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  • 8/12/2019 reflection on selected philippine literature pieces


    A Night in the Small Town

    This is a poem written by Cornelia C. Faigao. This is about a small boy

    that is afraid of the dark because he is imagining creepy things and hearingcreepy sounds at night.

    When I was a child, I am also afraid of the dark because I alwaysimagine ghosts or other monsters that Ive seen on TV. But when I am growing

    up, Ive realized that they are not true. They do not live or exist. Although my

    parents told me that they really exist, I just dont believe that fact. I dont

    believe in ghosts. Ive never seen one. I just said to myself; dont be afraid of thedark because there are some beauties that can only be seen without light.

    It is a short story written by Lakambini A. Sitoy about friends. Friendsare the one who are always there for you when you are sad. They are the onewho will do eve crazy things just to make you laugh and feel happy again. So if

    a friend does something bad to you, I know its hard to forgive but its notright to waste all the moments youve shared with your friend. It is a greatfeeling if you have friends especially if they are true friends. So dont lose your

    friends. They are important.

    This is a short story written by Fresnosa Delfin. It is about a blind boypretending that he can now see just to make his mother happy. But in the end,his mother cried because he found out that his son was just pretending.

    Pretending is not a good thing to do. It will make others happy justfor a moment but once they knew the truth, it will hurt them even more. They

    say that truth hurts, but it is normal to be hurt because we are human. So justtell the truth, dont pretend even though the effect will not be good, as long as

    you didnt lie and you will not feel any guilt. Never pretend just to makeothers happy.

  • 8/12/2019 reflection on selected philippine literature pieces


    Y o u t hAll of us will experience, are experiencing and already experienced the

    youth stage. It is considered as the most joyful moment of life because youhave the freedom t enjoy or do what you want. You have the time and energyto enjoy life. So if you are now experiencing the youth ages, enjoy it and live itto the fullest! You will only experience it oncein a lifetime. Enjoy it!

    Chicken for Dinner

    Close family ties is one of the good qualities of Filipino culture. It is

    good to be close to your family members because they are the ones who arealways on your back to support you in your dreams and in every decision youmade. Family bonding, reunion, get together and etc, can help in making yourfamily close to each other. It will be no harm in making these happen. Loveyour family and love yourself. Understand and accept who they really arebecause you are a part of them.


    Making decisions is not an easy way especially if we are talking about lifeand death. The main character in this story did a wrong thing. It is really bad tosteal things even if your reason is your family. Work hard and earn money in adecent way so that you will not feel guilty for the rest of your lives. It is notgood to see your family eating the food that was just stolen.

    Faith, Love, Time and Dr. Lazaro

    Acceptance is not an easy way to do especially when you lose someone youlove. But I know that God has its own purpose why He did it. We should be happyfor them because they are now with God. They will experience no pain and aneverlasting life. Trust God and He will guide you to the right path.


    Everybody loves summer. Others are excited for this season to come.Vacation time, swimming and outing are some of many activities that can bedone during summer. I usually stay at home during summer. Im just watchingTV, movies, sleeping of course and reading e-books during summer. But I

  • 8/12/2019 reflection on selected philippine literature pieces


    enjoy it though. Let us all enjoy summer because God gave it to us. Let usenjoy things under the sun. Lets enjoy it because it is a part of our life.

    The Visitation of Gods

    Teaching is not an easy profession. It takes time, energy and effort toteach children nowadays because they are all so naughty. But if you love yourwork, you will never get tired. And when trouble comes, you will never getworried because you know what to do. You know every strategy that isappropriate to use in solving the problem. So, love your work and help theyoung to build their dreams.

    Two Brothers

    Family is one of the most important relationships in a community. Itis composed of the parents and the children. Love should always exist on arelationship because if it doesnt, it will be useless. So love your parents andyour siblings because they are the one who are always them whenever you needa great help. Make your siblings your friend, companion and a shoulder to cry

    on. Others may leave you, but they will not.

    The Three ircus of LifeThere are 3 things that are most important to your life. The very first

    is God who made you, second is your family and friends and the third isyourself. These means that love God, love your family before you loveyourself. God is the most important person in your life because He made you.He made all of you. He made your family and friends and all the things aroundyou so He must be given thanks everyday and every night. Let us not forgetHim for our rest of our life.


    Childhood memories have always been the part of our life. It mayinclude happy moments being with your friends and relatives. This memory cannever be erased because it is written in our minds. In my childhood days, Iremember that I always play that time with my cousins and friends. We play

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    patintero, tumbang preso, and other Filipino traditional games at the street. Itis a joyful one. I will never forget that and I always laugh at it whenever Ireminisce those past days of my life.

    The asterIt is a good feeling when you win a game. But sometimes its

    not always about winning; its about how you play the game. If you cheat for

    the sake of winning you will never be a winner. You are a loser because youdidnt play fair. Sometimes it is okay to lose, because in losing, you learnsomething that will be a way to improve yourself. And a tip, if you win a game,

    be humble. That is a character of a true champion.

    The Return

    The past can never determine who or what you are now this time. It isgood to remember the past but it is not good to live on it. Let your past be aguide or a lesson to your life. If you made a mistake in the past, make sure thatyou will not do it again in the future. And do not ruin or burden your life just

    because you remember your past life. Past is just a part of your life and dontlet it be your present and also your future. Just learn the lesson and let it go.

    Children of the City

    Children nowadays are so naughty, spoiled and so energetic. Andsometimes they do not respect the adult. Respect is one important attitude thatone should have because if you dont respect others, they will not respect you.

    And I know that everyone of us needs respect or to be respected. We are allhuman and we should treat each other equal but with respect. To the parents,teach your child to respect the adults because it is a good quality that every oneof us should have. I remember in a movie entitled Battle Royale, the juniorhigh school students are brought into an island and are told to kill each other.The purpose of the organizer of that kind of game is to teach the students torespect the adults because he said that the young today are aggressive and donot respect the adults.

    The itualTheres no harmor difficulties in believing in God. Actually, God is

    our salvation so dont or never make fun or even challenge Him because He is

  • 8/12/2019 reflection on selected philippine literature pieces


    so powerful. He created the universe, the earth and all the things around us. Healso created us, humans to take care of the earth. We should foster our land,our home and not bring harm to it. God is power and power is God. So obeyHim so that we will be all safe and sound.

    The Task of a Writer Today

    A writer is not an easy job. It needs a great effort, intelligence andother skills to be a professional writer. It is not an easy go lucky work. Youshould be careful on what you write in every article or other papers. Sometimesit is not about writing; sometimes it is a way to express yourself, your feelings,your emotions. Every one of us is a writer but not every one of us can be a

    professional one. Let us not discriminate a writer because they have a task to doand they play an important role in our society.

    Open Windows

    It is good if you open your window in your home. You can see theoutside sceneries, the birds that tweet, the trees that dance, the grass that sway

    and other living things that God has created. There are lots of things, beautifulthings that God has created around us. Let us not waste it or ignore it becauseit is a gift from God. Let us appreciate the gifts that God has given to us. Let uspreserve it for the future.

    WaitingIt is really hard to wait for something or someone even if you know

    that he/she/it will not come. But if you really want to wait even if you arewaiting for none, then do it and realize by yourself that you are a fool to waitfor that time to come. But if you are tired of waiting, it is not bad to give up.You did your part and it is the part of the other side to act. It is a good feeling ifsomeone came back for you after leaving you a long time ago.

    Who Am I

    True friends are someone who will never leave you through the end.They are the one whom youve shared your laughter and tears. And sometimes,

    you didnt know that you fall in love with your friend. You treasure themoments that you shared. You treat them as one of the important person in

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    your life. And you let them be happy being with you without ruining yourfriendship. But for me, it will never be a problem if your friend fell in love withyou. It will be a good one because friends knew who you really are. You dont

    need to introduce again and again yourself to someone whom you think is the

    one for you.

    Like the MolaveMolave is well known for its strong, rough and durable wood. We

    humans should also be like a molave tree. We should also be strong, firm,resilient and unafraid on every problems or circumstances that we will befacing. We shall never give up on every situation that we are undertaking. If webelieve in God, He will help us in His own way. He will make us strong andinvincible to face our problems and hindrances. Let us be strong for our familyand for our future.

    Plighted Words

    If I Can Stop One Heart from reakingGod made us to take care of the Earth. His first commandment was

    to love yourself and your fellow. So we are born here on Earth to love eachother not to hurt or destroy them. Love is the most important thing thatshould exist in this world. If theres love, theres peace, prosperity and disciplineand the world will never be at war. So love each other and dont hurt them

    because God will never be happy if all of us will be angry.


    Our parents are the one who brought us here above Earth. Our fatheris said to be the Haligi ng Tahanan of the family. Meaning, he should be the

    one to sustain, discipline and make decisions about the family. The father willbe the one to protect the family no matter what happens. So if a family loses a

    father, the family will be broken. It will lack one foundation of the house. Sobefore that time comes, love your father. Appreciate his presence because hispresence made the family complete. The family will not be strong without afather to stand on. Love your parents to the fullest.

  • 8/12/2019 reflection on selected philippine literature pieces


    It Could Have Been You

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start

    today and make a new beginning. Meaning, it is not too late to make a move.It is not the end of the world. You can still make a change in your world andmake an improvement for the future generation. So be strong and face the realchallenge that our world is facing and make a move to change the world.

    People in the War

    Every war, every revolution demands the sacrifice of a generation of a

    collective by those who undertake it. We all know that in a war, there arepeople who die and people who kill. But they do that with a purpose: to protecttheir property from some invaders. Meaning they sacrifice themselves just toprotect their land and they are proud to do that for their country. They die,yes. But they are proud because they end up fighting for their lives.


    Outward JourneySounds of Sunday

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