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Page 1: Risk management for manufacturers of in TGS 07 vitro diagnostic medical devices · The document Risk management for manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic medical devices was developed


Technical Guidance Series (TGS)

Risk management for

manufacturers of in

vitro diagnostic

medical devices


Draft for comment 25 September 2017

Page 2: Risk management for manufacturers of in TGS 07 vitro diagnostic medical devices · The document Risk management for manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic medical devices was developed

© World Health Organization 2017 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: [email protected]). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for non-commercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above address (fax: +41 22 791 4806; e-mail: [email protected]). The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. Contact: Irena Prat, EMP Prequalification Team Diagnostics WHO – 20 Avenue Appia – 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland

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WHO Prequalification – Diagnostic Assessment: Technical Guidance Series

The World Health Organization (WHO) Prequalification Programme is coordinated through

the Department of Essential Medicines and Health Products. The aim of WHO

prequalification of in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) is to promote and facilitate

access to safe, appropriate and affordable IVDs of good quality in an equitable manner.

Focus is placed on IVDs for priority diseases and their suitability for use in resource-limited

settings. The WHO Prequalification Programme undertakes a comprehensive assessment of

individual IVDs through a standardized procedure aligned with international best regulatory

practice. In addition, the WHO Prequalification Programme undertakes post-qualification

activities for IVDs to ensure their ongoing compliance with prequalification requirements.

Products that are prequalified by WHO are eligible for procurement by United Nations

agencies. The products are then commonly purchased for use in low- and middle-income


IVDs prequalified by WHO are expected to be accurate, reliable and able to perform as

intended for the lifetime of the IVD under conditions likely to be experienced by a typical

user in resource-limited settings. The countries where WHO-prequalified IVDs are

procured often have minimal regulatory requirements. In addition, the use of IVDs in these

countries presents specific challenges. For instance, IVDs are often used by health care

workers who lack extensive training in laboratory techniques, in harsh environmental

conditions, without extensive pre- and post-test quality assurance (QA) capacity, and for

patients with a disease profile different from those encountered in high-income countries.

Therefore, the requirements of the WHO Prequalification Programme may be different

from the requirements of high-income countries, and/or of the regulatory authority in the

country of manufacture.

The Technical Guidance Series was developed following a consultation, held on 10–13

March 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland, which was attended by experts from national

regulatory authorities, national reference laboratories and WHO prequalification dossier

reviewers and inspectors. The guidance series is a result of the efforts of this and other

international working groups.

This guidance is intended for manufacturers interested in WHO prequalification of their

IVD. It applies in principle to all IVDs that are eligible for WHO prequalification for use in

WHO Member States. It should be read in conjunction with relevant international and

national standards and guidance.

The Technical Guidance Series guidance documents are freely available on the WHO




– Diagnostic


Procurement of





About the




Audience and


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Contents Contents .................................................................................................................................... 4

1 Abbreviations and definitions ............................................................................................ 6

1.1 Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... 6

1.2 Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 6

1.2.1 Definitions related to risk management .................................................................. 6

1.2.2 General definitions .................................................................................................. 7

2 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 10

2.1 Standards, guidance and WHO prequalification assessment ......................................... 10

2.2 Key concepts ................................................................................................................... 11

2.3 Cautions ........................................................................................................................... 12

2.3.1 Issues observed during WHO prequalification assessment .................................. 13

2.4 Risk management in a regulated environment............................................................... 13

3 Risk management process ............................................................................................... 14

3.1 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 15

3.1.1 Top management ................................................................................................... 15

3.1.2 Departments .......................................................................................................... 16

3.2 Policies and planning ....................................................................................................... 18

3.3 Training for risk management ......................................................................................... 19

3.4 Risk management file ...................................................................................................... 19

3.4.1 Demonstrating regulatory compliance .................................................................. 21

4 Tools and methods .......................................................................................................... 22

4.1 FMEA ............................................................................................................................... 23

4.1.1 The start-up work .................................................................................................. 24

4.1.2 The FMEA process ................................................................................................. 26

4.1.3 Risk evaluation ....................................................................................................... 29

4.1.4 Risk grid .................................................................................................................. 30

5 Risk control options ......................................................................................................... 32

6 Risk management – selected activities ............................................................................. 33

6.1 Quality management system .......................................................................................... 33

6.2 Risk management and design control ............................................................................. 34

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6.2.1 Design risk assessment .......................................................................................... 37

6.3 Verification and validation .............................................................................................. 39

6.4 Analytical and clinical performance studies (design validation) ..................................... 40

6.5 Change controls............................................................................................................... 41

6.5.1 Equipment change ................................................................................................. 42

6.5.2 Change of supplier of a critical component of an IVD ........................................... 42

6.5.3 Change of intended use ......................................................................................... 42

6.6 The IFU and other labelling ............................................................................................. 43

6.6.1 IFU .......................................................................................................................... 43

6.6.2 Package labelling ................................................................................................... 47

6.7 Manufacturing ................................................................................................................. 48

6.7.1 Suppliers ................................................................................................................ 48

6.7.2 Manufacturing processes ...................................................................................... 52

6.7.3 Safe documentation .............................................................................................. 54

6.7.4 Process changes in manufacturing ........................................................................ 54

References ............................................................................................................................... 55


The document Risk management for manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic medical devices

was developed as part of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Umbrella Grant and the

UNITAID grant for “Increased access to appropriate, quality-assured diagnostics, medical

devices and medicines for prevention, initiation and treatment of HIV/AIDS, TB and

malaria”. The first draft was prepared in collaboration with Dr Julian Duncan, London,

England, and with input and expertise from Ms Jeanette Twell. This document was

produced under the coordination and supervision of Kim Richards and Deus Mubangizi

WHO/HIS/EMP, Geneva, Switzerland.

The draft guidance was posted on the WHO website for public consultation on 25

September 2017.

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1 Abbreviations and definitions

1.1 Abbreviations

CAPA corrective and preventive action

CLSI Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute

FTA fault tree analysis

FMEA failure mode and effects analysis

FRACAS failure reporting and corrective action system

IFU Instructions for Use

GHTF Global Harmonization Task Force

IMDRF International Medical Device Regulators Forum

ISO International Organization for Standardization

IVD in vitro diagnostic or in vitro diagnostic device

KPI key performance indicators

QA quality assurance

QC quality control

QMS quality management system

R&D research and development

RPN risk prioritization number

RDT rapid diagnostic test

SQA supplier quality agreements

TMV test method validation

US CFR United States Code of Federal Regulations

1.2 Definitions

The definitions below related to risk management of in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs) are

transcribed from ISO 14971:2007 Medical devices – application of risk management to

medical devices (1) and are generally used in this guidance. When a source other than ISO

14971 is used, the source is indicated.

1.2.1 Definitions related to risk management

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Harm: Physical injury or damage to the health of people, or damage to property or the 1

environment 2

Hazard: Potential source of harm 3

Hazardous situation: Circumstance in which people, property, or the environment are exposed 4

to one or more hazard(s) 5

Residual risk: Risk remaining after risk control measures have been taken 6

Risk: Combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that 7

harm. (Note: The definition of risk in (2) is broader and more generally applicable 8

than this, and is used by preference in this guide.) 9

Risk analysis: Systematic use of available information to identify hazards and to estimate the 10

risk 11

Risk assessment: Overall process comprising a risk analysis and a risk evaluation 12

Risk control: Process in which decisions are made and measures implemented by which risks 13

are reduced to, or maintained within, specified levels 14

Risk estimation: Process used to assign values to the probability of occurrence of harm and the 15

severity of that harm 16

Risk evaluation: Process of comparing the estimated risk against given risk criteria to determine 17

the acceptability of the risk 18

Risk management: Systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to 19

the tasks of analysing, evaluating, controlling and monitoring risk 20

Risk management plan: For the particular IVD being considered, the manufacturer shall establish 21

and document a risk management plan in accordance with the risk management 22

process 23

Severity: Measure of the possible consequences of a hazard 24

Safety: Freedom from unacceptable risk 25

1.2.2 General definitions 26

The following definitions are used throughout this guide. 27

Design input: The physical and performance requirements of an IVD that are used as a basis for 28 IVD design. 29

Source: (3), definition (f). 30

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Evidence: Information that can be proved true based on facts obtained through 31 observation, measurement, test or other means. 32

Source: Modified from (4), definition 3.8.1. 33

Instructions for Use (IFU): Information supplied by the manufacturer to enable the safe and 34 proper use of an IVD. 35

Note: Includes the directions supplied by the manufacturer for the use, 36 maintenance, troubleshooting and disposal of an IVD, as well as warnings and 37 precautions. 38

Source: (5), definition 3.30. 39

In the United States, the acronym IFU occasionally stands for “indications for 40 use”, and the acronym IU stands for “intended use” or “indications for use”. The 41 ISO definition and requirements (5) for IFU cover the intended use and the 42 precise method of use. 43

Intended use Use for which a product, process or service is intended according to the 44 specifications, instructions and information provided by the manufacturer. 45

Source: (1), definition 2.5. 46

Note 1: The clinical use for which the procedure was designed. 47

Note 2: The concept includes definition of the measurand, the target condition 48 and the clinical use of the measurement procedure, which may include 49 screening, diagnosis, prognosis, and/or monitoring of patients. (these notes are 50 from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) website 51 52

WHO note: The concept includes the physical, economic and resource limitations 53 in the environments of intended use. 54

In vitro diagnostic (IVD): A medical device, whether used alone or in combination, intended by 55 the manufacturer for the in vitro examination of specimens derived from the 56 human body solely or principally to provide information for diagnostic, 57 monitoring or compatibility purposes. 58

Note 1: IVDs include reagents, calibrators, control materials, specimen 59 receptacles, software, and related instruments or apparatus or other articles and 60 are used, for example, for the following test purposes: diagnosis, aid to 61 diagnosis, screening, monitoring, predisposition, prognosis, prediction, 62 determination of physiological status. 63 Note 2: In some jurisdictions, certain IVDs may be covered by other regulations. 64

Source: (5) and definition 3.27. 65

IVD reagent: Chemical, biological or immunological components, solutions or preparations 66 intended by the manufacturer to be used as an IVD. 67

Source: (5), definition 3.28. 68

This guide uses the terms IVD and IVD reagent interchangeably. 69

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Life cycle: All phases in the life of a medical device, from the initial conception to final 70 decommissioning and disposal. 71

Source: (1), definition 2.7. 72

Measurand Quantity intended to be measured 73

NOTE 1 The specification of a measurand in laboratory medicine requires 74 knowledge of the kind of quantity (e.g., mass concentration), a description of the 75 matrix carrying the quantity (e.g., blood plasma), and the chemical entities 76 involved (e.g., the analyte). 77

NOTE 2 The measurand can be a biological activity 78

Source : (5), definition 3.39 79

Performance claim: Specification of a performance characteristic of an IVD as documented in the 80 information supplied by the manufacturer. 81

Note 1: This can be based upon prospective performance studies, available 82 performance data or studies published in the scientific literature. 83

Source: (5), definition 3.51. 84

“Information supplied by the manufacturer” includes but is not limited to: 85 statements in the IFU, in the dossier supplied to WHO and/or other regulatory 86 authorities, in advertising or on the Internet. 87

Referred to simply as “claim” or “claimed” in this document. 88

Process Set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs 89

Note 1: Inputs to a process are generally outputs of other processes. 90

Note 2: Processes in an organization are generally planned and carried out under 91 controlled conditions to add value. 92

Source: (4) definition 3.4.1. 93

Risk: Effect of uncertainty on objectives. 94

Note 1: An effect is a deviation from the expected — positive and/or negative. 95

Note 2: Objectives can have different aspects (such as financial, health and 96 safety, and environmental goals) and can apply at different levels (such as 97 strategic, organization-wide, project, product and process). 98

Note 3: Risk is often characterized by reference to potential events and 99 consequences, or a combination of these. 100

Note 4: Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of 101 an event (including changes in circumstances) and the associated likelihood of 102 occurrence. 103

Note 5: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related 104 to understanding or knowledge of an event, its consequence, or likelihood. 105

Source: (2) definition 1.1 and (4) definition 3.7.9 106

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State of the art: What is currently and generally accepted as good practice. Various methods can 107 be used to determine” state of the art” for a particular medical device. 108

Examples are: 109

standards used for the same or similar devices, 110

best practices as used in other devices of the same or similar type, 111

results of accepted scientific research. 112

State of the art does not necessarily mean the most technologically advanced 113 solution. 114

Source: (1) paragraph D.4. 115

Top management: Person or group of people who direct(s) and control(s) a manufacturer at the 116 highest level 117

Source: (1) definition 2.26. 118

2 Introduction 119

2.1 Standards, guidance and WHO prequalification assessment 120

Risk management is essential to the competent manufacture of a safe in vitro diagnostic 121

medical device (IVD). Evidence of appropriate risk management within a quality 122

management system must be provided in dossiers supplied to the World Health 123

Organization (WHO) for prequalification assessment (6), including through formal dossier 124

review and information from the dossier request during manufacturing site inspection (7). 125

If no dossier is submitted for formal dossier review, as in the case of the abridged WHO 126

prequalification assessment, evidence of a risk management process will be reviewed 127

during inspection of the manufacturing site and at the stage one inspection, if applicable. 128

This guidance is intended as an aid for manufacturers of IVDs in compiling a product 129

dossier for submission to WHO and in preparation for the site inspection aspect of the 130

WHO prequalification assessment. The guidance does not cover instrumentation, 131

analysers nor software, except in a general way. It must be read in conjunction with the 132

internationally accepted regulations, requirements and guidance documents. 133

The principal international standard for risk management of IVDs is ISO 14971:2007 134

Medical devices – Application of risk management to medical devices (1), together with 135

the harmonized European version, EN ISO 14971. 136

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ISO 31000 (8) and its supporting standard, ISO 31010:2009 Risk management – Risk 137

management techniques (9) and guide, ISO Guide 73:2009 Risk management – 138

Vocabulary (2) are generic standards providing the framework for managing (analysing, 139

evaluating, controlling and monitoring) all types of risk including, but not specifically for, 140

those relevant to IVD design, manufacture and use. They are powerful adjuncts to 141

ISO 14971 (1) when considering the complete life cycle of an IVD, including commercial, 142

financial and manufacturing aspects. In addition, they provide essential information on 143

the development and application of any aspect of risk management. 144

Other internationally recognized guidance on the techniques and tools for risk 145

management is available from the CLSI (10,25) and GHTF (12). The CLSI guide (11) is 146

concerned, like ISO 14971 (1), with safety at the point of use, whereas CLSI EP23-A (10) 147

covers many aspects of safety in clinical laboratories. The guidance from GHTF [12] is also 148

primarily concerned with safety in use and considers all stages of the product life cycle 149

from that viewpoint. 150

2.2 Key concepts 151

Four characteristics of successful risk management underlie the methods and practices: 152

Risk management is specific for a process (.e.g. development of a product, use of a 153

product, design of labelling, installation of equipment, managing a change of use 154

to a product, evaluation of a production procedure) and not generic. Although 155

lists of factors to consider with respect to use of an IVD are available (13, 14), 156

these factors need to be evaluated and appropriately extended depending on the 157

intended use, the measurand, the environment of use and the specific features of 158

the IVD involved. 159

Risk management is a whole life cycle activity and is not retrospective. It begins 160

with the conception of the IVD and ends only when the IVD is withdrawn from the 161

market. Lessons learnt can be applied to subsequent IVDs. This means that risk 162

management of an IVD is not a one-time process: it is iterative. The risk 163

management documentation must be revisited and revised, within change 164

control, as knowledge and circumstances alter, including as post-market 165

information becomes available. 166

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Note: For an IVD that was developed and marketed prior to the enforcement of risk 167

management regulatory requirements, the development of a product specific risk 168

management file might have to be retrospective. Updates and revisions, however, 169

should be made in “real time”. 170

Risk management is an important activity helping to produce market-leading, 171

technically innovative products and in driving cost reduction. 172

Risk management is a company-wide activity and is not restricted to a specific 173

department. 174

2.3 Cautions 175

Different groups of similarly qualified people assessing the same system, process 176

or problem with the same risk management methods will produce different lists of 177

hazards and will assign different priorities (section 4.1.3) to those that they find in 178

common (15). 179

The different tools used in risk management (section 4) produce different lists and 180

priorities of hazards for the same subject (16). 181

The validity of the weightings (criticality and risk prioritization number, section 182

4.1.2) calculated in FMEA is disputable (17, 18): because “the concept of 183

multiplying ordinal scales to prioritize failures is mathematically flawed” (18). 184

Risk management can be time-consuming (and hence expensive) and without top 185

management support is unlikely to be useful, despite being a regulatory 186

requirement and one that is valuable in practice. 187

Risk management documentation must reflect the input from all departments 188

(including the quality department) involved in the IVD development, manufacture 189

and user environment of the organization. 190

Despite the cautions listed above, risk management, however practised, is a necessary, 191

important and useful tool in the production of safe and innovative IVD. It is important to 192

have the outcomes in mind, to think constructively, and not to become obsessed with the 193

assessment processes and marginal quantitation. With appropriate training within the 194

organization and skilledfacilitation of risk management, groups of suitably experienced 195

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people can pool their knowledge. They can then reason in a constructive, structured 196

manner about ways to eliminate potential harm, solve current problems, produce novel 197

solutions and optimize manufacturing and financial factors. 198

2.3.1 Issues observed during WHO prequalification assessment 199

Some deficiencies, only a few examples of which are outlined in Box 1, will result in 200

noncompliance with the requirements of ISO 13485:2016 (13). Of greater concern is that 201

these deficiencies indicate the possibility of unsuspected problems with the IVD resulting 202

from poor risk management of the development and verification processes. 203

Box 1 Examples of issues identified during WHO prequalification assessment

FMEA are submitted in the form of a tick-list related to the Essential

Principles (13) with little analysis of the particular measurand, IVD format

or use of the IVD.

Risk analysis content is poorly written; sometimes it is not even possible

to discern the IVD format or measurand in question.

The risk management documentation has not been updated properly

during the product life cycle; for example risk assessment for IVDs that

have been marketed in high-resource settings has not been changed

before entering into commerce in more challenging environments.

Insufficient consideration has been given to the skills required of users

and the reproducibility of the results obtained with the IVD in their

hands, their physical environment and potentially interfering substances

that may be present.

2.4 Risk management in a regulated environment 204

Risk management has long been an expectation in IVD design, manufacture and 205

commercialization. ISO 13485:2016 requires “a risk based approach to the control of the 206

appropriate processes needed for the quality management system”, clause 4.1.2 b. 207

Compliance with ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 14971: 2007 satisfies the basic regulatory 208

requirement for risk management of most authorities. However, the standards might not 209

reflect the state of the art nor all of the scientific and business aspects of the IVD life 210

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cycle. As noted previously, the IVD regulatory requirements are predominantly safety 211

related but the organization will also want to manage business, manufacturing and 212

environmental risks. 213

The primary responsibility for the preparation of the risk management plans for any IVD 214

development project or subproject in its early phases is generally contrlled by research 215

and development department. As the project progresses, the department of 216

manufacturing, and then customer services, normally take the lead roles. The QA 217

department is usually responsible for ensuring that risk management is documented in 218

the QMS of an IVD manufacturer. This includes preparing the policies (in association with, 219

and with the approval of, top management), procedures (in association and agreement 220

with multiple departments) and documenting allocated responsibilities. The QA 221

department is involved with all risk management activities throughout the organization 222

but not necessarily in a leading role. 223

3 Risk management process 224

The required risk management process from an IVD safety viewpoint is set out in 225

ISO 14971 (1), and as a flow diagram in Annex B of that document. This information is 226

summarized here in Figure 1. The general descriptions will be expanded with examples of 227

risk management at various stages of the life cycle in later sections of this guide. 228

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Figure 1 Risk management process for IVDs

Risk analysis

intended use and identification of characteristics related to the safety of the IVD

identification of hazards

estimation of the risk(s) for each hazardous situation

Risk assessm



Risk m




Risk evaluation

Risk control

risk control option analysis

implementation of risk control measure(s)

residual risk evaluation

risk–benefit analysis

risks arising from risk control measures

completeness of risk control

Evaluation of acceptability of residual risk

Risk management report

Production and post-production information

Risk management is a process that involves feedback as knowledge of the topic being 229

managed increases, as is shown in the process flow diagram. 230

The process summarized in Figure 1 is concerned primarily with safety of an IVD, but this 231

general process of risk management is applicable to any aspect, for example, financial, 232

commercial, regulatory or manufacturing. Reference can be made to the ISO 31000 series 233

(2, 8, 9) for substantial guidance on these processes. Further information is available in 234

the WHO Prequalification mock dossiers (20–22). 235

3.1 Responsibilities 236

3.1.1 Top management 237

1. Responsibility for establishing the criteria for acceptability of residual risk: this is a 238

key responsibility that cannot be delegated, although developing the criteria should 239

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be a team effort. The documented criteria with their justifications and verification 240

must be recorded in the files associated with the IVD – the design control files or 241

the risk management files. The risk management report for an IVD must be 242

approved and signed by top management, in particular the statement of 243

acceptability of the overall residual risk. 244

2. Review of the suitability and progression of the risk management process at 245

planned intervals. This would normally be included in policies regarding routine 246

reviews of the QMS and design progression (19). Organizing the review is commonly 247

an activity prepared for top management under the control of the management 248

representative (19). 249

3. Appropriate resources and suitably qualified personnel for risk management must 250

be provided throughout the product life cycle. Sufficient numbers of competent 251

personnel must be trained in risk management and have sufficient time and the 252

physical resources needed to perform the tasks required of a risk management 253

team. Without top management’s total support, risk management may be poorly 254

performed, as the activities require significant resources (23). 255

3.1.2 Departments 256

It is important that all departments within the company are involved in all risk 257

management planning and subsequent activities, except certain aspects that only affect a 258

few departments. These exceptions would need to be documented in the overall quality 259

policies and the justification for excluding some departments would be noted in the risk 260

assessment. For example, a safety risk assessment of the chemicals for a manufacturing 261

process might not require the involvement of the marketing and financial departments. 262

Everyone involved in the development and implementation of the risk management 263

process must understand the objectives – i.e. they must have an understanding of the risk 264

management plan, the available risk management tools and the methods of assigning the 265

level of risk. High-level technical knowledge of each process being evaluated is not 266

necessary for every individual on the team; however, there must be at least one person 267

with such knowledge involved. 268

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Specific training for risk management has proven invaluable in ensuring sufficiently 269

knowledgeable individuals who can conduct the meetings, collect and present the 270

information arising in a systematic way and write effective reports. They should also be 271

able to apply, in a consistent manner, the organization’s methods for assignment of 272

degree of probability, severity and detectability to the hazards that have been identified. 273

The extent of training needed will vary between those who prepare company policies and 274

plans (high-level), those who lead risk management meetings, and those who attend risk 275

management meetings to provide insight into specific processes. To meet the 276

requirements of ISO 13485:2016 (19) on risk management, formal training is essential 277

organization-wide and many training companies already exist to provide this, either in 278

person or via the Internet. 279

Evidence of successful training in the principles and application of risk management must 280

be readily available for assessment during an audit. This would include training records, 281

interviews with relevant staff members and observation of the effectiveness of 282

implementation of risk management within the organization. 283

Example: Job description requirements for a senior risk manager 284

The risk manager will need to be able to: 285

Develop and maintain a strategic risk management policy, framework, annual plan 286

and budget for risk management activities that will help achieve the objectives of 287

the organization and meet stakeholder expectations. 288

Manage communication about risk management activities throughout the 289

organization including timely reporting to top management. 290

Collate and analyse the results of risk assessments and contribute to managing the 291

actions required. 292

Ensure risk management activities meet current regulatory requirements, both in 293

the country of manufacture and countries of distribution, including audit readiness. 294

Manage risk management training requirements within the organization, attract 295

and retain suitably qualified personnel. 296

Maintain current knowledge of risk as applied to the IVDs of the organization or 297

similar IVDs both nationally and internationally. 298

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Promote a proactive and performance-based risk aware culture within the 299

organization. 300

3.2 Policies and planning 301

ISO 14971 (1) requires documentation showing that risk management activities are 302

planned in detail. This standard lists activities that must be covered by a risk management 303

policy and plan and Annex F gives a comprehensive guide to planning. Detailed guidance 304

for preparing quality plans is available in ISO 10005:2005 (24), ISO 31000 (8) and 305

ISO 31010 (9). Together these documents cover all aspects of policies and plans for risk 306

management. CLSI QMS02 (11) provides guidance on the contents of - and the 307

relationship between - policies, plans and procedures and is helpful in the preparation of 308

clear documentation that allows good traceability. 309

There will usually be an overall plan for risk management of an IVD covering all phases of 310

its life cycle and more specific plans for the management of the risks for each phase. Risk 311

management policies must always contain definitions of the occasions in the life cycle of a 312

product when risk management activities will take place. At a minimum these will be: 313

when an IVD or one of its related processes is being designed, after the design 314

inputs have been obtained. 315

before and after design verification and validation studies and prior to launch of a 316

new or modified product. 317

before using an existing IVD in a different way, for example with new specimen 318

types, new environments of use (such as when an IVD that has been used in a 319

high-resource setting is to be used in a low resource setting, or one that has been 320

used in major clinical laboratories is to be used at primary level testing sites), or 321

new intended users (such as extending from professional use to self-testing). 322

before and after any change to the manufacturing processes, whether as an 323

improvement of any kind or in response to problems. 324

before and after any field safety corrective actions – whether following complaints 325

from users or for other reasons. 326

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at regular, frequent, defined intervals during the commercial life of a product to 327

ensure that no information has been overlooked. 328

The risk management policy must include methods for assigning degrees of severity to 329

effects of potential failure modes and also to the categories of probability and 330

detectability (see 4.1.2 ). 331

3.3 Training for risk management 332

Risk management is central to the development and maintenance of a quality system and 333

at all stages of the life cycle of an IVD as outlined in ISO 13485 (19). Hence, a 334

comprehensive knowledge of the philosophy and tools of risk identification and analysis 335

must be available within an organization commercializing an IVD. 336

Responsibilities listed within a risk management policy would include preparing the risk 337

management plans, organizing the meetings, preparing the reports, updating the risk 338

analyses, preparing any change control documentation and ensuring timely completion of 339

tasks identified as a result of the analyses. Responsibilities would also include post-340

commercialization activities such as searching sources (for example, the Internet and 341

reviewed literature) for information that may affect the IVD risk management, integrating 342

feedback (for example from customers and the manufacturing process) and checking 343

continuing compliance with regulatory requirements. 344

3.4 Risk management file 345

The results of risk management activities must be collected in a risk management file, 346

which can be managed in various ways. For example, the information could be held with 347

the design control documentation, which might be an electronic system (possibly a 348

database or custom software). However, the file format must allow ready access to all 349

interconnected aspects of the risk management of each process, and to the relationship 350

of that process to other processes, within the overall risk management plan for the IVD. 351

The risk management file will provide traceability. It will include such information as the 352

risk analyses on the hazards identified and a record of the risk assessment and evaluation. 353

It will also include information on risk controls (including verification of adequacy) and 354

summarize the acceptability of residual risk in a risk management report. Top 355

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management must sign the documentation of the acceptability of any overall residual 356

risk. 357

The file contents might not be held in a single place. However, references to and locations 358

of associated documentation must be included. A link to meeting minutes and to top 359

management reviews and approvals must also be included. This documentation must be 360

retrievable without delay for review by auditors. 361

Example: Table of contents of a risk management file. (The risk management file might 362

not physically contain all items listed in the table of contents, but must include links or 363

instructions on how to locate the information quickly.) Contents will be replicated for each 364

of the risk evaluations at key points in the life cycle of the product, e.g. for design input, 365

design verification, design validation, IFU validation, post-market surveillance. 366

Table of contents 367

Description of the IVD including intended use; safety data sheet 368

Description of risk management scope, timeline and tools to be used 369

Design and development risk management documentation 370

Risk management plan 371

Hazard identification, analysis and evaluation (biological, physical and 372

environmental) 373

Residual risk acceptance or risk mitigation (criteria and outcome) 374

Verification and validation of risk control measures 375

Production risk documentation: risk assessment of each production process 376

Post-production data analysis report (for example using data from manufacturing, 377

customer feedback etc.) 378

List of participants in risk management teams; minutes of meetings including 379

attendees, action items etc. 380

Risk management summary report including risk–benefit statement 381

Sign-off by stakeholders and top management 382

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3.4.1 Demonstrating regulatory compliance 383

“The manufacturer shall establish, document, and maintain throughout the life cycle an 384

ongoing process for identifying hazards associated with a medical device, estimating and 385

evaluating associated risks, controlling these risks and monitoring the effectiveness of 386

controls and shall include: 387

– Risk analysis 388

– Risk evaluation 389

– Risk Control 390

– Production and post-production information”(1). 391

As previously mentioned, the basis for requirements can be found in ISO 13485 (19) and 392

ISO 14971 (1). These standards offer the broad outline of the principles and practices that 393

are required. In addition, the annexes provided, particularly in ISO 14971 (1), together 394

with many other resources such as those in the reference list, are very useful to suitably 395

trained and qualified personnel. 396

Within this context, the intent of the standards is used by WHO to assure compliance with 397

internationally recognized best practice in the manufacture of IVDs and to meet the 398

needs of WHO and its stakeholders. WHO’s technical guidance (including this guidance 399

document), together with published procedures and mock dossiers available on the WHO 400

website ( are intended to 401

assist manufacturers in their understanding of this approach. 402

Throughout this document there are examples of frequently encountered occurrences of 403

failure to comply with requirements set out in the two main standards used by WHO 404

ISO 14971 (1) and ISO 13485 (19). These examples come from dossiers submitted to, and 405

on-site inspections performedon behalf of, the WHO Prequalification Programme and are 406

given here to assist manufacturers in avoiding similar deficiencies and nonconformities. 407

Examples: The main examples of inadequate risk management resulting in 408

nonconformities include: 409

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Resourcing (and approval of outcomes) of risk management activities by top 410

management is underestimated and hence insufficient to meet compliance 411

expectations. 412

The qualifications of personnel performing risk management activities are 413

inadequate. 414

Risk management activities are superficial in nature, generic, and do not consider 415

all of the layers of complexity required in risk management as outlined in the 416

standards. 417

Risk management is not applied to all aspects of the product life cycle as it must 418

be according to ISO 13485:2016 and according to best practice. It is rare to find 419

risk management applied to manufacturing and business processes as would be 420

expected to ensure product quality and continuity of supply. 421

The risk management documentation submitted with the dossier is incomplete. 422

Documentation, in terms of a risk management file, is scattered and not easily 423

accessible: it is not retrievable within a reasonable time frame (within one hour) at 424

on-site inspections. 425

Traceability of risk management activities throughout the whole life cycle of the 426

IVD is inadequate. 427

Review and updating of the risk management assessment at timely intervals is not 428

performed. 429

The “worst-case” environment of the end user is not considered. 430

Comment 1: As with all submissions to WHO, accuracy of information and data 431

(truthfulness) is considered to be an essential requirement. 432

Comment 2: Evidence of effectively implemented risk management across all aspects of 433

the life cycle of an IVD presented to WHO for prequalification builds significant trust in 434

the manufacturer’s ability to provide a high quality IVD. 435

4 Tools and methods 436

ISO 31010 (9) has a comprehensive list of risk assessment and problem-solving tools, their 437

applicability and their strengths and weaknesses. Both ISO 31010 (9) and CLSI EP18-A2 438

(25) provide excellent guidance. 439

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The techniques most commonly used in the IVD industry are: 440

failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) 441

fault tree analysis (FTA) 442

failure reporting and corrective action system (FRACAS) 443

When using these tools, it must be remembered that: 444

FMEA deals with single failure modes 445

FTA can lead to discovery of some effects caused by two or more failure modes 446

occurring simultaneously 447

FRACAS can be used to feed information into the other two tools about existing 448

failure modes with known causes and effects 449

This interdependency explains why the tools are most effective when used together. In 450

addition, usage, descriptions and techniques for the “seven basic tools” for problem 451

solving (including those of risk management) can be found in most manuals about quality 452

processes including that of the American Society for Quality (26). 453

4.1 FMEA 454

FMEA will be described in detail as it is the most commonly used basis for hazard 455

discovery and quantification during the processes of IVD design, manufacture and use. 456

However FMEA is not always the most appropriate basis for risk management. The 457

techniques described in ISO 31010 (9) are of more general applicability because they are 458

concerned with risk defined as “effect of un certainty on objectives” (2 and4), not simply 459

with potential harm as in ISO 14971 (1). For example, management of the risks in 460

preparation of the IFU is probably not efficiently based on an FMEA: the potential harms 461

arising from the IVD and its use should have been assessed during the various design and 462

development evaluations. Development of the IFU, especially in an established IVD 463

manufacturing organization, is more likely to relate to provision of correct and complete 464

information in a user accessible fashion and regulatory compliance than in identifying, 465

quantifying and minimizing the effect of hazards as defined in (1). Similarly some aspects 466

of performance evaluation and supplier management are best risk assessed using 467

techniques from (9) other than FMEA (but probably not those involved with defining 468

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criteria for incoming goods inspections) because the related hazards should have been 469

evaluated during design and development of the IVD. Whatever the techniques of risk 470

management, their use and outcome must be recorded for compliance with (19). 471

4.1.1 The start-up work 472

The following sections are written predominantly from an ISO 14971˗compliant safety 473

stance (1). However, the principles and comments are applicable to risk assessment for 474

most processes in the IVD life cycle including R&D, manufacturing and post-market 475

surveillance. These sections also apply to most business-related activities when read with 476

reference to guidance in ISO 31010. 477

The first step in preparing an FMEA is to obtain a complete description of the process – 478

the scope – with as much detail as practicable. Often a flowchart of the process can be 479

prepared from the scope, giving a detailed overview of the activities in the process in the 480

sequence in which they take place, as this makes the subsequent analysis easier to 481

document. 482

A template for the FMEA should have been developed from the policy and planning for 483

risk management in the QMS of the organization. Conventionally this is prepared as an 484

electronic spreadsheet with a worksheet with headings as in Figure 2 (25). 485

Existing situation After action taken


m in








re m




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f fa










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Figure 2 Example of an FMEA template 486

There are examples of spreadsheets in the WHO HIV self-test sample dossier (20), and the 487

two nucleic acid testing sample dossiers (21, 22). The spreadsheet must have a start-up 488

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worksheet with details of QMS factors such as version control, participants in the various 489

meetings, signatures and dates. The organization’s risk grid (see section 4.1.4) is also 490

usually added to the spreadsheet. 491

Comment: There are many other ways of capturing hazard data. However, the FMEA 492

format seems to be the most frequently used and is easy to read and understand. 493

It is generally the task of the risk management leader to assemble the scope 494

documentation, draw up the flowchart of the process and from that to prepare the 495

spreadsheet using the template. The risk management leader then completes as much as 496

possible of the start-up information and also the first column (“Item in scope: 497

characteristics”) of the main worksheet. 498

With this preparation completed, a team of people from across the organization who 499

have diverse knowledge of the topic should be assembled to develop the risk assessment. 500

The team should include representatives from various levels of seniority and all should 501

have basic training in risk management and FMEA processes. They should be well 502

informed about the agenda of the meeting, having reviewed the scope document and the 503

flowsheet and considered independently the specific risk management needed. 504

A useful aid to simplify and hasten progress is to project the worksheet onto a screen and 505

complete it electronically as the meeting progresses. After the meeting the leader can 506

add to the worksheet from his or her notes, agree about follow-up work with other staff 507

and if necessary use it to report to senior management. 508

Risk management is iterative and spreadsheets will be reworked several times during the 509

lifetime of a process, whether that process is commercialization of an IVD or risk 510

management of a factory process. Controls will be added, new failure modes discovered, 511

changes in probabilities and detectability calculated, new characteristics added (for 512

example submission of an IVD to a new regulatory authority or addition of a new 513

intended use). Use of a spreadsheet helps in managing this activity, as extra rows and 514

worksheets can be added, all within a document change control system. 515

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4.1.2 The FMEA process 516


Figure 3 The FMEA process 518

The assessment group starts work by creating lists of ways that each item in the scope 519

could fail (or become noncompliant or nonconforming). These are the failure modes and 520

must be as comprehensive as possible. Hazards in normal use not caused by a failure 521

mode of the IVD (although perhaps caused by a failure mode of the design), such as 522

contamination of the user with specimen, must also be considered during the design and 523

use FMEA processes. 524

For each failure mode the group must next generate a list of all the effects of that type of 525

failure on the output of the process concerned. When compiling this list every aspect that 526

might be affected should be taken into consideration, for example, manufacturability, 527

safety of the user or the patient, continuity of supply, cost and so forth. These listings are 528

Prepare for the meeting Input documents

Flow sheets Worksheets

Circulate to attendees

Identify the effects of the failure mode

Identify failure modes For each item in the scope and in

logical order

Determine severity

Identify the potential causes of each failure mode

Use problem solving tools Possibly several potential causes for

each failure modeEnsure the real (root) cause is identified

Determine probability of occurrence of HARM from each


? Determine probability of detection with current controls

Calculate criticality and risk priority number

Risk evaluation and control measures

Re-evaluate FMEA with new controlsNew hazards?

Severity cannot be changed

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the effects of the failure modes. The following sections give guidance on this for each 529

major point in the life cycle of an IVD. 530

The next action, determining the severity of all the possible harms of each of the effects, 531

presents difficulties. It is common practice to give each harm a score between 1 and 5 or 532

between 1 and 10 (higher being more serious) but different groups will nearly always 533

assign different degrees of severity to the same harm for the same process, sometimes 534

markedly different (15, 17). One approach is to take the best opinions available from the 535

members of the assessment group and calculate the median of the values. Another 536

possibility is to obtain a consensus value through group discussion. (See reference (17) for 537

apparently more rigorous methods but which still face the same difficulty.) 538

Some failure modes might have more than one effect. In that case it is possible that only 539

the most serious effect needs to be considered further. However, in view of the difficulty 540

of assigning severity, this could present problems. This is particularly likely if the range of 541

severity values assigned to an effect is wide but the value finally chosen is low (relative to 542

other effects from the same failure mode). However, failure modes with effects on a 543

critical outcome of the process (for example safety, continuity of supply, user perceptions 544

or cost in a manufacturing environment) are usually given high scores. 545

All the potential causes of each failure mode must next be listed (generally using routine 546

problem solving tools, for example Ishikawa (fishbone) diagrams) and bearing in mind 547

that there might be more than one potential cause for each failure mode. The potential 548

causes are given an estimated probability of occurrence using the current state of the 549

process and its existing controls if any. As with severity, the probability of occurrence can 550

be debatable. It might be possible to obtain probabilities from similar processes, failures 551

and causes, but it is more likely that a consensus view will be necessary. A procedure for 552

estimating qualitative frequencies and probabilities from available data is presented in 553

CLSI QMS11 (27, Appendix D) and a thorough approach is described in (28). This 554

probability is known as P1 (see Annex E of ISO 14971), it is the probability of the 555

occurrence of the hazard. Risk, however, is defined in relationship to harm, and the 556

existence of a hazard or hazardous situation does not always lead to harm – usually a 557

second effect or event must occur to bring about the harm. The probability of this second 558

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effect is known as P2. Thus the probability of harm being caused by the hazard is 559

composed of the combined probability of the hazard and the second event, P1*P2, which 560

is lower than the probabiity of either event alone. This overall probability of causing 561

harm is given the score (from 1–5 or 1–10, higher being more probable) to be used in the 562

occurrence column of the spreadsheet and in the variious risk calculations. As discussed 563

above assigning such probabilities and scores is subjective! 564

Examples: 565

1.) Consider an effect being a false-positive result, a harm of this is a misdiagnosed and 566

maltreated patient. A recombinant protein might occasionally have an impurity, 567

depending on the efficacy of its manufacture, that could be incorporated into an 568

assay. The probability of the presence of the impurity is P1, the probability of the 569

hazard. An individual tested in the assay might have antibodies that react with the 570

impurity (the probability of this second event is P2) giving rise to a false-positive 571

reaction, probabiility P1*P2, which is the probability of occurrence of the harm. In 572

the presnce of either the impurity or the individual with the antibody, but not both, 573

no harm will occur. This is frequently the case in HIV and HCV testing, when the 574

recombinant proteins purified from E. coli cultures are not subjected to stringent 575

evaluation prior to use and some individuals have strong anti-E. coli reactivity. 576

2.) Consider an effect being a technician becoming infected as a result of using the IVD. A 577

potential cause being exposure to patient body fluid because of a poorly designed 578

sample entry port. The hazard is that the user might touch the specimen, the 579

hazardous situation arises if this happens (probability P1), and with probability P2 the 580

patient has an infection (not necessarily that being tested) that affects the technician. 581

The probability of harm is then P1*P2 – coincidence of both hazard and second event. 582

3.) Two events are not always directly involved. Consider an IVD which has been subject 583

to maltreatment during transport so that it no longer detects reactive specimens (the 584

probablity is P1, the hazard). If the IVD has a control line which becomes visible when 585

an assay is performed but which only monitors flow, not function, and the presence 586

of the line is said in the IFU to validate the assay: harm (wrong diagnosis and its 587

consequences) will be caused with probability P1. 588

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In IVD manufacturing organizations, detectability (probability of detection) of the failure 589

mode is occasionally taken into consideration during an FMEA. As with severity and 590

probability, opinions on detectability can differ; indeed whether detectability should be 591

included in risk management at all is subject to debate (29). If the failure can be detected 592

(for example by the user, or by the operator during manufacturing) the effect should not 593

occur, but the process of detection itself should form part of the risk evaluation of the 594

control mechanism. For example, could a visually impaired user notice that a control line 595

was unusually weak? The probability of detection is given a score of 1–5 or 1–10. A score 596

of 1 is assigned if the failure will always be detected (100%) and a score of 5 or 10 when 597

there is no possibility of detection. Whichever methods of assigning severity, probability 598

and detectability are used, it is important to validate them as thoroughly as possible and 599

to re-evaluate the FMEA as knowledge increases. 600

Finally, the risk priority number (RPN: severity × occurrence × detectability) and the 601

criticality (severity × occurrence) might be calculated for each effect of the failure modes 602

(see Box 2). 603

Box 2 Explanatory notes on probability × severity × detectability

Probability (occurrence) is related to likelihood, occurrence or

frequency of the HARM arising. A probability estimate can be

quantitative (using data and statistics) or qualitative (based on

experience and considered opinion). Each hazard and hazardous

situation will give rise to a risk estimate.

Severity measures the possible consequence of a hazard.

Detectability (probability of detection) of the hazard or hazardous

situation before it leads to harm and so reduces the likelihood of

harm and reduces the estimated risk.

4.1.3 Risk evaluation 604

Once the FMEA has been completed, the risks can be placed in order of criticality or 605

priority (possibly with aid of Pareto diagrams) and also measured against the company 606

risk grid. The risks that are unacceptable can be dealt with by introducing appropriate 607

controls (see section 5 and later in this section) and subsequently reviewed by further 608

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FMEA for newly introduced hazards. Decisions can then be made about how to proceed 609

with risks that are unacceptable. Every measurement or action by QC or QA should be 610

the outcome of, and traceable to and a risk evaluation. 611

For IVDs that are to be CE-marked under the EU directive on In vitro diagnostic medical 612

devices (30), risk must be reduced “as far as possible” through safe design and 613

construction. This is usually interpreted as meaning that the cost of ameliorating a risk 614

cannot be used as a factor in deciding acceptability. While CE marking is not a 615

prerequisite for acceptance to the WHO Prequalification Programme, if an IVD is 616

CE-marked, the dossier would be expected to prove compliance with this aspect. 617

ISO 14791 (1) is more lenient in that risk must “as low as reasonably practicable”. 618

4.1.4 Risk grid 619

The most common form of risk evaluation is against a risk grid similar to that shown in 620

Table 1, which uses a grading scheme with scores of 1–5. The risk grid is usually 621

incorporated as a worksheet on the FMEA spreadsheet together with a table of actions 622

similar to those shown in Table 2, which must be taken subsequent to the FMEA. The 623

detailed action is added to the “action to be taken column” either after discussion at the 624

FMEA meeting or by the risk management leader in consultation with technical staff. 625

Table 1 Risk Grid Severity of effect

5 Critical

4 Major

3 Moderate

2 Minor

1 Minimal








5 Frequent High High High High Medium

4 Probable High High High Medium Low

3 Occasional High High Medium Medium Low

2 Rare High Medium Medium Low Low

1 Improbable Medium Low Low Low Low

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Table 2 Actions to be taken following the FMEA

Table of actions dependent on zone in risk grid

Outcome zone Risk assessed Action to be taken

High Harm A Process must be redesigned, or, if that is not possible, a mode of control must be added. This must be agreed by top management.

Medium Harm B Process to be redesigned or a control added. This may need agreement by top management.

Low Harm C Control to be added.

How the grades for severity and probability are assigned and what action should be taken 626

must be defined in the QMS policies and might vary from process to process. There is no 627

regulatory standard and very little guidance on quantifying any of the factors, nor for 628

determining the acceptability of overall risk for an IVD. 629

For safety aspects, ISO 14971:2007 (1) suggests that severity could be classified 630

qualitatively using three grades as shown in Table 3 (1). 631

Table 3 Qualitative classification of severity using three grades 632

Term Description of the harm

Significant Death or loss of function or structure Moderate Reversible or minor injury Negligible Will not cause injury or will injure slightly

But more usually severity is classified in at least five grades as shown in Table 4. 633

Table 4 Qualitative classification of severity using five grades 634

Severity Description of the harm

5 Critical Life-threatening, loss of limb, threat to community 4 Major Severe lasting effects, requiring medical action 3 Moderate Short-term effects, requiring medical action 2 Minor No lasting effects 1 Minimal Slight or no effects to users or patients

For an IVD these harms might be caused by: 635

Misdiagnosis. 636

physical, chemical or microbiological failure mode of the device itself. 637

a hazard present in the use of the IVD with no failure mode. 638

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use of the device in an unintended fashion (“off-label use”). 639

Annex D of ISO 14971 (1) provides guidance on estimation of risk. 640

No regulatory standards have been established for probability and detectability of risk for 641

IVD. The usually accepted levels for probability are listed in Table 5. 642

Table 5 Commonly used probability levels for risk assessment of IVDs 643

Level Description

5 Frequent 1:100 4 Probable 1:1 000 3 Occasional 1:10 000 2 Rare 1:100 000 1 Improbable 1:1 000 000

Whatever characteristics are selected for severity, occurrence of harm and detectability 644

of the hazardous situation, the QMS must include a policy on how to choose and justify 645

them, together with the justification of acceptability of overall residual risk (ISO 13485 646

(13)). Given the variability in outcome of assessing risk quantitatively (see the comments 647

above and references in section 2.3) the policy must encourage the exercise of caution 648

and be carefully and comprehensively written. Use of a qualitative risk grid and action 649

table as described above avoids the need to calculate RPN or criticality scores and this in 650

turn avoids much debate about calculating “exact” values and their interpretation. 651

5 Risk control options 652

Once risks have been quantified using the tools described in previous sections they must 653

be controlled. ISO 14971 (1) prescribes the options for risk control and the order in which 654

they must be applied: 655

Safety by design comes first and foremost and is usually interpreted as meaning 656

“inherently safe design and construction” (30). For this reason, risk management 657

must start from the inception of an IVD (or any process) so that the design can be 658

planned safely and controls do not need to be built in later on to overcome design 659

flaws that should have been avoided. Experience shows that risk management at 660

the design input stage can also lead to much greater user satisfaction, as ideas for 661

novel and functional features often arise during the risk management meetings. 662

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Protective measures in the IVD itself or in the manufacturing process are features 663

that prevent a failure mode in the first place. They are not features such as run 664

controls (31) that warn users that a failure has already occurred. 665

Example: A shield over the specimen addition port of a rapid diagnostic test to prevent 666

contact with potentially infectious material. 667

Information for safety. Well-written and validated IFU provide control of risk, but 668

this is the least effective method of control. It is not the same as a warning, which 669

alerts users to the existence of risk but neither prevents nor ameliorates it. 670

Run controls might be viewed as providing information for safety but they are 671

weak controls in that, if activated, indicate the failure of that test run. 672

Control measuress must be evaluated to ensure they do not present new hazards. They 673

must be verified and validated in the user environments. 674

Example: Many run controls for rapid diagnostic tests indicate successful flow of 675

reagents only and do not confirm that the test would have detected a positive 676

specimen. Such a run control might not indicate thermal inactivation of the IVD, and 677

so give a false sense of security to a user. Limitations must be clearly stated. 678

6 Risk management – selected activities 679

6.1 Quality management system 680

As noted in section ‎2.4 ISO 13486:2016, unlike earlier versions of the standard, 681

specifically states that the QMS must be developed using risk management principles. 682

Quality management and risk management of all processes of the organization must be 683

linked and have feedback interchange mechanisms between them. All steps in the risk 684

management process must be performed in accordance with the organization’s quality 685

manual. For example, document control will apply to risk management activites and 686

include document identification, version control, traceability, review intervals, 687

identification of responsible personnel, links to competence and training records of 688

personnel, records of meetings and links to management review, among others. The risk 689

management documentation – the risk management file – is managed within the 690

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manufacturer’s QMS and is an essential component of the risk management 691

documentation linking and feeding back to the quality manual 692

Input leading to changes in the quality manual and the QMS from risk management of 693

activites within the system might include for example: 694

potential lack of staff competence determined during particular risk 695

management activities and any training needs documented. 696

Overall risk to the organization from customer feedback mechanisms such as the 697

CAPA system; problems found when using particular transportation suppliers or 698

modes; lack of clarity in IFU and subsequent unintended uses; reviews of 699

literature related to the manufacturer’s products, analytes, assay methods or 700

failure to notify regulators and WHO about critical change to a product. 701

Information from a manufacturing risk assessmentto assess the need for a 702

general change in documentation (e.g. styles, use of language, font size in 703

policies, procedures) within the QMS that might be needed to minimize risk 704

from lack of readability by non-technical personnel, sometimes through the use 705

of photographs, diagrams or translation into the language in use on the 706

manufacturing floor. 707

Overall risk to the organization caused by poor suppliers found from particular 708

failings in the supplier audit methods noticed during supply-risk analyses 709

6.2 Risk management and design control 710

Risk management is an integral part of design control. The two processes have the same 711

goal from a manufacturer’s viewpoint: to produce a safe, efficacious, 712

regulatory-compliant product with wide customer appeal, good profitability and 713

continuity of supply. 714

A typical design and development flowchart with integral risk management is shown in 715

Figure 4. This is a suggested process flow only but is typical of current practices. A risk 716

management process is associated with each critical stage of the life cycle of the product, 717

within the overall plan (see section 3.2). The risk management performed as the product 718

is withdrawn from commerce (mainly user satisfaction and business oriented but also 719

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summarizing the life cycle of the IVD) is not shown in Figure 4, but the design information 720

obtained from this activity should be used in the development of any future IVD. 721

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Figure 4 Design control and risk management

Design inputs User requirements Regulatory requirements Manufacturing requirements and capabilities Management expectations

Product specifications Numeric design requirements for R&D Product will be verified against this R&D phase 1 (under design change control) Format and instrumentation developed Processes developed and qualified. Manufacturing documentation started Guard bands for all process parameters defined and validated QA and QC parameters and materials defined, sourced and documented Calibrators and internal controls developed and metrologically traceable Beginning of stability work for in-process intermediates and final device IFU initiated

User, patient, manufacturing risk analyses started, re-evaluated regularly

R&D phase 2 Transitioning to factory Change control begins Instruments and material suppliers finalised and audited Instrumental PQ, OQ in the factory Pilot batches made, tested against putative QC Interfering substances evaluated, efficacy of microbiocides proven Process documentation finalised and approved All aspects of device and specimen stability using devices made to approved specifications IFU finalised and approved QA and QC specifications finalised and approved

"Customer" requirements document Design will be validatedi against this Design change control begins when this document is approved

R&D phase 3 Design verification using material made in the factory to approved documentation (R&D evaluation of all aspects of product specification document e.g.performance, repeatability, reproducibility , lot to lot variability, all aspects of stability)

Design and development plan writtenincluding risk managment plan

R&D phase 4 Design validation using material made in the factory at scale to approved documentation (User evaluation of all aspects of product specification document and customer requirements document) e.g.performance, repeatability, reproducibility , lot to lot variability, functionality of IFU, training manuals, software) Normally done in three user-labs with three independent lots of reagent

Manufacture CE marking declarations and inspections Full scale manufacture under change control On-market surveillance Review of scientific literature for independent clinical evaluations

Continuous on-market monitoring and risk re-assessment

Design risk analysis

Pre-commercial launch risk analyses Production of: Declaration of acceptable residual overall risk

Pre-verification and validation risk analyses

Final IFU risk analysis

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6.2.1 Design risk assessment 722

This is the first stage of risk management for the whole life cycle of the IVD. It begins as 723

soon as the concept of the product is finalized, after the customer inputs and 724

requirements have been obtained. “Customer” in this context is any entity that the 725

potential product will be affected by or will affect. Customers will be both outside the 726

organization, for example patients, users, distributors, purchasers and regulators and 727

within the organization, for example finance department, patents managers, QA, 728

manufacturing, R&D, sales, marketing and customer support. Design input from all of 729

these sources will define the intended use and lead, in turn, to defining the design 730

requirements of the proposed IVD. 731

Once the design requirements are available, the basic features of the proposed IVD will 732

become apparent and the design risk management planning can begin. Normally the 733

outline of the plan will be described in the QMS and policies, but the details will need to 734

be defined. These include determining responsibilities overall and identifying the 735

participants in the initial risk assessment meetings. Design risk management planning will 736

consider everything that is known about the potential product, in line with and taking into 737

account the Essential Principles (13, 14). This will be focused specifically on the proposed 738

IVD and its uses and is not a generic assessment. 739

The initial design risk management meeting should address as a minimum the factors 740

listed in Table 6. 741

Table 6 Factors related to the specific IVD to be considered in initial design risk 742

management 743

Factor Example characteristics to consider

Specimen Method of obtaining specimen from patient, type, storage, transport, likely interfering substances and cross-reacting materials in that specimen type

Patient Environment, age, sex, likely concurrent and similar illnesses, potential pharmaceutical treatments, vaccinations, potential drugs and other social factors

User Environment (especially temperature, humidity, altitude, microbial flora), training, skill level, social factors (intolerance of some constituents)

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Factor Example characteristics to consider


Known failure modes with a similar IVD using the same format (for example prozone effect, lack of or poor specimen/reagent flow, reversal of specimen/reagent flow, insufficient specimen addition, cross-contamination, failure to link result to patient, contamination with enzymes)


Known failure modes with all formats of IVD for the measurand (for example cross-reaction with other substances, vaccination status of patient, drug treatment interference, confusion with disease that has similar symptoms, specific problems in certain populations or age groups)

Many of these factors will interact with other factors. For example, the patient’s 744

environment is likely to affect the possible concurrent illnesses and possible treatments 745

unrelated to, but potentially affecting, the proposed IVD. This assessment requires 746

considerable knowledge of the disease, technicalities of the measurand, the device 747

formats available and state of the art for the proposal. The initial design risk management 748

meetings must also take into account the internal requirements of the organization such 749

as business and commercial factors, manufacturing factors including training and 750

equipment and regulatory issues. 751

The control factors coming from the design risk assessment should lead to features of the 752

design of the IVD, to requirements for many of its performance features, to supplier 753

considerations and to in-built controls. Many risks should be removed by appropriate 754

design of the format of the device, choice of reagents and method of addition of 755

reagents. This process might lead to at least some features that will give the product 756

commercial and possibly societal advantages and provide more than a “me too” device 757

that would be perceived by potential purchasers as competing simply on cost. 758

As the design is developed, new ideas will be generated, new problems will arise and the 759

risk assessment and controls will need to be re-evaluated. Once the main design risk 760

management process, usually an FMEA supported by an FTA, has been completed just 761

after design initiation, subsequent amendments are simple to document. Review of the 762

design risk management together with the progress of the whole project at the regular 763

design control review meetings (19) is usually sufficient. 764

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As the various phases of the design progress, risk assessment will become necessary for 765

manufacturing processes, the IFU, verification and validation work and pre-launch 766

matters (see Figure 4 and subsequent sections in this guide). All of these assessments 767

should be specified in the QMS policies and will provide information especially related to 768

safety and QA matters and to the main design risk management process, although they 769

are to some extent independent of it. 770

Any changes to the design, manufacturing process or IFU at any stage and for any reason 771

(for example because input requirements cannot be met, supplier change, regulation 772

change, CAPA, a new intended use, a new population of patients or users of the IVD, or a 773

new environment of use) must trigger input to the design risk management files and a 774

new assessment, even if only to report and justify that there is “no change” in risks. 775

6.3 Verification and validation 776

Design verification, in accordance with the manufacturer’s QMS, will confirm that the 777

design output meets the design input requirements. Results of the design verification will 778

usually be documented in, for example, a design history file. Verification occurs at 779

multiple stages and includes testing, inspection and analysis of results. Verification will 780

include hazards associated with handling and use, environmental effects, packaging 781

integrity tests, biocompatibility testing of materials to be used, bio-burden testing and 782

comparison with existing similar designs. 783

Design validation confirms that products conform to user needs and are suitable for their 784

intended use. Design validation must include risk analysis. Consideration must be given to 785

the robustness of the process. That is, expected variations of components, materials, 786

manufacturing processes and the user and user’s environment must be taken into 787

account. Validation must use routine production units tested under actual or simulated 788

conditions. 789

Process validation confirms that a process produces a result or product that consistently 790

meets requirements (and hence that the product consistently meets the correct 791

specifications). 792

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Comment: The absence of “re-validation” (ongoing verification) programmes for 793

equipment and processes and inadequate qualifications of personnel performing such 794

tasks have resulted in nonconformities being recorded during WHO PQ inspections. 795

6.4 Analytical and clinical performance studies (design validation) 796

The risk management methodology and tools already described apply to performance 797

studies. 798

Existing WHO guidance and mock dossiers support a risk management approach to 799

analytical performance studies to confirm intrinsic performance capabilities relative to 800

design specifications and to clinical performance studies to confirm that the expected 801

performance of the IVD is achieved in its intended use by intended users (19). 802

The WHO publication Principles of performance studies (Technical Guidance Series 3) 803

refers to risk management in the context of analytical and performance studies 804

throughout (33). In addition, the sample dossiers (20, 21, 22) have information that can 805

be used when preparing for risk management of the processes. 806

The risk management plan, assessment, evaluation and control actions related to the 807

studies must be documented and executed. 808

Note: “Clinical performance studies should ensure that the rights, safety, and well-being 809

of subjects participating in a clinical performance study must be protected … That is, each 810

clinical performance study should generate new data, the benefits to health must 811

outweigh risks to study participants and any risks must be minimized, and confidentiality 812

must be respected” (33 Study rationale 4.6.1). 813

Furthermore, “The risk assessment conducted as part of product development should 814

also include a component that accounts for any hazards posed (to user and/or patient) by 815

the product during the course of the clinical study” (33 Study method 4.6.3). 816

As an example, assessment would need to include the following: 817

a well-defined study protocol (to include risk assessment and plans, assess data 818

collection, amendments and changes protocol). 819

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monitoring of study (monitoring plan that considers complexity of study design, 820

clinical complexity of study population, geography of study location, experience 821

of investigators, relative safety of the product and data collection methods). 822

recruitment risk (selection of sites and patients, adequacy of medical records, 823

informed consent risk). 824

risk of deviation from the protocol (rules for cessation of study). 825

data collection risk (quality of data and staff turnover). 826

6.5 Change controls 827

Changes made to, for example, any design, manufacturing processes or intended use of 828

the product must be implemented and documented in line with the manufacturer’s QMS 829

change control requirements. The QMS will have procedures for the identification, 830

documentation, validation (or where appropriate verification), review and approval of 831

changes before implementation. The reason for and justification of the change and any 832

retraining required must also be documented. 833

Many changes will be related to the product design and so the risk management will likely 834

be based on hazard evaluation using FMEA as the main tool, closely linked to the overall 835

design risk management. Other changes, for example to labelling, would be expected to 836

be linked to risk management documentaton already established for both the design and 837

the process concerned for that IVD. Risk evaluation of change must be initiated before 838

any changes are made so that the planning for the change will take into consideration any 839

risk to be minimized and ensure that appropriate verification or validation of the process 840

and IVD is performed in a timely fashion. Any changes must be assessed and 841

documented in relation not only to the product or process that is changed but also taking 842

into account the possible repercussions across subsystems and the system as a whole 843

because modification of one aspect of a process might well introduce hazards elsewhere. 844

The following paragraphs exemplify some of the change processes which are frequently 845

found to be poorly managed during inspections by WHO PQ. The changes are often not 846

managed in compliance with (19) and any risk evaluation is not documented. Aspects of 847

particular concern are absence of the following: traceability, justification for change, 848

verification and validation of the change and notification to the user of the change. 849

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6.5.1 Equipment change 850

Criticality of the equipment or process will affect the level of risk management of change 851

control. High-risk equipment or processes will require a higher level of qualification, 852

change control, maintenance and monitoring. 853

In addition, the category of equipment change will affect the risk management activities. 854

If it is an “identical” replacement, then assessment may be limited to 855

demonstrating that the equipment is identical as defined in the manufacturer’s 856

procedures, and documenting the process within the change control procedures, 857

recording specifications and operating parameters to demonstrate they are 858

identical. An abridged functional qualification may suffice. 859

If the equipment has the same dimensions, uses the same methodology and has 860

the same performance characteristics, then the activities described for identical 861

replacement plus additional performance testing may suffice. 862

A “true” change (neither of the above) would require a full risk management 863

approach covering the whole life cycle of the equipment and the products 864

concerned. 865

6.5.2 Change of supplier of a critical component of an IVD 866

Example: A recombinant protein is purchased from a new supplier. 867

The processes and the intermediate products tmust be re-validated to ensure 868

the new protein meets all of the requirements. 869

The design must be re-validated as the change will potentially affect assay 870

stability, sensitivity and specificity (ideally validation by users although this 871

depends on the risk evaluation). 872

The change must be notified to regulatory bodies as it is the change of a 873

critical component. 874

6.5.3 Change of intended use 875

Example: Risk management of change of the types of anticoagulants for plasma used in 876

the IVD: a change in the IFU is required. 877

The design must be re-validated, at least partly, because: 878

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– the change will affect the intention in the IFU. 879

– the stability of the new plasma type must be documented. 880

– performance claims must be maintained. 881

The change may need to be notified, certainly if plasma types are restricted 882

and perhaps if increased. 883

6.6 The IFU and other labelling 884

Risk management for some processes such as the design, safety in use and development 885

of most of the manufacturing and QA procedures for an IVD can be based efficiently on 886

an FMEA and associated tools for quality management and improvement. However, as 887

noted previously (section 4) ISO 31010 (9) provides a comprehensive list of techniques 888

which might be better than FMEA for managing risks for processes for which the basic 889

hazards should be well understood and documented from the design and manufacturing 890

assessments. 891

6.6.1 IFU 892

As the IFU is the main communication between user and manufacturer it is regarded with 893

particular importance by WHO PQ. The contents of the IFU and their validation must be 894

evidence based. The following must be read in conjunction with TGS 5 “Designing 895

Instructions for use for in vitro diagnostic medical devices” (34) which presents WHO 896

expectations for IFU, and is consistent with international regulation (5 and 35). For 897

established manufacturing companies the use of checklists and properly facilitated 898

brainstorming as described in (9) should be sufficient to control the risks to be managed 899

during the IFU development process, perhaps with organization of the output using FMEA 900

like spreadsheets but with different column headings. The main residual risks related to 901

using, storing and disposing the IVD, its specimens and accessories should be available 902

from the design and manufacturing groups, the risks from not satisfying the regulatory 903

requirements laid out in the ISO 18113 (5) series from the company’s regulatory group 904

and risks related to the supply and physics of the IFU from the logistics managers. Each of 905

these departments plus the customer support group should be present at the IFU risk 906

management meetings of which records must be maintained (19). A specific risk, 907

relevant for WHO, is that the users’ language might not be included in the instructions for 908

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use or the level of language might be not be appropriate for the level of training of the 909

intended user. As a consequence, diagrammatic aids for use are provided frequently but 910

this needs considerably thought to ensure they are appropriate for all intended users in 911

all environments. The culture of the users must be evaluated in each intended setting to 912

ensure the information is appropriate and accurate. Whatever “simple” user aids are 913

made available it is critical that the risk management process ensures that the intended 914

method and the depicted method are identical, changed in tandem as necessary, and 915

validated relative to the clinical evaluation of the product. 916

Although the risks will be product dependent and risk management must make specific 917

reference to the IVD concerned there are recognized, repeated deficiencies (and non-918

compliances with (5)) found in the IFU presented to WHO PQ. These deficiencies might 919

be found from the IFU itself, in comparison of the claims in the IFU with the data in 920

dossiers, or during on-site inspections. The following table, which can help with the risk 921

management process by contributing to checklists, brings together the principle issues 922

found (many of which should have been dealt with and made acceptable during IVD 923

development). Reading through the table it will be apparent that risk management for 924

the IFU needs to evaluate that all statements and numerical data required from (5, 3 and 925

35) are present and that there is evidence in the design history file for each. In addition it 926

will be apparent that consideration must be given to users who might have different 927

educational, language and technical skills from those with equivalent roles familiar to the 928

manufacturer. 929

Vulnerability Description Detail Examples


disposal method inappropriate

or not defined IVD, specimens,


warnings none or inadequate harmful chemicals

biocides, thiomersal, azide

control specimens inactivation of positive

specimens not proven

SOP invalid, equipment inadequate

Intent intended use not

defined no statement of


diagnostic, screening, quantitation, prognostic

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Vulnerability Description Detail Examples

population to be tested

no restricting statement of what has been validated – or no exclusions for populations not tested

not validated in claimed medical setting

paediatric, elderly,


point of care; clinics, laboratories for screening, diagnosis

intended users not stated or no

supporting data

evaluated only by expert local laboratories or only by manufacturer


known limitations of method, reagents, patient type: some or all not stated

IgM not detected, strains of target organism not detected (malaria, cholera, HIV), treated patients


specimen types

plasma types not specified or not validated

no statement of what has been validated – or no exclusion of types not tested

performance not evaluated on

appropriate populations

specificity not tested appropriately

precision not evaluated by

intended users

only by expert users or in manufacturers own facility and staff


not proven rigorously partial or no stability

data for specimens

based on QC panel not on the critical specimens

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Vulnerability Description Detail Examples

timings and volumes

not validated rigorously or not at all

Reading time not validated at beginning and end of assigned life

controls not proven to warn of

damaged IVD with lower performance

EIA controls set too high

line controls fail to mirror state of active constituents


legibility poor users and

environments not considered

font too small type face

unsuitable use of white space

inappropriate ink smudges with


intelligibility poor

no consideration of educational level of intended users in intended environment

complex language poor translations languages in text

not appropriate for intended areas of use

symbols used not in accord with (36)

or absent

mismatches in instructions

IFU, “simple” method guide, training manuals differ

pictures inaccurate number of drops angle of addition

different methods (times, volumes)

product code not present or not

under version control

product changes nor reflected in the product code

IFU content validation

not traceable through the change system

version of IFU provided not the same as, or untraceable to, that used in performance verification and validation

Regulation ISO 18113 series requirements not met sections missing

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Vulnerability Description Detail Examples actual

manufacturer not clear

OEM, inadequate addresses, contact details

supplier control

no audit of printers

specifications not appropriate or not checked

improvements IFU not updated as


CAPA data not applied between IVD for different measurands

A spreadsheet related to a checklist like this could have further columns indicating what 930

measures need to be taken and by whom. 931

6.6.2 Package labelling 932

Checklists and facilitated brainstorming (9) should be appropriate for managing risks 933

related to package labelling for IVD because the hazards related to transport, storage and 934

use of the IVD need to be well understood from its development processes. WHO PQ 935

expects that package labelling will be suitable for users in environments that might be 936

more extreme than in manufacturers’ home countries and where transport operatives 937

might not read English. It is particularly important that the labelling on the outer package 938

for transport is clear, of a size providing easy legibility under all conditions and uses 939

international symbols (36) appropriately and correctly. Restrictions related to handling 940

and allowable temperatures must be very obviously displayed. Regulatory requirements 941

for labelling are set out in the ISO 18113 (5) series and in (35). The following table lists 942

some of the common, repeated failings of package labelling submitted to WHO PQ. It is 943

intended as a resource for a manufacturer’s checklist but each IVD, in each pack size, 944

must be risk managed individually by the manufacturer. Any statement on labelling (e.g. 945

transport conditions, expiry dating) must be supported by evidence in the design history 946

file of the IVD. 947

Issue Detail Examples

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Labels obscure

Font too small Only English on shipping labels:

No symbols used Symbols used incorrectly

Ink used not permanent

Ink poor quality and smears during transport or when handled in use

Ink fades in strong light

Labels detach from containers

Glue of poor quality: heat labile or water soluble

Claims Stability not valid

Evidence for stability only available for one bottle size although different kit sizes use different bottles

Shelf-life or transport studies performed using unlabelled materials


Not fully compliant with (36) and (5) or (35)

No product code No lot number No expiry date No storage conditions No single use symbol

Supplier audits inadequate

6.7 Manufacturing 948

6.7.1 Suppliers 949

Control of both suppliers and goods supplied have always been expectations according to 950

ISO 13485; however ISO 13485:2016 now explicitly states that the criteria for their 951

control and management must be proportionate to the risk associated with the medical 952

device (19). Formal, documented risk management in relation to suppliers and goods 953

(which should always include assessments of continuity of supply in addition to the 954

assessment of quality of the goods supplied) is hence a regulatory requirement. The 955

policies and procedures of the organization should specify how this risk management will 956

be performed and documented, and these activities must form part of the design control 957

of the IVD. The mechanisms for these risk management activities are as described 958

previously, probably with an emphasis on ISO 31000 (8) and the methods it specifies. 959

Following from this assessment will be the documented rationale of the extent and 960

frequency of supplier audits and the nature and methods of verifying the incoming goods 961

against the specifications (The incoming goods QA specifications, developed to minimize 962

effects of identified hazards.) As with all risk management, the process is iterative: once 963

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controls have been developed, the system must be re-assessed to ensure that no new 964

hazards have been created. Then, once the system is operative, it must be continuously 965

reviewed to ensure that it is functional and does not need amendment. 966

In addition to the use of suppliers for basic materials for the manufacture of IVDs, 967

outsourcing of services and component manufacturing is increasingly common. Particular 968

hazrds are associated with outsourcing of manufacturing processes of either subsystems 969

or complete systems. Good risk management can help maintain the balance between 970

quality and cost. This, together with the increased regulatory requirements of risk 971

management (19), make it essential to have a robust risk based approach for evaluating 972

new and existing suppliers. 973

The steps to be taken are as follows: 974

a. Use the already identified critical control points of the product noted. 975

b. Identify specifications that the supplier needs to meet. Document how these are 976

to be evaluated (for example initial product check, audit of supplier) and 977

monitored (for example incoming product QC data). 978

c. Prepare a qualification plan to: 979

– assess the supplied product risk. 980

– assess the supplier risk. 981

– schedule audits. 982

– ensure effective follow-up of nonconformities. 983

– determine frequency of formal review of supplier. 984

d. Prepare supplier quality agreements (SQA). Note: SQA apply to both internal 985

suppliers (for example subsidiary providers under a single ownership) and to 986

external suppliers. 987

The SQA should indicate, for example: 988

– commitment by the supplier to quality. 989

– agreement on how quality will be monitored. 990

frequency and scope of audits defined; allow purchaser’s auditors 991

to review audit reports from other external auditors, especially 992

when related to QMS regulatory approvals. 993

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access to supplier QMS management review. 994

change control notification obligation, for example timely 995

notification of changes to product design, manufacturing 996

equipment, critical personnel, QC changes, change in vendor of raw 997

materials etc. 998

the product acceptance criteria defined. 999

for nonconforming product, a description of actions taken by the 1000

supplier within their QMS. 1001

complaints from other customers of the supplier 1002

field corrective actions – supplier’s involvement and 1003

responsibilities. 1004

environmental controls. 1005

distribution of product, for example shipping conditions 1006

(temperature, humidity, dust, vibration), packaging. 1007

e. Use of tools. 1008

– use FMEA or other such tools. 1009

– develop supplier risk scorecards to rank suppliers based on past and 1010

current performance. 1011

– define key metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) 1012

f. Demonstrate compliance to auditors and/or regulators. Documentation and 1013

qualified personnel need to be available for interview to support the following: 1014

– qualification plan for each supplier (referred to in supplier audit plans). 1015

– approved supplier list that includes explanation of criticality of supplier, 1016

how this is determined and what impact this has on risk management. 1017

– supplier audits: 1018

that qualifications of auditors are suitable for the task. 1019

objective evidence that specific requirements for the 1020

manufacturer’s particular IVD have been met; compliance with 1021

relevant technical standards may also be required. 1022

well-documented audit findings (reports contain sufficient detail to 1023

illustrate thoroughness of audit). 1024

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supplier corrective action plan (CAP) or corrective action request 1025

(CAR) is documented and follow-up is completed in an appropriate 1026

time frame. 1027

triggers for action are defined – for example, critical 1028

nonconformities may initiate an immediate meeting with the 1029

supplier, an additional audit or cessation of supply. Justification for 1030

actions taken must be documented. 1031

Evidence that top management has been informed of findings (as 1032

required by the manufacturer’s QMS) and any decisions for action 1033

or no action were taken by qualified personnel. 1034

– Traceability at all steps is essential. Documentation must be readily 1035

accessible for each supplier. For example, although a spreadsheet of KPIs 1036

of all suppliers may be available, and all audit reports kept together, all 1037

data related to a single supplier must be readily available in an assembled 1038

single supplier-specific file for review by an external auditor for regulatory 1039

and compliance purposes. Note that by assembling all notifications of 1040

nonconforming material and other reports from a single supplier, trends 1041

may become evident. 1042

– The risk to the manufacturer’s QMS posed by a poorly performing supplier 1043

must be considered broadly for example the problem could occur with 1044

another supplier and could thus be prevented. 1045

– Evidence of good communication between the supplier and manufacturer 1046

must be available. That is, it should be shown that the supplier is quick to 1047

respond to the manufacturer’s quality concerns, for example with a 1048

corrective action plan; cooperative when scheduling audits; and readily 1049

provides evidence of QMS compliance, for example, certification and audit 1050

reports from EU notified bodies or the US Food and Drug Administration. 1051

Comment: The work of external auditors, although becoming more 1052

harmonized, varies in quality. Regulatory approvals such as certification are 1053

not valuable unless they are supported by the review of the actual audit 1054

reports on which they are based. The manufacturer’s auditor can thus assess 1055

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the auditors’ skills and the thoroughness of the external audit and hence the 1056

validity of regulatory approvals provided by a supplier. 1057

6.7.2 Manufacturing processes 1058

Each manufacturing process should be risk assessed to ensure the safety of 1059

manufacturing staff together with the capability of the process to produce the planned 1060

results leading to a consistent, safe product. These top level assessments should take into 1061

account the local health and safety regulations as well as the expectations of ISO 14971 1062

(1). There should also be an assessment of: 1063

the materials used in relation to safety, to local environmental regulations and 1064

possibly to ISO 14001 (32). 1065

equipment (purchase, maintenance and cleaning), training needs as 1066

communicated in the manufacturing section of the input documentation, and 1067

cost. 1068

the written procedures to be followed by the operators (legibility under 1069

manufacturing conditions, intelligibility, completeness, and the presence of any 1070

warnings and precautions). 1071

any in-process controls necessary to ensure consistency within the process and 1072

the methods for those controls. 1073

potential effects of differences in the scale of the process (especially in stability 1074

and specificity of the final IVD), and the necessity for validation of different scales 1075

of manufacture. 1076

the necessity for validation or verification of the product of the process, and the 1077

methods for performing those activities. 1078

The mechanism for process risk management is most often an FMEA led by the 1079

manufacturing department with input at least from R&D and QA. A flow diagram of the 1080

process being evaluated is essential as is detailed technical knowledge of the materials 1081

being used, the capability of the manufacturing department (before and after any 1082

controls introduced as a result of the assessment) and the reasons for the specifications 1083

for the product of the process. Figure 5 shows fragments of the risk management 1084

Page 53: Risk management for manufacturers of in TGS 07 vitro diagnostic medical devices · The document Risk management for manufacturers of in vitro diagnostic medical devices was developed


documentation for a manufacturing process. It shows only a part related to the actual 1085

manufacturing steps, not all the aspects listed above. Note that the work instructions are 1086

written in a structured fashion that relates easily to a flowsheet and then to the FMEA. 1087

This makes the process easy to manage, explain and update as necessary. 1088

It should be possible to trace each control action back to the hazard that it controls and 1089

forward to the validation of the control and the test methods involved. (See the Test 1090

Method Validation guide, TGS-4 in this series (37)) 1091

Fragment of a process instruction showing the hierarchy of actions for a single step

Fragment of the flowchart for the same process, showing several steps

1. Ink Jet Mark the platesRemove plates from boxes

Transport to coating

Cover print site with label

Print label

Check the label and sign for it

Ink Jet mark whole batch

Stack marked plates

Put stacks in cabinets

Record cabinet number

2. Prepare for coatingRecord room temperature

Check bed of instrument

Collect coating reagents

Record time of spiking

3. Set the dispensed volumeAdjust the dispenser to 110 l

Load 40 plates, no frames

Calibrate the dispenser

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Fragment of the FMEA document for the same process

Figure 5 Risk management for a manufacturing process

6.7.3 Safe documentation 1092

It is essential that each procedure is assessed for the safety of the process concerned. 1093

This should be a priority of management of manufacturing and needs emphasis. In 1094

particular, appropriate warnings (about hazards to operator safety) and cautions (about 1095

hazards to equipment) must be included and evaluated. 1096

6.7.4 Process changes in manufacturing 1097

Any change to a process must be managed within the change control system of the QMS 1098

but the policies concerning change must also make reference to re-assessing the effect of 1099

any changes on the established risk profile. This applies even to minor changes to a 1100

manufacturing process. Such changes must be managed, details recorded and the risk 1101

management documents updated accordingly, even if the outcome is that there is no 1102

change to the risks. 1103

Example: Nonconformities noted during WHO inspections of production lines have 1104

included the following: 1105

A lack of staff well trained in risk management techniques and hence the 1106

inadequate application of such techniques to the production line. This has 1107

resulted in observing unsafe practices of personnel, for example not 1108

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wearing hearing protection and unsafe handling of infectious materials, as 1109

well as hazard to product quality, for example inappropriate handling of 1110

labile biological materials. 1111

Well-structured and sufficiently detailed batch manufacturing records 1112

(BMRs) play an important role in reducing manufacturing risk. Analysis of 1113

BMRs by suitably qualified personnel was poorly performed leading to lost 1114

opportunities for preventive action to maintain quality. Quality control data 1115

in BMRs (checking of the output being within specifications and trend 1116

analysis of the data) were not adequately reviewed and thus trends 1117

towards failure modes were not detected. 1118

Reporting on deviations (products not meeting specifications) and 1119

appropriate follow-up actions were often inadequate. 1120

References 1121

1. ISO 14971:2007 and EN ISO 14971:2012 Medical devices – Application of risk management to 1122

medical devices. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 2007. 1123

2. ISO Guide 73:2009 Risk management — Vocabulary. Geneva: International Organization for 1124

Standardization; 2009. 1125

3. United States CFR 21- Code of Federal Regulations Title 21. Sec. 820.3 Definitions. 1126

4. ISO 9000:2005 Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary. Geneva: 1127

International Organization for Standardization; 2005. 1128

5. ISO 18113-1:2009 In vitro diagnostic medical IVDs – Information supplied by the manufacturer 1129

(labelling) – Part 1: Terms, definitions and general requirements. Geneva: International 1130

Organization for Standardization; 2009. 1131

6. WHO PQDx_018: Instructions for Compilation of a Product Dossier. Geneva: World Health 1132

Organization; 2014. 1133

7. WHO PQDx_014: Information for Manufacturers on the Manufacturing Site(s) Inspection 1134

(Assessment of the quality management system). Geneva: World Health Organization; 1135

2017. 1136

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8. ISO 31000:2009 Risk management — Principles and guidelines. Geneva: International 1137

Organization for Standardization; 2009. 1138

9. ISO 31010:2009 Risk management – risk assessment techniques. Geneva: International 1139

Organization for Standardization; 2009. 1140

10. CLSI: Laboratory quality control based on risk management, approved guideline (CLSI 1141

document EP23-A). Wayne, PA: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2011. 1142

11. CLSI: Quality management system: development and management of laboratory documents: 1143

approved guideline (CLSI document QMS02-A6, sixth edition). Wayne, PA: Clinical and 1144

Laboratory Standards Institute; 2013. 1145

12. GHTF/SG3/N015:2005 Implementation of risk management principles and activities within a 1146

quality management system. Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF); 2005. 1147

13. GHTF/SG1/N068:2012 Essential principles of safety and performance of medical devices. 1148

Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF); 2012. 1149

14. ISO/DIS 16142-2:2016 Medical devices – Recognized essential principles of safety and 1150

performance of medical devices – Part 2: General essential principles and additional 1151

specific essential principles for all IVD medical devices and guidance on the selection of 1152

standards. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 2016. 1153

15. Shebl NA, Franklin BD, Barber N. Is failure mode and effect analysis reliable? J Patient Saf. 1154

5;2009;86–94. 1155

16. Potts HWW, Anderson JE, Colligan L, et al. Assessing the validity of prospective hazard analysis 1156

methods: a comparison of two techniques. BMC Health Serv Res. 14;2014:41–50. 1157

17. Ashley L, Armitage GJ. Failure mode and effects analysis: an empirical comparison of failure 1158

mode scoring procedures. Patient Saf. 6;2010:210–215. 1159

18. Shebl NA, Franklin BD, Barber N. Failure mode and effects analysis outputs: are they valid? 1160

BMC Health Serv Res. 12:2012;150–160. 1161

19. ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices – Quality management systems – Requirements for regulatory 1162

purposes. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 2016. 1163

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20. WHO Prequalification: Sample product dossier for a qualitative test for HIV-1 and HIV-2: 'Risk 1164

analysis and control summary' 5.4 and Annexes II, III, IV and V. Geneva: World Health 1165

Organization 1166


_for_qualitative_nucleic_acid_test_hiv1_2.pdf?ua=1). 1168

21. WHO Prequalification: sample product dossier for a quantitative nucleic acid test to detect 1169

HIV-1 RNA’: 'Risk analysis and control summary' 5.4 and Annexes II, III, IV and V. Geneva: 1170

World Health Organization 1171


dossier.pdf?ua=1). 1173

22. WHO Prequalification: Sample product dossier for an IVD intended, for HIV self-testing 1174

Geneva: World Health Organization 1175


dossier_for_intended_hiv_self_testing.pdf?ua=1). 1177

23. Franklin DB, Shebl NA, Barber N. Failure mode and effects analysis: too little for too much? J 1178

Qual Saf. 21:2012; 607–611. 1179

24. ISO 10005:2005 Quality management systems — Guidelines for quality plans. Geneva: 1180

International Organization for Standardization; 2005. 1181

25. CLSI: Risk management techniques to identify and control laboratory error sources; approved 1182

guideline. Second edition CLSI document EP18-A2 (ISBN 1-56238-712-X). Wayne, PA: 1183

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2009. 1184

26. American Society for Quality (ASQ) (

tools/overview/overview.html). 1186

27. CLSI: Nonconforming event management. Second edition (CLSI guideline QMS11) Wayne, PA: 1187

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2015. 1188

28. Kusselman I. Pennechi F., UPAC/CITAC Guide: Classification, modeling and quantification of 1189

human errors in a chemical analytical laboratory. Pure Appl Chem. 88;2016:477–515. 1190

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29. Krouwer J. (, 1191

accessed 6 January 2017). 1192

30. Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on 1193

in vitro diagnostic medical devices. 1194

31. ISO 15198:2004 Clinical laboratory medicine – In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Validation 1195

of user quality control procedures by the manufacturer. Geneva: International 1196

Organization for Standardization; 2004. 1197

32. ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use. 1198

Geneva: International Organization for Standardization; 2015. 1199

33. WHO prequalification: ‘Principles of performance studies’ Technical Guidance Series (TGS) 3. 1200

Geneva: World Health Organization 1201


ormance_studies.pdf?ua=1). 1203

34. WHO prequalification: “Designing Instructions for use for in vitro diagnostic medical devices” 1204

TGS 5. Geneva: World Health Organization 1205

35. US FDA “In Vitro Diagnostic Device Labeling Requirements” 2014 1206

ling/invitrodiagnosticdevicelabelingrequirements/default.htm 1208

36. ISO 15223-1:2016. Medical Devices - Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling 1209

and information to be supplied - Part 1: General requirements. Geneva. International 1210

Organization for Standardization; 2016. 1211

37. WHO prequalification: ‘Guidance on Test Method Validation for in vitro diagnostic medical 1212

devices’ Technical Guidance Series (TGS) 4 Geneva: World Health Organization 1213

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