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Page 1: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

Revelation & Beyond:

The controversy surrounding Jesus words

about the Last Days.

Examining  Mark  13 Nov. 29th, Dec.13th & 20th 7pm-8:15pm

Page 2: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

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Page 3: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have
Page 4: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

1313    As  Jesus  was  leaving  the  temple,  one  of  hisAs  Jesus  was  leaving  the  temple,  one  of  hisdisciples  said  to  him,  disciples  said  to  him,  ““Look,  Teacher!  WhatLook,  Teacher!  Whatmassive  stones!  What  magnificent  buildings!massive  stones!  What  magnificent  buildings!””22    ““Do  you  see  all  these  great  buildings?Do  you  see  all  these  great  buildings?””  replied  repliedJesus.  Jesus.  ““Not  one  stone  here  will  be  leF  onNot  one  stone  here  will  be  leF  onanother;  every  one  will  be  thrown  down.another;  every  one  will  be  thrown  down.””33    As  Jesus  was  siHng  on  the  Mount  of  OlivesAs  Jesus  was  siHng  on  the  Mount  of  Olivesopposite  the  temple,  Peter,  James,  John  andopposite  the  temple,  Peter,  James,  John  andAndrew  asked  him  privately,  Andrew  asked  him  privately,  44    ““Tell  us,  whenTell  us,  whenwill  these  things  happen?  And  what  will  be  thewill  these  things  happen?  And  what  will  be  thesign  that  they  are  all  about  to  be  fulfilled?sign  that  they  are  all  about  to  be  fulfilled?””

Page 5: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

55    Jesus  said  to  them:  Jesus  said  to  them:  ““Watch  out  that  no  oneWatch  out  that  no  onedeceives  you.  deceives  you.  66    Many  will  come  in  my  name,Many  will  come  in  my  name,claiming,  claiming,  ‘‘I  am  he,I  am  he,’’  and  will  deceive  many.  and  will  deceive  many.77    When  you  hear  of  wars  and  rumors  of  wars,When  you  hear  of  wars  and  rumors  of  wars,do  not  be  alarmed.  Such  things  must  happen,do  not  be  alarmed.  Such  things  must  happen,but  the  end  is  sQll  to  come.  but  the  end  is  sQll  to  come.  88    NaQon  will  riseNaQon  will  riseagainst  naQon,  and  kingdom  against  kingdom.against  naQon,  and  kingdom  against  kingdom.There  will  be  earthquakes  in  various  places,  andThere  will  be  earthquakes  in  various  places,  andfamines.  These  are  the  beginning  of  birth  pains.famines.  These  are  the  beginning  of  birth  pains.

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99    ““You  must  be  on  your  guard.  You  will  beYou  must  be  on  your  guard.  You  will  behanded  over  to  the  local  councils  and  flogged  inhanded  over  to  the  local  councils  and  flogged  inthe  synagogues.  On  account  of  me  you  willthe  synagogues.  On  account  of  me  you  willstand  before  governors  and  kings  as  witnessesstand  before  governors  and  kings  as  witnessesto  them.  to  them.  1010    And  the  gospel  must  first  beAnd  the  gospel  must  first  bepreached  to  all  naQons.  preached  to  all  naQons.  1111    Whenever  you  areWhenever  you  arearrested  and  brought  to  trial,  do  not  worryarrested  and  brought  to  trial,  do  not  worrybeforehand  about  what  to  say.  Just  saybeforehand  about  what  to  say.  Just  saywhatever  is  given  you  at  the  Qme,  for  it  is  notwhatever  is  given  you  at  the  Qme,  for  it  is  notyou  speaking,  but  the  Holy  speaking,  but  the  Holy  Spirit.

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1212    ““Brother  will  betray  brother  to  death,  and  aBrother  will  betray  brother  to  death,  and  afather  his  child.  Children  will  rebel  against  theirfather  his  child.  Children  will  rebel  against  theirparents  and  have  them  put  to  death.parents  and  have  them  put  to  death.1313    Everyone  will  hate  you  because  of  me,  butEveryone  will  hate  you  because  of  me,  butthe  one  who  stands  firm  to  the  end  will  bethe  one  who  stands  firm  to  the  end  will  besaved.saved.    1414    ““When  you  see  When  you  see  ‘‘the  abominaQon  thatthe  abominaQon  thatcauses  desolaQoncauses  desolaQon’’    standing  where  itstanding  where  it    does  notdoes  notbelongbelong——let  the  reader  understandlet  the  reader  understand——then  letthen  letthose  who  are  in  Judea  flee  to  the  mountains.those  who  are  in  Judea  flee  to  the  mountains.1515    Let  no  one  on  the  housetop  go  down  orLet  no  one  on  the  housetop  go  down  orenter  the  house  to  take  anything  out.  enter  the  house  to  take  anything  out.  1616    Let  noLet  noone  in  the  field  go  back  to  get  their  in  the  field  go  back  to  get  their  cloak.

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1717    How  dreadful  it  will  be  in  those  days  forHow  dreadful  it  will  be  in  those  days  forpregnant  women  and  nursing  mothers!  pregnant  women  and  nursing  mothers!  1818    PrayPraythat  this  will  not  take  place  in  winter,that  this  will  not  take  place  in  winter,1919    because  those  will  be  days  of  distressbecause  those  will  be  days  of  distressunequaled  from  the  beginning,  when  Godunequaled  from  the  beginning,  when  Godcreated  the  world,  unQl  nowcreated  the  world,  unQl  now——and  never  to  beand  never  to  beequaled  again.equaled  again.    2020    ““If  the  Lord  had  not  cut  shortIf  the  Lord  had  not  cut  shortthose  days,  no  one  would  survive.  But  for  thethose  days,  no  one  would  survive.  But  for  thesake  of  the  elect,  whom  he  has  chosen,  he  hassake  of  the  elect,  whom  he  has  chosen,  he  hasshortened  them.shortened  them.

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2121    At  that  Qme  if  anyone  says  to  you,  At  that  Qme  if  anyone  says  to  you,  ‘‘Look,Look,here  is  the  Messiah!here  is  the  Messiah!’’  or,    or,  ‘‘Look,  there  he  is!Look,  there  he  is!’’  do  donot  believe  it.  not  believe  it.  2222    For  false  messiahs  and  falseFor  false  messiahs  and  falseprophets  will  appear  and  perform  signs  andprophets  will  appear  and  perform  signs  andwonders  to  deceive,  if  possible,  even  the  elect.wonders  to  deceive,  if  possible,  even  the  elect.2323    So  be  on  your  guard;  I  have  told  youSo  be  on  your  guard;  I  have  told  youeverything  ahead  of  Qme.everything  ahead  of  Qme.    2424    ““But  in  those  days,But  in  those  days,following  that  distress,following  that  distress,    ““‘‘the  sun  will  bethe  sun  will  bedarkened,darkened,    and  the  moon  will  not  give  its  light;and  the  moon  will  not  give  its  light;2525    the  stars  will  fall  from  the  sky,the  stars  will  fall  from  the  sky,    and  theand  theheavenly  bodies  will  be  shaken.heavenly  bodies  will  be  shaken.’’

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2626    ““At  that  Qme  people  will  see  the  Son  of  ManAt  that  Qme  people  will  see  the  Son  of  Mancoming  in  clouds  with  great  power  and  glory.coming  in  clouds  with  great  power  and  glory.2727    And  he  will  send  his  angels  and  gather  hisAnd  he  will  send  his  angels  and  gather  hiselect  from  the  four  winds,  from  the  ends  of  theelect  from  the  four  winds,  from  the  ends  of  theearth  to  the  ends  of  the  to  the  ends  of  the  heavens.

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2828    ““Now  learn  this  lesson  from  the  fig  tree:  AsNow  learn  this  lesson  from  the  fig  tree:  Assoon  as  its  twigs  get  tender  and  its  leaves  comesoon  as  its  twigs  get  tender  and  its  leaves  comeout,  you  know  that  summer  is  near.  out,  you  know  that  summer  is  near.  2929    Even  so,Even  so,when  you  see  these  things  happening,  youwhen  you  see  these  things  happening,  youknow  that  itknow  that  it  is  near,  right  at  the  door.    is  near,  right  at  the  door.  3030    Truly  ITruly  Itell  you,  this  generaQon  will  certainly  not  passtell  you,  this  generaQon  will  certainly  not  passaway  unQl  all  these  things  have  happened.away  unQl  all  these  things  have  happened.3131    Heaven  and  earth  will  pass  away,  but  myHeaven  and  earth  will  pass  away,  but  mywords  will  never  pass  away.words  will  never  pass  away.

Page 12: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

The  Day  and  Hour  UnknownThe  Day  and  Hour  Unknown3232    ““But  about  that  day  or  hour  no  one  knows,But  about  that  day  or  hour  no  one  knows,not  even  the  angels  in  heaven,  nor  the  Son,  butnot  even  the  angels  in  heaven,  nor  the  Son,  butonly  the  Father.  only  the  Father.  3333    Be  on  guard!  Be  alertBe  on  guard!  Be  alert  You  do  You  donot  know  when  that  Qme  will  come.  not  know  when  that  Qme  will  come.  3434    ItIt’’s  likes  likea  man  going  away:  He  leaves  his  house  and  putsa  man  going  away:  He  leaves  his  house  and  putshis  servants  in  charge,  each  with  their  assignedhis  servants  in  charge,  each  with  their  assignedtask,  and  tells  the  one  at  the  door  to  keeptask,  and  tells  the  one  at  the  door  to

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3535    ““Therefore  keep  watch  because  you  do  notTherefore  keep  watch  because  you  do  notknow  when  the  owner  of  the  house  will  comeknow  when  the  owner  of  the  house  will  comebackback——whether  in  the  evening,  or  at  midnight,whether  in  the  evening,  or  at  midnight,or  when  the  rooster  crows,  or  at  dawn.  or  when  the  rooster  crows,  or  at  dawn.  3636    If  heIf  hecomes  suddenly,  do  not  let  him  find  youcomes  suddenly,  do  not  let  him  find  yousleeping.  sleeping.  3737    What  I  say  to  you,  I  say  toWhat  I  say  to  you,  I  say  toeveryone:  everyone:  ‘‘Watch!Watch!’’””

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Page 15: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

Truly I tell you, thisTruly I tell you, thisgeneration will certainly notgeneration will certainly notpass away until all thesepass away until all thesethings have happened.things have happened.Mark 13:30Mark 13:30

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““Tell us, when will theseTell us, when will thesethings happen? And what willthings happen? And what willbe the sign that they are allbe the sign that they are allabout to be fulfilled?about to be fulfilled?””Mark 13:4Mark 13:4

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Truly I tell you, thisTruly I tell you, thisgeneration will certainly notgeneration will certainly notpass away until all thesepass away until all thesethings have happened.things have happened.Mark 13:30Mark 13:30

Page 18: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

Truly I tell you,Truly I tell you, the nation ofthe nation ofIsraelIsrael will certainly not pass will certainly not passaway until all these thingsaway until all these thingshave happened.have happened.Mark 13:30Mark 13:30

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and  Jacob  the  father  of  Joseph,  theand  Jacob  the  father  of  Joseph,  thehusband  of  Mary,  and  Mary  was  thehusband  of  Mary,  and  Mary  was  themother  of  Jesus  who  is  called  themother  of  Jesus  who  is  called  theMessiah.  Messiah.  1717    Thus  there  wereThus  there  werefourteen  generaQons  in  all  fromfourteen  generaQons  in  all  fromAbraham  to  David,  fourteen  fromAbraham  to  David,  fourteen  fromDavid  to  the  exile  to  Babylon,  andDavid  to  the  exile  to  Babylon,  andfourteen  from  the  exile  to  thefourteen  from  the  exile  to  theMessiah.    Messiah.         Ma_hew  1:16,17Ma_hew  1:16,17

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““To what can I compare thisTo what can I compare thisgeneration? They are likegeneration? They are likechildren sitting in thechildren sitting in themarketplaces and calling outmarketplaces and calling outto others: Matthew 11:16to others: Matthew 11:16

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A wicked and adulterousA wicked and adulterousgeneration looks for a sign,generation looks for a sign,but none will be given itbut none will be given itexcept the sign of Jonah.except the sign of Jonah.””Jesus then left them andJesus then left them andwent away.went away. Matthew 16:4 Matthew 16:4

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Truly I tell you, all this willTruly I tell you, all this willcome on this generation.come on this generation.

Matthew 23:36Matthew 23:36

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The Pharisees came andThe Pharisees came andbegan to question Jesus. Tobegan to question Jesus. Totest him, they asked him fortest him, they asked him fora sign from heaven. a sign from heaven. 1212 HeHesighed deeply and said, sighed deeply and said, ““WhyWhydoes this generation ask fordoes this generation ask fora sign? Truly I tell you, noa sign? Truly I tell you, nosign will be given to it.sign will be given to it.””

Mark 8:11,12Mark 8:11,12

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Truly I tell you, thisTruly I tell you, thisgeneration will certainly notgeneration will certainly notpass away until all thesepass away until all thesethings have happened.things have happened.Mark 13:30Mark 13:30

Page 25: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

““But about that day or hourBut about that day or hourno one knows, not even theno one knows, not even theangels in heaven, nor theangels in heaven, nor theSon, but only the Father.Son, but only the Father.Mark 13:32Mark 13:32

Page 26: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

““Tell us, when will theseTell us, when will thesethings happen? And what willthings happen? And what willbe the sign that they are allbe the sign that they are allabout to be fulfilled?about to be fulfilled?””Mark 13:4Mark 13:4

Page 27: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

““But about that day or hourBut about that day or hourno one knows, not even theno one knows, not even theangels in heaven, nor theangels in heaven, nor theSon, but only the Father.Son, but only the Father.Mark 13:32Mark 13:32

Page 28: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

As He was sitting on theAs He was sitting on theMount of Olives, the disciplesMount of Olives, the disciplescame to Him privately,came to Him privately,

saying, saying, ““TTeell us, ll us, when willwhen willthese things happenthese things happen,,and what and what will bewill be the sign of the sign ofYour coming, and of the Your coming, and of the endendof the age?of the age?”” Matthew 24:3Matthew 24:3

Page 29: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

As He was sitting on theAs He was sitting on theMount of Olives, the disciplesMount of Olives, the disciplescame to Him privately,came to Him privately,saying, saying, ““TTeell us, when willll us, when willthese things happen, andthese things happen, and

what what will bewill be the sign ofthe sign ofYour coming, and ofYour coming, and ofthe the end of the age?end of the age?””Matthew 24:3Matthew 24:3

Page 30: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

““But about that day or hourBut about that day or hourno one knows, not even theno one knows, not even theangels in heaven, nor theangels in heaven, nor theSon, but only the Father.Son, but only the Father.Mark 13:32Mark 13:32

Page 31: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

““Now learn this lesson fromNow learn this lesson fromthe fig tree: As soon as itsthe fig tree: As soon as itstwigs get tender and itstwigs get tender and itsleaves come out, you knowleaves come out, you knowthat summer is near.that summer is near.2929 Even so, when you seeEven so, when you seethese things happening, youthese things happening, youknow that it is near, right atknow that it is near, right atthe door.the door. Mark 13:28,29 Mark 13:28,29

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““Therefore keep watchTherefore keep watchbecause you do not knowbecause you do not knowwhen the owner of the housewhen the owner of the housewill come backwill come back……Mark 13:35Mark 13:35

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Page 34: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

The  early  Christian  scholar  Eusebius  wrote:The  early  Christian  scholar  Eusebius  wrote:

““The  whole  body,  however,  of  the  church  atThe  whole  body,  however,  of  the  church  atJerusalem,  having  been  commanded  by  aJerusalem,  having  been  commanded  by  a

divine  revelation,  given  to  men  of  approveddivine  revelation,  given  to  men  of  approvedpiety  there  before  the  war,  removed  frompiety  there  before  the  war,  removed  fromthe  city,  and  dwelt  at  a  certain  town  beyondthe  city,  and  dwelt  at  a  certain  town  beyond

the  Jordan,  called  Pella.the  Jordan,  called  Pella.””

Page 35: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

“It  is  very  remarkable  that  not  a  singleChristian  perished  in  the  destruction  ofJerusalem,  though  there  were  many  therewhen  Cestius  Gallus  invested  the  city;  and,had  he  persevered  in  the  siege,  he  wouldsoon  have  rendered  himself  master  of  it;but,  when  he  unexpectedly  andunaccountably  raised  the  siege,  theChristians  took  that  opportunity  to  escape.…

Page 36: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

““[As]  [As]  Vespasian  Vespasian  was  approaching  withwas  approaching  withhis  army,  all  who  believed  in  Christ  lefthis  army,  all  who  believed  in  Christ  leftJerusalem  and  fled  to  Pella,  and  otherJerusalem  and  fled  to  Pella,  and  otherplaces  beyond  the  river  Jordan;  and  soplaces  beyond  the  river  Jordan;  and  sothey  all  marvelously  escaped  thethey  all  marvelously  escaped  thegeneral  shipwreck  of  their  country:  notgeneral  shipwreck  of  their  country:  notone  of  them  of  them  perished.””

Page 37: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

36  36  ““BBuut  of  that  day  and  hour  no  onet  of  that  day  and  hour  no  oneknows,  not  even  the  angels  of  heaven,  norknows,  not  even  the  angels  of  heaven,  northe  Son,  but  the  Father  alone.  the  Son,  but  the  Father  alone.  3737    For  For  thethecoming  of  the  Son  of  Man  will  be  just  likecoming  of  the  Son  of  Man  will  be  just  likethe  days  of  Noah.  the  days  of  Noah.  3838    For  as  in  those  daysFor  as  in  those  daysbefore  the  flood  they  were  eaQng  andbefore  the  flood  they  were  eaQng  anddrinking,  marrying  and  giving  in  marriage,drinking,  marrying  and  giving  in  marriage,unQl  the  day  that  Noah  entered  the  ark,unQl  the  day  that  Noah  entered  the  ark,3939    and  they  did  not  and  they  did  not  understand  unQl  theunderstand  unQl  theflood  came  and  took  them  all  away;  so  willflood  came  and  took  them  all  away;  so  willthe  coming  of  the  Son  of  Man  be.the  coming  of  the  Son  of  Man  be.        Ma_  24Ma_  24

Page 38: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

Heaven  and  earth  will  pass  away,Heaven  and  earth  will  pass  away,but  my  words  will  never  pass  away.but  my  words  will  never  pass  away.Mark  13:31Mark  13:31

Page 39: Revelation & Beyond · pass away until all these things have happened. Mark 13:30. Truly I tell you, the nation of Israel will certainly not pass away until all these things have

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