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Hi Hyper Island!

My name is Samira!Twitter:


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Today’s agendaWhat is growth hacking?

Difference between mf and ghGrowth hacker

Examples of growth hackingData and Metrics


break 10 minworkshop 30 min

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What is growth hacking?

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Growth hacking

“An iterative customer acquisition and retention strategy that sits at the

intersection of product development and marketing”

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Marketing VS Growth hacking

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Traditional marketing vs growth hacking

Make people want the productTraditional media such as print ads, TV and radioConversion funnel rarely determinedMore structured with plans

Make a product people wantGathers data, experiment and then determine Cheaper“Execute fast, fix later attitude”

Marketing Product/Tech Marketing Product/


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Why growth hacking?







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”Growth hacker is the new VP of marketing”In 2012 Andrew Chen published a blog post

emphasizing that coding and technical chops now were an essential part of being a great


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Growth Hacking was coined by Sean Ellis in 2010.



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Growth hacker

DeveloperProduct Owner

Data analyst


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Growth hacker

DeveloperProduct Owner

Data analyst


How about the marketer then?

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The role does not matter!What matters is:


= Mean Marketing Machine

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The traditional marketer is best poised to become a growth hacker (compared to the general population), should they choose to, if they have a strong analytical and technical mind.

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Why a Growth team?✖ They change how decisions are made✖ Better collaboration between Marketing and Developers✖ Focuses on improving existing funnel✖ Back end team tend to work with ownership and delivering

one service (i.e Worlds best search engine✖ Growth team would work with making every user do more

searches every day✖ No growth team is necessary if people aren’t using your

product! You need a user base.

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Growth hacks

✖A/B Tests✖Headline tests✖Landing pages✖Piggyback (Paypal, Airbnb)✖Fake activity on Platform (Quora)✖Private beta list

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Examples of growth✖PS: I love you. Get your free email at Hotmail.

3,000 a day.In 6 months they reached 1 million users.5 weeks later – 2 million users.

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Examples of growth

✖Dropbox went from this..

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Examples of growth✖To this:

Dropbox got 70,000 users overnight just by creating a demo video of the product intended for the Digg audience.

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Referrals increased the sign ups on Dropbox by 60%!

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Focus at the right time

Problem/Solution fit ScaleProduct/

Market fit

Growth Hacking

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PMF“Product/market fit means

being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that


creating a MVP that solves a problem.

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MVPA minimum viable product (MVP) is the the most pared down version of a product that can still be released. An MVP has three key characteristics:

✖ It has enough value that people are willing to use it or buy it initially

✖ It demonstrates enough future benefit to retain early adopters

✖ It provides a feedback loop to guide future development

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Make sure youtrack the right things!

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 data can tell you what’s happened,

but it often can’t tell you what to do next.

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Examples of Metrics

No one size fits all but…

AARRRCustomer acquisition


Lifetime ValueReturn of investment

Viral CoefficientRevenue

and so many more….

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A good metric is:Understandable

comparativebehavior changing

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Customer lifecycle PIRATE METRICSTHE aarrr

ActivationAcquisition Retention


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Acquisition Users come to your site from different channels

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You visit service X

Thanks to Twitter

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Activation They use your product

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You decide to join

service XAfter browsing through

the website

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Retention They continue to use it (yay!)

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After a few days…

They send you a weekly digest e-mail for you take part of more


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Referral They like it enough to refer it

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You like the product alot!

So you tweet about it to your friends!

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Revenue Money, money, mooooney!

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User generates break even


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Data-informed VS Data-driven

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It’s like flying an airplane. No matter how sophisticated the

systems onboard are, a highly trained pilot is

ultimately responsible for making decisions at critical


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tools✖ Google Analytics

✖ Mixpanel✖ Optimizely – a/b-testing

✖ – where you customers are✖ KissMetrics – analyze & engage

✖ – targeted messages✖ MailChimp

✖ HubSpot (a lot of features)Etc…

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Mixpanel✖ Retention✖ Segmentation✖ Retroactive funnel analysis✖ Real-time✖ More accurate data with identifying individual

users instead of cookie tracking✖ Mobile a/b-testing

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Challenges✖ Is the product ready?✖ Using the wrong metrics (page views instead

of events etc)✖ Communication between

marketing/engineering✖ Team structure✖ Hiring a growth hacker✖ Data vs intuition – where do you draw the

line?✖ Budget

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Give me a Break!(for 10


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Exercise time!

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7 groups, 30 minutes:Given the fact that your company has an app, you have the e-mail

adresses of your consumers, there are push functionalities.

pick a couple of key performance indicators, or KPIs.

what growth hacks can you execute to:

Slack, trello, swish – increase transactions

uber, foodora, periscope, snapchat - number of Users

If you have the time:Create your growth hacking team (what


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7*3 minutes

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Any questions?

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Thanks! I’m hyped!You can find me at:

@[email protected]

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