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Page 1: Roots to Shoots - West Michgan bonsai Club - Living · Roots to Shoots A Newsletter for The Bonsai Community Of Michigan

Roots to Shoots

A Newsletter for The Bonsai Community Of

Michigan (specifically West Michigan currently)

Including Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Holland, and the surrounding


Volume 1, Issue 2—February 2015

Hello again everyone! My, how time is flying. It should NOT be this late in February already. This is the 2nd issue of this newsletter (which is a currently a compilation of the newsletter for West Michigan Bon-sai Club (KONGETSU) and the newsletter for Bonsai Society-Kalamazoo (OMAKE). Please “wander around” and see what all there is to see. If you only want to read the pages for YOUR club or society, then by all means, do so! But again, I do encourage you to look at the whole newsletter. I’ll be publishing info’ about the “Bonsai World” every issue on the first couple of pages and then will be publishing the individual newsletters. I welcome YOUR input and help and pic-tures to share with everyone. Please send your ideas, suggestions, criticisms, etc to my e-mail and I’ll start a conversation with you! Anita Buckowing [email protected] 616-405-1242 (continued next column).

(continued from left column) It’s SHOW TIME… Bonsai Shows/Exhibits/Events in Mich-igan and around the country. If YOU know of events that should be included on this list, please do email me! In Date order (somewhat…): April 17-19, 2015 MidAtlantic Bonsai Societies Spring Festival featuring Budi Sulistyo, Mauro Stemberger, Peter Tea, Frank Mihalic, and Critique by David Knittle Visit for more info. May 9 & 10, 2015 17th Annual Michigan AllState Bonsai Show with Guest Master Suthin Sukosolvisit Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, MI It is time to start preparing your tree for exhibit. If you would like to have a flyer emailed to you when it is availa-ble, please contact me …. Show Co-Chair Anita Buckowing [email protected] OR [email protected] (continued on next page)

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(continued from Page 1) Michigan AllState Bonsai Show, cont. Here are the workshops for the show; sign up at now! 1) Beginner Bonsai w/TigerBark Ficus 2) Exploring Mame-style with Boxwoods 3) Bring-Your-Own-Tree with Suthin 4) Designing a Collected Shimpaku into a

Beginning Bonsai in Informal Upright Style

5) Developing a Bonsai Tree Using an Established Cork Bark Chinese Elm

6) Bring-Your-Own-Tree with Suthin May 16 & 17, 2015 11th Annual Spring Bonsai Show Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe, IL Presented by Midwest Bonsai Society Visit for more info’ May 22—June 1, 2015 Azalea Bonsai Exhibit The National Bonsai & Penjing Museum, Washington, DC Visit for more info’ June 11—14, 2015 CAPITAL COLLECTIONS & Collecting in the 21st Century Turf Valley Convention Center, Baltimore/Washington The 2015 ABS (American Bonsai Society) Learning Symposium sponsored by ABS and The Potomac Bonsai Association and The National Bonsai Foundation Visit for more info’ June 12—August 12, 2015 3rd National Juried Bonsai Pot Exhibition The National Bonsai & Penjing Musuem Visit for more info’. Entries are still being accepted.

Roots-to-Shoots, Vol 1, No. 2—February 2015; Page 2

It’s SHOW TIME ...continued Late June— Four Seasons Bonsai Club Annual Show in Troy, MI Visit for more info’ (and if anyone can clarify the date of this event, it would be much appreciated) July 10—12, 2015 Mid-America Bonsai Alliance presents MABA 2015 in Indianapolis with Guest Artist Suthin Sukosolvisit and many other guests Visit August 14—16, 2015 38th Annual Mid-America Bonsai Exhibit With Guest Artist David Easterbrook Presented by Midwest Bonsai Society at Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe, IL Visit for more info’ August 29 & 30,2015 Annual Ann Arbor Bonsai Society Show @ UofM Matthaei Botanical Gardens Visit for more info’ (Thanks to those who corrected this date) Sunday, September 20, 2015 Art of Bonsai 2015 @ Hidden Lake Gardens Hidden Lake Gardens 6214 Monroe Rd, Tipton, MI 49287 Visit and/or watch Ann Arbor Bonsai Society’s web-site for more information September 25-27, 2015 Artisan’s Cup Bonsai Exhibit At the Portland Art Museum, Oregon Visit ENTRIES are due soon; visit the website if you are thinking of submitting an entry...

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Notes From The President Tim Cox, [email protected]


SPRING is only around the corner, I promise! (One month away—March 20!)

The days are getting longer but the snow continues to fall and we definitely are still

COLD! Hopefully, your trees are comfortably sleeping & anticipating Spring just like the

rest of us. Make sure you add a little water

or snow if the soil seems dry but generally you should wait til next month to do any

pruning, styling, or most anything else.

Our first meeting of 2015 is TOMORROW!

We have an exciting program planned. Four club members will briefly cover four bonsai

BASIC topics then club members are invited to spend more time with each presenter for

more information, ask questions, & maybe

do a little hands-on work (bring your own tools and/or trees). One of our presenters

will cover tool use and care and will demonstrate how to sharpen your tools. You

are encouraged to bring tools to get them sharpened! There also will be some

information on our website, our Facebook

page, and more.

We won’t be holding our BONSAI 101 session

tomorrow but will return to that in March

(our BONSAI 101 sessions are usually the 30

minutes prior to the start of the meeting and any and all are encouraged to ask questions

and share about bonsai). We WILL have some door prizes & such at the meeting, so

please come join your friends for a few hours

of bonsai information & fun. Last, a quick reminder—2015 Membership

Dues are now due. Please use the attached form to renew your membership!

Tim Cox, President 616-240-4440

Volume 19, # 2 February 2015 Tim Cox, President Anita Buckowing, Newsletter Editor [email protected] 616-405-1242

Club e-mail address [email protected]

2015 Schedule (schedule as of 02/19/15, subject to change)

(all meetings at Frederik Meijer Gardens unless

otherwise noted)

Saturday, February 21, 2015, 9 am–12 pm

Bonsai Basics Start the new year with a nice BONSAI BASICS

discussion with Guest Presenters.

Saturday, March 21, 2015, 9 am—12 pm

Bring On The Spring- Getting Our trees out of storage/winter slumber

Saturday, April 18, 2015, 9 am—12 pm

Guest Speaker/Bonsai Artist Jack Wikle returns!

Tuesday, May 19, 6 pm—9 pm

AllState Show re-cap PLUS a discussion on fertilizers, nutrients, and pesticides for bonsai

Tuesday, June 16, 6 pm—9 pm Guest Speaker/Bonsai Artist Steve Jetzer returns!

Time to candle-prune pines and energy balancing Possible tour of the Japanese Gardens prior to our

meeting (more details on that in future editions)

Tuesday, July 21, 6 pm—9 pm

Member Show & Share Possibly bring a dessert to share

Tuesday, August 18, 6 pm—9 pm

Program To Be Determined

>>Possible Date Change Pending<<

FRIDAY, September 18 and Saturday, September 19 (Morning) - Demonstration/Presentation by a

Guest Artist (to be announced) on Friday, Workshop on Saturday Morning

(members get a discounted price

for the Workshop) (more details in future editions)

(continued on next page)

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(2015 Schedule, continued from previous page)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Prep’ for Annual Club Show

Saturday, October 3 and Sunday, October 4, 2015

Annual Club Show

Saturday, October 17, 2015, 9 am—12 pm Program To Be Determined

Saturday, November 10, 2015, 9 am—12 pm Planning Meeting for 2016

Possible Presentation on PINES and possible discussion on Winter storage

December—no meeting scheduled

Good reading/inspiration/ideas/shopping/etc:

Our FACEBOOK page is active. Please visit:

And please consider giving the page a LIKE

and maybe posting a comment or a picture too!

Clubs/organizations: OUR new Club website :

(continued from previous page-Notes from The President)


Comments from your Editor: Hello everyone! It is almost March; Spring is a month away. It is amazing how fast this year is going! Thank you all for the kind words about my efforts on these newsletters. Please send your links, pictures, & more to me for the next issue. ~ Anita [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 269-792-4438 616-405-1242 (yes, I use all of those contacts) Next issue - Bonsai Apps, books, & more. If you have suggestions/information/etc., please share!

Kongetsu January 2015, Page 2

Page 5: Roots to Shoots - West Michgan bonsai Club - Living · Roots to Shoots A Newsletter for The Bonsai Community Of Michigan

2015 Membership Form West Michigan Bonsai Club

Note-Membership Dues paid from 09/01-12/31/14 include the full year of 2015





(please circle your preferred contact number)


Membership Level (please check one):

FAMILY-$30.00________(2 family members ages 16+) INDIVIDUAL-$25.00____________

Student-$10.00 (up to age 25 for College Students)__________ Hardship/Inactive-$10.00_____________________

Please check your preferred method of delivery of this newsletter:

U.S. Mail________ or E-Mail_______

Please make your annual Membership Dues check out to:


and mail to: Jane Harrelson

1151 Parnell Ave SE Ada, MI 49301

You can also complete the info’ above & bring to any of our meetings.

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OMAKE: an occasional newsletter of

the Bonsai Society-Kalamazoo (BS-K)

Volume 34, Number 2 February 16, 2015

2015 BS-K Schedule (as of 02/16/15)

All dates & times are subject to change All events at GIRL SCOUT Headquarters (GS)

unless otherwise noted

Sunday, March 15, 2015 (GS) 2 pm-5 pm Ficus Workshop

Bring your own Ficus to work on and share with others; there MAY be some Ficus

available for purchase also (more details next newsletter)

March 19-21st -BS-K will have an infor-mation table/display at the Annual Spring

Flower & Garden Show at Wedel’s Volunteers will be needed on Friday &

Saturday—see next page

Sunday, April 19, 2015 (GS) 2 pm-5 pm Bring-Your-Own-Tree Repotting

The Society will provide soil for members (non-members will pay a nominal fee for

our soil mix) This meeting is an excellent time to do your

repotting INDOORS with friends! More details next newsletter

April ?-BS-K will host their annual

BEGINNERS WORKSHOP at Wedel’s. Membership help will be needed.

We generally run this from 9 am to Noon. Further details next newsletter

May—no meeting scheduled at this time—

Members are encouraged to Attend & Exhibit at the Michigan AllState Bonsai Show (May 9 & 10, 2015 @ Frederik

Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park)

(continued next column)

(continued from prior column)

2015 BS-K Schedule

Sunday, June 7, 2015 (GS) 2 pm-5 pm Maple Workshop

Sunday, September 13, 2015 (GS) 2 pm-5pm

Visiting Master

Sunday, October 18, 2015 (GS) 2pm-5 pm Austrian Pine Workshop

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Location/Time to be determined Planning Meeting

Sunday, December 13, 5 pm-8 pm

Annual Friendship Dinner HUNAN GARDENS

5057 W Main St, Kalamazoo, MI 49009 269-373-1188 or 269-373-1030

(RSVP to Jean McIlvenny 269-369-1126 or [email protected])

Friends & family are welcomed (all attendees responsible for their own


2015 Bonsai Society-Kalamazoo Officers

President-Greg Filter [email protected]

Past President—John Cerovski [email protected]

269-343-4159 or 269-569-2513 Vice President—Ann Page

269-731-4099 [email protected] Treasurer-Jenny Grunberg

[email protected], 269-375-4489 Librarian-Louis Vasquez 269-323-0035

Web Master-Greg Filter [email protected]

OMAKE Editor-Anita Buckowing 269-792-4438, [email protected]


Page 8: Roots to Shoots - West Michgan bonsai Club - Living · Roots to Shoots A Newsletter for The Bonsai Community Of Michigan

BONSAI SOCIETY-KALAMAZOO MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 2015 Please fill out and mail or bring to a meeting.

Member since:__________________

Membership Type: select one _____Student $15 _____ Individual $20 _____Family $25 Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City___________________________ State________ Zip________________ Home Phone____________________ Mobile Phone_____________________ E-Mail________________________ ______Do not publish my address to general membership _______Call ONLY if absolutely necessary Any Bonsai Experience?_________________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear of us?__________________________________________________________________________________

Payment Amount Enclosed $_______ MAIL TO: BONSAI SOCIETY-KALAMAZOO 8814 West H Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49009

OMAKE, January 2015, Page 2

Hello everyone! Winter is more than half over and SPRING is just around the corner. Please contact any of the Board Members if you can help improve our programs. We are excited to again participate in the 20th Annual Spring Flower & Garden Expo @ Wedel’s. This starts on Thursday with a bunch of demo’s & seminars and continues through Saturday (visit for more info’). We WILL need help setting up on Thursday (March 19, 2-4 p.m.) and then will need help “manning the table” on Thursday (5-8 p.m.), Friday 9 a.m.-8 p.m., and Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Please contact Jenny or Greg or Anita if you can help. We hope you can join us @ our March meeting and please do send your Membership Renewals using the form below. Anita Buckowing Editor

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