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Page 1: Question 7

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression

from it to the full product?

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From the preliminary task to now, I feel as though I have made very good progress, and learnt a great deal. When we did our preliminary task, we had to plan with our groups how we would structure our task, which included dialogue and camera angles, as well as the 180 degree rule, match on action, and shot/reverse shot. We were successful at keeping to the 180 degree rule, in both the preliminary task, as well as our final thriller title sequence. I was not able to be there for the editing of my preliminary task, and therefore I did not learn any basic skills on Adobe Premiere Elements, which is why when I started editing with Ruby, I had to learn fast, but I did surely learn quickly how to edit the footage.

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I have learnt how to analyse thriller films more in depth and to identify generic thriller conventions and develop aspects of mise-en-scene in my own thriller film, including the location, lighting, camera shots, and costume. Working with a partner, enabled room for another opinion and room for discussion, and I found that I was comfortable that I chose to work in a pair rather than a big group due to the fact that everyone’s opinions differ, and to make this product in the time given, I think would have been a lot more challenging if I had worked in a bigger group.

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• I also learnt that using yourself and relying on yourselves rather than other people to be your actors, saves time, and confusion. I also learnt how to choose an appropriate title for our thriller, we used the dictionary to try and find words for ‘Alone’, ‘Homeless’ but me nor ruby liked any of these titles. Then we thought of ‘Invisible Lives’ which represents the invisible lives of homeless people which are omniscient from the media.

• I have also learnt to keep to strict deadlines, and not to leave things to the last minute, otherwise I cannot complete my work to my full potential, and if I want to get good marks, I could not do this, I found this challenging at times, but managed to meet deadlines none-the less.

• I have learnt that I always need to put in my best efforts, and that this is critical otherwise work can end up being rushed, disorganised and when re- visited, I wasn’t pleased with it, and therefore added revisions, that were suggested by my tutor.

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I learnt many different camera angles and editing techniques whilst constructing and editing our product such as:


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Creating our thriller opening was a difficult task due to the amount of commitment and hard work was needed to be put in, but I feel I have improved a great deal, and for me that made the whole construction of the product worth while. I now have many more skills that I can use for many different things, I am pleased with my improvement and the amount of work and effort I have put into the course, and overall I have enjoyed it.