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Page 1: Readme for Adveon in GibbsCAM 2015 - Fructus Data for Adveon in GibbsCAM 2015 Author: 3D Systems GibbsCAM Documentation

Release Notes: Adveon inGibbsCAM 2015

This document is intended for customers who are using Adveon in GibbsCAM® 2015, v11.0.

• “What is Adveon?” below• “Before You Install” on page 1• “Installing Adveon” on page 2• “Testing Adveon” on page 3

○ “Subscribing to an Adveon Catalog” on page 4• “Known Issues and Limitations” on page 5

What is Adveon?

GibbsCAM Adveon option provides access to Adveon Tool Library, Sandvik Coromant's system formanaging libraries of cutting tools, toolholders, toolblocks, and the like, which complies with the ISO 13399standard for tool exchange.

Adveon is a fully secured option that can be ordered just as other GibbsCAM options are ordered.

Where do I find the Adveon installer?The installer for Adveon is available on Gibbs Online. A link to it can be found on the main page under“Software Downloads”.

• The executable for running the installer, “Adveon.exe”, is described below. It is contained within the zipfile named Adveon

Before You InstallAdveon has a server portion, a client portion, and a CAM Gateway portion.

• If you use the Basic installation, the distinction between server and client is of no interest, because bothserver and client are installed on your machine.


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Release Notes: Adveon in GibbsCAM 2015


• You can use the Advanced installation to install server and client on separate machines and establishcommunication between them.

At its initial release, Adveon requires you to keep a port open on your Windows firewall, even if server andclient are installed on the same machine. This is a known and serious security flaw that will be resolved inan Adveon build expected later this year. If you are concerned about firewall breaches, do not installAdveon until this flaw has been corrected.

Updating a previous installation of Adveon

If you have a pre-existing installation of Adveon, follow these steps.

1. As needed, back up your Adveon data. Then, run Adveon.exe at the version that was previously installed(it must not be a later version). In this version of Adveon.exe, use Component modification > Uninstall tocompletely uninstall Adveon: server, client, and gateway.

Do not use Control Panel to uninstall Adveon.

2. If a later version of GibbsCAM is available, install it.

3. After GibbsCAM is installed, install the later version of Adveon: server, client, and gateway.

Installing AdveonSystem Requirements

Before using Adveon client or gateway, ensure that the license for GibbsCAM has been activated. The totalfootprint of all installed Adveon v1.2.<x> components is approximately 800 MB.

Installing Adveon, step by step1. Open the .zip file, extract Adveon.exe, and run it. Result: TheWelcome step appears.

If the Welcome step offers no choices, then you have a pre-existing installation of Adveon.In this case: (a) Click Next; (b) In the Components modification step, choose whether to Uninstall, Repair,or Add components to the existing installation, and then click Next; (c) Supply further information, such aswhich components to uninstall or add, and then click Next; (d) Continue with step 4 below.

2. If there is no pre-existing Adveon installation, then the Welcome step offers choices:

○ You can change installation language by clicking the link in the upper right next to the flag.○ For installation type, select either Standard (client and server on same machine), or Client only, or

Advanced.○ For CAM, select GibbsCAM.When you have made your choices, click Next. Result: The Summary step appears.

3. In the Summary step, review the choices: You can print the summary by clicking Print, make changes byclicking Back, or review the license agreement (disclaimer and terms of use) by clicking the link.

4. When the popup dialog for User Account Control asks you to give permission for Adveon 1.0 (published byAB Sandvik Coromant) to make modifications on your hard disk, click Yes.

5. When the installation process is complete, click Close.

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Release Notes: Adveon in GibbsCAM 2015


Testing AdveonBefore using Adveon client or gateway, ensure that the license for GibbsCAM has been activated.

1. Start GibbsCAM, and then start Adveon Client. Result: Adveon Tool Library opens.

2. If you see something quite different from the following illustration, click the button in the toolbar on theupper right and open the Tool Library application.

3. Create one or more tool assemblies.

Note: You can create individual tool assemblies manually using Create assembly from items, or you cansubscribe to one or more assortments in an Adveon Catalog, as described in “Subscribing to an AdveonCatalog” on page 4.

4. In the list of assemblies displayed in Adveon Tool Library, select one or more assemblies and then click theExport  to CAM button.

Result: One by one, each selected assembly is processed. If an assembly is suitable forGibbsCAM, the process succeeds for that assembly; otherwise, it fails.

After at least one assembly has been exported, you can import it into GibbsCAM.

5. On the GibbsCAM Plug-Ins menu, click Adveon Tool Manager.

Result: The Adveon Tool Manager dialog appears.

6. In the dialog, locate an importable tool assembly using either of these two ways:

○ On the left, click a tool icon that contains a tool successfully mapped from Adveon, and then select arow from the table that appears in the center.Example of mapping: The TLS_ADVEON_ASSY_DRLCTR* assemblies generally map to Center Drilltools, as shown below.

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Release Notes: Adveon in GibbsCAM 2015


○ On the right, under Assembly Details, type or paste the assembly ID. Then press ENTER to find theassembly and populate the properties field.

1. Tool icons2. Table of tool assemblies3. Tool assembly preview

and Import Tool button

4. Click the Import Tool button.

Result: The tool assembly is imported into GibbsCAM:

• A new tool tile appears in the Tool List.• If you open this tool, you will see that it uses a custom toolholder and that its Comment field contains the

Adveon assembly ID.• A new workgroup is created that contains the geometry profile for the custom toolholder. The workgroup

name corresponds to the Adveon assembly ID.

Only compatible tools are properly mapped to GibbsCAM.

Tools are mapped based on their parameters, not their type. Thus, the Adveon designationmight differ from the GibbsCAM tool name, depending on parameter settings. Example: MostAdveon "ballnose mill" (MILBNS) assemblies are mapped to Ball EM tools, but some MILBNSassemblies can be mapped to Rough EM, and others to Lollipop tools in GibbsCAM, dependingon corner radius and other parameters.

Subscribing to an Adveon Catalog1. In Adveon Client, click the button in the toolbar on the upper right.

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Release Notes: Adveon in GibbsCAM 2015


Result: The Administration page is displayed. If you want to change the units of measure, click Common> Localization and set units appropriately.

2. In the tree on the left side, click Tool library > Catalogs. Then click the Add new catalog button.

3. In the Add new catalog dialog, retain the choice Select predefined online catalog, click Coromant, and thenclick Continue.

4. In the Disclaimer step, select I agree and then click Continue.

5. In the Catalog information step, type nothing; simply click Continue.

6. In the Manage assortment subscriptions step, select one or more options (such as Demonstrationassortment and Milling) and then click Save.

Result: The Administration page shows your online subscription to the Sandvik catalog named Coromant.

1. Administration( icon on toolbar)

2. Catalogs (link under Toollibrary)

3. +Add new catalog(action link on Catalogspage)

4. Sandvik entry in table ofsubscribed catalogs

5. Hover over the subscription entry, click the down-arrow ( ) that appears to the left of the logo, and thenclick Synchronize catalog.

Final Result: In the Tool Library application, tool assemblies in this assortment are now available in a catalog.

Known Issues and Limitations• Lathe-type tools are not yet supported.• Not all Mill-type Adveon assemblies are exportable to GibbsCAM.• In some cases, an Adveon tool assembly does not supply parameters that are mandatory in a GibbsCAM

tool that is otherwise compatible. When this occurs, the Export to CAD process issues a warning ("Thetool assembly <name> is invalid and might not work as expected /Error: Not all mandatory parameters arefilled in" and asks whether to try to export anyway. Such a tool assembly, when imported into GibbsCAM,will be invalid until its parameter settings are corrected.Example: If errors are accepted upon exporting TLS_ADVEON_ASSY_MILBNSS_02, then importing the toolwill create a GibbsCAM Ball EM with a tool shank neck diameter of 0, which cannot be used until thediameter is changed to a positive number.

• For now, the Adveon Tool Manager dialog is in English only.• The Adveon Tool Manager dialog does not use wildcards for specifying Assembly ID.

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Release Notes: Adveon in GibbsCAM 2015


• When Import Tool is used to re-import an Adveon tool assembly into the same .vnc part, the workgroupname in second and subsequent imports is corrupted, even if the tool and workgroup are deleted.

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