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Page 1: Rise- The Dawn Of Mythology
Page 2: Rise- The Dawn Of Mythology

Research into existing games/style/art 3-5

Research Similar style games/genre 6-8

Target Audience Research- 9-11

Research Conclusion 12-14

Sound and UI- Research and Rise UI 15-18

Other Research: Theme 19-20

Design Brief 21-23

Classes 24-25

Controls 26-28

Mechanics 29-35

Box Art 36-38

Game Rational 39-41

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Page 4: Rise- The Dawn Of Mythology

Real time strategy game, a

spin off from the age of

empires series, featuring

Greek, Norse and Egyptian

mythology. Based on building

cities, gathering resources and

creating armies.

Third person action adventure

game series, loosely based on

Greek mythology. That

involves combo-based

combat, the use of magical

attacks and special powers, as

well as quick time event

features. Players also have to

solve an array of puzzles

featuring plat forming game


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Massive online multiplayer role

playing game. Features PVE

(dungeons/raids) and PVP


battlegrounds) elements as well

as offering the player a wide

range of classes/races and

activities/achievements to


Mainly based on Greek mythology this game

is a third person multiplayer online battle

arena. Players take on the role of a mythological

god to take part in arena combat, using custom

powers and team tactics against other player-

controlled gods as well as non-player controlled

minions. Players are formed into two teams, with

five players to each team. All players begin at

opposing sides of a map in the Spawning Pool,

near the Minotaur. The game is won by destroying

the enemies' Minotaur

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A more of a fantasy Norse mythology

related game that features free roaming

quest paths and many spells and

abilities to gain on your travels and

quests to kill creatures. The player can

choose from different characters and

classes to customise as well as following

quest lines in different towns/villages.

The map itself is very large and offers

endless exploration time.

Is an action role-playing

open world game the main

character, The Hero of

Oakvale’s goal is to complete

quests which advance the

game's plot, but features

optional quests and allows

players to pursue actions not

directly tied to game

completion. And is loosely

based on fantasy.

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known with the subtitle Wrath of War originally,

Darksiders is an action-adventure video game that

takes its inspiration from the apocalypse, the player

taking on the role of War, one of the Four Horsemen

of the Apocalypse. The player in third person and

single player engages in combat, puzzles and also

exploration. Initially the world is divided into

separate locations with many areas inaccessible

until the player (War) regains many of his lost

weapons and abilities

The storyline focuses on the

player’s character: Wander who

enters a forbidden land. The player

must travel across a vast expanse

on horseback to defeat sixteen

beings, known as colossi in order

to restore the life of a girl named

Mono. However there are no towns

and cities to explore like usual

action adventure games. But this is

definitely worth playing!

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I conducted a small survey based on gaming hours and the genres of games to be passed around fellow

students and friends/relatives (also gamer’s) to see which areas proved to be the most popular

Here are the Questions:

What is your gender?

What is your current age group?

Which of the following consoles do you own?

How long on average do you play games daily?

How long on average do you play games weekly?

What is your main reason for playing games?

Which genre of games do you enjoy to play the most?

Do you enjoy free roam games?

Rate how important you believe these aspects to be in a game: (rate from 1-7 being most important)




Replay ability




when it comes to playing a RPG what aspect of them do you like the most?

When it comes to creating a character how in-depth do you go into creating them?

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Out of the 30 people I asked, 6 where female, 24 where male.

The age range most prominent was 20-25

Most owned a pc, Xbox or ps3, phone.

On average most of the people I asked where gamers and spent roughly 6 hours minimum playing games

a day.

On average most people spent 30 hours a week minimum gaming a week.

The main reason for most people playing games is:

The genre that most people said they enjoyed to play the most where:

Out of all the people I asked 26 people like playing free roam games.

Most people found these aspects of games most important:

Graphics, Gameplay, Setting/Environment, Customisation, Multiplayer.

When it comes to playing a RPG what aspect of them do you like the most?

After reading people’s opinions most people seemed to like the customisation, environment, content and

multiplayer options, as a lot of people like games that bring out new content to keep the player hooked.

When it comes to creating a character how in-depth do you go into creating them?

Most people seemed to like creating characters that look remotely like themselves in order to feel like

they were actually there within the game while playing it.

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The images I have collected show the sense of art style and landscapes that I would like to include if this game where to be created. These

are a mixture of images collected from artists work such Guild wars 2, World of Warcraft, Fable and Skyrim. I would like the player to feel as

though there where a never ending expanse of places to explore and uncover. Making it possible to bring out sequels or even expansions if

Rise was popular enough to make it into a online MMORPG contender instead of just a RPG/adventure mythology game.

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The sound featured in the game will be ambient, music, and sound effects.

Music: I think different themed orchestral music would work best for Rise, as you can conduct many

different mythology cultured music through this. For example most RPG games like WoW for each zone they

have a different themed music style, same for in arena battles or Boss encounters/

Ambient: The ambient sounds would just be things such as bird song, wind rustling through the trees,

storm and thunder, waves crashing and other natural sounds.

Sound Effects: There will also be a range of sound effects for different spells that are casted, weapons

clashing, and creature/beast/monster sound effects, as well as objects you interact with and pick up or use

etc. to make the game feel more alive and realistic as possible.

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This UI I love, as it has everything you need highlighted with easy

recognisable buttons.

You also have plenty bars of free space so you can organise your

attacks and spells. This 3rd person view is very dynamic and you

can control it with your mouse- zooming in and out etc.

From the same creators of World of Warcraft comes Diablo, with

again similar features but a different 3rd person view- angled top

down. The UI again features only important icons on it

This UI has all its attacks/spells in accessible menus, and its 3rd

person view is similar to World of warcraft’s but you have less

control over it. The spells are selected in the menus and casted

using specific buttons on your controller.

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Rise’s UI is pretty

straight forward taking

typical games UI aspects

but also ideas of my

own. The main spells

will be featured in the

centre circle which you

can rotate around and

assign a specific spell or

attack to your controller.

The bar also in the

middle of the screen will

show the cast time and

strength of each attack,

the bar’s power

increases and decreases

accordingly as well as

showing your health

during and out of

combat, same goes for

your acquired target.

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What is Rise?

Rise is a single player free roam RPG/Adventure game taking its form throughout the many ages of Mythology

and Fantasy we know today, the games landscape and art will have different zones on the map for different

mythology, demons and mythical creatures as well as towns and cities with its inhabitants. In which you have

a choice to follow quest lines and/or set out on your own to skill up and battle creatures before moving on to

enormous titans/gods you wish to challenge for the fight of good or evil! You decide.


The player with start the game with the option of being male or female to start off with but then he/she will

have the choice of choosing out of the following classes to choose from, each having individual talents and

gameplay styles: Hunter, Warlock, Assassin, Warrior.


A set armour set is given to each class as they start the game, to improve your armour, haste and stats as

you progress the game you must complete quest paths and/or defeat monsters to gain loot.


Throughout the game in certain fazes and level zones the player will have options to buy a steed or attempt to

tame a creature in order to ride on. Some boss fights will require a winged steed to ride on in order to help

you defeat the boss.


The map will be separated into many different regions and perhaps zones too. For each different

mythology/fantasy theme.

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There would be a main quest line dependant on which path you choose to take on your adventures but there

is also the choice of just doing what you want in the game as it is free roam.


Players do have the option of having professions to help there class like leatherworking or alchemy etc.


In each region and zone there will be a number of different myth/fantasy creatures that roam around, some of

these will be killable for quests or different professions require you to kill some mobs, but looting these

creatures you will be able to pick up useful items and even coins for vendors in the town’s/cities.


Harder to kill than the roaming mobs in each zone, these will be needed to kill in order to gain specific loot or

gear for your own character, but you will also be killing these bosses for quests along your journey in the



Loot from basic mobs will be random and include coins, gear, pelts etc. Rare mobs: more coins, a rarer piece

of gear or weapon, special items like potions. Bosses: High spec gear, Coins, Spells unlocked or abilities, new

zones unlocked.


The aim and main objectives of the game is to progress through quests and unlock new zones on the map

through defeating mythology/fantasy bosses following the good or evil path of your choice.

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Increased strength


Monster tracking

Increased armour



2hand/1hand wep


Aoe Cleave

Slow fall

Monster tracking

Ranged spells

Magic Shield




Spawn minion/imp ability

Leaping ability

Increased Monster tracking

Ranged attacks

Increased Haste

Volley ability (load extra


Marked target

Knockback/stun (collision)

Stealth option

Decreased falling damage

Monster tracking




DoT/ bleed /poison

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Left Analogue stick:

Controls movement of

your character

Right Analogue stick:

Controls angle of your

character view

Arrow Pad:

Also controls characters



Opens the Games

main menu.

Ps3 Button:

Opens the

consoles menu.

R1: Pick up items

R2: Fire for ranged classes. Attack for


L1: Look into distance

L2: Aim for most classes/ also attack for

melee. (2 attacks selected for L2 and R2)

Triangle: crouch

Square: Dodge

Circle: Block

Cross: Jump


Toggle spell menu’s,

bag’s and stats/armour

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Left Analogue stick:

Controls movement of

your character

Right Analogue stick:

Controls angle of your

character view

Arrow Pad:

Also controls characters



Opens the Games

main menu.

Xbox Button:

Opens the

consoles menu.

Right Trigger:

Top: Pick up items

Bottom: fire for ranged classes and attack

for melee

Left Trigger:

Top: look into distance

Bottom: Aim for most classes/ also attack

for melee. (2 attacks selected for L2 and R2)

Y: crouch

X: Dodge

B: Block

A: Jump


Toggle spell menu’s,

bags and stats/armour

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The slow fall ability is only available for locks to avoid extra damage while making their way down

from high places, this will be a passive ability so it won’t need to be learned, but will help the class

to manoeuvre down from high places after killing something or as a quicker way to move around in

the game instead of taking longer routes like the other classes.

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The scatter shot ability for Hunters allows the player to cast multiple arrows at once in order to hit

more than one target, working best for random creature mobs rather than boss fights but could still

also be used for that too. As for the hunter’s leap I implemented as the hunter always needs to be at

a distance from its target in order to fire. This helps the hunter get out of the enemy’s range and

fire in order to kite the mobs around.

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The warriors spin ability is there as a 2hand heavy damage attack where the warrior can spin in

defence but also hit a mob of multiple targets. This idea was added as a quicker way of tanking and

taking down more than one target and is overall just something more interesting than having to kill

one thing first then moving on to the next.

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Some Bosses will have marked weak points, the ranged will be able to attack from high places or a

distance such as ledges or hillside, whereas the melee can also have the option to scale the bosses

and climb onto them in order to attack there weak spots up close. A mount may be needed to run

up alongside of the moving boss in order to get close enough to get on to the boss without being

noticed too much.

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Flying mounts may also be used for the ranged and melee classes in order to fly around the boss

and attack from a distance, firing spells or arrows, or even throwing weapons such as daggers at the

target like the assassin may choose to do.

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Flying mounts may also be used to get to those bosses in more tricky places, the mount can be

used to fly past and attack or even get you up close enough to dismount and attack the boss while

actually being stood on the boss. This also allows you to move around and get close to the bosses

weak points.

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All together these are images I collated together and edited from Google, I took a warlock and dragon painting which where both separate

and manipulated there size and flipped the Warlock around. Before adding masses of different layers and colours as well as extra shading. I

also had to draw in the rest of the dragons wind as well as trying to create a starry backdrop and cave walls.

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If I were to re do these again perhaps id go more into depth than I already have on the shadow details of the backdrop and cave.

Perhaps I would try to draw something by hand and scan it in to then manually paint and shade it in Photoshop. However given the time we

have had I’m pleased with the outcome. I feel it portrays one of the main characters /mythology and fantasy all within the front cover pretty


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Why Rise?

Rise is the new opportunity to create an action RPG game with little as possible limits. Meaning the maps

can be vast and detailed the mythology and fantasy creatures have a huge range to choose from, not just

typical Greek mythology. Sequels are a possibility including multiplayer and cooperative modes could be

designed. The reason I chose Mythology in general is that after researching the particular subject I realised

there are many myths from all over the world, Norse, Greek, Chinese, Scottish etc. With the vast topic also

comes exciting new ways to go about creating mechanics to suit different combat, there’s opportunities for

new art styles and re inventions of traditional mythology creatures.

Why is it unique?

The diversity of content available

stands out for itself, bringing

different cultures mythology and

combining it in one game. The

customisation available will be very

detailed from the results of my survey

handed out, that way the player can

feel a personal link between them and

their character, there’s opportunity

even for marketing merchandise and

apps for the game for online use.

What makes it different to

other games?

The chance for different development

versions of the game so it could end up

being more than just console versions,

it’s a game purely based on myths,

legends and fantasy we don’t see a

tremendous amount of these. It is not

just loosely based on one area of Myth’s!

It fills people’s desires who like to

escape from reality, re living the past of

tales and adventure!

Contains MMO qualities in a

single player game

The player has full reign of where they

want to go in the game when unlocking

zones, possibility to make the game

online, multiplayer opportunities within

battle cooperation or boss fight’s,

mounts that could be collectable,

trainable spells and skills/professions,

many different outcomes and paths to

go down so it has replay ability, a never

ending game in itself.

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Overall I found this ICA a little challenging at first when trying to be original and seeing ways of trying to create things that have

never been done before or not done so much. Background research helped a lot as I was able to look at people’s favourite

elements from each game and genre I looked at in order to create something interesting and fun as a concept.

I felt that my concept as a whole worked well, because when it came down to researching mythology games most seemed to be

strategy games like age of empires or made up mythology that the games artists have designed. I didn’t really see any based

wholly on all mythology and Fantasy.

What I wish I done differently?

There are not so many areas of my work that I would have liked to have done differently apart from perhaps spending a little

more time on perhaps making borders or more detailed backgrounds to match the theme rather than the title pages. Other than

that I would go about drawing my mechanics with a little more practice and detail and drawing my cover by hand and working in

on it through Photoshop but that would take more time to manage accordingly with my schedule and balancing work with other

modules better.

What I would do differently if I were to do this again another time?

I will most likely continue to make these sorts of documents for my own personal projects in my own time and after University,

that way I’ll get more practice for going into the industry or company. Other than that I’d probably instead of using only the

internet for research id actually go and take some books out for images, information and even artist/developers, animators

quotes etc.

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