online store account. Dedicated service staff can input service cases on behalf of customers.

You can assign Knowledge Base items to service cases as references for solving customer issues.

Analytics, Customization, and Productivity

Table 8:

Feature Area Feature Description

Analytics Reports & Dashboards Analyze your business data with charts, lists, and tables. Instant KPIs present important numbers and figures that will help you quickly gain insights into your day-to-day business performance.

Predefined dashboards and reports will help you easily gain analytics of the business objects involved. You can also define and upload cus­tomized widgets or directly select and drag-and-drop the predefined widgets to create your own dashboard.

Data Explorer You can choose to display data of Customers, Sales Orders, and Products, together with data of related business objects, and export them to Microsoft Excel for further analysis.

Customization Personalized Homepage Personalize your homepage to provide a complete overview of ongo­ing business and important updates, and change the layout to dis­play information that matters most as your business evolves.

Custom Fields You can disable system fields and add custom fields according to your business needs. You can specify whether a custom field is man­datory, and create validation rules or a list of valid values from which to choose.

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Feature Area Feature Description

Roles and Authorizations There are three predefined roles in the system. A power user can as­sign roles to users, or quickly create a new role by copying and modi­fying the authorizations of an existing role.

Print Layout You can download predefined print layouts for inventory, purchasing and sales, and modify them to generate print layouts to your needs.

Productivity Notes & Attachments Capture texts, documents, and photos, and save them as memos that you can access anywhere.

Create notes for sales documents, products, customers, and con­tacts or any other business objects, to collaborate with colleagues in the context of your business.

Activities Track customer interactions, plan and record your appointments, and track campaigns on an individual basis.

Assign activities to multiple business objects, including customers, contacts, leads, opportunities, quotations, and orders.

Data Migration Data Import and Export You can import and export data through data templates based on Microsoft Excel. Currently, business objects that support data mi­gration include: Contacts, Sales Opportunity, Products, Price Lists, Exchange Rates, Vendors, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Inventory Counting, Inventory Transfers, Goods Receipts, Goods Issues, etc.

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Important Disclaimers and Legal Information

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AccessibilityThe information contained in the SAP documentation represents SAP's current view of accessibility criteria as of the date of publication; it is in no way intended to be a binding guideline on how to ensure accessibility of software products. SAP in particular disclaims any liability in relation to this document. This disclaimer, however, does not apply in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of SAP. Furthermore, this document does not result in any direct or indirect contractual obligations of SAP.

Gender-Neutral LanguageAs far as possible, SAP documentation is gender neutral. Depending on the context, the reader is addressed directly with "you", or a gender-neutral noun (such as "sales person" or "working days") is used. If when referring to members of both sexes, however, the third-person singular cannot be avoided or a gender-neutral noun does not exist, SAP reserves the right to use the masculine form of the noun and pronoun. This is to ensure that the documentation remains comprehensible.

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