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Page 1: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal




Dr. Najeeb Mohammad Abu Rub

A Thesis

Submitted to the School of Dentistry


Universiti Sains Malaysia

In fulfilment of the requirements

For the degree of

Master of Science



Department of Orthodontics

USM, Kelantan.


Page 2: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

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[96:1-5] Read! In the name of your Lord who created- Created the

human from something which clings. Read! And your Lord is Most

Bountiful - He who taught (the use of) the Pen, Taught the human

that which he knew not.

Chapter 96: AL-ALAQ

Page 3: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Dedication Ul


To my parents, whose love, support, eternal dedication and devotion to us inspire me and

design my life.

To my brothers and sisters, Husam, Salah, Ahmad, Manal, Amneh, Maram, Muna, whose

love and support made this possible.

To my in-law Dr. Reyad Al-Shalabi, and my sweet nieces, Rawan and Diana. Your smiles

are all I need for encouragement.


Page 4: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Acknowledgment iv


Praise is to ALLAH, the Lord, the Almighty ...

There are t~es when words are inadequate. I grant my grateful appreciation and thanks to

all those who have contribute to this work.

My main supervisor Dr. Ahmad Burhanuddin Abdullah, for his unparalleled example,

clinical skills and leadership that gave me a great foundation in orthodontics.

My co-supervisor Prof. Dr. Abd. Rani Samsudin, for his untiring dedication, guideness, ~-

and for his great knowledge of research, support, advice and leadership.

Dr. Nizam Abdullah for her time, efforts, help and contribution to my research.

Dr. Mohd Ayub Sadiq for his expert analytical and mathematical contributions to this


Dr. Rusdi Abdul Rahman for his assistance on this project.

Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sukari for his contribution and support.

My respect and thanks are due to all the staff at Jalan Mahmoud Dental Clinic,

Orthodontic Department, especially Puan Salina, for their help and support.

Page 5: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal


Thanks and gratitude is also due to the head and staff of Dental school, USM, especially

Orthodontic department for their support and homely environment.

I also extend my grateful appreciation and thanks to

My colleagues, classmates, fellow residents and friends, for their friendship and support,

especially Dr. Mohd Sarhan, Dr. Ayman, Dr. Saed Ba'nabilah, Dr. Rajan, Dr. Hamed,

Dr. Rasheed, Dr. Fawaz, Dr. Naser, Dr. Saed Mohd, Anifin, Dr. Siddique, Dr. Zain,

Dr. Ali, Maulood, Rana, Tabitha, Ma'en, Monther, Yazan, Rebhi, Wisam, Zeyad,

Sultan, Majed, Ali Sleet, Ra'fat, Dr. lyad, Dr. Ayed, Mustafa, Moh'd Hamzeh, Dr.

Silwadi, Nael Abu rub, Abu Afif, Dr. Dawabeh, Zaid, Abdullah, Rania, Abu Jaitem,

Samer, Dr. Sanjay, Shahida, Nadia, Omar, Qawi, Abu Salim.

To all named and unnamed helpers and friends, I again extend my thanks.

Page 6: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Table of content: .. · Vt

Table of contents

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IC:=-=J~=:::::::::::=::=Jr:J: !' 1.2. H Statement of the problem .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . i= 5 li

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Page 7: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Ji1hle q{ contents \Tl

[;:;:::~;i~:::::'J~;::,"""::::~::~::::s~:~"":"s::::~:_::J\2~:j! :. -·-· j! Eptdennology ot oral clefts .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. . !i 10 ! ~ ...... ~.~_ ....... ~ ............... ~.~ .............................. ':'. .... :'..'::·: .......................................................................... ~ ;-:·:· ......................... ~."":':':'.':':':":':':""."':":":':"':":":".":'::':"":".":"':.":"'.'":".":":':': .... "'::"':.":':':'::-:::.':"':':":"".":':"':".".".":":":":":':'.':":""."::":".':":"":'.".":":":":".":':":":":"':":.':':"':":"":':':':':":":':":"".".':".':''".::": ... ':.._..._..._ ...... ..._..._..._.._ .. _..._ ... ,._..._..._..._..._..._.._ ... .._'",":":":': ... ":":".":":":':":~ ~':":.":':"':';':.''::':":':":":":'::~ : L 2.3. H Classification of oral clefts . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. ... L 13 L :: ................................................ ..!L ................................................................................................................................................................... JL ............ J: ',•, .. , ............ -~ .. ~.:~.:-~_:_ .. _: ........... JL~-~::.:~-~-~~~~~-~~-~::~.:~~-~~-~: .. ~~~~-~~--:~.:-~:~:.:_:~.:.:.:~:.:.:~_:_:_:_~_:_:_:~_:_:_::_:_:_:: .................. ...1[_~~ .... _ .. ..1

2.3.2. \[ Veau's clssification(193"i) .......... ~::.~:: ........................ ·........ f 14 l .. ~!~.,: . ~ : ~ :

j :._,·:.c·:-::-::-::-::-::-::c-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::c-::-::-::c) ~-::-::c-::-::cc-::-::-::cc-::-::-::c-::c-::c-::-::-::-::-::-::-::c-::cc-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::cc-::-::-::c-::.-::-::-::-::c·.c-::-.-.-::-::c-::c'-::-::-::c-::-:-.c'-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::c-:-.-::-::-::-::-::c-::-::) h-::·.-::·.-::-::-::c·:.': \ 2.3.3. H Classification by Fogh Andrsen (1942) .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... H 14 ! ~ t''"'''''"""''''"'"""''.._"n""""'"''"n'"''"'"'''"'.,.'""''j t"'"""...,""'",._ .. .,.,.,...,,, .. .,.,.,. .. .,,.n,.,.,.., .. ,,,.,, .. ,..,~~~~n'~'""~"~'~"nn;.,,,.,'>',.""''""""''"~"''''"""n""'"'""''"~""_...,.~.,..,~~"~"''"'"'''"""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""'~"'""'~"'~'"j l .... .,..,.,.,.,.,,.""""j j

I,===~-,J[::~=::on,==========J~\: ~· 2.3.5. H Schuchrdt and Pfeifer's symbolic classification .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. H 15 !i ~: ................................................ JL. ................................................................................................................................................................. JL ............ J:

1 ................... ~-~-:~ .. --------~ .. ~ ... ~.J[_~:::.:.:·: .. ~-~~~-~~~:.::~:~ .. ~~-~~-:~:-~:-~~:--:.:.:~~-:-~~-:.:.~~:-~~~:.:.:~_:_:_:~_:_:_~~-:.:.:~.:-~.:~ .. -~ .. ~ .. -... ~.J[~-~-...... Ji 1 •. 2. 3. 7. N I r ·ciassificati?n given by:Intema'tion.afconfectera'tionfor piasdc. an:a·· . 'l: 17 N t: ! l~ reconstructtve surgery m 1968 ........................ ·.................... !: j t· .................................................. lL._ .. _ .............. --.................... _ ........ -................ ·----~·--·-·-·····----·----·---................. -.............. lL ............ .J: !~.···················:x:i·s·:···················~~-·towA.·C!assifiC:aii'oil··::·:·:·::·:·:·.·:·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·:···· .. ·············~:···is·········~; ~ t ...... -.~ .... ,.,.,.~.,-.~ .. ., ... ,..,,.,.,.,,.,. ... ~,..,~., .... .,.,,.,.,,.,.,,.,.,.,.,.,..,,.}l ..... ......,,.,,.,.,..,,..,.....,,,.,,,..,.,.,,. .. ~,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,,..,.,.,,..,,..,..,.,.,.,,.,..,.,.,.,...,~,...,n..,,..,..,,.,,.,..,.,,..,..,.,.,,.,.,.,..,..,.,.,..,.,,.,.,,..,,..,,,.,. .. ,..,,.,,.,.,.,,.._.,., .... .,..,.,..,,...,.,,..,.,..,.,..,..,..,.._..,..,~,.-. .. ~ .. ,..,.,.,,.,.,..,....,.,.,.,.,,.., .. .,~-..-.,..,, .... "J i ........ .,.,..,,.,.,~,,,,.J I

~~~==~c:=::::~,====-]i_::]j if 2.4.1. !~. Development oftheprimarypalate ........................................ li 20 l ... '· L , .. :' !: !: r: : :. ~ : : : ~ ·: •. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::.c:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::;.: l 2.4.2. H Development of the secondary palate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. H 20 n

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Page 8: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Ji1hle of contents viii

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· -.7.5. L Velopharyngeal Insufficiency.............................................. If 3_ !';

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l[:::_~:j=:::::::::::::::::::::~:::t::l i 2.8. n Management of cleft lip and palate........................................ !: 35 !\

~=~·-~::j~~::-~::-:=:::::=::::::"=::Jc~:JI , •... ·.·.·········.·.·.·.·.····· · 2:s:rr 1: Gaars·ar&eaiilleilifortlied1iicf~"iEa·aeit.Iii)iiJaiaie··:·::::·:::·:::·:··::·.:: ·.lr-:36·?.1! !:~""''''"""'"""""""""""""'"""""""'"""""'"' ......................... ~: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...,...., .... J: ..................................... J::

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1.•. ~~~:~=~: 3"::::~-~~i~:;:~~~~~~::::::::~:::::~E:::J:~:J . I( Surgical palatal closure . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . -n· 43 . j1

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Page 9: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Ji1hle of contents JX

········:=========:=================================c===============================================================================';=======================================================================================c=================r (. .. l: Surgical aspects .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . !! 45 r' !t.,, .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,;,,,,,,,;,;;;;;;:~L::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;_,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,;;;;;:H::;;;;;;;;_,,,,,_j: F n Dental aspects .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. n 48 !

! .,.._,._,·.-::;·.:-::-::-::;;-::·.-::;·.;;-::·.:-::':'.':'.':"::'.':":':'.':"::~ l':":':":':'.':"::'.':":':":':":':'.::;;':'.::;;:·.':'.':":':'.:":"::':'.::-::':'.:-::::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::;;;';".:'.:-::-::·.:-::-::;;;';".':":':":':"::'.':'.::-::;;;;;;';".':'.:'.::;;;;;;;;c;';".;;-::-::':'.':":':'.:'.':'.:":"::':":':'.':"::'.':"::'. l':":':":':'.':"::'.':":':":':'!: l' ll Stage 4: From twelve to eighteen years of age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... j: 49 j: jr .. , .............................................................................................. l [ .............. _, ...................... _,_._,_._,_. ............................................................ _, .......................................................... _, .............................. _,_. ....................................................................... : .... , ................................................ ! j_._. ............................ !: ( .. : Stage 5: Late teen and adult age .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. H 49 1:

11::;=~~~~==:-,=:::181 : ':.:·.:·.:-::·.-::-::·.-::·.·.-::;;;-::-::;;';".;;c-::-::·.-::;·.-::-::;;~ ~-::-::-::;;;;;;-::-::;·.-::;:·.-::;;;;;;·.:·.:;;:-::-::-::;::':'.':":':'.":"::":"::":":;'.'.':":':":':":':":'.':":':":':":'.":":::::;;;;;·.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;.:·.::::::·.::·;.::;;;;;;;;:·.::::-::-:::·.::;;:-::':'.'.':":':":': ~':":':":':"::':":':":'.:':":-;.: l: l: Orthodontic expansion...................................................... ~: 52 [

~:: ................................................. JL .................................................................................................................................................................... JL .............. J:[

lf ................................ ~:~~::::.JL~::~::~: .. ::~=~-~:~:~~-:.:.~~-:.:.~:.:.~:.:.~~~:.~~~~~~:~-~~-:.:.~~-:.~~~.:.:.~-~:~-~~.:.:.~~.~~~ ................ J[:_~ ...... J: ::··················································,;·······································--····--· .. ······················ .............................................................................................. ,:················t.:

~' !: Passive expansion .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . i: 54 1: .. !• !" ' E ................................................. L .................................................................................................................................................................... JL ............. J

li=~,=:~~~E:~:==~~=-==:==l~l' L 2.9.3. n Arch expanswn m cleft pattents .. .. .. .. . . . .... .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. n 54 !: i ;,._;;;;;;:·.::;;;;';".;·.;;;;;;;;';".:;;;;;:~':'.;;;;;;;·) l.::':'.':'.::::':'.':'.':'.':'.':'.::':'.;~;;;;';".;;';".':'.':'.;;':":';".;;';".':'.::::::::::':'.':'.::':'.':'.':'.;;';".;;;;';".':'.':":;;":":'::';".;;;;;;':'.;;';".':'.~:::::::::':'.':'.::;;;;;·.::':'.':":':'.::;;::':'.::::::::':'.::::':'.':'! \,';"_;·.::':".::':"):.

E l: Maxillary deficiency and growth impairment............................ l: 54 H n r n ~-~ : ·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~::::::::::::::::::.·:::~ :::::::::::::::::::::::.·:.·::::::::::::.·:::::::::::::.~:::::::.~:::::::::::::::::::.~:::::::::::::::::::.~::::::::::::::::.·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ :::::::::::::::::~: n l! Techniques and appliances in management of maxillary arch deficiency in n 58 E • i· 1 f . L '·

lt .............................................. ... : .. :.~-~:-~:~.~::.:.~:.~:~.:-~~:-~:.:.:~.:~~:.:~.~:.:~-~:.~-~:.:.~:.:.:.~-~:.:~ ........................ _ _. ......... _ . .J: ....... _,_li :;··················································~:···2ji·.'3-."2".·1·:"i.=>r~~sW:ii-~ai··a-r·iilQI;edi~·;yr~iiffieiit··.·:·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·.-:·:·:·::·:·:·.-··················!:···ss·········l:

E ................................................. L ............................................................................................................. ~ ...................................................... L ............ J: ~···················································!!···2:·9-j:-i:i ... R:ajjiCi .. iiiaxi1farv .. eX:iJansi"an:··:·::·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·:·::·:·::·:·:·:·::·:·::·:·:·::··················!:···s9········!; it••n••••••''''"'''''''''"'''''''''''"'"''"''"''"''"'"'jt ...... .,.,, .. ,,,.,,"'"''''"'''""'''"'"''''"••••'-"'"'"'"'''''''':''"""'"'•••"•••oo••••••••••••••••••••'•••••••••"••••••'•"••••••"••••••••••••••'•••"•••••••••"•••"''"'""Jt ..... .,,,.,.,.,..,,.,]j !: · · ll 2.9:3:2:2:r illcticaiioilsfarra!Jict J;laiifi&yexi:lruisiail::.:::.:::.:: lf 60 l: i ;,._,._,, ... _,,,,,~·.:·.:,;;;·:.;;;;;;;;:;;::·.:·;_,~) [. ..... _,._._,._;;·.~·.;;:~·.;;·.:~;;·.;;,·.:·:;:.:~;;:;;:;;;;;;,,-.... _,;;;;;;:·.;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;:;;;;~;;;;;;·:.,;;,;;;;;:·.;;:;;;;;·.;;;;·.;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;·.::;;:;;:;;;;·.;;;;·:.;;;;;:·.;;·.-!l;-.;;·.::·.;·:_,,,J: F H Amount of expansion achieved . .. .. .. . ... .. . .. ... . . .. .. i' 61 n ~. l : :: :: i':-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::;=::::::::::::::::!: H n Types of appliances used in maxillary arch expansion d 61 1:

~ ;~':':':"':':-:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':.':':':':':':':':':':~ ~':':':':"':':':-:':':":':':-:':':':':':':':':~':~':~~':~':~':~~':~':~':~~~~ ... ~~':~':~~':~':~':~':·':;~~':~~':~':~:;':~':~~':7.~-:~~':~~::~':~':~':~~.;':~':~;~':~.;~"':~':~':~~':~':~'::;':~':~':~~~':":':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':":':':':':~ ~':':":':':':':':':':':':':':':':l :~ ! r Removable appliances...................... H 61 n ~ t ................................................. j t ..................................................................................................................................................................... ~ t .......... ..... i .l ::··············· ······························!:······································································································································································,:········· ·!: ! 1: Fixed appliances .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . ... H 61 l E ................................................. L .................................................................................................................................................................... .JL ............. J: = ·i=············ · .. .... · .. ··············· · · ··· ·· ·· :: 6 r L l' Slow maxillary expansion .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .... . .. .. ... l' 3 . ::


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Ji1hle of contents X


lt:,::::J.c::::~:~==~=:=::::,~:=::J~:J., F n Dental and Skeletal effects of Rapid and slow expansion..... n 64 !

~L ................................................................................................. j: ......................................................... _, ................................................................ _._._._._._. .................... _._._._._._._._._._. .................................. _._._._._._._._._._._. .................................................................................................... _f._ ......................... _J: F .: Age influence on maxillary expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . ... H 65 l

~~""''"""""'"""""''""'"":'""""'l;ccccc:-::cccccc'l:'9~'i'TsT"M~lll';;y"~~~~~";;;rfi'~~~i~'~'~~~'~~'~'.'~':'~~'~':'~~'~':~~~'~:'~':':~'"""""""i;-::6.5'"'""i1 ~= n r r

IC::~c::::-=-::::::::::::=::~c:J.: :: 1: Arch expansion treatment evaluation .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ., 65 !:

ilc:c-:::-:::cc-::-::-:::c-::-::-:::c:c:cc:"''"'"'"'.J[,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,=,,=,,,=,,,,=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::::;;:c:c'"'"'"'"="'""'Ji,,,,,,,):: ii jj Diagnostic aids............................................ !: 67 !: it .................................................................................................. g .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .n .............................. _r: t 1: Clinical evaluation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . p 67 L

l hccc::;-::-::occ-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::o-::-:::-::-::-::o-::) ;"'""""""'"""'"""'""""""""""""'""'='"'""""'"----- .. ·'"''""""'"""""""""""'"'"''""'"'='""''""'"='"'{ boo:o:o:-::-::;o:J:· ll Chapter Three 1: Material and Methods..................................................... j: 68 !:

I,~:~:::J~:::::::::::::::"==:Jldi ~: 3.2. j Background on KCCCDC~.............................................. ... !j 69 !: ,,.----------------·-----·-·-·---·-·-·------------.-----.--------------·----------------·--------~,--------·--------------------------------------------------------------·---·--·-------·---·---·---------------------·--------·---------------·-·-·-·-----·--

jt_ ________________________________________________ , L-------------------------------------------------------------~----~: __________________________________________________________________________________ __l L ____________ l \ I:00.~.:~---·····································.1 r ........... ~.:~-~:-~:-_·:·_:_:_:._:·_:_:_·:~:·_:_·:_:._:·_:~:.·:_:·_:_:_:_:·_: __ :_:_:·_:_:_:._:·_:_·:.:.:_:·:.:.:·_:~:.:.·:-_:-:_:·.:·.:·:_:-.:·_:-:.:_:·_:_:_:_:-_::.:_:-_:_:_:-.:·_:-:.:_:·_:_: ............ E .. ~~----···.1! \;·-------·---------:fii·:··--···-··········-!r----------iiidlisiOii··c:ri'ieria··_-·.-~-:-.--.-~-:-.--.-:·:·:·.-~·:·:-.-:·:·:-.-:·:·.--.-:·:-.--.-:·:-.--.-:·:·.-·.-~·:·.--.-~-:-.--.-:·:·:·.-·.-:·.--.-:·:·:·.-~-:·.-·-------···l\ ___ 7o-···-··r j[ _____________________________________________ j[__ ___________________________________________________________________________ ..;., .......... , ________________________________ _jL_ _________ .Jj j:·-----------------3:3:2:········-···-·····-!r··--------E"xdus-ioii .. criteri·a--:·.·:·:·::·:·:·:-.-:·:·:·.-:·:·:-.-:·:·:-.-:·:·:·.-:·:·:-.-:·:·::·:·:·:-.-:·:·:-.-:·:·::·:·:·:-.-:·:·:-.-:·:·:·.·:·:···-·------lr--;ia··--··-·g

l ·;;;;:::·.:·_;;;;,-_;;;;;·_;;:·.c-.:::::::·.::::c-.c-.::::) l,._,__,,,__,-_;;,-_:c:c:c:c-.ccc-.c-.ccc-.c:c-.c-.c:c-.c-.:::·.;;c-.c-.c:c-.c-.c:=.:::::::·''"-''-"-"""·"""--::::::;;:c:::··.:,,::·:.:'·-c-.c-.::c-.c:''-"-"''! [_:::-.-:::::::·.,·) :; F 3.3.3. j: Sample collection . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. !! 70 !!

l',;;;;;;;;_:;;;_, .................................... n ... ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,,,,,,;;,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;--JL ............ J' j 3.4. ·N- H Appliances .. .. . .... .. .. .. .. . ... . . ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .... u·12 N jj

IC::~:::::Jt-:::::::::::=::::::::Jr:J1 H 3.4.2. !! Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. !j 77 H

l~ ................................................................................................ .: .. Jt ........................................................................................................................ - ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... JL ............................ J:j l:···-----------·---"3:4:"3:··--·-·-·-·······-·l:·-----------Quaci-fieii_x __ <Q1b'-:·:·:-.-:·:·:·.-:·:·:·.-:·:·:·.-:·:·:-.-:·:·:-.-:·:·:·.-:·:·:-.:·:·:·.-:·:·:-.-:·:·:-.-:·:·::·:·:·:-.-:·:·:.-:·:·:·.----·-·-----~r-·s·i·--·-·-·l,

~ ~ .................................................................................................. J L .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... J i .............................. J ~



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Table (}/contents Xl

~ .. ';·_~3~7~-=-:-==-][ ~t~Y~~~=:-:: ~~=:=:-==--= --:~=~:::!_.:i'.,!.-... ~9_'_60,-~,-~0.']) . 3.7.1. i: An.aioillicai ancfconstrlici~dpOiilrs Cii"'~ltizecfon. ihe denial casts . . . .. ~ : . ~ ~ 1 : l ~

3.7.2. Measurement distances .................................................... .

3. 7.3. Measurement methods ..................................................... .

L l' Inter-tuberositieswidth(T-T) ............................................. ~~ 92 !=

1- -- 37 33]--p;j;;;;j;~u;o:-m:- -:-::~~ ~-::- :== """ :==----\,92 -11 :. ! : ~: ~-:

::::~~8~~~~:~~~~c::::::::l~EJi i n Posteriorarchlength(C-T) ............................................... H 93 L

::·······::::::::::::::::::············:::::·::::::...!~ ........................................................................................................................ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...1:·:::::::::·····:.1. \ 3.8. n Reproducibility of the measurements . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. != 96 \:

ii.,,.,_, .................................................... ..JL .... , ........................ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;:::::;:;:::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;::;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·::::::----·JL ........ :::::J\ l 3.9. . F Analysis of Data ........................................................ ,._.. E 98 L

i=-=~~~:-~~:]1'::~~~:.:~-~:::---~===--=~==-==:=:-:~~=Jr~~:i! : ___ ~_:_~._ .......................... : ........ ] [_ ....... :.~~::::~:~.:~--~::.-~::~ .. :~:~::.-~:--~===~=--~-~:.:~.:.:.~.:.:.~.:.:.:~.:.:.:~.:.:.:~_:_:~ ........ _][~~~---] 1 .. -~-:~·--················· .................... .! r .......... ~~~-~-~:~ .. :~=-~~~· .. :·.:.:.:·.:·_:_:.:·.:·.:.:.:·.·:·.: ... :-.:·.:.:.:·.:·.: ... : .·.·.:.:_: .. :.:.:.:·.:·.:.:.: .. :_:.:.: .. :.:.:.:·.:·.:_:.:· ... :.:.:·.:·.:.:_:-.:·.:.:_:· ... :.: .......... .1 ~----~-~~ .... .11

· ......... · .......... ~:-~·:·_~_: ______ ._ ___________ lL~--------~:.:~.:~»~::~~-~--~:-~-~~~--~:~~--:_: .. :_:_:_:_:·_~:.:.:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:·.~·:.:.:_:_:_:_:~_:_:_:_~:.:·_::_:_:._:_:_:.: .. :.· ..... ~ .... L~-~-~-----]1 I. 4.2.2. oN !! . . PaiataTchang~s iD.DRA~scr~wgroup :.:::::.·:.:.:.::::.·::.:::·::::.:::.::. •,'',l\ To8 l! : ·:.::·::.:·:.::·.:·.·.:·.·.:::·:;::·.:·:.:·.::·.:·:.;;;;:·.::,,.: ~;;;;;;;;;;;;·,;;·.;;·:.;;;·.:·.;;;;;;o;,;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;·:.;;;;;·::.·.·.;:·.:·.:·.::·.:·.:·.;;:·.:·.;;;;;;;·.::·.;;;;·:.;;;·.:·.·.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·.;;;;;;;;;;;;;·.;·::::.::·:.:·.:;:·.::::·:: :.-.:·:.::·.:·:::::.+ : 4.-.3. 1: Palatal changes m QH group . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... li 110 !

t:·-~=:1~::~~~~~:::::::·::.:::::]~']! : ................... ~.=:~.~ ............... ] [ ........ ~:~:~:~ ... ~:::::.~: .. :~.~:.~.~--.: ... ~ ....... :.:.:.~: .... ~.:.:.:.~------~--:.: .. :_: .... :.:.:.~:.: ... ~------~ ........ J[_~-~--~ ... ...1! : ·~i."3. ····················· ·· ·l :···caiT.eiatiail.iJeiweeil ·aie.aiici"pa1a.ial"cilmiies:·£irearffieili \viiil. . ... -· :r.. ·:, : n maxillary expansion appliances used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. !: 116 !

:::: :~=:1!:.::::::~~=~:=:~=~=:::,::::::~:-::j[f!~j : 4.3.2. ti Correlation between age and palatal changes in URA appliance . . . . . . j: 122 i ~ ;:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~ ~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::!::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J l::: :::::::::: ::J ~

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Ji1ble of contents xii


IL:':,~;:~:j:~~;~~~~~~;~~~;:,~~~=~:::'l[~;) 1\···:(4": ......................................................................... JL-.............. _, .. 2~~~-~t;~~-.. ~y~-~~~~i""~h-~~~~ .... ~-ct\h~--~fi~~Y"~F~~~~;i~~·-;;~d~~-~x ................. l··.-.......................... ;

i L between URA, QH, & UFA expansions appliances . .. . ....... .......... L 146 n

lc:~~:~~;::t:::=::::::::::::::::_-:[-::::Jl:s:Ji (··s·.·f. H Lirnitationsofthestudy··.·:·.................................................. i~ 156 j: . ' ' ~:

!c ... ,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::;;:::::::::::::::;;;:;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;:;:;;;:;::::::.::::::::;;;;:::::.::;;;;::H:::::::::::::): l 5.1.1. != Matenals and methcxls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H 156 ' L n u . !~ l ................... ~~-.-.·.5·:T~T-........................... · ........ j j ........ -... ·.·.·.·.··:s·~~;r~·-·:-~--~·-:_.: .. :·-~--~·:··:··~-: .. :··~--~·-:--:-~~~--: .. ~-~,~--: .. :·~--~·-:··~·:·-~·:··:··:~~~: .. :~~~ .. : .. :~~~~~~~~~--:-~~~--~--~·:-~--~·:.-:·.-:··~·-:.-:·~--~·:.-: .. :·-~·:.-:··~·-:··:··.-.-.-·.·.-.-.-... ·j r ..... r5·7· ......... 'jj i !: !! l i ::::::::;·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::·:::·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; :::::::::::::::::; i ! 5.-. !: Reproduc1b1hty of the measurements . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. H 157 L

! ~~ .................................................................................................... ~ ~ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... J t ...................................... ~ ~

:::~_::::Jt::::;~~~-=::~:::::::::::1;~]1 !... 5.4.1. H Inter-canine width change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... N r. I60 ··I: : ! ~ ! : ! : ! ;·.·-~·.;·_,;;;~·.;~~~~--~s~~~rz-:~·-~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~1 r--~~~~~~~~fut~;~~~li~~~~lt~~~~Tth:~~h~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:·~-:~~:~~~~~~:~~-~~~:~-~~~~:~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~;~;~~~~~~1 r;Ttr-~~~1-! · .................................................................................................... L .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ! l .............................. .r L 5.4.3. li Palatal length change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1: 162 L !' .................................................. ll .............................................. -................................................................................................................... J l. ....... ____ j:

l ............ ·.····-·--·~·:-~:~:-.................. .lr ......... -.. ~~-:~.:~--~-~~~~--:~=-~: .. :·_:_:_:·.:_:_:._:-.:·_:_:_:-.:·~_:_:-.:-~.:.:·.:·~::.:.:·~.:.:.:_:_:_:·_:_~_:_:·_:_~_:_:_:·_:_:.:·_:_~_:.:.:~_:_:·.:·_:_:·: ............ E ... ~-~~---...1 1,,_:,,· ................. -... ~:.~:-~ ................. J 1 ............ :~:~~-~=~:~ __ :::--~::~-~:.::.:.~: .. :.:~.:-.:~:·:.:.:.:~.:.:.:~.:~:.:~.:.:.:~.:.:.:~ ... :·.:_~.:.:.:~.:.:.:~.:.:.:.: ........ ~.] l. .. ~.:~ ... J

5 .4.6. · ·.·.·.·.·.·.· j\ Posteriorfiihi a.rC:hfeiliih C:hm1ie :.:.~::::::::::.:··::.:.:::::::::::.:::.::: .·.·.· ll i65 .·.··1·

~ : ................................................ h .............................................. J L .............................. h .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. J ~ .............................. J :

lr .. : .. : ..... : .. : .. :.: .. :.:.:.~_:_~.:.::u.:.:.:.:.:.: .. :.:.:.: .. :.:.:.:.:JI .. :.~.~~:t.~~-~:~.~-:.~.~~-~:.:~.~-~-:.~~~~:~~-:.~~-~-:.~:.::.:::.::.·.::.::: .. :.:_::.:::.·.::.::.:::.·.::.::.:::.:::.::.:::.::·.:::.:::.·.::.::.:::.::.·.::.:::.·.:.·.::.::: .. :.:_::.::: .. :.:.:.: .. :.: .. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.11: .. :.:~:~.~-:.:.:.:.J ! 5.5. H Correlation between age and palatal changes, following treatment with l: 1 ~' !: maxillary expansion appliances used . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1: 166 l I:; .. ,~ .. ,~~~;,,,~~,,;,,,,,;;;:~,~~~,,~,~! j,,,,~,,,,~~;~~ .. ,,,,~~~,~~~~~~,;,,;;;~;~,~~;~~;,~~,,;,,;,,,,,,,,;,;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~,~,~~~~"~';"~';""'~,,~,,,,,,;,~,;~;~,;;~~;,;~! t;;,;;~,,~,~,;! i i 5.6. H Comparison of palatal changes and the effect of expansion produced H l ~ !\ between URA, QH, & UFA expansions appliances.................... !\ 168 j

~:.. ................................................ ~ t ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 t ............... J :

l ............. :~:~.t.:~--=~~---······.J ~-~-=~::~.:·:.=.:::~::~.:~ .. :~-~-:-.:_:_:_:_:~_:.:.~.:-~_:_:_:_:_:·.~:.:.:·.:·_:_:.:.~:.~.:-~:.:_:-.:_:_:_:·.~--~.:.:_:_:.:.:_: ... ~ ............... I ... ~-~-~:-... J

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Ji1ble of contenis Xlll

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L. torftrt 1'Jt·.,, IS.. .; • ·· t. <_..

List of tables



:: Table No. :\ List of tables H Page : ., ., ., ..

·t ... :;;,;;;;;;:;;;;;:.::;;;::;;;;;) "'''''"'"'"""'"'""""""""'""""'·::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::;=::::::::;;;;:::;::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::;;::::::::::;;;;;;:;:;;:;;:;:;::::::::::,I::::;:;;;;::::::::. I !i Table.2.1 :: Davis and Ritchie classification. H 13 :

l[~~b~-z~=i!::·~ss~=~======--~ =~--=i~~~~-j ![·~::1::::-~·:···::JI::::~:::~::::~~::·::l:~~=:~~:i::~·:·:·::···:·:·::::::··:··:···::::·:··:··:···::·:·:·:····:::·.:::::··--::::::::··:::::::·::··:::·::·JI·-:~~·:·:::·JI : \ ... i~bi~:i-:4·--------\ ;----fut~rnati;~~i'~;~~2i~;~'ti;~--f~-;-pi~sti~--~2!';~c;~s1:~~-1:i~~--s~;:g~ry----------·:r·i7 __________ \

·[~~~1:.'4:~-------][-~~~~-~~~:=:~--~--~--=~~=~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:----][~-~-~----]l i[Tab~6=][P~a;~::g:_s:~~~-ou~~~==~=-~=']==--=·~-[~{s]~ij -\--·:r-~b1~:4-.Y------·: f----c:~~~Iati;~--t;~'t-;~~~--~;i~~;--r;a:i~!a:C~h'~g~s--~2i--~:g~--hi--J?s-of>------------------·:r--1T7------~\

li ..•·••·•••••·••••·i I"'~':::~'"'·'·'"·''·''''·"·''"''·"'''''''·'''·''''''·''"'·'"""·"·''·'''·''''"·'''''':·'''''''"·'""'·''·'''''·'''"·'·J''"'·''""'·i i :\ Table.4.8 q Correlation between age and various palatal changes in URA \\ 123 \ n H appliance H l t ................... ·1... ............................................................................................................................................................ 11. ................. 1 ,r--T~bi~:-~nr------:r--·c:;~~1a:t:i0~--t;~;:;~~;:-~:g~--~d--~;i~~;--r;ai~t:a:r~:h~:g~;--i;;:-'Qil _________________________ tr--i2_9 _______ l

L~~--1:~~ ............ ~-~-·-~ .... --~~ .... -~=~ ............ ~- ...... - ... ___ l _ _j

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List of tables XJV



: 'l appliance ~~ i

., __ .. """"""'"""'"""""'l""'""""""""""""'''"""'""""'"""""""''"'"""""""'"''"'""""'"""'""""'""''"""""""""""'"""'"""""'"""""""·"''"""'""'"'·' rrable.4.11 :! Correlation between age and various palatal changes in UF A :l 141 i ~~ !! appliance lj [

ll""''"""''"''''"""''''"'j'""""'""'""""""'""""''''""''"""""""'"''"'""""""""'"'""''""''"'""""""'"""""""""''"'''"'""""""''"""'""""'"'·'"""'""''""'-1 :i Table.4.12 :\ Comparison of inter-canine width between URA, QH, & UFA ]! 148 i

-l-.:c:c·.:::c·.::::,:;,"""'"""JL""'""'""":"""""""""""""'""""""'""''"""'""""""'"'"""""''"""''"""""""""""""""""""""'--",,,,._,~_,,::-.... _,,,.,,_,·L,,~ ..... ,,, ...... ,,-,_~1 'i Table.4.13 H Comparison of inter-tuberosity width between URA, QH, & UFA :j 149 i

! !...; .. ,_,,,,-,,,,,-,,;,;:::::::::::::~ !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::;,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"""''''',,,,,,,,-,,·:;::;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;,-;,·::::::;,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,· L,,-,,,-,:;,,,,, .. ,_.1 ! Table.4.14 n Comparison of palatal length between URA, QH, & FA :1 150 \

\!'""''"'''"''''''''"""'""Jt"'""'""""'"'"""'"""''"""""''"""'""'"""""'""""'""''"'"'"""""'"""'''""""""'""'""''"'"'"'""'"'"""""""'""":;."'"""'"'"""';l :j Table.4.15 H Comparison of palatal depth between URA, QH, & UFA ~~ 151 :\

! !-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.H-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!!:::::::::::::::::.1 !\ Table.4.16 [\ Comparison of inter-canine arch length between URA, QH, & !! 152 :1

!I II UFA !I lj


11 ...................... 11..~~ .............................................................................................................................................................. 11.. ............... [1 : r--T'~bl~-~~fif'''] f'"co~ari~o·;;:·c;·{post~ri;~-kft-;~h-l~iigthb~t·;~e'ii'ifu:"Qi{''&"~"""""1ris4''""11

iJ.;:::::::::::::::::::.::::::: .. ::::.t::: ...... :.:::::::::::::::::: ... :::::::::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::: ... ~.::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. ::.t:::::::::::.:::.::.l

Page 16: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

List offi,gures XV

List of figures

. .... rr:~:::::c :. :::::·:' __ ::::~:::::::::.::· :::~:·:J1~:~::! ·~'Fig. 2.1. I OralCleftbreaksdown(Young, 1998) :112 ll :! .. ,:,::,::.::.::::::::.::.::::::::::; :"'""''''''''""'''''"'"''''''"""'''"""'"''"'"''"""''''''""''""'"""'''''''"""'"'''"'''''"'"'"'""'""'''''''""'"""'''"""""'""'~ ;::;;;::::::::;;::::: fFig.2.2. .i Schuchrdt and Pfeifer's symbolic classification !\ 15 ![

:I .. , ...... , .. "'"""":::::::.:;::!L""'~::::::::::.:::::::,,,,,,"'"''""""''""'"''"'"'''"""'''''''''"'''"'''"""""'"'''''"""''"':"""'"''"""'"'"":::.::::::::::::.::::.:::::.:::!L"'""""""J! fFig.2.3. ·1 Kernahan's stripped "Y" classification [i 16 :j

: [ ......... .-: ......................................... _ l .......... ;;:;:,, .......................................................................................... ;;:;;:;:;;::;;:;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;:,,, .... """""';;:;::::;;:;:;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;:;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;, .......... ;;:;: ...................................... ~ L ............................ ,,~ I :1 Fig.2.4. ! IOWA classification of Cleft Lip and Palate. · :j 18 :!

·t:"'"''''"""'''"""''"'-l"'""'''''"''"''"'""""''"""""""'""""'='"'""""""'"""'"""""'"'""'"""""""'"""::;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;,;,:,:;;;;:::::.!::::::;,;,;;;;;;;;;;;l ii Fig.2.5. i Face of 5 week old embryo. il 22 il 1!.. ... -.·.·:::.·:::.·:.·.·::::.·:::::.·:::.: !.·:.::.·:.·:::::::::::::::::::::.·:.·:.·:::.·:::.·:.·::::::.·::::.·:::::::::.:·.·:::.·:.·:::.·:::::.:·::::.·:::::::::::::::::.·:::::::::::.·.·::::::::::.·:::.·.·::::::::.·:.·:::::::::::::::::::.·:::::., !-:::.·:::.·.·.·:::::::..11 il Fig.2.6. :! Secondary Palate in 7 week old embryo. il 22 :l : t:.:::::;::;;::::::;::::::::::l L:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;::::::::::::.::::::::=:.:::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::::::::::.::::::::::::::::;;;;:::::::::.:::;;:::::::::::;;::;;::::::::::! L:::::::::::::::JI n Fig.2.7. d Special feeding bottle for cleft patients. :: 40 H :t ............................. l\ ............................................................................................................................................................................ : \ .................. :! :I .. 'Fig·::z~·s: ......... [rx~--R:~y·~·rs~;,~--g;~i;g·.--A:: .. I3~i~;~--i;~·~1~~~'t~--·i3·: .. A£t~;·"t;~~1~~~'t---·--·:r--47 .......... :\ 1 ... _. :L.... ... .. ._ ... _ ····-·····-·-· .......... __ ... _ .... ,. ·'···· . .. . . . ._ H Jl

J"i3ig·:2·: .. i'i: .... ·r·n·i~g;~1i~ .. ;~pr~~~~!~'ti~ii .. ~f''t1~ .. iypi<;~T~k~i~1~rm;:2rCi~ii't~i" ................... T6'6 .......... \\ :! ··~ response to rapid (A) VS. slow (B) palatal expansion. n ii

: f"Fiig:-3':3·.····· .. ··· i ... P~~-~-~~;gi~-~i··;·;th~p~di~ .. pi~t~:·· ............................................................................................... : \"'7'5 .......... 1\

!! ... ·.· N II .. . ....... ·N·.·.·.·.·.·.·······-·.·.·.·.·.·.·...... . .... N.O ··········''N.......·.•.•.•J: ..... ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.i\

~~~:::: ::jl;::~~·~~~~~~;~p:: -:_-::~::::1[~:11 !!. 11 Panel A: model of hygienic bonded expansion appliance. :\ .. [\ ,~ .. .::.:..:.::..:.:.:.:..:..:.-.:.:.:.:..:.-.:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..;..;.;..,:.,:.,:..:.:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.:..:..:..:..:.:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:.::..:..:..:..:..:..: .. ..:.:.:.:...:.:.;...:...:...::.:;.;~...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...:..;.:.:...:...:.:.:.:...:.:...:.:.:...:.:.:...:.:...:...:...:...:.:...:...:...:...:...:...:.:.:...:..:.:.:.:.:..::.;.;...:...:.:...:...:..:..:...:..:...:...:...:.;...:...:.:...:.:..:..: .. .:.:...: .... .:.:.:..:..:...:...:...:.:...:.;.;...:.; ....

Page 17: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal


IC~:::~:::::::::~:::2:::::::::::~:~JC:] TF"ig.3.7. ;j All acrylic bonded rapid expansion appliance. :l 80 :j

rFig31.==r~~~~ill~~~p~~;,~=~==~~~'~'~=irso'~'l \( .. Fi~· ... t9·: ............... ~[ .... ·6~~~(fi~fu ... ~~-~-li~~-~·:·_. ............. , ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. J .... s.£ ............... :1

: L"'"''"''"'"'"''"''"~ !,:""""'"''"""'"'"''"'''"""'''""'""''"""''"""'"""'"""''""'""'""'"""''"'"'"""""'''""'"'"'"'"'"''"'"''''"'''""""'"~ "'"'""""""'Ji \! Fig.3.10. fl Quad Helix appliance cemented in patient mouth j~ 82 J!

: ~-............ _,,._,, ......... _,,,~·'''"''~ L.,;;,,·.;;·::.:::·.-..... ,,,,,,._,._,;;,,·_,,,,,,,,,._;;,,,,~ ... , ...... ;;,,,,~_,,~.,~.,-.,-.,~ ... ::·.,;;,,,,,,,._,~.,,,,,,".·"··''~·''''.·'""··,··''''''''""""""''"''""'"'''"'"''''\t,~,,"""''''; I !l Fig.3.11. ;! Components of Quad Helix :[ 83 !1

, l., ..... "'""'.""'"'""'"'-: !"""'''"""'"'""""'.""""""""""""""""""''"""""''"'"""""""""""""""""'~'""~"'""""""""'"'"'"""'""""""""~ L"'"""""')l )! Fig.3.12. [! Initial activation of QH before insertion. \~ 83 \!

: !:,,,,,,,,,,,,""""""""': L"'"""'"""""""'"""'""""'"""""""'''"'"'"""'"""""""""''""'""'"'"""""""'""""'''"""""'"'""'""'"""""'"J [,""'""'"'""!I :( Fig.3.13. :\ Upper Removable Appliance with Jack Screw \\ 86 \\

~~. ............................ Jt ........................................................................................................................................................................... Jt ................. ll

l~;~j~~;~==:=:=:JBI n Fig.3.16. d Anatomical and constructed points digitized on the dentulous:~ 91 H 'i ll dental casts ~ H

1 ................. :l .......................... : ...................................................................................................................................... 1 ............. ..!1 ·!-·ri-g·:3·~-T7·----; r··x;;~;:~~~~c;;'d·--·~;~~1~--;;:~~r·p~~;:~----ciigi1~~ci-;;:···;:h~---~-ci~;:1~1~--~;-; !'9·1----·-·-:1

L .. ==JI.::~::=======c=~LJ ! Fig. 3.18. H Measured distances of inter-canines width, inter-tuberosities width H 94 !!

II [j and palatal length. ;! II

--: i ... Fig:-~J::"C ........ r·n·is.trib~tio·~--o'f'~i~i!;--~~~-~--i;~-;T~~~~:;ii~·;·K:cccn·c: ...................................... [ l"'i6i ..... 1!

if Ftg 4£ .fc;~;;~~;;Jdi~;~;b';;ti~;; ~fd~ft~ ;;;~~ ;;;~~~~~~~;~ ;;; KCCCDC if 102 ·i =.L .... """""""""""'H"""'"'"""'"'"'"""'"""""'"""""'"""'""""""""'""'""'"'""""""""""""""'"""""""'""'"""""'""'""""'"'"""lL,_"""'"""";J ....

Page 18: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

List ojf!gures xvii

··Fig-:4·§·----·--·; r--c:c;;:~~~iiali .. bei-;;;·~il-c~c··i~li-gth. .. ;:c:c~-g~--ill-·I>soi>·-g;~-~p~-------------------------·--·Tiz·o------[\

~·~l~~e~~~~~~~~~-~~=:~~,]~~1 ···Fig·.·4:TL·--··· rca~eia!i;·il·b·~i;·~~Ii .. I>f&··~d·age .. ill.i>s·a:P·ir-;·~p:········ .. --······· ...................... lf .. i2T .... H

'Fi!;"4.t2"',fca~~~~c~~;;'g~~==·~4='\j F;gA.t3'h~~ti~~~~~'Hwidfu"~d~ii~~=~~ =Fu0i ........................... ·! ................... •.................. .. . . .... · ............ ·. ·.·.• ................................... ?......... . ................... ........ .... . ~ ~ .. :! ·"Fig-:4-:i4······= r··c:c;;:~1~ii0:;-bei-;;;·~;-i~1f1e'llgth:·a;;d-~g~--i'll·URA. .. g~o~p:···························-···: (··izs····--\~


--Fig:·4:is·······lr-c:;n:eiati;il·bet;~e;:·I>r::&·a;;d··~i~ .. ~-lfRA-·g~o~'P-:···········································Ti27···· .. :l

F;~~~Jl~~~~~o~~~=~:~~~~~~~~~~,,=~~ J~~o···ij .'Fi-g·:4·:2o ....... , r··c:c;;;~1~'tioli .. b~t-;e·~n-T~T--;icti'h.and--~g~--ill-·QH-·g~o~p~·-·································--] r···i3a·······:j

Fiii:4 21 -f c~;;~J~;;~~b~;~~~~=HI~;;g;;;~d ~g~ ;;;QH g;c;;;;~: , I i t31 11


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rr;g::z:;t::::::::::~~~::::::::::~:~:::::"JC:JI friQ.4.24 ! Correlation between PRAL and age in QH group. H 132 H·.::::·.:c:c:c:c::c:::cc:'L::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·.:::·.::::·:.:':::·.:·.::·:.::':::·.::::::·.:::::::::·:.::::'··'·:.~.,,, .• ,, .• ,, .• ,,, .• ,,,,, .. ,,, .• ,,,, .• , .• ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"''''''''''''';l,,cc:'::::::cc::'::l

i".Fi2:.4.25 l Correlation between PLAL and age in QH group. [! 133 [\

i F;i4i6 J~~:i~~~~~~=ee~ ~:~~;d,~~~~eh;~~~~~p - ~~~=6 J! ·r·'Fi~~'4:·;x7--··--·:l··-c·~-n:~i~ti0;·b~-t;~~~-f~f-·;i~ith--~ii'd··;g~~~-R.ME-g~~~p~------·--··--·---------·:r--i36··----;!

~-F;;42~J[~=~,i=~~~~:~~~~~J~~~::~~~-===::t~~~J lt:;:~j~~~;~;~;~~~~;~~=l~JI lr~~~~~JI~~~~~~~~~~==J~~I [ Fig.4.33 H Correlation between C-C width and age in UFA group. \\ 142 :1

:~~~~~;:Ji~;~~~;~;~;~~;;~~=l;jl il·F~g~~6 ]1-=~:~i~~:n~~=:~~:n~~~ag~~~~A~=~~- ~ : : ]- -_ :-- .[i4~]1 . r··:p·ig~·4:·3·7--·--··i i"ca·n:~i~tio;·b~-t;~~~-c·~·c .. ;~];--i~~:g-ih .. ~ct--;g~-~-u:F"A·-g;~~P~------~ .... -·--:rT44 ...... 11

i ~ ·:--·fiii:4~·4o:----·--r .. c~illrill:rs·~~-c;Ic~c·;i'd'th'.ctiff~~~~;~~-b~t;~~;·uR:A":·Q!C&.u:FA::-·--·1f--T4·s·------:l

~~F~g~~~ ~~ ~o:~:~:~.~~-~~~dth:~:~~~-~\=~~~~~~·~liF~ -t~~9- ~ = ["':Pig~-4:4·2·:··--·: ~-·-cc;·~-p-ru:isa;·c;I·i~if(i'iff~reii.~~-bet;-e-;ii·m"A:·-Qif:"&-u:PA::··---·--····-·--· .. : r--Tso ....... :\


Page 20: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

List o_f(igures XJX

Page 21: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

L;~t of abbreviations •• }~ .J XX

List of abbreviations

·········-·································································-···································-·················································· ······················ ... .

r:::-~~:~;::::--~r-----------------------------------------------------------------~i:~--~-;-:~:~:~;:::~~------------------------------------------------------------------:1 . i ~ ~ !:.' 1 ................................. ~ ~. ' .................................................................................................................................................. -........................ -................. ' • j···Kciij5c ................. r·keianta~··co~iJhi~ct-·c1eii .. Lii)··a;d··rai~te .. ail2C<Sanioi~~-i~i·D'eio~t-ies ............... :l

1"""""'"""'"'"=""1:i~=""""=""'"""'"'==cc=c"cc=c=c=ccc=ccccccc=cc=cJ : C- C l Inter-canine's width. H

' : : : : ~

J~~~;~~a; lj fu;~,~~~~'; ~~h~~~ili: • ,, , · , · - jj

!1:~~~-=j~~;~;;~;::::::~~ll ! CASP i Clefts of Anterior Secondary Palate. i

li·c~ -- ~~=[=~:tb:~d~cle:~~~,e===--==~ --~-~-=~-~-] l1

~-cPP ~-~--I~~e~,~~~ ~,=:~~,~~-= -· ·=·: ~~- :~ =- :~~--Ji

ii~~~=--~-~:Jl~:~~~=::~:::.::_:==~~=~~-::=====~:==-:.~] :\ I- H l Palatal length. H


Page 22: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

· '"· h'1 1"·'Vl·.·,tz'/•r" Ll st OJ a._ r. ~- ,_,, ". t., x:<l

·rt"p~~~t""""'"'""""'!fi;'~i~;rp;~t:""""'"""""""'"""""""'"'""""""'""'""""'"'""""""'""""""""""'"'"""""""'"'"""'""'""""""""'f! 'I :· ., :! .:.c .. c·oc.::::;;:;:;:::::::::::.: L::.::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;c;,;:::;;.:;;;,;;;;::J nee I Intra-class Correlation Coefficient. :I ! l !

t:-~ ~:::: r~:~::e.:~::::::~=-=0

:-:_::_::~_:_-_-:-:_- ~~: TpLAL d Posterior left Arch Length. d

:!""""""""; ............. :c;c;c;;c;J!," .. ·""""''"'"'''''''"'"""""'""""""""'"""'''''""''"""'"'""""''''''""'"'''''"'""""''"'"""'''"""""""'''""""""""""""'"""'""\1 [ PRAL 1 Posterior Right Arch Length U

:: __ ,.,_.;;;;;·_,,,,;;-_,,,._,""''""'"''"":L""'""""""""'""""".·"'"""''.·""""'"'""""""""'".·"""""'""'"""'"""""""'"""'-·'""""'".·'""'""'"'""""""""'"'""'""'""""!1 f PRS ! Pierre Robin Sequence \

l .... ;c .• c::::::c;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.! L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;c;;;;;:;;;;;;;,.,;;;:;; ••• ::;,l : PSOP l Pre-Surgical Orthopedic Plate U

:l,,,,,,""''''''''"''''"'"''''""'"";L"'"''"""""""''':""''''''"''"'""'''""''""""'"'"""""""'"""'"""""""'"'"'""''"""""""''"''"""'""''"''"""'"""'''"""''"''''''''-1 i QH ! Quad Helix :l

·I ..................... )! ........................................................................................................................................................................................ :! r~ Jt~·~id~=~~~=s;an - -- -11

ij-sc~=-~~=J~~=~O=e=~=:~~======~~J~JI r·srss ............................ rs·t:;1i~1i~~fp·;~k~g~·ic;·r-1h~-·sc;~i;rs~i~;;~~·s·---------......................................................................... :i

il~~~- il~;:~~:~~:h~ --~::: :_ :- -=J- JJJ ~JI :[uR:c ---][tl~~~:~~~~~C<;='=~:~i:k-=~=::J-==~--JJI

ll::=··~::~·:·····:::···::·····:·:·::::[~::~t·~=::·::~::·i::g·t:::··:·····:··::··::······:::········:·:·:··::::::::··········::··········:···:·:····: .. ··:·:·:···:·:··:··::·:······:····· .. :·:·:··:·::·ll --~ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ~~~~~ .. ~~~ .................... " ....... , .. " .. ~"~'"""""~' ........................................ -................................. ~ .............. ~~ ......... ~ ..................................................................... , ......................... ~ ........... .

Page 23: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

~'. ,~ Abstract XX!J


Cleft palate in children and adolescent: A study of arch expansion

The use of palatal expansion appliances has been claimed to produce a light, continuous

force, which is capable of expanding the maxilla and correcting dental arch width of cleft

palate patients who have deficient maxilla. The aim of this study is to evaluate the palatal

changes and the effects of expansion practice with different arch expansion appliances in

patients with cleft palate with or without cleft lip (CP/L) that were treated at the Kelantan

Combined Cleft lip & palate and Craniofacial Deformity Clinic (KCCCDC) at different

stages of the long-term management and also to compare these changes among upper

removable appliance with mid-line screw (URA), quadhelix (QH) and upper fixed

appliance (UF A).

This is a retrospective record review study involving forty-nine oral clefts patients who

underwent palatal expansion at KCCCDC, comprising of 12 patients had used Pre-Surgical

Orthopedic Plate (PSOP), 11 patients used URA, 11 patients used QH, 3 patients used

Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME), and 12 patients used (UFA). All these had orthodontic

study models taken prior to expansion and at the end of the retention period following

expansion. These pre and post treatment study models were analyzed for changes in inter-

tuberosities width, inter-canines width, palatal length, palatal depth, inter-canine arch

length, posterior arch length; using fowler-sliding caliper measuring instrument (Fowler

Ultra- Gold, USA). By analyzing pre and posttreatment dental casts using SPSS statistical

analysis version 11.0, differences in palatal changes in all expansion groups were e·valuated

Page 24: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Abstract XXU!

for statistical significance of the effect of expansion appliances using Two-related sample

analysis and Wilcoxon signed ranks test. The correlation between age and palatal changes

also tested for all expansion groups using Spearman rank correlation. And comparing the

palatal changes and the effect of expansion produced between URA, QH, & UFA were

evaluated for statistical significance using Kruskal Wallis test .

Results of this study suggest that all expansion appliances are clinically capable of

expanding the maxilla. There is a significant increase in maxillary inter-tuberosity width

following treatment with maxillary expansion appliances.

Age does not have influence in explaining the total amount of expansion in all the

appliances except that in RME group, the inter-tuberosity width increase as age increase.

And quite opposite; palatal depth in UFA group decreases as the age increase.

There is no significant difference in palatal change between URA, QH and UF A expansion

appliances, except in inter-tuberosity width; there is significant difference between the

groups and more increase in the URA group tlien QH and UFA.

In conclusion, this study shows that PSOP, URA, QH, RME and UFA are suitable for arch

expansion in all ages of children and adolescent, except that RME produce more lateral

expansion in adolescent and UFA produce more shallow palate in children.

Page 25: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Abstrak XXIV


Sumbing bibir dan lelangit dikalangan kanak-kanak dan remaja: Kajian tentang

pengembangan rahang maksila.

Penggunaan alat untuk mengembangkan lelangit telah dikatakan berkesan dalam

menghasilkan daya ringan yang berpanjangan untuk mengembangkan rahang maksila di

kalangan pesakit-pesakit sumbing bibir dan lelangt yang mempunyai saiz maksila yang

kecil. Tujuan ka:jian ini ialah untuk mengkaji kesan dari pengembangan saiz maksila

dengan menggunakan beberapa jenis alat yang berbeza ke atas pesakit pesakit sumbing

bibir dan lelangit yang dirawat di Klinik bersepadu sumbing bibir dan lelangit di Negeri

Kelari.tan. Ianya juga bertujuan untuk membuat perbandingan perubahan yang dihasilkan

dari sudut kepelbagaian alat-alat dan umur pesakit.

Kajian retrospektif ini melibatkan 49 pesakit sumbing bibir dan lelangit yang telah

menjalani rawatan pengembangan rahang di Klinik Pergigian Kota Bharu. Dua belas orang

pesakit telah menggunakan 'Pre-surgical orthopedic plate' (PSOP), 11 orang pesakit telah

menggunalian aphar boleh tanggal 'Upper Removable Appliance' (URA), 11 orang pesakit

telah rnenggunalian 'Quad Helix', 3 orang pesakit telah menggunalian 'Rapid Maxillary

Expansion' (RME) dan 12 orang pesakit telah menggunalian 'Upper Fixed Appliance' ·

(UFA). Model kajian ortodontik sebelum dan selepas rawatan dikaji dengan mengukur

panjang lelangit, kedalarnan lelangit, lebar antara gigi taring dan lebar antara tuberositi

deugan menggunakan fowler sliding caliper untuk rneugetahui perbezaan di an tara waktu

Page 26: Rub - Universiti Sains Ul Dedication To my parents, whose love, support, eternal

Abstrak XXV

sebelum dan selepas rawatan bagi setiap jenis alat yang digunakan. Kaitan di antara umur

pesakit dan perbezaan hasil pengembangan yang dihasilkan oleh setiap alat juga dikaji.

Keputusan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa semua alat pengembangan rahang yang

digunakan berupaya untuk menghasilkan pengembangan rahang maksila yang diperlukan.

Penambahan yang ketara dilihat pada lebar antara tuberositi.

Umur pesakit didapati tiada berkaitan dengan jumlah penambahan pengembangan kecuali

dalam kumpulan yang menggunakan RME yang mana lebar antara tuberositinya bertambah

bila umur bertambah. Disebaliknya, kedalaman rahang untuk kumpulan UF A berkurang

bila umur bertambah.

Tiada perbezaan pada rahang didapati dian tara penggunaan alat URA, QH dan UF A,

kecuali pada Iebar antara tuberositi yang telah didapati berbeza antara kumpulan.

Penambahan yang ketara didapati pada kumpulan URA berbanding dengan QH dan UF A.

Sebagai kesimpulan, kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa alat-alat PSOP, URA, QH, RME dan

UF A adalah sesuai digunakan untuk pengembangan rahang maksila untuk pesakit pada

semua peringkat umur. Walaubagaimanapun alat RME didapati mengahasilkan

pengembangan lateral yang lebih pada pesakit remaja dan alat UF A didapati menghasilkan

lelangit yang cetek pada pesakit kanak-kanak.

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Introduction 1


Chapter One


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1.1. Background

Chapter One



Cleft lip or/and palate (CLIP) in children has drawn the attention of many researchers to

study this most frequent congenital oro-facial deformity, occurring approximately in 1:700

life births (Barden et al., 1989). Cleft lip and palate is usually not a terminal illness unless it

is associated with some syndrome having other systemic complications that could include

cardiac, central nervous system. renal, and skeletal defects. These are associated with 10-

20% of cleft palate cases which often require complicated management (Sphrintzen et al.,


The face is formed by fusion of a number of embryonic processes, which form around the

primitive oral cavity (stomoqeum). The palate is formed by the fusion of the maxillary

shelves with each other (maxillary process) and with the frontonasal process. Failure of

fusion of these processes results in clefts of the palate. Cleft lip is caused by inadequate

proliferation and fusion of the maxillary process and medial nasal process. Cleft lip could

occur either unilaterally or bilaterally with varying degree,. of severity. The condition is

more prevalent in males and if it occurs unilaterally, it is usually on the left side (Young,

1998). From about the third month of pregnancy; it is usually possible to diagnose a cleft

using high tech ultrasonic scanner.

The development of cleft lip was found to be of genetic mechanism different from· that of

cleft palate. The lip develops between the 5th and 7th week of intrauterine life while the

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palate at about 9th week. The mechanism altering the former could interfere with the later,

but the palate closure might also be affected independent of lip formation (Rani, 1997).

Oral clefts are believed to occur due to genetic and environmental factors. Recent studies

have shown· that the etiology of cleft lip and palate is an interaction of multi-factorial

etiology; hence it cannot be attributed solely to either genetic or environmental factors. It is

argued that unless the patient is genetically susceptible; the environmental factors may not

by them selves cause clefts (Habel et al., 1996).

A cleft lip or/and palate patient (CLIP) is afflicted by a number of problems, which could

broadly be classified under dental deformities, aesthetics, speech and hearing, psychosocial,

and systemic. The complexity Gf the problem requires that a team cooperate to ensure

comprehensive care of the patient. This led to the concept of mu!~idisciplinary cleft lip and

palate team which include pediatricians, pedodontists, orthodontists, oral and maxillofacial

surgeons, general dentists, plastic surgeons, prosthodontists, psychiatrists, ENT specialists,

genetic counselors, speech therapists, social workers, and cleft supporting organizations.

Cleft lip and palate patients developed defective dental occlusion and midface concavity

due to collapse and insufficient growth of the maxilla. The orthodontist's has played a great

role in the correction of the dentoalveolar and maxillomandibular relationship by applying

a combination or a solitary use of orthodontic and orthopedic forces. Orthodontists usually

have to start this part of treatment early in the neonatal period and follow up as the child's

growth eventually into the adulthood. By the end of the treatment, the middle and lower

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1 n troducti on 4

third of the face have been assisted to develop both functionally and aesthetically. Even in

severe oral cleft near normalcy can achieve.

Cleft palate cases often have narrow upper dental arch. As such attempts are made to

correct the segmental displacement and expand the maxilla by means of rapid .or slow

palatal expansion, which will often open and identify an occult defect in the alveolar bone.

For this reason, it is carried out before bone grafting procedures.

In mixed and permanent dentition, maxillary arch expansion appliances are widely

incorporated to allow maxillary expansion in order to achieve proper dental alignment and

correct maxillomandibular relationship. The most common rapid maxillary appliances used

for expansion are Derichsweiler type, Hass type, IsaacSon type, and Hyrax type. These

appliances produce a skeletal as well as dentoalveolar expansion (Bhalajhi, 1998). While

the most common slow maxillary appliances used for expansion are Jack screws, Coffm

springs, and Quad helix. These appliances bring about a slow dentoalveolar expansion.

When the slow maxillary appliances are used during the deciduous and early mixed

dentition stage, skeletal mid-palatal splittlifg can be achieved. An apE.arently complex yet

relatively simple procedure in orthodontics is maxillary arch expansion; its versatility is

unique despite many controversies surrounding it. Desirable results could be achieved

when used in appropriate situation, adequate time, cooperative patient and skilled clinician.

The issue of arch expansion as part of management of cleft lip and palate patients will be

the focus of this study.

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Introduction 5

1.2. Statement of the problem

The palatal expansion appliances is claimed to produce a light, continuous force which is

capable of expanding the maxilla and correcting dental arch width of cleft palate patients

who have deficient maxilla. The skeletal and dental effects of the palatal expansion

appliances on the maxilla have not been reported in the practice of Kelantan Combined

Cleft lip & palate and Craniofacial Deformity Clinic (KCCCDC). Hence, we carried this

research to find an evidence based practice of which expander to be used or which

expander was more efficient and also to evaluate the benefit of each expander.

1.3. Hypothesis

1. There are changes in maxillary inter-canine width, maxillary inter-tuberosity width,

palatal length, palatal depth, inter-canine arch length and posterior arch length following

treatment with maxillary expansion appliances in cleft palate with or without cleft lip

patients.(CPIL) at the KCCCDC.

2. There is correlation between age and. palatal changes m following treatment with

maxillary expansion appliances in CP/L patients.

3. There is difference in palatal changes between different expansions appliances used.

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Introduction 6

. I

. ~-• 1.4. Objectives .. ~;: c

1.4.1. General objectives

The purpose of this study is to investigate the epidemiology of oral clefts at the KCCCDC

and the practice of arch expansion using various arch expansion appliances for management

CPIL patients at KCCCDC.

1.4.2. Specific objective

To study and describe the palatal changes and the effects of expansion produced by various

expansion appliances used in management of CPIL patients at KCCCDC.

To correlate between age and palatal changes following treatment with maxillary expansion


To compare the palatal changes and the effect of expansion produced between URA, QH

and UF A expansions appliances.

1.5. Significance of the study

The results of this study will provide information on the skeletal and dental effects

produced by various palatal expander appliances used in KCCCDC. This information will

aid clinicians in selecting the appropriate appliance for maxillary expansion in CPIL


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Introduction 7

1.6. Assumptions

It is assumed that all diagnostic materials utilized such as alginate impressions, and study

models were taken and prepared in a consistent manner according to professional standards

but there are still effects of errors such as impression distortion, dental cast trimming and

polishing which may take place for all groups and not possible to be measured. It is also

assumed that all rapid expansion appliances whether banded or bonded produce comparable

amounts of lateral expansion to each other and that any differences are insignificant, this is

also applicable to upper fixed appliances. Also, since multiple operators are involved in the

placement of the expansion appliances, it is assumed that the appliances are inserted and

activated in a consistent manner.

1.7. Delimitations

All patients used in this study are cleft palate patients with or without cleft lip, and require

palatal expansion as part of their orthodontic treatment and range from infant to adolescent

with no previou~ history of orthodontic expansion with pre and post dental casts available.

All patients are free from any medical condition that could affect their normal growth and


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Chapter Two

Literature Review

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Literature revie>v

2.1. Introduction

Chapter Two

Literature Review


Clefts of the lip and palate usually affect the child's dental development. Teeth in the area

of the cleft may be missing, and other teeth may be improperly positioned. Because

problems with the dentition affect not only the child's appearance, but also his or her

speech development and chewing ability, attention to the child's dental development is

important. Vigilant prevention practices and regular visits to the pediatric dentist will help

ensure the best dental outcome for the child. Most children with such conditions will

require orthodontic treatment at various ages, even as early as four years. The orthodontist,

in conjunction with the rest of the cleft palate team, will devise treatment plans for the best

dental and jaws growth.

2.1.1. Definition

Cleft lip and palate are congenital abnormalities (present at birth) that affect the upper lip

and the hard and soft palate of the mouth Features range from a small notch in the lip to a

complete fissure (groove) extending into the roof of the mouth and nose. These features

may occur separately or together (Reviewed by Molmenti, 2002)

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Literature revie>v

2.1.2. History

Hippocrates (400 BC) and Galen (150 AD) mentioned cleft lip, but not cleft palate in their

writings. For centuries, perforations of the palate were considered to be secondary to

syphilis, anti cleft palate was not recognized as a congenital disorder until 1556, by Fanco.

The frrst successful closure of a soft palate defect was reported in 1764 by LeMonnier, a

French dentist. Dieffenbach performed the first closure of the hard palate in 1834. In the

1930's, Kilner and Wardill independently developed the "pushback" procedure (Stewart,


2.2. Epidemiology of oral clefts

Clefts involving lip and/or palate are the most common congenital deformities that occur at

the time of birth. The incidence of the oral clefts has been the subject of many studies.

These studies have shown that there are variations in the incidence among different races.

The incidence of cleft deformities reported in many comers of the worlds varies from 0. 79

to 3.62 per 1000 (Vanderas, 1987). Mean value of the studies conducted in the world

among different races was 1:700 live births (Barden et al., 1989).

The incidence of cleft deformities in Malaysia, reported by National Oral Health Survey of

School Children, Ministry of Health (1997) is 1: 941. While incidence in Kelantan state in

Malaysia shown that the ratio of cleft was 1:700 live births (Halim & Singh, 2000).

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Literature review H'

The mongoloid (Asian descent) has the highest incidence while the Negroid (Africans) has

the least incidence; (1.00 per 1000 live births in Caucasians, 0.4 per 1000 live births in

Negroid, and 2.1 per 1000 live births in mongoloids (Berryman, 1999).

Most of tlie epidemiological studies categorize oral clefts into cleft lip, cleft lip and palate,

and cleft palate only. As shown in Fig. 2.1 combined cleft lip and palate (CLP) represents

approximately 50% of incidents, cleft palate alone (CP) 30%, and cleft lip alone (CL) 20%

(Young, 1998).

Clefts of the lip and combined lip and palate are twice as common in males. Isolated cleft

palates are twice as common in females. This may be explained by the fact that the

secondary palate closes one-week later in females (Young, 1998). The left side was

affected twice as commonly as the right side with majority of cases being unilaterally.

The incidence of oral clefts is generally increasing. Studies in Denmark (Jensen et al.,

1988) have shown a rise from 1:667 to 1:529 between 1942 and 1981. A report from The

European registration of congenital anomalies and twins showed an increase of 1.45/1000

to 1.57/1000 from 1980 to 1988 (EUROCAT, 1995). The increase in incidence is thought

to be multifactorial. However there have been reports associated with older age maternal

and/or paternal of oral clefts offspring (Slavkin, 1992).

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Literature review

CL 20%

CLP 50%


Fig. 2.1. Oral Cleft breaks down (Young, 1998)

locLPI I•CP ' !oCL I

,, !..:.

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~··. Literature review ~· ;;_·

2.3. Classification of oral clefts

Clefts of the lip and palate can vary considerably from one individual to the next. Some

have both cleft lip and palate; some have only a cleft of the lip; others have only a cleft of

the palate. Clefts may be unilateral or bilateral. Oral clefts are generally grouped on the

basis of clefting of the lip or palate or both. Various authors have put many classifications

for clefts.

2.3.1. Davis and Ritchie classification (1922)

It is based on location of the cleft in relation to the alveolar process (Table. 2.1.).

Table. 2.1. Davis and Ritchie classification.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Pre alveolar clefts Post alveolar clefts Complete clefts, involving (Clefts of the lip) (Clefts ofhard and soft the palate, alveolar ridge,

palate extend up to the and lip. alveolar ridge).

Unilateral Unilateral Unilateral

Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral

Median Median Median

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Uterawre n:vie>v 14

2.3.2. Veau's clssification (1931)

Veau has classified cleft lip and palate into four groups (Table 2.2).

Table. 2.2. Veau's classification.

Group Description

1 Involving soft palate only.

2 Involving hard and soft palate, extending up to incisive foramen.

3 Complete unilateral clefts of soft palate, hard palate, lip and alveolar ridge.

4 Complete bilateral clefts affecting soft palate, hard palate, lip, alveolar ridge.

2.3.3. Classification by Fogh Amlrsen (1942)

Fogh Andersen classified clefts into three groups: clefts of the lip, clefts of the palate and

clefts of lip and palate (Table.2.3).

Table. 2. 3. Fogh Andersen classification.

Group 1 Group 2 Group3 Clefts of the lip Clefts of lip and palate. Clefts of palate, extending

u_p to the incisive foramen. Unilateral or Median Unilateral Unilateral or median

Bilateral Bilateral Bilateral

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Literat'.lre review

2.3.4. LAHSHAL classification

1n 1987 Okrien had classified cleft lip and palate by paraphrase LAHSHAL, which is the

anatomic areas, affected by clefts.

L: Lip. A: Alveolus. H: Hard palate. ~: Soft palate. H: Hard palate. A: Alveolus. L: Lip. -Areas involve<i in the clefts are denoted by specifically indicated alphabets standing for it

for example: L - - S - - - I stands for clefts of right lip and soft palate

2.3.5. Schuchrdt and Pfeifer's symbolic classification (1966)

This classification makes use of a chart made up of a vertical block of three pairs of

rectangles with an inverted triangle at the bottom (Fig. 2.2). These are representing clefts of

lip, alveolus, hard palate, and soft palate respectively. Areas affected by clefts are shaded in

the chart, the advantage of this classification is the simplicity but the disadvantage is the

difficulty in writing or communication

Ri2:ht Left



Hard plate

Fig. 2.2. Schuchrdt and Pfeifer's symbolic classification

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2J.6. Kernahan's stripped "Y" classification by Kernahan and Stark (1958)

Tllis is another symbolic classification; a stripped "Y" having numbered blocks, which

represent a specific area of the oral cavity (Fig. 2.3).

-Blocks 1 and 4 represent the lip.

-Blocks 2 and 5 represent the alveolus.

-Blocks 3 and 6 represent hard palate anterior to the incisive foramen.

-Blocks 7 and 8 represent hard palate posterior to incisive foramen.

-Blocks 9 represent the soft palate.

The boxes, which will be shaded, are the places where clefts have occurred ..

Fig .2.3. Kernahan's stripped "Y" classification

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Literature revie1-v 17

2.3.7. Classification given by International confederation for plastic and

reconstructive surgery in 1968

Intemational confederation for plastic and reconstructive surgery classified oral clefts into --three groups: Clefts of anterior primary palate, Clefts of posterior palate and Clefts of

anterior and posterior palate (Table. 2.4).

Table. 2.4. International confederation for plastic and reconstructive surgery classification.

Types Area affected sides

Lip: -Right side. -Left side.

Group 1 -Both. Clefts of anterior primary palate. Alveolus: -Right side.

-Left side. -Both.

Lip: -Right side. -Left side. -Both.

Group 2 Alveolus: -Right side. Clefts of anterior and -Left side. posterior palate. -Both.

Hard palate: -Right side. -Left side. -Both.

Hard palate: -Right side. Group 3 -Left side. Clefts of posterior -Both. palate.

Soft palate:


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2.3.8. IOWA classification

IOWA has classified Cleft Lip and Palate into five groups as shown in Fig 2.4.

It should be noted here that all the classifications apply equally to unilateral and bilateral


Group 1: Clefts ofthe lip only

.. · ·'

Group 3: Clefts of the lip, alveolus and palate. (Complete cleft lip and palate)

Group V

Group 2: Clefts of the palate only (secondary palatal clefts)

Group 4: Clefts of lip and alveolus. (Primary cleft palate and lip).

This classification is defined as miscellaneous and includes clefts, which do not fit into any of the above categories.

Fig. 2.4. IOWA classification of Cleft Lip and Palate.

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Literature revieH' i9

2.4. Embryology background

To manage a case of cleft lip or/and palate it is necessary to grasp the normal development

of lip and palate. Normal embryological development of the oral cavity has been described

by Sperber (1976).

The face is formed by the fusion of a number of embryonic processes that form around the

primitive oral cavity or stomodeum By the fourth week of intra ute~ine life, five branchial

arches develop at the site of the future neck, which play a vital role in the human body

development. The first branchial arch, called the mandibular arch, is resp.onsible for the

development of nasomaxillary complex.

The embryonic precwsor of the face appears as a large frontal prominence that forms the

upper boundary of the stomodeum (primitive oral cavity). The primary mouth is divided

from the foregut by the buccopharyngeal membrane. On either side of the stomodeum is the

developing mandibular arch, the dorsal end of which gives off a bud called (maxillary

process), with the formation of the nasal pits. The frontonasal process gets divided into

medial nasal process and two lateral nasal processes (Fig. 2.5).

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Literature reviev;

2.4.1. Development of the primary palate

In the 5th and 6th week of intra uterine life, the maxillary process undergoes rapid growth.

By the ?th and 7th week, the maxillary process merges with the medial and lateral nasal

processes to form the intermaxillary segment (Fig. 2.6). This intermaxillary segment has a

labial component, which form the philtrum of the upper lip, and a triangular palatal

component, which include the four maxillary incisors and extends backward to the incisive

foramen. The upper lip and the pre-maxilla is thus formed. Inadequate proliferation of the

maxillary and medial nasal processes would cause cleft lip.

2.4.2. Development of the secondary palate

Secondary palate that makes up the rest of the palate forms both hard and soft palate; i.e.

about 90% of the palate.

By the 6th week of intra uterine life the medial surface of the maxillary process gives off

palatal shelves, which grow medially and downward, lateral to the tongue. Elevation of the

palatal shelves begins in week 7th, and more.marked in the anterior region, adjacent to the

primary palate. Elevation of shelves accompanies forward and lateral growth of the

mandible. The forces prompting this elevation have been labeled "intrinsic shelf force".

The tongue plays a vital role in the initial prevention of palatal shelves union, thus the

shelves grows vertically down.

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Lftemture revie>v 21

By the 8th week of intra uterine life the tongue descends and palatal shei.-...-es become more

horizontal and approxlln.ate. When the palatal shelves touch; the epithelium has thinned and

degenerated, allowing mesenchyme from both sides to join in the rniJ line. Fusion 1s

completed b);' the lOth week. Final closure by fusion occurs later in female than males.

Failure of fusion of the maxillary shelves with each other and with the fr0ntonasal process

results in cleft palate.

The soft palate is formed from secondary growth centers by successive merging rather than

fusion. The mandibular process gives rise to the lower lip and jaw.

Defective fusion or incomplete fusion between various processes leads to different types of

clefts. It should be noted that during normal development, primary palate has no cleft

unlike the secondary palate development.

Many workers have put forward theolOiies and investigated the possible reasons for

failure of the fusion process.

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Literature review

Frontal Prominence

~ Stomodeum ---- . r··

. \' -r _-

_____ Olfactory Pit

Fig. 2.5. Face of 5 week old embryo.

(Adapted from CLAPAI. Available at

.... ··.:~~~~ . · Fused --~ ,.

· ... .,_. :-:-:--------- Primarr;..r -~ '"::! -- Palate "' ':. ---. -'r~:J:~.~,---- Palatal Shelf

Fig. 2.6. Secondary Palate in 7 week old embryo.

(Adapted from-EtAPAI. Available at


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Literature revie1<v

2.5. Etiology of cleft palate

2.5.1. Introduction.

When researchers look at oral clefts, they begin to wonder whether the cleft represents a

deficiency of tissue, displacement of what tissue are present and I or presence of division of

tissue, resulting in an opening. Several studies have been undertaken on cleft youngsters.

Cast studies and radiographic studies. It was ascertained that deficiency and /or

displacement could be present (Coup & Subtelny, 1960).

Cleft lip is considered to arise from inadequate mesodermal proliferation of the maxillary

process and medial nasal process. This causes a weakening and eventual breakdown of the

epithelial bridge between these structures, thereby producing cleft. Another theory says that

the epithelium covering the mesenchyme doesn't undergo apoptosis thus producing a

physical barrier to fusion.

The theories put forward to explain Cleft palate include failure of adequate mandibular

growth, which may inhibit elevation of the .palatal shelves. Another is that the tongue

become wedged and does not descend clear of the palatal shelves, thus physically

obstructing them It is generally considered that the most likely causes are either hypoplasia

of the shelves or delay in timing of shelf elevation.

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re review 24

lip and palate either complete or incomplete is more common than either one in

lation. Cleft palate only is more common in females than males. It is proposed that this

is caused by the later elevation of the palatal shelves in females, thus leaving open longer

time period for a potential environmental insult. However, males over all are more likely to

exhibit oral clefting.

;, The development of cleft lip was found to be of different genetic mechanism from that of

cleft palate; since the lip develop between the 5th - 8th week of intra uterine life and the

palate at 9th - 1Oth week, the mechanism altering the former could interfere with the later;

but the palate closure might also be affected independent of the lip.

2.5.2. Factors contributed in Oral clefts

Oral clefts are believed to occur due to genetic and environmental factors. Genetic factor

Three types of genetic risk groups are present. They are the syndromic group, which is

niost easily identified by examination, the familial group, and the isolated defect group,

which is identified by history.

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