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AlfredoJamesAl Pacino

Born in April 25, 1940

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He is famous for playing mobsters, including Michael Corleone in The Godfather trilogy and Tony Montana in Scarface, though he has also appeared several times on the other side of the law—as a police officer, a detective and a lawyer. For his performance as Frank Slade in Scent of a Woman he won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 1992. He had received seven previous Oscar nominations, including one in that same year.

He made his feature film debut in the 1969 film Me, Natalie in a minor supporting role, before playing the leading role in the 1971 dramaThe Panic in Needle Park. Pacino made his major breakthrough when he was given the role of Michael Corleone in The Godfather in 1972, which earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Other Oscar nominations for Best Supporting Actor were for Dick Tracy and Glengarry Glen Ross. Oscar nominations for Best Actor include The Godfather Part II, Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, ...And Justice for All and Scent of a Woman.

In addition to a career in film, he has also enjoyed a successful career on stage, winning Tony Awards for Does a Tiger Wear a Necktie? and The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel. A longtime fan of Shakespeare, he made his directorial debut with Looking for Richard, a quasi-documentary on the play Richard III. Pacino has received numerous lifetime achievement awards, including one from the American Film Institute. He is a method actor, taught mainly by Lee Strasberg and Charles Laughton at the Actors Studio in New York.

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Actors Studio training

After having spent four years at HB Studio,

Pacino successfully auditioned for the Actors

Studio. The Actors Studio is a membership

organization for professional actors, theatre

directors and playwrights in the Hell's

Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan in New

York City. Pacino studied "method

acting" under acting coach Lee Strasberg, who

later appeared with Pacino in the films The

Godfather Part II and in ...And Justice for All.

During later interviews he spoke about

Strasberg and the Studio's effect on his career.

"The Actors Studio meant so much to me in my

life. Lee Strasberg hasn't been given the credit

he deserves ... Next to Charlie, it sort of

launched me. It really did. That was a

remarkable turning point in my life. It was

directly responsible for getting me to quit all

those jobs and just stay acting."

During another interview he added, "It was

exciting to work for him [Lee Strasberg]

because he was so interesting when he

talked about a scene or talked about people.

One would just want to hear him talk,

because things he would say, you'd never

heard before ... He had such a great

understanding ... he loved actors so much."

Pacino is currently co-president, along

with Ellen Burstyn and Harvey Keitel, of the

Actors Studio.

Early life and education

Pacino was born in East

Harlem, New York City,

to Italian

American parents

Salvatore Pacino and

Rose, who divorced when

he was two years old.

When he was two, his

mother moved to a

neighborhood in The

Bronx near the Bronx Zoo,

to live with her parents,

Kate and James Gelardi, who originally

came from Corleone, Sicily. During his

teenage years "Sonny", as he was

known to his friends, aimed to become

a baseball player, though he was also

nicknamed "The Actor". Pacino flunked

nearly all of his classes

except Englishand dropped out of

school at 17. His mother disagreed

with his decision; they had an

argument and he left home. He worked

at a string of low-paying jobs, including

messenger,busboy, janitor, and postal

clerk, in order to finance his acting

studies.He started smoking at age

nine, drinking, and

casual marijuana use at age thirteen,

but never took hard drugs. His two

closest friends died young of drug

abuse at the ages of 19 and

30. Growing up in The Bronx, he got

into occasional fights and was

something of a troublemaker at school.

He acted in basement plays in New

York's theatrical underground but was

rejected for the Actors Studio while still

a teenager. Pacino then joined the

Herbert Berghof Studio (HB Studio),

where he met teacher of acting Charlie

Laughton—not the actor Charles


became his mentor

and best

friend. During this

period, he was



and homeless, and

sometimes had to

sleep on the street, in

theaters, or at friends'


In 1962, his mother

died at the age of 43.

The following year, his

grandfather, James

Gelardi, one of the most influential

people in his life, also died

Personal life

Although he has never married, Pacino has three

children. The eldest, Julie Marie (born 1989),

is his daughter with acting coach Jan Tarrant.

He also has twins, son Anton James and

daughter Olivia Rose (born 2001), with

actress Beverly D'Angelo, with whom he had

a relationship from 1996 until 2003.Pacino

had a relationship with Diane Keaton, his co-

star in the Godfather trilogy. The on-again,

off-again relationship ended following the

filming of The Godfather Part III.He has also

had relationships with Tuesday Weld, Jill

Clayburgh, Marthe Keller, Kathleen

Quinlan and Lyndall Hobbs.The Internal

Revenue Service filed a tax lien against

Pacino, claiming he owes the government a

total of $188,000 for 2008 and 2009. A

representative for Pacino blamed his


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former business manager Kenneth Starr for

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the discrepancy.

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Men’s Fashion

Be the Best-Dressed Man at the Office Clients will notice. Colleagues will kowtow. Follow these suggestions to build a wardrobe that'll work for you for years to come.

How to Dress

Sharp: 9 Tips

for Young Men Too many young men are starting their professional lives without a clue as to how to dress. This needs to change; young men are the future leaders of society and dressing professionally is the first step towards becoming professional. And although clothing does not make the man – the right clothing can give him precious seconds to make his case and influence others.

Tip #1 for Sharp-Dressed

Young Men: Dress Your

Footwear Up Starting from the ground up, appropriate-fitting footwear is the first step to dressing sharp. A traditional school of thought that’s still alive and well claims you can judge a man by his shoes. If you’ve never owned really good shoes before, brace yourself and get ready to pay a significant amount of money for well-made, classic footwear. You may be shocked at the sticker price for well-crafted shoes, but the quality and comfort pay dividends down the road. A good pair of dress shoes will last you years and stay good-looking with nothing more than some light cleaning and the occasional shine. Quality leather footwear isn’t a luxury for the excessively rich — it’s a necessity for any man.

Tip #2 for Sharp-Dressed

Young Men: Dress to Look

Older The way you dress is the way you are perceived. If you’re still wearing clothes that scream “student days” you’re going to be treated like a boy with no experience in the real world. Buck the trend, age your look a little, and get the respect you deserve from older men. That means raiding your wardrobe and getting rid of the majority of your ultra-casual clothes: T-shirts, cargo pants, jean shorts, sweatshirts and sweatpants, baseball hats, and athletics. Save a few for yard work and exercise — but donate the rest of it to charity and start replacing it with dressier clothes that speak to your maturity.

Tip #3 for Sharp-Dressed

Young Men: Ignore Fashion

Trends. Main-stream fashion trends change too fast to make useful wardrobe staples. Most young men don’t have the budget to buy new pants every month or two — so stay away from pants that are only presentable during an “in” season. Distressed or bleached jeans are a great example; several different designer labels briefly managed to sell the image on the public, and then the fad changed and left a lot of people with very expensive jeans too beat-up to wear in public. Stick to classic clothing staples for the core of your wardrobe and avoid anything that’s too far out on the cutting edge even if you see something that makes it look good.

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Tip #4 for Sharp-Dressed

Young Men: Take Care of

Your Clothing. Generally speaking, being young means having less money to throw around. That means making your investments last. If you’ve shelled out for a few pieces of good, quality clothing — a custom suit, a pair of expensive dress shoes, what have you — it’s worth a few bucks more to keep the clothes in good shape. That means using good hangers for your suits, shoe trees for your shoes, and a little tender

loving care with the washing


Some of your clothes can come from thrift shops, if you’re lucky enough to have a reasonably common body type and some well-to-do neighborhoods nearby. A few adjustments from a tailor can turn a five dollar thrift-store suit into your dress wardrobe staple. Just take care of it and protect your bigger investments with some proper maintenance!

Tip #5 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Have at Least One Good Suit in the Closet

No matter what your job is, you’re going to need a decent suit at some point. If you’re in a field where you’re going to wear one regularly you should look for a variety of colors and styles; if you just need a single suit for infrequent dress occasions stick with

a classic single-breasted, two-button suit in charcoal gray or navy blue.

If you’re buying off the rack take the time to have the suit adjusted. A few department stores still offer the service, but you’ll more than likely need to find a tailor independently. It’s worth the effort — sized suits are made to general measurements, and not all of them are going to be a perfect fit for you. A good tailor can make the small changes that take your suit from looking mediocre to perfect for you.

Tip #6 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Build from White and Blue Shirts

White and light blue cotton dress

shirts are the backbone to a sharp wardrobe. Much of this lies in the fact both of these colors make up approximately 90% of the dress shirts sold worldwide and that either color looks good on most complexions and body types. Being so popular, these shirt fabrics are also available in a wide range of style and sizes anywhere in The world, making acquisition at a value price likely for the man on the lookout for sales and discounts.

Patterns can liven up the basic white and blue color palette, and there’s nothing wrong with branching out into some other colors as your personal style evolves. Just have a good core of white and blue dress shirts. As long as you have one clean and hanging up in the closet, you’ll never be completely out of decent-looking things to wear.

Tip #7 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Have Some Dark, Fitted Jeans and Know When to Wear Them

Jean styles are always changing: rips,

tears, acid and bleach washing, distressed, stone washed, boot cut, wide leg, low rise, skinny; baggy. Keep it simple with and stick to fitted jeans in a dark color, sans fading or rips. You can wear them with a fitted T-shirt for a relaxed, casual look or dress them up with a buttoned shirt and a sport coat for a business-casual style.

Tip #8 for Sharp-Dressed Men: Look

beyond Denim

Well cut and classically styled trousers will make you look a little sharper at social occasions than jeans. They’re less common in a young crowd, so you’ll already be standing out, and a good pair of slacks has a drape and crease that looks much crisper than denim. You can also get wool or cotton trousers much lighter than blue jeans, which is a blessing in any kind of warm weather.

Gray wool trousers go with just about everything.

Tip # 9 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Replace T-shirts with Polos and Sport Shirts. Wearing T-shirts to the gym or when you are performing house chores is fine. But wearing T-shirts to social events or to work is a no-no, especially when the shirt is too big and made from a shoddy fabric advertising the company who gave it to you a decade ago. A good polo in a simple, dark color is always presentable and always flattering if it’s fitted well. You can also opt for buttoned short-sleeved shirts in the summer, ranging from Carhartt work shirts to seersucker dress shirts.

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How to Quit Smoking

A Guide to Kicking the Habit

for Good

Whether you're a teen smoker or a

lifetime pack-a-day smoker, quitting

can be tough. But with the right game

plan tailored to your needs, you can

replace your smoking habits, manage

your cravings, and join the millions of

people who have kicked the habit for


Why quitting can seem

so hard

Smoking tobacco is both a psychological habit and a physical addiction. The act of smoking is ingrained as a daily ritual and, at the same time, the nicotine from cigarettes provides a temporary, and addictive, high. Eliminating that regular fix of nicotine will cause your body to experience physical withdrawal symptoms and cravings. To successfully quit smoking, you’ll need to address both the habit and the addiction by changing your behavior and dealing with nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Relieving unpleasant and overwhelming feelings without cigarettes Managing unpleasant feelings such as stress, depression, loneliness, fear, and anxiety are some of the most common reasons why adults smoke. When you have a bad day, it can seem like cigarettes are your only friend. Smoking can temporarily make feelings such as sadness, stress, anxiety, depression, and boredom evaporate into thin air. As much comfort as cigarettes provide, though, it’s important to remember that there are healthier (and more effective) ways to keep unpleasant feelings in check. These may include exercising, meditating, using sensory relaxation strategies, and practicing simple breathing exercises.

For many people, an important aspect of quitting smoking is to find alternate ways to handle these difficult feelings without smoking. Even when cigarettes are no longer a part of your life, the painful and unpleasant feelings that may have prompted you to smoke in the past will still remain. So, it’s worth spending some time thinking about the different ways you intend to deal with stressful situations and the daily irritations that would normally have you reaching for a cigarette.

Ways to create your personal stop smoking plan

Designing your personal game


Tailoring a personal game plan to your specific needs and desires can be a big help. List the reasons why you want to quit and then keep copies of the list in the places where you’d normally keep your cigarettes, such as in your jacket, purse, or car. Your reasons for quitting smoking might include:

I will feel healthier and have

more energy, whiter teeth,

and fresher breath.

I will lower my risk for cancer,

heart attacks, strokes, early

death, cataracts, and skin


I will make myself and my

partner, friends, and family

proud of me.

I will no longer expose my

children and others to the

dangers of my second-hand


I will have a healthier baby (If

you or your partner is


I will have more money to


I won't have to worry: "When

will I get to smoke next?"

Source: Online Quit








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