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    Project description

    Title Sailing4Youth

    Project Aim

    Fostering of social integration and active participation in society; Promotion of peaceful conflict resolution and mediation, social skills and teamwork;strengthening of practical skills like planning, cooperation and the taking over of responsibilities

    Project duration 3 MonthProject start June 2018

    Participants 8 Teenagers from Sarajevo18-20 years

    In cooperation of the NGO Fondacija Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings of Hope (Sarajevo) and the Cat-MaRe gUG (Germany/ Croatia).

  • Table of Content

    1 Overview......................................................................................................... 1

    2 Purpose and Needs.......................................................................................... 1

    3 About the Organizations..................................................................................2 3.1 Fondacija Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings of Hope...................................2 3.2 Cat-MaRe gUG........................................................................................ 3

    4 Implementation and Methods..........................................................................4 4.1 Workshop.................................................................................................. 4 4.2 Sailing Trip............................................................................................... 5 4.3 Reflection Session....................................................................................7 4.4 Final Event............................................................................................... 7

    5 Fitting of the project with the Ideas of Krila Nade/Wings of Hope and Cat-MaRe................................................................................................................... 8

    6 Timeline.......................................................................................................... 8

    7 Requirements.................................................................................................. 9

    8 Finances.......................................................................................................... 9

    9 Expected outcomes........................................................................................ 10

  • 1 OverviewSailing4Youth is a project in cooperation between Fondacija Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings of

    Hope (Sarajevo, BiH) and Cat-MaRe gUG (Germany) and aims at promoting social integration and

    engagement in Bosnian teenagers by giving them the opportunity to experience themselves as an

    integral part of a society in which they can and should be actively participating in order to effect

    change. It tackles the social challenges that young people are experiencing. Crucial for the approach

    is a one-week sailing trip on a catamaran. This trip will enhance skills and knowledge, which will

    be acquired in a previous workshop. Therefore the possible learning success is on its highest level,

    as the theoretical contents, which are taught and trained through non-formal methods, can be

    directly tried out and strengthened in practice by taking part in a temporary formed tight

    community, the sailing crew.

    The focused topics of the presailing workshops are peaceful conflict resolution and mediation, but

    also the strengthening of social skills and teamwork in general. On the following sailing trip the

    previous learned mediation skills will support and facilitate the social interaction and contribute to a

    peaceful togetherness. As on board there is only narrow space, and thus peaceful togetherness is

    essential for everyone's well-being, the participants train their gained skills and foster them through

    the direct use and experience. Besides that they are actively involved in upcoming tasks as well as

    everyday responsibilities on board, which teaches them how everyone has to make its contribution

    to the community to make it work. These tasks include the sailing tasks and know-how itself, as

    well as cleaning, cooking etc..

    This project has a long-term impact on the participants and their environment. Through the

    equipment of know-how and self-consciousness they will be able to solve conflicts in their own

    surroundings in a peaceful way and act as mediators themselves. Furthermore they will identify

    their own role in their own community and how they and their contributions are important to keep it

    working and peaceful.

    2 Purpose and NeedsTeenagers find themselves in a very difficult and unstable period of their life. Feelings, emotions,

    thoughts, belongings can change from one day to another. They are in a kind of floating state in

    between their ending childhood and starting adulthood. Especially during this period it is important

    to offer values and indications towards they can be oriented, to show them, that they do have a place

    in society and that they are able and actually even have the duty to actively participate in it in order

    to make it work. The teenager age is a period which is formative for their further life, but also a


  • time in which it is still possible to shape them. Youngsters do a lot of experiences during this time

    and these can either be deterrent or positive.

    Deterrent is for example the frequent occurrence of bullying and discrimination among teenagers.

    Weaker children get harassed and teased. At worst case this can leave a lifelong imprint on the

    victims, influencing their feeling and behavior. As it is impossible for parents to intervene it is

    important to call attention to the youngsters themselves and provide them with skills and methods

    on how to solve conflicts and problems in a peaceful way. As a big part of the workshop is about

    how to become a mediator, tools are provided which does not only enable the teenagers to

    contribute a peaceful conflict solution but also to enable them to pay contribution to their society.

    The latter is especially important when considering the fact, that poverty is a big issue in Bosnia and

    Herzegovina. Almost all teenagers that make use of the offer of Fondacija Krila Nade/ FoundationWings of Hope come from poor families. The financial situation at home does not allow

    extraordinary expenses. This can provoke the feeling of being excluded from society, less valuable

    and redundant in society. These are three aspects the project Sailing4Youth wants to address.

    During the sailing trip everybody has to take care for the boat and complete the everyday tasks on

    board, which also includes basic tasks like preparing food or cleaning. In this temporarily limited,

    composed society they will experience their own value and how it is important that everybody

    contributes its skills to improve the living situation, as well as to communicate and treat each other

    in a positive way in order to ensure everyone's well being, including the own one. Afterwards they

    can implement the gained knowledge to their own surroundings, which will foster their self-esteem

    and self-awareness in their community. Furthermore they experience, that everybody has different

    skills and knowledge and that these differences are important in society. This shows that if

    everybody had the same talents, a working community would not exist. Consequently it is important

    to appreciate and value differences instead of using them as a reason for discrimination.

    A further reason why the workshop does not only work on the participant's issues and its possible

    solutions, but also train them to become peer-mediators themselves, is that thus they are able to

    spread their knowledge and learned values, so that more children can benefit from. As the

    disposable living space on board limits the number of participants, training them as peer-mediators

    is a useful way to extend the possible impact on the participants surroundings.


  • 3 About the Organizations

    3.1 Fondacija Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings of HopeThe organization Fondacija Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings started working in 1995. At first the

    focus was on helping children and youngsters and especially working on war trauma. With the time

    the field of activities grew and nowadays the organization works on vary topics.

    The emphasis is on a multi-systematic approach which is based on social inclusion and

    empowerment of individuals and groups through psychotherapy, counseling, psycho-social and

    educational support. Furthermore they are involved in peace building projects and the promotion of

    Human Rights and LGBT rights.

    Additionally Fondacija Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings of Hope is actively involved with the

    European volunteer service. Since 2014 they hosted volunteers every year, as well as sending

    volunteers abroad.

    The vision of the Foundation: For the society of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be prosperous and have

    a high level of respect for human rights, protection and promotion of mental health and support for

    education of women, children, youth and other vulnerable groups.

    Its mission: Improving the social inclusion and strengthening of women, children, youth and other

    vulnerable groups by promoting and protecting human rights, providing mental health and support

    in education.

    3.2 Cat-MaRe gUGThe non-profit association Cat-MaRe gUG was founded in 2017 by Dr. Reinhold O. Stapf. The idea

    behind it was to offer sailing trips for teenagers from different backgrounds to foster the

    understanding of teamwork and ones contribution in society. When he was young Dr. Reinhold O.

    Stapf was influenced by the soccer club TV Faulbach. Depending on this experience he always

    considered to offer team-building experience for teenagers to return the favor he got when being a

    teenager himself. Through the purchase of his catamaran he saw an opportunity coming up to give

    teenagers the same space to make memorable experiences. The basis of his ideas was built through

    the founding of the association gUG Cat-MaRe.

    The sailing experience

    Dr. Reinhold O. Stapf got his first sailing experience in 1970. Together with a friend he transferred

    a 33ft sailing boat from Wuerzburg (Germany) to Spain. Later, in 1983 he got his first small sailing

    boat from a friend which he used for sailing till 1987'ies in the domestic sea between Osaka and


  • Kobe. In the 1980' he also got his first sailing license at the DSV where he sailed on the Elba and

    ensuing to Corsica and back. Until 1997 he participated in a lot of regatta sailings in Japan as well

    as some off-shore races. His longest sailing trip during this time was a transfer from Guam to Tokyo

    with a 75ft SWAN. He sailed along the Mariana Trench and the Mariana Islands. After this time,

    every now and then he sailed for day cruises on different yachts in the pacific south-west of Tokyo.

    Together with his wife he traveled to Croatia the first time in 2014. They decided to live and sail

    there at least for a while. In 2015 they bought a Privileg 435 Catamaran which is since then located

    in the ACI Marina Šimuni. After servicing, maintenance and improvement works, his catamaran

    MaRe was sailed in 2016 for the first time and proved that it is also suitable for rough weather and

    thus enables to have also teenagers on board. In summer 2017 he sailed on several trips which were

    already accompanied by teenagers from the age of 12 to 20 years.

    4 Implementation and MethodsThe Project consists of four phases: First all eight participants get together in a pre-sailing

    workshop to learn about peaceful conflict resolution and mediation, teamwork and social skills.

    This workshop will take place in Sarajevo at the organization Krila Nade/ Wings of Hope. The

    following sailing trip will start in Šimuni, Croatia, as the catamaran of the association Cat-MaRe is

    located there. For the trip the participants will be divided into two groups of four people each. They

    will be on the sailing trip in two different weeks. Back in Sarajevo the two groups join again

    together for reflection sessions. The fourth and last phase is the final event where the participants

    present their experiences.

    4.1 WorkshopIn a workshop the participants will be trained to become peer mediators. Our aim is to equip the

    teenagers with knowledge and methods to act as peer mediators in their own environment. Thus

    they will be able to interact peacefully in upcoming fights and conflicts in their surroundings.

    The workshop will be divided into two parts.

    In the first part we will provide general information about theory and implications of the term

    conflict. The focus is on understanding and analyzing conflicts. Through interactive games and

    methods the participants will work out solutions for upcoming conflicts or giving conflict scenes.

    They will analyze situations, discuss and exchange attitudes and opinions. Everybody will have the

    same chance to speak and share his or her thoughts. The planned methods do not allow a person to

    just sit and listen but they have to involve themselves actively. All discussions will happen on an


  • equal level, meaning there will be no hierarchy, neither between the supervisor and the teenagers

    nor in between the participants. Following topics will be covered during the first part:

    General information about conflict: What is a conflict? What different dimensions of conflict do

    exist? What is my respond to conflict? How do I respond to conflict and conflict outcomes?

    Basic information about peace: What is peace and what is my impact?

    Talking about basic needs: Definition, what are (my) basic needs, what is my way to achieve


    What are values? What values are important for me?

    The second part will be dealing with becoming a peer mediator. Besides talking about what a

    mediator is, what tasks he or she has, this part also includes different interactive methods and tasks

    to let the participants get in touch with important topics concerning conflict resolution. The first big

    topic will be communication. This includes its understanding, its inhibitors and definition as well as

    practicing active listening and how to form 'I' – messages. Furthermore the group will work on how

    to deal with emotions, how to identify positions, needs and interests, how to create agreements and

    how to balance the decision on a fair level. The workshop will end with practicing the learned

    information through mediation games and conflict scenarios.

    Through all the workshops there will be team building methods used to strengthen the group

    dynamic and the feeling of belonging. This will make the participants feel more comfortable and

    reduce the inhibition threshold to step outside the comfort zone, for example in role plays. This way

    also the self-confidence is fostered.

    Additionally two sessions are planned for extra activities which concern the security of the

    following sailing trip. One session will take place in the Olympic swimming pool of Sarajevo to

    ensure that every participant is able to swim in deep water. At another session all participants and

    supervisors will take part in a first aid course.

    4.2 Sailing TripThe first utilization of the new skills and also the highlight of the workshop is the participation on a

    7-day sailing trip in Croatia.

    Aim of the trip is not only to give the teenagers an inside in the techniques of sailing and enable

    them to make unforgettable experiences, but also to primarily their social skills. The owner of the

    catamaran, Dr. Reinhold O. Stapf, writes on the website of Cat-MaRe gUG: “A boat is a swimming

    island, which you cannot escape easily. This island must be taken care of to not sink. Also


  • everybody on the boat has to feel comfortable. Around this swimming island there is the elements

    water, sun and wind. All these elements can be nice but at the same time dangerous. Thus there is a

    need to learn how to behave, so that all passengers are safe.”

    His concept is to give teenagers the possibility to experience for one week on a narrow space, that

    everybody can and actually has to do his or her bit to the community, that they can and have to trust

    each other. They also learn that different (e.g. cultural) backgrounds do not impede a successful

    teamwork and togetherness. Furthermore the aim is to make the teenagers experience that foreign

    people does not stay foreign as soon as you get in touch with them and that even if people first don't

    know each other, it is possible to spend a pleasant time together. Therefore every participant has to

    contribute to the atmosphere on board, which includes to take care of each other and also to

    participate in the everyday tasks on the boat.

    The teenagers will learn important things which relate to general life and can be transferred from

    the situation on board to their life and environment at home. This includes:

    • Budget planning which is set for every trip and includes: Food, beverages, costs for

    petrol and for berth and food outside of the boat

    • What provision is possible to be taken on the trip: here it is important to consider

    different preferences and allergies etc. as well as what kind of food is suitable on a

    trip concerning the perishability.

    • How to stow the food having regard to limited storage space as well as the boat

    movement and its mechanical effect on the provision

    • The life and behavior on board: effective storage of luggage; to share the bathroom

    with another (foreign) person; to learn with and from each other; to tolerate, to

    understand and to deal with different opinions; frugal handling of limited resources

    like energy and drinking water; to learn about the importance of alternative energy

    sources (solar, wind generator)

    • To become familiar with the boat itself: the learning of the most important nodes for

    operations on the boat; the understanding and training of safety-conscious behavior

    and equipment; to accept and to carry out given tasks reliable; to get an insight in the

    classical navigation with compass and sea chart as well as GPS navigation; to

    observe the weather and to be prepared for possible bad weather (the 'fail tp prepare

    is prepare to fail' principle)

    The teenagers will learn that without teamwork, it is impossible to fulfill these tasks. Special about


  • the situation on the boat is that the teenagers get in touch with people they would have not be

    involved with their everyday life.

    The previous learned mediation skills of the workshop will support and facilitate the social

    interaction. As there is limited space on the boat, upcoming conflicts are not avoidable. It is useful

    to give the teenagers tools for handling these situations in a positive way and facilitate the best

    learning results.

    During the day, the teenagers will record their work with a video camera. Every evening there will

    be an evaluation of the day. On a screen the participants will see themselves working and reflecting

    what they did well and what they could have done better. Besides these technical reflections, the

    evening evaluation will give them also the chance to reflect on the social interactions. There will be

    space to tell what they liked or disliked at the day. Everyone can tell what he or she wishes to

    improve in the following days and also to give and handle constructive criticism.

    At the end of the sailing trip the teenagers will make a video clip of their trip which afterwards can

    be seen on the websites of the organizations.

    Furthermore, during the workshop periods and the sailing trip, the participants will write a blog in

    support of the supervisor. This blog will be also transformed into a newsletter, so that stakeholders

    will be informed about the ongoing activities.

    4.3 Reflection SessionAfter the return all participants will come together again for reflection sessions. In this meeting the

    groups can share their experiences, reflect on the whole project and talk about their learning

    progress. The participants will finalize the video clips and the final newsletter will also be

    completed. Furthermore the reflection sessions are used to plan and organize the final event.

    4.4 Final EventThe final event forms the end of the project Sailing4Youth. As well as the workshops it will take

    place in Sarajevo at the Foundation Wings of Hope/ Fondacija Krila Nade. This event will give the

    teenagers the chance to share and present their experiences and gained knowledge to their parents

    and friends. Furthermore they will show the movie they made before. They give detailed

    impressions of their previous two months. It is intended that the teenagers plan the final event by

    themselves, which includes for example writing invitations, planning the agenda, preparing the


  • technical devices for the screening of the video clip etc..

    As one of the organizers of the project Sailing4Youth is currently an EVS volunteer at Fondacija

    Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings of Hope, one part of the final event will be used also to present her

    EVS experiences and her involvement in the organization.

    5 Fitting of the project with the Ideas of Krila Nade/Wings of Hope and Cat-MaRe

    In an understanding that peace is not only a matter of countries and politicians but also of the

    peoples' mindsets and their acting in their own small communities, the project „Sailing4Youth“ can

    be located in the working field of peace building. Peace does start or end in relationships of

    neighbors, friends and families. Without the awareness of citizens that the implementation of peace

    does address every single person, there is no chance for a successful realization of a worldwide

    peace. As can be seen in chapter four, the offered presailing workshop builds a foundation to open

    the participant's minds towards such a consciousness through professional methods. The sailing trip

    itself helps to deepen the learned knowledge and gives the chance to immediately train it with the

    other participants.

    A collaboration of the two organizations Fondacija Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings of Hope and

    Cat-MaRe gUG is appropriated as Krila Nade is already actively involved in peace building

    projects and works with vulnerable teenagers and youngsters. Thus the concept of Cat-MaRe gUG

    fits as the idea behind it is to give vulnerable teenagers the chance to experience a peaceful

    togetherness with people from different backgrounds.

    6 TimelineThe total duration of the project is three month, from June until August 2018. This includes all four

    phases mentioned above. Even before that an organization and planning phase begins where all the

    following activities are being planned in detail.

    The presailing workshop period is set up for three weeks. It starts on Monday the 18 th of June and

    ends on Friday the 6th of July. The workshop sessions take place three times a week and last four

    hours each. Consequently there will be nine sessions. All eight participants join the workshop


    On Saturday the 7th of July the first group of four participants (Group I) and two supervisors start

    the sailing trip in Croatia. The first day is scheduled for the arrival as well as the boarding of the


  • catamaran. The sail is scheduled for the next morning. The boat will anchor in Šimuni again on the

    14th of July. Group I will drive back to Sarajevo on the 15 th of July with one of the supervisors. The

    other supervisor stays on board to prepare the sailing trip for Group II. Group II will leave Sarajevo

    with another supervisor on the 19th of July and will return on the 27th.

    In the beginning of August the reflection sessions as well as the final event will be scheduled. For

    both the exact dates are not specified yet as this will be organized in cooperation with the

    participants. So far it is planned that there will be three reflection sessions consisting of again four

    hours each. In case this should not be enough there will be capacity for more.

    After the project it self is finished the rest of August will be used to finish the reports for donors and

    further stakeholders.

    7 RequirementsThe crew will consist of one skipper (Dr. R. O. Stapf) and two supervisors. The equipment will

    allow the participation of four teenagers at the same time. As neither Dr. R. O. Stapf nor Maria

    Dumbsky (constant supervisor) are familiar with the Bosnian language, a basic understanding of

    English will be required to participate in the project. This is mandatory to guarantee the safety of all

    participants. Nevertheless the second supervisor will be speaking the language to diminish the

    language barrier.

    Furthermore the participants should be at least in the 17th year of their life. Dr. R. O. Stapf made the

    experience before that it is difficult for younger children to handle the continuous responsibility.

    Also all participants have to be able to swim. As mentioned above one workshop session will be

    held in the Olympic Swimming Pool of Sarajevo to ensure an advanced level in swimming.

    Further, to guarantee a high level of security all participants have to successfully complete a first aid

    course. This course will be commonly done with all participants and supervisors.

    8 FinancesThe total costs of the project amount to 4256€.

    This divides into costs for the workshops, the sailing itself, the final event and additional costs.

    For the workshop the subtotal costs of 425€ include materials, beverages and food for participants

    and support staff and the entrance fee for the Olympic Swimming Pool of Sarajevo. 100€ are

    needed for materials: pencils, flip chart paper and pens, clue, toner, white and colored paper, sticky

    notes and alike. Food and beverages will cost 300€ for twelve days of workshop, eight participants


  • and two supervisors. We calculate 2,5€ per day and person. The entrance fee for the Pool is 2,5€ per

    person and thus 25€ for eight participants and two supervisors.

    The sailing phase with subtotal costs of 3472€ includes all expenses for travel costs,

    accommodation and food, insurance as well as further materials necessary for sailing.

    The travels costs of 970€ are comprised of: From Sarajevo we will first take the bus to Zenica

    (Bosnia and Herzegowina). The two way ticket is 12€ per person. From Zenica we will take another

    bus to Zadar (Croatia). Price of these bus tickets (two ways) are 48€ per person. From Zadar to

    Šimuni, where the boat waits, we will take a taxi bus. The taxi bus cotsts 100€ per ride and

    consequently summing up to 400€ for four trips in total. Tickets are needed for eight participants

    and three supervisors. The first way two supervisors will travel with the first four participants to

    Šimuni. After the sailing trip one of the supervisors will travel back to Sarajevo while the other one

    stays on the boat until the end of the second sailing trip. Another supervisor will accompany the

    second group of four participants to Croatia and will stay for the sailing trip. After the second week

    of sailing two supervisors travel back to Sarajevo with the second group.

    Further costs are calculated for accommodation and food and amount to 2280€. This price is

    calculated for two supervisors (in opposite to the travel costs which includes three supervisors

    because two of them take turns while one is constantly on the boat) and the skipper. This includes:

    food and beverages, fresh water, laundry for bed-sets, gloves for save rope handling, car expenses,

    visitor's tax and ship expenses (diesel, petrol for the dinghy engine, costs for the stay overnight: 20-

    40€ in a bay with buoys and 60-150€ in a marina).

    All eight participants are in need of an additional insurance for being abroad. This costs 1€ per day

    and participant. As we need additional insurance for eight participants and nine days, it sums up to


    Also for the sailing trip there is further materials needed which cost 150€. This implies the first-aid

    kit, sun creme, slip-resistance shoes to guarantee the security on board, windbreaker if needed and

    eventually snorkeling sets.

    The costs for the finial event amount to 150€. This includes food and beverages for the participants

    and guests of the event. The price is calculated for 30 people. The needed materials and its costs are

    included in the material costs of the workshop.

    Additional costs come up because of the first aid course for the participants and support staff. This

    is needed to guarantee a high level of security on the boat. The course will take place on one day

    and will be attended by the participants and the supervisors together. Costs for the course are 209€.


  • 9 Expected outcomesThrough this project we hope to leave a lifelong imprint on the teenagers. Experiencing a being

    together on narrow space successfully and the fact that, every person involved is responsible, should

    always remember them of their own role in society. The teenagers should realize that they can

    transfer the situation on board to any situation in their daily life and own environment. We hope to

    show them that they play an important role in society and that every one of them is able to change,

    what he or she dislikes. Furthermore the aim is, that the teenagers learn that peace is a matter of

    everybody and that they are in charge of it. Besides that we want them to experience that everybody

    has its own perception and idea of a good living, which is important to considers when it comes to

    solve upcoming conflicts. As mediators the teenagers also act like idols for younger kids and set

    positive values the younger ones can be oriented towards. In this way the project can foster the self-

    understanding of teenagers in society and positive values can even be spread through them to their

    environment, which multiplies the impact.

    Further outcomes will be for one thing the newsletter and secondly the video documentation. The

    newsletter keeps the stakeholders informed and also fosters the writing of summaries, the focusing

    of the most important contents and the creativity in design. The video documentation will be, for the

    teenager, one of the tools to remember their experiences. As it will be available on the internet, the

    participants will always have access to the documentation and so the possibility to memorize and

    refresh the learning process of their activities. Both, the creation of the newsletter and the creation

    of the movie, requires teamwork, organization and planning. Consequently important skills will be

    strengthened which the teenagers can make use of in their future life in many situations.


    1 Overview2 Purpose and Needs3 About the Organizations3.1 Fondacija Krila Nade/ Foundation Wings of Hope3.2 Cat-MaRe gUG

    4 Implementation and Methods4.1 Workshop4.2 Sailing Trip4.3 Reflection Session4.4 Final Event

    5 Fitting of the project with the Ideas of Krila Nade/Wings of Hope and Cat-MaRe6 Timeline7 Requirements8 Finances9 Expected outcomes