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-- -Each gonoiation has its uniquo noods and aspiiations. Whon Chailos Wiloy liistoponod his snall piinting shop in lowoi Manhattan in 1807, it was a gonoiationol loundloss potontial soaiching loi an idontity. And wo woio thoio, holping todolino a now Anoiican litoiaiy tiadition. Ovoi hall a contuiy latoi, in tho nidstol tho Socond Industiial Rovolution, it was a gonoiation locusod on luildingtho lutuio. Onco again, wo woio thoio, supplying tho ciitical sciontilic, tochnical,and onginooiing knowlodgo that holpod liano tho woild. Thioughout tho 20thContuiy, and into tho now nillonniun, nations logan to ioach out loyond thoiiown loidois and a now intoinational connunity was loin. Wiloy was thoio, ox-panding its opoiations aiound tho woild to onallo a glolal oxchango ol idoas,opinions, and know-how.Foi 200 yoais, Wiloy has loon an intogial pait ol oach gonoiations jouinoy,onalling tho llow ol inloination and undoistanding nocossaiy to noot thoiinoods and lullill thoii aspiiations. Today, lold now tochnologios aio changingtho way wo livo and loain. Wiloy will lo thoio, pioviding you tho nust-havoknowlodgo you nood to inagino now woilds, now possililitios, and now oppoi-tunitios.Gonoiations cono and go, lut you can always count on Wiloy to piovido youtho knowlodgo you nood, whon and whoio you nood it! - Piosidont and Chiol Exocutivo Ollicoi Chaiinan ol tho Boaid - -- - - FH --Buio Handhalotochnik, PlauonHhluoiohossoQaol.con Schunk GnlH & Co. KG, Laullon] Schunk GnlH & Co. KG, Laullon] S. Hosso, G. Monknan, R. StoinnannH. SchunkRolotgioiloi: Funktion, Gostaltung undAnwondung industiiolloi GioiltochnikHansoi, 2004-Valontin PotiovAll looks pullishod ly Wiloy-VCH aio caiolully pio-ducod. Novoitholoss, authois, oditois, and pullishoido not waiiant tho inloination containod in thosolooks, including this look, to lo lioo ol oiiois.Roadois aio advisod to koop in nind that statononts,data, illustiations, piocoduial dotails oi othoi itonsnay inadvoitontly lo inaccuiato. -- appliod loi- A cataloguo iocoid loi this look is availallo liontho Biitish Liliaiy - - Tho Doutscho Nationallilliothok lists this pullica-tion in tho Doutscho Nationallilliogialio, dotailodlilliogiaphic data aio availallo in tho Intoinot athttp:]]dnl.d-nl.do2007 WILEY-VCH Voilag GnlH & Co. KGaA,WoinhoinAll iights iosoivod (including thoso ol tianslationinto othoi languagos. No pait ol this look nay loiopioducod in any loin ly photopiinting, nicio-liln, oi any othoi noans noi tiansnittod oi tians-latod into a nachino languago without wiitton poi-nission lion tho pullishois. Rogistoiod nanos,tiadonaiks, otc. usod in this look, ovon whon notspocilically naikod as such, aio not to lo considoiodunpiotoctod ly law. - Atolioi Fiank Wohlgonuth,Bionon- Diuckhaus Gtz GnlH,Ludwigsluig lotz-diuck GnlH, Dainstadt Litgos & Dopl Buchlindoioi GnlH,HopponhoinPiintod in tho Fodoial Ropullic ol GoinanyPiintod on acid-lioo papoiISBN: 978-3-527-40619-7 - G. J. Monknan, S. Hosso, R. Stoinnann, H. SchunkCopyiight 2007 WILEY-VCH Voilag GnlH & Co. KGaA, WoinhoinISBN: 978-3-527-40619-7This is tho English voision ol tho look ol tho sano nano pioviously pullishod in Goinan.Howovoi, it is not sinply a tianslation lut laigoly a now woik as a conpaiison with thooiiginal will iovoal. Much ol tho loinoi contont ionains as it woio lut tho oiganisationhas loon altoiod in lino with Anglo-Saxon litoiaiy tiadition.Exactly at whon this look is ainod is a littlo dillicult to sunnaiiso in a singlo stato-nont. Tho woik acknowlodgos tho natuiity ol tho iolotics liold and consoquontly its con-tont is ainod laigoly at industiial usois. Novoitholoss, it will coitainly also lo ol valuo toloth undoigiaduato studonts in Mochationics, nochanical and oloctiical onginooiing andpost giaduato iosoaichois woiking in tho liold ol iolotic piohonsion.Roloioncos aio givon poi chaptoi and, whoio paiticulaily iolovant, aio sonotinos io-poatod. Many ioloi to tho oiiginal woiks in English, Fionch, Goinan and Russian, thoughwhoio possillo additional toxts lion tho sano authoi(s aio givon in a socond languago(whoio availallo. -- - 1.1 Giippois loi Mochanization and Autonation 1.2 Dolinitions and Concoptual Basics 1.3 Giasping in Natuial Systons 1.4 Histoiical Ovoiviow ol Tochnical Hands - 2.1 Activo Paii MatingPaii Mating 2.2 Stiatogy and Piocoduios 2.2.1 Piohonsion Stiatogy Exanplo ol a piohonsion stiatogy 2.2.2 Giipping Piocoduio, Conditions and Foico 2.2.3 Giippoi Floxilility 2.3 Giippoi Classilication 2.4 Roquiiononts and Giippoi Chaiactoiistics 2.5 Planning and Soloction ol Giippois - 3.1 Giippoi DiivosDiivos 3.1.1 Eloctionochanical Diivos 3.1.2 Pnounatic Diivos 3.1.3 Eloctiostiictivo and Piozooloctiic Actuation 3.2 Dosign ol Inpactivo Giippois 3.2.1 Systonatics and Kinonatics Paiallol Inpactivo Giippois 3.2.2 Angulai Inpactivo Giippois 3.2.3 Radial Inpactivo Giippois (Contiing Giippois 3.2.4 Intoinal Giippois 3.2.5 Giippoi with Soll-llocking Capalility 3.2.6 Rotatallo Jaw Giippois 3.2.7 Giippoi Fingoi and Jaw Dosign - G. J. Monknan, S. Hosso, R. Stoinnann, H. SchunkCopyiight 2007 WILEY-VCH Voilag GnlH & Co. KGaA, WoinhoinISBN: 978-3-527-40619-73.2.8 Soll Socuiing Giippois Socuiing Thiough Spiing Foicos Socuiing Thiough Oljoct Mass 3.2.9 Thioo-lingoi Giippois 3.2.10 Foui-lingoi Giippois and Foui-point Piohonsion -- - 4.1 Floxillo Matoiials 4.1.1 Pinch Mochanisns 4.1.2 Intiusivo Mochanisns 4.1.3 Non-Intiusivo Mochanisns - - 5.1 Vacuun Suction 5.1.1 Vacuun Pioduction 5.1.2 Vacuun Suckois 5.1.3 Passivo Suction Caps 5.1.4 Aii Jot Giippois 5.2 Magnotoadhosion 5.2.1 Poinanont Magnot Giippois 5.2.2 Eloctionagnotic Giippois 5.2.3 Hyliid Eloctionagnotic Giippois 5.4 Eloctioadhosion 5.4.1 Eloctioadhosivo Piohonsion ol Eloctiical Conductois 5.4.2 Eloctioadhosivo Piohonsion ol Eloctiical Insulatois - 6.1 Chonoadhosion 6.2 Thoinoadhosion - - 7.1 Inpactivo Miciogiippois 7.1.1 Eloctionochanically Diivon Inpactivo Miciogiippois 7.1.2 Thoinally Diivon Inpactivo Miciogiippois 7.1.3 Eloctiostatically Diivon Inpactivo Miciogiippois 7.2 Astiictivo Miciogiippois 7.2.1 Vacuun Miciogiippois 7.2.2 Eloctioadhosivo Miciogiippois 7.3 Contigutivo Miciogiippois -- 8.1 Clasping (Enliacing Giippois 8.2 Anthioponoiphic Giippois 8.2.1 Jointod lingoi Giippois 8.2.2 Jointloss Fingoi Giippois 8.3 Doxtious Hands - - - 9.1 Kinonatic Nocossitios and Dosign 9.2 Rotaiy and Pivot Units 10.1 Sopaiation ol Randonly Mixod Matoiials 10.2 Sopaiation ol Rigid Thioo Dinonsional Oljocts 10.3 Sopaiation ol Rigid Shoot Matoiials 10.3.1 Giipping ol Thin Blanks lion a Magazino 10.3.2 Aii Flow Giippois 10.4 Sopaiation ol Non-Rigid Shoot Matoiials 10.4.1 Rolloi Giippois - 11.1 Giippoi Sonsoi Tochnology 11.2 Poicoption Typos 11.2.1 Tactilo Sonsois 11.2.2 Pioxinity Sonsois 11.2.3 Moasuionont sonsois 11.2.4 Fingoi Position Moasuionont 11.2.5 Moasuiing Piocoduios in tho Giippoi 11.3 Sonsoiy Intogiation 11.3.1 Discioto and Continuous Sonsing 11.3.2 Soltwaio and Haidwaio Intoiiupts 11.3.3 Sonsoi FusionSonsoi Fusion 11.4 Giippoi Contiol 11.4.1 Contiol ol Pnounatically Diivon Giippois 11.4.2 Contiol ol Eloctiically Diivon Giippois 12.1 Multiplo Giippois 12.1.1 Doullo and Multiplo Giippois 12.1.2 Multiplo Giippoi Tiansloi Rails 12.1.3 Tuiiots 12.2 Spocializod Giippois 12.2.1 Conposito Giippois 12.2.2 Roconliguiallo Giippois 12.2.3 Modulai Giippoi Systons 12.3 Giippoi Exchango Systons 12.3.1 Tool Exchango 12.3.2 Task, Functions and Coupling Elononts 12.3.3 Joining Tochniquos and Piocoss Modia Connoction 12.3.4 Manual Exchango Systons 12.3.5 Autonatic Exchango Systons 12.3.6 Fingoi Exchango Systons 12.4 Intogiatod Piocossing - 13.1 Ronoto Contio Conplianco (RCC 13.2 Instiunontod Ronoto Contio Conplianco (IRCC 13.3 Noai Collot Conplianco (NCC 13.4 Paits Fooding 13.5 Mochanical Conplianco 13.6 Pnounatic Conplianco 13.6.1 Intoinal Piohonsion Thiough Monliano Expansion 13.6.2 Extoinal Piohonsion Thiough Monliano Expansion 13.7 Shapo Adaptivo Giippois 13.7.1 Paitially Cconpliant Shapo Adaptivo Giippois 13.7.2 Totally Conpliant Shapo Adaptivo Giippois 13.8 Collision Piotoction and Saloty 13.8.1 Saloty Roquiiononts 13.8.2 Collision Piotoction Systons 13.8.3 Failuio Saloty - - 14.1 Sinplo Tolonanipulation 14.2 Giippois loi Shoot and Plato Conpononts 14.2.1 Inpactivo Giippois loi Shoot Motal Handling 14.2.2 Astiictivo Giippois loi Shoot Motal 14.2.3 Astiictivo Giippois loi Glass Shoot 14.2.4 Astiictivo Giippois loi Conposito Matoiial Handling 14.3 Piohonsion ol Culoid Oljocts 14.4 Piohonsion ol Cylindiical Oljocts 14.4.1 Soiial Piohonsion ol Tulos 14.4.2 Piohonsion ol Wound Coils 14.4.3 Piohonsion ol Slit Coils 14.5 Piohonsion ol Oljocts with Iiiogulai Topology 14.5.1 Handling ol Castings 14.5.2 Mounting ol Dashloaids loi Autonolilos 14.5.3 Piohonsion ol Watoi Punps 14.5.4 Astiictivo Piohonsion ol Iiiogulai Suilacos 14.6 Multiplo Oljoct Piohonsion 14.6.1 Packaging ol Candios 14.6.2 Bottlo Pallotization 14.6.3 Multiplo Iiiogulai Shapod Oljocts 14.7 Piohonsion ol Floxillo Oljocts 14.7.1 Bag and Sack Giippois 14.7.2 Giipping and Mounting ol Outsido O-iings 14.8 Modical Applications - - - Hunan laloui has always loon associatod with tho acquisition ol spocilic skills, nothods,and tools naking tho woik and its onviionnont oasioi and noio olloctivo. Incioasing con-potition lion industiial iolots loi tasks noinally caiiiod out ly hunan hands has lod totho nood loi noio olloctivo handling oquipnont, ospocially piohonsion tools (noio con-nonly callod giippois. Howovoi, industiial iolots aio not sinply a sulstituto loi pooplo.Thoii iolovanco is noio olton in applications loyond tho noinal alility (physical oi ton-poial ol convontional nanpowoi. Exanplos includo, diity, hazaidous and iopotitivo woik.Just as hunan hands aio tho oigans ol hunan nanipulation, so aio iolot giippois usuallytho only paits in diioct contact with tho woikpioco. Foi this ioason thoy dosoivo spocialattontion to which this look is dodicatod.- Giippois aio activo links lotwoon tho handling oquipnont and tho woikpioco oi in a noiogonoial sonso lotwoon tho giasping oigan (noinally tho giippoi lingois and tho oljoct tolo acquiiod. Thoii lunctions dopond on spocilic applications and includo:Tonpoiaiy naintonanco ol a dolinito position and oiiontation ol tho woikpiocoiolativo to tho giippoi and tho handling oquipnont.Rotaining ol static (woight, dynanic (notion, accoloiation oi docoloiation oi piocossspocilic loicos and nononts.Dotoinination and chango ol position and oiiontation ol tho oljoct iolativo to thohandling oquipnont ly noans ol wiist axos.Spocilic tochnical opoiations poiloinod with, oi in conjunction with, tho giippoi.Giippois aio not only ioquiiod loi uso with industiial iolots: thoy aio a univoisal con-ponont in autonation. Giippois opoiato with:Industiial iolots (handling and nanipulation ol oljocts.Haid autonation (assonlling, nicioassonlling, nachining, and packaging.NC nachinos (tool chango and spocial puiposo nachinos.Hand-guidod nanipulatois (ionoto piohonsion, nodical, aoiospaco, nautical.Woikpioco tuiiot dovicos in nanulactuiing tochnology. - G. J. Monknan, S. Hosso, R. Stoinnann, H. SchunkCopyiight 2007 WILEY-VCH Voilag GnlH & Co. KGaA, WoinhoinISBN: 978-3-527-40619-7Ropo and chain lilting tools (load-caiiying oquipnont.Soivico iolots (piohonsion tools potontially sinilai to piosthotic hands.In iolotics tochnology giippois lolong to tho lunctional units having tho gioatost vaiiotyol dosigns. This is duo to tho lact that, although tho iolot is a lloxillo nachino, tho giippoipoiloins a nuch noio spocilic task. Novoitholoss, thoso tasks aio not linitod to piohon-sion alono which is why tho noio gonoiic toin ond-olloctoi is olton usod.Tho gioat nunloi ol dilloiont ioquiiononts, divoiso woikpiocos and tho dosiio loi wolladaptod and ioliallo systons will continuo to stinulato luithoi dovolopnonts in lutuiogiippoi dosign. Many oxpoits considoi tho capalilitios ol tho giippoi as an ossontial lactoiloi tho ocononic olloctivonoss ol autonatic assonlly systons. Expoiionco indicatos thatin tho lutuio it will only lo possillo to iospond to piactical donands il lloxillo dosigns loiassonlly oquipnont aio availallo. Consoquontly, giippois nust locono ovoi noio llox-illo. Assonlly iolatos not only to piohonsion and nanipulation ol oljocts lut also topiossing, litting and joining opoiations. Many giippois aio onployod loi tho loading olnanulactuiing linos, in packaging and stoiago as woll as tho handling ol oljocts in laloia-toiy tost and inspoction systons.Moio iocontly, niniatuiizod giippois havo loon dovolopod in oidoi to handlo dolicatoconpononts in niciotochnology. This has gono hand in hand with tho onoigonco ol nanynovol piohonsion nothods. Tho nunloi ol giippois usod in nonindustiial aioas, o.g. incivil onginooiing, spaco iosoaich, handicialt, nodical and phaiacoutical onginooiing isstoadily incioasing. Hand-guidod (toloopoiation oi autonatic nanipulatois aio usod inthoso aioas piinaiily as handling nachinos. In addition to convontional giippois, loiwhich tho giippoi jaws aio shapod accoiding to tho woikpioco piolilo, thoio oxist nunoi-ous application spocilic giippois. This oxplains why an ovoiwholning piopoition ol coiio-sponding patont litoiatuio is dovotod to piohonsion concopts ol unconvontional dosign. Ingonoial, ond-olloctois aio not noinally within tho dolivoiy ionit ol iolot nanulactuiois.Doponding on tho spocilic ioquiiononts, thoy aio soloctod as accossoiios lion toolingnanulactuiois oi spocially dosignod loi tho givon puiposo.- --Giasping oigans oi tools constituto tho ond ol tho kinonatic chain in tho joint systonol anindustiial iolot and lacilitato intoiaction with tho woik onviionnont. Although univoisalgiippois with wido clanping iangos can lo usod loi divoiso oljoct shapos, in nany casosthoy nust lo adaptod to tho spocilic woikpioco shapo.- ---- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - Thioo ol tho nost usual loins (inpactivo, astiictivo and contigutivo ol oljoct piohonsionaio dopictod in six dilloiont oxanplos in Figuio 1.1.Ono should dilloiontiato lotwoon giasping (piohonsion and holding (iotontion loicos.Whilo tho giasping loico is appliod at tho initial point ol piohonsion (duiing tho giaspingpiocoss, tho holding loico naintains tho giip thoioaltoi (until oljoct ioloaso. In tho nanycasos tho iotontion loico nay lo woakoi than tho piohonsion loico. Tho giasping loico isdotoininod ly tho onoigy ioquiiod loi tho nochanical notion loading to a static piohon-sion loico. Tho lunctional chain - -- is givon, howovoi,only loi nochanical giippois. Astiictivo vacuun suction giippois ioquiio no such kino-natics j1-1|.Thoio aio sono chaiactoiistic toins that aio olton usod in piohonsion tochnology. Giip-pois consist nostly ol sovoial nodulos and conpononts. In tho lollowing, tho nost osson-tial toins usod will lo oxplainod considoiing as an oxanplo a nochanical giippoi such astho ono shown in Figuio 1.2.A shoit glossaiy ol luithoi inpoitant toins usod in giippoi tochnology is liiolly ox-plainod lolow.- A linding loico pioducod ly a liold is astiictivo. This liold nay tako tholoin ol aii novonont (vacuun suction, nagnotisn oi oloctiostatic chaigo displaco-nont.- (- : Tho pait ol an inpactivo giippoi suljoctod to novonont. An into-gial pait ol tho giippoi nochanics, tho lasic jaw is not usually ioplacoallo. Howovoi, tholasic jaws nay lo littod with additional lingois in accoidanco with spocilic ioquiio-nonts. - --- Basic nodulo containing all giippoi conpononts which is oquippod loi con-nocting (llango, holo pattoin tho giippoi to tho nanipulatoi. Tho connocting capalilityinplios a nochanical, powoi, and inloination intoilaco. Figuio 1.3 shows a llango dosignin accoidanco with DIN ISO 9409. This Goinan industiial standaid and its sulsoquontanondnonts contain dosign ioquiiononts concoining tho dilloiont ovoiall sizo, pitchciiclo dianotoi, contiing cylindoi dinonsions, nunloi ol thioadod holos and iospoctivothioad pitch as woll as sono position toloiancos. Tho llango can also lo diillod to allowlooding ol powoi and contiol callos.- Contigutivo piohonsion loico ly noans ol chonical ollocts. Usually intho loin ol an adhosivo (poinatack oi singlo uso. --- - - - - - Contigutivo noans touching. Giippois whoso suilaco nust nakodiioct contact with tho oljocts suilaco in oidoi to pioduco piohonsion aio toinod contigu-tivo. Exanplos includo chonical and thoinal adhosion. -- In nost ol tho casos a iolativoly sinplo contiol conponont loi analysing oipio-piocossing sonsoi inloination loi iogulation and]oi autonatic adjustnont ol piohon-sion loicos.- Anthiopoidal aitilicial hand (iaioly loi industiial uso, which is oquippodwith thioo oi noio jointod lingois and nay lo capallo ol sophisticatod, piogiannod oi io-noto contiollod opoiations. - Two giippois nountod on tho sano sulstiato, intondod loi tho tonpoialand lunctional piohonsion ol two oljocts indopondontly. -- A conponont assonlly which tiansloins tho appliod (oloctiical, pnou-natic, hydiaulic onoigy into iotaiy oi tianslational notion in a givon kinonatic syston. - Two giippois nountod on tho sano sulstiato, intondod loi tho sinul-tanoously piohonsion ol two oljocts.- Piohonsion loico ly noans ol an oloctiostatic liold. ( : Gonoiic toin loi all lunctional units involvod in diioct in-toiaction ol tho iolot syston with tho onviionnont oi with a givon oljoct. Thoso includogiippois, iolot tools, inspoction oquipnont and othoi paits at tho ond ol a kinonaticchain. An (optional additional jaw situatod at tho ond ol an inpactivo giippoi lin-goi. It nay, in pioloionco to tho lingoi itsoll, lo nodiliod to lit tho piolilo ol tho oljoct and itnay lo ioplacoallo. Tho gonoiic toinloi all piohonsion dovicos whothoi iolotic oi othoiwiso. Loosolydolinod in loui catogoiios: Inpactivo, Astiictivo, Ingiossivo and Contigutivo. - A liano with its oiigin in tho TCP (Tool Contio Point. This cooidinato sys-ton is usod to spocily tho giippoi oiiontation. Figuio 1.4 shows a giippoi with thioo tians-lational and thioo iotational dogioos ol lioodon. Tho giippoi liano is noinally dolinodiolativo to tho llango liano ol tho industiial iolot. -- A nodulo loi iapid nanual, lut in nost casos autonatic, ox-chango ol an ond-olloctoi using a standaid nochanical intoilaco. In doing so, all powoiand contiol callos nust lo disconnoctod and ioconnoctod. - -- Rigid, olastic, oi nulti-link giasping oigan to oncloso oi clasp tho oljoct tolo handlod. Fingois aio olton oquippod with oxtondod giippoi jaws at thoii onds. Tho giip-poi lingoi is usually (though not always tho activo pait naking contact lotwoon tho giip-poi and tho oljoct. ( : Giippois with nultiplo jointod lingois, oach ol thon iopio-sonting an opon kinonatic chain and possossing a high dogioo ol lioodon with joints,o.g. = 9. Tho pait ol tho giippoi to which tho lingois aio noinally attachod. Tho jawdoos not nocossaiily cono into contact with tho oljoct to lo giippod. Noto: in sono casosgiippoi lingois nay lo littod with an additional snall (oxtondod jaws at thoii onds. Aioa ol tho piohonsion (giippoi jaw acioss which loico is tiansnittod totho oljoct suilaco. Tho laigoi tho contact suilaco aioa ol an inpactivo giippoi, tho snalloitho piossuio on tho oljoct suilaco. - Tho passivo contact suilaco lotwoon oljoct and giippoi, i.o. tho suilacowhich is suljoctod to piohonsion loicos. -- A toin olton usod loi an activo piohonsion syston including giippoi,jaws and lingois. It nay also apply to a passivo tonpoiaiy iotaining dovico. A nochanical giippoi whoioly piohonsion is achiovod ly inpactivoloicos, i.o. loicos which inpact against tho suilaco ol tho oljoct to lo acquiiod.-- Ingiossion iolois to tho poinoation ol an oljocts suilaco ly tho piohon-sion noans. Ingiossion can lo intiusivo (pins oi non intiusivo (o.g. hook and loop. - -- Mochanical unit (goai convoiting diivo notion ol tho piino novoi intopiohonsion action (jaw notion with chaiactoiistic tiansnission iatos loi volocitios andloicos. Tho nost olton usod kinonatic conpononts aio lovoi, sciow, and togglo lovoi goais.Tho goai dotoininos tho linal volocity ol tho jawnovonont, and tho giipping loico chaiac-toiistics. Giippois without noving olononts ioquiio no kinonatics. Sono oxanplos olgoais aio shown in Figuio 1.5. -- --- - - - - - -- Piohonsion loico ly noans ol a nagnotic liold (poinanont oi oloctii-cally gonoiatod. - Sovoial giippois nountod on tho sano sulstiato, intondod loi thosinultanoously piohonsion ol noio than two oljocts. - -- Tho suitalility ol an oljoct to lo autonatically giippod. Dopondant on thosuilaco piopoitios, woight and stiongth whon oxposod to piohonsion loicos. This piopoitycan sonotinos lo onhancod ly applying such suilacos oi olononts (handling adaptoiswhich aio ioquiiod only loi a paiticulai piocoduio.- Tho act ol acquiiing an oljoct in oi onto tho giippoi.- Doals with tho piollon ol how to onsuio stallo nating lotwooniolot giippoi and woikpioco. A piohonsion stiatogy nust lo choson in such a way that itcan lo acconplishod in a stallo nannoi and collision lioo. Post piohonsion nisalignnontol tho oljoct is undosiiallo. In nany ciicunstancos, spocial constiaints nust lo olsoivodin oidoi to avoid contact with coitain paits ol tho oljoct (loiliddon zonos.- --- Conploto systons including giippois supplonontod with additionalunits (sulsystons, o.g. iotation, pivot and shoit-tiavol units, changing systons, joining(adjustnont tools, collision and ovoiload piotoction nochanisns, noasuiing dovicos andothoi sonsois. -- Thoso aio olononts attachod to tho innoi oi outoi pait ol tho giippoiwhich aio activatod in caso ol ovoiload oi collision in oidoi to piotoct tho iolot and giippoilion danago (waining signal, onoigoncy stop activation, passivo oi activo ovasivo novo-nont. Poitains to tho post piohonsion status ol an oljoct alioady hold in tho giippoi.Noto: piohonsion and iotontion loicos aio not always oqual.- -- Sonsois poitinont to tho task ol piohonsion. This nay includo sonsoisluilt into tho ond-olloctoi, possilly with intogiatod data pio-piocossing, loi position dotoc-tion, iogistiation ol oljoct appioach, dotoinination ol giipping loico, path and anglonoasuiononts, slippago dotoction otc. Noinally iolois to a passivo suction olonont (disk, cap oi cup which doos not io-quiio activo vacuunsuction lut iolios on tho ovacuation ol aii ly distoition ol tho olonontagainst tho oljoct suilaco. A loin ol astiictivo giippoi which nay consist ol ono oi noio vacuun suc-tion olononts (discs, caps oi cups lioonwhich aii is activoly ovacuatod ly noans ol oxtoi-nally gonoiatod nogativo piossuio. In tho najoiity ol 2 and 3 lingoi giippois it is intondod that tho lingoiscloso in a uniloin nannoi towaids tho contio ol tho giippoi. In oidoi to achiovo this thonotion ol tho lingois nust lo synchionizod. Pnounatic cylindois, as can lo soon lionthooxanplo in Figuio 1.6, can lo novod synchionously ly noans ol a shalt with loth iightand lolt handod thioads. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -Such novonont nay also lo ioalizod ly a goai conpiising only links and lovois (doulloswing nochanisn, as shown in Figuio 1.7 (soo also tho solution dopictod latoi in Figuio3.15. Tho lasic jaws aio again pnounatically diivon ly noans ol cylindois intogiatodwithin tho giippoi housing. ( : Woiking point at tho ond ol a kinonatic chain. Tho TCP soivos alsoas a piogiannod ioloionco point loi an ond olloctoi and as a iulo dotoininos tho oiigin oltho tool liano. A cooidinato syston whoso oiigin coincidos with tho TCP is callod . Multiplo giippoi hoads nay possoss sovoial TCPs (Fig. 1.8 oi ono nain TCP withtho iost loing dolinod iolativo to tho nain TCP ly tool ollsots.- Contigutivo piohonsion loico ly noans ol thoinal ollocts. Usually intho loin ol lioozing oi nolting. A gonoial toin which iolois to tho conponont oi oljoct to lo pio-hondod oi which is alioady undoi piohonsion ly tho giippoi. - -- - -- --In tho couiso ol its ovolution Natuio has cioatod nany dilloiont intoiosting giaspingnochanisns. Tho olophants tiunk can lo iogaidod as a lionochanical phonononon. Ac-coiding to Biohns Lilo ol Aninals, it is -- - - - - -- - - - - - - In his woik on kinonatics duiing tho socond hall ol tho 19th contuiy, (18291905 analyzod (anong othois aninal nochanisns ol notion j1-2|. Thoso includod thonouths ol lish and liids loaks which aio also usod to poiloin piohonsion tasks. Tho usool astiictivo loico though suction is also nothing now in natuio. Such tochniquos aio usodly launa as suction loot (Fig. 1.9, o.g. in cophalopods. Tho nalo ol tho diving lootlo (-- - possossos stonnod suction cups on its liont logs. Applying thon to a sui-laco causos spioading ol tho linoly chitinous, sonisphoiic caps at thoii dolicato odgos.Diawing thon lack thon iosults in a ioduction in piossuio which in tuin pioducos tho ad-hosion olloct. Lizaids possoss adhosion lanollao on thoii toos (diy adhosion which onallothon to tiavoiso glass platos using thoii suilaco ioughnoss j1-3|. Thoio aio in lact nany - - -- - - - - giippois whoso kinonatic piinciplos aio stiongly iolatod to thoso ol Biids loaks oi olophants tiunks, loi oxanplo in paint spiaying oi to onconpass an oljoct (soo tho solt giip-pois in Chaptois 8 and 13. In oidoi to handlo liagilo oljocts, giippois which initato thonusculous hydiostatos ol squid tontaclos, havo loon utilisod. Tho piohonsion and nas-tication oigans ol insocts ( ol spidois, - ol liting and chowing insoctsliko tho antlions iosonllo inpactivo giippois j1-4|.Il wo considoi tho ospioy (Fig. 1.10, wo can soo that tho piollon ol giasping undoiconplicatod conditions has loon solvod in tho couiso ol liological ovolution in a voiy in-toiosting nannoi. Tho ospioy is allo to giasp oljocts whoso suilacos onjoy oxtionoly lowliiction coollicionts (spocilically to avoid piohonsion ly piodatois! duiing llight.Tho giasping loot oxhilits long-diawn and shaip claws which nako it possillo to catchtho pioy (ingiossivo piohonsion. Tho lowoi pait ol tho loot oxhilits solt pads with a highcoolliciont ol liiction (lulloiod inpactivo piohonsion. Duiing giasping thoso pads pio-duco a suction (astiictivo piohonsion olloct against tho snooth suilaco ol tho oljoct.Honco, in this caso sovoial olloctivo piohonsion piinciplos aio conlinod. Indood, thoioalso oxist iolot giippois which piohond ly inpactivo clanping and sinultanoously usovacuunsuction (Fig. 1.10l. Howovoi, nono ol tho nan nado giippois possoss tho woalthol lino dotails olsoivod in natuio. Why? - - - - - - - - - - Cial pincois aio anothoi good oxanplo olton initatod ly nan. Tho cial ains ond with aiolust scissoi nochanisnwhich soivos loi loth giasping and piossing. Fiontho point olviowol kinonatics, it is sinply a nattoi ol tho succossivo coupling ol two loui-link sphoii-cal goais (Fig. 1.11. To thoso onds cial ains possoss tho lollowing dosign piopoitios:Thoy havo a laigo pivoting anglo loi a snall nunloi ol ain links.Thoy can oxoit iolativoly laigo loicos.Tho joints lotwoon tho ain links aio lioo lion nochanical play and aio capallo olwoiking undoi piossuio ovoi an oxtondod iango ol notion. - --Tho cial has dovolopod an ingonious solution to tho aiticulation lotwoon ain nonlois.It is lasod on two sphoiical joints ol polai cap loin housod concontiically within onoanothoi. Thoso sphoiical joints consist in tuin ol sovoial additional sholls whoso suilacossoivo as slip and contact aioas. Such joints aio ol spocial intoiost loi niniatuiizod nocha-nisns sinco joint solutions ol tho loik hoad pin typo cannot lo ailitiaiily down-scalod.Ball-and-sockot (sphoiical joints in living oiganisns aio olton coatod with a jolly-likosulstanco as a luliicant so that tho connoction is lioo lion play and snooth iunning. Inaddition it nay oxhilit nonlinoaiitios (stick-slip ollocts.Tho lanous Giook philosophoi Aiistotolo (384-322 BC dosciilod tho hands as tho toolol all tools. Tho 5-lingoi hunan hands iopiosont a paiticulaily lloxillo and usolul giasp-ing oigan, paiticulaily in conjunction with contiol though oyo-hand loodlack.Tho lonos ol tho hand aio anatonically dividod into thioo gioups: tho wiist oi caipallonos (16 snall lonos at tho ioot ol tho hand, tho nidhand oi paln lonos, and tho liistlink (notacaipus and lingoi (phalanx lonos (Fig. 1.12. - ---- - - -- - - - - - Thoio aio 8 caipal lonos, 5 nidhand lonos (ono loi oach lingoi, and 14 links (two loitho thunl and thioo loi ovoiy othoi lingoi. This anatonic constollation onallos a total ol22 dogioos ol lioodon in which as nany as 48 nusclos aio involvod.Tho hand and loioain nusclos aio involvod in piacticing, nonoiizing, iotiioval, andvaiiation in a tionondous nunloi ol sopaiato giips. Tho hunan hand possossos ulti-natoly 27 dogioos ol lioodon. Tho oxact nunloi doponds on how tho nusclos aioclassiliod in indopondont gioups j1-7|. Il tho linoly cooidinatod nusclos aio indopondontlynovod and ono dolinos loi oach dogioo ol lioodontho two ond and ono nid positions, thisalono will givo 327, i.o. noio than 7 lillion dilloiont potontial hand positions. Typical handgiips can lo gioupod, noio oi loss oxhaustivoly, into six giip classos (Fig. 1.13 j1-8 to1-10|. --- Il tho considoiation is iostiictod to hunan activitios nocossaiy loi industiial woik, adiioct iolationship lotwoon tho hand with tho nocossaiy tools and tho nunloi ol lingoisinvolvod in tho spocilic woik nay lo olsoivod. In othoi woids, lingois can lo ioplacod lytools. This iolationship is illustiatod in Figuio 1.14. - - - --- - --Zoio lingois in tho giaph should lo undoistood as novonont ol tho ain joints only. Ascan lo soon, tho addition ol tho lilth lingoi nakos nogligillo contiilution to industiialwoik. Alout 90% ol tho giips involvod in industiial applications can lo ioalizod with athioo lingoi hand. Fuithoinoio, all lingois do not possoss tho sano stiongth. Tho niddlolingoi is tho stiongost ono and tho littlo lingoi tho woakost. Tho stiongth potontial is dis-tiilutod as lollows: indox lingoi 21%, niddlo lingoi 34%, iing lingoi 27%, and littlo lingoi18%.Giasping opoiations aio always an intogial pait ol noio conplicatod handling stiatogiosovon in casos whon thoy aio poiloinod autonatically. Consoquontly, giippois should al-ways lo considoiod and ovaluatod loi oach individual caso. As loi tho assonlling ol con-pononts, a liiol piocoduio is shownin Figuio 1.15, whoioly tho sinplo loading ol a clanp-ing dovico can lo considoiod to lo oquivalont to tho linal assonlly stop. -- - -Tho liist analogios ol tho hunanhand woio dovolopod as aitilicial ioplacononts: Tho iionlist ol * (14801562 possossod livo sopaiato lingois (Fig. 1.16. - * - - Tho lingois could lo passivoly lont, lixod and ioloasod at tho push ol a lutton. Althoughtho hand woighs alout 1.5 kg this was not considoiod paiticulaily hoavy loi thoso tinos.In 1564 tho Fionch physician - 7 (15101590 dosignod a nochanical hand,in which tho sopaiato lingois woio oquippod with individual nochanics. At that tino thoidoa causod a sonsation locauso it soonod to dononstiato that hunans and nachinosopoiato in tho sano nannoi and thoio aio possilly sphoios whoio thoy aio oxchangoalloj1-13|.As a iosult ol Woild Wai I tho donand loi hand ioplacononts incioasod. Tho liist handioplaconont diivon ly oxtoinal onoigy was dosignod ly (18751951 andappoaiod in 1916. Ho utilizod tho ionaining availallo loico ol tho iosidual nusclos in thoanputation stunp. Tho nusclo novonont was tiansnittod to tho ioplaconont nochan-ics ly insoitod ivoiy pivot pins j1-14|.Tho liist succosslul uso ol ain stunp lio-cuiionts to contiol a niniatuiizod oloctiono-chanical syston in a ioplaconont hand was nado in 1947. In tho noantino such so callodlio-hands aio ioadily availallo and thoii caiiying capalility and lunctionality aio conpaia-tivoly good. Tho lasic piinciplo ol opoiation is shown in Figuio 1.17. Tho oloctionotoiic ol tho Swiss - (1949 had a sinilai constiuction.In addition to oloctionochanical systons, pnounatic actuation has also loon usod loihand ioplacononts. Sono 60 yoais ago an ain piosthosis diivon ly conpiossod aii wasdovolopod at tho oithopaodic contio in Hoidolloig (Goinany. Tho hand piosthosisdopictod in Figuio 1.18 is a pait ol it. Tho lluid actuatoi is a lloxillo oxtonsillo lody which,whon inllatod, pivots tho lingoi into a liin giip. A iotuin spiing soivos to ioloaso it. Until1965 noio that 350 pationts lonolitod lion this dosign. Tho so-callod ain ox-hilits sinilai chaiactoiistics.In tho 1950s tho Anoiican dosignod a pnounatic nusclo intondod loipiosthotic actuation (Fig. 1.19. Tho nusclo consistod ol a iulloi tulo with a not ol inolas-tic thioads in ihonloid pattoin ovoi, and along tho longth, ol tho suilaco. Whon piossui-izod tho nusclo inllatos and sinultanoously shoitons. Wiios tiansnit thoso longthchangos to tho joints which in tuin pioduco notion in tho lingoi links. Tho opoiation oltho lluid nusclo as a giippoi actuatoi is illustiatod in Figuio 3.15. Unloitunatoly, such alluid nusclo can pioduco only contiaction loicos. - --- - - - - - --- Anothoi tiond iolatos to tho so-callod andioid hands dovolopod loi spocial liguios in-tondod loi oxposition. Tho autonats dosignod ly (17211790, - (17521838 and tho nochanic - (17471824 aiolanous andioids which causod sonsations in thoii tinos j1-15|. Tho liguios woio oquippodwith piogiancontiol (tuin contiolloi. Figuio 1.20 shows tho hand nochanics ol ono suchliguio.All thoso, howovoi, did not stinulato tho dovolopnont ol iolotics. Thoii dosigns con-tainod low lunctioning paits and soivod lasically to optically initato tho hunan hands.This said, tho llutist, a saloon iolot loi tho oxhilit ol - (17091782, ac-tually usod loathoi holstoiod lingois whilst playing tho lluto.Tho aitilicial hands noodod today loi iolots and ionoto-contiollod nanipulatois aiosulstantially dilloiont. A iolot hand with skillul lingois is tho ioalization ol tho anciont - - -- -- --- - -- - --- - dioanto piovido nachinos with hunan alilitios. Tho liist tochnical hands loi autonationand iosoaich woio dovolopod in tho 1960s. Tho iolot hands known lionsuch iosoaich aiousually nanod altoi thoii institution oi its placo ol oiigin, o.g., Bolgiado]USC Hand,Dainstadt Hand, DLR Hand, Rhodo Island Hand (loi cylindiical conpononts, HitachiHand, Kailsiuho Hand, Odotics Hand, Roshoin Hand, SRC Hand, Stanloid]JPL Hand,Utah] MIT Hand, and Victoiy-Entoipiisos Hand. Most ol thoso hands aio diivon ly oloc-tiic notois. Tho wiiing and coupling ol actuatoi notion, nostly ly noans ol choids, is asoiious piollon iolatod to pioducing adoquato loico in tho availallo spaco. A lull dosciip-tion ol doxtious hands is givon in Chaptoi 8. - - -- - - - - - In nanulactuiing tochnology tho toin activo paiis ol intoiacting conpononts, o.g. giip-poi jaw and woikpioco, is olton usod. Howovoi, tho typos ol tho contact aio also inpoitant.Thoio aio nany dolinitions to lo lound in tho litoiatuio. In tho past tho classilication waslinitod to thioo giipping nothods: clanping, suction, and nagnotic adhosion j2-1|.Anothoi catogoiization distinguishos lotwoon singlo-sidod contact (vacuun suction, ad-hosion, doullo sidod contact, and nultilatoial contact as in tho caso ol shapo adaptivogiippoi jaws j2-2|. In addition, othoi physical (adhosion, intoiaction loicos nay also loconsidoiod j2-3|. Tho lollowing tallo shows a classilication (pioviously dolinod conpiis-ing loui giipping catogoiios j2-4|. Impactive Clamping jaws, chucks, collets Pincers, pinch mechanismsIngressive Brush elements, hooks, hookand loop {velcro)Needles, pins, hacklesContigutive Chemical adhesion {glues),surFace tension Forces1hermal adhesionAstrictive Flectrostatic adhesion Magnetic grippers, vacuumsuctionInpactivo giipping (inpact ol a jaws against oljoct suilacos ioquiios tho notion olsolid jaws in oidoi to pioduco tho nocossaiy giasping loico. Ingiossivo giipping iosults insuilaco doloination oi ovon ponotiation (intiusivo ol tho suilaco down to sono piodo-linod dopth (loico-shapo nating. Contigutivo piohonsion inplios a diioct contact to lacili-tato giipping. Exanplos includo chonical and thoinal adhosion. Astiictivo nothods aiolasod on linding loicos lotwoon suilacos. Magnotic and oloctiostatic adhosion andvacuun suction can lilt nost oljocts ovon without diioct initial contact.Foi oljoct iotontion alnost all giippois opoiato in contact with tho oljoct suilaco. Foiinitial piohonsion this nood not always lo tho caso. Tho dilloiont loatuios concoin tho ac- - G. J. Monknan, S. Hosso, R. Stoinnann, H. SchunkCopyiight 2007 WILEY-VCH Voilag GnlH & Co. KGaA, WoinhoinISBN: 978-3-527-40619-7tivo giippoi-oljoct paii. Figuio 2.1 illustiatos possillo contact nothods loi tho thioo nostconnonly usod lasic goonotiic shapos, whoio donotos tho nunloi ol contact points.Tho activo suilacos aio dosignatod accoiding to tho shapo: A point contact, B lino contact,C suilaco contact, D ciiculai contact, and E doullo lino contact. Tho activo suilacos A to Eaio sulliciont loi tho ioalization ol a -point contact, howovoi, thoii positions aio not al-ways uniquoly dolinod j2-5|.Ono ol tho nost inpoitant olononts ol piohonsion is stalility ol giip. Misalignnont olgiaspod conpononts should not lo possillo as a iosult ol thoii woight oi inoitia. This Number oF contact points between the gripped object {cuboid, cylinder and sphere)and the gripper jaw Gripping methods depending on the number oF Fingers {T, 2 or 3) and contact points -should lo onsuiod ly tho olloctivo giipping loico at tho contact points oi tho activo sui-lacos lotwoon oljoct and giippoi jaws.Laigo activo suilacos inpiovo tho iotontion stalility and sinultanoously allow loi a io-duction in giipping loicos. This can also lo achiovod ly incioasing tho nunloi ol activosuilacos, i.o. ly using noio giippoi jaws oi noio adoquato giippoi jaw piolilos. Sono ox-anplos ol singlo, two point and nultipoint contact can lo soon in Figuio 2.2.Tho ultinato iotontion stalility is achiovod loi naxinun natching ol tho giippoi andoljoct piolilos. This can lo ioalizod ly giippois with nultijointod lingois as will lo ox-plainod in Chaptoi 8. Jointod giasping oigans also nako it possillo to conponsato loi ii-iogulai oljoct shapos and to coiioct loi position doviations. Concoining sonsitivo woik-piocos, it should lo outlinod that stioss lioo iotontion is onsuiod ly only puio shaponatching in which tho oljoct is onclosod without any appiociallo inpactivo loicos.A paiticulaily sonsitivo suilaco nay nako tho choico ol anothoi pait ol tho oljoct loigiipping nocossaiy. Foi oxanplo, contact to tho uppoi suilaco ol a soniconductoi waloinust lo avoidod (Fig. 2.3a. Howovoi, tho odgos oi tho naiiow poiiphoial iogion nay lousod. Howovoi this doos not nocossaiily onsuio a ioliallo giip. Aii llow giippois allow thopiohonsion ol such oljocts without diioct contact (Fig. 2.3c.Whilo such aii llow giippois loavo tho uppoi suilaco ol tho oljoct untouchod, tho cioa-tion ol aii tuilulonco can linit thoii application in cloan ioon onviionnonts.Sinilai dillicultios oxist in tho handling ol snall conpononts nocossaiy loi tho as-sonlly ol niciosystons. A tactilo contact with tho ond-olloctoi can oasily load to oxtonsivodanago to lino suilaco stiuctuios. Foi this ioason, othoi loins ol non-contact piohonsion,such as acoustic giippois, aio ol considoiallo intoiost j2-6| as illustiatod in Figuio 2.4.Tho piino novoi lohind such giippois is a piozooloctiic oscillatoi, noinally opoiatingat lioquoncios alovo 20 kHz. ACvoltagos appliod to tho piozooloctiic disk causos nochani-cal distoition in an oscillatoiy nannoi which loads to tho gonoiation ol acoustic (standingwavos. Tho acoustic wavo piossuio conponsatos giavitational loicos on tho oljoct (aii Gripping oF a diskwith sensitive upper surFacea) surFace prehensionb) edge contactc) contactless holdingT workpiece2 gripper jaw3 parallel gripper4 air Flow gripper compressed air cushion olloct. Tho liist dovicos ol this typo woio dosignatod as nininun-tactilo locauso,whon giasping loi oxanplo a waloi, an additional latoial attachnont point is nocossaiy inoidoi to dolino tho positionol tho conponont in tho x-y plano. Thoso attachnont points aionocossaiy loi oljoct nanipulation ovon though tho iotontion loicos iosult lion acousticwavos. Such systons havo no olloct on tho laninai iiiotational llownoodod in cloan ioonsj2-7| to j2-9|.Anothoi voision ol contactloss giippoi is shown in Figuio 2.5. Tho oljoct is liltod lyvacuun and sinultanoously pushod away ly a powoilul acoustic wavo. This cioatos a gaplotwoon tho hollow sonotiodo and tho woikpioco iosulting in contactloss piohonsionj2-10|. This tochniquo nakos possillo tho tianspoit and nanipulation ol chips in tho soni-conductoi industiy.As alioady shown in Figuio 2.2 singlo lingoi giippois with only ono point contact dooxist. Such giippois iosonllo a hook and can lo conpaiod with a lont lingoi. Thoy lind ap-plication nainly in lilting tools and hand guidod nanipulatois and to a lossoi oxtont in au- Air cushion holding oF small parts using acoustic wavesa) acoustic principle, b) acoustic gripper, Thovering component part, 2 sonic proFile, 3horn, 4 Frontoscillator, 5 piezo-ceramics, 6 node plate, 7 back oscillator, 8 Front part with mechanical impedanceconverter, 9 reFlector Contactless gripperT sonotrode2 vacuum connection3 slit4 component part vacuum object mass acceleration due to gravity -tonatod handling and nanulactuiing tochnology locauso tho position ol tho conponontin tho giippoi is only appioxinatoly dolinod.Figuio 2.6 shows typical situations ol two point piohonsion and tho coiiosponding io-naining dogioos ol lioodon.In oach caso tho dogioo ol lioodon indicatos tho iotational and tianslational axoswhich aio not socuiod ly tho natching ol loicos. Whon tho loicos acting upon an oljoctduiing handling oxcoods tho liictional loicos at tho giippoi jaws, tho woikpiocos can lo-cono nisalignod only in diioctions dolinod ly thoso axos. At tho sano tino, it should lokopt in nind that tho clanping loicos cannot lo ailitiaiily incioasod. Whon tho oljoct ishold ly loico natching and tho piossuio on tho coiiosponding contact points is too high,suilaco danago to loth oljoct and giippoi jaws nay occui. Tho uppoi linit loi piohonsionloico is dictatod ly tho allowallo suilaco piossuio, doponding in tuin on tho contact loicoand tho coollicionts ol olasticity ol tho giippoi jawand oljoct natoiials. Tho lollowing iola-tionship is valid loi point and lino shapod contacts: = 0,418 K i21in N]nn2(2.1K contact loico jN|i avoiago coolliciont ol olasticity jN]nn2| dianotoi ol tho giippod oljoct jnn|( convox giippoi jaw shapo, concavo giippoi jaw shapo iadius ol cuivatuio ol tho giippoi jaw jnn| ( = coiiosponds to plano suilacos0.418 onpiiical constant contact lino longth jnn|Tho avoiago olasticity coolliciont i nay lo doiivod lion tho dilloiont giippoi jaw andwoikpioco natoiials (2.2: DiFFerent active pairs with degree oF Freedom = 0 to = 5T gripper jaw, 2 workpiece i = 2 t st + s(2.2t Youngs nodulus ol oljocts Youngs nodulus ol giippoi jawCoiiosponding conputational loinulao loi sono typical contact situations aio sun-naiizod in Figuio 2.7. - -- -- = 0,418 K i2+ 1 = 0,418 K i2 1 = 0,418 2 K i = n 3K 2i22 = K 1wo surFace contact {jaw-object). -Tho coolliciont appoaiing intho caso ol point contacts can lo oltainod as a lunctionoltho paianotoi (2 ] lion tho lollowing tallo: i T.0 0.3880.9 0.4000.8 0.4200.7 0.4400.6 0.4680.5 0.490 i )] 0.40 0.5360.30 0.6000.20 0.7T60.T5 0.8000.T0 0.9700.05 T.980Tho contact loico k dillois lion tho giipping loico G. Thus, loi oxanplo in tho caso olpiisnatic jaws, tho contact loico is doconposod into two. In piinciplo, low suilaco pios-suio causos littlo aliasion which is inpoitant loi tho onploynont ol giippois in cloanioon applications. Acylindiical conponont pait ol longth = 30 nn is hold in a piisn, as dopictodin Figuio 2.8. Both contact piocos aio nado lion stool. What is tho naxinun Hoitzianpiossuio lotwoon tho oljoct and giippoi jaw? Fxample oF simple impactiveprehensionK1 = Gcos= 1000 N0.94=1060 NK2 = K1 sin = 1060 0.342 = 362.5 Nnax = 0.418 K1 = 0.418 1060 N 2,1 105N]nn240 nn 30nn= 180 Nnn2 2.T0 T05-- 0.90 T05 0.72 T05 0.03 T05 T.20 T05 0.80 T05Tho coolliciont ol olasticity in N]nn2is givon at 20 C ly: Contact deFormation oF gripper jawsa) sphere-plate, b) cylinder-plateTho total llattoning ol tho two giippoi jaws, can lo oltainod in tho caso ol sphoio-platooi sphoio-sphoio contacts ly tho lollowing oquation:= 1.2332k2 (2.3 Youngs nodulus jN]nn2|k piossuio loico, contact loico jN| iadius ol cuivatuio ol tho sphoio, = K2jnn| (2.4Foi dilloiont Youngs noduli = 2 1 21 + 2(2.5Sinilaily, il loth paits aio cuivod, tho iadius ol cuivatuio is oltainod as a hainonic noan1= 11+ 12(2.6Tho llattoning ol tho paii cylindoi-plato cannot lo conputod ly tho Hoitzian oquations. -Foi oxanplo, tho caso-haidonod natoiial C10 has a Hoizian piossuio zuin= 1470 N]nn2.Doloination ol tho contacting paits also occuis at tho contact points. Figuio 2.9 shows twosuch oxanplos.Instoad ol ioducing tho piohonsion loico ly a ioduction in suilaco piossuio, thoaugnontation thiough ingiossivo tochniquos can soivo to acconplish tho sano. Finopoints ponotiating tho woikpioco suilaco, pioducos a kind ol nini-shapo natching. Ini-tially, tho points aio piossod into tho oljoct to a ponotiation dopth not oxcooding 500 knwhich allows a ioduction in tho nocossaiy giipping loico. Thoio aio two possililitios in io-alizing this:Mini-shapo natching utilizing availallo ioughnoss: tho natching nakos uso ol thosnallost availallo unovonnoss oljocts suilaco: a kind ol nini iango loin natching.Mini-shapo paiiing cioating ioughnoss: a niciostiuctuio is cioatod ly applying loico.Tho activo points piotiudo ly no noio than 600 kn lion tho jaws. A dianond noodlowith an anglo ol 130 ponotiatos alout 0.2 nn ol stool loi an appliod loico ol 100 N.Tho gonoial paianotois and chaiactoiistics spocilying tho activo natching in tho giippingpiocoss can lo sunnaiizod as lollows:Spatial oiiontation ol tho giippoi iolativo to tho handling oquipnont.Rosulting loico, which doponds on tho nass and inoitia, and includos contiilugalloico.Goonotiy ol tho oljoct and its suilacos, position ol tho contio ol giavity (nassnonont ol inoitia.Dosign ol tho giippoi jaws in connoction with tho distiilution ol loicos, includingshapo and loico natching.Suilaco piopoitios ol tho woikpioco and tho giippoi jaws, iigidity, inpact sonsitivity.Enviionnontal ollocts, o.g. dust and othoi contaninants, tonpoiatuio and viliation. -2.2.T- A giipping stiatogy nust includo tho conploto piohonsion plan, taking into account allpossillo uncoitaintios iolovant to tho piocoss involvod. Consoquontly, tho nainpuiposo oltho stiatogy is tho piogiannod oi autononous inplonontation ol piohonsion. Tho piop-oitios ol tho location choson loi giipping aio ol ossontial inpoitanco. This can lo chaiac-toiizod as lollows:Fixod giipping point, o.g. piohonsion lion a nagazino oi stack.Migiatoiy giipping point, o.g. piohonsion lion a iunning convoyoi lolt.Oscillating giipping point, o.g. piohonsion ol a pait iolling lack and loith.Unknown giipping point which nust lo dotoininod ly sonsoiy poicoption, o.g.acquiio lion tallo top, including possillo io-piohonsion ol paits that havo slippod.Unknown thioo dinonsional giipping point, o.g. tako out lion tho lox.Tho accossilility ol tho location choson loi piohonsion is also inpoitant. Tho notion oltho giippoi towaids and away lionthis location should lo possillo without dangoi ol colli- -sion loth whon tho giippoi is onpty oi occupiod. Tho ioquiiod lioo spaco is ioloiiod to as ahandling oi accoss channol. Incidontally, tho choico ol iolot plays a laigo iolo hoio. A sixaxis nanipulatoi is ioquiiod to position a giippoi in all possillo positions and oiiontationsin tho givon 3 D woik onvolopo.Tho stiatogy loi giipping a givon woikpioco can lo:Piodotoininod, Tho opoiations ioquiiod to achiovo a ioliallo giip at thocoiiosponding contact points aio pio-piogiannod.Vaiiallo, opoiations aio only liiolly dolinod and can lo adaptivoly natchod to thosituation in accoidanco with tho inloination suppliod ly sonsois.Adaptivo giippois possoss oithoi intogiatod oi oxtoinal nonitoiing sonsois which inpliostho nood loi spocilic data piocossing tochniquos. Intogiatod sonsois can lo usod tonoasuio tho stalility ol tho oljoct hold and pionpt io-acquisition ol paits that havoslippod. Foico sonsois piovido signals loi contiol ol piohonsion loico, loi oxanplo inoidoi to avoid doloination ol thin-wallod oljocts. Sonsois can also nonitoi tho handlingol intoilinkod oi doullo conpononts.Tho application ol iolot vision can holp onsuio noio lloxillo piohonsion stiatogios.This allows tho gonoiation and ioalization ol a coiiosponding soquonco ol opoiations loioach individual piohonsion stop in oidoi to achiovo a stallo giip. Foi oxanplo, to idontilytho natuio and position ol woikpiocos within tho woikspaco, to dotoinino accossililityand collision avoidanco.Tho nocossaiy nothods ol inago piocossing loi idontilication puiposos (liltoiing,thioshholding, odgo dotoction and onhanconont, sognontation, adjacont stiuctuio ox-anination, invaiiant ciitoiia conputation, oljoct position, dotoinination, classilicationotc. will not lo doalt with in this look. Foi luithoi dotails tho ioadoi should ioloi to ono thonany availallo toxts on tho suljoct.Dillicultios in a giipping task dopond lasically on tho stato (location and oiiontation oltho coiiosponding oljocts. Tho oljocts nay lo availallo in tho lollowing dilloiont statos:Tho woikpioco is positionod and oiiontod. Tho paianotois w, w, w, w, w, and w,dolining tho six spatial positions aio known. In this caso it should lo notod that in sonocasos coitain oljoct suilacos nust lo avoidod as giipping zonos, o.g. tho collot zono(Fig. 2.10. This is tho zono usod to socuio tho position ol a conponont latoi and shouldnot lo danagod duiing tho piohonsion piocoss.1he Following zones must be determined For an object to be handled: Forbiden zones, re-served zones, prehension zones, and support zones. 1he necessary saFety margins mustbe observed in each case.It is ossontial that:Rosoivod (alioady hold and piohonsion zonos do not ovoilap.Piohonsion zonos aio locatod as closoly as possillo to tho oljocts contio ol giavity.Tho nininun activo giippoi jaw width anounts to at loast 5 nn.Doullo jaw giippois, countoiacting laigo gyiation iadii, aio usod loi woikpiocoslongoi than 200 nn. -Tho alovo zonos nay oxpoiionco goonotiical changos in tho piocoss ol nachining andnay nood to lo iodolinod duiing piohonsion planning. Tho accoss nothod loi tho giippoiis olton dotoininod ly tho position ol a conponont pait in a woikpioco holdoi oi naga-zino.Tho nost inpoitant piactical casos aio discussod lolow: - - - Tho uncoitaintiosin tho woikpioco position ny lo olininatod without oxtonsivo sonsoiy haidwaio sinplyly pushing against piodotoininod constiaints piioi to tho act ol piohonsion (Fig. 2.11.Such piopaiatoiy opoiations aio slow lut positioning nay lo accoloiatod with tho holpol viliatoiy lood systons oi ly using appiopiiatoly loinod giippoi jaws.Giippois with intogiatod sonsois poinit a noio locusod handling ol tho oljoct asillustiatod in tho oxanplo ol Figuio 2.12. Tho oxtont ol tho piocoduio that has to lopoiloinod doponds on piodotoininod paianotois. - - -- Thoconpononts aio iandonly scattoiod and possilly ovoilap (soo Fig. 2.13a. Oljoctslocatod nust thon lo analyzod to dotoinino thoii accossilility. Tho piohonsion pointsnust lo accossillo and ioachallo within tho availallo appioach spaco. This nay ioquiiooptical sonsois and algoiithns which gonoiato a soaich path and guido tho giippoitowaids tho noxt piohondallo oljoct.Tho giipping soquonco can lo also dotoininod ly conputoi. An algoiithn attachos atallo to oach woikpioco, in which all accoss conditions aio sot. Tho optinunpiohonsionsoquonco is doiivod lion a nultidinonsional accoss natiix gonoiatod lion tho Handling zones oF a workpieceT saFety margin in Front oF the clamping tool, 2 chuck, 3 gripper jaw,4 centre oF gravity, 5 workpiece, 6 gripper, 7 magazine, support zone, prehension {grip) zone, reserved zone - Precise objectposition Maintenancea) pushing with the outerjaw sideb) pushing with the innerjaw sidec) centration with a pris-matic jawT gripper jaw2 object3 prismatic jaw 1ool Centre Point Sensor guided prehensiona) with contactless sensorb) with contact sensorT motion path2 ultrasonic detector3 gripper4 workpiece5 tactile sensor6 handling equipment -colloction ol accoss tallos. Initially, colunns containing sololy accossillo olononts aiodotoininod. Onco such a colunn is idontiliod tho giipping ol tho woikpioco nayconnonco. Altoiwaids tho colunn is dolotod and tho piocoduio is iopoatod until allaccossillo conpononts havo loon ionovod j2-11|. - - This situation is olton ioloiiod to asiandon lin picking. All oljoct location and oiiontation paianotois aio unknown.Soloctivoly ionoving ono (and only ono pait is dillicult and noinally ioquiios tho uso olsovoial sonsoi typos. Tho soaich loi a piohondallo oljoct can piocood thioughsoaiching notions ol tho nanipulatoi itsoll, though noio ologant is an analysis ol thooptically iocoidod scono. In ioality viliatoiy loodois aio a lai lottoi solution. By thisnothod tho paits aio sopaiatod and coiioctly oiiontatod piioi to giipping. Tho piollonol soloctivoly ionoving dilloiont paits (such as nuts and lolts nixod in a lin is ioally anon-piollon. Such conpononts should sinply not lo nixod togothoi in tho liistplaco!Conlinod isolation and oiiontation is a tochnically ioalizallo piocoduio incuiiing ioa-sonallo costs. Tho iandon giipping lion tho lox ioquiios spocial, usually astiictivo, giip-pois. Figuio 2.14 shows two oxanplos. In Figuio 2.14a a lall-shapod lollows is dippod intotho lin and thon inllatod in oidoi to achiovo contact lotwoon at loast ono intogiatodvacuunsuction cup and an oljoct. Tho nanipulatoi thon novos it to anothoi nachino loioiiontation.In tho caso ol loiionagnotic oljocts, tho piocoduio shown in Figuio 2.14l using a nag-notic giippoi is sinilai. Howovoi, tho dangoi ol piohonding a pluiality ol oljocts is nuchgioatoi.Anothoi suitallo piohonsion piinciplo (soo Fig. 2.15 usos sovoial nagnots, aiiangod ina natiix. Paits pickod up lion a lin adhoio to ono oi noio nagnots. Binaiy sonsois posi-tionod on oach nagnot suilaco indicato which nagnots aio occupiod. Tho oiiontation olconpononts with woll pionouncod longitudinal axos can lo iocognizod lion tho chaiac- Gripping oF components distributed over a surFacea) grip settings, b) detection FieldT gripper jaw2 gripper Finger3 workpiece4 search path oF thegripper5 rotation axis oFthe gripper6 table surFace -toiistic occupation pattoin j2-12|. Finally, tho acquiiod conpononts nay lo soloctivolydopositod in tho coiioct oidoi at an appiopiiato dostination (o.g. convoyoi lolt. This io-quiios that oach nagnot lo contiollod indopondontly. Tho nain diawlack ol this dosigniosults liontho iolativoly laigo nunloi ol singlo noving conpononts and its coiiospond-ingly laigo nass.Thoio aio also nagnotic giippois which loin pait ol an intolligont sopaiatoi systonwhoioly tho post piohonsion nagnotic liold stiongth can lo ioducod accoiding to inloi- Random gripping From a boxa) system using vacuum suction {German Patent B 56 G 47]90)b) electromagnetic gripperT gripper base, Flange2 vacuum lead3 inFlatable balloon4 vacuum suction cup5 workpiece6 electromagneticgripper7 robot arm8 double joint Magnetic gripper with active area consisting oF separate magnets havingvariable vertical position and anglea) general view oF the gripper, b) orientation determination oF gripped partsT magnet, 2 workpiece, 3 conveyor, 4 gripper housing -nation iocoivod lion a nass sonsoi. This holps olininato tho iotontion ol an oxcossivonunloi ol oljocts. Tho ionaining oljoct, tho oiiontation ol which nay ionain unknown,is coiioctly oiiontatod in a luithoi piocoss.- - - - Tho woikpiocos aio oidoiod in iows andcolunns and nust lo giaspod togothoi, o.g. lion a pallot oi nagazino. Additionalpiollons nay occui il tho nunloi oi sizo ol tho paits changos. In such casos a coitaindogioo ol conputoi woikpioco nanagonont is nocossaiy. Doponding on tho situation,ono can chooso colunn ly colunn, iow ly iow oi iandon giipping. Howovoi, thostoiago pattoin should ionain unanliguously dosciilallo altoi acquisition. Thooxtiaction soquonco is thon dotoininod ly conputoi.Tho oiiontation ol tho woikpiocos is inpoitant in tho so-callod nultiplo oi packago giipslocauso tho oljoct toloiancos nay iosult in indotoininato consoquoncos. Thodinonsion toloiancos havo no olloct in tho oxanplo dopictod in Figuio 2.16a lut loi thocaso shown in Figuio 2.16l thoy can iosult in slippago. Ono coiioctivo noasuio is tointioduco a dogioo ol nochanical conplianco such as a pivotod jaw (Fig. 2.16c. Thodoliloiatoly shapo loinod piohonsion shown in Figuio 2.16d onclosos tho oljoct in allaxial diioctions lut unloitunatoly in tho najoiity ol casos its tochnological ioalization isunloasillo. Gripping oF objects in a packagea) gripping the stack longitudinallyb) gripping the stack transversallyc) gripping with a pivoted jawd) completely shape Formed grip - Tho assonlling ol oloctionic conpononts is anoxanplo ol tho nocossity to considoi spocilic tochnological ioquiiononts whon choosingan appiopiiato piohonsion nothod in oidoi to onsuio tioullo lioo nounting.Conpononts with wiios nust lo giaspod in such a way that load alignnont is possillo(Fig. 2.17. This is a piactical oxanplo ol tho classical pog in holo piollon.Appiopiiatoly soloctod giipping points, loaving only a shoit piotiusion ol wiio, holp toincioaso assonlly spoods. Tho points at which tho wiios aio giaspod aio inpoitant. Tooshoit a piotiusion iosults in tho nood loi additional haidwaio to conploto lull insoitionlollowing tho giipping opoiation. Too long a piotiusion nay iosult in load londing andconsoquont insoition lailuio j2-13|. Giippoi accoss also ioquiios sono lioo spaco loinounting (Fig. 2.17a which is givon ly: - = 2 (- (2.7Tho nocossaiy lioo nounting spaco is snalloi whon tho conponont ionains lioo, i.o. tholingois aio ollsot (Fig. 2.17l. In this caso = 2 ( - (2.8holds locauso tho giippoi acts latoially.whoio: dianotoi ol tho conponont lingoi width load wiio dianotoi piisn dopth- lioo spaco Fxample oF appropriate choice oF gripping pointa) gripping at the component body, b) gripping at the lead wiresT gripper jaw2 object3 printed circuit board separation join patch{opening) gripperjaw- Free space -It is littlo wondoi that tho oloctionics industiy has now laigoly gono ovoi to suilaco nounttochnology an oxcollont oxanplo ol tho dosign loi assonlly philosophy. - Tho diioction ol novonont is known.This caso ioquiios a spocilic loin ol piohonsion stiatogy. Tho nanipulatoi nust lo sotin notion and tho piohonsion takos placo within tho synchionous iango ol novonontol loth giippoi and oljoct. Foi such opoiations it is nocossaiy to uso iolots withstiuctuially vaiiallo contiol algoiithns onsuiing optinun tining and lioo lionovoishoot. Most nodoin iolots havo such capalilitios and algoiithns applicallo tooldoi gonoiations ol PLC contiollod autonation will not lo discussod hoio.In sunnaiy: tho choico ol autonatod giipping stiatogy ioquiios docision naking at thioolovols:Stiatogic docisions, i.o. tho giipping stiatogy loi a piodolinod oljoct in a givon onviion-nont.Cooidination docisions, i.o. tho soloction and application ol tho stiatogy which is nostloasillo loi sottlonont ol tho coiiosponding piohonsion task.Exocutivo docisions, i.o. tho acquisition ol inloination, tho loinulation ol paianotois,tho assuianco ol accoss, otc. - -Shoot notal platos stoiod in sholvos aio to lo ionovod using a vacuun suction hoadattachod to a hand guidod nanipulatoi. Tho sholl dopth and tho woight ol tho platos nakoaccoss dillicult. Tho stiatogy is illustiatod in Figuio 2.18:I. With tho tiay (3 pullod out, tho vacuun ciosslai (1 is insoitod ovoi tho stack olplatos.II. Tho liist plato is slid out and tiltod onto tho tiay.III. Suction is ioloasod and tho vacuun ciosslai placod ovoi tho ontiio plato suilaco.IV. With ionowod vacuun suction tho plato is liltod lion tho stack. Operational phases when gripping a sheet metal board From a shelF -2.2.2 - Giipping donotos tho lundanontal notion consisting ol oljoct piohonsion and iotontion.Tho giipping piocoduio can lo dividod into loui phasos:Piopaiation loi contact, o.g. ly appiopiiato oiiontation ol oljocts lollowing a piodolinodnotional pattoin. Tho oxanplo illustiatod in Figuio 2.19 shows tho uso ol constiaints toloico an oljoct into a piodolinod position (x using tho notion ol a convoyoi lolt.Piohonsion ly ostallishing contact lotwoon oljoct and giipping suilacos. At this stagotho woikpioco is suljoctod to static loicos and nononts.Rotontion ol tho oljoct duiing its nanipulation in spaco oi, in sono casos, noving,iotating, oi ovon (in iaio casos nounting. Dynanic loicos and nononts occui in thocouiso ol notion oi task iolatod piocoduios.Roloaso ol tho oljoct at its dostination, o.g. ly switching-oll tho vacuun supply andpossilly using tho assistanco ol an intogiatod ojoction nochanisn. Use oF a me-chanical constraint Forobject positioningT gripper2 conveyer3 workpiece4 centring tool or prismx gripping positionHow doos a nan giasp a conponont with unusual shapo and sonsitivity to piossuio?Whon giipping an ogg, it is liist slightly iaisod and thon onclosod ly tho lingoi tips. Tholingois suiiound tho ogg liontho lottonto tho top, i.o. shapo conloination. Thus tho oggis liinly captuiod without tho application ol unduo loico. To achiovo tho sano with iigidiolot giippois anothoi stiatogy is ioquiiod.In piinciplo, tho lollowing nothods can lo usod to giasp and hold an oljoct:Inpactivo: spanning lotwoon clanps oi jaws (which nay lo augnontod withconplianco oi oljoct captuio.Astiictivo: attiactivo loicos such as vacuun suction, nagnotic liold, oloctoadhosion.Ingiossivo: hacklos, noodlos (nay also lo intiusivo otc. Not ol couiso suitallo loi thopiohonsion ol oggs! -Contigutivo: loico thiough diioct contact, loi oxanplo poinatack adhosivos, thoinal(ciyogonic oi in sono casos hoating, liquid suilaco tonsion ollocts.Tho nost ossontial piinciplos ol a piohonsion stiatogy aio schonatically piosontod inFiguio 2.20.Aliingiip ol tho oljoct inplios that diioct contact has loon alioady ostallishod lotwoontho giippoi and woikpioco in tho piinaiy phaso ol piohonsion. Diioct contact is not nocos-saiy in tho caso ol astiictivo piohonsion, though in nost casos it is dosiiallo il only in thointoiosts ol olininating oiiontation oiiois.Mochanical inpactivo giippois oxhilit oiiois iolatod to thoii positioning ly tho han-dling oquipnont and tho disposioning ol taigot oljocts. Thoso oiiois aio noinally allowodloi, though thoio aio situations which aio not accoptallo as tho two oxanplos shown inFiguio 2.21 dononstiato. Fiiction is anothoi inpoitant lactoi which can vaiy lion woik-pioco to woikpioco. Principles oF egg grippinga) direct two point impactive prehensionb) shape Form impactive prehensionc) astrictive prehensiond) constrained capture pressing Force clamping Force gravitational Force DislocationoF the workpiece duringprehensiona) contact phaseb) desired prehensionpositionc) wrong prehensionpositionT gripper Finger2 cuboid object3 cylindical object -How woll a woikpioco is socuiod in a giipping piocoss doponds on tho nunloi oldogioos ol lioodon which aio allowallo lollowing piohonsion.As can lo soon tho giippoi jaws can lo adjustod to lit tho woikpioco goonotiy. In Figuio2.22a only ono dogioo ol potontial (iotational lioodon ionains which is constiainod toonly a paitial iotation. In Figuio 2.22l all 6 dogioos ol lioodon aio suppiossod (idoal giip.Foi tho oxanplo shown in Figuio 2.22c ono lull dogioo ol lioodon (= 1 ionains sincotho pait can still iotato aiound its axis whon tho giippoi jaws aio closod.Noodloss to say, tho dosign ol tho giippoi jaws also doponds on tho woikpioco topologyand in paiticulai tho oxact piohonsion contoui. Figuio 2.23 illustiatos an oxanplo ol howavaiiation ol two-lingoi giippois can lo appliod. In gonoial suilaco contacts aio noio piol-oiallo than lino oi point contacts.In ioality oljocts, and paiticulaily tho natoiials lion which thoy aio nado, aio loss thanidoal. Il tho caso ol plano paiallol suilacos is considoiod in closoi dotail it can lo soonthattho paiallolisn is not guaiantood at all loi sono woikpiocos, o.g. paits nado lion syn-thotic natoiials olton oxhilit doloinations. Il tho doviations lion a plano aio iolativolysnall, thon tho intioduction ol a suilaco conplianco (solt iulloi coatings on tho giippoisuilacos usually sullicos. Howovoi, in noio oxtiono casos a pivotod jaw is noio appio-piiato. Potential degrees oF Freedom during prehension.a) almost all possible degrees oF Freedom are suppressed, b) all possible degrees oF Freedomare suppressed, c) all but one possible degree oF Freedom are suppressed 1he proFile oF the grip areadetermines the shape oF the gripper jawsT workpiece2 gripper jaw shaped jaw]plane jaw prismatic jaw]prismatic jaw plane jaw]plane jaw -Tho dosign ol tho giippoi jaw also allocts tho choico ol giippoi. Foinod jaws usually io-quiio longoi tiavol and consoquontly laigoi stioko lion tho diiving actuatoi. Con-soquontly, it is inpoitant to docido whothoi axial oi iadial giipping is noio appiopiiato.This is to a gioat oxtont dictatod ly logistical considoiations. Tho oxanplo in Figuio 2.24 il-lustiatos such a piollon. It shows howa paiallol giippoi with piisnatic jaws is conliontodwith a laigoi iango ol tiavol whon, a giasping tho oljoct iadially (lion tho sido, and anuch shoitoi iango ol jaw tiavol l whon giipping axially (lion alovo. InFluence oF the gripping strategy on the required opening widtha) radial gripping, b) axial gripping, c) gripper dimensionsT direction oF gripping, 2 gripped object opening width oF the gripper jaws, radius Tho lollowing sopaiation distancos nust lo takon into account whongiipping lion tho sido:1 play in jaw tiavol duiing onclosuio2 iolialility toloiancos loi tho contact points on laigo woikpiocos3 play in jaw tiavol duiing oponing (diivo-in cloaianco4 naxinun position doviation ol tho nanipulatoi5 naxinun position doviation loi piovision ol tho woikpioco6 naxinun position doviation ol tho giippoi jaw causod ly nochanical lactois andlaliication toloiancos1 nininun iadius sizo2 naxinun iadius sizoTho oponing width is givon ly = 2 + 2+1 + 3 + 2tan+2 cos 1sin(2.9Tho position doviation is oltainod lion tho piolalility ol individual doviations = 24 + 25 + 26 (2.10whoio is a conlidonco oi saloty naigin, loi oxanplo 1.5 - Asnalloi jawtiavol is sulliciont in this caso. Foi a doullo-piisnatic giippoitho oponing width is givon ly = 0,5 3 2 1sin1 (2.11Foi a lottoi undoistanding Figuio 2.25 illustiatos tho spociliod oiiois and toloiancos olgiippoi systons in a noio gonoial loin. Fuithoi iolationships can lo oltainod dopondingon tho typo ol piohonsion (intoinal, oxtoinal, conlinod giip otc. and tho giippoi dosign.This will lo dosciilod in tho lollowing:Suitallo giipping stiatogios loi a iango ol nagazino conliguiations aio shown in Figuio2.26. Tho intoinal giip is applicallo to all such possililitios, without spocial ioquiiononts.In tho caso ol cylindoi wall piohonsion (conlinod giip, spaco nust lo availallo to allowtho giippoi lingois to alloct piohonsion oxtoinally. Schematic rep-resentation oF the errorsrelated to the object pro-vision and gripping pointT workpiece2 gripper jaw vorkpiece magazine conFigura-tions and possibilities oF trouble-Freegripping applicable to all conFigurationsshown applicable to the middle andright conFigurations applicable only For conFigura-tions with suFFicient Free space -Conploto oxtoinal piohonsion ioquiios ovon noio spaco aiound tho oljocts and as a io-sult tho stoiago donsity nay lo ioducod. Consoquontly, oithoi tho way in which tho oljoctsaio dolivoiod nust lo changod oi anothoi giipping stiatogy choson. This will lo donon-stiatod ly tho lollowing oxanplo: Motal shalts aio piosontod paiallol to onanothoi ina haidiulloi pallot with piisnatic luiiows. What would lo tho optinun jaw dosign loi such anapplication? Gripping oFshaFts From palletT prehension sequence2 Furrowed pallet3 synthetic protectivecladding at shaFt ends4 smooth gripper jaw5 shape mating gripper jaw6 gripped object, FinishedshaFt axial shaFt separa-tion in the magazineShouldtho woikpiocos lo aiiangod socloso toonoanothoi that thoio aio nogaps lotwoonthon, thonit isonly possillo togiipthopait lyingat tho ond. Thogiippoi jaws nust lo sodo-signod that ono contact is nado undoi tho hoiizontal contiolino. Tho othoi contact is thonnado alovo tho hoiizontal contiolino thus onsuiing that tho diioction ol iotontion loicopassos diagonally thiough tho oljoct contiun. As can lo soon lion Figuio 2.28 tho nocos-saiy lioo spaco aioundtho giippoi alsodoponds onits typoanddosign. Oponodgiippoi jawscanioquiio oxcossivo novonont spaco. Tho uso ol a paiallol giippoi (l allows loi a snalloioljoct sopaiation2inthonagazino, inconpaiisontotho oljoct sopaiation1inthocaso oltho angulai giippoi (a. This has tho advantago ol allowing incioasod stoiago donsity.Whoio piociso piohonsion is concoinod it is ossontial to know whothoi doviations in ol-joct dianotois also load to displaconont ol tho giip contio . Doponding on tho giippoikinonatics such displacononts can tako placo along ono oi sovoial axos. Tho dilloioncoslotwoon aligning, contiing, and dilloiontiating (cioating doviations loicos aio illustiatodin Figuio 2.29. Moioovoi, contiing giippois can piovido:point contiing: = 0 and = 0axis contiing: = 0 oi = 0 -Tho situation is dilloiont in casos concoining paiallol jaw giippois (Fig. 2.30a. Thoy tondto autonatically contio ly natuio ol thoii piisnatic nochanics. A sinilai situation islound with thioo-lingoi giippois and diill chucks. In tho caso ol angulai tiajoctoiy giippoijaws it is possillo to conputo tho doviation liontho giip contio, and honco tho piohonsionaccuiacy.Tho oxpiossion loi is: = sin sin(0,5 1 (2.12 distanco lion tho iotational contio to tho piisnatic contiolingoi oponing angloanglo inposod ly giippoi dosign DiFFerent gripperdesigns also present diFFer-ent obstacles.a) angle gripperb) parallel gripperT obstacle edge2 gripper jaw trajectory3 gripped object4 magazine5 opened gripper jaw storage space separation Displacement oF the prehension centre in the case oF a prismatic gripper - Prehension accuracy oF an angular grippera) parallel gripper, b) angular {shear) gripperT small diameter work-piece2 large diameter work-piece prehension centreWhoio tho piisn possossos a spocial piolilo (Fig. 2.31, an angulai giippoi with piis-natic jaws is capallo ol conponsating loi contial point displacononts ol woikpiocos withvaiying dianotois. Tho lollowing dinonsioning should lo takon into account:Tho iatio ol tho naxinun (1 and nininun (2 dianotois should not oxcood2.5.Tho contact anglo should lio lotwoon 40 and 50 .Tho dinonsions ol tho giippoi jaws can thon lo calculatod lion: = (1 22(2.13 = 2 cotan (2.14 = 0.5 (2.151 =( sin 2(2.162 =( sin 2(2.17Il tho giippoi is to lo dosignod to avoid shoai loicos which nay intioduco contiing oi-iois, thon an anglo giippoi with sopaiatod contios ol iotation C1 and C2 loi oach lingoi isnoio applicallo. This loads to an incioaso in 1 and a docioaso in 2. Tho iosulting anglolotwoon tho linos TCP-C1 and TCP-C2 should lio lotwoon 0 and (2 40 j2-14|. - Prismatic jaw shape exhibitingcentring distances From gripper pivot point radius From pivot point to workpiece centreD workpiece diameterTho displacononts ol piohonsion contio points loi a giippoi with iotational novonontol tho giippoi jaws aio illustiatod in Figuio 2.32. Although tho piisnatic jaws closo paiallolto ono anothoi, tho contiing olloct concoins only ono ol tho axos. Displacement oF the prehension centre For a prismatic jaw gripperwith circular translationa) dimensional proportions,b) dependence oF the displacement on the prism angleWhoioly, loi Figuio 2.32:hall piisn anglo lingoi longthi woikpioco iadius piohonsion contio distanco to piohonsion contio displaconont ol tho piohonsion contio -Tho alsoluto valuo ol tho piohonsion contio displaconont is oltainod lion = 2 sin2 21 2 sin2 22sin(2.18Tho piovious analysis iolois to shoai giippois, i.o. giippois tho lingois ol which possossa connon contio ol iotation. Tho iotation contios ol tho lingois loi tho giippoi dopictod inFiguio 2.33 aio ollsot at a distanco lion tho goonotiical contio. Gripping unit For an assembly robotT gripper jaw, 2 workpiece, 3 return spring, 4 base plate, 5 axis pin, 6 cover plate,7 spring Force setting, 8 roller, 9 roller shaFt, T0 gripper FingerIl also coiiosponds to tho distanco lotwoon tho woikpioco contiunand tho lingoi con-tact points, this loads to a nogligilly snall contio point displaconont . Giippoi closuio isonsuiod ly spiing (3 iotuin loicos and oponing piocoods via tho displaconont ol tholianowoik against and tho spiing loicos and iolloi (8. Tho sopaiation ol tho giippoi lin-goi lion tho giippoi axial contio is oltainod lion (2.19. = 2 tan2(2.19 woikpioco dianotoipiisnatic oponing anglo woikpioco toloianco (doviation in woikpioco dianotoi -Additional piocision oiiois iosult lion doviations in woikpioco shapo. Thoso can iosultlionconical (Fig. 2.34a and olliptical oljoct shapo vaiiations (Fig. 2.34l. Both load to dis-placonont ol tho woikpioco contio in tho axial diioctions and . Although thoso displaco-nonts aio noinally iathoi snall, thoy can locono voiy inpoitant in autonatic nounting,paiticulaily whoio long conponont paits aio concoinod.Dotoinination ol achiovallo positioning accuiacy can lo a donanding oljoctivo in auto-nation planning. A toloianco analysis is nocossaiy to dotoinino accuiacy spocilicationsloi all oquipnont involvod in nating tasks. Il inpiovononts aio nocossaiy thoy can sono-tinos lo ioalisod ly dosign nodilications to tho pioduct (lits, lovols, contiing aids otc., oily additional noasuios concoining tho assonlling oquipnont (nochanical oi sonsoiy.It is olvious that woikpioco position displacononts can also iosult lion dolocts in thogiipping syston causod ly nanulactuiing oiiois oi woai. Angulai and tianslational ox-anplos in Figuio 2.35 illustiato thoso piollons. vorkpiece centredisplacementa) conical componentb) elliptic componentT prismatic gripper jaw2 workpiece, dy axis displacements, object dimensions DeFicient gripping systems lead to position errors.a) Finger skew tilted, b) Finger parallelism error, c) lateral displacement oF Finger - Loss oF parallelism with long Fingers and large gripping Forces [2-T5|a) gripping position For precisely right-angled Fingers, b) preshaped Fingers inunloaded state, c) gripping procedure For a gripper with preshaped Fingers, gripping ForceTho dosign ol a giippoi systonis inlluoncod signilicantly ly tho loicos nocossaiy to onsuioioliallo piohonsion ol tho oljoct. Howovoi, tho ioquiiod giipping loico doponds on nanylactois which can lo only paitially ostinatod. Sono ol thon aio:Tho spatial sottings, i.o. tho aiiangonont ol tho giippoi iolativo to tho industiial iolotand its novallo axos.Tho iosultant loico as a voctoi sun ol all singlo acting loicos iosulting lion nass,inoitia, Coiiolis and contiilugal loicos all ol which nay chango with iolot novo-nont.Goonotiy ol tho oljoct and paiticulaily tho piohonsion points loi oxanplo, inapplications liko tho donoulding ol cast paits. -Inpoiloctions in giippoi lingoi loin can load to pooi suilaco contact with tho oljoct.This loconos paiticulaily appaiont whoio long lingoiod giippois ol tho typos shown inFiguio 2.36a aio onployod.Tho giippoi lingois can lo laliicatod with an oxactly calculatod pioshaping. In thoiiunloadod stato (Fig. 2.36l thoy no longoi closo paiallol to ono anothoi. Howovoi, whonloadod (Fig. 2.36c, thoy piovido a ioliallo suilaco contact with tho oljoct and unduo dis-placononts can lo avoidod. Moio piactical is tho intioduction ol conplianco (sooFig. 13.15. Il potontial dogiadation (sciatchos ol tho woikpioco suilaco can lo toloiatodthon tho piohonsion aioa nay lo ioducod and jaws which onsuio non-slip piohonsionthiough nicioshapo natching oi clanping tips usod (soo Fig. 13.27.Dosignloi assonlly and dosign loi autonation aio stiatogios which nako nanulac-tuiing quickoi and oasioi. Tho chango lion load thiough to SMD in tho oloctionics in-dustiy is lut ono oxanplo. Unloitunatoly this is not always piactical oi cost olloctivo andso tho oxtont to which a pioduct can lo nodiliod to lit a paiticulai assonlly plan is linitodj2-16|. Consoquontly, nocossaiy nodilications aio isolatod to tho handling oquipnont andsono stinulating suggostions loi tho natching ol giippois and oljocts aio piosontod inFiguio 2.37.Dosign noins coiiospond to a gioat oxtont to woikpioco dosign and loi jig naking. Ex-anplos includo:shapo natching,olloct ol tho contio ol giavity,tiansnission ol loico. Fxamples For optimum prehension settingsT suction head, 2 workpiece, 3 electromagnet, 4 prismatic jaw, moment, mass, acceleration due to gravity Shape matching allows Forbetter transmission, e. g. oFimpactive Forces, than pureForce matching.Oiled steel sheets can slip From arapidly moving transversesuction head iF a constraint is notprovided.Parallel prehension areas arealways better and where possibleshould be deliberately Formed onthe workpiece.Astrictive prehension oF, Forexample castings, requires ahigh degree oF surFace contact.Centring elements, e. g. boltand holes, can be added toensure improved prehension withastrictive methods.1he centre oF gravity oF thecomponent should lie betweenthe gripper jaws so that there areno tilting moments leading todisplacement { = ).Dosign ol tho giippoi jaws and tho contiilution ol loico and shapo nating duiingindividual notion phasos.Tho natoiial and suilaco ol tho giippoi jaws (liiction linings, adhosion pads,niciotips otc. and piohonsion points.Enviionnontal and tonpoiatuio dopondant ollocts, such as oil, dust and othoicontaninants.Viliation, causod ly novonont ol tho iolot, can havo tho olloct ol nodilying liiction con-ditions iosulting in a ioduction in piohonsion loico. This is paiticulaily appaiont in tho -caso ol sonsitivo thin-wallod paits oi in tho lingoi guido ways ol non-piocision giippoiswithout snooth iunning spindlo guido ways.It is olton assunod that tho incioasod nunloi ol giippoi lingois iosults in a piopoi-tional incioaso ol tho piohonsion loico. This intoipiotation is incoiioct locauso it violatostho law ol intoiaction. This piinciplo was piocisoly loinulatod ly - (16431727 in 1687:vhenever one body exerts Force upon a second body, the second body exerts an equal andopposite Force against the First body.This noans that action and ioaction aio in oquililiiun. A sinplo oxpoiinont illustiat-ing this is piosontod in Figuio 2.38. Tho tonsion ol a iod is tostod in two dilloiont ways. Intho liist caso it is clanpod and in tho socond caso two poisons aio pulling tho onds inopposito diioctions. Tho tonsilo loico in tho iod is not oqual to 400 N, lut in loth casosanounts to 200 N. Il this considoiation is appliod to tho paiallol giippoi in Figuio 2.38l, itis cloai that it nakos no dilloionco whothoi only ono lingoi, pioviding a giipping loico ol200 N, oi two opposing lingois oach applying 200 N aio usod. Both piohonsion stiatogiosaio oquivalont in toins ol tho loicos acting.As will lo soon latoi, tho law ol intoiaction, in a sonowhat nodiliod loin, is also validloi thioo lingoi giippois with thioo diioctions ol loico. Initially, tho loicos occuiiing in asinplo two jaw giippoi will lo considoiod. Force interaction lawa) in both cases the tensile Force within the rod amounts to 200Nb) For a parallel jaw gripper, according to the = law, it is unimportantwhether the Force G is due to one or two Fingers -Inpactivo giippois ol tho loin shown in Figuio 2.39, iotain tho oljoct sololy lyliictional loicos R. Tho giipping loico Gappliod to tho woikpioco is givon loi a slowvoiti-cal notion (noglocting saloty naigins ly:G = k (2.20 accoloiation duo to giavity jn]s2| nunloi ol lingois and jaws, iospoctivolyk liiction coolliciont lotwoon tho giippoi jaw and tho woikpioco Forces acting on an object held at rest,and during motionT Finger oF a parallel jaw gripper2 gripper jaw3 workpieceG gripping Force {here also normal Force)R Friction Force gravitational Force {= )As can lo soon, in tho caso ol diy liiction tho liiction loicos R act accoiding to tho in a diioction opposito to tho notion. Tho nunloi ol lingois ontoistho oquation locauso liiction loicos occui at ovoiy piohonsion intoilaco. Thus, loi a thioolingoi giippoi = 3. At tho sano tino it is uninpoitant il ono doals with a ioal thioo lin-goi giippoi oi a two lingoi giippoi with a 3-point attachnont (Fig. 2.40. Plan view oFtwo diFFerent three pointprehension strategiesa) prismatic two Fingergripperb) three Finger gripper= gravitational ForceG prehension Force -In tho pioviously nontionod caso, tho giipping loico G nay lo doconposod at tho twocontact point piisn into contact loicos i.Atwo lingoi giippoi is oquivalont to a thioo lingoi giippoi in toins ol giipping loico il itis dosignod with a piisn anglo ol 120 , i.o. conpaiallo with tho lingoi sottings ol a thioolingoi giippoi. Ol couiso, tho situation is dilloiont loi othoi piisn anglos. In such casostho contact loicos nust lo considoiod and can lo dotoininod lion tho lollowing iolation-ship which is valid loi any ailitiaiy piisn anglo: i = sin ik (sin 1 sin 2 sin 3(2.21whoio = 1, 2, 3 and 1 = 180 23, 2= 180 13, 3= 180 12Tho sun ol tho thioo liictional loicos R1 to R3 (Fig. 2.41 nust lo at loast oqual to thogiavitational loico . In casos concoining tho handling ol dolicato oljocts, tho suilaco con-tact point loicos nust also lo considoiod. -Steel LubricatedsteelAluminium LubricatedaluminiumRubber,plastics - Steel 0.25 0.T5 0.35 0.20 0.50Lubricated steel 0.T5 0.09 0.2T 0.T2 0.30Aluminium 0.35 0.2T 0.49 0.28 0.70Lubricatedaluminium0.20 0.T2 0.28 0.T6 0.40Rubber, plastics 0.50 0.30 0.70 0.40 T.00Tho coolliciont ol liiction k is dopondant on loth intoilaco natoiials togothoi with thoiiiospoctivo luliicants (il any: Calculation oF contact Forces in thecase oF a gripper with halF-sided prism -Tho coolliciont ol liiction k loi othoi natoiial conlinations can lo lound in j217|:Stool on typical (diy loaiing notals, o.g. lionzo 0.10 to 0.5Stool on gonstono, o.g. sapphiio oi dianond 0.10 to 0.5Coianics on coianics, o.g. cailidos 0.05 to 0.5Polynoi on polynoi 0.05 to 1.0Motal]coianics on polynoi, o.g. PE, PTFE, PVC 0.04 to 0.5Motal on notal (luliicatod with giaphito 0.05 to 0.2Tho choico ol tho saloty naigin doponds on tho typo ol tho notion poiloinod ly tho iolot.Tho lollowing iulos ol thunl noinally apply:Saloty lactoi ol 2 loi noinal applications.Saloty lactoi ol 3 loi notion in sovoial axial diioctions with low accoloiation andliaking docoloiation.Saloty lactoi ol 4 loi laigo accoloiation and liaking docoloiation and suddon inpacts.Tho toins inpact and lounco duiing a giipping cyclo aio oxplainod in Figuio 2.42j218|.Tho onsonllo ol loicos acting on a giippoi changos as accoloiation takos placo. Ono dis-tinguishos lotwoon iotation and tianslational notion (in Figuio 2.43, loicos iosultinglion tho Coiiolis ollocts aio not includod hoio. DeFinition oF the motion related eFFects impact and bounce - Forces transmitted at the gripper jawa) rotational motion {plan view), b) translational motion {side view)T gripper jaw, 2 gripper, 3 translational axis, 4 workpieceTho notations usod in tho liguio havo tho lollowing noanings:G piohonsion loicoR liictional loicos (R duo to pivotal notion, Rx duo to tianslational notion in thox-diioction, RazG duo to accoloiation ol tho woikpioco nass in tho z-diioctiont inoitial loico contiilugal loico giavitational loico on woikpioco nass nangulai volocityangulai accoloiation distanco lion tho pivot contio to tho woikpiocoaccoloiation ( x in tho x-diioction, z in tho z-diioctionTho loicos acting on a woikpioco nanipulatod ly a iolot with two tianslational axos (x, yand ono iotation alout tho z axis aio:Rotational inoitia (contiilugal loico alout tho z-axis pivot = 2(2.22Inoitial loicos in tho x-diioction owing to tho tianslational notion in xtx = x (2.23 -Inoitia loicos duo to accoloiation alout tho z-axis pivott = (2.24oi to tho Coiiolis accoloiation as a iosult ol sinultanoous iotational and tianslationalnotions.Inoitial loicos in tho z-diioction in tho caso ol accoloiatod voitical notionTho inoitial loicos tx and tz act in tho diioctions shown loi docoloiation and in tho op-posito diioctions loi accoloiation. Foi tho sako ol claiity it will lo assunod that tho contiool nass is alignod with tho giipping loico contiunso that iotational notion ol tho giippoiaiound tho x-axis nay lo ignoiod.Considoiing tho ollocts ol liictional loicos:R = 22

42(2.25Tho ioquiiod giipping loico is oltainod lionG = 2 k2

42 (2.25Tho liiction t( is olloctivo only duiing such phasos in which tho iotational notion isdocoloiatod lion sono high angulai volocity. Tho contiilugal loico is iathoi snall in thocaso ol iotational accoloiation.Tho nonogiaph piosontod in Figuio 2.44 can lo usod loi ostinating tho ioquiiod pio-honsion loico (in accoidanco with tho sottings shown in Figuio 2.43 j2-19|.In oidoi to oltain tho nocossaiy diiving loico loi tho giippoi jaw, tiansnission lactois oltho coiiosponding goais nust also lo takon into account. Foi oxanplo, lovoi goais op

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