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Sample on

Safeguarding & protection

of vulnerable adults

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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 4


PROTECTION OF VULNERABLE ADULTS.............................................................................. 4

1.1 Difference between concept of safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults................4

1.2 Evaluating the impact of policy development on approaches to safeguarding vulnerable


1.3 Legislative framework for safeguarding vulnerable adults................................................... 5

1.4 Influence of serious case reviews on quality assurance, regulation and inspection relating

to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults...................................................................................... 5

1.5 Protocol and referral procedure at the time of harm is alleged..............................................5


2.1 Promoting service provision to support vulnerable adults to assess risks and make choices6

2.2 Providing information to other on..........................................................................................6

2.3 Identifying policies and procedure that contribute towards safeguarding and prevention of

abuse............................................................................................................................................ 7

2.4 Monitoring the implementation of policies and procedures that aim to safeguard vulnerable


2.5 Providing feedback to other on practice that supports the protection of vulnerable adults...7

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VULNERABLE ADULTS.............................................................................................................. 8

3.1 Protocol for working in partnership with other organization.................................................8

3.2 Reviewing the effectiveness of system and procedure for working in partnership with other


4.1 Supporting participation of vulnerable adults in an review of system and procedures......... 8

4.2 Evaluating effectiveness of system and procedure................................................................ 9

4.3 Challenges in effective practice in the promotion of the safeguarding of vulnerable adults.9

4.4 Recommend proposal for improvement in systems and procedure ...................................... 9


REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................. 11

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INTRODUCTIONSafeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults is imperative task for care home which

enables them to provide safe and appropriate environment for them. It assists to protect their

right and increases their capability in society so that they live with freedom. Present report is

about care home of UK which provides good quality of services to those people who are not able

to take their own care. Further, report elaborates about difference between concept of

safeguarding and protection of such type of people. In addition to this, legislative framework is

also explained which provide information regarding protecting rights of vulnerable adults.


POLICIES SUPPORTING PROTECTION OF VULNERABLE ADULTS1.1 Difference between concept of safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults

Safeguard is the way to promote health and social care of vulnerable adults in society or

care home. Protection is part of safeguard by which nurses and doctors of home care ensures

about taking effective care of these types of people such as children, drug addicted and old age

people who are suffering from mental disease (Bergeron, 2001). Owing to this, home care uses

several polices and procedure such as awareness training, community link as well as legislation

and regulation. On the other hand concept of protection states about policies of government for

safeguarding right of human being thereby they can be protected from abuse or harm. It assist

individual to understand about their right and manage risk in complicated situation so as to

provide them safe and effective care. Both concepts are almost similar and safeguard is outcome

of protection (Choi, 2000).

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1.2 Evaluating the impact of policy development on approaches to safeguarding vulnerable


Policy development is imperative for approaches to safeguard vulnerable adults so it has

direct impact on situation of these types of people who are not able to take their care. It affects

their mental stage and creates sense of fear or freedom among them. Development of effective

policy has impact on overall home care thereby nurses and doctors take best care of vulnerable

adults (Ellaway and, 2012). These policies assist to recover such vulnerable people as soon

as possible and also make them feel comfortable and valued. With the help of communicate in

their right by providing them awareness training home care generates positive attitude among

them. It is an appropriate way to protect their right and give them respect in an appropriate way

so that they can live with confidence (Hong, 2004).

Care homes are approaching the safeguarding by following standards related to

vulnerable people. In this regard new standards are established to provide safety for them and

accordingly care home follow the same so as to protect the right of each individual. Similarly,

Care Quality Commission is also established in order to provide protection in society as well as

local care home. Also, new laws and regulations are set in the light of safeguarding of vulnerable

people which are followed by care home as well. This is the foremost aspect by which new

standards work. With this, corporation bring modification in the current work environment. This

in turn safety and security of service users as well as care takers in ensured.

1.3 Legislative framework for safeguarding vulnerable adults

The legal policies plays significant role for ensures proper safeguarding of vulnerable

adults. It protects their right and makes them comfortable in society or home care. Here, The

Safeguard Vulnerable Group Act, 2006 provides information about professionals such as nurses

and doctors of home care who work for vulnerable adults. It prepares basis for independent home

care which assist to manage lists of persons those are excluded from working with vulnerable

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adults (Mackay and, 2012). Mental Capacity Act, 2005 specified about guideline on the

deprivation of liberty safeguard where professionals of home care have to ensures regarding best

care of vulnerable adults. It consist of overall detail related to requirement such as how and when

deprivation of liberty can be authorized for those people who have lack of capacity to make

decision for their own care in care in care home (Wild and et. al., 2012).

Moreover, Human Rights Act 1998 also safeguard the interest of vulnerable adults.

Human Rights Act describes that all the human should be considered equally and there should

not be any discrimination among the service users. Thus, it is the responsibility of home care

workers that human rights of vulnerable adults should not get violated. Similarly, Data

Protection Act, 1998 also covers under the legislative framework of safeguarding vulnerable

adults. In this, workers of home care should protect the data of those adults and should not

provide to the third party without their consent.

1.4 Influence of serious case reviews on quality assurance, regulation and inspection relating to

the safeguarding of vulnerable adults

Serious case reviews contribute towards assurance of quality and compliance of

regulations in an effective way. It can be better understood with help of serious case occurred in

UK in November 2010. Here, 22 months baby boys were dead because of serious head injury. It

was happened by neglect of child by his parents (Case reviews published in 2013, 2014). Owing

to this, mother and father of child were arrested and received 15month custodial sentence. It is

the best example for general community so as that they take best care of vulnerable adults such

as child or those who are mentally sick (Nahmiash, 2002). Further, care quality commission

visits care home time to time so as to inspect about their performance which enables them to

know that whether they complying legislative framework in relation to vulnerable adults or not.

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Furthermore, care home has started taking extra care of service users so that vulnerable

adults can be safeguarded. After certain incidents which took place in home care, CQC has

raised the standard and expect that all the home care lay extra stress on those adults. This in turn

has resulted that CQC visit to home care in a regular interval and assure the quality standards are

met out or not. Moreover, this has brought a positive change in the home care because the

worker have started taking due care about the quality service of vulnerable adults and also takes

care that their rights are not violated. hoax

In addition to this, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS) is part of Mental Capacity

Act 2005. it depicts that staff who are working in care homes, hospitals should take best care of

service users. Especially this act consider that no any person should be deprived from freedom

and all service users must be provided to freedom to live their life. The situation may be

considered in deprivation of liberty are stated as follows-

● Giving medication without consent with patients

● Proper control over patients for a long period

● Staff imposing barriers for a service users in accessing their friends/ family

● Service providers refusing to discharge a service users into care of others

All these situations depict that a person must be provided proper care in the supervision

of expert service providers. It helps to provide good quality of services to require person and

ensure their safety in an effectual manner. Apart from this, Mental Capacity Act is supported by

deprivation of liberty safeguard wherein it is ensured that whether a person is able to take

decision on not.

1.5 Protocol and referral procedure at the time of harm is alleged

Various protocol and referral procedure can be used when harm is alleged. At the time of

abuse, responsible person are informed regarding legislative framework for neglect of vulnerable

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adults (Anderson and McFarlane, 2010). I can make complaint for the same to care home so as to

ensure safeguard of affected person which facilitate to protect their right and avail them safe

environment. Further, care quality commission can also be informed at the time when abuse is

suspected which assist to take legal action against responsible person. It creates awareness

among general public so that they can take best care of vulnerable adults. Moreover, people who

are mentally sick and not able to take their care are provided training and understanding for the

same so that they can respond for abuse (Mandelstam, 2008).

If someone says that they are harmed then referral bodies should ensure that harm is

occurred due to negligence of home care and willingly the person has to entered into situation

even after knowing that harm exist. After that, body should inquire about the reason behind the

harm which is caused to vulnerable adults. If the negligence of home care is found than legal

actions should be taken care against them. Further, referral bodies complaint it CQC for taking

actions against the home care. Later, the workers should be provided adequate training and all

the human rights and other provisions should be informed which will help them to take care from

next time (Mandelstam, 2008). In addition to this, Scottish Government Health and Social Care

Directorates are responsile for NHS Scotland. These Directorates are provided detail

information related to policies and procedure for development as well as implementation of

health and social care. Similarly, Care Quality Commission is needed to be called and informed

so they can take appropriate action in case harm is alleged. In the same way, Heath and social

executives as local authorities must also be informed in order to provide protection for

vulnerable people.

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2.1 Promoting service provision to support vulnerable adults to assess risks and make choices

Vulnerable adults are supported in an effective way so as to assess risk and they can

complaint against staff member of care home if they feel any problem. Here, they can be

promoting for welfare activity by promoting education among them (Mantell and Scragg, 2011).

It facilitates them to learn about their rights to live with freedom and make choice at their own.

There are several types of services can be provided to them such as awareness training, daily

classroom activity which strengthens their mental state and they can be able to assess risks. In

order to support them to make informed choices, vulnerable adults are given right to share their

problems, their ideas which motivate them to take their own care (Pritchard, 2008).

2.2 Providing information to other on

Indicator of abuse

Indicators of abuse for vulnerable adults are physical, sexual or mental

harassment. It consists of humiliation, heating, anxiety, general resignation. Along with

these, disturbed sleep pattern and aggressive behavior indicates abuse (Peate, 2010).

Apart from this, different types of abuse or neglect are there which are mentioned as

follows. These are different abuses or neglect which need to be considered while

providing information.

● Physical abuse

● Exploitation of person mentally or financially

● Neglect

● Abusing a person emotionally or psychologically

● Sexual abuse and abandonment

● Measures taken to avoid abuse

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General ways to avoid abuse are; not allow vulnerable adults to interact with such type of people

who can harm them (Bergeron, 2001). Cares are provided training to handle them in an effective

way so as to avoid abuse and ensures safe environment for them.

Steps to be taken in case of suspected abuse

Appropriate steps can be taken when abuse is suspected so as to ensure safeguard of vulnerable

adults (Choi, 2000). Here, care quality commission can be informed for the same so that they

takes legal action against responsible person and protect right of affected people.

Furthermore, here staff are trained to recognize the abuse by seeing the face or situation

of vulnerable people. For example, they are provided training to assess the situation of people; if

person is tensed, if that person got hurt somewhere on body. Along with that aggressive behavior

and disturbed sleep of services users are the effective means by which staff can easily recognize

abuse. On the other hand training is also be provided on recognition of mental and sexual

harassment. These all factors facilitates to provide security to service users and provide safety for

vulnerable adults.

2.3 Identifying policies and procedure that contribute towards safeguarding and prevention of


There are several policies which assist to provide safe and supporting environment to

vulnerable adults. Here, safeguarding policy such as Mental Capacity Act, 2005 and Safeguard

Vulnerable Group Act, 2006 ensures for providing safe environment to them so as to recover

their health in less time. Further, whistleblowing is also effective policy which assists carers to

take strict action against those who are responsible to harm others. It facilitate management of

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organization to protect right of vulnerable adults so that they can assess risk and respond abuse in

an effective way (Ellaway and, 2012).

2.4 Monitoring the implementation of policies and procedures that aim to safeguard vulnerable


Implementation of policies and procedure that aim to safeguard vulnerable adults need

proper monitoring so as to provide safe environment to them. It requires inspecting all

department time to time and record performance of carers which facilitate to control deviation. It

also assists to obtain desired output (Hong, 2004). Further, management of care home can also

ask to affected people which assist to provide at least some relevant data regarding performance

of nurses. It assists to provide appropriate training enhance their knowledge so as to handle

vulnerable adults in an effective way. Moreover, carers are also asked to give feedback so that

corporation can cater their requirement efficiently by ensuring smooth flow of communication

(Mackay and, 2012).

2.5 Providing feedback to other on practice that supports the protection of vulnerable adults

The nursing staff of care home is communicated about the code of practices required at

workplace which facilitate to ensure safe environment for vulnerable adults. Its impact is

checked with the help of effective supervision and regular review (Wild and et. al., 2012). It

assist management of care home to record performance of employees and provide them feedback

to make improvement in existing pattern of work so as to cater requirement of affected people

appropriately (Nahmiash, 2002). With the help of recorded data, positive or negative response

for nursing staff can be given which facilitate to assess need of changes in the existing work

environment so as to take best care of vulnerable adults.

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PROTECT VULNERABLE ADULTS3.1 Protocol for working in partnership with other organization

There are several rules which need to be ensured while working in partnership with other

care home. Here, management has to pay concentration key areas of responsibilities regarding

availing finance for having highly equipped technology for vulnerable adults (Anderson, and

McFarlane, 2010). Information sharing is also important field in which both organizations ensure

proper connectivity by having sooth flow of communication. Information is shared at the time of

providing treatment to patients where doctors and therapists require to know condition of

sufferer. Here, task will be delegated among staff members like nursing staff. This enables them

to make arrangement during critical situation of patients or when preparing fro operation of

service users. Apart from this, weekly and monthly meetings are organized in order to improve

working of partnership. It proves to be effective in defining roles and responsibilities of staff

members. Accordingly task are delegated among them so that every can perform their job in

accordance with their specialization. Also, during meeting when information is shared at the time

task will be delegated to nursing staff along with authority. Further decision making plays

significant role so as to provide safe and appropriate environment for those who are not able take

care their own (Mandelstam, 2008). Both corporations have to ensure about availability of

information technology which assist them to record performance as well as report of affected

people. Moreover, they set boundary for each other regarding performing their job in an effective

way so that care home can take best care of vulnerable adults (Mantell and Scragg, 2011).

Furthermore, services users work according to the guideline provided by employers. Further,

training and development program are also taking place in the organization so as to ensure

continuous learning of staff workers. It proves to be effective. Here, roles and responsibilities

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may be given in sharing so that staff workers can complete the work in team and achieve the

collective success. Apart from this, resources are shared in common in order to carry out the

same task effectively and determine the success of business with high level of satisfaction among


3.2 Reviewing the effectiveness of system and procedure for working in partnership with other


The system and procedure for working in partnership with other care home is very

effective because it ensures proper coordination among the entire department. It facilitates to

have smooth flow of communication in workplace so as to provide safe and appropriate

environment for vulnerable adults (Pritchard, 2008). It also generate positive attitude among

them so that they can respond for abuse and harm. It also boost morale of nursing staff thereby

they can contribute their best to achieve short as well as long term objectives of care home. It

also facilitates to diversify financial risk which assist firm to reduce expenses and increase rate

of return.

4.1 Supporting participation of vulnerable adults in an review of system and procedures

The participation of vulnerable adults is imperative to reviews system and procedure. It

assists them to motivate and generate positive attitude among them so as to respond abuse and

harm. Here, care home can take feedback from affected people regarding existing policies and

procedure for providing them safe environment (Peate, 2010). Further, management of care

home can also ensures participation of them in meeting and listening their problems as well as

ideas regarding particular topic. It facilitates to make necessary changes which helps corporation

to provide good quality of services to users. They can also have personal discussion with

vulnerable adults where they feel free to discuss their doubts and confusions in relation to system

and procedure (Bergeron, 2001).

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4.2 Evaluating effectiveness of system and procedure

In order to evaluate effectiveness of system and procedure of care home, management

takes feedback from nursing staff as well as vulnerable adults (Ellaway and, 2012). They

use structural policy to assess its effectiveness by recoding performance of carers and its impact

on affected people. It facilitates to provide information regarding quality of services offer to

vulnerable adults. It ensures best care of affected people and makes them feel free with higher

level of confidence which in result fulfillment of long as well as short term objectives of care

home. After reviewing overall performance, organization gives feedback to nursing staff so as to

enhance their knowledge (Choi, 2000).

4.3 Challenges in effective practice in the promotion of the safeguarding of vulnerable adults

There are several ways thereby care home can bring improvement in ineffective practices.

Here, management of care home provides training to staff members by making them clear about

requirement of changes in existing workplace (Hong, 2004). It facilitates to provide good quality

of services to vulnerable adults. For example, company can approach to professional bodies

which can influence behaviors of nursing staff and provide them learning. It enables them to

perform better and cater requirement of affected persons in an effective way. Moreover, time to

time staff meetings and providing person centered care also assist to face challenges of

ineffective practices (Mackay and et. al., 2012). For example, ineffective behavior of nursing

staff can be improved by making them understand about its impact on their own performance.

4.4 Recommend proposal for improvement in systems and procedure

In order to provide safe and appropriate environment for vulnerable adults, management

of care home should review performance nursing staff on right time. They should be strictly

informed about taking care of affected people so as to make them able to respond for abuses or

harm (Wild and et. al., 2012). Further, corporation should have access to effective sources of

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finance which enables to them to have highly equipped technology which facilitate to provide

good quality of services. Moreover, there should be free flow of information from lower to upper

management so that care home can coordinate among all departments in an effective way.

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CONCLUSIONFrom the report it can be concluded that several system and procedure assist management

of company to take best care of vulnerable adults so that they can respond abuses and harms. It

can also be said that involvement of nursing staff as well as affected people should be there for

implement of polices so as to ensure overall growth and expansion of care home.

REFERENCES● Anderson, E. T., and McFarlane, J., 2010. Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in

Nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

● Andy Mantell, Terry Scragg, 2011. Safeguarding Adults in Social Work. SAGE.

● Bergeron, R., 2001. An Elder Abuse Case Study: Caregiver Stress or Domestic Violence?You Decide. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.

● Choi, N., 2000. Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation. Journal of Gerontological SocialWork.

● Ellaway, A., and, 2012. The socio-spatial distribution of alcohol outlets in GlasgowCity. Health & Place.

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