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Page 1: Resume Branding Session @Experience inbound Initiative

Resume BrandingHow To Make an Outstanding CV

Presented by : Muhammad ELSalamony


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(:محمد صبرى السالمونى ) معلومات عن المحاضر

MYG Zagazigرئيس فريق ونشاط •

جمعية طريق الخير بالدقهليةPublic Relations & Social Mediaرئيس لجنة •

SIFE Zagazigفى فريق ITرئيس لجنة الـ •

بالبنك المركزى( منحة ريادة األعمال ) ريادى أعمال بالمعهد المصرفى •

EDU Egyptخريج منحة •

– EFEخريج منحة • Musharka Program

(مؤسسة الجوادى ) فريق معا Online Servicesعضو لجنة الـ •

منظم لليوم العالمى للتطوع برعاية األمم المتحدة للمتطوعين بالقاهرة•

بوادى النطرون( اصدقاء المرضى المصابين بالسرطان ) متطوع فى واحة الصحة واألمل •

Productive Youth Groupمؤسس مبادرة •

Experience inboundمؤسس مبادرة •

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Definition of Resume.

Why you need a resume ?

How are E-Recruitment Websites Work ?

What’s your Resume Journey ?

What’s the perfect structure for your resume ?

How To Stand Out With Resume Branding?

What’s the common mistakes to avoid in writing Resume ?

Session Agenda

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Before We Start

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The purpose of a resume is to get an interview not a job.

Resume should motivate an employer to meet you.

Why Resume ?

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Enter The company account. Choose the best resumes.

Searching for Key words. Ask for an appointment and meet you.

E-System for Filtering Resumes

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Examples of E-Recruitment Websites

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Examples of E-Recruitment Websites

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Do You Have a C.V Like This ?

It Was My C.V at 2010 !!!

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Resume Journey

Career Competition

Resume Challenges

Resume Branding

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What Do You Think About

Career Competition ?


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Very Crowded

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Hard Job Search

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Your Resume Is terrible

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No Calls For Interview ?

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Unhappy End

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What Are YourResume Challenges ?


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10 Second Screening

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You have nothing to


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You Are Similar To Others

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Applicant Tracking System

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Structure of Resume

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Career Objective

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Educational Background

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Work Experience

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Training Courses

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Extra-curricular activities

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Personal Information

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Training Courses

Extra-Curricular activities


Your Position

Name of Company

Job Duties

Date of work

Course Name


Summer Trainings

Student Activities

Volunteering Works

Community Impact

5 6

Heading Objective Education Your Name


Cell phone number

Formal E-mail








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Skills Computer skills

Language skills

Administration and

interpersonal skills





What is related


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How To Stand Out WithResume Branding?


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Build A Resume To Help You:

Engage HR To Stick Around More Than 10 Second.

Show You As The Best Candidate For The Job.

Attract Recruiters / HR To Your Talent.

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The Brand Resume“ A VIP Ticket To Job Interview ”

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Most of Recruiters / HR Spend Only 10 Second To Review Your Resume.

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Email Attraction

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Don’t Copy

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Grab Attention

Your Linkedin ProfileTargeted


Brand Statement

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80 % of HR / Recruiters Doesn't Continue Reading If They Weren't Interested in The First

Third of Your Resume,

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Forget Job Description And Tell Me About Your Real Achievements, How You Did It ?

A Problem Solution Result


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The Competition is Tough How To Prove Your Excellence in Seconds

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Use Job Keywords

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Write Career Summary

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Career Summary

3 Lines Story of Success

Relevant Achievements

What Makes You Unique?

Summary of Qualification

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Attract Engage Show


Use STAR Way

Talk about Real


Use keywords

Write career summary

Tell your story

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Common Mistakes To Avoid

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Please Avoid The Next Mistakes in Resume


Spelling Colors



Unnecessary Info


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Please Avoid The Next Mistakes in Resume

Don’t write CV at the top. Don’t put picture unless it is requested. Don’t put any attachment unless it is requested. Don’t use poor quality paper and printer. Don’t use photo-copied CV. Don’t use Capital letters in writing the whole CV. Don’t use the expression I and I am Too long / too short. Hard to read.

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Qualification is Important, But Learn How To

Show Up in The Crowd.

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ThanksCONTACT ME: [email protected] ، Mobile: 01270141874

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