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    PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookThe University of West Alabama

    Fundamentals of ManagementSixth Edition

    Robbins and DeCenzowith contributions from Henry Moon

    C H A P T E R

    14Part V: Controlling

    2008 Prentice Hall, Inc.All rights reserved.

    Operations Management

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    L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S

    1. Define operations management and the transformation


    2. Describe three reasons operations management is

    important to all managers.

    3. Differentiate between a service and a manufacturing


    4. Define value chain management.

    5. Explain the organizational and managerialrequirements for value chain management.

    6. Identify the benefits and obstacles to value chain


    After reading this chapter, you will be able to:

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    L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S (contd)

    7. Discuss technologys role in operations management.

    8. Explain what is meant by the term just-in-time


    9. Describe what is meant by the term quality control.10. Explain the concept of project management.

    After reading this chapter, you will be able to:

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    The Importance Of Operations Management

    Operations Management

    The study and application of the transformation


    OM Is Important Because It:

    Encompasses processes in all organizationsservices as well as manufacturing.

    Is important in effectively and efficiently managing


    Plays a strategic role in an organizations competitivesuccess.

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    Transformation and Organizations

    Transformation Process

    The process through which an organization creates

    value by turning inputs (people, capital, equipment,

    materials) into outputs (goods or services).

    Manufacturing Organization Produces physical goods.

    Service Organization

    Produces nonphysical outputs such as educational,

    medical or transportation services.

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    EXHIBIT 141 The Transformation Process

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    Productivity Defined

    The overall output of goods and services produced

    divided by the inputs needed to generate that


    Benefits of High Productivity

    Fosters economic growth and development

    Increases individual wages without inflation

    Lowers costs and makes firms more competitive


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    What Is Value Chain Management?


    The performance characteristics, features and

    attributes, or any other aspects of goods and

    services for which customers are willing to give up


    Value Chain

    The entire series of organizational work activities that

    add value at each step beginning with the

    processing or raw materials and ending with a

    finished product in the hands of end users.

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    Value Chain Management versus Supply

    Chain Management

    Value Chain Management

    Improves the process of creating and transferring

    documents by automating the flow of information.

    Supply Chain Management Is the management of facilities, functions, and

    activities involved in producing and delivering a

    product or service, from suppliers to customers.

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    The Goals Of Value Chain Management

    Creating customer-defined value by:

    Providing a unique combination that meets customer

    needs and at a price that cant be matched by


    Having a sequence of participants work together as

    a team, each adding a component of value to the

    overall process.

    Its all about providing value, not

    bargains, to the customer

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    Value Chain Management Requirements

    Business Model

    A strategic design for how a company intends to

    profit from its broad array of strategies, processes,

    and activities.

    Value Chain Management Requirements Coordination and collaboration

    Technology investment

    Organizational processes

    Leadership Employees/human resources management

    Strong culture and attitudes

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    EXHIBIT 142 Six Requirements for Successful Value Chain Management

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    Steps in Collaboration

    1. Look for common points of interest.

    2. Listen to others.

    3. Check for understanding.4. Accept diversity.

    5. Seek additional information.

    6. Dont become defensive.

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    Effect of Value Chain Management on

    Organizational Processes

    Better demand forecasting is necessary and

    possible because of closer ties with customers

    and suppliers.

    Selected functions may need to be done

    collaboratively with partners in the value chain.

    New measures are needed for evaluating the

    performance of activities along the value chain.

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    Implementing Value Chain Management


    Improved customer service

    Cost savings

    Accelerated delivery times

    Improved quality

    Inventory reduction

    Improved logistics


    Increased sales

    Increased market share


    Organizational barriers

    Cultural attitudes

    Required capabilities


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    EXHIBIT 143 Value Chain Benefits

    Source: G. Taninecz, Forging the Chain, Industry Week (May 15, 2000), p. 44.

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    EXHIBIT 144 Obstacles to Successful Value Chain Management

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    Contemporary Operations

    Management Issues

    Technology Role in E-Manufacturing

    How an organization will transform its inputs into


    Just-in-time (JIT) Inventory Systems How to develop systems in which inventory items

    arrive when needed in the production process

    instead of being stored in stock.


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    Quality and Operations Management

    Quality Control

    Monitoring qualityweight, strength, consistency,

    color, taste, reliability, finish, or any one of myriad

    characteristicsto ensure that it meets some

    preestablished standard.

    Continuous Improvement

    A comprehensive, customer-focused program to

    continuously improve the quality of the organizations

    processes, products and services.

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    Managing Projects


    One-time-only set of activities with a definite

    beginning and ending point in time.

    Project Management

    Task of getting the activities done on time, withinbudget, and according to specifications.

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    Popular Scheduling Tools

    Gantt Chart

    Shows in bar graph form when tasks are supposed

    to be done and compares that with the actual

    progress on each task.

    Load Chart

    Is a modified version of a Gantt Chart; it lists either

    whole departments or specific resources.

    This information allows managers to plan and control for

    capacity utilization in the scheduling of individual work


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    EXHIBIT 145 A Sample Gantt Chart

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    EXHIBIT 146 A Sample Load Chart

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    PERT Network Analysis

    Program Evaluation and Review Technique

    (PERT) Network Analysis

    A flowchart-like diagram that depicts the sequence of

    activities needed to complete a project and the time

    or costs associated with each activity.

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    PERT Components


    End points represent the completion of activities


    Actions that take place

    Slack Time The time difference between the critical path and all

    other paths

    Critical Path

    The longest or most time-consuming sequence of

    events and activities required to complete a project

    in the shortest amount of time

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    EXHIBIT 147 Developing PERT charts

    1. Identify every significant activity that must be achieved for a

    project to be completed.

    2. Ascertain the precedence order in which these events must be

    completed and create a diagram reflecting the ordering of


    3. Compute a weighted average time estimate (expected time) for

    completing each activity.

    4. Insert start and finish times into the diagram and inspect to

    determine the critical path.

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    EXHIBIT 148 Major Activities in Building a Custom Home

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    EXHIBIT 149 A PERT Network for Building a Custom Home

    Critical Path

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