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One With God’s CreationOne With God’s Creation

By JessicaBy Jessica

Page 2: Religious Literacy Assessment

God is my Life

• God is love

• He showed his love by creating the world and everything in it.

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Day 1

• In the beginning there was nothing but darkness.God commanded:”Let there be light”.Light appeared.God was pleased.He called the light day and the darkness night.The first day.God saw that it was good.

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Day 2

• God said:”Let there be a dome to divide the water from the sky.”Evening past and morning came the second day. God was pleased and saw that it was good.

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Day 3

• God commanded for water to come together in one place so that land will appear.He named the land Earth and the water sea.God was pleased with what he saw.

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• Day 4• God said:’Let the Earth produce all kinds of

plants”.Evening past and morning came the third day

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Day 5

• God said:”Let lights appear in the sky to separate night from day and show the time when days,years and festivals begin.God made the sun to rule over day and the moon over night.God was pleased with what he saw - the end of the forth day

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Day 5

• God commanded :”Let the water be filled with many living beings,and the air to be filled with Birds”.He blessed them and told them to multiply. God looked at what he had done and saw that it was good.

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Day 6

• God said:”Let the Earth produce all kinds of animal life,domestic and wild,large and small”.God said:”and now we will make human beings. They will be like us.They will have power over the fish,the birds and all animals.he created them and said:”have many children and live all over the earth”.God looked at everything he had done and saw that it was good.The sixth day

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Day 7

• By the seventh day God had finished what he had been doing and rested. He made the seventh day a special day. God saw the earth was good.

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My Place in Creation

• I am to be a steward of creation because I am a child of God.I will care for other creatures of God-animals, plants and other human beings.

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3 ways I care for Gods Creation

• Preserve Gods water-because water is an important part of our life.We need water to survive.Animals and plants also need water to survive.Some plants and animals live in water.

• Look after the environment-by recycling our cans,bottles and paper products we can help to reduce the emissions that are ruining our ozone layer.If we don’t recycle our rubbish,items such as bottles don’t degrade.This all leads to the destruction of our atmosphere.

• Treat other people as I want to be treated-this creates peace and harmony for a better world

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My Action Plan for saving Animals

People can be responsible for animals by letting them free to breed and multiply. We can also reduce the number of animals we kill for food.We are responsible for extinct animals.If we don’t start acting responsible our children won’t get a chance to experience different animals

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Prayer of Thanksgiving and Praise

• Dear God,• Thank you so much for creating the world

including me.I also want to thank you for giving me a job to help you look after our environment.I will try to spread your good news.I can stay in touch by receiving the Eucharist you send down to me.You are my closest friend.You are my life and love.Thank you for everything.

• Amen

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