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Page 1: Reading List International Politics - · Reading List International Politics and Society 1) ... Almond, G. "Separate


University of Trento

School of International Studies

Reading List International Politics and Society

1) Essential Reading

Emanuel Adler and Michael Barnett, eds., Security Communities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,


Robert Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation (New York: Basic Books, 1984).

Blainey, Geoffrey. 1988. The Causes of War. Third ed. New York: The Free Press. Chapter 8.

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, and David Lalman. 1992. War and Reason. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Buzan, Barry, Charles Jones, and Richard Little, The Logic of Anarchy: Neorealism to Structural Realism

(New York: Columbia University Press, 1993).

Dale C. Copeland, The Origins of Major War (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000).

Robert Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981).

Henk Erich Goemans, War and Punishment (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000).

Goldstein, Judith, and Keohane Robert O, eds. 1993. Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions and

Political Change. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Kalevi J. Holsti, Peace and War: Armed Conflicts and International Order 1648-1989 (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1991)

Robert Jervis, Perception and Misperception in International Politics (Princeton: Princeton University Press


Alastair Iain Johnston, Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History (Princeton


Peter Katzenstein, ed., The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics (New York:

Columbia University Press, 1996).

Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics

(Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1998).

Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy (Princeton

University Press, 1984).

Robert O. Keohane, ed., Neorealism and its Critics (New York: Columbia University Press, 1986).

Robert O. Keohane and Helen V. Milner, eds., Internationalization and Domestic Politics (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1996).

Yuen Foong Khong, Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu, and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965

(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992).

King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba. 1994. Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in

Qualitative Research. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

David A. Lake and Robert Powell, eds. Strategic Choice and International Relations (Princeton 1999).

Sean Lynn-Jones, ed. The Cold War and After: Prospects for Peace (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993).

Lisa Martin, Democratic Commitments: Legislatures and International Cooperation (Princeton University

Press, 2000).

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John J. Mearsheimer, The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (New York: Norton 2001).

Jonathan Mercer, Reputation and International Politics (Cornell, 1996), Chs. 1, 2, 4 (pp. 14-73, 110-153).

Helen V. Milner, Interests, Institutions, and Information: Domestic Politics and Information (Princeton

University Press, 1997).

Oye, Kenneth A., ed. 1986. Cooperation Under Anarchy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Powell, Robert. 1999. In the Shadow of Power. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Bruce Russett and John Oneal, Triangulating Peace: Democracy, Interdependence, and International

Organization (New York: W. W. Norton, 2001).

Schelling, Thomas C. 1960. The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Schelling, Thomas C. 1966. Arms and Influence. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Kenneth A. Schultz, Democracy and Coercive Diplomacy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2001).

Beth A. Simmons, Who Adjusts? Domestic Sources of Foreign Economic Policy during the Interwar Years

(Princeton, 1994).

Snyder, Jack (1991), Myths of Empire: Domestic Politics and International Ambition, Ithaca: Cornell

University Press.

Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War (New York: Norton Critical Edition, 1998).

Stephen Walt, The Origins of Alliances (Cornell University Press, 1987).

Kenneth N. Waltz, Man, the State and War (Columbia University Press, 1959).

Kenneth N. Waltz, Theory of International Politics, (New York: Random House 1979).

Alexander Wendt, Social Theory of International Relations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1999).

2) What is Theory in International Relations?

Almond, G. "Separate Tables: Schools and Sects in Political Science", pp. 13-31 in A Discipline Divided:

Schools Sects in Political Science, (Sage, 1990).

Almond, Gabriel and S.J. Genco, "Clouds, Clocks, and the Study of Politics", World Politics, 29:4 (July 1977),


Ashley, Richard. "The Achievements of Post-Structuralism", in Steve Smith, Ken Booth and Marysia

Zalewski, eds., International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, 240-253.

Ashley, Richard. "The Geopolitics of Geopolitical Space: Toward a Critical Social Theory of International

Politics", Alternatives, 12:4 (October 1987), 403-434.

Ashley, Richard. "The Poverty of Neorealism", in Robert Keohane, ed., Neorealism and its Critics, 255-300.

Booth, K., S. Smith and M. Zalewski, International Theory, Positivism and Beyond, (1997).

Buzan, Barry and Richard Little, "Why International Relations has Failed as an Intellectual Project and What

to do About it" Millennium 30 (1) 2001, 19-39

Cox, Robert. "Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory", Millennium,

10:2 (Summer 1981) or in Keohane, ed., Neorealism and its Critics, 204-254.

Cox, Robert. Production, Power, and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History. New York:

Columbia University Press,

Cox, Robert."Structural Issues of Global Governance: implications for Europe" in Gill ed., Gramsci, historical

materialism and international relations, pp 259-89.

Page 3: Reading List International Politics - · Reading List International Politics and Society 1) ... Almond, G. "Separate


Der Derian, James. "The Boundaries of knowledge and power in international relations", in J. Der Derian and

M J Shapiro, eds. International/Intertextual relations: postmodern readings of world politics, 3-10.

Enloe, Cynthia. Bananas, Beaches and Bases: A Feminist Analysis of International Relations, 1-18, 177-194.

Falk, Richard. "Democratizing, internationalizing and globalizing", in Sakamoto, ed., Global Transformation,

pp. 475-502.

Gaddis, J.L."International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War", International Security, vol.17, no.3

(Winter 199\93), pp

Gill, S."Epistemology, Ontology and the Italian School", in Gill ed., Gramsci, historical materialism and

international relations (Cambridge: CUP, 1993), 21-48.

Hoffman, Mark."Critical Theory and the Inter-Paradigm Debate", Millennium , 16:2 (Summer 1987).

Hoffmann, S. "An American Social Science: International Relations", Daedalus Vol. 106, No. 3 (1977), pp.


Knutsen, T. A history of international relations theory (Manchester: U of Manchester Press, 1997)

Krippendorf, E. "The Dominance of American Approaches in International Relations", Millennium Vol. 16,

No.2 (1987), pp. 207-214.

Lapid, Yosif."Quo Vadis International Relations? Further Reflections on the `Next Stage' of International

Theory", Millennium, 18:1 (Spring 1989)..5-58

Lijphart, Arendt."The Structure of the Theoretical Revolution in International Relations", International Studies

Quarterly, 18:1 (March 1974), 41-74.

Linklater, Andrew. "The Achievements of Critical Theory", in Steve Smith, Ken Booth and Marysia Zalewski,

eds., International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, 279-298

Maclean, John."Political Theory, International Theory, and Problems of Ideology", Millennium, 10:2 (Summer


Neufeld, Mark."Interpretation and the 'science' of international relations", Review of International Studies, 19

(1993) 39-61.

Olson W. and N. Onuf, "The Growth of the Discipline: Reviewed", pp. 1-28 in S. Smith (ed.) International

Relations: British and American Approaches, (Oxford: Basil Blackburn, 1985).

Olson, William and AJR Groom, International Relations Then & Now (New York: Harper Collins, 1991)

Patomaki Heikki and Colin Wright, "After Postpositivism? The Promise of Critical Realism" International

Studies Quarterly 44 (2) 2000, 213-237.

Sakamoto, Y."A perspective on the changing world order: a conceptual prelude" in Sakamoto, ed., Global

Transformation, United Nations University Press, 1994, pp. 15-54

Schmidt, B. The Political Discourse of Anarchy (1998).

Shapiro, M. "Textualizing Global Politics", in J. Der Derian and M J Shapiro, eds. International/ Intertextual

relations: postmodern readings of world politics. (Lexington: Macmillan, 1989), 11-22.

Singer, J.D."Theorists and Empiricists: the Two-Culture Problem in International Relations", in James

Rosenau, et al., The Analysis of International Politics , 80-95.

Smith, S. "Paradigm Dominance in International Relations: The Development of International Relations as a

Social Science", Millennium Vol. 16, No. 2 (1987), pp. 189-206.

Sylvester, Christine. Feminist Theory and international relations in the postmodern era. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press 1994.

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Tanter, Raymond and Richard Ullman, Theory and Policy in International Relations.

Taylor, Charles. "Interpretation and the Sciences of Man", in Philosophy and the Human Sciences,

Philosophical Papers, Vol. 2, 15-57.

Walker, R.B.J. "Dialogue: Towards a Critical Social Theory of International Politics", Alternatives 13 (1988),


Waltz, Kenneth. "Laws and Theories", in Waltz, Theory of International Politics (New York: Random House,

1979), 1-17.

Waltz, Kenneth. "Structural Realism after the Cold War" International Security 25 (1) 2000, 5-41.

Wight, Martin. "Why is There No International Theory?" in Herbert Butterfield and Martin Wight, eds.,

Diplomatic Investigations: Essays on the Theory of International Politics, 89-131.

3) International Relations Research Methods

Becker, G. The Economic Approach to Human Behavior, pp. 3-14.

Hirschleifer, Jack. “The Expanding Domain of Economics,” American Economic Review (December 1985),

pp. 53-68.

Hirschman, Albert O.“The Search for Paradigms as a Hindrance to Understanding,” World Politics 22:3 (April

1970), pp. 329-343.

King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba. 1994. Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in

Qualitative Research. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 1-3, 6.

McClelland, Peter. Causal Explanation and Model Building in History, Economics and the New Economic

History (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1975), pp. 65-104.

Philip E. Tetlock and Aaron Belkin, “Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics: Logical,

Methodological and Psychological Perspectives,” in Tetlock and Belkin, eds., Counterfactual Thought

Experiments, (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1996).

Powell, Robert. 2002. Game Theory, International Relations Theory, and the Hobbesian Stylization. In

Political Science: The State of the Discipline, edited by I. Katznelson and H. Milner. Washington DC:

American Political Science Association.

Rosenberg, A. “Can Economic Theory Explain Everything?” Philosophy of Social Science 9, pp. 509-529.

Van Evera, Stephen. 1997. Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science. Ithaca: Cornell University


Walt, Stephen M. 1999. Rigor or Rigor Mortis? Rational Choice and Security Studies. International Security

23 (4):5-48.

4) Theory and Practice in the Contemporary Discipline

Special Issue: "The Eighty Years' Crisis", Review of International Studies , December 1998.

Special Issue: "The Frontiers of Knowledge" Foreign Policy 110 Spring 1998, 29-165

Booth, Ken. "A Reply to Wallace" Review of International Studies 23 (3) 1997, 371-77.

Braudel, F. "Unity and diversity in the human sciences", pp 55-63, On History, University of Chicago Press,


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Chan, S. "Critical theory, praxis and postmodernism", in Girard, Eberwein and Webb, eds., Theory and

Practice in Foreign Policy-Making (London: Pinter, 1994), 26-33.

Cox, Robert. Production, Power, and World Order: Social Forces in the Making of History, ix-xii, 1-34, 99-

150, 393-403.

Fukuyama, Francis. The End of History and the Last Man, New York, Avon Books, 1992, xi-xxiii; 3-12; 39-51

George, Jim. "Of incarceration and closure: neo-realism and the New/Old World Order, Millennium 1993,

Vol. 22, No. 2, pp 197-234.

Gusterson, H. "Missing the End of the Cold War in International Security " in Jutta Weldes, Mark Laffey,

Hugh Gusterson and Raymond Duvall, eds., Cultures of Insecurity: States, Communities and the

Production of Danger (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1999), 319-46.

Haacke, Jurgen. "Theory and praxis in international relations: Habermas, self-reflection, rational

argumentation." Millennium 25, no.2 (Summer 1996): 255-289.

Hill, C. and Pamela Beshoff, eds., Two Worlds of International Relations (London: LSE/Routledge, 1994), 3-

25 and 211-25

Hoffmann, Stanley. "An American Social Science: International Relations", Daedalus, 106:3 (1977), 41-60.

Hollis, Martin and Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding International Relations (Oxford: Clarendon,

1990), 16-44.

Holsti, K.J. The Dividing Discipline: Hegemony and Diversity in International Theory (New York: Allen and

Unwin, 1987)..

Katzenstein, Peter, Robert Keohane and Stephen Krasner, eds., "International Organization at Fifty:

Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Politics" Special Issue of International Organization

52 (4) 1998, 645-727.

Kurth, James. "Inside the Cave: The Banality of IR Studies" The National Interest Fall 1998, 29-41.

Morgenthau, Hans. "The Intellectual and Political Functions of a Theory of International Relations", in Politics

in the Twentieth Century, Vol. I, The Decline of Democratic Politics, 62-78.

Morgenthau, Hans "The Commitments of a Theory of International Politics", Politics in the Twentieth Century,

Vol. I, The Decline of Democratic Politics , 55-61.

Smith, Steve. "Paradigm Dominance in International Relations: The Development of International Relations

as a Social Science", Millennium, 16:2 (1987), 189-206.

Smith, Steve. "Truth and Power: A reply to William Wallace" Review of International Studies 23 (4) 1997,


Strange, Susan. "International Economics and International Relations: A Case of Mutual Neglect",

International Affairs 46:2 (1970), 304-315.

Wæver, Ole. "Figures of International Thought: Introducing Persons Instead of Paradigms" in Iver Neumann

and Ole Wæver, eds., The Future of International Relations: Master in the Making (London: Routledge,

1997), 1-38.

Wallace, William. "Truth and Power, Monks and Technocrats: Theory and practice in International Relations"

Review of International Studies 22 (3) 1996, 301-21.

Walt, Stephen. "International Relations: One World, Many Theories", "Special Issue: The Frontiers of

Knowledge" Foreign Policy 110 Spring 1998, 29-44.

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Wendt, Alexander. "Collective Identity Formation and the International State", American Political Science

Review, vol.88, no.2 (June 1994)

Olson, William and Nicholas Onuf, "The Growth of the Discipline Reviewed", in Steve Smith, International

Relations: British and American Approaches, 1-28.

5) General Foreign Policy

"The State and American Foreign Economic Policy", special issue of International Organization, 42:1 (Winter


Carlsnaes, W. "The Agency-Structure Problem in Foreign Policy Analysis", International Studies Quarterly,

36:3 (1992), 245-270.

Doty, Roxanne. "Aporia: A Critical Exploration of the Agent-Structure Problematique in International

Relations Theory" European Journal of International Relations 3 (3) 1997, 365-92.

Gill, Stephen. American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990), 57-


Gilpin, Robert. War and Change in World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1981), 9-49.

Hidemi, S. "Agents, Structures, Narratives", European Journal of International Relations, 5 (3) 1999, 365-86.

Hollis, M. and Steve Smith, "Structure and Action: Further Comment" in Review of International Studies, 18:2

(April 1992), 187-188.

Hollis, Martin and Steve Smith, "Beware of Gurus: Structure and Action in International Relations", Review of

International Studies, 17:4 (October 1991), 393-410.

Mastanduno, M. and J. Ikenberry, "Toward a Realist Theory of State Action", International Studies Quarterly,

33 (1989), 457-474.

Neack, Laura, Jeanne A.K. Hey, Patrick J. Haney, eds., Foreign policy analysis: Continuity and change in its

second generation (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1995)

Paterson, Thomas. "Defining and Doing the History of American Foreign Relations: A Primer", in Michael J.

Hogan and Thomas G. Paterson, Explaining the History of American Foreign Relations, 36-54

Putnam, Robert. "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games", International

Organization, 42:3 (Summer 1988), 428-460.

Robinson, William. Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, US Intervention and hegemony (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1996),13-72.

Rosenberg, E.S. "Walking the Borders", in Michael J. Hogan and Thomas G. Paterson, Explaining the

History of American Foreign Relations.

Singer, J. David. "The Levels of Analysis Problem in International Relations", (1961) reprinted in James

Rosenau, ed. International Politics and Foreign Policy, 20-29.

Smith, Steve. "Theories of Foreign Policy: An Historical Overview", Review of International Studies, 12:1

(Jan. 1986), 13-29.

Wendt, A. "Bridging the theory/meta-theory gap in international relations", Review of International Studies,

17:4 (October 1991), 383-393.

Wendt, Alexander. "Levels of Analysis vs. Agents and Structures: Part III", Review of International Studies,

18:2 (April 1992), 181-186.

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6) Foreign Policy : Regime Type and Foreign Policy

Barkawi, Tarak and Mark Laffey, "The imperial peace: democracy, force and globalization. European Journal

of International Relations 5 (4)1999, 403-434.

Doyle, Michael. "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs", Philosophy and Public Policy, vol.12., no.3

(1983), pp 205-235

Kahl, Colin. "Constructing A Separate Peace: Constructivism, Collective Liberal Identity, and Democratic

Peace Security Studies 8 (2-3)1998/99, 94-144.

Korany, B. "Foreign Policy in the Third World", International Political Science Review, vol.5, no.1 (1984), pp.


Layne, Christopher. "Kant or Cant: The Myth of the Democratic Peace" International Security 19 (2) 1994, 5-


Owen, John. "How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace" International Security 19 (2) 1994, 87-125.

7) Foreign Policy Analysis: Foreign Policy Beyond the State

Hagan, Joe. "Domestic Political Explanations in the Analysis of Foreign Policy" in Neack, Hey and Haney,

eds. Foreign Policy Analysis , 117-43.

Ikenberry, John. "Conclusion: An Institutional Approach to American Foreign Policy", International

Organization, 42 (1) 1988, 219-243.

Skidmore, David and Valerie M. Hudson, eds., The Limits of state autonomy: societal groups and foreign

policy formulation (Boulder: Westview, 1993), 25-48, 237-266.

Kaldor, Mary. "'Civilising' Globalisation? The Implications of the 'Battle in Seattle'" Millennium 29 (1) 2000,


Carothers, Thomas. "Civil society" Foreign Policy 117 1999-2000, 18-29.

Price, Richard. "Reversing the Gun Sights: Transnational Civil Society Targets Landmines International

Organization 52 (3) 1998, 613-44.

Knopf, Jeffrey. Domestic Society and International Cooperation: The Impact of Protest on US Arms Control

Policy (Cambridge: CUP, 1998), 247-62.

Solingen, Etel. "The new multilateralism and nonproliferation: bringing in domestic politics"

Global Governance 1 (2) 95, 205-227.

Pasha, M.K. and David Blaney, “Elusive Paradise: The Promise and Peril of Global Civil Society",

Alternatives 23 (4) 1998, 417-450

8) Foreign Policy: Post-positivist Approaches to Foreign Policy Campbell, David. Writing Security: United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of Identity, 1-83 and153-


R.B.J. Walker, R.B.J. "Security, Sovereignty, and the Challenge of World Politics", Alternatives, 15:1 (Winter

1990), 3-27.

Page 8: Reading List International Politics - · Reading List International Politics and Society 1) ... Almond, G. "Separate


Doty, Roxanne. "Foreign Policy as Social Construction: A Post-Positivist Analysis of US Counterinsurgency

Policy in the Phillippines" International Studies Quarterly 37 1993, 297-320.

Sylvan, David and Jennifer Milliken, "Soft Bodies, Hard Targets, and Chic Theories: US Bombing Policy in

Indochina" Millennium 25 (2) 1996, 321-59.

Shapiro, M.J. G. Matthew Bonham, and Daniel Heradstveit, "A Discursive Practices Approach to Collective

Decision-making", International Studies Quarterly, 32:4 (Winter 1988), 397-420.

9) Bureaucratic Politics and Organisation Process

Allison, Graham. Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis , 10-37, 67-100, 144-84

Allison, G. and Morton Halperin, "Bureaucratic Politics: A Paradigm and Some Policy Implications", World

Politics Spring 1972 (or in Raymond Tanter and Richard Ullman, Theory and Policy in International

Relations, 40-79).

Art, R.J. "Bureaucratic Politics and American Foreign Policy: A Critique", in G. John Ikenberry, American

Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays , 433-457.

Ball, Desmond. "The Blind Men and the Elephant: A Critique of the Bureaucratic Politics Theory", Australian

Outlook, 28 (April 1974).

Freedman, Lawrence. "Logic, Politics and Foreign Policy Processes: a Critique of the Bureaucratic Politics

Model", International Affairs (July 1976).

Krasner, Stephen. "Are Bureaucracies Important? (Or Allison Wonderland)", in G. John Ikenberry, American

Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays, 419-433.

Krasner, Stephen. "Are Bureaucracies Important? (Or Allison Wonderland)", in G. John Ikenberry, American

Foreign Policy: Theoretical Essays , 419-433.

Nossal, K.R. "Bureaucratic Politics and the Westminster Model", in Robert Matthews, Arthur Rubinoff and

Janice Stein, International Conflict and Conflict Management, 120-127.

Welch, David. "The Organizational Process and Bureaucratic Politics Paradigms: Retrospect and Prospect"

International Security 17 (2) 1992, 112-146.

10) Foreign Policy and Regime Type

Itty Abraham. The Making of the Indian Atomic Bomb: science, secrecy and the postcolonial state (London:

Zed Books, 1998)

Baker Fox, M. The Power of Small States: Diplomacy in World War II (Chicago University Press, 1959), 1-9

and 180-88

Bell, Wendell. "Independent Jamaica Enters World Politics: Foreign Policy in a New State", Political Science

Quarterly, vol.92, no.4 (Winter 1977-78)

Biddle, W. and John Stephens, "Dependent Development and Foreign Policy: The Case of Jamaica"

International Studies Quarterly 33 1989, 411-434.

David, Stephen. "Explaining Third World Alignment" World Politics 43 (2) 1991, 233-56.

East, Maurice. "Size and Foreign Policy Behaviour: A Test of Two Models", World Politics vol.25, no.4

(1973), 556-76

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Flynn, G. and Henry Farrell, "Piecing Together the Democratic Peace: The CSCE and the 'Construction' of

Security in Post-Cold War Europe" International Organization 53 (3) 1999, 505-535

Hey, Jeanne and Lynn Kuzma, "Anti-US Foreign Policy of Dependent States: Mexican and Costa Rican

Participation in Central American Peace Plans." Comparative Political Studies, 26 (1) 1993, 30-62.

Korany, B. "Foreign Policy Models and Their Empirical Relevance to Third World Actors: A Critique and An

Alternative", International Social Science Journal, vol.25, no.1 (1974), 70-94

Korany, B. "The Take-Off of Third World Studies? The Case of Foreign Policy", World Politics, vol.35, no.3

(1983), 465-87

Keohane, Robert. "Lilliputian Dilemmas", International Organization , vol.23., no.2 (1969), 291-310.

Moon, Bruce. "The Foreign Policy of the Dependent State", International Studies Quarterly, vol.27, no.3

(1983), 315-340.

Mead, Walter Russell. Special Providence.

11) Foreign Policy Beyond the State

Goldstein, Judith. "The Impact of Ideas on Trade Policy: The Origins of US Agricultural and Manufacturing

Policies", International Organization 43:1 (Winter 1989), 31-72.

Gourevitch, Peter. Politics in Hard Times: Comparative Response to International Economic Crises.

Haggard, Stephan. "The Institutional Foundations of Hegemony: Explaining the Reciprocal Trade

Agreements Act of 1934", International Organization, 42:1 (Winter 1988), 91-120.

Ikenberry, John. "The State and Strategies of International Adjustment", World Politics, 39:1, (October 1986),


Ikenberry, John, David Lake, Michael Mastanduno, "Introduction: Approaches to Explaining American

Foreign Economic Policy", International Organization, 42:1 (Winter 1988), 1-14.

Katzenstein, Peter. "Introduction: Domestic and International Forces and Strategies of Foreign Economic

Policy", International Organization, 31:4 (Autumn 1977), 587-606.

Katzenstein, Peter. "Conclusion: Domestic Structures and Strategies of Foreign Economic Policy",

International Organization, 31:4 (Autumn 1977), 879-920 (or in Between Power and Plenty, 295-336).

Kolko, G. The roots of American foreign policy: an analysis of power and purpose. Boston, Beacon Press,


March, James and John Olsen, Rediscovering Institutions: The Organizational Basis of Politics.

McGowan, Patrick and Stephen Walker, "Radical and Conventional Models of US Foreign Economic

Policymaking", World Politics, 33:3 (April 1981), 347-382.

McKeown, Timothy. "The Limitations of `Structural' Theories of Commercial Policy", International

Organization, 40:1 (Winter 1986), 43-64.

Moon, Bruce. "Political Economy Approaches to the Comparative Study of Foreign Policy" in Charles

Hermann, Charles W. Kegley Jr. and James Rosenau, eds. New Directions in the Study of Foreign

Policy. New York: Harper Collins, 1987, 33-52.

van der Pijl, Kees. The making of an Atlantic ruling class London, Verso, 1984.

12) Post-Positivist Approaches to Foreign Policy

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Ashley, Richard. "Foreign policy as political performance", International Studies Notes, 1987.

Beer, Francis and Robert Hariman, eds., Post-Realism: the rhetorical turn in international relations. East

Lansing: University of Michigan, 1996.

Der Derian, James and Michael Shapiro, eds., International/Intertextual Relations: Postmodern Readings of

World Politics.

Taylor, Peter J. Britain and the Cold War: 1945 as Geopolitical Transition.

13) War and the States System

Bull, Hedley. The Anarchical Society, 3-22, 184-99.

Buzan, Barry."Economic Structure and International Security: The Limits of the Liberal Case", International

Organization, 38:4 (Autumn 1984), pp.597-624

Downs, George. "The Rational Deterrence Debate" World Politics, 41:2, 1989, 225-237.

Freedman, Lawrence. The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy, 45-90.

Gallie, W.B. Philosophers of Peace and War: Kant, Clausewitz, Marx, Engels and Tolstoy, 1-99, 133-141.

Gilpin, Robert. War and Change in World Politics, 186-210.

Herz, John. "Idealist Internationalism and the Security Dilemma", World Politics, 2 (1950), 157-180.

Hobson, John.""Imperialism", in Marc A. Genest, ed., Conflict and Cooperation: Evolving Theories of

International Relations. Toronto: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1996, pp. 245-258

Howard, Michael. War in European History.

Jervis, Robert. The Illogic of American Nuclear Strategy, 19-46, 147-170.

Jervis, Robert."War and Misperception", Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18:4 (Spring 1988), 675-700.

Kennedy, Paul.The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers.

Krause, Keith. "Rationality and Deterrence in Theory and Practice" in Craig Snyder, ed., Contemporary

Security and Strategy. New York: Routledge, 1999, 120-149.

Latham, Andrew. "Warfare Transformed: A Braudelian Perscpetive on the Revolution in Military Affairs"

European Journal of International Relations 8 (2) 2002, 231-66

Levy, Jack. "Domestic Politics and War", Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 18:4 (Spring 1988), 653-673.

Levy, Jack. "The Causes of War: A Review of Theories and Evidence", in Philip Tetlock, et al, eds.,

Behavior, Society and Nuclear War , vol. 1, 209-233.

Mackinder, H."The Geographical Pivot of History", The Geographical Journal, 23:4 (April 1904), 421-444.

Macneill, William. The Pursuit of Power.

Morgenthau, Hans. "Death in the Nuclear Age", in Hans Morgenthau, Politics in the Twentieth Century, vol.

3, 19-28.

Morgenthau, Hans. Politics Among Nations, 58-85.

Paret, Peter. Clausewitz and the State, 3-35, 56-59, 110-119, 146-168, 354-395, 431-440.

Paret, Peter. Makers of Modern Strategy

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Martin, Lisa L. “Interests, Power, and Multilateralism,” International Organization 46, no. 4 (Autumn 1992),

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Martin, Lisa. Democratic Commitments: Legislatures and International Cooperation (Princeton University

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Michael Bailey, Judith Goldstein, and Barry Weingast, “The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy,”

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Paul Pierson, “The Path to European Union: An Historical Institutionalist Account,” Comparative Political

Studies 29:2 (April 1996), 123-164

Rosendorff, B. Peter, and Helen Milner. 2001. The Optimal Design of International Trade Institutions:

Uncertainty and Escape. International Organization 55 (4):829-858.

Young, Oran “The Politics of International Regime Formation: Managing Natural Resources and the

Environment,” International Organization 43:3 (Summer 1989), pp. 349-376.

25) Ideas, Identity, Norms and Cooperation

Adler, Emanuel and Michael Barnett, eds., Security Communities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

1998) Chapters 2, 4.

Beitz, Charles R. “Bounded Morality: Justice and the State in World Politics,” International Organization 33

(Summer 1979), pp. 405-424.

Checkel, Jeff.“ The Constructivist Turn in IR Theory,” World Politics 50:2 (1998): 324-348.

Finnemore, Martha. National Interests in International Society (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1996).

Goldstein, Judith and Robert Keohane, eds, Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political

Change (Cornell University Press, 1993), Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6.

Haas, Ernst B. 1964. Beyond the Nation State. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

Haas, Peter M. ed. Knowledge, Power and International Policy Coordination. (Columbia: University of South

Carolina Press, 1992) (Also in International Organization,46:1) Chapters by Haas, Adler, Haas,

Ikenberry, Sebenius and Adler and Haas.

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Hoffmann, Stanley. The Political Ethics of International Relations (New York: Carnegie Lecture, 1987), 21 pp.

Katzenstein, Peter ed., The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics (New York:

Columbia University Press, 1996).

Luban, David. “Just War and Human Rights,” in Beitz, et. al., International Ethics, pp. 195-216.

McElroy, Richard W. Morality and American Foreign Policy: The Role of Ethics in International Affairs

(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992).

Sikkink, Kathryn. “Human Rights, Principled Issue-Networks, and Sovereignty in Latin America,” International

Organization 47 (Summer 1993), pp. 411-442.

Walzer, Michael. “The Rights of Political Communities,” in Charles R. Beitz, et. al., International Ethics

(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985), pp. 165-194.

Welch, David. Justice and the Genesis of War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

Wendt, Alexander. 1999. Social Theory of International Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chapters 6, 7.

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