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Front Cover My front cover uses many conventions of

a music magazine.

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Selling line

I followed the conventions of a music magazine by using a selling line, I used the superlative “best” to attract customers that want a top quality magazine and by saying it’s the best it persuades people to buy it.

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Main Image I have followed the

convention of having artist eye contact with the camera. I also followed the convention for dance magazines by using headphones as a prop for the photograph.

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Cover lines

I have followed convention's of using cover lines on my front page and I haven't cluttered them or put them over the artists face, I have went with some conventions by using a larger font and making artists names stand out.

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Headline I followed the convention of having a

headline and sub line.

Many magazines use a splash, I decided to follow this convention and add a competition inside to attract readers to buy the magazine.

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I have used a masthead in the top left of the page like most other magazines, I have used a different font for the masthead to differentiate it from the rest of the text.

Strapline I put the strap line at the bottom of the


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Contents page

I have created a conventional contents page. I have the issue date and website link at the bottom of the page.

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layout I have a similar design to mixmags

contents page with the text on the left with a big image on the right side of the page. I have also included my magazine name in the top right

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Forms of the contents page

I have used a title in the top left which is a conventional location in music magazines.

I have used one column and used 4 headings which covers everything in the magazine.

I have used a subscription advertisement as well.

I have made the page numbers stand out from the text by using a bright colour with an black stroke and by making the numbers larger than the rest of the text.

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Main image

I used DJ Faxity as the main image, The article is about him so it is a good idea to have a photo of them. As he makes his music electronically many people don’t see what he looks like, so having a photograph would reveal this to the readers.

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On the top of page 75 I used a quote that the artist has said.

This makes the page look better as it isn’t pure small text which would be off-putting to the reader. I used a box graphic around it to make it stand out.

I have used a pull quote in the centre of the text to break up the text so it looks better and also to intrigue the reader.

I used an index tab so the artists can flick to this page if they cant remember the page number.

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The Article I have included a short

introduction about the artist but as he is so popular and well known there is no need to write a long paragraph, just a few shocking facts to engage the reader.

I have used a colour scheme in my house style, I have used black and yellow for the title.

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The colour scheme of my magazine is black, blue, white, and yellow. These are bright and contrasting and suit the audience of the edm genre.

I have used images all taken by me I have used the futura font for most of

the small text and used ecliptic and electora for larger text such as headlins or titles.