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  • Revelation The Unveiling of Jesus Christ

    2015 Cindy Brown. All Rights Reserved This study was written using the ESV.


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  • Revelation 1

    Day 1: Background

    Written by John, one of the sons of Zebedee, and a disciple of Jesus, Revelation gives us one of the most awesome pictures of Christ as the final Victor and Conqueror. Written during the end of the reign of the Emperor Domitian in about AD 95, the church was being persecuted and feeling the heat of tribulation. The message of hope and victory must have been an encouragement to the churches in those days. Revelation promises that we will be blessed if we read, hear and keep the words of this prophecy so it is well worth our time to study it.

    Read Revelation 1-3 today to get an overall feel for this section.


  • Day 2: Overview

    As you read chapter 1, mark the following words:

    Jesus Christ (and all pronouns or references) God Spirit (seven spirits) write see (seen, saw) churches

    After reading chapter one, answer the following questions.

    Who is the book of Revelation about? __________________________________________________________________

    According to verse 1, why was the book given to us? What is it going to tell us about?__________________________________________________________________

    Who wrote the book of Revelation? __________________________________________________________________

    How was the message delivered to him? Note the progression laid out in verses 1-2. __________________________________________________________________

    What benefits are associated with hearing and studying Revelation? Note the verse that mentions them and who will benefit. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    According to verse 3, what type of writing is the book of Revelation? __________________________________________________________________


  • What does verse 2 tell us about John? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    In the Greek, the word for witness is martureo, where we get the English word for martyr. According to tradition, John died a martyrs death when he was submerged in a pot of hot oil. To be a witness simply means to tell about what you have seen, but because his witness was about Jesus, John paid the ultimate price with his life.

    According to verses 4 and 11, who is the book written to? __________________________________________________________________

    How does John describe himself in the first part of verse 9? __________________________________________________________________

    Where was John when he wrote the book? __________________________________________________________________

    Why was he here? __________________________________________________________________

    Patmos is a small island (10 miles by six miles) in the Aegean Sea. The Romans used to send political exiles here. Johns mention of the island in verse 9 probably means that he was a prisoner here, but he was sent here for preaching about Jesus. Eusebius (an early church father) wrote that John was sent to Patmos by Emperor Domitian in AD 95 and released after a year and a half.

    Verse 19 gives us a basic outline for the book of Revelation. What three things was John to write about? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    After reading chapter 1, which of those three does this chapter fall into? __________________________________________________________________


  • Day 3: Revelation 1:1-11

    Read chapter 1 again.

    Yesterday you should have marked every occurrence of God in chapter one. So now lets first take note of what we learn about God.

    How is God the Father described in verse 4? __________________________________________________________________

    This description of God is used three times in the book of Revelation (also 1:8 and 4:8). It is the name of God that shows He is eternal and self-existent. The book of Revelation is going to describe some pretty terrifying and amazing acts of God. Only a God who needs nothing else to exist could showcase this kind of power.

    What four names are used to describe God the Father in verse 8? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet. When God describes himself in this way, it not only means that he is the first and the beginner of all things, but it also carries with it the idea that he is the most important.

    Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet. This word refers to the last in an inclusive series and when used in reference to God it also signifies an all-inclusive sphere of authority and high status. Also, as we will see in the study of this book, it is God who brings all things to completion.

    Lord is a term used to show that God is the supernatural authority over mankind. The term God highlights him as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Finally God is referred to as the Almighty, literally the All-Powerful one.

    Clearly from these names of God, we see that He is above all in authority and importance, he controls everything and He alone is the Almighty. We will see all these attributes of God as we study the book of Revelation. And the awesome thing is, this is the God who is extending grace and peace to us!


  • Who do you think the words seven spirits refers to in verse 4? __________________________________________________________________

    This term is not used anywhere else in the Bible except in the book of Revelation, where it is used four times. Given the fact that God and Jesus are mentioned as givers of grace and peace and the seven spirits are mentioned with them, it probably refers to the Holy Spirit in all his fullness, as seven is a number signifying completion.

    Record everything you learn about Jesus in verses 5-7. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Jesus is described as the faithful witness. Read John 18:37. What has Jesus been faithful to witness or give us testimony about? __________________________________________________________________ Ten times in the book of Revelation Jesus is described as being true. We can trust what he says and what he does.

    Next he is described as the firstborn from the dead. Read Acts 26:23 to help you understand what this phrase means. __________________________________________________________________

    There were others before Jesus who were raised from the dead, but Jesus was the first and only to raise himself from the dead. The others who were raised, would die again. Jesus died once for all and now lives eternally having defeated the power of death.

    Jesus is the ruler of kings on earth. In Revelation 17 and 19, Jesus is called the King of Kings and Lord of lords. He is above even the most important king here on earth and He alone will be worshipped and adored.


  • Next John reminds us of what Jesus has done for us. He loves us! He proved it when he freed us from our sins by shedding his own blood. We are free! Sin has no power over us because the of the victory that Jesus has won for us.

    Jesus also gave us the awesome privilege to be a kingdom of priests to God. In the Old Testament, the priests were the only one who could come in before God. They would speak and make sacrifices on behalf of the people. The ordinary people were excluded from this type of relationship. But when Jesus died, he tore the veil and opened the way for those who come to him in faith, to have open access to him as priests.

    Look up Revelation 5:10 and 20:6. What wonderful privilege will also be ours because we now hold the title of priests? __________________________________________________________________

    Revelation really is a book telling us how to worship. We will look at several places in the book where people are one their faces worshipping the King of Kings. Because of who Jesus is and what He has done for us, John says that glory and dominion should be his forever and ever!

    Glory is where Gods attributes and works are made very apparent for all to see so that the result is people honor, worship and praise him. Dominion is the power to rule or control. None other has the authority or the ability to rule like Jesus. John says Jesus glory and dominion will be forever. Amen! May it be so!

    Compare verse 7 with Daniel 7:13-14. Write down everything you learn about when Jesus comes in the clouds from these verses. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    This is the picture that we will see of Jesus in the book of Revelation. He is portrayed as the exalted and glorified Christ. What a wonderful day it will be when Jesus is revealed and recognized as the King of kings and Lord of lords.


  • Again verses 5-7 tie back in to verse 4. This is the Savior who has extended grace and peace to us! He deserves our complete worship and adoration forever!


  • Day 4: Revelation 1:10-16

    Read Revelation 1 again.

    Today we will take a look at the vision that John is given of Jesus.

    Sometimes God has to remove all other distractions and voices so we can clearly hear and see him. This is what he did for John. When John was exiled, it might not have seemed like a good thing, but what resulted was an incredible picture of the things to come, more complete than anything else we have in Scripture.

    John was in the Spirit so we know these were not his own words. He received this message from God.

    What did John hear to get his attention? __________________________________________________________________

    How would you describe the sound of a trumpet? What does this tell you about the message? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    From verse 12, what did John see? __________________________________________________________________

    What does verse 20 say they represent? __________________________________________________________________

    What was in the middle of the lampstands? __________________________________________________________________

    I love that Jesus was in the middle of the churches. They were undergoing persecution for their faith and Jesus was right there with them! He did not leave them in their time of trial. Does Jesus seem distant during your suffering? He is there my friend! He will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).


  • John saw one like the son of man. Daniel used this term in the visions he saw as well (Daniel 7:13). And Jesus referred to himself in this way in the gospels.

    There is no way that John can describe a glorified vision of Jesus so he uses imagery.

    How was he dressed? __________________________________________________________________

    The robe he was wearing could signify his position as Judge or High Priest.

    Isaiah 11 is a prophecy about Jesus. What does Isaiah 11:5 say that his belt represents? __________________________________________________________________

    In verse 14, what significance do you think is the emphasis on his white hair? Compare Daniel 7:9. __________________________________________________________________

    In Daniel, God is described as the Ancient of Days. His white hair perhaps is a reference to the dignity and respect he should receive.

    How are his eyes described? The same description is also used in Revelation 2:18 and 19:12. __________________________________________________________________

    Perhaps this refers to inescapable scrutiny. None can hide from his gaze or escape his examination.

    What description is given regarding his feet? __________________________________________________________________

    Jesus voice is described like the roar of many waters. Read Psalm 29:3-9. What attributes would you ascribe to His voice after reading these verses?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • What is he holding in his right hand? See verse 20 for an explanation of what this means. __________________________________________________________________

    Angel simply means a messenger. The fact that Jesus held the angels in his hand speaks of his possession, authority and control over them.

    What is coming out of his mouth? __________________________________________________________________

    Read Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrews 4:12. What does the sword represent in these verses? __________________________________________________________________

    Read Revelation 19:15. What does this verse say about the sword of his mouth? __________________________________________________________________

    This speaks of the power of His Word. He created the world simply by speaking, and He will defeat his enemies and rule over them only by His Word! We serve a mighty Savior!

    How is Jesus face described? __________________________________________________________________

    This must have reminded John of when he saw Jesus at the transfiguration in Matthew 17:2. Jesus face was described the same way there. When the sun is shining, you cannot look straight at it because it is too bright. John was trying to help us visualize Jesus glory. He is too wonderful for us take in.

    Remember that John had seen Jesus face to face and walked and talked with him while he was here on earth. But now, John sees a glorified Christ and his response is much different. Tomorrow we will look at Johns response to what he saw.


  • Day 5: Revelation 1:17-20

    Read chapter 1 again.

    What was Johns response when he saw this vision? __________________________________________________________________

    In the last few years several books have come out about near death experiences and trips to heaven. But I have noticed these peoples casual responses differ greatly from the responses in Scripture where people saw the Lord.

    Read Matthew 17:1-7, Daniel 10:5-10,15 and Ezekiel 1:26-28. What did these people do when they saw the glory of God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Falling on our faces in reverent worship is the only appropriate response when we see the glorified Christ.

    What is Jesus response to John? __________________________________________________________________

    Jesus did the same thing in Matthew 17:7 at the transfiguration. We are to respect and honor the Lord, but He does not want us to be afraid.

    What does Jesus say about himself in verses 17-18? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Because Jesus arose from the dead, what do these verses say about Him?

    Romans 6:9 __________________________________________________________________ Romans 14:9 __________________________________________________________________


  • The fact that Jesus has the keys to Death and Hades shows that he has control and authority over them.

    Read Revelation 20:1-3 and note what will happen because Jesus holds the keys. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    John has just seen a vision of the glorified Christ. He has seen the Righteous Judge of all the earth that sees all and knows all. His voice is powerful and His Word has authority. He has defeated death and now lives forever and He is standing in the midst of the persecuted churches. John is overcome and falls down on his face in worship.

    Every time in the Bible where people see a vision of the Lord it is because God has a something He wants them to do. The disciples were to be his witnesses, and Ezekiel and Isaiah were told to go speak to rebellious Israel. After seeing Christ in all his glory, all of them obeyed!

    What was John told to do? __________________________________________________________________

    Again, verse 19 is a key verse in the book of Revelation and gives us a helpful breakdown of the book.

    Chapter 1 talks about the things you (John) have seen Chapters 2-3 talk about those that are Chapters 4-22 will talk about those that are to take place after this.

    John understood what he was seeing, but certain aspects of the vision might have been confusing to him, so Jesus clarifies what he saw.

    In verse 20, what do the seven stars in Jesus right hand represent? __________________________________________________________________

    What do the seven golden lampstands represent? __________________________________________________________________


  • After reading chapter 1, what description of Jesus has been the most encouraging to you? Why?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What do you think is the theme of chapter 1? __________________________________________________________________


  • Revelation 2

    Day 6: EPHESUS: Revelation 2:1-7

    Now we come to the second section of the book of Revelation - things that are. John is told to write to the seven churches in Asia Minor. The map below shows their location and they are numbered in the order they are listed in Revelation. Also, this could possibly have been the order and the route the carrier of the book took when he delivered Johns message to them. They are relatively close in proximity to one another (not much more than 50 to 60 miles apart), but each church had their own victories and struggles. The island of Patmos is just off the coast from the church of Ephesus.

    The church of Ephesus was founded by Paul about 45-50 years before this was written. Paul wrote his letter to them in about AD 60 and the book of Revelation was written somewhere around AD 95.


  • As you read chapter 2, mark the following words and phrases:

    to the angel of the church in ____write any references to Jesus repent conquers Spirit churches hold fast

    Lets take a quick look at the background of the church at Ephesus.

    Read Acts 19:1-20. What type of city was Ephesus when Paul visited it? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What happened when people believed the gospel message? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    In Ephesians 1:15, what does Paul commend the church for? __________________________________________________________________

    Now we jump ahead 35 years or so and see the condition of the church when John writes to them.

    In verse 1, angel just means messenger. Some think that the messenger or angel could be the pastors or elders of these churches.

    From everything you learned in chapter 1, who is it that holds the seven starts in his right hand and walks among the lampstands? These are his words! __________________________________________________________________


  • What commendation does he give the church at Ephesus? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    So this sounds pretty good. Their works and their teaching are sound and they hadn't tired in their service for the Lord.

    But was the reproof to this church? __________________________________________________________________

    Somewhere along the way, this church abandoned what they had first loved.

    Read Mark 12:28-34. What did Jesus say was the most important thing? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. What does Paul say about good works without love? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    So even though this church was doing good works, because they were not done in love, they were works of the flesh and worthless.

    In the book of 1 John, John has a lot to say about love. Read 1 John 2:15-16.

    According to these verses, what three things cause us to love the world instead of the Father? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Read James 4:4-5. What does this verse tell us that friendship with the world is? __________________________________________________________________


  • So there is no middle ground. We cannot love God and the world at the same time. They are mutually exclusive. So because the church at Ephesus had lost its love for God, I think it is safe to say they were loving the world now instead. They looked good on the outside, but God saw their heart and knew their works were not motivated by love for Him.

    How it grieves God when we turn away from him and choose the world instead. Here we see Jesus calling the church of Ephesus back to himself.

    What instructions does he give the church in verse 5? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The remedy for their loveless state was to remember and repent! Jesus tells them to remember from where they have fallen. The command to remember is a verb of continuous repeated action. They were to keep remembering how they used to love the Lord and had fallen away from him. Then they were to repent (change their mind about their sin).

    When they repented and changed their mind about their sin, what would follow according to verse 5? __________________________________________________________________

    What works were they doing at first that they were not doing now? __________________________________________________________________

    God is not fooled by our good works. He sees our heart. We may impress people by the things we do or say, but when not fueled by our love for the Lord, it is meaningless. Jesus is graciously extending open arms to this adulterous church. If they will repent and come back to Him, He is eager to receive them.

    What is the warning given to Ephesus if they do not repent? __________________________________________________________________

    Since Revelation 1:20 told us that the lampstands represent the churches, Jesus is warning that if the church does not repent, he will remove the church. This does not mean they will lose their salvation. They will still be his church


  • but they will no longer have the opportunity to shine for Him since they have abandoned their love for him.

    In verse 7, write the admonition that is repeated to all seven churches. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Jesus is begging this church to listen to Him! Revelation 1:3 promises blessing to those who hear and put into practice the words in this book.

    What promise is given to the overcomer? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The overcomer or conqueror would be the one who had an ear to obey what Jesus said. Our actions always spring from our faith, so if we are obeying Christ it is because we are believing His Word. Those who dont overcome are those who dont believe and therefore their actions reflect that.

    According to Genesis 3:22, what will the result be for those who eat of the tree of life? __________________________________________________________________

    Read 1 John 5:4-5. What makes someone an overcomer? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What do you think is the main point that Jesus wants this church to know? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Go to the page 49-51 and fill in the chart for the church of Ephesus. When you finish your study of the seven churches, it will be a helpful reference for you to compare the churches side by side.

    What about you? Do your works look good on the outside but inwardly they are not motivated by Gods love? Examine your heart before the Lord. Look back at your life a few years ago. Are you more in love with Jesus now than


  • you were then? If so, praise God and keep following hard after Him. If not, the remedy is as simple as to remember and repent. Jesus is waiting for us with open arms!

    Fill in the information for this church on the chart on p. 53-55.


  • Day 7: SMYRNA: Revelation 2:8-11

    Read Revelation 2 again.

    Smyrna is now the modern day city of Izmir, Turkey. Located thirty-five miles north of Ephesus, it was was an impressive harbor city that was known for its great beauty, sometimes referred to as the ornament of Asia. The city was laid out along wide, beautifully paved streets and was adorned with temples, baths, gymnasia, a theater, a stadium, and a library. It is estimated that over one hundred thousand people lived there. A temple was built there for the worship of Roman gods and was dedicated to the emperor Tiberius. The aged bishop Polycarp, a disciple of the apostle John, was martyred in the stadium at Smyrna in AD 156. When he was arrested, the captain repeatedly tried to convince Polycarp to deny Christ, but he refused. Eighty-six years have I served Him, and He has done me no wrong; how then can I blaspheme my Saviour and King? Polycarp replied. As a result, he was burned at the stake, but his death bore fruit and gave credibility to remaining Christians. After seeing Polycarps courage, some began to look into how this sect called Christianity could produce such courageous men of conviction and commitment.

    How is Jesus described in verse 8? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    A very similar description of Jesus is mentioned in Revelation 1:17-18. Jesus is first, not just in time, but also in position. He is the most important. Revelation 1:5 also mentions that he is the firstborn of the dead. Because He was the first one to defeat death, he has prominence over all others who are raised from the dead.

    Read 1 Corinthians 15:20-26. What do these verses say is the order of those resurrected? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • Because Jesus has defeated death, what will he do according to verses 24-26? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The fact that Jesus describes himself in this way to the church at Smyrna is significant. He is the victor over death and it is important for this church to remember that during the hardships they are facing.

    Since Jesus was in the middle of the churches, he was aware of what they were going through. What was the church at Smyrna facing? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    From what group in particular where they being mistreated? __________________________________________________________________

    Slander is never a pleasant thing to endure, but it is especially hurtful when it comes from those who do it in the name of religion. This persecution is Jewish in origin, but Jesus actually calls them a synagogue of Satan because they were not following Him.

    Jesus says these people claim to be Jews, but are not. What makes someone a real Jew? Read Romans 2:28-29 and Romans 4:16. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Jesus told this church not to fear what they were about to suffer. Read the following verses and note what the Bible tells us about suffering as a Christian.

    2 Timothy 3:1,12 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • 1 Peter 1:6-7; 1 Peter 4:12-13 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Why would Jesus say the church as Smyrna was rich even though they were suffering poverty? See Ephesians 1:17-18 and Colossians 1:27. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Is there any reproof or correction given to the church of Smyrna? __________________________________________________________________

    We dont like trials or persecution, but this church had been refined by it and Jesus had nothing negative to say about them! Wow!

    What were Jesus instructions to them in verse 10? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Things were not going to get better or easier. In verse 10, it says that the devil is going to throw some of them into prison. Given the fact that in verse 9 he mentions Jews who were of the synagogue of Satan, it seems likely that the persecution would be Jewish in origin.

    We dont know if their suffering is a literal 10 days or simply a period of time. But we do see that at some point, there will be an end to it.

    Why does Jesus encourage them not to be afraid of suffering and death? Refer back to verse 8. __________________________________________________________________

    Some of them would die for their faith, but what two things does Jesus promise to give them? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • As followers of Jesus, we are promised to have tribulation in this life and Jesus himself told us that we will be hated by the world because it hated Him. But we have nothing to fear! Death has been defeated and even if at some point we are called to die for our faith, we have the promise of eternal life and wont be hurt by the second death. Ask God to give you courage so that whatever happens, you will always be faithful to stand for your Savior.

    What do you think is the main point that Jesus wants this church to know? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Fill in the information for this church on the chart on p. 53-55.


  • Day 8: PERGAMUM: Revelation 2:12-17

    Read Revelation 2 again.

    Pergamum was 55 miles north of Smyrna. The modern village of Bergama, Turkey, now sits there. Pergamum was a beautiful Greek city, but in 133 BC the last king to reign in Pergamum died, and in in his will he gave Pergamum to the Romans. During the Roman period, a shrine of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing, was built in the city and it was well-known for its worship of Zeus and several other gods. Pergamum also became a prominent center for the imperial cult, where the Emperor was worshiped and recognized as a divine being.

    How is Jesus described in verse 12? Note the similarity with Revelation 1:16. __________________________________________________________________

    We looked in chapter one at the description of the two-edged sword being the Word of God. Again, it is significant that Jesus describes himself in this way to this church.

    Where does it say this church is living? __________________________________________________________________

    Because Pergamum had such a strong emphasis on idol worship, perhaps that is why it says this church lives where Satans throne is and where he dwells.

    What an encouragement for this church to know that even though Satan had a stronghold here, the Word of God was more powerful!

    Look up 2 Thessalonians 2:8. What does this verse say about Jesus power over the enemy? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Read Revelation 12:9-11. How is Satan defeated in these verses? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • When we are covered in the the blood of the Lamb, his Word gives us power over the enemy. How important it is for us to read, understand and believe the Word of God. It is our only offensive weapon.

    What is this church commended for? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What does it mean to hold fast to Jesus name? A name represents a persons character. Look up the following verses and note what we learn about Jesus name.

    Psalm 124:8 __________________________________________________________________ Proverbs 18:10 __________________________________________________________________ Isaiah 9:6 __________________________________________________________________ Matthew 1:23 __________________________________________________________________

    How would remembering these things about Jesus help us to hold fast in difficult times? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    This church was also commended for not denying the faith. Faith is simply being fully convinced of what God has said even though we cant see it. Suffering can easily cloud our view of God and in times of hardship, we can begin to question what we once believed.

    In verse 13, who is given as an example of not denying the faith? What did he do? __________________________________________________________________


  • This church was living out what they believed even though some of them had been killed for it. That truly is commendable.

    But what does he have against them? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The fact that they held to the teaching of Balaam shows that it was a continual thing. They continued to give audience to this false teaching.

    In Numbers 23-24 we read the story of Balaam. Balak was the king of Moab who became fearful when the people of Israel were camped near his area. Everyone had heard stories of what God had done for Israel at the Red Sea and he was afraid that any encounter he had with Israel would not end well for him and his people. So he hired Balaam to curse Israel. But God spoke to Balaam and told him not to curse Israel. So instead, much to Balaks alarm, the prophet he had hired, pronounced blessings on Israel. When Balak confronted Balaam about it, he said, Did I not tell you, All that the Lord says I must do? (Numbers 23:26). But Balaam was corrupted by his desire for gain.

    Read Numbers 25:1-9. Balaam is not mentioned in these verse, but in a moment, we will see how he had a hand in what happened here. Note what takes place in these verses. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Now read Numbers 31:16. What does it say about Balaam and the incident at Peor? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Read 2 Peter 2:15 and Jude 1:11. What else do we learn about Balaam from these verses? __________________________________________________________________


  • Apparently, Balaam advised Balak on how to invite Israel to the festivals of idol worship. He taught Balak how to put a stumbling block before Israel that led them into the deliberate sin of idol worship and immorality. It seems he was motivated to do this by the promise of financial gain.

    Pergamum was also accepting teaching that would lead them into sin. Perhaps this person, like Balaam was motivated by financial gain and was leading them astray.

    We do not have any information on the Nicolatians. But unlike the church at Ephesus that rejected the teaching of the Nicolatians, the church at Pergamum accepted it.

    What is Jesus instruction to this church in verse 16? __________________________________________________________________

    To repent simply means to change your mind. They were to change their mind about this false teaching and reject it instead.

    What is the warning in verse 16? What will happen if they do not repent? __________________________________________________________________

    Here we see God coming against them with his Word to judge them for their sin.

    Have you noticed what the focus of Jesus message is to this church? Look at the description of Jesus, the commendation, the reproof and the warning? What do they all have in common? __________________________________________________________________

    Gods Word is vital to our survival as a Christian. Do you know how to recognize the accurate teaching of Gods Word? The church at Pergamum was weak in this area.

    Read Hebrews 5:12-14. After reading this section, why were these people immature, still drinking milk instead of eating meat? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • What does it say about the one who is still drinking milk? __________________________________________________________________

    What determines if someone is mature from these verses? __________________________________________________________________

    Someone who is mature is able to distinguish good from evil. The only way we can do this is by comparing things to Gods Word. If we are unskilled in Gods Word, we will be easily led astray into false teaching like those in Pergamum were.

    The most important thing you can do as a Christian is to become skilled in using your sword, the Word of God. Read it, memorize it, pray it, study it and put it into practice! The more familiar we become with the Word, the stronger our faith will be and we will not easily be led astray by error. Stay in the Word!

    What is the promise to the one who conquers? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    In Exodus 16, we read the account of the children of Israel receiving manna in the wilderness. The first time they saw it, they said, What is it?

    Read John 6:31-35; 47-51. Based on what these verses tell us that manna represents, what is the church of Pergamum being promised from these verses? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    There are several ideas about what the white stone represents. Sometimes stones were used like an entrance ticket to special social events. Also, jurors used black stones to vote for a persons guilt while white ones were used to vote for innocence. Whatever the meaning, it seems the point is that those who have white stones will be accepted and welcomed by Jesus. The fact that those who have white stones have a new name speaks of a change of identity. Our new name will identify us with Jesus.


  • What do you think is the main point that Jesus wants this church to know? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Again, John closes with the repeated admonition to hear what the Spirit says to the seven churches. God is speaking. We would do well to listen closely.

    Fill in the information for this church on the chart on p. 53-55.


  • Day 9: THYATIRA: Revelation 2:18-29

    Read chapter 2 again.

    The letter to Thyatira is the longest of all the letters to the churches. Thyatira was a city about 40 miles southeast of Pergamum. It was known for its trade guilds, one of which was manufacturing purple dye. In Acts 16:14, we meet Lydia who was a seller of purple from the town of Thyatira. She believed the gospel message when Paul preached the good news in Philippi. Tyrimnos, an ancient sun god, and Apollos were worshipped in Thyatira.

    How is Jesus described in verse 18? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The fact that Jesus is described in this way might be related to the fact that a sun god was worshipped in this city. Brilliance is highlighted in this description of Jesus, showing he is greater than any false deity.

    List all the things that this church is commended for. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What reproof does Jesus give this church? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab. She was not an Israelite, but was the daughter of the King of Sidon (1 Kings 16:30-31).

    Read 1 Kings 18:13. What wicked thing did Jezebel do? __________________________________________________________________

    See 1 Kings 21:25-26. What does this verse say about Jezebel? What did she incite her husband to do? __________________________________________________________________


  • Because of the severity of her sin, what did God say would happen to her? Read 1 Kings 21:23. Read the fulfillment of this in 2 Kings 9:29-37. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Compare the Jezebel in the Old Testament with the Jezebel mentioned in Thyatira. What things was the Jezebel mentioned here in Revelation doing? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    False teaching always leads to immorality and idolatry and that is exactly what was taking place in this church. It seems like her teaching was pervasive and many were following after her.

    Read the following verses and note the dangers and the consequences of immorality.

    Hebrews 13:4 __________________________________________________________________

    1 Corinthians 6:18 __________________________________________________________________

    Proverbs 6:27-35 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Proverbs 7:21-24 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What should this church have done with this woman? See 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 __________________________________________________________________

    Sin in the church cannot be tolerated. It has to be cleansed. This church was tolerating Jezebel and her teaching and they were being led into sin.


  • What does Jesus say about this Jezebel in verse 21? __________________________________________________________________

    What will the consequences be for her and those who follow after her if they do not repent? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Sin always results in death. Just as it resulted in death for Queen Jezebel in the Old Testament, the same will be true for this woman.

    As a result of Gods judgment in this church, what will the other churches learn about Jesus? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Jesus searches the mind and hearts of everyone and nothing can escape his gaze. His eyes are like a flame of fire (v.18). He can see through our facades and we cannot fool him. He also will not turn a blind eye to sin. Our works will be judged and we will be given according to what we have done, whether good or bad.

    In verses 24-25, what is said to the righteous in the church at Thyatira? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The false teaching and the sin in the church were enough burden for them to bear. They are simply encouraged to hold fast until Jesus comes.

    What promise is given to the one who conquers? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Read Psalm 2:7-9, where this is referenced from. Because they were not overcome by evil, the conquerers would be able to rule effectively. Jesus received authority from his father, and in turn, he gives authority to the overcomers to rule.


  • They also would be given the morning star. Read Revelation 22:16 to see what this refers to. __________________________________________________________________

    Not only are the overcomers given the authority to reign, they get to enjoy Jesus himself. The church in Pergamum was given manna which also represents Jesus. Of all the promises given to the overcomers , Jesus is our greatest reward!

    What do you think is the main point that Jesus wants this church to know? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Fill in the information about this church on the chart on p. 53-55.


  • Revelation 3

    Day 10: SARDIS: Revelation 3:1-6

    Read chapter three today.

    As you read, mark the following words and phrases:

    to the angel of the church in _______ write any references to Jesus Spirit/seven spirits conquers hold fast repent throne

    How is Jesus described in verse 1? __________________________________________________________________

    Do you remember what the seven stars represents? If not, see Revelation 1:20. __________________________________________________________________

    Lets look at everything we find about the seven spirits. Look up the following verses and note what they tell us. When we have compiled all of our information, well try to discern what it is saying.

    Revelation 1:4 __________________________________________________________________ Revelation 4:5 __________________________________________________________________ Revelation 5:6 __________________________________________________________________

    Now Read Zechariah 4:1-14. Dont worry about understanding everything in this passage. We are just looking for clues and trying to compare Scripture with Scripture. What does verse 6 say is the meaning of


  • Zechariahs vision in verses 1-3? __________________________________________________________________

    What does verse 10 say the seven lamps represent? Compare this explanation with Revelation 4:5 and 5:6. __________________________________________________________________

    The passage in Zechariah tells us the vision of the seven lamps refers to the Lords Spirit. Since seven is a number of completion and Revelation is a book of prophecy and symbolism, it seems likely that the Holy Spirit could be the seven spirits in Revelation, too. If this is so, the Trinity is seen before the throne in Revelation 1:4. The Holy Spirit is portrayed as seven lamps which signify illumination and understanding, and the Spirit is also represented as seven eyes that see all that is going on around the world.

    What is the first thing that Jesus says to this church in verse 1? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Sardis was a dead church. There was almost no life at all in this church. According to verse 4, there were only a few who were righteous.

    Look up the following verses and answer the following questions about spiritual life.

    Read John 5:24. How do we receive life? __________________________________________________________________

    See Romans 8:9-11. What is the one indication that we have life from these verses? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    I find it very interesting that Jesus introduces himself as one who has the seven spirits. If we have the Spirit, we have eternal life. Jesus is introducing himself as the one who can give life to this church. Since the church at Sardis is dead, so the indication is that many in the church are not even believers!


  • What instruction does he give them in verses 2-3? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The instruction to wake up is a call for them to understand that they are dead and need to get saved. They are also told to strengthen what remains.

    From the immediate context in verse 2, what do you think they should strengthen? __________________________________________________________________

    Complete works are works that are fulfilled or carried through to the end. Their works were not complete because the didnt have the Spirit and were not done in his power.

    What does Titus 3:8 say about those who have believed? __________________________________________________________________

    Read James 2:14-26. (Especially note verse 22). What do we learn about faith and works in this section? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    James tells us that faith is completed by our works. This church did not have complete works because they did not have faith.

    They were to remember what they had heard. Read 2 Timothy 2:8. What should this church remember? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    They were to also to keep it. Read John 8:51. Based on what we have learned about how we receive life, what do you think it means to keep Jesus words from this verse? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • And they were to repent. The call to repent is repeated often in the messages to these churches. They were to change their mind about what they believed. Basically, this was a call for some in the church to get saved. They had a reputation for being alive, but God could see the heart and knew that they were spiritually dead.

    What is the warning given to them if they do not wake up? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Compare this with Matthew 24:36-51 and Mark 13:32-37. What will happen to the servant who is not ready for his masters return? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What does Revelation 16:15 say? This is a very similar warning as the one given to the church at Sardis. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What does Jesus commend this church for in verse 4? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    There were only a few in this church who were saved and were worthy to walk with Jesus.

    What does Jesus say will be given to the one who conquers? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    White garments refer to righteousness. Those in white garments have had their sins forgiven and they are clean.

    The book of life is only mentioned in Revelation and once in Philippians 4:3, but there are a few references in the Old Testament to peoples names being


  • blotted out of Gods book. Look up the following verses and note who is blotted out of the book.

    Exodus 32:31-33 (This took place after the Israelites worshipped the golden calf). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Psalm 69:22-28 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    In both of these instances it appears Gods book is a register of those who are living. Those who sin will be blotted out of this book, in other words, they die. In Exodus 32:26-28, 3,000 men were killed by the Levites for worshipping the golden calf. And in Psalm 69, David asks God that his enemies be blotted out of the book of the living.

    In Revelation we see another book called the book of life or the Lambs book of life. Look up the references below and then answer the questions.

    Read Revelation 13:5-8 and 17:7-8. What do people do in these verses who do not have their names written in the book of life? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    For those who do have their names in this book, when are their names recorded in it? Read Revelation 13:8 and 17:8. __________________________________________________________________

    Now read Revelation 20:12-15. What happens to those whose names are not in the book of life? __________________________________________________________________

    Who will be allowed into the new Jerusalem? Read Revelation 21:22-27. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • So the book of life, is a book of the names of all those who have trusted Christ as their Savior. Your name is written there before the foundation of the world. If your name is not in the book, you go to the lake of fire, and if your name is found in the book, you can enter the new Jerusalem, the holy city.

    Unlike in the Old Testament, where people could die and have their names blotted out of Gods book, in Revelation 3:5, God promises that their names will never be blotted out of the book of life.

    Jesus also promises that he will confess their name before the Father and his angels.

    Read Matthew 10:32-33 and Luke 12:8-9. What do these verses say? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Based on salvation being by faith alone, do you think those who deny Christ before men are believers or unbelievers? __________________________________________________________________

    Those who are overcomers are also confessers! Because of all that Jesus has won for us, making us overcomers, the natural result should be that we become confessers and tell others about Him.

    What do you think is the main point Jesus wants to communicate to the church at Sardis? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Fill in the information for the church of Sardis on the chart on p. 53-55


  • Day 11: PHILADELPHIA: Revelation 3:7-13

    Read chapter 3 again.

    Philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love. In the Greek, the word phileo refers to the type of love one would have for a brother. Philadelphia was 74 miles east of Smyrna. It was founded by Attalus II Philadelphus of Pergamum (159-138 BC). Philadelphia was often frequented by earthquakes and in 17 AD an earthquake almost leveled the city. Continuing tremors drove much of the population to safer locations. After the Emperor Tiberius rebuilt the city, it took on the name Neocaesarea.

    How is Jesus described in verse 7? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Holy means separated or set apart. Jesus is unlike any other. Because he is perfect and sinless and because He is God, he is set apart from us.

    Jesus is the true one. Contrast that description with what is said in verse 9. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Titus 1:2 and Hebrews 6:18 tell us that God never lies and that it is impossible for him to lie. Jesus is the truth.

    Jesus has the key of David, meaning he is a direct descendent of David. Read Revelation 5:5 and 22:16. How do these two verses describe Jesus relationship with David? __________________________________________________________________

    Because Jesus is God, He is the root of David, meaning that he came before David, but he is also a descendent of Davids family, and came after him.

    A person who has a key has authority and control. Read the following verses and note what Jesus has authority to do because he holds the key of David.


  • Jeremiah 23:5-6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Luke 1:30-33 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Read Isaiah 22:22. Revelation 3:7 is almost a direct quote from this verse.

    Based on what you have learned about Jesus key and his authority, what do you think the open door refers to in Philadelphia (v. 8)? __________________________________________________________________

    Before David died, God promised him that he would have a descendent who would rule and reign forever. (1 Chronicles 17:11-14). Jesus is the only one who fits this description. He holds the keys to the kingdom and has authority over who is allowed to come in.

    The church in Philadelphia was a bit weak; they had but little power. But what does Jesus commend them for in verses 8 and 10? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Two times it is mentioned that this church has kept Jesus word. They are commended for their faithfulness.

    In verse 9, what group are they facing some opposition from? __________________________________________________________________

    The Jews felt like they were Gods special people because of his covenant promises to Israel. They considered the Gentiles beneath them. They thought simply because they were Jews they had favor with God. Here in Revelation it says these people were lying when they called themselves Jews.


  • Who does God consider to be a true Jew? See Romans 4:16 and Romans 9:8 __________________________________________________________________

    What does Jesus say he will cause these people to do? __________________________________________________________________

    We are not told when this will happen, but at some point those who are persecuting them will be humbled and Jesus will make them come and bow down before their feet. The Jews felt like they alone were blessed by Gods special favor, but they would come to understand that Jesus loves this church too.

    Because of their faithfulness, what does Jesus promise them in verse 10? __________________________________________________________________

    Who does it say will be affected by this hour of trial? __________________________________________________________________

    This will be an hour of trial that will be unlike any other seen before because it is coming on the whole world. The purpose of this hour is to try (test) those who dwell on the earth.

    Look up the following verses from Revelation and note what you learn about those who dwell on the earth during this hour of trial.

    Revelation 11:6-10 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revelation 13:5-8, 14 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Revelation 17:8 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • So these are unbelievers. They rejoice in the death of the two witnesses, they are deceived by the beast and the false prophet and their names are not written in the book of life. God promises this church that they will not go through any of these events. They will be spared from this hour of trial.

    What encouragement does Jesus give this church in verse 11? __________________________________________________________________

    Oh how important it is for us to remember these words today! The time is short and Jesus is coming soon! We must work hard and redeem the time because we do not know the hour that he will return. It is also encouraging to remember that he is coming again and will soon right every wrong. This life is not all there is! The hope of his return encourages us to press on and remain faithful.

    What instruction and gentle warning does he give the church at Philadelphia? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What has this church been holding fast to? __________________________________________________________________

    They were to hold fast to Jesus who has the key to the kingdom. He has given them an open door to his kingdom and they are to continue to hold fast to His Word and not deny His name.

    This is the third time Jesus has encouraged a church to hold fast. In 2:13, Pergamum was told to hold fast because they were living where Satans throne was. In 2:25, Thyatira is told to hold fast in the midst of false teaching and immorality. Now Philadelphia is told to fast so they dont lose their crown.

    Crowns are given as rewards. There are 4 crowns noted in the New Testament:

    crown of boasting (1 Thess. 2:19) crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8)


  • crown of life (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10) crown of glory (1 Peter 5:4)

    This church is reminded to hold fast so that they dont let someone take or seize their crown from them. 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 reminds us that we can suffer the loss of a reward. That is why must hold fast.

    What promise does Jesus give to the one who conquers? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Who is Gods temple in the New Jerusalem? See Revelation 21:22. __________________________________________________________________

    How I look forward to the day when I will dwell with God face to face, forever enjoying his presence. As a pillar in the temple, I will have a permanent and unshakeable place in the New Jerusalem, making my home with God forever.

    God will write on the overcomer his own new name. A name is a persons identity. In the new Jerusalem, the overcomers will come to fully know Gods character and his name. It speaks of great intimacy and fellowship and seems appropriate since Jesus told this church that he has loved them.

    What do you think is the main point that Jesus wants to communicate to the church at Philadelphia? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Fill in the information for Philadelphia on the chart on p. 53-55


  • Day 12: LAODICEA: Revelation 3:14-22

    Read chapter 3 again.

    Laodicea was about 40 miles southeast of Philadelphia. It was only about 10 miles away from Colossae and six miles from Hieropolis. Colossae was known for its cold springs and Hierapolis for its hot springs. Laodicea had no water source of its own, so it had to receive its lukewarm water through an underground aqueduct. It was one of the richest cities in the area and when the city was devastated by an earthquake in AD 60, they did not ask for any help from Rome in rebuilding. It was known for banking and a textile industry that produced black wool. There was also a medical school there that produced a salve for the eyes.

    Paul wrote a letter to the Colossian church about 30 years earlier. In it, he gave instructions for his letter to also be read in Laodicea. Paul had also written a letter to Laodicea, but we have no record of it today. (Colossians 4:15-16)

    How does Jesus introduce himself in verse 14? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Amen simply means truly indeed. Whatever Jesus tells us is the truth and it will surely be so. His character is true and upright.

    This is is the third time that we are told in this book that Jesus is the true one, or the true witness (also 1:5 and 3:7). Revelation 19:11 tells us that Jesus name is Faithful and True. He is a reliable witness to us about the Father and everything he tells in this book is trustworthy and true.

    Jesus is also described as the beginning of Gods creation. This is not the first time this church has been told this since Paul addressed this in his letter to the Colossians, but it seems they needed to be reminded.


  • Read Colossians 1:15-18. What do these verses tell us about Jesus? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Jesus is the source of everything and he is the most important. This church had forgotten that as we will see in a minute.

    What is Laodicean rebuked for in verses 15-16? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Jesus used an example they would be very familiar with given their water situation. Both hot and cold water can be enjoyed. A cold glass of water on a hot day is very refreshing and a nice cup of hot heat on a cold night is comforting and warming. But not many enjoy a lukewarm drink.

    This church was a church of compromise. They were not cold to the world - they dabbled and toyed with the things the world had to offer. But they were not on fire for the Lord either. They took a little bit of God, but they did not have a passion for him that consumed them. There is no commendation given for Laodicea. Jesus has nothing good to say about them!

    What does Jesus say he is going to do to them? __________________________________________________________________

    How does this church view themselves in verse 17? __________________________________________________________________

    Jesus again uses illustrations that they can relate with. Just like Laodicea was rich and indecently rebuilt the city without Romes assistance, this church thought they didnt need God.

    Instead, what does Jesus say is actually true of them? He is being a faithful witness to them. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • wretched - miserable or pathetic pitiable - deserving of pity because of ones miserable condition poor - to crouch like a beggar and be destitute blind - unable to see naked - having no clothing or being very scantily clad

    The sad thing was that this church was in a very bad situation and they didnt even know it! They may have been a prosperous church financially, but spiritually they were miserable and pathetic and were to be pitied! They were blind and unable to see the truth about their true condition. They were naked and were not clothed with good works. (Revelation 19:8).

    What three things does Jesus counsel this church to do in verse 18? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What riches are these people missing out on? Read Colossians 2:1-3. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    This church had perhaps become comfortable in their wealth. Jesus invites them to buy his gold that is refined by fire. Read 1 Peter 1:6-7. What would refine this church according to these verses? __________________________________________________________________

    They also needed to by white garments from Jesus to cover their nakedness.

    Read Revelation 19:6-8. What do white garments represent in these verses? __________________________________________________________________

    Because this church had to buy white garments from Jesus shows that he is the source of anything good we do. But this church is not commended for any good works. They needed to find their source in Christ before they could produce anything good.


  • Jesus uses another example they would be familiar with - eye salve - something that was produced in Laodicea. These people needed their vision restored so they could see Jesus for who he really is.

    Read 2 Peter 1:5-9. What do these verses say a believer can be blind to? __________________________________________________________________

    What causes this blindness?__________________________________________________________________

    1 John 2:10-11. According to these verses, what else can cause a believer to be blinded? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What does Jesus say about how he feels about this church? __________________________________________________________________

    What is the proof that he loves them? See also Hebrews 12:5-7. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    What is Jesus instruction in verse 19? __________________________________________________________________

    Instead of being lukewarm, they were to be zealous. To be zealous means to be deeply committed to something, with the implication of accompanying desireto be earnest, to set ones heart on, to be completely intent upon. But this could only happen if they repented (changed their mind) about their lukewarmness and saw their condition for how it really was.

    Verse 20 is often used as a salvation verse, but based on the context, this is an invitation to fellowship. Jesus is standing at the door and knocking. He is taking the initiative. He wants our company! Often we are too busy to hear him knocking and he will not force his way in without us opening the door.

    If we open the door, what does Jesus promise? __________________________________________________________________


  • Eating together in the New Testament was a sign of fellowship. Jesus was condemned by the Pharisees for eating with tax collectors and sinners. Jews would not eat with Gentiles. To eat together showed friendship and communion. Perhaps that is why we remember the Lords death through communion by eating and drinking.

    No matter how far away from the Lord we are, it is only one step back. All we have to do is open the door! Jesus is reminding the church at Laodicea that he is just outside the door waiting. All they have to do is invite him in!

    I think it is very significant that the remedy for their apathy and lukewarmness is fellowship with Jesus. He doesnt tell them to get their act together and start doing good works. He invites them to simply fellowship with him and get to know him. All good works flow out of our time spent with Jesus.

    What promise is given to the overcomer in verse 21? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Only conquerers are allowed to sit on a throne. The comparison is that just as Jesus conquered and is now seated with his Father on the throne, so those who overcome will also be given authority to sit on a throne.

    Look up the following verses to learn more about this wonderful privilege.

    Read Matthew 19:27-28. Who will sit and rule in these verses? Who will they judge? __________________________________________________________________

    Read Matthew 25:31-32. This will take place after the Second Coming. Who will sit on the throne here? Who will he rule over? __________________________________________________________________

    Read Revelation 5:10 and 20:6. Where will we reign and for how long? __________________________________________________________________


  • See 1 Corinthians 6:2-3. Who will we judge according to these verses? __________________________________________________________________

    Read Revelation 2:26-27. Who will we rule over in these verses? How is it described? __________________________________________________________________

    We have no authority of our own, but Jesus will give the overcomer authority to rule and reign with him! What a wonderful privilege!

    What is the main point Jesus wants this church to understand? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Fill in the information for Laodicean on the chart on p. 53-55.


  • Description of Jesus


    Reproof Warnings & Instructions

    Promise to Overcomer





    The Seven Churches

  • Description of Jesus


    Reproof Warning & Instructions

    Promise to Overcomer




    The Seven Churches

  • Description of Jesus


    Reproof Warning & Instructions

    Promise to Overcomer




    The Seven Churches

  • Day 13: Recap of chapters 1-3

    According to Revelation 1:1 and 22:6, what is the purpose of the book of Revelation? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    God gave the Revelation to Jesus and Jesus gave it to an angel who gave it to John. John wrote to the seven churches. The purpose is to tell about the things which will soon take place.

    Revelation 1:19 gives us a basic outline for the book of Revelation.

    Which chapter talks about the things which you have seen? __________________________________________________________________

    Which chapters refers to those that are? __________________________________________________________________

    According to Revelation 4:1, what does the rest of the book talk about? __________________________________________________________________

    Do you have a better understanding of the book of Revelation so far? Its really not that confusing when you use Scripture to interpret Scripture!

    The Churches:

    Lets do a recap of what we have learned so far about the seven churches.

    Ephesus was told not to leave or abandon their first love. Smyrna was told not to fear tribulation, but to be faithful even unto death. Pergamum was told not to deny the faith, but instead to hold fast to the Word. Thyatira was told not to tolerate false teaching and sin in the church. Sardis was a dead church and told to wake up and repent. Philadelphia was told to hold fast in the midst of persecution from the Jews. Laodicea was rebuked for being lukewarm.


  • Which two churches had no reproof? __________________________________________________________________

    Which church had no commendation? __________________________________________________________________

    Did you notice that when Jesus was described to each of the churches, they all related back to the vision that John had seen of Jesus in chapter 1? Which description of Jesus was most encouraging to you personally? Explain. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The Overcomers:

    Read 1 John 5:4-5. Who is described here as being an overcomer? __________________________________________________________________

    Read Revelation 12:11. What makes it possible for us to be an overcomer? __________________________________________________________________

    Because of our faith in Jesus work on the cross, look at all that will be given to us:

    We will be allowed to eat from the tree of life in paradise. We will be given the crown of life. We wont be hurt by the second death. These first three blessing all relate

    to us having and enjoying eternal life. We will be given manna (Jesus), a white stone and a secret name. We will be given authority over the nations to rule with a rod of iron. we will be given the morning star (another name for Jesus). We will be clothed in white garments (righteous acts). Our name will never be blotted out of the book of life. Jesus will confess our name before the Father. We will be a pillar in the temple of God and will never go out of it. We will sit with Jesus on his throne.


  • From this list, I think it is obvious why Paul tells us in Romans 8:37 that we are more than conquerers.

    Read Revelation 21:1-7. List everything the one who conquers will be given in these verses. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    In verse 7, it says the one who conquers will have the heritage of being Gods son. The overcomers are welcomed into the Kings family and have all the rights and privileges that come with being a child of the King.

    The word conquer is used 17 times in the book of Revelation. It is a book of victory and hope. The end has been written and we win because Jesus has already won the victory for us!

    Revelation 17:14 says They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.

    Rejoice, dear one, in all that Jesus has won for you!


  • Day 14

    Over the next two days, we are just going to read the rest of the book of Revelation, the section that talks about things to come.

    Today read Revelation 4-11.

    Below record your initial thoughts about what happens in each chapter. You don't have to explain what they mean. For example, you dont have to explain who the dragon or beast are, just note what they do.

    4 __________________________________________________________________ 5 __________________________________________________________________ 6 __________________________________________________________________ 7 __________________________________________________________________ 8 __________________________________________________________________ 9 __________________________________________________________________ 10 __________________________________________________________________ 11 __________________________________________________________________

    Note any questions that come to mind as you read so we can be sure and answer them during our study. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • Day 15

    Today read Revelation 12-22. Again record briefly what each chapter is about.

    12 __________________________________________________________________ 13 __________________________________________________________________ 14 __________________________________________________________________ 15 __________________________________________________________________ 16 __________________________________________________________________ 17 __________________________________________________________________ 18 __________________________________________________________________ 19 __________________________________________________________________ 20 __________________________________________________________________ 21 __________________________________________________________________ 22 __________________________________________________________________

    Note any questions that come to mind as you read so we can be sure and answer them during our study. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • Revelation 4

    Day 16: Revelation 4:1-6a

    Read chapter 4 again today.

    Mark the following words as you read today:

    after this throne heaven in the Spirit/seven spirits God

    In chapters 1-3, John saw a vision of Jesus standing in the midst of seven golden lampstands, the seven churches. He was told what to write to each church.

    According to verse 1, what is the next thing that John sees? __________________________________________________________________

    What does he hear? __________________________________________________________________

    This is the same voice he heard in chapter 1, verse 10. What does the voice say? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    And so we begin the third section of Revelation, the things to come.

    What does it say about John in verse 2? __________________________________________________________________

    What does this tell you about the reliability of his testimony? __________________________________________________________________


  • What does John see in heaven? __________________________________________________________________

    Based on the description of the throne in this chapter, do you think this throne belongs to God the Father or Jesus? If you are not sure, read Revelation 5:6-7 for clarification. __________________________________________________________________

    In verse 3, what is the appearance like of the one seated on the throne? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Read Revelation 21:10-11. How is jasper described here? __________________________________________________________________

    Read Ezekiel 1:28. How is the rainbow described here in Ezekiels vision? __________________________________________________________________

    John is privileged to see the throne of God himself. He sees the brilliance of the glory of God. John tries to convey it to us by describing the brilliance of precious stones like jasper and carnelian. He speaks of a bright rainbow and sea of glass, sparkling like crystal. Surely, God is light and in him is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5).

    What does John see around Gods throne in verse 4? __________________________________________________________________

    How are the elders described? __________________________________________________________________

    We are not given insight as to who these elders are, but we do see them again in Revelation 11 and they are doing the same thing there: they are bowing down and worshipping God.

    According to Revelation 19:5, what do the white robes represent that the elders are wearing? __________________________________________________________________

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