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Vim Plugin

python Vim Plugin Jason Heohttp:/

Vim VimL Plugin , Python Vim Plugin ! Python Vim Plugin

Vim plugin (Markdown Heading )command mapfunctionpython plugin 1) 2) JSON FormatterVim Plugin ManagerVundle

Vim Plugin Markdown Heading

(Markdown Heading .)

Vim Markdown h1 Title 1

Title 1=======vim yypVr= ,: yypVr= .

yy: p: V: r=: = replace

map - command map command ~/.vimrc

\u1 h1 .~/.vimrc ,vim vim :source ~/.vimrc

nnoremap u1 :normal yypVr=

map - command nnoremapnormal mode map

leader key key back slash

carriage return, enter key

FunctionMarkdown Heading VimL ~/.vimrc function! UnderlineHeading(level) if a:level == 1 normal! yypVr= elseif a:level == 2 normal! yypVr- else normal! I### endifendfunction

FunctionVim ":call Under" Tab ""

mapping :call UnderlineHeading(1)nnoremap u1 :call UnderlineHeading(1)

Python Vim plugin Python Vim plugin


Vim "+python" "+" ,"-"

"+python" Vim Python2 $ vim --version | grep python+cryptv +linebreak +python +viminfo+cscope +lispindent -python3 +vreplace

"Hello world"Vim

"Hello world" 10 . Vim Python code :python "Hello world" * 10

Text bc , vim

Text function! Calc()python ') lines = vim.eval('getline({}, {})'.format(starting_line_num, ending_line_num)) lines[0] = lines[0][col1:] lines[-1] = lines[-1][:col2 + 1] return lines, starting_line_num, ending_line_num, col1, col2

JSON Formatterfunction! FormatJson()python

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