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Safe And Non-Invasive TMS Therapy In Houston | Holistic PsychiatryHouston
Safe and effective
No downtime
A non-invasive, non-drug method of brain stimulation therapy called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) tackles depression at its root. TMS Therapy in Houston is typically used when other depression treatments haven't been effective.
The most cutting-edge kind of FDA-approved treatment for major depressive disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (OCD).
We accept every major insurance plan that offers coverage for TMS. Learn more .
TMS is typically regarded as secure and well- tolerated. Most patients feel better during their treatments and continue to do so after they are finished.
TMS is an outpatient procedure that doesn't require anaesthesia and lets patients resume their regular activities right after treatment.
Book An Appointment To Consult About Your Mental Health At The Best
Houston Psychiatrists

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