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  • 8/13/2019 RTI abuse of public money by CPIO,FAA


    Central Information Commission,II,Floor,August Kranti bhavan, Bhikaji Kama Place

    New Delhi- 110 067.


    Re: Second Appeal under under Sec 19(3)of the Right to Information Act-2005

    Name and address of the appellant : ShriGopal Soni, ([email protected])(Tel.01452644106) C231,PanchSheel Nagar,Ajmer-305 004.

    Name and address of the CPIO : Pranab Kumar Sahu ,,Chief MANAGER & CPIO, New India Assurance Co. Ltd,{NIACL},87,M.G.Road,Fort ,Mumbai-400001.E-mail:

    Name and address of the Central Public Authority against the order of whom the appeal is preferred: Renjit Gangadharan,Dy General Manager, New India Assurance Co.

    Ltd,{NIACL},87,M.G.Road,Fort ,Mumbai-400001. E-mail not working.Fax:022-22700470 Particulars of the order against which the appeal is preferred:HO Appeal No. 241/2013 dated 11.12.2013 ( annexure A4 )

    Compensation Sought: The appellant prays for compensation as per clause in Sec 19(8)* ofthe RTI Act to the detriment suffered because of prolonged denial of information

    Brief facts leading to the appeal :The appellant ,an honest citizen of India sought information under RTI dated 16.08.2013 (

    A1) pertaining to bribe taking ,vigilance machinery ,confidential report on behalf of NIACL and protection of whisle blowers. The NIACL CPIO submitted a rhetorically drafted reply completelydenying all the desired information .The appellant, vide appeal dt.11.11.2013 requesteddisclosure of information to FAA . However, the said Renjeet Gangadharn whoabused needless public money by air travel to CIC on 20 th May 2013 instead of attending

    prescribed mode video conference from Mumbai tried to justify the reply of CPIO

    Prayer or Relief sought : 1. The information pertains to Right to Life of the applicant as well as towider public interests the full disclosure of which deserve immediately.2. That obstruction to information be viewed seriously and responsible official be penalized underSection 20 (10) of the Act.

    Compensation Sought: The appellant prays for compensation as per clause in Sec 19(8)* ofthe RTI Act related to the detriment suffered since long denial of information.

    Grounds for the Prayer or Relief : 1.The RTI officials of who have history of abusing publicmoney preferring air travel to CIC deny information based on fallacy.2. There is no attempt to ensure objective disclosure of information either by CIPO or FAA

    3. Following pledge is violated by both the CPIO and FAA WE, THE PUBLICSERVANTS OF INDIA, DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY PLEDGE THAT WE SHALL CONTINUOUSLYSTRIVE TO BRING ABOUT INTEGRITY AND TRANSPARENCY without fear or favour. Whether 2 sets of appeal attached :YesWhether self -attested all documents :YesPage numbering (bottom to top):A1 : Application under RTI act with annexures.dt..16.08.13 (misprinted by CPIO as 16.09) A2 :Reply of CPIO dt.23.10.2013 A3 . First Appeal dt.11.11.13. A4. Order of FAA dt. 11.12.13(extract). A5 . Rule of law-confidential report cannot be denied A6 -7. E mail copy of a set sentto CPIO and 1st appellate authority .. I verify that the facts mentioned above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

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    A 6-7

    Email: to Pranab Kumar Sahu ,,Chief MANAGER & CPIO,

    New India Assurance Co Ltd,

    ( NIACL),87,M.G.Road,Fort ,Mumbai-400001

    Madam/Sir,Re: Information of Second Appeal under the Right to Information Act-2005

    With reference to My application under the R.T.I.Act16.08.2013 reply by you CPI/Ho/2013-14/255 suppressing the informationthe applicant herewith files second appeal* against denial ofinformation by you as the CPIO and against the decision ofappellate authority under Appeal No.241/2013 .Kindly be informed as above.

    Shri Gopal Soni,C231,Panch Sheel Nagar,Ajmer -305004.(appellant)Enclosed: as above *


    RTI 16.08.13:Information of Second Appeal under the Right to Information Act-2005rev ribhav2 Sat, Feb 8, 2014

    To: [email protected], "pranabkumar.sahu", "rti.ho"

    Email: to [email protected] Gangadharan,Dy General Manager,

    New India Assurance Co Ltd, ( NIACL),87,M.G.Road,Fort ,Mumbai-400001

    Dear Sir,Re: Information of Second Appeal under the Right to Information Act-2005

    With reference to RTI application dt.16.08.2013 Appeal to youdt.11.11.2013 the applicant herewith files second appeal* againstdenial of information by the CPIO and your mechanical reply,asappellate authority under Appeal No.241/2013 . Kindly be informed.

    Shri Gopal Soni,C231,Panch Sheel Nagar,Ajmer -305004.(appellant)Enclosed: as above *

    Dt. 7-02-2014

    A 5


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  • 8/13/2019 RTI abuse of public money by CPIO,FAA


  • 8/13/2019 RTI abuse of public money by CPIO,FAA


    Ministry ofFinance,(vigilance) 16'* August 2013 Department of Financial Services II I Floor, Jeevan Vihar, Parliament Street,

    New Delhi 110001

    Re: application under the RTI Act: 2005

    1 Appointment order issued to following chief vigilance officers (CVO) of New India Assurance Co. Ltd (NIACL) by the Ministry: (a) Mrs. Gopa Re (b) Mr. P. Nayak

    2 (a) Name of the act and (b) Rule(s)/regulations of vigilance that are being enforced by CVO of NIACL

    3. Since 2008, Information as per record of the CVO of NIACL in respect of (a)Pending (b) disposed of (c) dismissed (d) action taken,if any

    in respect of complaints of applicant forwarded by CVC/CBI/Govt.** 4. Information of the specific Act including section/sub-section that

    empowers an authority of NIACL not to recommend suspension of an employee accused of bribe taking

    5. (a) Information of the specific month and date since when whisle blowers are granted protection in the NIACL

    (b) Total

    yearwise Number

    of employees/ex-employees



    as whisle blower(s) in the NIACL since 2008

    (c) Information of specific protection,rights and privileges accorded to whisle blowers in the NIACL

    5. As on date,Total Number of employees of NIACL charge sheeted under the prevention of corruption neither placed under suspension nor

    recommended fo r suspension

    6. Information of the (a)act and the (b) rules on the basis of which the officials/public servant of NIACL participate in person at Central Information

    Commission hearings at Delhi, spending public money while the mandate is only to attend video conference. ***

    7. Copies of confidential reports in respect of the applicant fo r the year 1988 to date on the designation of Hindi Translator as per record available in the NIACL (b) information of the year from which upto which the record is destroyed

    11 Yours Sincerely, [email protected]

    (ShriGopal Soni) Tel.0145-2644106 C231,PanchSheel Nagar,Ajmer-305004 enclosed:IPO No. 399485 ** One of the forwardings by central vigilance commission is enclosed. ***Notice for hearing dated June 14,2013 is enclosed in annexure.

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    xure to RTI 16.08.13 ShriGopal Soni

    Central Information Commission Room No. - 307, 2'"' Floor, B-Wing, August Kranti Bhawan

    Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi110066. Phone Nos. : 011-2610 502 /.

    File No. : CIC/DS/A/2012/002304 Date : June 14, 2013

    Notice for Hearing through Video Conferencing


    Date of RTI

    Date of l" Appeal

    Shri Gopal Soni, Ajmer (Rajasthan).



    Respondent/s :

    CPIO's Reply : FAAO :

    New India Assurance Co. Ltd., Jaipur / Mumbai.


    Appeal N0.-I29/2OI2, Dtd.:05/10/2012.

    6. Ihe Appellant and the Respondents are also requested to intimate their telephone mobile numbers and E-Mail address to the undersigned.

    Venue for the Appellant

    N.l.C. Video Conferencing Studio, Ground Floor, Opp. S.D.O. Office,

    CoUcctorate; Ajnier-305001

    j (Rajasthan) (Contact Officer - Mr. I Ankur Goyal (Scientisl-C & DIO) & ! Contact No.: 0145-2627469).

    Venue fo r th e Respondent/s

    National Informatics Centre, Video

    Conferencing Studio, '' Floor, New Administrative Building, Opposi te Mantralaya, Mumbai (Maharashtra) Contact Otficer - IVlr. Hussain Ali fS ior Technical Director) & Contact Nos . 22837339).

    (T. K. Mobapatra) cretary & Dy. Registrar

    Central Public Information Officer under RTI Chief Manager, fhe New India Assurance Company Liu., Head Office : New India Assurance Building, 87, M. G. Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001 (Maharashtra).

    Shri GopaLSoni fEjTeinpIoyee), C-231, Panchsheel Nagar, Ajmer-305004 (Rajasthan).

    First Appellate Authority under RTI, Deputy General Manager, The New India Assurance Company Ltd., Head Office : New India Assurance Building, 87, M. G. Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001 (Maharashtra).

  • 8/13/2019 RTI abuse of public money by CPIO,FAA


    Preview Acknowledgment

    Telegraphic Address: SATARKTA:New Delhi, Email:cenvigil@nic,in, Website:, EPABX:24651001-07, FAX: 24646286


    Page 1 of 1


    -V 0.


    Satarkata Bhavan, GPO Complex, Block A, INA, New Delhi-110023

    Complaint Number: 6910/2013A/igilance 3


    Shri Gopal Soni Shri Gopal Soni C231 .Panchsheel Nagar, AjmBr-305004, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India, 'ss, ,

    Subject : Complaint Against:OFFIC IALS Organization Against; NEW INDIA INSURANCE CO.LTD. Dear Sir/Madam, Please refer to your letter on the aforementioned subject.Your complaint has been duly examined by the Commission and having regards to the nature of the issues raised thereinjthe same has been fonwarded to CVO,NIACL for necessary action.As such while no further report is required to be sent to the Commission.The authorities concerned are required to look into the matter and take action as deemed fit.

    Your s faithfully : VIG-3, Section Officer

    *This is system generated, no signature required Print

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    Annexure to RTI 16.08.13: (po in t no.6) A list of i n s u r a n c e company execut ives who e n j o y e d ai r t rave l on 15.07 .2013 whi le the not ice of CIC was to attend video conference only .

    S. No. A p p e a l / d e c i s i o n ref. Name of Insurance execut ive Enjoyed Tour/Air t ravel f rom Wastage of pu bl ic money

    l . C I C / D S / A / 2 0 1 2 / 0 0 2 6 9 0 J.K. Lakhaniya Yes f r o m Indore / B h o p a l 2.CIC/DS/A/2012/002364 A.L. Madan, Yes f r o m Chandigarh 3.CIC/DS/A/2012/002272 Vinay Batra, Yes f rom Mumbai 4. CIC/DS/A/2012/002457 S. K. Dash Yes f r o m Mumbai Est imated loss of pu bl ic money Rs. 8 0 , 0 0 0 on account of tour

    Rs. 2 0 , 0 0 0 loss of pu bl i c r e s o u r c e s (The company pa i d pr o vi d ent fund etc. t o said pu bl ic servants )

    Total loss of Public money Rs. On e lakh Public s e r v a n t who fo l lowed the No f rom Ja ipur mandate of CIC M.L. C h u l e t , P r e s e n t through

    video conference

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