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Regional Partnerships for Environmental Emergency


Pilot Project with ASEAN

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ASEAN Snapshot ASEAN Community (2015)

ASEAN Economic Community

ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community

ASEAN Political Security Community

AEC Blueprint (Nov 2007)

ASCC Blueprint (March 2009)

APSC Blueprint (March 2009)

Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI)

IAI Work Plan (2009-2015)

(March 2009)

D1. Global Environmental Issues

D2. Transboundary Environmental Pollution

D3. Environmental Education

D4. Environmentally Sound Technology

D5. Environmentally Sustainable Cities

D6. Harmonisation of Environmental Policies & Databases

D7. Coastal & Marine Environment

D8. Natural Resources & Biodiversity

D9. Freshwater Resources

D10. Climate Change

D11. Forestry

A. Human Development

B. Social Welfare & Protection

C. Social Justice and Rights

D. Environmental Sustainability

E. ASEAN Identity

F. Narrowing the Development Gap

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ASEAN Summit (ASEAN Heads of State /


ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council

ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Environment


Secretary-General of ASEAN

ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment (ASOEN)

ASEAN Secretariat (ASCC Department)

AWGMEA (Viet Nam) Multilateral

Environmental Agreements

AWCME (Philippines) Coastal and

Marine Environment

AWGNCB (Myanmar)

Nature Conservation & Biodiversity

AWGWRM (Singapore)

Water Resources


AWGESC (Indonesia)

Environmentally Sustainable


AWGEE (Brunei

Darussalam) Environmental


ASEAN Coordinating


Other Environmental

Activities (ASEAN


AWGCC (Thailand)

Climate Change

Institutional Framework


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• COP: Conference of the Parties • TWG: Technical Working Group (southern region) • TWG Mekong: Technical Working Group in Mekong Sub-region • MSC: Ministerial Steering Committee (southern region) • MSC Mekong: MSC in Mekong Sub-region

Institutional Framework (Haze)

ASEAN Summit (ASEAN Heads of State /


ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council

COP to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze


Sub-regional MSC on Transboundary Haze


TWG on Transboundary Haze Pollution

TWG Mekong


ASEAN Coordinating Council

Sub-regional MSC on Transboundary Haze

Pollution in Mekong Sub-Region

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AADMER Organizational Structure

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Objective: prevent, monitor, and mitigate land and forest fires to control transboundary haze pollution through concerted national efforts, regional and international cooperation

Signed in June 2002, to date ratified by 9 ASEAN Member States, entered into force on 25 November 2003

ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution

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General Obligations:

• Implement preventive and monitoring measures

• Respond promptly to requests for information and consultations sought by Party threatened by haze

• Take legislative, administrative or other measures to implement their obligations

ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution

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Contains measures on:

• Monitoring and assessment

• Prevention

• Preparedness

• National and joint emergency response

• Procedures for deployment of people, materials and equipment across borders

• Technical cooperation & scientific research

ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution

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Currently performed by ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre since the entry into force of the Agreement in November 2003 Will be handed over when the ASEAN Centre is physically established Detailed TOR for the management and operation of the ASEAN Centre with proposed organisational structure already developed

ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control

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• ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) based in Singapore - provision of hotspot and smoke haze maps, satellite imageries, monthly weather & haze outlook, haze modelling

• Quarterly update of hotspot count in countries in southern ASEAN region

• Workshop involving relevant experts and agencies to discuss enhanced reporting of weather and haze outlook, incl. simulation/ modeling of haze transport and incorporating data on PM10 - a useful indicator to track the extent of haze


Regional Activities and Projects to Implement the Agreement

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• ASEAN Peatland Management Initiative (APMI)

• ASEAN Peatland Management Strategy (APMS) (2006-2020) to guide actions to sustainably manage peatlands and reduce fires and associated haze

• ‘Capacity building to improve peatland management and reduce land and forest fires and associated transboundary haze pollution in the ASEAN region’ project, funded by Australian Government through AADC-RPS

• ASEAN/IFAD-GEF Project on Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatland Forests in Southeast Asia (2009-2014)


Regional Activities to Implement the Agreement

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ASEAN/IFAD-GEF Project on Rehabilitation and Sustainable Use of Peatland Forests in Southeast Asia (2009-2013)


Riau, Sumatra

North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest, Malaysia

Lake Sentarum, Kalimantan

Agusan Marsh, Philippines

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• Fire Suppression Mobilisation Plans and Immediate Action Plans in fire-prone areas

• Regional inventory of fire-fighting resources to facilitate sharing of resources during emergencies

• Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for monitoring, assessment and joint emergency response

• Regional table-top and simulation exercises to strengthen coordination and response

Mitigation/Fire Suppression

Regional Activities to Implement the Agreement

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Relevant Articles in the Agreement

Article 5 – ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control Article 10 – Preparedness A procedure for regular communication of data between the ASEAN

Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control (ACC) and National Monitoring Centres (NMCs)/ National Focal Points (NFPs) SOP for Monitoring, Assessment and Joint Emergency Response - put into

practice for the first time in July 2004 during the dry period affecting the southern ASEAN region. The SOP used also for coordinating requests and offers of assistance and reporting after joint mobilisation of resources.

2 table-top exercises have been conducted to enhance preparedness for coordination, communication and disaster relief among the countries, and to refine the SOP. A sub-regional simulation exercise involving actual mobilisation of fire fighting resources and personnel is scheduled to be held in 2013.

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Relevant Articles in the Agreement

Article 5 – ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control A list of experts from within and outside of the region for the purpose of fire

and haze mitigation, disaster relief, training, education, and awareness-raising campaigns. A Panel of ASEAN Experts on Fire-and-Haze Assessment and Coordination

was established by the Environment Ministers in October 2004 and set up by the ASOEN in August 2005. The TOR of the Panel was endorsed by the Environment Ministers in September 2005. To date, there are 29 nominated experts from all ASEAN Member States.

The Panel has developed the deployment procedures, procedures for the conduct of the rapid assessment, outline for reporting, as well as demobilisation and reporting procedures. The Panel has also adopted trigger points and alert levels to ensure swift response and coordinated efforts. The Panel has been deployed 3 times during the dry season in 2006

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Relevant Articles in the Agreement

Article 5 – ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control A list of equipment and technical facilities from within and outside ASEAN for

fire and haze mitigation and disaster relief. An online inventory of fire fighting resources that can be made available

by Member States in the event of an emergency has been developed and is now available in the password-required section of ASEAN Haze Action Online (

Member States are given access to view and update the inventory periodically.

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Relevant Articles in the Agreement

Article 5 – ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Transboundary Haze Pollution Control Information referral system for exchange of information, expertise, technology,

techniques and know-how. ASEAN Haze Action Online, which provides:

• daily-updated information on fire-and-haze and info on ASEAN cooperation on transboundary haze pollution

• consist of public information and intranet services

• fire-and-haze situation reports

• hotspot and smoke haze maps from ASMC

• online inventory of fire-fighting resources

• database of projects & documents

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Relevant Articles in the Agreement

Article 6 – Competent Authorities and Focal Points Article 7 - Monitoring Member States have designated their National Focal Points, National

Monitoring Centres and Competent Authorities. Article 8 – Assessment A procedure for NMCs to communicate data to ACC at agreed regular intervals. A procedure for ACC to consolidate and analyse data communicated by the

NMCs, and provide assessment reports to NFPs.

– ASMC has performed regional monitoring and assessment functions of the ACC and shares its assessments on periodical basis through its website.

– The SOP has been activated for exchange of information and updates

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Relevant Articles in the Agreement

Article 9 – Prevention Programmes and strategies to promote zero burning policy.

Guidelines for zero burning practices have been developed and disseminated

Identification and monitoring of areas prone to land and forest fires

Fire prone districts have been identified (in Indonesia) Under the framework of Sub-Regional Ministerial Steering Committee

(Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand) – bilateral collaborations between Indonesia-Singapore in Jambi Province and Indonesia-Malaysia in Riau Province have been completed – focusing on capacity building

Projects on peatland management focusing on fire prone peatland areas

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Relevant Articles in the Agreement

Articles 12 - 15: Joint Emergency Response, Direction and Control of Assistance, Exemptions and Facilities, and Transit of Personnel, Equipment and Materials in Respect of Provision of Assistance As detailed out in the SOP for Monitoring, Assessment and Joint Emergency

Response Article 16 – Technical Cooperation Trainings, MSC Forum, dialogues and conferences to garner support from

partners Article 20 – Financing Arrangements ASEAN Transboundary Haze Pollution Control Fund and relevant procedures.

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Signed in July 2005, ratified by all ten countries in ASEAN, entered into force on 24 December 2009

Objective: Reduce disaster losses in ASEAN region, and jointly respond to disaster emergencies

ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre) as the operational coordination body and engine of AADMER

A legal framework for all ASEAN Member States and serves as a common platform in responding to disasters within ASEAN

ASEAN AGREEMENT ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE (AADMER) – for a more united and coordinated response towards disasters within the region

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Two phases of implementation:

Phase 1 (2010-2012)

Phase 2 (2013-2015)

ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM) has identified 14 flagship programmes as priority activities in Phase 1 implementation

AADMER Work Programme (2010-2015)

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Flagship Projects 2010-2012

1. Preparedness and Response

• ASEAN Disaster and Emergency Response Logistics System

• Fully-functional Emergency Rapid Assessment Team (ERAT)

• Familiarisation and institutionalisation of SASOP

2. Risk Assessment, Early Warning & Monitoring

• ASEAN’s Roadmap on Disaster Risk Assessment

• Satellite-based Disaster Monitoring System

• GIS-based Disaster Information-Sharing Platform for Early Warning

3. Prevention &Mitigation

• Building Disaster-Resilient ASEAN Cities

• Capacity-building for Community-based DRR

• Setting up of Mechanisms for Risk Financing

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Flagship Projects 2010-2012

4. Recovery

• Production of a Disaster Recovery Toolbox

5. Outreach & Mainstreaming

• Building a culture of disaster-resilience in ASEAN, including through the ASEAN Day for Disaster Management (ADDM)

6. Training & Knowledge Management

• Identifying priority training needs

• Training of ASEAN Trainers and Subject Matter Experts fro AADMER

• Setting up of an “ASEAN Resource Centre” as part of the AHA Centre

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Pilot Project with ASEAN

• ASEAN has set in place legal instruments, institutions and policies to address environmental emergencies and disasters.

• The Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE) had selected ASEAN as the first pilot region to implement capacity building on environmental emergencies. This regional approach provides an important opportunity for cooperation between ASEAN and UNEP and OCHA to build and strengthen the national capacity of ASEAN Member States (AMS) and ASEAN institutions as mandated, to respond rapidly and effectively to environmental emergencies within the region through the enhancement of preparedness and response capabilities.

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Regional Workshop on Environmental Emergencies

• Held 18-19 September 2012 at the Civil Defence Academy in Singapore

• Jointly organised by the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and the ASEAN Secretariat in close collaboration with the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU).

• Attended by representatives of ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM), ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment (ASOEN)/ Committee under Conference of the Parties to the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (COM), the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre)

• Also attended by representatives from JEU , AGEE, regional organisations (League of Arab States; African Union, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Central Asia Regional Environment Centre (CAREC) and the Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC)

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The workshop participants agreed on a work programme on environmental emergencies of ASEAN, to be implemented within the period of Jan 2013 – Dec 2014, which include:

Delivery of a speciality training course for ASEAN ERAT team members on the Flash Environmental Assessment Tool and the Disaster Waste Management Guidelines (and/or other relevant tools as required);

Development of a self-assessment tool/methodology for Environmental Emergencies Risk Identification;

Pilot testing of the above tool/methodology in 2-3 AMS on a voluntary basis;

Regional Workshop on Environmental Emergencies

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Organisation of an ASEAN Environmental Emergencies awareness workshop for high-level senior officials, i.e. representatives of ACDM and ASOEN/Haze Committee;

Training workshop on (standardisation of) sampling and laboratory analysis (to be led by SCDF, Singapore), which could also possibly be done in cooperation with partner laboratories in other countries outside the region, such as the Netherlands (RIVM) and Switzerland (Spiez).

Discussions and actions as follow-ups of the above recommendations are ongoing.

Regional Workshop on Environmental Emergencies

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