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The Well Behaved Dog7

Day Training Programto set you free

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Table Of Contents

Why We Wrote This Book

Day 1 -­ Deconstruct the Walk

Day 2 -­ Sit ( The Right Way)

Day 3 -­ Break These Rules at Your Own Risk

Day 4 -­ Tricks to Blow Your Friends’ Minds

Day 5 -­ Always Be the Alpha Dog

Day 6 -­ The Carrot vs. The Stick

Day 7 -­ The Key to Unlocking Your Dog’s Full Potential

Company Information & Contact Us

Best dog lights

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Why We Wrote This BookIf you’re reading this E-­Book, you have

probably watched my dog, Naraku in

action. Every time I take Naraku into

public places and she trots up carrying

her own leash, people are dumb founded.

People tend to be more shocked when

I'm having them over and she casually

brings her bed and blankets into the room

and makes her bed to lay down. By the

time I show them how many commands she

knows, people are convinced that she is

either an alien dog or part human.

“How the heck do you teach your dog to do all this stuff? I can't even get

mine to sit!” We decided to share 7 basic guidelines that will help you bond

with your dog and understand how to better

communicate. All dogs want to please their human.

It’s up to us, as caretakers, to teach the dog how to

make us happy and lead a fulfilling life. This eBook

is very simple, but it’s also powerful. We could write

a whole eBook on each one of these topics, and we

probably will, but for now we’ll keep it short and to

the point.

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Day 1Deconstructing the Walk

There is a lot of misconception around dog walking. Let me make this very clear, it is mandatory to walk your dog. You can make all the excuses you want, but it is mandatory! The three biggest reasons are:

It establishes trust in your leadership It creates a bond between you and your dog It establishes you as the leader

When you walk your dog, and do it properly, it establishes trust from your dog. If you don’t allow your dog to pull, tug or lead the walk, you are telling the dog that you’re in charge and the dog will respect you. It is harder to gain the trust of some dogs, especially strong willed breeds, but they will always come around if you’re patient and consistent.

This also creates a bond between you and your dog. This will be necessary for difficult training sessions and all other aspects of creating a well behaved dog.

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Day 2Sit (The Right Way!)

Tell me if you’ve seen this before: Someone says to their dog “sit”, “sit”, “sit”, “sit”, on the fourth sitthe dog finally sits so the owner claps and says “good job!”

Dogs don’t really understand language. They understand tone, sounds and repetition. If you tell a dog to sit four times in a row and then reward them on the fourth command, they get confused and frustrated. You basically just told them that sitting on the fourth sit is the desired outcome. So guess what? Next time you tell them to sit, they’re going to wait for the fourth command before they sit! You’ll be frustrated because your dog isn’t listening and your dog will be frustrated because they thought they were doing what you asked.

Here is my advice, if you give a command to your dog, and they don’t obeyimmediately… walk away. You may have to do this 10 times before youcatch them performing the command right away, but as soon as they do it, GO NUTS! Make it memorable. If you only give a command once they will begin to obey right away. It also helps to do this training after a walk with a treat in hand.

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Day 3Break These Rules at Your Own Risk

Now you must be thinking ... What rules are they talking about? Here is the fun part;; you get to make them up for yourself.

Make up a set of rules for your dog and your household. Don’t get on the couch. No jumping on guests. Make the rules whatever you want or need. Once you make them, DO NOT EVER BREAK THEM.

Dogs need a set of rules to feel balanced and secure. If you tell them one week “hey you're not allowed on the bed!” but then you let them on the bed, they question the validity of that rule and test the validity of all the other rules. I hear a lot of people say “Oh it’s just this once”. Dogs don’t think that way. They are pack animals and in the wild they are constantly trying to figure out their role in the pack. Once you let them up on the bed, they see it as a promotion in rank. They are now allowed on the bed if they beg hard enough or whine loud enough. When you get mad at them and think they are misbehaving, they getfrustrated and don’t understand. This harms your bond and causes distress. The human never realized it was all their fault for breaking the rule “just this onetime”. If the rule was never broken, the dog wouldn’t even consider it a possibilityto break and would have no stress around the issue.

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Day 4Tricks to Blow Your Friends’ Minds

We will write another E-­Book to teach the “how to” for the top 7 mind blowingtricks, but for now I will give you some rules to live by when trying to teach your dog difficult tricks.

Always do tough training after a long walk. If you try to train your dog after they have been cooped up in the house all day, you’re going to have a bad time. If you pull out their favorite treat after a long exhausting and hungerinducing walk… you can get them to do whatever you want.

Another very important point is to be in tune with your dog. If you see that they are getting frustrated, stop forcing it. You will make much more progress if you stop the training and come back to it later.

If you do succeed in teaching your dog a difficult trick, use it sparingly. If you ask your dog to do it all the time, they will start to resent the trick. Don'toverdo it.

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Day 5Always Be the Alpha Dog

Always being the alpha dog doesn’t mean smacking your dog or punishing it relentlessly. In fact that is detrimental (and downright abusive). Being the alphadog means being confident, fair and consistent. Tell your dog to sit in a forceful but calm manner. Don’t ask your dog to sit. Tell your dog to sit in atone similar to a bark. That’s what dogs understand. Use a tone that they will respect and just say it once!

Being the alpha dog also means being even. If you had a bad day, don’t come home and take it out onthe dog. To be a good leader, which is what the alpha dog is in a pack, you must be an even tempered leader. Being the alpha dog doesn’t mean you make your dog show his belly or submit toyou whenever you feel the need to show dominance. It means being confident in your role as Alpha.

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Day 6The Carrot vs. The Stick

Ever hear the saying “you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar?” This goes for dog training too. If you constantly reprimand your dog they will start to do things to get that attention. If the only time you interact with your dog is when you’re yelling at them, they will do things so you yell at them.

If, however, you give them attention for the positive things they do and ignore the bad things, they will seek to get attention through doing good things. Go nuts when they behave and ignore when they are brats. It’s that easy.

The point is that positive reinforcement is the best way to get your dog to do what you want. Punishment doesn’t work well, especially with strong willed dogs. If you give a dog praise when it does something rightit gains confidence and wants to continue to please you. This causes evenmore confidence and more incentive to please you which continues to compound and ultimately reaches the point where your dog is performingmind blowing tricks.

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Day 7The Key to Unlocking Your Dog’s Full Potential

The key to unlocking your dog’s full potential is

CONSISTENCY! Dogs love routines. They get into

a groove and feel a sense of security when they

know what to expect.

If you woke up every day, took your dog for a walk

and then did a 15 minute training session, your dog

would look forward to it and know what’s expected

of him/her. If you set a rule that your dog is not

allowed to be on the couch and you never break

that rule, your dog will never question it.

If you are consistent with the way you treat your dog

and the routine you set, your dog will amaze you.

They will be capable of things you thought were impossible. If you show them

how to make you happy, they will strive to make you happy. If you’re always

changing your mind on what makes you happy, your dog will most likely be

confused. Be consistent and watch as your friends compliment you on what a

well behaved dog you have.

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Company InformationAs responsible dog owners, we want to keep our furry pups healthy and

happy. But most importantly, we want to keep our loving pups safe at all

hours of the day. As a result, Pup Protector has created custom finished LED

dog collars and leashes to ensure our furry friends are clearly visible to

motorists and other pedestrians.

By using elegant Pearl LED’s, Pup Protector’s custom collars and leashes emit

the brightest light while adding the perfect amount of style. Superior strength

reflective stitching also greatly enhances visibility when directly exposed to

light. Pup Protector LED dog collars and leashes have been tested to ensure

the highest quality and durability standards are met.

Our loving dogs are more than a best friend. They are a unique extension of

our identity, so why not treat them with the best care and safety as we would

to ourselves? Become part of the Pup Protector family today and see what

the new craze of Pup Protector LED dog collars and leashes will do for your

best friend.


The Pup Protector team

Be Safe. Shine together.

Website: Email: [email protected]