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Suffer the Old Wounds


Noah Toth

Writers 4th Draft4-13-14FADE IN:

TITLE: Freedom was at stakefreedom, which whets the courage of brave men-Titus Livius

EXT. CITY - DAYA city is under siege by the ROMAN ARMY. In the streets, HASTATI can be seen battling with CARTHAGINIAN INFANTRY. In a narrow alleyway, one unit of HASTATI is pushing forward against a group of CARTHAGINIANS. The two sides push at each other with remarkable strength using their shields. A ROMAN OFFICER is barking inaudible orders over the great sound of battle. One HASTATI is seen impaling a Carthaginian in the neck with his gladius. Blood pours all over the mans face, he squints as blood continues to drench him. The officer continues to bark orders and the Romans finally break through the Carthaginian lines. The Carthaginians who try to run are cut down by Romans. The Romans rush forward, hooting and hollering.



INT. ROOM - DAYWe see a BEDROOM. Within the bedroom is CORNELIUS SCIPIO (about 18), a young lad. His light brown hair drapes over his forehead slightly. Cornelius is at his desk, scribbling on a scroll. He wears no clothing but his clothes lay idly by on the back of his chair. He quietly mutters to himself in Greek.

INT. HOUSE - DAYWe see AELIUS (late 30's), one of the many slaves belonging to the Scipios in Rome. Aelius, with his dark olive skin, meanders towards Cornelius's room.

INT. ROOM - DAYAELIUSDominus, do you wish to eat or bathe now? Cornelius picks up his head from the scroll and looks at Aelius. CORNELIUSNo, Aelius, all I require are some fresh clothes. A plate of figs should agree with my morning stomach.AELIUSAye, young master Scipio.Aelius hobbles off out of the room to the kitchen.CORNELIUS(MUTTERING) For a trueborn Corinthian, he seems to forget his own accent.Cornelius returns to his scroll, reading and revising it carefully. Aelius comes with fresh clothes as requested. Cornelius stands up and allows Aelius to put the clothes on him. Once the clothes are fitted, Cornelius stands up straighter, and puffs up his chest. He lets go a heavy sigh and gestures Aelius to return to the kitchens. There Cornelius stands, alone. He abandons the scroll and walks out into the parlor of the house.


EXT. CITY COURTYARD - DAYThe courtyard to Hannibals quarters in Carthage house only two men. One is HANNIBAL BARCA (late 20s). He bears a scruffy beard and content, blue eyes. He sits on a simple stone bench in the courtyard, wearing his usual garb. The other man is MERCENARY CAPTAIN who is intently conversing with Hannibal, even though the Carthaginian is ignoring him mostly. UNKNOWN MAN (V.O.)(WHISPERING HEAVILY)Swear that you will always be an enemy to Rome. Swear it on the lives of your brothers, your subjects, and your life. Swear this oath to me, Hannibal.Hannibal continues to look up at the sky; he closes his eyes and mutters an inaudible response. The Mercenary Captain looks around him and then up towards the sky, confused. MERCENARY CAPTAINGeneral? Sir, are you okay?Hannibals head and eyes shoot back downward calmly and he looks at the Captain, somewhat confused himself.HANNIBALAye, go on. I was temporarily transfixedon the skywhat were you telling me about? Something about the(voice trails off)MERCENARY CAPTAINthe Iberians mercenaries and your many vassals, general. I believe you asked me here to question me on their loyalty. HANNIBALAnd, my Iberian friend? Where do my mercenaries loyalties lay? To their farmlands or to their employers?The Captain smiles assuredly.MERCENARY CAPTAINFarmland can be restored and regained, the money you graciously pay us cannot. Hannibal nods understandingly and gestures the Captain away. The Captain follows orders and leaves the courtyard. Hannibal slowly turns his head about the courtyard, looking for someone. He finds no one. Hannibal stands and walks out of the courtyard into the palace. He is greeted by his brother, MAGO BARCA (early 20s) and his other brother, HASDRUBAL BARCA (early 20s). Mago has a light layer of fuzz of his cheeks and Hasdrubal is clean-shaven. Mago has an ear-to-ear grin on his face while Hasdrubal only offers a light, insincere smirk.MAGOAh, brother! Will you spend all day outside in that infernal courtyard?Hasdrubal nods intently and glares at Hannibal.HASDRUBALFor once, our foolish Mago is correct brother. There is war to waged, brother. Hannibal picks his head up high and cocks his head slightly at Hasdrubal.HANNIBALThen there is no better time to enjoy the courtyard, Hasdrubal. You are right; there is war to be waged. Swords to be crossed, spears to be lunged and arrows to fly. Hence that is why I was discussing matters of loyalty with our Iberian delegate there. Tell me, brother, what of Saguntums response? HASDRUBALNothing but dirty Spanish mockery! The Roman whores slaughter our brothers in the streets of that wretched city and do not apologize or yield!MAGOFor once, our humorless brother is right. All Saguntum can hope to be is a whore of Rome. So, shall we greet them in such a way? It is time to say salve to our friends in Spain! (He chuckles)

Hannibal looks out a nearby window and remains silent for about a minute. HANNIBALIf we attack Saguntum, Rome will demand my head or Carthages. HASDRUBALYou know this, Hannibal. We have been preparing, threatening for months now. Its time to act! They have made a bloody mockery of us, brother. Hannibal once again stares out the window. He stares out to Carthage and takes in all the noise of the city, its people, and its culture. HANNIBALThe men are ready, no?HASDRUBALAye, my brother. 30,000 men are ready to plunge into Spain. Hannibal sighs greatly, Mago darts his head energetically between Hasdrubal and Hannibal. Hannibal lifts his head high once more.HANNIBALBrothers, gather your finest armor, weapons, and goodbyes to loved ones. I will uphold my vow, my duty to Carthage. We march on Saguntum. Hannibal stands there temporarily and then fast-walks back through the courtyard.MAGOHe even has me convinced this is why we march on Saguntum. The vengeance of lost and forgotten brothers is quite a convenient casus belli. HASDRUBALIf a fool like you will believe it, no doubt the judges will too.CUT TO:


A Roman transport ship cruises across the Mediterranean. Below deck is a bed, on the foot of the bed is FABIUS MAXIMUS (early 60s). He is leaning over, trying not to vomit. He wears a common, slightly dirty set of clothing and has not shaved since his departure a few weeks ago. He continues desperately to keep his scruffy, unkempt white beard from getting vomited in. The ship rocks back and forth in a quick, violent episode. Fabius vomits in a bucket near his feet. He picks up his head and wipes whatever bile which was caught in his facial hair. The ship is heard to be settling loudly. From the entrance of Fabius quarters comes MARCUS CINNA (mid 20s), the personal bodyguard to Fabius. He is a young soldier and wears the apparel of one. He wears a freshly polished dagger on his waist. He has a clean-shaven face and carries a content, confident look about him. MARCUSEnvoy Maximus, are you ill, sir? Tis ill luck to be plague-ridden at sea.

Fabius looks up to Marcus, the vomit only leaving small traces in his beard.FABIUSNo, Centurion Cinna, I am fine. Thank you for your consideration. Marcus nods confidently, having been reminded he is a centurion in the Roman army. Fabius returns his head downward towards his bucket. MARCUSGreat, sir, that is great. Since you are feeling well, I interviewed some of the sailors while you were sleeping. As you requested, sir.Fabius looks up once more, looking at Marcus goofy face.FABIUSAnd, Marcus?MARCUSAs you predicted, sir. Most of them are old thieves from Macedon, Athens, Carthage, or Massalia. Thats why I put on my armor and dagger sir, I dont trust any of these pirates with a shipment of salt, let alone a great envoy and old consul of Rome. The great Fabius Maximus!Marcus smiles and all Fabius can do is scoff lightly and smile as well. From behind, dark skinned SAILOR #1 (early 30s) rushes in. Marcus hears the footsteps and quickly turns around, firmly grasping his dagger hilt. The sailor stops instantly and becomes very timid. Fabius looks at him closely, making eye contact. Marcus looks back at Fabius, awaiting an order. Fabius holds his hand up in a halt gesture. Marcus loosens his grasp and allows the sailor to pass. SAILOR #1Legati, we are only an hour or two away from the Port of Carthage now. The captain suggests you re-pack all your valuables and prepare to dock. The sailor begins to leave but before completely exiting, he performs an awkward and choppy bow towards Fabius. Marcus turns back to Fabius and stares at him with an apathetic face, awaiting another order. MARCUSI am sorry sir, I shall see the captain flayed for not telling us sooner. Fabius dismisses the foolish suggestion with another weak hand gesture. He rests his chin on his palm and thinks deeply, Marcus, out of impatience, interrupts the silence.MARCUSLegati, sir, what shall we do? We were not expected in Carthage for a few days from now.Fabius looks up at Marcus, his chin abandoning his hand. FABIUSStay close to me, Marcus. Soon, Greek thieves will not be our only problem. I shall do what the Senate demanded. There, in front of the Judges, I shall stand.Fabius stands up quickly, finding new energy. He takes two fistfuls of his clothes, one fistful on each hand. FABIUSThere I shall stand, Marcus. In the folds of my toga, two options are held for Carthage. In one fold is war (LIFTS UP RIGHT FISTFUL OF CLOTHES). The other is peace (LIFTS UP LEFT FISTFUL OF CLOTHES).Fabius lets both handfuls of toga drop. Marcus nods understandingly and leaves Fabius quarters.


The deck of the ship is decorated with Greek, Macedonian, African and Italian sailors. Marcus makes his way to the bow of the ship, stepping over the occasional sailor and puddle of vomit. When he is only a few feet away from the very front of the ship, he sees AESOP (early 40s), the ships captain. The captain is of Athenian descent and has a proud beard which springs forth from his tan face. Aesop hears Marcus footsteps and turns to meet him. AESOPAh, my good friend, Marcus! Haha, how are you? Get into any more fights with my boys? Haha, more importantly though, how is our illustrious guest, Fabius? An evil chuckle escapes Aesop. Marcus usually goofy face turns from its previously apathetic one to an expression of rage. Marcus clenches his fist and delivers a punch to Aesops face. Aesops head whips backward and as it comes back, Marcus delivers another blow. Aesops knees buckle. Before he catches himself on the ground, Marcus maneuvers behind him, catches him, and puts Aesop in a headlock. Marcus pulls out his pugio and presses the tip against Aesops backside. Blood runs profusely from Aesops nose and the skin has torn on his right cheek. He struggles vigorously and attempts to grab Marcus and his pugio in vain. AESOPWhat are you doing, you Roman cunt? Let me go or my boys will skewer you with a trident and leave your worthless corpse in the Port of Carthage!Marcus tightens the headlock, preventing words from escaping Aesops lips.MARCUSListen you Greek, boy fucking piece of shit. If you give us the wrong information again or send anyone but yourself to collect us once weve docked, I will personally see your crew of hairless babes impaled, castrated, and limbless! Get us to Carthage without an incident or more lies and you will keep your worthless, poisoned tongue!Marcus releases Aesop. The Greek struggles for breath and gasps wildly. Marcus stands upright and turns his head, the entire crew was watching the episode. Marcus points his dagger at the crowd and they leave quickly. Marcus turns back to the struggling Aesop and kicks him in the ribs, taking more breath from him.MARCUSWe have a term for slaves in Rome, Aesop. Its used when a slave fucks up and reassurance is needed. Servus sum, learn the phrase and Ill be reassured you wont fuck up again.Aesop continues to struggle for breath but eventually works up the strength to mutter an inaudible phrase. Marcus squats down to Aesops level, gesturing he say it again. AESOPServus sum, Marcus. Servus sum, you psychotic cunt.All Marcus can do is laugh loudly and cheerfully. He quickly sheaths his pugio and offers Aesop a hand. Aesop swats it away. Marcus stands up, shrugs his shoulders goofily, and walks off. Aesop waits to get up after Marcus has completely departed and is below deck.




Cornelius is sitting in a chair, eating a fig across from his father, PUBLIUS CORNELIUS SCIPIO (late 40s). Publius is savoring a cup of wine through his apathetic face. Publius holds a well-kept, greyish beard. PUBLIUSAelius prepared these figs well, I suppose. I sometimes wonder how you could ever understand that thickly accented man. Cornelius looks up from his fig with a look of well-contained joy. CORNELIUSWell father, sometimes its all Greek to me. (SMILES)PUBLIUS(SCOFFS LIGHTLY) Aye.CORNELIUSTell me father, how is dear uncle Calvus?PUBLIUSHe is. Cornelius cocks his head slightly.CORNELIUSAs it seems pleasantries are lost on you let us skip them, shall we, father? The mighty Publius Cornelius Scipio barely leaves the forum nowadays. Why does he bless us with his glorious presence? (LIGHTLY CHUCKLES)Cornelius stands from his seat, bows sarcastically at his father, and returns to his seat.PUBLIUS(LEANS BACK)Jokes will not get you far with the Senate, Cornelius. CORNELIUSHa and why would I want to go far with the Senate, father?Publius scoffs heavily and shakes his head in disappointment. PUBLIUSAs long as you are a Scipio, you will do what I say. I say you will be beloved by the Senate.CORNELIUSI could please the Senate, if war were loose upon Italy, Spain, or Africa. To breathe that last breath, to kiss that last kiss, to intake that last heavenly ambrosia, to swallow that last drop of wine which wears the guise of honey. To die, tis our final and greatest gift to the Republic. PUBLIUSPoetic. Ive heard it a phase in all boys. And you are right, Cornelius. War does not bless us with its presence as of now but soon it shall. As for the Senate, blood appeals to those rabbling old fools more than rhetoric. CORNELIUS(LEANS IN)War is to occur soon? With who? So many nowadays I assume. Illyrian sheepherders, Macedonian boy-lovers, Spanish savages, or maybe some Gallic ghouls? (SMILES)Publius stands up, pushes in his seat, and wipes his mouth with a napkin. He puts his arms behind his back and walks behind Cornelius, pacing behind him. Cornelius does not turn his head towards him. PUBLIUSEnough of the damn jokes and poetry, boy. Hannibal Barca, son of that Spanish-fucking Hamilcar, is marching to Saguntum and means to besiege it. In a few days, him and his horde will be at the walls and in a few months, Saguntum will fall to Carthaginian monsters. Cornelius too wipes his mouth with a napkin and stands from his seat slowly. He turns to his father and the two are now face-to-face. CORNELIUSHelp will not come to our Saguntine allies?PUBLIUSNo, we will be too busy preparing armies of our own. War is coming. Not only that, so is my consulship. With my promotion will come your own. Father and son, killing Carthaginians together. Publius laughs almost maniacally and walks over to his side of the table. When there, he reaches for his cup of wine and finishes it in one mighty gulp. He mimics Corneliuss sarcastic bow and walks out of the house, forgetting to wipe his wine stained lips.


EXT. CAMP - NIGHTTITLE: Northern Italy, near the Arno River

In Northern Italy, a Roman camp sits on a quiet field. In this camp is a maniple of Roman hastati, around 120 men are spread out amongst this large camp. In front of his tent sits ATILIUS AURELIANUS (about 18). He is a simple hastati of this maniple. He shows his naivety through his face. He is clean-shaven not of his choosing though, he simply cannot grow facial hair. His eyes are full and vibrant. In front of his tent is a wooden stump, he is sitting on it, sharpening his gladius with a stone. The sound of the sword being sharpened is unheard over the great, lively sound of the camp. A centurion, LUCIUS POMPONIUS (mid 30s), meanders up to Atilius with his wineskin and takes a seat on the ground next to him. LUCIUSHey there, boy killer! How is our fine Atilius this evening? Man enough to finally drink from the maniple wineskin? Ha!Atilius looks up from the sword and then glares at the wineskin. His face finally lands upon Luciuss eyes. ATILIUSJunior Centurion Pomponius, sir, I have told you I do not care for drink.LUCIUS(SCOFFS) Everyone cares for drink eventually, boy.Lucius takes a large swig from the wineskin. His eyes are all over the place, looking every direction possible. His lips are stained with wine. LUCIUSThats right; youve never killed a man. After that, youll see the appeal of drink. My first was a wily Gaul. Came out of the wood with ten o his buddies. Atilius rolls his eyes but continues to sharpen his sword.ATILIUSAye, sir. Youve told the whole maniple maybe fifty times over. Ten Gauls came at your three,half-drunken comrades when scouting. Thirteen men entered the melee, two left.Lucius swings his arms wildly.LUCIUSDamn right, Atilius! Remember, boy, you are a hastati and without the courage to drink, you wont have the courage to kill.Lucius clumsily tries to hand Atilius the wineskin, Atilius denies it as politely as he can. Lucius simply shrugs and goes back to drinking. From the same direction Lucius came, CAIUS LUCANUS (early 20s), is seen soberly lumbering towards the two men. He looks at Lucius until the two make eye contact. When their eyes meet, a great laugh is exchanged between the two men with no context. Caius takes a seat next Lucius on the grass. Lucius offers him the wineskin with a drunken grunt, Caius denies it. LUCIUSHas eunuch Atilius here converted you, Caius? Ha! Ive never known you to turn away good wine. CAIUSThat is not good wine, Lucius. (CHUCKLES LIGHTLY)Caius allows a large smile to escape him. He then turns his head to Atilius, who's still invested in his sword sharpening.CAIUSYou are not wrong though, Lucius, this boy does seem awfully familiar to a man without his manhood. Atilius stops his mundane activity and finally engages with the two men. His face is one of anger and annoyance.ATILIUSWhy, sir, I do not see there being a problem sharpening my sword. We are an army, no?CAIUSLucius, this boy was born without balls or a sense of humor. Look at the fresh meat, defending itself. (LAUGHS LOUDLY)Lucius follows in laughter and tries to take a swig from his wineskin but it is empty. He is drunkenly shocked by this discovery and lobs his wineskin far across the camp in a fury. LUCIUSNever enough wineCaius chuckles at the drunken exploit and all Atilius does is return to his sword and stone again. Caius bumps the shoulder of Lucius and begins to smile at Atilius.CAIUSHey boy.Atilius ignores Caius. Caius becomes more forceful.CAIUSHey boy.Atilius ignores him again, Caius becomes enraged.CAIUSHey boy, fucking listen when an officer speaks to you!Atilius remembers his duty and sets his sword in front of him and the stone he lightly tosses behind his left shoulder. He feigns a calm and relaxed face.ATILIUSYes Senior Centurion Lucanus, may I assist you?Caius chuckles as though he is drunk.CAIUSAye you can, you little cunt. Tell me, boy, ever kill a man?ATILIUSNo, sir.Caius smiles insidiously. CAIUSWell, boy, theres no time like the present.Caius leaps from his spot on the grass, his sober feet quicker than Atilius lack of experience. Caius tackles Atilius, knocking him from the tree stump. Atilius is now pinned down as Caius punches him repeatedly in the face. Caius releases a horrible war cry, letting loose one more punch on Atilius right cheek. Weak and taken by surprise, Atilius puts up no resistance as Caius begins to choke him. Raw skin is seen on Atilius cheeks and blood is spewing from his mouth. He is only a few seconds away from death. Caius face is enraged throughout.CAIUSKill me, boy! Kill me! (LAUGHS MANIACALLY) Atilius turns his head to his right side, barely moving his arms and waiting to die. When he lays his right cheek against the grass, he sees his sharpening stone. Weakly, he grabs it and strongly slams it against Caius left temple. Caius, disoriented, falls on his side. Atilius lingers onto his knees, vomiting blood and gasping for breath. He picks his head up and sees the sword he sharpened. His limps towards it. Caius is still on the ground, attempting to regain his senses. By the time he has managed to get on his feet, Atilius comes up from behind and slashes his hamstring muscles on his right leg. Caius screams out in horrible pain. As Caius struggles on the grass, attempting to stop the bleeding, Atilius grabs him by the right shoulder, and turns him over. There Atilius stands, over Caius, ready to impale his sword into his neck. Caius quiets his shrieks to soft moans, he is waiting for death. Atilius pulls back his sword arm but before it drops, he is grabbed on his left shoulder and turned around by Lucius. Lucius punches him in the gut. As Atilius whips his head downward in pain, Lucius knees him in the nose. Atilius then jolts up in pain but is stopped from falling when Lucius catches him by both shoulders and brings his mouth to Atilius ear.LUCIUS(WHISPERS) Yield you stupid boyLucius lets go of Atilius and lets him fall on the grass. A loud THUMP is heard as his head makes contact with the solid ground. Atilius eyes begin to close as blood from his nose, raw cheeks, and mouth pour onto the green grass.



We see Hannibals camp outside of Saguntum. Hannibals army stands outside the camps entrance, waiting for their commander as Hannibals siege artillery shoot pots of fire into Saguntum. An artillery piece is seen loading its payload and launching the delivery to the city walls. The pot of fire is seen crashing against Saguntums mighty, stone wall. Fire shoots in every direction. Behind the mass of men at the camp entrance is Hannibal with his brother Mago and Hasdrubal. Mago is smiling energetically within his full leather armor, preparing to unsheathe his falcata. Hasdrubal stands there in his leather armor, like Mago, except he wears a helmet for extra protection. His eyes dart up and down the line, making sure no man is retreating. Hannibal stands in between the two, standing confidently and calmly in his bronze breastplate. He, like Mago, is without a helmet. His hands are on his waist as he stares at the city, observing the artillery releasing its hellish delivery. HANNIBAL(WHISPERS) Here we are, father.Mago glares at Hannibal, thinking he heard Hannibal say something.MAGODo you need something, brother?Hannibal looks to Mago, maintaining the face of confidence.HANNIBALOnly Saguntine blood, little brother. (LIGHTLY LAUGHS)Mago responds with his heavenly chuckle. He raises his arms, cheering wildly. Dozens of men within Magos vicinity follow his example. Hannibal nods at Mago and then Hasdrubal. They look forward together and push their way through the crowd of men. As Hannibal passes, soldiers can be heard cheering, hooting, slamming their swords against their shields. Hannibal and his brothers make their way to the front of the horde. On each side of the three brothers are five ladders held up by numerous, nameless soldiers. Hannibal walks a few yards ahead of his army, leaving his brothers behind. The artillery continues to bombard as he does so. When a few yards away, he turns his head towards his army. HANNIBAL(YELLING) Men of Carthage! He is answered by the battle cry of thousands of men ready to fight.HANNIBAL(LAUGHS LOUDLY) Men of Carthage! Men willing to die! Men willing to glorify themselves! Men willing to follow! Men willing to meet Baal Hammon!He is greeted by more battle cries and bloodthirsty hollers over the artillery bombardment. HANNIBALToday, many will die! Not you though, brave men of Carthage! I only plan to have Saguntine dogs do the dying!A bellow escapes the crowd of eager soldiers as well as the slamming of swords against shields.HANNIBALToday, we have many a man with us on this glorious path. Spaniards, Africans, and Balearic Islanders! Some of you are here for money, some of you are here for a cause, some of you are here for the joy of killing. Whatever your purpose, you shall have it! By the morrow, this city shall be nothing put a burnt corpse upon the Iberian soil! Now the men are beyond riled up. They are jumping wildly and smashing their shields uncontrollably. Hannibal turns to the city.HANNIBALCharge!His men listen to the order eagerly. Hannibal unsheathes his falcata, releasing his battle cry while doing so. Hasdrubal and Mago follow in his influence. The ladder men charge in the front, following Hannibal. Hannibal begins his charge to the wall slowly, letting the ladders pass him and allowing Mago and Hasdrubal to flank him. When they do, they continue their charge together, thousands of men behind them hooting and hollering. Saguntine archers can be seen drawing their bows at the ladder men. They fire their volley, two ladders with all their men fall. The other three ladders make it to the wall and slam them against the stone walls of Saguntum. The Saguntines on the walls attempt to push them off but the Carthaginians below keep the balance by pushing harder. Hannibal and his brothers allow a dozen men to go onto each of the ladders and up the walls. The brothers follow up the center ladder eagerly. A Saguntine soldier takes his position on the wall, his bow draw. He fires his arrow into Hannibals ladder, it kills the man right in front of Hannibal, sending him flying off the ladder and tumbling off Hannibals backside. Hannibal manages to hold on though. The few men in front of Hannibal it over the wall and swords can be heard colliding. Finally, Hannibal makes it over the wall to see that the men have carved out a small open space, littered with five dead men, on the wall. Around him, more men are coming over the wall and rushing towards the battle occurring on both sides of Hannibal on the wall. On both sides on Hannibal, his men are pushing the Saguntines back off the wall. Through the Carthaginians, a Saguntine charges at Hannibal, wildly swinging his sword. The Saguntine swings his sword at Hannibals head; Hannibal blocks his strike and slashes at the Saguntines neck, sending him to the floor. Blood pours from the Saguntines jugular. Hannibals face now has blood darting across it. Mago comes up from behind Hannibal.MAGO(SHOUTING) First of many, eh brother?Hasdrubal then comes up behind Mago, his helmet is gone and blood is on his breastplate. HASDRUBAL(SHOUTING) What now, brother?Hannibal turns his head to both of them. He darts his head to the left and then to the right. HANNIBAL(SHOUTING) Mago, take the left and push into the courtyard! Hasdrubal, take the right and take the rest of this fucking wall!They both nod their heads and go to their assigned position. We now see Hannibal standing on the wall, breathing heavily, watching the fight. After standing like this for about a minute, he sprints to the left side of the wall to help Mago. He pushes his way through the men until he reaches the front of the melee. One Saguntine attempts to plunge a spear into Hannibals chest, Hannibal parries the attack and impales the Saguntine through the chest. HANNIBAL(SHOUTING) Come on, men! Finish them off!CUT TO:


Hannibal is sitting on a bench in the Saguntine courtyard. He is staring at his feet, twirling his sword in the dirt. He is surrounded by dead Saguntines. One dead man is in front of Hannibal, he picks up his head to look at it. His face remains emotionless. He then notices Mago lumbering towards him. MAGOGreat glory is in this courtyard. Hannibal scoffs. HANNIBALSo this is glory, little brother?Mago looks away from Hannibal, observing the slaughter. MAGOHasdrubal is just a little north of us. He sent me to tell you that hes rooted out what resistance is left. He asks for your orders on what to do with Saguntum.Hannibal stands up from the bench. There is a well behind Mago. He walks over to it. In the well there is a bucket of water. He takes some in his hand and begins to splash it on his breastplate. He washes off the blood. He then begins to speak, without looking at Mago.HANNIBAL(QUIETLY) Burn it, little brother. Burn it.FADE OUT



There is shouting everywhere, being thrown from every direction in the Carthaginian senate house. Fabius stands there, shouting back at the volley of Carthaginian voices. In the back of the house is Marcus. He is chatting with AKBAR (about 19), a guard with long black hair and full, green eyes. AKBARThese old fools will never stop arguing will they?Marcus chuckles lightly and looks back to Fabius quickly.MARCUSIm afraid not, boy. Only two things will walk out of this structure. Hannibals demise or war. Akbar hangs his head low and then looks into the verbal melee. AKBARThey wont give up Hannibal. Except for that Hanno cunt, they all love him for what he did to Saguntum. In all honestly, Roman, I love him for what he did. Marcuss face saddens.MARCUSThen, Akbar, my newest friend. Heres to war. (He puts his hand out)Akbar shakes Marcuss hand.MARCUS(WHISPERS)The old will bicker over sovereignty while the young will die over it, eh?We focus on Fabius, who has survived the verbal bombardment. He takes two handfuls of his toga, one on each side.FABIUS(SHOUTING) Judges, in the folds of my toga are this meetings adjournment! On the left, there is peace. On the right, there is war. Which will you have?CARTHAGINIAN JUDGE #1 (mid 70s) stands from his seat violently.CARTHAGINIAN JUDGE #1(SHOUTING) What will you have, Fabius? Let us have the mighty Rome decide Carthages fate!Fabius looks intently around the room, seeing if anyone objects to this. They do not, he finds assorted judges nodding in agreement. Fabius sighs heavily and releases the right handful of his toga. Some judges jeer Fabius while others begin to cheer in excitement. Fabius then trudges over to Marcus. We close in on Akbar and Marcuss faces. Marcus turns to Akbar.MARCUSWell, you were right. Good luck to ye. Marcus hands Akbar a silver coin. MARCUSFor any drink you might need. I have a feeling well both be needing it. Akbar nods thankfully. Fabius finally reaches Marcus. FABIUSLet us be off, centurion. Carthage has no more need of us, Rome calls us back to her bloody embrace. MARCUSAye, sir. We shall be off to the docks then. The two leave the senate and we close in on a bird eye view of the Carthaginian senate. The shouting can be heard quietly, echoing throughout the sky.




EXT. FIELD DAYThe sun is shining over the field, emitting a bright, white light. We see the field and its majestic beauty, its grass swaying back and forth calmly. All is peaceful and tranquil. From a bird eyes view, we see three figures running through the field. Down on the grasss level now, we see that the three figures are Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago. We follow their backsides as they run. They are all wearing full armor and carry one sword each. We now see them from the front as they run and close in on Hannibals face.HANNIBAL (V.O.)It never endsthe field never surrenders.Hannibal slows down and eventually stops, his brothers follow in his example. Mago and Hasdrubal are panting heavily. MAGOWe must keep running brother, it will catch us!HASDRUBALHe is right, we must keep running if we are to survive.Hannibal looks down and sighs.HANNIBAL(QUEITLY) Who says we are to survive?Hannibal picks up his head and holds up his sword in defense. Hasdrubal and Mago look at each other and eventually hold up their swords in defense. There they stand, defiantly ready to meet their opponent. Hannibal lets loose a warrior cry. We see the three of them from the front, Hannibal ahead of the group. A javelin comes in and impales Hasdrubals stomach. He only lets out a small grunt as he falls to the ground. Mago looks to Hasdrubal out of concern and we see an arrow fly into his neck. Mago drops his sword and grabs at his neck and blood is seen flowing out. Hannibal looks back to where Mago used to be and then looks back and then up. An eagle is seen swooping down; screeching as it lands on Hannibals face and begins to claw his eye out. We zoom out to where we can barely see Hannibal and only hear him scream out of pain.



TITLE: Ebro River, Late Spring, 218 BCHannibal is squatting on the river bank, staring at the water. He does not wear his military garb. From behind, we see Hasdrubal approach in his military gear. Hasdrubal stands behind Hannibal, waiting for him to take notice.HANNIBALWhat is it, Hasdrubal?HASDRUBALThe last of the men arrived. We are at full strength.HANNIBALWhat is full strength?HASDRUBALNinety thousand infantry, twelve thousand cavalry, and 37 elephants.Hannibal does not respond and the trumpet of an elephant can be heard in the distance, back at the camp. Hannibal stands up and turns to the camp. Hasdrubal does not.HASDRUBALThis should be enough to destroy the Romans. Especially in Spain or Africa. Fighting in these vigilant hills or blinding deserts will serve us well.HANNIBAL(CHUCKLES) Is everyone assembled at the tent?HASDRUBALAye, brother.Hannibal begins to fast walk back to the camp and pats Hasdrubal on the shoulder as he walks back. Hasdrubal seems confused and lingers behind Hannibal back to the camp. Hannibal enters the camp with no resistance from the guards as Hasdrubal lags behind. He then begins to walk to the tent but as he is within a few yards of it, he is shocked by an elephant with rudely steps in front of him unexpectedly. He stops to let the beast and its owner pass and this allows Hasdrubal to catch up with him. Hannibal then enters the tent.INT. TENT DAYHannibal is greeted by Mago with a smile. Hasdrubal walks to his assigned position next to Mago. As he walks to his position, we are made aware of GISGO (late 20s). He wears a serious face like Hasdrubal but unlike Hasdrubal, he is dirty. Next to Gisgo, we see MAHARBAL (mid 30s). He wears the attire of a cavalry officer and possesses a freshly trimmed beard. Hannibal takes note of Gisgo and Maharbal and nods respectively. In the center of the tent there is a map of the western Mediterranean. HANNIBALI am glad you could all be here, gentlemen. Hasdrubal, my brother and commander of the Spanish provinces (nods to him). Mago, my youngest brother and proud commander of our fine infantry (nods to him). Gisgo, chief scout (holds out his hand and allows Gisgo to shake it, Gisgo does). And finally, Maharbal, our fine and promising cavalry commander. How has the road treated you, good friends? GISGOWell, sir, all roads lead to Rome so it was hard not to fall into enemy hands (CHUCKLES).MAHARBALI am very well sir. Your lovely wife sends her regards from Cartagena (bows respectively).Hannibal returns Gisgo and Maharbals remarks with a smile. Hasdrubal interrupts the pleasantries with a grunt.HASDRUBALWith all due respect-- HANNIBALI find it when someone says with all due respect they are about to say something rather disrespectful, brother.Hasdrubal stops his thought. HANNIBALNow, dear Gisgo, what of Massalia? How heavily defended is it?GISGOSir, Consul Publius Cornelius Scipio has camped his army at Massalia and is heavily defending the Rhone. It would be an ill challenge for us to give him battle.HASDRUBALGive him battle? Massalia is in Gaul and here we are, on the frontier of our own territories. Are we to now take Northern Spain and Southern Gaul? (SCOFFS)Hannibal looks to Hasdrubal and ignores the remark.HANNIBALWhich Publius Cornelius Scipio is it? I have heard there are two Romans with the same name.GISGOAye, that is true, sir. The consul is the older one, the other one is his son.HANNIBAL(LAUGHS) These Romans and their pissing names! Two Scipios, father and son, with the same name! Where is the creativity? The names dont have the originality that ours carry. Maharbal (points to him), Mago (points to him), Gisgo (points to him); Hasdrubal (points to him)Hannibal (points to himself and chuckles).Hannibals staff responds with a chuckle.HANNIBALWell, gentlemen, it is as I expected. The Romans have camped themselves along the Rhone and that makes passage into Italy impossible or just very bloody. HASDRUBALSpeak sense, brother! Passage into Italy?Hannibal looks at Hasdrubal with an annoyed look.HANNIBALIf we are to invade Rome, I fear we will need to pass through Italy (SMIRKS).HASDRUBALInvade? (He leans in and begins to breathe heavily). Would you have Spain burn? Carthage?A hatred can be seen in Hannibals eyes. He releases a massive sigh and slowly points to the tent entrance.HANNIBAL(CALMLY) Leave this tent now, brother. You love Spain so much? Good, I need someone to defend it. Perhaps thatd be you. May these vigilant hills serve you well. Hasdrubal looks about the men in the tent, desperately searching for an ally. No one looks at him and await his departure. Hasdrubal grunts angrily and begins to leave the tent. HASDRUBAL(WHISPERED LOUDLY) Piss and blood!Hannibal looks over his shoulder as Hasdrubal exits, assuring he is well outside the tent. Hannibal turns his head back to the group.MAHARBALHis anger, confusion, whatever emotion your brother is failing to convey is not without merit, sir. An offensive war against Rome (said with emphasis) would be costly and not to our advantage I fear.HANNIBALWe have fought our defensive war. Now it is time for our offense. Romes senate and aristocracy are perfectly fine waging war when blood is shed in Sicily, Spain or Africa, far away from themselves. Bring the war to Italy. Burn their farms, kill their neighbors and we shall see a quicker and grander yield than we hoped. The men within the room grow very still and then slowly look to one another, as if communicating without words.MAGOBrother, I would follow you to any front or battle. I would gladly jump in front of a Roman gladius if need be. Do not take this blind devotion for foolery though. Even if we destroyed Scipio at Massalia and crossed the Rhone, our forces would be at less than half strength. That is not a force we can hope to dominant the heart of Rome with.Hannibal smiles and walks behind Mago, putting his hand on his shoulder.HANNIBALThats why, dear brother, we shall not cross the Rhone. We are going over the Alps.CUT TO:

INT. TENT DAYIn this tent, Atilius lays on the floor. His face has caked, dried blood splattered across it and he is in a deep sleep. We see him twitch slightly and eventually, he shoots upward, now fully awake. He darts his head about and goes to touch his face. He touches his face and when it pulls it off, we see remnants of the caked blood on his hand. He looks at his hand, puzzled. Then he eventually stands up and grunts in pain. Atilius slowly paces around the tent, looking for something. He goes by his blankets and notices something under them. He squats down and we see it is the hilt of his gladius. He pulls the sword out from under the blankets and stands up. We see dried, somewhat faded blood on the right side of the blade. Atilius sighs and tosses the sword onto the blankets. He then looks to the tent entrance and walks out of the tent.

EXT. CAMP DAYThere is a great hustle and energy about the camp, soldiers are seen marching around in full armor and in the distance, laughing can be heard. Atilius looks around, wondering what is going on. SOLDIER #1 (mid 30s) comes marching up from Atilius left side with the rest of his unit, chuckling as he comes up and pats Atilius on the shoulder. SOLDIER #1Aha, theres out killer!Atilius looks at him, puzzled. But before he can reply, the soldier marches on with the rest of his unit. Atilius then moves down the aisle of the camp, looking around for a familiar face. As he begins to reach the end of a tent, Lucius pops out from around the corner of the same tent and forces Atilius aside behind the tent. LUCIUSYou have no fucking idea what youve done do you, boy?Atilius, now puzzled, looks around before speaking. ATILIUSWhat do you mean, sir?LUCIUSCut the sir bullshit, boy. Caius is not dead so your problems are far from solved.Atilius looks around the corner of the tent. When he finds nothing, he turns back to Lucius.ATILIUSThere wouldnt have been a problem Centurion Pomponius if that maniac had not tried and killed me!LUCIUSPlease, you dumb cunt boy, I insist you skip the pleasantries and call me something that dont involve my rank. ATILIUSWhy such familiarity, Lucius?LUCIUSWell I figure its the least I can do considering youre going to kill Caius for me. From the rear of his belt, Lucius pulls out a small dagger. Atilius steps back, shaking his head slowly in disapproval. ATILIUSWhywhy would you have me do that? I thought Caius was your friendthe Gauls you killed togetherLUCIUSBugger the Gauls! He mightve been my friend but it dont make him exempt from being a fucking cunt. What he did was inexcusable and if the prefect was to find out what happened under my watchwed both be crucified. (Hands Atilius the dagger, Atilius weakly takes it). One good plunge in the neck and hell be dead. Do it at night when the prefect is done making his rounds, Ill cover for you til then, alright? Keep hidden, hes been asking questions yaknow. Lucius is about to walk out into the aisle but Atilius grabs his shoulder.ATILIUSLucius, why all the commotion?Lucius laughs loudly out of satisfaction.LUCIUSThats right, you were asleep. That barbarian Hannibal sacked Saguntum. Were at war, brother! Some Scipio cunt is coming to join us and then were off to Spain, boy! (Looks around and chuckles) I bet you could use a drink now, huh? Lucius peaks his head around the tent corner and then casually walks out into the aisle. Atilius looks at the dagger in his palm. His knees buckle and he firmly grips the dagger in his hand. He begins to look to the sky.ATILIUSOh Mars, what have I done to offend you?CUT TO:

INT. ROMAN SENATE DAYCornelius sits within the empty Roman senate, simply staring at the space around him. Outside in the forum, shopkeepers can be heard peddling their goods but it is not loud enough to cover the echo of the entering men. Their footsteps make quite an entrance as they enter the senate house. Cornelius turns his head to the two figures and we see that it is Fabius Maximus and GAIUS TERRENTIUS VARRO (mid 20s). Varro has a cocky look about him and a freshly shaved face. Cornelius smiles at both of them and stands up and walks down to the senate floor to greet them. CORNELIUS(LIGHTLY LAUGHS) Aha, my dear Varro and Fabius. (Looks at both of them and then directly at Varro) Tell me Varro, how does Praetor suit you?VARROWell enough (smiles).CORNELIUS(Looks at Fabius) And Fabius, how did your trip to Carthage go?FABIUS(GRUNTS) We all know how it went, Cornelius. I would think your fathers absence at Massalia would prove the point.CORNELIUSWas my father gone? I had barely noticedFABIUSDont be cruel, Cornelius. I thought you would be excited for war of all people. A chance for glory surely. (CHUCKLES) Varro here can barely contain himself!Varro nods his head in agreement while laughing.VARROAye, I cant wait to have my chance in this war. I have big things in my future!Cornelius squints slightly.CORNELIUSIm sure you do, dear Varro. Youre to be a true Horatius.Cornelius begins to walk to the senate entrance but is stopped by Fabius hand.FABIUSWhen do you plan to leave for Massalia, Cornelius? Your uncle and father are already there, awaiting your arrival for their Spanish expedition. It would sit ill with the people and your future if you were not to join them in a timely fashion. Cornelius forcefully shakes off Fabius hand, his face becomes grim.CORNELIUSI leave tomorrow with my slave Aelius and a few maniples of men Im supposed to meet near the Arno. (Looks to Varro and Fabius) Goodbye and may Mars protect you, friends.Cornelius begins to leave out into the forum.FABIUSMay Mars protect us all.Cornelius stops for a moment and sighs heavily, and then he continues to walk out of the senate.


INT. CORNELIUS HOUSE DAYWe see Cornelius burst through the door to the household, the slaves at the door timidly step aside as he does, avoiding his rage. Cornelius stomps around, circling the atrium. CORNELIUSAelius! Aelius! AELIUS (O.S.)Coming, dominus, coming. We hear Aelius feet shuffle and Cornelius stops his circling when Aelius enters the atrium. Aelius bows respectively.CORNELIUSWhere is the military equipment father left?AELIUS(WITH CONFUSION) Military equipment, dominus?Cornelius walks angrily to Aelius.CORNELIUSDamnit man! My sword, breastplate, and crest! Where are they?Aelius smiles in remembrance. AELIUSAh, yes, dominus. Master Scipio left them in your quarters. Cornelius begins to walk to his room but stops and turns his head to Aelius. CORNELIUSWith such a memory its hard to believe your people were mighty mathematicians, warriors and philosophers.Aelius hangs his head low.AELIUSYes, dominus. Cornelius turns his head back toward the direction he intended to walk and then enters his room.

INT. CORNELIUS ROOM DAYIn the back corner of the room, adjacent to the bed is the armor on its stand. A sword is respectively placed on the bed. Cornelius walks over to the armor and lightly brushes it, closing his eyes. CORNELIUSWe will see what sits ill with the people.



EXT. STREET NIGHTA dark, cloaked figure walks alone down this Roman street. The moon is shining fully and it leaves a small spotlight of sorts in the street. The figure walks into the spotlight and we see that it is GNAEUS FESTUS (late 30s), a muscular man with a scruffy, unkempt face. On this street there is one light besides the moon being emitted onto the cobblestone. It is the light from an active tavern. Laughter, as well as light, are being poured into the street. Gnaeus slowly walks up to the taverns entrance, keeping alert and avoiding the light. The taverns entrance is decorated with graffiti and is without a guard or armed man. Still draped in his cloak, Gnaeus walks into the tavern. He is greeted by the sight of obnoxious gamblers, whores, and drunkards. He observes the sight and smirks. He then sits down at the one empty table. SERVING BOY soon comes to see to him. SERVING BOYWhat can I get you, friend?GNAEUSWine should serve just fine, thank you.The boy nods respectively and goes off to get the order. A loud cheer can be heard from the table on the right of Gnaeus. He turns his head slowly to witness the orgy of drunkenness. He sees a group of men cheering and hugging in a brotherly embrace. Gnaeus fixes his eye on a gentleman with black hair. Unknown to Gnaeus, the mans name is MARCUS CARIUS (late 50s). Gnaeus furrows his brow at the sight on the man. Gnaeus then turns his head back to where the serving boy left and he is greeted by the boy fast pacing his way to Gnaeus table. The boy sets the wine down and begins to leave. Gnaeus grabs the boys arm. GNAEUSA shiny drachma for you if you tell me that black haired fellows name. SERVING BOYThe black haired fellow? The drunk one?GNAEUSIs there a sober man in this establishment, son?SERVING BOYHaha, you have a point there, sir. I believe I know the man you speak of. Marcus Carius is his name. Tight purse strings he has. I have two children and he sees fit to give me a few olbas as a suitable tip. GNAEUSAllow me to loosen my purse strings. (Reaches to belt and pulls out at least a dozen coins and places them on the table) Will fifteen drachma be suitable to feed those two children of yours?SERVING BOY(Smiles out of joy) Aye, sir that will feed them suitably for a while. Thank you, master sir (bows). What can I do in return?GNAEUS(Lifts up cup) Filling this up would be a good start (finishes up the last of the wine). Then you could fully repay me by asking that Carius fellow to leave. The boy steps back, fear takes over his eyes.SERVING BOYHe wont take kindly, sir. I might be struck.GNAEUSTrust me, hes barely able to stand, he wont strike you. The boy nods with doubt and runs off to get the wine. He comes back speedily, nodding as he hands off the wine. Then he awkwardly walks to Carius table. He is seen putting his hand on Carius shoulder. Carius turns around and I seen shouting then spitting in the boys face. The boy leans back, awaiting a strike but it does come. Carius is seen storming out of the tavern. Gnaeus finishes off the second cup of wine and leaves a few drachma on the table.

EXT. STREET NIGHTCarius is seen leaning against the wall across the tavern, we hear him urinating on the wall, muttering under his breath. We then see Gnaeus walk out of the tavern. He allows the door to close behind him and does not move. We then see Carius backside and the urinating has finished. He then turns around. CARIUS(DRUNKENLY)Who the fuck are you?We see that Gnaeus has advanced to only a few feet in front of Carius. He observes the man carefully.GNAEUSYou are Marcus Carius, no?CARIUSAye, who the fuck is asking?GNAEUSYou are responsible for the deaths of five women, ten children and three men. The women raped along with four of the children. Carius is taken aback but being drunk and cocky, he regains a smug face. CARIUSIs that a question?GNAEUSIts a sentence, you raping son of a whore.CARIUSWatch your mouth you sniveling pleb! I was under the command of my boss, I was following orders.Gnaeus swiftly grabs Carius by the neck and begins to choke him, Carius desperately tries to grab Gnaeus hands with little success. GNAEUSYou and the soldier have one thing in common: you murder for money. You make others widows so your wives can live comfortably (Gnaeus temporarily frees up one hand and pulls out a dagger from the back of his belt. He then drives the dagger into Carius gut and twists it, Carius loudly grunts.)Gnaeus lets Carius slide against the wall to the ground. Carius is spitting up blood and struggling to speak.GNAEUSLast words for our knifeman?Carius looks up at Gnaeus. CARIUSYoure the murdering knifeman youyou whore your blade like a prostitute whores herCarius cannot finish his vulgarity, life escapes his eyes and his limbs become limp.



This is a poorly lit tavern. It is quiet and tranquil. We see TITUS (about 40) in the corner table of the tavern. In front of him is a small sack. We are able to see the dark figure twiddling his thumbs patiently. He finally stops and we see another figure in front of his table from his backside. We see the bloody dagger of Gnaeus in the back of his belt. GNAEUSThat my money, boss?TITUSAye, that is, if Carius is dead.GNAEUSHe is.The dark figure lightly tosses Gnaeus the coin purse and Gnaeus catches it. TITUSYou did a good thing Gnaeus Festus, never forget that.GNAEUS The more I do it, the less of moral man I feel, Titus. Titus leans back further into the darkness of the tavern.TITUSWhat is morality but the unwritten laws between gods and men?Gnaeus nods as though his act has been justified and leaves the tavern.



The door to this Roman flat opens slowly and we see Gnaeus enter. He slowly closes the door behind him and places the coin purse on a nearby table gently. He turns his head to his left and we see an OLD WOMEN in the next room over, sleeping. Gnaeus tiredly takes off the clothes he murdered in and clumsily throws them on the same table as the coin. He then looks forward and creeps to the bedroom ahead. In this bed is JULIA FESTUS (mid 20s) and she too sleeps deeply. Gnaeus walks into the room and crawls into the bed without disturbing her. She grunts a little bit and Gnaeus freezes out of fear he has awoken her. She does not wake and we see Gnaeus spoon her and begin to cuddle up to her. The last thing we see is Gnaeus shutting his eyes and sighing heavily. CUT TO:


We open on Gnaeus in his bed; his arm lies where his wife used to be. We close on his face and we see it twitch. A male scream is heard quietly echoing. He twitches again, more violently. The scream is heard to be louder. Gnaeus awakes and picks his head up from the pillow rapidly. He darts his head about the room, making sure that he is alone. After he is proven correct, he buries his head into his cupped hands and sighs. We see Julia walk in the doorway. See realizes that her husband does not notice her and she clears her throat. Gnaeus looks up and halfheartedly smiles at her.GNAEUSWhy does lovely wife absent me her presence upon the sheets this morning? Julia obediently smiles at her husband.JULIA

If it would please you more, dear husband, I would accompany you now and perform wifely duties. GNAEUSAnd domina in the adjacent room would not mind the sound of her daughter riding her husband?Julia looks down at her hands, ashamed.JULIAOf course, wise husband. What a foolish suggestion. You are so kind and benevolent to allow her to stay with us in her final months. I feel the need to repay you. Gnaeus gets out of the bed and stretches his naked body. He looks down towards his waist and laughs.GNAEUSWell a fresh set of clothes would suit me well, lest I present myself indecent in front of your mother. JULIAShe is bed-ridden and I fear shall not rise today. But if it would please you, I shall fetch you fresh garb.GNAEUSIt would please me despite your mothers condition. Julia nods obediently and leaves the doorway to the kitchen. Gnaeus sits back down on the bed and sighs once more. There is a window in the room and we see him stare out of it. Off screen, we hear Julia breathing heavily. Gnaeus turns to the doorway and Julia stands there, with Gnaeus bloody clothes from the previous night. Gnaeus swallows and we see Julias lips quiver.JULIAWhat is this, Gnaeus? Is this your absence from our bed?Gnaeus stands up and moves closer to Julia.GNAEUSAye, my love, it is work. JULIAWhat work demands so much blood? GNAEUSGaius no longer sought need of me at the market. Titus has opened a butcher shop, I volunteered for ample coin.JULIAA butcher?GNAEUSAye, you are married to a butcher, lovely wife. I hope I have not offended you. Julia tosses the clothes on the bed and cautiously hugs Gnaeus.JULIAOf course not, Gnaeus. The only small, meaningless offense is that I was not informed of your career decision. We see Gnaeus smile. GNAEUSI meant to tell you through my own designs. I hoped you discovered the purse of heavy drachmas over that of bloody garb. Julia breaks the hug and looks back to the kitchen, then back to Gnaeus. JULIAA heavy purse of coin graces us with its presence?GNAEUSAye and butchery proves to be quite profitable. Gnaeus smiles and returns Julia responds with a smile of her own. JULIAAllow me to fetch fresh cloth, husband.Before she leaves the room, she kisses him lovingly. She is the first to pull out of the kiss and Gnaeus leans back slightly, surprised by her affection.GNAEUSAs loving wife desires. Julia takes the bloody clothes and leaves the bedroom. Gnaeus turns back to the window and puts his hands on his head in aggravation. GNAEUS(WHISPERS) FuckJulia returns quickly with fresh clothes. She hands them to Gnaeus and he takes them, quickly putting them on. He pulls in close to Julia, holding her hips. GNAEUSI would see my wife happy and proud in her husband. I would also see her kissed before the day has begun.Julia smiles.JULIAThen seize upon grateful thighs and see day begun in earnest. Gnaeus kisses Julia passionately for a few moments. He then leaves begins to take off her dress. Her full and beautiful nudity is exposed. Gnaeus seizes her upon the bed, reaches down towards his crotch and begins thrusting. The moans of orgasm and ecstasy are heard escape both husband and wifes lips.


EXT. FIELD NIGHT TITLE: Alps, Late 218 BCHannibals army is camped outside a mountain pass that leads into the Alps. The army is breaking camp on a snow-laden field. We see Hannibal, walking about his soldiers until he finally reaches the entrance to his tent. When he gets to the entrance, he turns his head to the Alps and looks at them with fear. He then enters his tent.


Upon entering the tent, Hannibal is surprised to see his brothers Mago and Hasdrubal in his tent. Hasdrubal seems to be drunk and Mago looks at him in a concerned fashion. Hannibal looks to Mago and Mago looks back, shrugging his shoulders. HANNIBALAh, brothers, what a surprise to see you here. Tell me, Hasdrubal, werent you supposed to leave for Spain this morning? Hasdrubal looks at Hannibal, angrily. He then tries to charge Hannibal but Mago stops him and holds him back. HASDRUBAL(SLURRED) You dont tell me where I am supposed to be, you fucking cunt! MAGO(NERVOUSLY) Stay calm, brother. Hold back your sword and forget this ill-placed grudge against your kin. HASDRUBALUnhand me, little brother! Lest you find yourself bereft of a cock!Hannibal calmly watches his two brothers. HANNIBALI would see you in Spain, brother. It is an important office I grant you and here you aredrunk. HASDRUBALI am not drunk, I am liberated! I am free to speak my mind and it dares me to say: Hannibal Barca, you are a fucking cunt!HANNIBALWe are all Barcas here; there is no need to clarify. Hannibal smirks and gestures Mago to let Hasdrubal go. Mago does so cautiously. Hasdrubal does not charge Hannibal but instead, stays in place, holding back further anger. HASDRUBALYou send meto my fucking doom, brother. The Romans will attack us relentlessly. I will be unable to help you on your fools errand. Hannibal puts his hand on Hasdrubals shoulder and leans in.HANNIBALIt is no fools errand I attend.HASDRUBALYou would see all of Carthage burnfor a blood oath to one man. HANNIBALNot just any man, dear brother, our father. Your father. His wish to me and to all of us. Hasdrubal sneers and pushes Hannibal away; he then walks out of the tent. Mago follows in pursuit.


Mago is fast-walking behind Hasdrubal as he makes his way to his horse. Just before Hasdrubal can make it to his horse where a few Numidian cavalrymen wait for him, Mago stops Hasdrubal.MAGOGo back into that tent and form an apology before you leave. HASDRUBALI shall not apologize to a cunt that sees fit to ruin his own nation.MAGOThe war has barely begun and already you see fit to speech with a treacherous tongue.HASDRUBALI speak with a sensible one! Tell me, dear Mago, would you fall to a Roman sword for that suicidal brother of ours?Mago looks back at the tent and then to Hasdrubal.MAGOHe will find a way or he will make one. Hasdrubal scoffs and gets on the horse. He is last seen riding out of the camp with the Numidian cavalrymen, leaving Mago in the dust. CUT TO:


We open on a bright, desert field. There are hundreds of dead Roman soldiers strewn across the area. Small fires are seen sporadically throughout the slaughter. One man walks about the dead, it is Cornelius. He is panting heavily and walks about with his sword unsheathed. He is covered in blood and darts his head about the field, looking for survivors. We close in on his face, he is panicked. His lips begin to quiver and he falls to his knees, dropping his sword. He buries his hands in his palms and screams. The cry is heard echoing across the dead field. We are still closed in on his head and we see a bright, white hand touch the top of his head. Cornelius stops his weeping and looks up. In front of him, we see the angelic MYSTERY WOMAN (20s). She emits a bright aura around herself and wears a see-through, white silk dress. She is the epitome of youth and beauty. Cornelius looks up and wipes away his tears. He crawls on his knees closer to her and buries his head in her waist. He begins to weep again. MYSTERY WOMANShush, my child, why do you weep? For glory is strewn across this field.Cornelius looks up towards the woman and wipes his tears. He stands up and hugs her tight, resting his head on her shoulder.CORNELIUSThis is glory? Thisslaughter?The woman forces Cornelius head off her shoulder and holds it tight, looking directly into his eyes.MYSTERY WOMANSlaughter is always glorious when it benefits Rome.CORNELIUSThe newly appointed widows and withering mothers in her majestic streets are not benefited.The woman slaps Cornelius and he backs away.MYSTERY WOMANThis is your future, Cornelius Scipio. Africa shall be your future. Africa shall bend her knee. Africa shall be yours. (She walks up to him and kisses him. Then she puts her mouth to his ear.) (WHISPERS) But only if you accept this gloryCUT TO:


Cornelius shoots upward, escaping his dream. He puts out his hands and looks intently into his palms. He then proceeds to bury his face into his palms and let go a muffled scream.

Outside the camp, we hear the sounds of an army camp. Aelius pops into the tent unannounced. When he notices his master is awake, he tries to retreat back out into the camp. CORNELIUSDont scurry off, Aelius. Do you need something?Aelius turns back to his master, looking somewhat ashamed. AELIUSMultiple pieces of news have reached us, dominus, and I had hoped to engage you about them after you had eaten. CORNELIUSI assume that means none of them are good?AELIUSCorrect, dominus. Aelius stands there, awaiting some kind of command.CORNELIUSWell, out with it, you bloody fool!AELIUSThe centurion told me to tell you that a messenger came bearing newsCORNELIUSBy all the gods, we already got past that! Tell me, Aelius, what has happened.AELIUSI fear, dominus, that the general Hannibal is said to have bypassed your father and uncle at Massalia. Hannibal is said to be traveling to Italy via the Alps. Where he will emerge no one knows. Your father rides south to Rome while your uncle goes to Spain in hopes of gaining a victory. Cornelius gets out of his bed, shocked.CORNELIUSI do not know whether to be impressed or terrified, dear Aelius. And, what other news came from the messenger?AELIUSThe Boii and Insurbes are in full revolt in Cisapline Gaul. Being the opportunistic Gauls they are they have seen fit to challenge Rome. CORNELIUSMaybe the one thing us Greeks and Romans can agree on is mutual hatred for fucking Gauls.Cornelius gestures Aelius to leave and he listens. Cornelius returns to his bed, sits and buries his hands in his hands. He brings up his head.CORNELIUSI fear there is no glory to accept, Minerva.



It is the tavern where we first saw Titus. Titus and Gnaeus now sit across from each other at a table, drinking wine. All around the calm men there is drunkenness and joy among the other tavern attendees. TITUSTell me, Gnaeus, how is that wife of yours?GNAEUSComfortable, thanks to you.Titus and Gnaeus both smile.TITUSYou said her mother was staying with you in her last days, correct?GNAEUSAye, that is correct. While I despise her mood-shattering presence, I must admit I admire the elderly when they are near deaths embrace.TITUSOh? And why is that?GNAEUSOf all the things they could be doing, they nag. They could be trying to live whatever life is left in them but instead they nag. There is too much light in the room, this water tastes like piss, this blanket is itchy. Of all the ways you could end your life, thats the way they end it. They dont justify their miserable lives; they just try to keep living it in a miserable fashion. Titus nods and smiles, not replying to Gnaeus comment. Titus finishes his wine and lightly slams the cup on the table. TITUSSpeaking of miserable lives, I have another contract for you. This one is from a senator of the Republic.Gnaeus puts down his cup and leans in.GNAEUSAnd what does the fine senator desire?TITUSAnother senator dead. A man by the name of Fabius Maximus. A former consul and the diplomat who went to Carthage to try and sort out this horrible mess before it began. GNAEUSYou would have me kill a senator of Rome? Youve bumped me up to drunkards to major political officials it would seem, Titus.TITUSListen, the pay is good. GNAEUSIn this case, the pay doesnt matter. How would I justify such a crime?Titus leans back and smirks. TITUSThats right; I forgot you are a moral killer. You need justification for killing this Fabius Maximus? Think of it this way. He could have ended a war but he didnt. Now countless numbers of men are going to die for this mans mistake. Theres your fucking justification, Gnaeus!Titus stands up angrily and leaves the table. Gnaeus stays in his position. We close in on his face as he finishes his wine and lightly places the cup on the table.

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