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Page 1: Queen Anne  Lodge #242 Trestleboard - April 6011

Queen Anne Masonic Lodge #242

APRIL, 6011 A:.L:. VOL. # 90 ISSUE #4

From the East…

Brethren; We continue to grow and grow, sometimes so much that we have growing pains…

those pains that are good and healthy and happy to have.

Many in the Fraternity would have you believe that Masonry is shrinking, but ‘au contraire

we are indeed growing, on a global, national, jurisdiction and even on a Lodge level…

Here at Queen Anne we are outpacing all of the other categories of growth. Since I joined

Queen Anne five years ago we have had our ranks swell by 16 new or Affiliated Masons.

For those of you who have not yet me them, please come to our next Stated Communication

on Thursday, April 14th and meet them, they are (in alphabetical order): Bro. Brian

Chambers, S:.W:.; Bro. Thomas Dawkins; Bro. Steven Djordjevich; Bro. Daniel Done,

Marshall; Bro. Andy Goeres, S:.D:.; Bro. David Gunter, J:.W:.; Bro. Justin Hunter, Chaplin;

Bro. Shaun Lewis; Bro. Dantes La Hens; Bro. Michael Nall; Bro. Jose Olguin, J:.D:.; Bro.

Justin Phelps, Musician; Bro. Chris Rager; Bro. David Michael Ramirez II, S:.S:.; Bro.

Shane Powhaten Robinson; Bro. Zane Sanderson, J:.S:. See you Thursday!

~Your Worshipful Master, Kenneth W Cavallon

We had an excellent Stated Communication Brethren… it was well attended and the most impressive Ritual Work in years took place from the

various Stations & Places about the Lodge. We opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree and the galley was well attended. We recapped the

2011 Queen Anne Plan which the Brethren are encouraged to review and participate. Brother Goeres and W:.M:.Cavallon reviewed the

questions and answers given by the candidates for the Grand South at the first annual Daylight Lodge J:.G:.W:. Candidate Forum on Saturday,

March 5th. As well we gave a warm Queen Anne Masonic appreciation to Brother Justin Hunter for his excellent work in writing an article for

the Western Washington Masonic Monitor – if you have not yet read it, certainly take the time to do so, it is quite inspiring. Three more

inspiring moments took place as we reviewed a new proposed Queen Anne Seal by Bro. Daniel Done (see below), the W:.M:. put out a

challenge to get monthly articles in the Monitor and for the Brethren to volunteer to deliver 5 – 15 minute talks at each Stated Communication!

@ Our Last Stated Communication :: Thursday March 12th

, 2011

Stated Communications

Second Thursday of Every Month*

6:30 Festive Board | 7:30 Meeting * First Thursday in June, Dark July & August 1608 Fourth Ave W, Seattle 98119


Brethren; This is the currently

proposed new Seal for Queen Anne

Lodge. It is still under developemnt

and has not yet been adopted. Your

thoughts on this Seal for our Lodge

are greatly appreciated. See you at

the next Stated Communication.

Page 2: Queen Anne  Lodge #242 Trestleboard - April 6011

Welcome to the new

Queen Anne Trestleboard.

In my 2011 Queen Anne Lodge

Plan I committed to personally

ensuring that we communicate

more regularly with the Brethren

via a monthly Queen Anne

Trestleboard. I hope you find this

new format appealing, your

suggestions will be greatly



Brethren; Our next Stated Communication promises to

be an excellent one. We have a full agenda and much

Work to do so if you can make it I know you‟ll be glad

you did.

We will open on the Entered Apprentice Degree and

look to continue the great Ritual Work displayed at the

March Stated Communication.

We expect many visitors so this will be an excellent

opportunity to partake in Fellowship and for


Our Agenda includes a discussion of some Masonic

Thought, a presentation by W:.B:. Eric on the „three

dots‟ in Freemasonry, planning for the Fellow Craft

Degree, our upcoming Table Lodge and discussion &

voting on a number of important topics including the

Basement Improvement, Entry Renovation and other

projects about the Lodge.

Festive Board for this Stated Communication will be

served at 6:30 with hors d'oeuvres beforehand and a

main course of stuffed pork chops, wild rice and sautéed

Brussels sprouts with bread, wine and beverages.

Please RSVP to the Secretary ASAP.

The lodge is preparing for our upcoming

Fellowcraft Degree on April 21st 6:30

dinner, and we had an excellent practice on

Thursday, March 24.

It is always exciting for me to see brothers

stepping up to learn new ritual, and prepare

for excellent degree work! We will have

another practice on April 12th at 7:30pm,

and I am certain that everyone will be able

to do their parts from memory by then.

Your dedication and effort in learning and

executing our Degree Work is to be

commended. Remember, act by the Plumb,


~ Your Junior Warden, David Gunter

@ Our Next Stated Communication

Thursday, April 14th

, 2011

6:30 Dinner | 7:30 Stated Meeting

From the South

Fellowcraft Conferral This Month

Page 3: Queen Anne  Lodge #242 Trestleboard - April 6011

From The Secretary’s Desk

Thoughts from W:.B:. Eric W. Vogt

Queen Anne Secretary

The strong growth trajectory of Queen Anne

continues: in terms of membership and building

rentals. There is no secret formula, but there are some

key elements to our success that are, I think, neglected

by other Lodges. First, as Woody Allen observed:

"Ninety-percent of life is showing up." But that is not

100%.... so beyond showing up, there is follow through.

Nowadays, most of our active membership doesn‟t just

attend Lodge, then „board it up‟ so to speak, until

the next Stated Meeting or until a renter needs to use

the facility.

Queen Anne has a strong group of young, talented

active members who contribute "time, talent and

treasure" -- to borrow a phrase from our W:.M:. Ken!

Most of these men show up for more than just Stated

Meetings. They come to socialize and discuss the

checkered pavement of our lives.

They come willing to put their shoulder to the wheel

and work on the building. After all, there are always

improvements to be made, either for strength or

ornament. Then there is that other work, the work to

improve our Masonic proficiency in ritual. Many of us

are busy to expand the reach of our talents into the

district and even into the Grand Jurisdiction.


Queen Anne has a strong group

of young,

talented, active

members who

contribute 'time,

talent and


(con‟t) Yet there is one more element, as I

have experienced it at Queen Anne #242. We

Work, yes, and like brothers of flesh and

blood, sometimes we struggle and get

frustrated -- but do you know what sustains us

and keeps us united? Knowing and valuing the

fact that we all want to see that every man's

talent is given a chance to thrive, be

recognized and contribute to the good of the

Lodge and the betterment of all.

As for me, I try to reflect on the meaning of

the working tools, more especially the Trowel,

as well as the Closing Charge and the SW's

short speech about “…paying wages -- if

aught be due.” Brethren, these concise

observations, descriptions and admonitions

contain enough wisdom that if enough people

really understood them and cared about them

as we do, they could save a nation

from becoming fragmented, from


I am proud to belong to this Fraternity and

to Queen Anne Lodge #242 in particular. I am

grateful that these values belong to us in their

special, even peculiar Masonic form -- for us

all to put into practice.

Page 4: Queen Anne  Lodge #242 Trestleboard - April 6011


Everybody takes them for granted. They are Tenets. When we turn to the

Principal Tenets of our own fraternity we are immediately struck by an

interesting fact: Freemasonry considers Friendship, Morality, and

Brotherly Love to be teachings of this kind! It holds them to be true in a

sense that no man can question them; they are obvious, and self- evident.

I wonder if you have always considered them to be so? Is it not a common

thing for men to consider Brotherly Love, for example, to be such a thing

that, while it might be highly desirable, it is not practicable, and is

therefore nothing but a floating vision to be dreamed of but never

possessed? It is challenging for Freemasonry to call such things “Tenets,”

for it means that they are not only true, but plainly and obviously and

necessarily true. Unless you can grasp this fact, unless you can see for

yourself that the teachings of Freemasonry are realities, self-evident

realities, and not visionary ideals, you will never be able to understand

Masonic teachings. Continued Below…

April, 6011 A:.L:. VOL. # 90 ISSUE #4


Wisdom from the West: In light of the recent strife within our lodge I

found a great article to share our brothers.

The Principal Tenets: Friendship,

Morality, and Brotherly Love

The principal, or chief, Tenets of

Freemasonry are, Friendship, Morality and

Brotherly Love. It is necessary not to

overlook “principal,” for it signifies that

while it is on these three teachings that our

fraternity lays the greatest emphasis, yet

there are other teachings of almost equal

importance, and in any discussion of our

subject those others must not be lost sight of.

By a “Tenet” is meant some teaching so

obviously true, so universally accepted, that

we believe it without question and always

take it for granted. Examples of such

teaching lie everywhere about us. Good

health is better than illness; a truthful man is

more dependable than a liar; it is better to

save money than to waste it; an industrious

man is more useful than an idle one; a wise

man is a more able counselor than a foolish

one; education is to be preferred to

ignorance – these are but a few countless

examples of teachings that no intelligent man

can possibly call into question.


(con‟t) For Freemasonry does not tell us that Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love ought to be true, that it would be

better for us all were true – it tells us that they are true. They are tremendous realities in human life, and it is as impossible

to question their existence as it is to question the existence of the ground under our feet, or the sun over our heads. The

question is not whether we shall believe in them or not, for we cannot help but believe in them, the question is, what are we

going to do about them? To be continued….. ~ Your Senior Warden, Brian Chambers

Did You Know???

John Franklin Miller (9 June 1862 - 28 May 1936), was a member of

Queen Anne #242, was twice Mayor of Seattle from 1908 through 1910, and

served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1917

to 1931 representing the First Congressional District as a Republican.

Page 5: Queen Anne  Lodge #242 Trestleboard - April 6011

Queen Anne Lodge #242


Anniversary Celebration!

April, 6011 A:.L:. VOL. # 90 ISSUE #4

Brethren All…

Having been founded by 62 Masons in the Spring of A:.L:. 6011 (AD 1921), this is the

Ninetieth Year of Queen Anne Lodge #242 and you and your guest(s) are cordially invited

to attend a Celebration Dinner to commemorate this august event prior to our June Stated

Communication! Remember that our June Stated Communication is always the FIRST

Thursday in June (rather than the usual second Thursday) and this year falls on June 2nd. In

order to accommodate the additional guests that we anticipate for this celebration dinner will

be served a little early, at 6:00pm rather than the typical 6:30pm so please plan to arrive

accordingly. Lodge Officer Uniform will be Tuxedo and white gloves (the Lodge will

supply them for you if you don’t have your own pair). You are also encouraged to invite

good men who may be interested in the Fraternity as this will be a good place for them to

meet Masons and ask any questions they may have.

~Your Worshipful Master, Kenneth W Cavallon

The Beginning… In early 1921, sixty two Master Masons became the Charter Members of Queen Anne Lodge #242. Sponsored by our Mother Lodge, St. Johns #9, Queen

Anne Lodge was given Dispensation by the Grand Master, M:.W:. James H. Begg on April 4th, 1921. After much debate and discussion about the appropriateness of naming a Masonic Lodge after a Catholic Queen, the to be Worshipful Master successfully persuaded the Grand Lodge Assembly that indeed Queen Anne Lodge #242 was named after the location and style of architecture upon the hill where the members meet rather than for a Woman or Queen. On June 21st, A:.L:. 6011 The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Washington approved the Lodge’s Charter and one month later the Queen Anne Lodge #242 was duly constituted with more than 300 Masons present. The First Installation of Officers included: The Reverend Sidney H. Morgan (Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church) as Worshipful Master; Harry B. Perks

as Senior Warden; George R. Milsted as Junior Warden; Louis B. Benedict as Secretary; Willis A. Shadbolt as Treasurer; Floyd L. Smith as Marshall; James W. French as Chaplin; Orlow N. Walla as Senior Deacon; Harry F. Grantvedt as Junior Deacon; Robert W. Smith as Senior Steward; James H. Fehse as Junior Steward; Sol Asher (Century Lodge #208) as Organist and John Reed as Tyler.

Celebration Dinner!

First Thursday of June

6:00 Festive Board | 7:30 Meeting Guests Welcome | Tuxedos & White Gloves 1608 Fourth Ave W, Seattle 98119

Page 6: Queen Anne  Lodge #242 Trestleboard - April 6011

April, 6011 A:.L:. VOL. # 90 ISSUE #4

What’s Happening @ Lodge Important Upcoming Events

April, A:.L:. 6011

Tue April 12th: FC Conferral Practice; 7:30pm

Thur, April 14th: Stated Communication; 6:30 Dinner, EA

Thur, April 21st: FC Degree, 6:30 Dinner

May, A:.L:. 6011

Tue, May 10th: Table Lodge Practice #1; 7:00pm

Thur, May 12th: Stated Communication; 6:30 Dinner, FC

Tue, May 17th: Table Lodge Practice #2; 7:00pm

Thu, May 19th: Queen Anne Table Lodge; 6:30pm

Saying of the Month: “Practice Makes Perfect!”

Queen Anne Masonic

Lodge #242 F&AM

1608 Fourth Avenue West,

Seattle, WA 98119

M:.W:. G:.L:. of WA

June, A:.L:. 6011

Thur June 2nd: Stated Communication; 6:00 Dinner, FC

Thur-Sat June 9th-11th: Grand Lodge Annual

Communication, Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound, WA

(tentative schedule) July, A:.L:. 6011

Tue, July 12th: MM Conferral Practice #1; 7:00pm

Thur, July 14th: MM Conferral Practice #2; 7:00pm

Tue, July 19th: MM Conferral Practice #3; 7:00pm

Thu, July 21st: Master Mason Conferral; 6:30 Dinner

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