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  • 1.How To Choose A Good Book
    BY: Amman Malik and Mary bekheet

2. First Step To Choosing A Good Book
The first step to choosing a good book is to read the title. If it sounds interesting read the back of the book for more information .
3. Second Step To Choosing A Good Book
The second step to choosing a good book is to go to the first page and reading it . You must do the five finger rule while you are reading the first page . The five finger rule is a process where you hold out your hand, read the first page, and while you read it if you come to a word that is not familiar to you , you put up one finger. But when you have five fingers up that means the book is to hard. If you have two or three fingers up that means the book is just right for you. If you have no fingers up that means it is to easy for you.
4. Third Step To Choosing A Good Book
The third step to choosing a good book ispretty simple . All you have to do is check what level the book is. For example : if you are level 6 or grade 6 and the book says level 3 or grade 3 that means it is to easy. But if it says level 6 or grade 6 that means it is your level and that book is good. But if it says level 8 or grade 8 that means its to high of a level.
5. How To Choose A Good Book
By : Amman Malik And Mary Bekheet
6. Lets learn the text structure Chart
By: Amman Malik and Mary Bekheet
7. How many text structures are there?
There are 5 text structures and they are
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Affect
Problem and Solution
8. Description
Description is when the author explains a topic, idea, person, place, or thing by listing characteristics, features, and examples.
Some signal word are
For ExampleThe graphic organizer
Such asuse for description is
For instance called a web. You will see
in the next slide.
9. 10. Sequence
A sequence is when a author lists items or events in numerical order.
Some of the signal words are
First For sequence there
Second are plenty of graphic
Third organizers you can use like a timeline steps and cycle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7step1
11. Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast is when the author explains how to or more things are alike and how they are different.
Some signal words are
Differs fromFor compare and contrast
Similar To the graphic organizer you
Alikewould use is a Venn-diagram
Same as or a T-chart.
12. 13. Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect is when the author lists one or more causes or events and the resulting consequences or effects.
Effect= What happened?
Cause=What made it happen?
Some of the signal words are
Because of
14. For cause and Effectthe graphic organizer we use is right above. It doesn't have a name .
15. Problem and Solution
Problem and Solution is when the author states a problem and lists one or more possible solutions to the problem.
Some of the signal words are
This led to
16. Below you will see the problem and solution graphic organizer. It also doesnt have a name just like Cause and Effect.
17. Text Structure Chart
19. As we all know Ms . Tannazzo has done a lot for us and we never do anything in return so lets take a moment and give her some love and attention
20. The Quiz
Lets see if you were paying attention!
21. In this quiz you will not need to raise your hand if you know the answer. We will write your name near the question and then you will have to answer it, this way we will see if you listen to us and if you listendto Mrs. Tannazzo during class.
22. Tallah
1.What is the first step for choosing a good book?
23. Answer for question #1
The first step to choosing a good book is to read the title. If it sounds interesting read the back of the book for more information .
24. Tyler
Q 2:What is the graphic organizers name for cause and effect?
25. Q# 2s answer
There is no name for cause and effects graphic organizer.
26. Q# 2s answer
There is no name for cause and effects graphic organizer.
27. Zack
Q # 3: make a graphic organizer for Description in 10 seconds GO. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
28. Q3s answer
You should have made a web .
29. Ms. Tannazzo
Why do we love you so much and why are you sonice to us .
30. Question number awsome