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Page 1: Safer and Stronger Communities Summer 2012 Newsletter

timer switches toperiodically turn lights andradios on and off.

� Ask a trusted friend ofneighbour to keep an eyeon your house while you'reaway.

� Don't hide a key anywhereon your property.

Summer is also a good time tomake sure you have a recordof all your valuables, shouldthe worst happen and youbecome a victim of burglary.

Keep an inventory of highvalue items including a photo,any distinguishing features,serial number and date ofpurchase.

Immobilise runs a freedatabase which will store allthese details for you. If stolenitems are recovered, all Policeforces search on this site totry to reunite these items withtheir rightful owners. Toregister

Summer 2012Summer social media security

Burglars are increasinglyusing social media toidentify potential victimsand plan their crimes.

A survey of 50 ex-burglars,carried out by UK homesecurity company Friedland,suggests that they believesocial media platforms arebeing used by thieves whentargeting homes to burgle.

To protect your home andproperty while on holiday,follow our simple tips:

� Don't post your location ona social networking site. Ifyou want to tell friends andfamily about your holiday,do it in person so you canmake sure the only peoplewho know you'll be awayare people you can trust.

� Set your social mediaprivacy settings so thatonly friends can read yourcontent, and only addactual friends into yournetworks.

� Take care not to postphotos that reveal youraddress, or landmarks nearyour home.

� Don't post messages aboutexpensive and desirableitems you've recentlypurchased.

� Make sure mail doesn'tvisibly pile up and cancelmilk and other deliveries.

� Don't announce that you'reaway on answerphonemessages.

� Drawing curtains is a clearsignal that you're away -keep curtains open andmove valuables out ofsight of windows.

� Create the impressionyou're home by using

The survey found that four outof five burglaries, or 80%, areplanned rather thanopportunistic, with burglarsidentifying empty propertieson social media sites orwalking past properties severaltimes to ensure they areempty.

Tablet icon


Page 2: Safer and Stronger Communities Summer 2012 Newsletter

Our postal address is:

The Elms22 Abbey RoadGrimsbyDN32 0HW

'Quick Comms' will now beavailable for collection fromthe community safetyofficers upstairs in roomELM.1.11 at the addressabove.

Spencer Hunt, communitysafety manager, said “Weare all looking forward toworking more closelythrough this new colocationof organisations within onebuilding. This can only leadto the further developmentof our existing partnershipworking.”

Safer and StrongerCommunities now hasour own Twitter feed.

Twitter is a real-timebroadcasting platform,which allows short, concisemessages to be sharedacross many peopleinstantly - ideal forpromoting incident detailsand public appeals forinformation when it mattersmost.

We will be tweeting crimeprevention and personalsafety advice, event details,appeals for information andnews from our local area.

Follow us@EyesAndEarsNEL tohear breaking news andinformation before anyoneelse.

Since launching in May wenow have 55 followers,both agencies andmembers of the public -please help us to reach ourfirst century!

In July the CommunitySafety Team saidgoodbye to BurwellDrive and joined theAnti Social BehaviourTeam and theNeighbourhood Crimeand Justice Coordinatorat The Elms.

Follow us onTwitter

The Community SafetyTeam and VANEL have


At the same time, the Drugand Alcohol Action Teammoved in along the corridorand Voluntary Action NorthEast Lincolnshire (VANEL)moved in downstairs.

The VANEL volunteercentre, however, remainsat 14 Town Hall Square andis contactable on (01472)231123.

All Safer and StrongerCommunities staff andVANEL staff remaincontactable on the sametelephone numbers.

The Elms building

Follow us on Twitter

Page 3: Safer and Stronger Communities Summer 2012 Newsletter

Don't lose a shed loadFor convenience we tend to use our shed or garage tostore fishing equipment, pedal cycles, golf clubs,power tools and other valuables. These outbuildings oftenhave little or no security making them an easy target for athief.

Park WardAction Group

Park Ward Action Groupheld a scone, cuppa andchat event at St AugustineCommunity Centre. Over 30local residents were welcomedinto the building by membersof the community group wherethere was an opportunity tolearn about local services andto raise any concerns withrepresentatives from agenciessuch as the council, police,health, and ward councillors.

The hall was brightened up bya number of displays includinga gardening corner by Tukesand a colourful collage ofhands by the Hippo ToddlerGroup which promoted thefacilities that are available atthe community centre.

Park Ward Action Group is acommunity group serving thePark ward. It meets monthlyand welcomes new members.If you are passionate aboutthe area and would like tohave your voice heard andmake a difference pleasecontact Jane Mansfield AreaCo-ordinator on 01472 [email protected] Brenda Dixon Secretary on01472 [email protected].

Your shed also has equipment that could help burglars breakinto your house so it’s vital that both the structure andcontents are secure and well maintained. Follow these tips tomake sure you don’t fall foul to garden thieves.

St Augustine's Community Centre

Page 4: Safer and Stronger Communities Summer 2012 Newsletter

Disability games

Inspired by London2012, the North EastLincolnshire DisabilityGames closing ceremonywill be held on Friday17th August 2012 10am- 3pm at Oasis AcademyWintringham.

There will be anopportunity for visitors totry their hands at manytaster sessions including:� Trampolining� Indoor rowing� Table tennis� Football� Arts and crafts� New Age kurling� Boccia� Sensory room

Food and refreshments willbe available to buy, andawards will be presented ina ceremony at 1.30pm.

For more informationplease contact OasisAcademy Wintringham on(01472) 871811 or LucyJohnston on (01472)323346.

As part of the domesticabuse agenda for North EastLincolnshire we work veryclosely with schools to raisestaff and pupil awarenessaround domestic abuse. Wealso support children and youngpeople who disclose domesticabuse.

domestic abuse and to carryout preventative work.

A nominated domesticabuse champion within eachschool / academy leads onthis work, which isrecognised by the awardingof a bronze, silver and goldaccreditation.

The Home Office approved"In search of Excellence"scheme recently visitedNorth East Lincolnshire toreview our domestic abuseservice provision. Theeducation work wasrecognised in the report asan example of excellentpractice. As a result wehave been asked to sharethis work with otherauthorities.

On 21st June a celebrationevent was held to rewardthe leads for their excellentwork. Certificates werepresented by PaulaStoneman, domestic abusecoordinator, who said:“It was refreshing to beable to acknowledge andcelebrate something sopositive.”

She thanked the leads forall their hard work anddedication to thepreventative agenda ofViolence Against Womenand Girls.

Domestic abusetraining rated



This work is carried out by SueSmith, the educationcoordinator and lead officer forthe education programme. Sheis supported by Cathy Mason,the health and welfare officerand child protection lead for theOasis Academy Wintringhamand staff from Women’s Aid.

Currently staff from 33 schoolsand academies have receiveddomestic abuse awarenesstraining and training on theeducation pack. This will enablethem to support children andyoung people affected by

Domestic abuse leads recievetheir award

Page 5: Safer and Stronger Communities Summer 2012 Newsletter

Neighbourhood WatchEvery community isdifferent and each has itsown specific requirementswhen it comes to safety.Neighbourhood Watch groupshave succeeded by taking aclear look at the needs of theirarea and responding withintelligent, targeted andinnovative solutions.

The central ethos ofNeighbourhood Watch issimply what is says on the tin– neighbours looking out foreach other. This is how acommunity is built, throughfriendship and trust.

There are currently 79Neighbourhood Watch groupsin North East Lincolnshire, withan additional four groups inthe early stages ofdevelopment. The smallest isjust a few homes and thelargest is 360 homessupported by severalcoordinators. Some groupscover parts of streets; otherscover networks of multiplestreets.

North East Lincolnshire alsoholds quarterly meetings forthe coordinators of eachNeighbourhood Watch group tomeet to share good ideas andsupport new groups to start up– sharing their vision, theobstacles they met along

the way, and how theyovercame them.

Neighbourhood Watch inNorth East Lincolnshire issupported by Safer andStronger Communities,Voluntary Action North EastLincolnshire,neighbourhooddevelopment coordinatorsand, of course, HumbersidePolice, who have dedicatedlinks with each group.

For more information aboutjoining or starting aNeighbourhood Watchgroup in your area pleasecall Marcus Czarnecki atVoluntary Action North EastLincolnshire on (01472)324976 or [email protected].

NunsthorpeOlympic week


Second Avenue ResourceCentre secured fundingfrom the ‘Inspired byLondon 2012’ grantscheme and put togetherthe ‘Nunny OlympicWeek’. The week featurednumerous activities andinvolved a wide range oforganisations and localresidents.

In true Olympic style theweek commenced with atorch relay around theestate. The torch wasmade by year 4 pupils atNunsthorpe CommunitySchool and was escortedby Humberside Police asit was carried by localresidents.

Other events held overthe week included afootball tournament,kurling competition,obstacle course, chairbased exercise and‘travel the world’.

Neighbourhood Watch logo

The torch handover

Page 6: Safer and Stronger Communities Summer 2012 Newsletter

If the Elms was on fire whatone item would you savefrom your office? Myhandbag... it was a presentfrom my best friend and isfull of comforting and vitalclutter.

What award would you mostlike to win? The last award Iwon was over twenty yearsago. I won "Smile Of theWeek" in the GrimsbyTelegraph when I worked inthe council's housingdepartment. I don't reallythink about awards as myrole is about being in thebackground, supporting anddeveloping others.

Who do you admire most?People who are passionateabout what they believe inand put their energy intothat subject.

What makes you angry? Badmanners... I was brought upthe old fashioned way andthink that there is no excusefor rudeness.

If I gave you £100 whatwould you spend it on? Iwould put it towards ourfamily season ticket forGrimsby Town Football Club.I have been going for over20 years and only missed ahandful of home games.

Safer and StrongerCommunities, workingwith Cleethorpes Southcommunity group,identified a problemwith litter in and aroundpubs and clubs atclosing time.

Community membersreported that cigaretteends, empty glass vesselsand other litter, especiallyflyers, were left outsidemaking the resort lookuntidy and neglected.

To address this problemSafer and StrongerCommunities attended theCleethorpes Pub watchmeeting in July. Licenseeswere addressed andprovided with a poster tobe displayed within theirpremise as well as a letterof advice.

Partnershipworking in action

Focus on Jane Mansfield

Describe your job in 100words or less. My formaltitle is area co-ordinator andI work in three differentwards, South, Park andFreshney. I work in thecommunity to help groupsand individuals develop andbecome more sustainableand at the same time havemeaningful and positiverelationships with serviceproviders and voluntary andstatutory agencies. Themain objective of the role isto give local people a voicein their neighbourhood anda say in the services thatthey receieve. It's a fab job,no working day is ever thesame, there are highs andlows and great people towork with and support.

How long have you workedin the role? I have been inthis job for a couple of yearsbut have had roles thathave involved working inlocal communities for over20 years.

Jane Mansfield

We hope this will help toaddress the problem andlead to a safer and cleanerresort. The problem willcontinue to be monitored.

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