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Page 1: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv


Page 2: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv

Niki MorscherSales Director Risk

Germany, Switzerland & Liechtenstein

Page 3: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv


9:30-10:00 Session 1 - Financial Crime Annual Update (Vortrag in deutscher Sprache)

Speaker: Dr. Gabriele Haas, Rechtsanwältin, Dentons Europe LLP

10:00-10:20 Session 2 - The Coalition to Fight Financial Crime

Speaker: Che Sidanius, Head of Financial Crime Regulation and Industry Affairs, Refinitiv

10:20-11:15 Session 3 - How to manage non-compliance risk while reducing operational costs?

Speakers: Inna Podsekina, & Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv

11:15 Coffee Break

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11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership

Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv

& Sylwia Wolos, Director Enhanced Due Diligence Proposition, Refinitiv

12:10-12:50 Session 5 - High risk customers and third parties: Who are they and how you can partner with Refinitiv to

know all about them

Speaker: Sylwia Wolos, Director Enhanced Due Diligence Proposition, Refinitv

12:50 Networking Lunch

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Page 5: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv

Dr. Gabriele HaasRechtsanwältin, Dentons Europe LLP

Page 6: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv

Aktuelle Entwicklungen:


Geldwäsche, Whistleblowing.

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1 Einführung 3

2 Verbandssanktionen 4

3 Geldwäsche 5 und die Novelle des



4 Whistleblowing 18

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Präventive Compliance Systeme sind für Unternehmen jetzt

wichtiger als je zu vor.


Das Verbandssanktionsgesetz kommt!

Was bedeutet das?

1. Um Sanktionen zu entgehen, gilt es jegliches strafbares Handeln

einer Leitungsperson oder eines Garanten zu verhindern. Hierfür ist

ein effektives Compliance System erforderlich.

2. Das Vorhandensein



eines angemessenen und effektiven

wird bei der Sanktionsbemessung


Page 9: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv


• Referentenentwurf des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für

Verbraucherschutz vom 15.08.2019

→ Gesetzes zur Bekämpfung der Unternehmenskriminalität (VerSanG)

• Ziele und Überblick:

• Wirksamere Verfolgung von Wirtschaftskriminalität

• Ausreichend empfindliche Sanktionierung von finanziell starken Unternehmen

• Mehr Rechtssicherheit

• Anreize für Compliance Maßnahmen und interne Untersuchungen

• Ein Unternehmen mit Compliance-Vorkehrungen hat die bessere Karten!

Legalitätsprinzip Sanktionen

VerfahrenInterne Untersuchungen


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Legalitätsprinzip 1/2

• Anknüpfungspunkt der Verstöße

• Strafbares Handeln oder die Aufsichtspflichtverletzung von Leitungspersonen und


• Taten, die Verbandspflicht verletzen oder die zur Bereicherung des Verbandes führen

oder intendiert waren

• Auch Auslandstaten, kommen als Anknüpfungspunkt in Frage, sofern die Auslandstat

nach dem deutschen Recht eine Straftat wäre, der Tatort keiner Strafgewalt unterliegt

oder die Tat am Tatort mit Strafe bedroht ist.

• Unter der Geltung des Opportunitätsprinzips wurden Verstöße nur uneinheitlich

verfolgt → Ziel des Referentenentwurfs: konsequente Verfolgung nach dem


• Jedes Handeln, das nach deutschem Recht eine Straftat darstellt und einem

Verband nach§ 3 VerSanG zuzurechnen ist, ist zwingend als Verbandsstraftat

zu verfolgen. Eine Abwägungsspielraum, die Verbandstat eventuell doch nicht

zu verfolgen, besteht nicht mehr.


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Legalitätsprinzip 2/2

• Allerdings: Einstellungsmöglichkeit nach§153, §153a StPO

• Unter besonderen Auflagen des VerSanG

• Schadenswidergutmachung, Geldauflagen

• Weisungen, entsprechende Vorkehrungen zur Verhinderung von

Verbandsstrafen, d.h. Compliance Maßnahmen zu treffen→ und diese durch

eine sachkundige Stelle, einem Monitor light (?), nachweisen zu lassen


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• Sanktionsmöglichkeiten:

• Verwarnung mit Verbandsgeldsanktionsvorbehalt

• Verbandsgeldsanktion unter Berücksichtigung des CMS

• Verbandsauflösung (ultima ratio)

• Pranger

• Unternehmen mit einem Jahresumsatz von mehr als 100 Mio. EUR:

Verbandsgeldsanktionen betragen 10% des weltweiten Jahresumsatzes

• Bei Rechtsnachfolgen nach dem Umwandlungsgesetz können die

Verbandssanktionen auch gegen den Rechtsnachfolger festgelegt werden.

• Ist der Verband erloschen oder sind die Vermögenswerte verschoben →

Bebußung von Verbänden, die mit dem erloschenen Verband eine Einheit

gebildet haben oder die wesentliche Wirtschaftsgüter übernommen haben.

• Weiterhin: Abschöpfung und Einziehung nach§73, 74 StGB


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Interne Untersuchungen

… Können zu Sanktionsmilderung führen, unter folgenden Voraussetzungen:

• Leistung eines wesentlichen Aufklärungsbeitrages

• Unabhängigkeit der Untersuchungen

• Umfassende Kooperation mit den Verfolgungsbehörden

• Zurverfügungstellung des Ergebnisses mit allen wesentlichen Dokumenten

• Alle Unterlagen aus internen Untersuchungen sind beschlagnahmefähig.

• Beachtung der rechtsstaatlichen Fair Trial Grundsätze und sonstiger geltender


Folge: Gericht kann mildern

→ Entfall der Mindesthöhe und Reduzierung des Sanktionsgeldes um die Hälfte


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• Entsprechende Geltung der StPO mit Modifikationen

• Beschuldigtenstellung des Unternehmens nach§ 25 Abs. 1. Aber erst wenn förmlich die Stellung des Verbandes als Beschuldigter begründet wurde.

• Durchsuchungs- und Beschlagnahmeprivileg nach§97 StPO

• Schweigerecht (ausgeübt durch den gesetzlichen Vertreter)

• Auskunftsverweigerungsrecht der gesetzlichen Vertreter im Rahmen der


• Verbandsinterne Untersuchungen müssen dem fair trial Grundsatz folgen

• Hinweis auf Selbstbelastungsfreiheit

• Hinweis auf anwaltlichen Beistand


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AMLD5und die Novelle des GwG


Page 16: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv

AMLD5 und die Novelle des GwG


• ÄndRL zur Vierten EU-Geldwäscherichtrichtlinie in Kraft seit dem


• Umsetzung durch die Mitgliedstaaten bis zum Januar 2020

Regierungsentwurf vom 31.7.2019: Entwurf geht tlw. EU-RL hinaus

• Erweiterung des Verpflichtetenkreises

• Vereinheitlichung der verstärkten Sorgfaltspflichten bei Hochrisikoländern

• Konkretisierung der Personengruppe der politisch exponierten Personen

• Zugang zum Transparenzregister und Identifizierungspflichten

• Erweiterung und Klarstellung des Begriffs der Finanzunternehmen

• Verfolgbare Pflichtverstöße

Page 17: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv

AMLD5 und die Novelle des GwG

Gesetzesentwurf – Im Einzelnen:

Finanzsektor- Verpflichtete

• Ausdehnung auf Wallet Provider: Unternehmen, die die Verwahrung von

Kryptowährung anbieten

„Damit sollen zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche und der Terrorismusfinanzierung die

zuständigen Behörden in die Lage versetzt werden, die Verwendung virtueller Währungen

mittels Verpflichteter zu überwachen.“

• Umtauschplattformen: Dienstleister, die den Wechsel von Kryptowährung

untereinander oder in gesetzliche Zahlungsmittel und umgekehrt anbieten

• Entsprechende Änderungen des KWG

→ ausdrückliche Einbeziehung von Kryptowährung in Finanzdienstleistung

• Ausländische Zahlungs- und E-Geld Institute, die im Inland über Agenten



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AMLD5 und die Novelle des GwG

Gesetzesentwurf – Im Einzelnen:

• Klarstellung: Holdinggesellschaften, die ausschließlich Beteiligungen an

Unternehmen außerhalb des Finanz- und Versicherungssektors halten und die

nicht über die mit der Verwaltung des Beteiligungsbesitzes verbundenen

Aufgaben hinaus unternehmerisch tätig sind, sind keine Finanzunternehmen.

Sonstige Verpflichtete

• Erweiterung Immobilientätigkeit auf Mietmakler (bei Monatsmindestmiete von

10.000 EUR)

• Alle wesentlichen Dienstleister in Steuerangelegenheiten (nicht nur

Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater)


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AMLD5 und die Novelle des GwG

Gesetzesentwurf – Im Einzelnen:


• Bei Begründung von Geschäftsbeziehungen:

• Nachweis einholen, dass Mitteilungspflicht Transparenzregister

nachgekommen ist , oder

• Daten aus dem Transparenzregister abrufen

• Bußgeldbewehrte Meldepflicht:

• Pflicht, Abweichungen zwischen Angaben über die wirtschaftlichen

Berechtigten im Transparenzregister und den sonst zur Verfügung stehenden

Informationen zu melden

• Verstoß ist eine Ordnungswidrigkeit

• Identitätsprüfungspflicht und Aufzeichnungspflicht bei fiktiv wirtschaftlich



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AMLD5 und die Novelle des GwG


Gesetzesentwurf – Risikoländer

Gesetzesstand Jetzt Gesetzesentwurf

Ein erhöhtes Risiko besteht, wenn der

Vertragspartner des Verpflichteten

oder der wirtschaftlich Berechtigte in

einem Risikostaat niedergelassen ist.

Ein erhöhtes Risiko besteht, wenn es

sich um eine Geschäftsbeziehung

oder Transaktion handelt, an der ein

Risikostaat oder eine in diesem Staat

ansässige natürliche oder juristische

Person beteiligt ist.

Sorgfaltspflichten Neuer Pflichtenkatalog

1. Erhöhte Informationspflicht

2. Zustimmungspflicht

3. Kontinuierliche Überwachung

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AMLD5 und die Novelle des GwG


Gesetzesentwurf – Risikoländer

1. Erhöhte Informationspflicht

• Über die allgemeinen Informationen hinausgehende Informationen über den

Vertragspartner, den wirtschaftlichen Berechtigten und die Art der


• Über die Herkunft der Vermögenswerte

• Über die Gründe der Transaktion

• Ggf. Die geplante Verwendung der eingesetzten Vermögenswerte

2. Zustimmungspflichtigkeit der Begründung und Fortführung der

Geschäftsbeziehung durch Mitglied der Führungsebene

3. Überwachung durch häufigere und intensivere Kontrollen und prüfpflichtige


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AMLD5 und die Novelle des GwG


Gesetzesentwurf – Risikoländer

Zusätzlich zu den verstärkten Sorgfaltspflichten kann die zuständige

Aufsichtsbehörde zudem Folgendes anordnen:

• Pflicht, Finanztransaktionen der FIU zu melden

• Beschränkung oder Verbot geschäftlicher Beziehungen oder Transaktionen mit

Akteuren aus Risikoländern

• Verbot für Verpflichtete mit Sitz in einem Risikoland, im Inland

Tochtergesellschaften oder sonstige Niederlassungen zu gründen

• Verpflichtung für Zweigniederlassungen und Tochtergesellschaften von

Verpflichteten mit Sitz einem Risikoland, sich verschärften Prüfungen zu


• (…)

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Whistleblower Richtlinie


• April 2019: EU-Parlament verabschiedet Richtlinie „zum Schutz von Personen,

die Verstöße gegen das Unionsrecht melden“; nach der Verabschiedung haben

die Mitgliedstaaten einen Umsetzungszeitraum von 2 Jahren

• Unionsweites Mindestschutzniveau:

• Geschützte Whistleblowing-Meldewege, Prozessgarantien

• Schutz vor Vergeltung jeglicher Art

• Schutzumfang: Meldungen wegen Verstößen gegen EU-Recht, z.B. zu:

• Vergaberecht und Beihilferecht

• Datenschutz

• Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung

• Produkt- und Verkehrssicherheit

• Kartellrecht

• Mitgliedstaaten sind aufgefordert, Regelungen für alle Compliance Bereiche

zu treffen (vor allem White-Collar Crime)

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Whistleblower Richtlinie


1. Berichterstattung

• Pflicht zur Einrichtung eines internen Hinweisgebersystems

• Für Unternehmen mit mehr als 50 Mitarbeitern oder mehr als 10 Mio. EUR

Jahresumsatz oder

• Für alle Unternehmen des Finanzsektors oder Unternehmen, die für

Geldwäsche oder Terrorismusfinanzierung besonders anfällig sind

• Whistleblower müssen innerhalb von 3 Monaten über Folgemaßnahmen

informiert werden

2. Schutz vor Vergeltungsmaßnahmen

• Unzulässig sind Entlassungen, Degradierungen, Einschüchterungen oder

sonstige Angriffe in anderer Weise

• Schutz erstreckt sich auch auf Mittelsmänner, Kollegen oder Verwandte, die

den Whistleblower unterstützen

• Beweislastumkehr zulasten des Unternehmens bei Disziplinarmaßnahmen

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Dr. Gabriele Haas


+49 69 45 00 12 393

[email protected]

Ausgewählte Erfahrungen

Dr. Gabriele Haas ist seit mehr als 16 Jahren im Bereich Compliance & Regulierung tätig. Sie ist seit Mai diesen Jahres als

Anwältin im Frankfurter Büro von Dentons tätig und Mitglied der Practice Group Corporate. Sie konzentriert sich auf Compliance

und Regulierung, insbesondere auf den Aufbau von Compliance-Managementsystemen, die Durchführung von internen

Untersuchungen und die Verteidigung in regulatorischen Verfahren.

Vor ihrem Wechsel zu Dentons leitete Frau Haas die Compliance-Abteilung der Uniper SE, die Abteilungen „Energierecht,

Regulierungsrecht und Wettbewerbsrecht“ der RWE Deutschland AG und „Internationales Energierecht“ der RWE AG sowie die

Abteilung "Recht, Interne Revision und Compliance" der envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG. Sie war als Legal Counsel bei

ExxonMobil International in London tätig. Ihre Erfahrung umfasst die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette des Energiesektors.

Frau Dr. Haas beriet unter anderem zum Kartellrecht, regulatorischen Vorgaben für den Energiehandel, dem Aufbau von

Strukturen und Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Konfliktsituationen und Wirtschaftskriminalität, wie Korruption, Geldwäsche,

Fraud, zu außenwirtschaftlichen Fragen und internationalen Sanktionen. Sie unterstützte Vorstände und Führungskräfte in Bezug

auf Fragen zu Corporate Compliance und Haftung. Gabriele Haas war Mitglied in verschiedenen Aufsichtsräten, sowohl lokal als

auch international.

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

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Che SidaniusHead of Financial Crime Regulation and Industry Affairs,


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The Future of Fighting Financial Crime

Urgent need for a coordinated approach

Che Sidanius

Global Head of Financial Crime and Industry Affairs

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Financial, trafficking and sanctions crimes are still prevalent

and pose risks for business, the public sector and citizens

Public and private sectors are urged to take a quick stance in

this fight. Building trust and promoting collaboration is the way


Information sharing and the use of technology needed to uncover

criminal networks

This is not just a compliance issue but poses a risk to the

integrity of the financial system

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Current state of affairs

The Financial and

Risk business of

Thomson Reuters

is now Refinitiv.

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Money laundering continues

to dominate the headlines…

‘EU drafts new money laundering laws

following bank scandals’

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Collectively, we’re 1% from total

failure…there’s a crisis of confidenceMoney laundering is truly a global phenomenon

Proceeds from criminal activity in some regions

appear to be increasing exponentially

‘Technical’ compliance, rather than effectiveness,

is at the center of the current AML system

Data protection rules will impede information

sharing between the public and the private sector

Correspondent banks are terminating relationships

with regional institutions (e.g. ‘de-banking’),

creating barriers to entry and financial inclusion$0











1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2010

Chart: Estimated earnings from criminal activity in the US, billions (tax evasion excluded)

Trend line

Source: UN

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The size of money laundering is greater than

any country’s GDPs, excluding the 10 largest

Refinitiv’s ‘True cost of financial crime’ report

• $1.5 trillion in lost turnover

• $1.3 trillion spent on combatting financial crime (3.1% of annual turnover)

• 47% of firms have been a victim of financial crime

• 40 million are victims of modern slavery ($150 billion), see next slide

UN report

▪ 5% of global GDP in illicit proceeds from organised crime alone

▪ Less than 1% of proceeds are seized or frozen by law enforcement


• 86% is laundered through the banking system

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Let's not forget the human cost.

The current number of

modern-day slaves is

higher than the number of

legal slaves in past

centuries. It also exceeds

the population of some of

the world’s largest cities.


Victims of Modern Day Slavery


Population of



Population of

IstanbulPopulation of



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Common challenges to perform due

diligence and monitoring

• Compliance costs for banks and other players are significant and growing

• But, the cost of not complying is even higher


• Despite proven demand for FS, the market has not yet met those demands

• Global regulators recognize and seek to curb financial exclusion


• Technology advances increase the capabilities of bad actors

• Lack of regulatory standards on new technology limits ability to counter financial crime


• Regulatory approaches differ significantly between jurisdictions

• Sometimes there are opposing requirements


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The need for a collective response

The Financial and

Risk business of

Thomson Reuters

is now Refinitiv.

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Together with WEF & Europol, we formed the

Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime

Global scope

to raise awareness and create a global standard

of cooperation to replace regional safeguards

Representing different parts of the anti-

financial crime ecosystem, the Coalition

has the expertise to advocate for more

effective allocation of resources by

promoting best-in-class approaches to:

• Financial crime management

• Risk intelligence

• Law enforcement capabilities

• Public-private information sharing

• Thought leadership

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Identify key weaknesses in

the current system

Advocate tangible reforms at political and policy levels

Enhance the effectiveness of the global AML regime

Key objectives


Mitigate financial crime by:

Five key objectives identified:

1To raise global awareness of financial crime as

a critical challenge with grave financial and

human consequences

2To promote more effective information sharing

between public and private entities on a

coordinated, global level

3Propose mechanisms to identify emerging

threats & best practice approaches to develop

more robust money laundering systems and


4To identify pain points in the current AML regime and

propose solutions for addressing these

5To support initiatives to assist governments

and law enforcement to more effectively identify

and seize the assets of criminals

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Substantial work linked to the Coalition’s


1. Raise global awareness of financial crime as a critical

challenge with grave financial and human consequence

WEF Davos Event 2019

Coalition Launch

Data analytics project: Human Trafficking

Social media campaignreached 64 countries, 15


2. Promote more effective information sharing between

public and private entities

Promote the Future of Financial Intelligence

Sharing project

Discussions with Policy bodies

2018 Crypto Event

3. Propose mechanisms to identify emerging threats & best practice approaches to

more robust ML controls

Regional WEF Events –Digital Tools in the Fight Against Financial Crime

Nov. 21, 2018 Crypto Event

RUSI Financial Crime 2.0


4. Identify pain points in the current AML/CTF regime and

proposing solutions for addressing these

G7 Engagement

Engagement with global policy makers on AML/GDPR rules

True Cost of Financial Crime report

Generate political will to tackle financial crime

Ongoing engagement with G7

Slides 20

& 23





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[1] Terrorist networks are increasingly interlinked

and global

Source: World Check

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[2] There’s an urgent need to find common ground

between conflicting regulatory requirements like


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[3] WE need to promote public-private

partnerships and the use of technology Jurisdiction Model Led by

Canada – Project PROTECT Typology co-




Netherlands – Terrorist Financing


Analysts co-

location &




led together

with police

Hong Kong Fraud and Money

Laundering Intelligence Taskforce

Tactical info

sharing linked to




UK Joint Money Laundering

Intelligence Taskforce

Tactical info

sharing linked to




Australian Fintel Alliance Secondment

based & analyst



US Financial Crimes Enforcement


Case briefing for

tactical info



Singapore AML/CFT Partnership Typology co-




Europol Financial Intelligence PPP Transnational




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Case study:

Using analytics to uncover human trafficking

Source: World Check

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A word of caution - the global AML Supervisory

regime has a fatal flaw. I’ve seen it before…

Since the 2009 Financial Crisis, Liquidity, Credit and Market risk controls have been strengthened

AML is currently considered an Operational risk and doesn’t take in to account that it can cause a ’run-on-the-bank’ and financial instability

We need to acknowledge that financial crime poses a risk to the integrity of the banking system

Capital adequacy


Asset quality

Sensitivity to market risk



Business model assessment

Governance and risk Management

Assessment of risks to liquidity

Assessment of risks to capital

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A new perspective on the financial crime

challenge – a case study in banking instability

▪ 12 February: FinCEN accused ABLV of ‘institutional

money laundering’

– Lost access to the USD funding market

– Within days there was a €600 million run-on-the-bank


ABLV - one the largest banks in Latvia

Country profile: €8.1 billion in foreign deposits,

controlled by 26,000 shell companies

▪ Banking system represent 40% of Latvia’s


▪ 19 February: ECB suspended all payments

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However, that’s just the beginning… where

did the illicit proceeds go?

Primary deposit flow Secondary deposit flow



Czech Republic






➢ Primary deposit flow and ‘flight-to-


▪ Germany

▪ Switzerland

▪ Russia

➢ Secondary deposit flow destination

▪ UK

▪ Ukraine

▪ Czech Republic

▪ Estonia

▪ Cyprus

Page 47: Risk revealed Frankfurt - Refinitiv · 11:30-12:10 Session 4 - Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Speakers: Jorg Schaper, Head of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition, Refinitiv

The Financial and

Risk business of

Thomson Reuters

is now Refinitiv.


Who we are and what we do

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Our DNA – as the world’s first Fintech with

over a 150 year history





Private network links to

Reuters gives live prices

from global stock,

commodity, futures,

derivative and bond

markets as well as FX

price makers.



Thomson Reuters

launches next generation

desktop Eikon, providing

access to trusted news,

data & analytics for the

financial community



Open platform approach

taken to a new level with

Eikon App Studio and

Thomson Reuters

Professional Developer

Community (TRPDC)


Reuters Market Data

System launched to help

clients integrate and

distribute third-party data


Thomson Reuters

Enterprise Platform

launches, delivering a

massive decrease in

latency in the movement

of complex financial

content between




1850 18651858

Reuters Monitor

Dealing Service

launches enabling FX

trades via video Quite

literally the first Social


Market prices carried

from New York to

London for delivery

around Europe on

Stockmaster machines

Monitor Money Rates

Service launches,

creating the first

electronic marketplace

for FX

Launched Trading

Room Architecture

(Triarch) – our first API

Paul Julius Reuter used

carrier pigeons and the

new Calais-Dover cable

to transmit stock

market quotations

Reuters first to report

President Lincoln

assassination by

telegraphing news to


Cable from GB to US

laid, enabling Reuters

to expand its expertise

in global currency




Reuters launches

Dealing 2000 enabling



between traders and

their back office



Enabling firms to function

and run their operations

by delivering powerful

content and technology




An open platform that

supports an ecosystem

where content, analytics

and proprietary, customer

and 3rd party technology

come together to reveal

hidden opportunities,

potential risks and new

pathways to profits





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Who we are, what we do

Enabling Community and Connectivity

– Connecting the global ecosystem

to drive performance and


– Supporting the industry to be more

agile in trading and investing

Managing Risk & Regulation

– Anticipate, proactively manage,

and inform on risk and compliance

– Supporting global and expanding

businesses manage risk across

different geographies

Driving Performance

– Equipping customers with the

data, insights, technologies, and

expertise to succeed

– The rise of smarter humans with

smarter machines

Leading insight and

services for our industry’s

most demanding

business processes

Elemental source of

mission critical data

into our customer’s

core workflow

Data, Analytics and Workflow Venues and Transactions Risk

• FX venues – Dealing, Matching, FXall

• Fixed income venues – D2D and D2C• Messaging and chat

• Eikon Auctions and FI call outs

• News content workflow and analytics

• Indices and benchmarks• Trading infrastructure and services

• Hosted transaction processing

• Pricing reference and entity data

• Execution management systems

• Anti-financial crime data and Enhanced

Due Diligence solutions• KYC/AML managed services and Utilities

• Legal Entity Identifiers

• Enterprise Risk Management Technology


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About World-Check

World-Check® is our risk intelligence database

It provides organizations with structured data from

reliable and reputable public domain sources to help

them fulfill their due diligence obligations and identify

potential financial and related crime, as well as

politically exposed persons (PEPs).

• Anti-Money Laundering Legislation

• Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

• UK Bribery Act

• OECD Anti-Bribery Act

• Countering the Financing of

Terrorism Legislation CFT/CTF

• UK Modern Slavery Act

• Conflict Minerals Legislation

• Dodd-Frank Act

• California Transparency in Supply

Chains Act

• EU Timber Regulation (EUTR)-


• Australian Illegal Logging

Prohibition Act

• Environmental Legislation

• PEP Screening – National/Global

• Sanctions Compliance

Meeting global legislation:



Law Enforcement



Negative media

What is included in the data?

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Why do organisations use risk intelligence

databases like World-Check?

Key Reasons to use World-

Check Risk Intelligence:

Far beyond sanctions

Early warning system

Truly global research

PEPs and their associates

Highly structured information

Not mere data aggregation

Driving operational efficiency

Strict Quality-Controlled

Inclusion Criteria

AI-powered negative media


Who uses World-Check?

Clients in 170+ countries, including:

The world’s

largest banks

Fortune 500


300+ government

and intelligence


Global coverage, local knowledge

• 400+ researchers situated on

five continents

• 90+% of World-Check

researchers speak two or more


• Native-speaking researchers

pick up on the subtleties in the

text in a way that multilingual

speakers do not

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Enhance Due Diligence Reports


Unparalleled knowledge,

experience and coverage

High quality reports with a

quick turnaround

A full service offering

A consistent, transparent

flexible extension to your


Reduced cost of ownership

Greater operational

efficiency, greater


Comprehensive coverage in

all jurisdictions


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The Coalition has reached over 15 million

across 64 countries in less than a year


• 650,000 impressions

• 220,000 video views


2019 alone:

• 4.4m impressions

• 44 countries represented

• 220,000 video views

• Refinitiv leading a global conversation


• 600+ likes


• 1,300 clicks to video lookbook


• 10,000 views in the first 5 days

• Reached 64 countries

2 3 4

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Coalition’s approach and principles

4 Core operating principles adopted:

No duplication:

Harness anti-financial crime efforts where possible

1 Provides a platform to raise awareness and promote content driven output

2 Provide recommendations at the political & policy levels

3 The objective is to enhance the effectiveness of the AML regime


Multi-faceted global approach:

Broad definition of financial crime

Defining financial crime in broad terms, not just as the proceeds of illegal activity, in order to combat

the broad range of financial crimes that impact economies, societies

and individuals worldwide

Focus on making an impact

Moving away from a ‘tick box’ compliance approach and towards

making a real impact

Work with multiple actors / public-private cooperation

Working with the financial and non-financial sectors to recognize and

promote the strategic importance of emerging technologies

Drive change for effectiveness

Driving change by helping financial institutions to become more effective in combating crime

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Our ways of working

External Stakehold


Policy Platforms





te V










Operating Principles

• Openness Promote open dialogue

• TransparencyKey to understanding what are we

doing and how are we doing it

• CollaborationIdentify synergies to work together to

achieve objective

• No ObjectionDecision making based on ‘no


• RecognitionRecognition of others initiatives /

amplify messages on behalf of others

• AgileFluid / flexible ways of working to

allow Coalition to pivot as necessary

• Accountability

Held by each organization is for own

initiatives & managing own


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Thank you

The Financial and

Risk business of

Thomson Reuters

is now Refinitiv.

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Inna PodsekinaResearch Manager, Refinitiv

Jorg SchaperHead of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition,


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How to manage non-compliance risk while reducing operational costs?World-CheckInna Podsekina

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Aggregates and provides clients with

access to:

• Heightened risk individuals and entities

• From public domain data (open source)

data which is:

World-Check data


World-Check records individuals in every habited location

on earth – 245 countries and dependent territories – ISO


─ Global

─ Aggregated

─ Deduplicated

─ Structured

─ Consolidated

─ Intelligence

─ Associated

─ Enhanced

─ Narrative

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Model and focus

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World-Check dataKey features and benefits

World-Check is a global standard, trusted by 16,000+ customers in 180+ countries

World-Check is designed and structured to minimise operationalcost and lower Total Cost of Ownership

World-Check is constantly updated with 50K+ new profiles and 80K+ records reviewed each month

World-Check is used by 300+ government and intelligence agencies worldwide

World-Check’s sanctions content is updated 24/7/365 and is ISAE 3000 certified on anannual basis

World-Check has strict quality-controlled inclusion criteria to ensure accuracy and relevance

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World-Check dataKey features and benefits (cont.)

World-Check inclusion criteria and content is aligned to legislation and regularly updated

World-Check has a global operational footprint, with 400+ highly trained research analysts who speak 65+ languages

World-Check establishes connections between records, allowing clients to uncover hidden risks

World-Check is highly structured with 30+ fields, allowing flexible and highly targeted screening

World-Check is globally comprehensive, with 4+ million records

World-Check has won numerous awards, including from Interpol

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World-Check content: regulatory drivers

The World-Check content is driven by and aligned to legislation and regulation; it

is a tool designed to help clients to comply with regulatory obligations, such as:


• OFAC, CAATSA, UN, UKHMT, CANS, MINEFI, DFAT, and hundreds more

Anti-Money Laundering

• FATF & Wolfsberg guidance, BSA, PATRIOT Act, 4MLD & 5MLD, etc.

Anti-bribery & Corruption

• FCPA, UKBA, OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, UN Convention Against Corruption, etc.

Countering the Financing of Terrorism

• UN Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, FATF, PATRIOT Act, etc.

Anti-organized crime

• Palermo Convention, POCA, RICO, etc.

Human rights & supply chains

• UK Modern Slavery Act, Dodd Frank Act, California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, etc.

Environmental legislation

• EU Timber Regulation, US Lacey Act, etc.



Law Enforcement



Negative media


SENSITIVITY: CONFIDENTIAL | Refinitiv World-Check Risk Intelligence Data

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World-Check contains data about…

Countries & regions


Ports & airports Aircraft

Companies & Banks


State Owned Entities

Other entities

Criminal & terrorist groups

International organizations

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What is included in the data?

Abuse of OfficeCease and Desist

OrderDeported or Exiled

Financial Services

WarningIllegal Gambling Land Right Violation



Theft and



MisconductCivil Penalty Disciplinary Action

Forced and Slave

LabourIllegal Immigration Law Enforcement Sanctions

Trafficking in Stolen


Aircraft Hijacking and

Aviation Crimes

Consumer Protection

ViolationDisqualifications Forgery and Uttering

Illegal Possession

and SaleLicence Revocation Securities Violation

Travel or Visa


Antitrust ViolationControl or Regulation

ViolationEnergy Crime Fraud

Illegal Restraint and

KidnappingMoney Laundering Sexual Exploitation Unlawful Competition

Arms and



Counterfeiting Environmental CrimeFrozen and Seized

AssetsInsider Trading Narcotics Trafficking Smuggling

Unlawful Money


Arson and

Destruction of


CybercrimeExploitation of

ChildrenHealthcare Fraud

Criminal Insolvency,

Liquidation and


Obstruction of


Tax and Customs

ViolationViolent Crime

Breach of Fiduciary


Crimes Against the


Human Rights


IP Rights

InfringementOrganized Crime

Tender Violation and

RestrictionsWar Crime

Bribery and



MismanagementHuman Trafficking

Labour Rights



TraffickingTerrorism Wildlife Crime

SENSITIVITY: CONFIDENTIAL | Refinitiv World-Check Risk Intelligence Data

Type of offenses

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65 SENSITIVITY: CONFIDENTIAL | Refinitiv World-Check Risk Intelligence Data

Why is World-Check data used?

Required for:

• New Client screening at on boarding at account opening

• Retrospective and ongoing screening for existing clients

• High risk payment screening especially cross border payments

• End client validation

• Correspondent banking relationships

• Transaction monitoring look-backs

• Supplier, partner, agent and employee initial and ongoing screening

• Periodic or once-off due diligence, e.g. pre-IPO or acquisition

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66 SENSITIVITY: CONFIDENTIAL | Refinitiv World-Check Risk Intelligence Data

World-Check data

• Each record within World-Check represents only a single individual or legal entity

• For example, Hassan Abdullah Hersi Al-Turki is listed on 49 different government lists, but is only listed in

World-Check as a single record with 20+ news articles

• Deduplication is a critical competitive advantage as it greatly decreases remediation efforts and simplifies match


Aggregated and deduplicated

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• Deduplication significantly reduces the number of

records that need to be screened

• For Sanctions compliance, this can reduce

workloads by well over 50%

World-Check data

• SanctionSets contain only the data provided by the

sanction body in World-Check format with World-

Check UIDs – transactional screening







Raw Deduplicated








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Aggregated and deduplicated

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Sanctions Update

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Sanctions Coverage

Sanctions are protective restrictive measures, such as an asset freeze or

block, investment or travel ban, financial sanctions, arms and trade

embargoes, etc.

World-Check covers:

• 280+ known sanctions lists

• 100% coverage – external assurance with ISAE 3000 audit of major

sanctions lists on an annual basis

• Major sanctions list monitored and covered on a 24/7/365 basis

• Special team dedicated to covering all sanctions lists as well as

dedicated Quality Control

• Records are “keyworded” allowing flexible screening

280+ sanctions lists


Sanctions comprise approximately

0.8% of the data

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Implicit or narrative sanctions coverage

Narrative sanctions apply when a national or international sanctions listing states that:

• Export or Trade Embargoes,

• Financial restrictions or Economic sanctions,

• Asset freezes, or

• Investment bans…

also apply to an entity not sanctioned by name but covered by a narrative statement extending sanctions to such non-listed entity. This requires significant further qualitative research to uncover.

World-Check covers implicit sanctions extensively.

Significant research work to cover OFAC, UN, EU, UKHMT and Russian narrative sanctions (Narrative Sanctions Research Unit).

Additional Resources

Expert Talk

A roadmap to the US OFAC sectoral sanctions and the 50% ownership rule

Expert Talk

Navigating economic and trade sanctions

OFAC 50% rule

• Any entity owned (50% or more) by a listed person

• Owned in the aggregate, directly and indirectly

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71 SENSITIVITY: CONFIDENTIAL | Refinitiv World-Check Risk Intelligence Data

Keywords explained

– Approximately 25% of World-Check reports contain one or more keywords; this means that 75% of World-Check

reports contain information gained only through World-Check research.

– Keywords are divided into four types shown below with examples:

- New keyword type:

Helping filter results to ensure better quality matching


International Consortium of Investigative Journalists –Panama Papers [PAICIJ-WC]

Iran relevant World-Check data [IRAN-WC]

Australia – Department Foreign Affairs and Trade[DFAT]

European Union Sanctions[EU]

Peru Securities Market Superintendency[PESMV]

South Korea Fair Trade Commission [KRFTC]

UK Metropolitan Police [METPOL]

Federal Security Servicesof Russia [RUFSB]


Russian Sectoral Sanctions OFAC CBW Directive[RSSRE-WC] [USCBW-WC]

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Narrative Sanctions World-Check keyword solutions







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PEP Expiration

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The problem of overscreening

Overscreening occurs when you screen more than what is required by regulation (“compliance view”)

or what is required to manage AML, CFT or sanctions risks (“risk view”).

This is a major contributor to operational cost.

Examples include:

• Screening against sanctions from geographically distant or

irrelevant sanctions bodies

• Screening all PEPs and not developing an institutional PEP

definition informed by applicable regulatory requirements and risks

• Screening all adverse media or all watchlist lists, regardless of

relevance or risk

A plethora of PEPs

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Problem Statement: For how long after leaving office is a PEP a PEP?

Different countries have varying standards, e.g. Germany = 1 year, Brazil = 5 years, etc…

PEP Expiration – reduce alert volume by not overscreening









State presidential


PEP N Candidate Democratic Party candidate for US President in

2016 general election

Current Jul 2009

Secretary of State PEP N Secretary of State US Secretary of State Current Jan 2009

Government Official PEP N Government Official Member of US National Security Council Former Jan 2009 Feb 2013

Senior Official – SOE PEP N Senior Official –


Member of the Board of Directors for The

Broadcasting Board of Governors

Former 2009 2013

Federal Senator PEP N Member of


Federal senator for the State of New York Former Unknown Unknown

Existing PEP

Sub-category field

Existing PEP

Position field

PEP Status = Active | Inactive | UnknownCalculated value based on the aggregate Role statuses of each PEP

AND the status of any connected Primary PEPs

Solution: The biography section of the PEP record is restructured in a new multi-value field to clearly indicate the details of

each PEP role. This allows a client to define PEP expiration that is shorter than the World-Check default expiration and

therefore exclude that record from re-screening.

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PEP Expiration in action

The same information, displayed differently with clearly

defined separators, in the Data-File download.

The PEP status value in the biography is clearly defined in

this multi-layered structure

• Role

• Role Level

• Position

• Current, Former or Unknown

• Term start and finish date

• PEP role bio

New C6 Update Classification

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Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)New PEP Expiration field

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Terrorism Category Update

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World-Check data

There are 2 types of records under the

World-Check TERRORISM categories:

1. Person or entity arrested or charged

on suspicion of involvement in

terrorism or terror related activities or

convicted of terror related crime

2. Person or entity identified on a

national or internationally recognized

banning, warning, wanted list (e.g.

OFAC, UN, INTERPOL, etc.) as

connected to terrorism or individuals

connected to such organizations.

Terrorism - listed records vs World-Check records



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Intelligence and associated: terrorism coverage

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Report categorization explained

The categorization of reports associated with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) predicate crimes in pre-

conviction and post-conviction stages.

– Pre-conviction

Individuals who are investigated, accused, arrested, charged, questioned or detained remain categorized as

either INDIVIDUAL or in the correct non-crime category (i.e., legal, religion, diplomat, etc.) until conviction


– Post-conviction/pleading guilty categories





– CRIME – TERROR (new)


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World-Check categories











Embargo Vessel





Nonconviction Terror


Trade Union



Political Party

Political Individual


Every World-Check report is classified in one or more of 20+ ways

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Content Update Classification

Provides details on the type of update last made to each

record, divided into five categories:

1. C1 – most critical updates

2. C2

3. C3

4. C4 – least critical updates

5. C5 – record reviewed with no update (non-client facing)

6. C6 – new data fields introduced (new)

Allows clients to determine which reports need to be

rescreened, eliminating a significant amount of work.

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Nearly 40% of World-Check reports are in the INDIVIDUAL category and meet the following criteria:

• Facing charges, but not yet convicted

Person accused, investigated, arrested, charged, indicted, detained, questioned or on trial for World-Check

related offenses

• Politically exposed

Individual appointed to a PEP position (as opposed to elected), or they are an immediate relative or close

associate of primary PEPs

• They do not meet the criteria for a World-Check crime category

They are an individual appearing on a regulatory, law enforcement or global sanctions watch list, such as U.S.

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Disqualified Directors or Interpol

Record tagging will make it possible to easily determine what types of offences are associated with a non-

conviction record

Example tags: “Human Trafficking”, “Bribery and Corruption”, “Cybercrime” etc.

Record Tagging

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• Matching Engine Enhancement - algorithms enhanced in order to reduce number of false positives

• Marijuana related business content set

Further Updates

SENSITIVITY: CONFIDENTIAL | Refinitiv World-Check Risk Intelligence Data

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Thank you!

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Coffee Break

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No Giveaways and Handouts Here

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No Giveaways Here – The Freedom Fund Donation

1. Works on the frontlines: They partner with frontline organisations to directly combat slavery in defined regions where it is highly concentrated.

2. Drives systemic change: They tackle the underlying systems that allow slavery to persist.

3. Strengthens the anti-slavery infrastructure globally: They empower the anti-slavery movement, with our Movement Building Initiatives providing platforms, tools and knowledge for organisations to connect and work together more effectively.

4. Raises new capital: They bring new funding and innovative investors into the anti-slavery space, with the goal of mobilising the capital needed to work on the frontlines, drive systemic change and strengthen the anti-slavery infrastructure globally.

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Jorg SchaperHead of Customer and Third Party Screening Proposition,


Sylwia WolosDirector Enhanced Due Diligence Proposition, Refinitv

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World-Check One: Media, Vessel and Beneficiary Ownership screeningIntroduction to Media-Check, Vessel-Check and UBO-Check as part

of the World-Check One platform

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A unique media screening and processing feature powered by artificial

intelligence (AI) that helps address the regulatory and reputational

consequences of overlooking key data in the fight against financial crime.

An opt-in, integrated feature that delivers machine learning capability increasing

efficiency by filtering unstructured content from over 16,000 global print and web

sources, giving institutions more accurate and relevant data faster.

Media-Check, Harnessing Artificial Intelligence

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Structured vs. Unstructured Negative Media Content

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The Challenge

In the digital age, vast volumes of information can overwhelm attempts to pinpoint what is relevant to

financial crime and eliminate what is not.

Missing an important piece of media information about a specific individual or entity could have significant

consequences, particularly from a regulatory compliance perspective – and it is therefore critical that clients find

the clear signal in the noise.

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Intelligent Tagging and Classification – Taming Unstructured Content

Unstructured Content AI Structure Delivery


Risk Detection

Event Clustering

Search and Retrieval


Initial Screening

On-going Screening

World-Check One

KYC Taxonomy

Name Extraction

3000+ sourcesOnline NewsLaw enforcementBlogsFull text searchingIntelligent tagging13 languagesUpdated 4 times a day

Traditionally licensed contentRoyalty based redistribution13,000+ quality sourcesNewswiresGlobal, national and regional newspapersGovernmentFull-text search and archiveIntelligent tagging23 languagesContinuously updated

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Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to Identify False Positive Risk Relationships

Officer Jane Doe arrested the accused Joe BloggsOfficer Jane Doe arrested the accused Joe Bloggs

Job role Entity facing risk

Joseph BloggsJoseph Peter BloggsJoe P. Bloggs

In this example, both Jane Doe and Joe Bloggs would be marked as possible matches due to their name appearing near negative keywords. Any article referring to “Joseph Bloggs” would be missed.

By using artificial intelligence, we can provide intelligent “name matching” and surface articles where an entity is more likely facing a risk. In this case, “Joe Bloggs” is the entity facing a risk.

Traditional aggregator/

Web search engine approach

Our unique approach

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Taxonomy – Categorizing Unstructured Content

Accusation Charge Conviction Exoneration

Environmental risk Financial risk/healthInformation security, IT governance,

security breaches, cybercrime

Crime inc. conspiracy, collusion, cross-border, organized crime, trafficking, weapons, violence,

war crimes

Financial crimeIntellectual property rights/brand

infringements/anticompetitive behaviorSanctions enforcement and restrictions Terrorism related matters

Theft, fraud, bribery, corruption, abuse of power, forgery and counterfeiting,

tax evasion, embezzlementPolitical exposure

Social risk inc. employment practices, child exploitation, conflict minerals,

forced and slave labor, human rights violations

Banking risk inc. clients, products, business practices

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World-Check One Vessel Check is an opt-in,

integrated feature that delivers a

powerful combination of trusted and

accurate data sets for comprehensive screening,

all on a single platform.

What is Vessel Check?

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IHS Maritime the world’s

foremost information and

insight provider of maritime

data to identify vessels

and related entities

A powerful combination

Market-leading World-Check

Risk Intelligence for

comprehensive risk screening

Enhanced Due Diligence

(EDD) reports (optional add-

on) on entities you consider


• Unrivalled breadth and depth of IHS Maritime data combined with World-Check trusted and accurate risk intelligence on the

award winning World-Check One data screening platform.

• Request an EDD report directly off the World-Check One platform.

• This single platform approach means that all relevant information is available in one place and this aids over-stretched

compliance teams, reducing the strain on resources and boosting efficiency.

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The three step process at a glance


* Optional add-on

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World-Check One:UBO CheckPowered by Dun & Bradstreet

The power of establishing a risk based approach for UBO,

from screening to enhanced due diligence checks

designed to fit your specific needs

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• Global anti-money laundering (AML) and

financial crime laws require organizations to

identify, validate and screen the UBOs, both

direct and indirect, of an entity before

establishing a business relationship (examples

include: AMLD5, FATF recommendations, …)

• Potentially false customer declarations on

ownership structures create AML risk,

consequently independent verification of

ownership structures are needed

World-Check One: UBO Check

Beneficial ownership and the law

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• Ownership information may be fragmented, stored

in different locations, or difficult to find

• Legal entities that are established in high secrecy


• Different jurisdictions often have different methods

of defining and recording ownership

• Documentation held in varying languages

• Financial criminals may deliberately create layers

of opacity

World-Check One: UBO Check

Organizations struggle to verify ownership hierarchies

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104 World-Check One: UBO Check

Our solution: Market-leading data sets combined in one platform

Dun and Bradstreet UBO data has over 30,000 data sources in more than 215 countries to support UBO identification and validation

Refinitiv’s market-leading World-CheckRisk Intelligence data, with over 4 million structured records, including more than 700 sanctions, watch and enforcement lists to screen names against, to reveal possible regulatory or reputational risk

Integrated in to our award winning World-Check One screening platform with time and cost saving workflow solution tools to help you make informed business decisions faster


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105 World-Check One: UBO Check

About Dun & Bradstreet data

• Nearly ninety percent of the Fortune 500,

and companies of every size around the

world, rely on Dun & Bradstreet data,

insights and analytics

• Covers companies in over 215 countries

• 100 million connections and beneficial

ownership calculations down to 0.01%

• A truly global view

• Information is kept up-to-date and relevant

through automated data capture process

• More than a century of experience

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106 World-Check One: UBO Check

About World-Check Risk Intelligence

• Over 400 highly trained researchers

• Expertise in more than 60 languages

• Over 4 million highly structured records

• Over 700 sanctions, regulatory and law

enforcement lists

• Screen for PEP, watch list or sanctions

exposure, as well as negative media

• Thousands of media sources, company

information and regulatory filings

• Exclusive features to help you work more


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107 World-Check One: UBO Check

Integrated workflow for verifying and screening beneficiary owners

• Combining world-leading data sources

• Integrated workflow enables greater

efficiency in AML operations through

seamlessly importing UBO data into the

screening process

• Innovative visualisation capabilities help

identify hidden relationships and potential


Advanced Case Manager functionality uses

parent case logic that allows linked entities

to be grouped to build a holistic view of

ownership and potential risk

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UBO Check in Action

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109 World-Check One: UBO Check

UBO Check in Action Find a company Search and screen

Screen for entering your

search criteria note the

fields with * are

compulsory fields to

activate your search.

The screenshots will be replaced

from time to time

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110 World-Check One: UBO Check

UBO Check in Action Results for UBO data/matches

The screenshots will be replaced

from time to time

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111 World-Check One: UBO Check

UBO Check in Action Visualization of relationship and ownership

The screenshots will be replaced

from time to time

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112 World-Check One: UBO Check

UBO Check in Action Screen against World-Check Risk Intelligence

The screenshots will be replaced

from time to time

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113 World-Check One: UBO Check

UBO Check in Action Taking it one step further with Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) reports




The screenshots will be replaced

from time to time

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Enhanced Due Diligence EDD Research for Ultimate Beneficial Owners

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Data is just the beginning – Ownership information availability and limitations

• 237 countries, territories or

jurisdictions where companies can

be incorporated

• 79% company verification if available

online or in person

• 62% company verification can be

performed online


of these jurisdictions

(40% of total) provide

directorship information


of these jurisdictions

(45% of total) disclose

direct shareholders

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Primary Sources

• Official corporate registry documents

• Official stock exchange information

• The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Secondary Sources

The secondary sources include reliable free and paid

Internet resources which provide reliable shareholding

information in respective jurisdiction, including:

• Financial market news portals,

• Financial documents, reports etc.

• Corporate information databases,

• SEC's Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website –

• CLEAR reports

• Database aggregators

• Eikon


• OpenOwnership

• Other media and Internet sources found via searches

Sources of EDD UBO Research

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Research Techniques

John Smith

100% ownership in target company

Nationality: UKDOB: 1/1/1980World-Check hit: no

Company A

Location: UAEReg. no.: Not identifiedWorld-Check hit: no

Company B

Location: UAEReg. no.: Not identifiedWorld-Check hit: no

Company C

Location: UKReg. no.: 123545ABCWorld-Check hit: no

Person with significant control

Parent company

Target company Fellow subsidiary

• Reverse Search Method

• Sideway Search Method

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Enhanced Due DiligenceHigh risk customers and third parties: Who are they and how you

can partner with Refinitiv to know all about them

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Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) reports provide detailed background checks on individuals and entities as part of wider anticorruption, anti-money laundering, or other compliance programs.

EDD Reports are used to:

• Enable compliance with global regulatory statutes such as KYC, AML/ CFT legislation, anti-

bribery legislation and any legal obligations associated with Politically Exposed Persons, or PEPs.

• Protect against reputational damage

• Ensure the security and integrity of a supply chain

• Comply with legislation such as FCPA and the UK Bribery Act

• Protect organizations from unwitting association with heightened risk individuals and entities.

• EDD Reports are often bundled with other Risk products to provide a complete compliance


EDD At A Glance

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A structured approach to EDD


• Sanctions and other compliance database screening

• Adverse media/Internet search for reputationalassessment

• Confirmation of subject company status. Verification of key individuals

• Identification of beneficial owners/shareholders

• Director search and associated entities

• Local searches for litigation/bankruptcy/regulatory breaches

• Possibly reputation analysis

• Importance of local language searches

• Local business intelligence

• Consistency and thoroughness is key

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Sources of Information

Human Intelligence

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EDD reports support customers across multiple use cases

Third Party Risk KYC/Private Wealth Management


Citizenship/ Residency by Investment

• All Medium/High Risk suppliers,

distributors or vendors

• Information on Financial or Labour


• Where a risk is identified (eg. PEP)

in Onboarding/KYC

• Information on Source of Wealth

and Financial Crime connections

• Before IPOs, M&A or equity


• Information on Financial,

Environmental, Labour Crimes

(alongside the legal and financial


• All applications

• Detailed background checks on

the applicants and their spouses

and children including Source of

Wealth and Funds verification








Type Standard/Premium

Source of Wealth

Standard (across all related subjects)


• Corporates

• Financial Institutions

• Wealth and Asset Managers

• Banks

• Private Equity

• Payments

• Investment Banks

• Private Equity

• Law Firms• Government Agencies (CIU)

• Agents




• Protect their business from reputational and financial damage• Accelerate time to revenue • Greater insight into counterparty identity to increase confidence in risk decisions• Supports profitable growth through supporting businesses manage dynamic demand and complete due diligence checks in new markets and opportunities

UKBA, FCPA, UK Modern Slavery

Reputational Risk


AML/CTF Regulation

Reputational RiskReputational Risk

Reputational Risk (Bribery &

Corruption and AML)




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Risk categories include, but may not be limited to –

Government Prohibited Persons and Entities; Politically Exposed Persons and Entities; Terrorism; Corruption and Bribery;

Serious and Organised Crime; Money Laundering; Fraud and Regulatory Breaches; Arms Trafficking and War Crimes; Human

Rights and Labour Abuses; Intellectual Property Violations; Cyber Security and Data Breaches; Social Accountability.

Client: W. X.X. Holding

Subjects: F. A. & A. Funds / Kuwait.

• Introduced through intermediary as potential investor; research initiated only on the basis of a business card

• Enquires with four regulators in Kuwait did not confirm entity registration

• None of the industry sources approached had heard of the fund, with several sources questioning the legitimacy of the

company and suspecting it to be a fraudulent entity

• The name of the CEO was the same as one of a prominent businessman in Kuwait

• Grammatically incorrect Arabic name of the fund

• A. Fund’s website was alleged to be a fraud designed to mimic the identity of AAS

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Transparency and challenges in high risk areas

Transparency in high risk areas

• Organizations such as the World Bank

and The International Finance

Corporation (IFC) are supporting

transparent disclosure of corporate data

to facilitate due diligence

• China, India and Russia offer ownership

information online. Brazil is partially

online, but needs to be retrieved by

someone with a Brazilian National ID

• Information is generally available in

Eastern Europe, South America

and Asia

• Rwanda and Liberia recently launched an

online registry retrieval portals including

shareholders and directors

Challenges in high risk areas

• Offshore jurisdictions continue to be barriers: the Caribbean, Cyprus,

Mauritius, Panama and Delaware in the U.S.

• Mexico remains the most challenging emerging markets economy

with a decentralized registry system and security concerns affecting

access to information

• Central America, Africa and the Middle East tend to have the poorest

levels of transparency. Shareholder information is not even available in

South Africa

• Countries where ownership and directorship information were

previously available are ushering new rules limiting the disclosure of

information like Hong Kong and Mainland China

• In 2012, Azerbaijan signed in new law limiting the disclosure of

corporate information

• Cumbersome retrieval processes require in-person requests and

manual searches like Indonesia or parts of Africa

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Business Intelligence

When BI brings most value

➢Most developing / emerging / frontier

markets (e.g. Myanmar/Burma)

➢High risk environment

➢Poorly developed civil sector; lack of independent

institutions/public domain records, poor media


➢Rapidly developing economy and society with

significant emerging “macro” social and political


When Public Sources bring most value

➢High profile/political figures in jurisdictions where media is

vigorous (e.g. Russian oligarchs, Indian tycoons, …)

➢Public domain and media coverage is voluminous, wider

issues well-established

➢Sources, unless very close to the subject,

are unlikely to provide fresh information

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EDD Coverage – our research centers

Research coverage• Open source media

• Commercial databases

• Public records/primary source

• Litigation/regulatory/bankruptcy

• Hard-to-obtain information

• Refinitiv World-Check

• Company ownership data

Research strength• Over 250 research analysts

• One of the largest research teams in the industry

• Over 60 languages

• Cost-effective solutions

• Fast turn-around-time


Beijing 25

Gdynia 20

Hong Kong 10

Katowice 44

London 6

Mumbai 44

Panama 39

Penang 76

Seoul 1

Shenzhen 12

Singapore 3

Washington DC 1

Paris 2

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Unparalleled knowledge and experience

We are the only provider with Knowledge Management, Audit and

Content teams who identify the best sources in each location,

enabling our researchers to spend less time searching and more time

analysing. AI powered tools allow more precise and faster process.

Our staff are Counter Fraud Specialist and Certified Anti-Money

Laundering Specialist.

PWC ISAE 3000 Security certification

We are the only EDD provider with ISAE 3000 certification. Our

technology and process is of outmost security standards, certified by

external auditor. Our secure online portal makes it easy to order, track

and administer. API facility allows integration with 3PR management


EDD data is hosted in ISO/IEC 2700127001 certified

data centers in Singapore and London

Key points of differentiation

Consistent quality and ethical practices

We average 120+ reports per day globally, yet we have a proven

track record of 99.7% quality success consistently. Year on year.

No one else does.

Highest ethical standard of collecting human intelligence

via the most comprehensive network of sources in the market

provides access to original intelligence not available through the

public domain, giving our clients a crucial competitive advantage

A proven and trusted supplier to the corporate and financial


In corporate sector we work for

- one of the top 5 automotive company with over $80 billion revenue

- four of top 10 technology companies by revenue

- third globally largest pharmaceutical company

We have hundreds of clients across all sectors, including extractive,

retail, energy, defence, aerospace, construction and education.

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Enhanced Due Diligence API

The EDD API allows our clients and third parties to directly connect with our EDD ordering portal,

which enables users to order, check statuses and retrieve their reports.

Why EED service?

Best in class security features:

• Data management centers and fully trained staff working

on EDD workflow

• ISO27001 certified with regular code of conduct ethics

and data security training

• Externally authenticated systems

• Reduced log-in burden, saving you time and simplifying

user management

Best in class user experience:

• Integrated with existing applications, providing a simplified solution

• Filter information with the EDD platform

• Check reports status and retrieve up to date EDD reports

• Retrieve risk summary directly to your system

Check System

Create Case

Search Case

Amend Case

Get Master




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Adverse media tips

Media and Internet searches –

naming combinations

Subject 1: Sadam Hussain (based in Iraq) Subject 2: Barack Obama (based in U.S.)

Naming combinations as per naming convention and spelling variations


Saddam Hussein / Hussain / Hoessein / Husayn صدام حسين

Saddam Hussein / Hussain/ Hoessein / Husayn Al Tikriti صدام حسين التكريتي

Saddam H Al Tikriti صدام ح التكريتي

Saddam Al Tikriti صدام التكريتي

Al Tikriti Saddam التكريتي صدام

El Tikriti / Tikriti / alTikriti/ eltikriti التكريتي

Barack Obama

Barack Hussein Obama

Barack H Obama

Obama Barack

Barack Hussain Obama

Barack Hoessein Obama

Barack Husayn Obama

B H Obama

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Google® and news aggregators

Searches in Google are essential and a part of due diligence. However, Google has certain limitations. It is

indispensable to use additional sources of information, in particular, news aggregators. In the course of research,

our EDD team uses several such databases.

The below table present the most important advantages and disadvantages of usage of Google and

news aggregators.


+ - + -

• Available in multiple


• Offers access to:

- company websites

- blogs and forums

- local news sources

- trade registries/yellow


• Considerable information noise

(numerous irrelevant results)

• Fewer possibilities to refine


• No access to paid sources

• Access to an extensive number of

paid sources

• Valuable access to reliable sources

(e.g. major newspapers)

• More relevant results

• More possibilities to refine searches

• Possibility to limit research to a

specific time period / duration

• Available in a limited number of languages

• Limited to a certain number of sources

• No access to social media sources

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Thank you

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