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  • 1. Real Time Bidding, where is your digital advertising going?Online | Video | Mobile | Connected TV |DOOHBy PickmeUp Advertising Connected to the digital ecosystem Christophe Legrand Head of Sales and Marketing +44 784 342 0964 [email protected]

2. Subjects covered RTB Ecosystem A quick snap shot of the RTB ecosystem and where the market is going, what RTB has changed in the advertising world and how it can help you achieve your goals efficiently.Pain Gain Time Visibility Performance2 3. Who are we? PickmeUp is an international Digital Advertising company based in London, UK since 2009. Our work revolves around connecting brand to the right audience via various channels, mainly Internet (Banner and Video), Mobile, Digital Out Of Home and Connected TV. Developed a multi media RTB platform available for Brands and SM Agencies3 4. What is RTB? 1. Wikipedia: Real-time bidding (RTB) is a new method of selling and buying online display advertising in real time one ad impression at a time. Also sometimes referred to as programmatic buying/selling . Instead of bulking buying and inventory-centric buying, RTB mimics stock exchanges and utilises computer algorithms to automatically buy and sell ads in real-time. RTB encourages the use of per impression context and targets the ads to specific people based on data about them, and hence dramatically increases the effectiveness of display advertising4 5. A quick video?5 6. Is it a complex environment?6 7. Is it a complex environment?7 8. Worldwide Inventory per month 77bn impressions37bn impressionsNorth America7bn impressionsEurope Asia666M impressionsSouth America13bn impressionsAfricaOceania1,6bn impressionsWW RTB spend: $2.6b in 2012, $4.5bn in 20138 9. Now for the figures9 10. UK in brief10 11. Benefits to advertisers? Increased reach Access the world now Access millions of websitesMeasurable results Tracking pixels Optimisation for better ROI Machine learns from results (so does humans!)Access wider audience Only deliver to your audience Find new customersReduce costs RTB can be up to 10 x cheaper than going direct Save time: no negotiation, just bidEase of use Less errors Less labor intensive Faster to set up11 12. Benefits to publishers? Increased fill rate 100% fill rate guaranteed Can monetise any sites in minutesReduce cost of sales Less sales personnel, the RTB platform does the selling guarantee the highest yieldsIncremental revenues The more visitors the more money The higher the audience quality , better the pricesEasy control Single panel rules all your inventory12 13. Why is it changing the advertising landscape? New School replaces Old School media buyingTransparency start to emergeRTB started on the web but now we see it happening: For mobile For video For connected TV For outdoor advertising For TV & radio adsNew advertising formats are emerging everyday and will soon become biddable13 14. Thank you for your time. For more details contact us or come visit us on our stand Christophe Legrand +44 7843420964 [email protected] your agency to the digital ecosystem! UK Company Reg: 07090693 - CONFIDENTIAL