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August 2012

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The Parish Pump was started in 1979 to pro-vide a free community magazine in the parish. It began as, and still is, a joint venture, com-

bining the church magazine and village magazine. The Parish Pump is sponsored by the Parochial Church Council and Debden Parish Council. Both bodies contribute financially to the cost of running the magazine by means of a donation, received annually. It is intended that the magazine reflects all aspects of village life within the parish and provides an opportunity for ‘community’ matters to be raised. In addition to the information recorded in the magazine, our sister publication, the Debden Directory provides a host of useful contact numbers for services ranging from bus times, local plumbers, doctors and restaurants. If you do not have a copy, please contact a member of the committee.

The magazine has editors but no official reporters. Consequently, an interesting magazine depends on articles, news, etc. coming from people in the village. The closing date for submitting material is: the 5th of each month.

The editor’s job is to edit. This means fitting the material into the space available and trying to ensure there is a reasonable balance of views on controversial subjects etc. Consequently, it is not always possible to publish everything submitted and sometimes changes have to be made to the length of a contribution. ‘Non topical’ articles cannot always be published in the next issue but will appear later unless you are told otherwise. Contributions of up to 400 words have a better chance of being published in full than longer ones.

Please note that the present and past editions of the Parish Pump are now available on line on the new website and that any material submitted will be automatically featured on the website. If you wish to have your name and/or contact details (which must normally accompany any contributions) withheld from the printed edition and/or not to appear on the website, this must be stated at the time of submission. Copy for inclusion in the next edition should be emailed by the 5th of the month to;

[email protected]. There is also a folder in the shop for submission of written or typed copy. The current editors of the Parish Pump, who have the sole prerogative of the editorial policy (so don’t blame anyone else) are;

Mike Fairchild [email protected] Ursula Lyons [email protected]

Advertising rates per issue are; full page £10.00; half page £8.00; quarter page or less £6.00. Full payment in advance and an electronic copy of the ad should be sent to the Editors or Treasurer by email. Cheques should be made payable to “The Parish Pump”

The other Committee members include Chairman: Judith Forster [email protected] Treasurer: Alastair Donald [email protected] Secretary: Marion Bamfield [email protected] Distribution: Caroline Burchall [email protected]


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Debden can certainly rise to the sense of occasion. The Jubilee Year and Olympic Fete was a demonstration of that; the village turned out in force not just for the Fete but for the vintage car rally, the Barn Dance and the Rounders’ Match with children’s races on the Sunday. What is more, in a summer where so many local and national events have been cancelled, the rain held off and the sun shone. It was marvellous.

Yet, of course, not every month can herald a special occasion. By the middle of this month the Olympics will be over and there could well be a sense of disappointment and lethargy. What’s the next event to look forward to? Surely it’s not Christmas.

However, in Debden there is always something to keep you interested. One of the ways of learning is to listen which is not as easy as it sounds. Those who give lectures will often wryly state that they talk for sixty minutes and the audience listen for thirty!

Yet listening is something children do right from an early age; they listen to stories. As adults, we like to listen to the stories people tell. It happens at whole family gatherings when you meet relatives that you rarely see; suddenly you are in world of discovery about people and their lives. I find I eagerly sit and listen waiting for a story to come like a mouse coming out of its hole. It’s the same when you listen to people tell stories about places where they have lived for many years. I learnt so much when talking to Colin Luckley( see page 12). Although not directly listening, you could still learn plenty if you wanted to email Major Ben Hawkins (see page 4). So in Debden we can rise to the occasion but even when life is just routine we can also fill our time learning because there are so many people with tales to tell. Colin Luckley mentioned how his father had enjoyed Rupert Brooke’s poetry and that enjoyment was passed down to Colin. In Brooke’s poem “The Old Vicarage, Grantchester”, there are uncomplimentary references to the people of such places as Cherry Hinton, Trumpington, Shelford but Brooke counters these descriptions with glowing ones of the people of Grantchester. Re-reading it I thought the lines about Grantchester could equally apply to Debden and to the residents so with apologies to Brooke I leave you with these words:

There's peace and holy quiet there, Great clouds along pacific skies.


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NEWS From the Front Line

Greetings from Helmand Province Afghanistan. I arrived here late in March and have taken command of the Operations Squadron of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Search Task Force.

The Task Force is drawn from a number of units but the lion’s share is from Carver Barracks, Wimbish, your local regiment. We undertake the search for and disposal of bombs in support of coalition troops here in Helmand. We are a multinational grouping as we have support from US, Danish and Estonian EOD teams. I have around 200 soldiers under my command and it is my job to make sure that they are being supported correctly – mail getting through, boots fitting etc – that they are being used properly by the infantry units, as well as making sure that they are coping with the rigors of operations in Afghanistan.

We are here on a summer deployment and should get back by October. Whilst the weather is much warmer than the UK we have all got properly acclimatised now. We have had some fair down pours and water has come up through the floors in our tent! Living conditions here vary significantly. I am based in Camp Bastion that has been around for some time now and is pretty mature. We live in tents but they are air-conditioned and some of them have real beds. Each living tent joins into a communal lobby and there are ablutions within each tent complex.

Conditions become more austere once you venture out to the Forward Operating Bases (FOBs). The air conditioning becomes scarcer, as do the comforts. Solar showers and hand washing of clothes, as well as being bitten by mosquitoes, are the order of the day when you’re forward. Despite the accommodation conditions, the food seems to get better when you are further forwards; the boys and girls really do get looked after wonderfully. The chefs work wonders with the most basic supplies working in limited conditions.

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The majority of my teams live forward in the FOBs so I go forward to see them. Once they are there, they either go out on patrol with the infantry or wait in case they are needed. They can undertake the majority of their tasks using small robots and they even have armoured vehicles to get them to their tasks.

As we are moving to transition, the Afghans are taking more responsibility for all aspects of the operation out here. My soldiers are now embedded in training the Afghan EOD operators so that they have a decent capability once we withdraw. Having served here in 2007/08 I can see significant differences have been made in the time that I’ve been away and that we have made life better and easier for many people here. I can say this as a hardened cynic who expected to see no difference over the four years that I’ve been away.

That’s all for now.

Major Ben Hawkins

Resident of Debden in Afghanistan.

(Editor’s note: Major Hawkins would be happy to answer any questions that villagers may have especially any from school children. Please email any queries you have to [email protected] and we will forward them)

Also in this edition

Torch 6

FODs 6

Fete Update 7

Letter 7

Church News 10

Village Profiles 12

Pentecostal 18

Letters 20/21

Fete pictures 22

History Recorders’ 23

Fete pictures

24 –26

Letters 27

School News 28-30

Shop News 36

Ride & Stride 37

Chimney Sweep 38

News from District Councillor 39

Tang Ting 40

Events 46

Information 47

Church Services 44

Dear Editor

We were appalled and saddened by the fall-out from the recent Village Meeting, which in the main was a friendly and successful event.

The subsequent resignations from the Council were unexpected and hugely damaging. We value all those people who serve on the Parish Council. They are experienced and knowledgeable. They work hard, achieve a lot and do an excellent job.

In order to achieve an orderly and well-run village we need to show respect and appreciation for all who serve on the Parish Council and for their Clerk. They deserve our full support Yours sincerely Bobby and Virginia Chapman


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Debden Girls hold the torch A Year 6 pupil at Debden Primary School, got the chance to hold the Olympic Torch when Clare Thompson ran with it through Saffron Walden. Clare herself attended Debden Primary School. (see page 30)

Pat Fairchild caught up with Jamie Oliver after he ran one of the legs of the torch procession through Newport. Jamie ran past Newport FGS which he attended. There was a strong contingent of Debdenites to watch the parade in Newport—despite the rain—and Chris Griffin handed out Union Jacks left over from Debden Fete.


FODS Summer Fayre.

Against the odds, and after another day of intense rainfall, the sun shone on FODS Summer Fayre on Friday 6th July. The coconut shy, skittles, raffle, cake stall, apple bobbing and myriad of other stalls kept the children busy and the army provided an amazing assault course and a number of other attractions, while the parents enjoyed a glass of Pimms. Takings on the day were a healthy £933.74 with an overall profit of £650.24.

Many thanks to everyone who helped make the Fayre such a success, particularly to the band of villagers, who at the last minute, stepped forward to help man stalls. Suffice to say that the Fayre was so well organised that as we finished calling the raffle and families started departing, the heavens opened and we were treated to another downpour.

Amanda Lindsell FODS

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Debden Olympics Weekend—News Update 42 vehicles were on the meadow for the gathering on Friday evening, 22 June, followed by a tour of Thaxted and Saffron Walden. This is becoming an event that would support itself and so plans are afoot to do it again soon.

The Fete was well received and I should mention the work the following put in. Stephen Jasper was the responsible person acting on behalf of the Parish Council who hosted the events. Sue Wolff kindly dealt with stalls, Jackie Gunn “advised” but was mainly involved with finances. Judith Forster was responsible for Health & Safety aspects of events and Risk Assessments etc and Steph Watson was the responsible person for Debden’s BIG Raffle.

What a Barn Dance we had! A big thank you to all those who persuaded me to include children in this event. I thought they might get under the dancers’ feet but they really got dancing like EVERYONE else.

Our village thanks should include Alan Carr of Newport Stores, his Manager Andy and staff who set up, organised and, in the evening, staffed the bar. Newport Scouts, Clive Bunting and team were wonderful providing top quality snacks on the BBQ all day. These leaders and volunteers do a wonderful job running not only the BBQ but the local Scout group and Beaver Colony at Newport.

The Farming community of Debden made this weekend possible and it’s only on reflection that I realise how big a contribution they have made. Peter & Ann Graves store our equipment all year. Karen Fiske & Neil Byford provided us with straw bales; Will & Phyllis & Dave and Pam Bunting lent us the barn as a venue. Chris & Asa Clarke provided tractor & trailer, sports equipment & refreshments. Edward & Gillian Tetlow should get a mention for all their expert knowledge and the equipment provided for car parking.

Didn’t we have a laugh playing Cricket again on the meadow! We made up our own rules and had to move the wicket every few overs because of the mud but many kids had their first game. Rebecca organised Debden Ladies Rounder’s team to come along for a demonstration game. They turned up in smart strip and took me back a bit at 2pm when they asked, “Where’s your team then?” So it was a Debden Scratch Rounder’s team that competed. Our all comers team included Hilary the vicar, retired ladies and men and lots of children. Again rules were made up as we went. Great Fun!

By my reckoning we had an income of about £4600 over the weekend. There were expenses which amounted to, in round figures, £1700. Some of which such as the FLYERS we put in the Pump and the Radio Mike for the sound system I will take out of the Residents’ fund. We picked up a grant for the hall from Stansted Community fund for £500 and if this is included in the accounts we have raised £3622:91 towards building a New Village Hall.

Stewart Luck Director of Operations, Debden Jubilee Year /Olympic Fete

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Dear Friends,

How very special that London should be hosting the Olympic Games in this year of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The Olympic Torch Relay has linked together so many towns and villages, around the United Kingdom, as the flame has been passed from one person to the next along the route. Many of those selected as Torch Bearers have given significant service to their communities, or overcome major injury or illness. Taking part has meant a very great deal to them, to their families and friends and has been profoundly moving to watch. As the flame has come to each place it has brought with it a feeling of togetherness and unity as well as anticipation and excitement. It was the need for unity, togetherness and peace that was the reason for the first Olympic Games in 776 BC. At that time Greek city states were at war with one another, but for the duration of the games they had to lay down arms and cease hostilities in the hope that the experience of peace, friend-ship and unity gained through sport would continue long after the games had ended. This same longing for peace continues to this day and is enshrined in the modern Olympic values of respect, excellence and friendship. The Torch Relay symbolizes the handing on and spreading of these values. There are real parallels with the handing on of Christian faith one to another. Faith is a treasure with which we are entrusted and it is up to us to hand it on to our children and others. Christian Faith, like Olympic values, changes lives for the better. You may like to use the Church of England Torch Relay Prayers, not just during the Olympics, but long afterwards.

‘Loving God, as this torch travels our nation, preparing us to celebrate the skill and determination of those competing in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, strengthen us to love you and serve our neighbour with all the skill and determination you give us, through Christ, the light of the world. Amen’ ‘As this light travels our nation, may your light, O God, shine in the hearts of all who gather to celebrate the energy, skill and dedication of others. Send your Holy Spirit to light up our lives and set our hearts on fire with love for you; through Christ our Lord. Amen.’

God bless you all, Hilary

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I am always happy to visit, whether at home or in hospital. If you, or someone you know, would appreciate a visit please don’t hesitate to ring me on 01799 522616

From the Church Registers

We welcome into the Church Family:

Amelia Rose Watson baptized on 29th July

Debden Church Youth Group

will next meet on Wednesday 26th September

7 – 8.30pm in Debden Church New Room

for a Welcome Back Party!

All of secondary school age, are very welcome

Please contact Hilary on 01799 522616 if you would like to come

Awakening to God’s Presence A Quiet Hour in Debden Church followed by a

simple Communion Service Wednesday 1st August 7- 8.30pm

Everyone is warmly welcome

The Church Mice ……are doing something special

on Monday 6th August at 10.30am

Come and join them in the New Room at Debden Church!

For children 0 – 4 years old with a parent—for August please bring older children as well.

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Stopping for a word with Colin

Luckley takes you back to Debden in the 1930s, 50s and 60s as well as learning much about life at sea in World War 2.

Colin arrived in Debden with his parents and younger brother on Michaelmas day 1931; he was not quite 8. They rented what is now known as Rhubarb Cottage before moving into a council house in Deynes Road which his father bought in 1950. On his parents’ death, Colin and his brother sold the property.

The 1930s Depression had brought the Luckleys to Debden. Originally from the North – the name Luckley comes from Lindisfarne - the family had connections with the sea owning at one time three ships. However, it was the custom only to insure the ships in the winter and unfortunately the Luckley’s ships sank in the summer.

Colin’s grandfather had been drowned off the coast of Iceland in the same week his father was born so naturally his father was encouraged not to go to sea. Instead, in 1912, he came south working with electrical contractors and building generators, including one for a match factory in Bishop’s Stortford. Later, the depression meant lack of work and consequently less money so Colin’s family had to “downsize” from the house they had been living in in Newport. They came to Debden. Mobility was far greater in those days because the majority of people rented and it was therefore easier to move.

At the age of 6 Colin had developed scarlet fever and spent 6 weeks in the isolation hospital in Hill Top Lane in Saffron Walden; just after moving to Debden Colin’s brother also developed the disease and spent time in the hospital.

Colin attended Debden School which at that time took children up to the age of 14; it was divided into 3 classes – infants, junior and seniors. Colin remembers Mr Palmer who, at one time, tried to encourage a degree of smartness amongst his pupils insisting that they all came to school with polished shoes; a difficult feat in the days when many of the roads were no more than dirt tracks.

Colin remembers services in the congregational chapel and going to see Magic Lantern shows. When the chapel ceased to be a place of worship,


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Colin managed to take down the war memorial that was there and keep it safe until it was able to be put up outside the memorial hall where it still stands today.

In the summer of 1937 Colin helped in the harvest on Mr Francis’s land. However, there was little work around in the late 1930s and so Colin decided to join the navy; on May 10 1939, at the age of 15, he found himself in Shotley on the HMS Ganges. He was in the navy for 15 years; having to wait until he was 18 to sign up officially for the minimum period of 12 years. During the war, he spent most of the time in the Indian Ocean and was in Singapore when the Prince of Wales and Repulse were sunk on 10th December 1941. Some time was spent in escort work down the west coast of Africa and he was in the Mediterranean for the landings at Sicily and Salerno. Colin was home on leave for D day and VE Day.

He was on HMS London when the Amethyst Incident took place on 20 April 1949. HMS Amethyst was on her way along the Yangtze River to Nanjing when it came under fire. Shells damaged the bridge, the engine room and generator. HMS London tried to help but it was also attacked by anti- tank shells from a distance of 300 yards. Colin has a wooden plaque which he carved commemorating the event.

After leaving the navy in 1954, he returned to Debden, married his wife, Nancy, and became the village handyman for the next 25 years. Needing a house for his bride he bought his present home – for £425. It was in need of a great deal of renovation and Colin set too with enthusiasm. He named it Beauly Firth after his favourite ship but learnt later that the house had originally been called “The Mangle” after the early box mangles* one of which was in the house. Renovation of the house included building the window frames, taking the thatch off and replacing it with tiles, building spacious cupboards in the bedrooms along with a wonderful wooden kitchen and bath-room. He says he still has plenty of ideas but has less energy nowadays.

He has seen changes in Debden Up until 1937 villagers went to the village pump to collect their water; in 1935 a wall was built around the pond the water having previously just drained down Church Lane. There were no houses between The Forge and the school and Colin remembers his father being offered that land for £700 which unfortunately he could not at the time afford. Raymond’s Cottage was three houses whilst Hortons was 5 cottages. The White Hart was the pub for locals while The Fox was popular amongst the servicemen from Wimbish.

Colin has a wealth of knowledge and every time you stop to talk you learn a little more.

*this was a simple box filled with stones and used to press household linens and clothes wound on rollers. It needed two people to push and pull the heavy box back and forth with leather straps or wooden handles.

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Page 15: pump august 2012


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Page 16: pump august 2012


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Page 17: pump august 2012


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Page 18: pump august 2012


News from Debden Pentecostal Church

Dear Friends,

For those of you who get an early look at the Pump we are pleased to say that we are hoping to have a visit from our previous Pastor, Maureen Lee, on Sunday, 29th July. She will be with us all day for the usual services and will be preaching in the evening service. There will also be a tea at 5.00pm so please come along and meet up with Maureen again. We were all disappointed that Maureen was unable to be with us for a visit planned in May, so we very much look forward to her visit.

During the month we are also privileged to welcome two guest speakers for the Sunday evening services. Yan Hadley, who is a new visitor to Debden and Peter Cavanna, a good friend of the Pentecostal Church who many of us know from previous in-spiring visits.

So please do come by and join with us and you will be assured of a warm welcome.

God bless, Simon Gale                                                                    

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Debden Pentecostal Church Thaxted Rd

Weekly Programme

Debden Pentecostal Church

Sunday 11.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Evening Service


10.30 to 12 noon Coffee Morning

Special note

Please contact Paul Baker on 01440 710416

if you need information about the church.

Special Dates in August On August 12th we have a postponed visit from Yan Hadley who will be speaking at our Sunday evening service. Yan has worked with the Birmingham City Mission, Operation Mobilization, The Open Air Mission and Good News Crusade, and founded the New Life Ministry Trust, based in Leicester. He is a teacher/evangelist and author of six life-changing books.

On the Sunday evening of the following week, August 19th, we look forward to having Peter Cavanna with us. Peter is from our Cambridge church and has visited Debden many times in the past. He is a great speaker and also has a ministry in praying for people in need of healing.

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Dear Pump, What is it about some people today who wish to destroy nice things?

Janet and I recently bought a pair of fun scarecrows and put them on my veggie patch over the road from our house in Debden Green. Several people have commented about how nice they are and how they bring a bit of amusement to the area. However, obviously not everybody shares that sentiment. I came home this morning having been away overnight to find one of the scarecrows missing. It would appear that somebody has ripped it off its pole (it was tied on) and taken it.

I do hope that whoever took it is very proud of themselves and I do hope they are getting some sort of enjoyment from it—or did they just dump it somewhere because all they wanted to do was destroy? I also hope that nobody reading this letter is the culprit because I really don’t want it to be a Debden or Debden Green –ite who would perform such a wanton childish act. I have removed the remaining scarecrow to my back garden. Ian Lennox, Debden Green

Dear Editors,

I read with interest the letter from B.Dyson in the June 2012 Parish Pump.

As a nature lover myself, I have taken a close interest in the state of the pond over the time I have lived in the village. I too have noticed it change from being relatively full of water to almost drying out and would like to join in the congratulations and thanks to all those who took part in in the clean up operation

In another issue there was mention of the hope of newts returning. However, newts do not tend to survive where fish are present so it was with a heavy heart that I noticed a black goldfish size fish swimming the pond today (8th July).

I understand that about 25 years ago there used to be great crested newts in the pond. Long term residents will remember the furore over the publican of the White Hart allowing ducks to swim on the pond. Then the fish arrived and the biodiversity of the pond deteriorated. Let us not waste the efforts of those who have worked so hard to improve the pond by dumping unwanted fish in there.

Peter Denmark


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A Big Thank You from Debden New Memorial Hall Committee… We would like to say a very special ‘Thank You’ and ‘Well Done’ to Stewart Luck and to all of those who helped organise and take part in the Debden Jubilee/Olympic fete on the weekend of Fri 22nd-Sun 23rd June.

£2580 was raised in total and will go towards the New Memorial Hall Fund.

Stewart also, took it upon himself to apply for a grant from the Stansted Airport Passenger Community Fund, and was awarded a further £500, which was also donated to the fund in June.

Total raised was £3080 - an amazing achievement in one month.

The fete was a great example of how determination, organisation and hard work can bring together the support of the community within our village to raise much needed funds.

If you have any fundraising ideas you would like to organise to support the project then please feel free to go ahead or let one of the team know so we can help if needed.

If you would like to contact the committee please email:

Stuart Walsh – [email protected]

Roger Forster - [email protected]

Shaun Ruffles - [email protected]

April Gardner - [email protected]

Dear Editors

Think our footpaths could do with a wee trim.

Best regards,

Jane Pearce

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Ken and Pat Thornton together with Edward Tetlow take a well deserved rest after car parking duties

Mine detection under the watchful eye of a Royal Engineer Specialist from Carver Barracks.

The Plough’s (almost) resident band of musicians added to the entertainment. (left)

A patriotic Build-a-Bear is won.

The winning team

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We have been asked to publish the following request by one of our members:

“Do you recognise anyone in this photo? Is the 1914/1918 soldier standing next to his wife/mother one of your ancestors, perhaps grand-father or great uncle? Are either of the two boys related to you? If so, please contact John Parkin on 01799 850382 to get a copy of the photograph”

Henry Blackie and Michael Barton are in the process of finding out as much information as possible on the soldiers listed on the memorial plaques in the Church and the Memorial Hall. If you have any information/photographs about them please contact me on 01799 540528. It is proposed to have a talk later in the year when Henry and Michael will present their findings to the village. Watch this space!

Elisabeth Blackie

Dear Readers,

We are interested if any villagers have pictures of our house, Little Garth, from over the years that we could look at and scan?

Thank you

Steve & Dolly, Little Garth, Debden

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3 days of fun as Debden celebrates

the Jubilee Year and Olympic Fete

Clockwise from top left: Vintage car rally sets off; “Splosh” Chris Doe bravely volunteered to be first man in the stocks; Ollie the border collie blue merle waits patiently whilst owner chats to vet Elsa Pedlar; 10 green bottles and more - Andrew Armour takes his prize; “All aboard” — entrants in the children’s fancy dress

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Clockwise from top left: Virginia Chapman, opened the Fete, pictured with Stewart Luck who directed operations and Andy Pearce in his familiar role as MC. The wheelbarrow race was a foretaste of the Debden Olympics the following day . Esther Hammill keenly observes Pat Thornton judging the

“Flowers in a Cup”. Ester got second prize. The Scampering Rogues English Country music Band encour-aged enthusias-tic dancing by Roger and Jude Forster. “Splat” the traditional egg throwing.

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...and then there were the Debden Olympics and the sun still shone!

The Debden Ladies Rounders’ Team took on an all star Debden Village team. Ladies Rounders team have been in existence for nearly 20 years, playing local teams from North West Essex over the summer period. Teams, may have been a little mismatched to start with - the 9 Debden ladies (supplemented by the local farmer) taking on the rest of the village. Some 20 or so people lining up to bat and then field. However, the outcome was a fore-gone conclusion, with Debden having been unbeaten for the last 3 seasons

Debden Ladies Rounders’ Team with the Debden all-comers.

“Ready, Steady, Go! “ children line up (left)

Displaying medals—right and above right

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Dear Editor

A sincere Thank You to Stewart Luck for rounding up sufficient volunteers to run a really successful Fete weekend.

We thoroughly enjoyed the Vintage Car Rally (even if John's MGC never quite caught up the cavalcade until we reached the Pizza Stop!) and it was lovely to see so many come and enjoy the attractions of the Fete on Saturday afternoon.

The Barn Dance was a great idea - can we do it again soon? I hear that Sunday afternoon's Olympiad was a success too.

And, of course, Stewart even managed to ensure us a 'mostly' dry weekend for Debden's Olympic Celebrations.

So, thank you Stewart for all your hard work—thanks to you it was a huge success.

Jude Forster

Dear Editor

I would like to say thank you to everybody who took part in making the Debden Fete and Sports weekend such a huge success.

Firstly to Stewart Luck who really has worked hard over the previous 6 weeks organising everything for the Car Rally, Fete, Barn Dance and sports day.

Thanks also to Steph Watson for organising the raffle, Sue Woolf for making sure all the volunteers knew where they should be and Will Bunting for allowing the use of his barn, for what turned out to be a special evening.

Thanks to all the people who took part in Sunday’s finale that was the sports day and every one of you that gave up your time and supplied items for free and to everyone who attended and helped make it a successful weekend.

Finally I hope I have not forgotten anyone and a big Well done to you all.

Steve Jasper

Dear Editors,

The pre-school children would like to say a big thank you to the FoDS, The Parish Council and Debden Local History Recorders Group for our beautiful Jubilee mugs. We will take good care of them and they will serve as a reminder of happy days spent in Debden.

C Reeve on behalf of Pre-School

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Dear Pump Reader,

At the time of writing we are in the last week of term and yes it’s still raining! We break up on Friday 20th July. The extreme weather has meant that we have had to postpone our Sports Day until September as the field is completely waterlogged and has been for several weeks. We are in the process of organising a special Olympic Sports Day.

We managed to go ahead with our end of year evening dance production this week even though it started raining during the performances. The children were a credit and carried on regardless. In order to accommo-date the many parents, relatives and friends that attend we have to perform outside each year. The standard of dance was amazing.

Reception Class

Class 1 Class 1

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Clockwise from top—Class 2

Class3, Class 4, Class 5, Class 5

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We were unable to continue with the presentation of awards and prizes as the rain was too heavy. These will be presented to chil-dren in the end of year church service on Friday 20th July. The orchestra, individuals and groups of children were able to perform their varied musical pieces during the evening as this was held in the school hall. Again the standard of music played was brilliant. FODS organised a wonderful buffet for everyone to enjoy either under an umbrella in the rain! Another very memorable whole school Debden event.

The whole school was privileged to welcome Claire Thompson into school on Monday 9th July. Claire was one of the Olympic Torch bearers in Saffron Walden on Saturday 7th July. Claire used to attend Debden School 40 years ago. Claire spoke to the children about the process of being chosen to be a torch bearer and gave lots of information to the children about how the torch was made and the significance of the shape and number of holes the torch has (8,000 as this

represents the number of torch bearers).

The whole school

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Environ Construction Sharon Thaxted Road Debden Contact: Ron Chapman 01799 543864 Saffron Walden 07957220322

Each child and member of staff was also able to hold the torch. It was an amazing experience which the children and staff will never forget. A huge thank you to Claire for sparing the time in her busy schedule to bring the torch into school and share her experiences with us.

Wishing you all an enjoyable summer and hopefully an improvement on the weather!

Children return to school on Tuesday 4th September. With all good wishes

Julie Gibbons (Head teacher)

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Colin Wolff OVER 30 YEARS’


Charmily Deynes RoadDebden CB11 3LG

01799 543679 07792 250237

[email protected]

Arboricultural Services

01799 520044

Fully Insured

NPTC Qualified




architectural service

18 The Maltings Station Road

Newport, Essex, CB11 3RN

Tel : 01799 543533 Fax: 01799 543653

[email protected]

Page 33: pump august 2012


Hearing Help Uttlesford

Problems with you NHS Hearing Aid? Obtain FREE help and advice at:-


at the Day Centre in Hill Street on the

First Saturday of each month from 9.45 ‘til 11.30 am

or at


at ‘The Surgery’, Margaret Street

on the

Last Thursday of each month from 10.00 am ‘til Noon For more information call 01799 599790 (9am –4pm)

Regd. Charity No. 289280


Recently retired Maths teacher

offering extra tuition for

GCSE and A levels

Contact: Lucy Chapman

Sharon, Thaxted Road, Debden

Tel:01799 543864

The Police

will be visiting

the Village Shop on:

Fri – 3rd- August

Fri 31st – August

Thurs – 27th Sept



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Professional Cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery, Rugs & Leather

Organic based cleaning solutions

Allergy-Out anti allergy treatment

Guardsman anti-stain protection

Spot cleaning & stain removal

Free advice & estimates

Safe Organic


Safeclean Cambridge Ltd 08700465528

Page 35: pump august 2012


Enjoy good company, a wide selection of wines, beers and great food! Starters

small selection from our menu Prawns Pil Pil (cooked in garlic, chilli tomatoes & herbs)

Deep fried Brie with Cumberland sauce Crispy devilled whitebait

Main Courses

A small selection from our menu Large rack of BBQ ribs with salad & chips

Half roast crispy duck with stir fry vegetables & dauphinoise potatoes Home made steak & kidney pie cooked in Guinness, vegetables &

dauphinoise 10oz Ribeye served with onion rings, mushrooms and choice of potatoes

Whole trout wrapped in bacon with lemon butter & fresh vegetables Home made lasagne, salad & chips

Selection of vegetarian dishes always available Plus Bar Snacks menu

Sunday lunch

Selection of starters Main courses

Roast topside of beef and Yorkshire Pudding Succulent slow roast pork and Yorkshire pudding

Fish dish of the day Vegetarian dish of the day

All mains £8.95, book for 12-12.30pm, £7.95 Selection of sweets

Fish & Chip Night – Wednesdays Take-away £7.95, eat in £8.95)

Music Night – 1st Wednesday of the month Quiz Night – 3rd Wednesday

For bookings telephone Stuart or Margaret 01799 541899 Tuesdays - Fridays 6pm—11pm

Saturdays 12pm—11pm Sundays 12pm—5pm

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A note from the Treasurer of Debden Village Shop.

Debden Shop has recently introduced new lines as requested by our customers - a wider variety of frozen ready-meals, nut-free snacks, cheap soft drinks in cartons. In order to increase one section of stock, other items have to be either discontinued or reduced. In May, our buyers always in-crease the drink and ice-cream stocks. What a juggling act and what a washout May, June and July!


The shop needs additional funds to increase the stock level and for new equipment and decor. Three years ago, the committee organised “Debden’s Got Talent” in order to help fund the new roof. At least now our stock remains dry.

Another fund-raising event is planned for the Autumn. Perhaps this will be the year of the “Wannabe”, or a 50’s Night – with Bill Haley, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry (not my era, so I looked them up). How about a Race Night, Gentlemen’s night, 1930’s Cockney Night, (free lessons on how to drop your aitch), The Debden version of Chicago or Spamalot?

Unfortunately, there is no sound system in the village hall or a stage, so this kit will need to be borrowed/hired.

Your suggestions along with offers of help would be most welcome.

Volunteers can contact me on 01799 542406 or my email address is [email protected] . I have offered to co-ordinate the event.


Please remember our new extended opening hours during the week.

Monday—Friday : 8.30 am - 1.30 pm

2.00 pm - 4.30 pm

Saturday : 10.00 am - 12 noon

2.00 pm - 4.30 pm

Sunday: 10.00 am - 12 noon

Post Office open Mondays and Thursdays : 9am - 1 pm

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Saturday 8th September Why not get out your bike or walking boots on Saturday 8th September and raise some money to keep the historic church buildings in Essex in good repair? Many churches will be open, including some which are normally closed, for those who participate on bike or on foot in the annual ‘Ride & Stride.’

You can start and finish at any church and at any time to suit your plans for the day. You can visit as many or as few churches as you choose. If you want to maximise the number of churches you visit, there are seven churches in Saffron Walden and six in Thaxted. A list of churches in the area is available from the organiser, together with sponsorship forms. Some sponsors may choose to donate a specific sum per church visited. Others may prefer to give you a fixed amount, particularly if they are unsure how fit you are! If you enjoy seeing church buildings in the town or country, you can do your part to keep them there. Many churches, particularly in the countryside, have small regular congregations and find it difficult to raise funds to keep the buildings in good repair. Your help will be appreciated. If you choose Debden parish church as your nominated church, half the money you raise will go to Debden and half will be available for grants to other historic churches of all denominations in Essex. For more information, sponsorship forms and lists of churches, please contact: Tony Vernon, Debden Church secretary, on 01371 830801 or by email at [email protected].

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M THE SHOP Saffron Walden’s Village Chimney Sweep

It’s Friday night at the Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps’ annual ball and the presentations have begun. Prizes for the biggest bird’s nest removed, the most difficult problems overcome, the lifetime award to services to the Industry and the most successful newcomer as well as voting for the best van, have all taken place and I’m setting my sights on being one of the winners next year.

I look around the room and feel a great camaraderie with my new found colleagues, these men with whom I have been accepted, encouraged and generously trained, so that I too have started my new business as Saffron Walden’s Village Chimney Sweep.

From the very beginning I knew if I were to consider becoming a woman sweep, my approach would be to do it with absolute commitment and in complete seriousness. I would train to the highest possible level, with the best and invest in the most technologically advance equipment. The Guild Of Master Chimney Sweeps shone out as the organisation having become recognised as the Industry’s principle membership body and this year hosting the European convention.

And so here I am. You’ll se my van around now. I’m the Saffron Walden Village Chimney Sweep, covering all the villages in a 10 mile radius equipped with some marvellous German tools specifically designed and invented to meet the highest performance standards, used throughout Europe for a range of heating appliances.

I have been thoroughly trained through a hands on apprenticeship with Cambridge’s most experienced and highly regarded sweeps. The job is really satisfying; you either need your chimney sweeping or you don’t so it doesn’t come with the kind of aggressive sales patter that would be my personal undoing, and people want to see you. I’ve met all sorts and listened to some pretty extraordinary stories and because this job sometimes lets me have a glimpse of the lives of the people at the other end of their chimneys, I’m finding it a privilege to have the chance to meet my customers.

So to finish up this tale so far, I’ve got so much knowledge and advice that I’m itching to tell you all about, I hope, that if you need a Chimney Sweep, I will be your woman!

Jessica Hayes 07930 341750

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Loves Farm Lamb

Home produced spring lamb.

Grass fed on extensive grazing.

With over twenty years of shepherding experience we would like to sell our lambs directly to the public. Professionally butchered, chopped, jointed, bagged

and labelled ready for the freezer.

Price depending on weights:

Half Lamb: £60 - £70

Whole lamb: £120 - £140

Please ring Chris Mizen

01371 831033 – 07702 048457

Loves Farm, Cutlers Green, Thaxted.

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You will remember I wrote recently about the problems with the accidents at the cross roads by Fox Cottage. Since then there have been two more accidents, both the Police and Essex Highways & Byways have been informed. I have been liaising with the Officer at H & B and have just received the good news that the Officer has managed to get some funding to help improve the situation. In addition to the work being carried out with cutting back of the hedgerows and re-whitening the markings, they have passed the scheme over to the engineers to come up with some designs and suggestions for further improvement.

As it currently stands there is nothing to indicate to motorists that they are approaching the Debden Junction so Highways & Byways are proposing better more noticeable signs set further back to the crossroads to warn people not familiar with the area the dangers of the approaching crossroad.

The help and assistance received from the Officer at Highways and Byways, in trying to resolve the problems, has been very encouraging. I am pleased to report that I have contacted our County Councillor, Simon Walsh, to back our request for a speed limit to be placed along this stretch of road and he has given his full support and forwarded this information on to the relevant department. The matter of speed limit restriction is more difficult to achieve due to costs and National guidelines; however, we have managed to move it along somewhat.

Debden Green Bus Shelter

I try not to single out people as there are so many unsung heroes in the village but the Bus Shelter at Debden Green was the result of much lobbying by Mrs Pamela Gale who was so concerned that many of the children, particularly in the winter, had to stand in the road waiting for a bus. The previous Parish Council I was Chairing started the initial process of obtaining the necessary permissions and the following Parish Council continued coming up with a most attractive and useful Shelter. However, this still means, particularly with the lack of grass cutting of the verges, that people continue to walk in the road to get to the bus shelter.

I have discussed the matter with the Officer at H & B and work is now in progress to see if additional funding can be sought to provide a footpath to the shelter. It is most refreshing to be able to work with people from E.C.C. who are so helpful and efficient. Let us keep our fingers crossed that these additional improvements will see a reduction in the accidents in these areas.

n.b. I have just received news from H & B that the Debden Green footway has also been allocated some funding so they can join up the bus stop with the Henham Road thus making it safer for pedestrians getting off the bus at this location – result!! Tina Knight

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TANG TING FRIENDS MEETING and AGM Wednesday, 5th September 2012 Carver Barracks Village Hall (next to the Spar shop)


“An English Teacher in Tang Ting”

Fran Cavanagh is a Primary Special Needs Expert and also a supporter of the TTTA. Fran recently spent a week at the school in Tang Ting and will be giving an illustrated talk of her experiences with the children at the school and of her trip generally. This talk will particularly appeal not only to education professionals, but all those with an interest in the school. Fran says that her time in Tang Ting was very rewarding and she was over-whelmed by the welcome and friendliness of the people, and especially the level of interest shown by the children and their extraordinary willingness and enthusiasm in the classroom.

Tang Ting is a remote mountain village and on the journey to Tang Ting, Fran suffered concussion after a bad fall. On the return trip, a landslide and flood led to further delays, thus reminding us of the hardships experienced by the people of this region. The TTTA is planning another medical mission later in the year and are looking for a volunteer to co-ordinate the packing of the gifts. If you are interested in going along with the Medical Mission, please contact Moray Bayliss on 01799 516109.

The TTTA AGM will take place between 7.15-7.45 pm (all welcome), followed by the Friends Meeting at 8.00 pm.

If you would like to attend to attend the Tang Ting Twinning Association AGM, or require further information, please contact Moray Bayliss on 01799 516109 [email protected] by 1st September.


September edition—copy date is 5th August

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Open Every Day except Thursday

Debden Pre-School

For 2 to 5 years old Debden Memorial Hall

Registered charity No 1059433


Sales, services, spares of new and second-hand machinery


MIXTOR ROBIN and many others

Call us on

01799 599774 Please see our new website

Page 43: pump august 2012


Sygma Security Systems Ltd

‘Security Management Specialists’

Sygma provide the following services to both Business & Domestic customers:-


Access Control

Perimeter Security

Remote Monitoring

Service & Maintenance

Call now for your FREE initial site survey on 0800 043 6728

or email [email protected]

Unit K Blois Meadow Business Centre Steeple Bumpstead Suffolk CB9 7BN


Calendar of Events August —September 2012

7th August Children’s Holiday Gardening and Cookery Course 13th September Autumn Pruning, Propagation & Planning - Caroline Tilston 14th September Friday Morning Flowers - create a gorgeous bunch for the weekend. 18th September Come and Really Learn to Stop and Smell the Roses (stress mgt) 26th September Baking Bread, Pizza and Chelsea Buns 27th September Choosing Garden Trees with Helen Riches

To book, phone 01799 523411 or online GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE

The Barn, Cole End Farm, Wimbish, Saffron Walden, CB10 2LJ

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Page 45: pump august 2012


ComputerCare-SaffronWalden All types of PC support work undertaken

Problem solving

Broadband & Wireless

New system installation

Data recovery

Advice on new PC purchase


Home networking

Repairs & Upgrades

We come to you! Our aim is to have satisfied customers who will recommend us to others

01799 520514 [email protected]

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29th July

Visit of Maureen Lee Pentecostal Church

5pm Page 18

5th Sep-tember

Tang Ting—AGM followed by

“An English Teacher in Tang Ting”

Carver Bar-racks Village Hall



Page 41

Sat 8th Sept

Ride and Stride Essex churches

Page 37

Thursdays Mothers and Toddlers 10-12noon Memorial Hall

2nd Friday of each month Second Friday Club—8pm onwards at The Plough Are you planning to hold an event in the village in 2012/2013? If so, please check against the dates above to avoid possible clashes and don’t forget to give your dates (even provisional ones) to the edi-

Spigot Mortar—did you guess?

Our mystery picture last month of a concrete coned pillar with a stainless steel pin sticking up is the base of a spigot mortar or Blacker Bombard. These were built at the start of the Second World War near road junctions to defend villages and towns against the risk of invasion by enemy tracked vehicles. This one is in undergrowth just before Fox Cottage coming from the direction of Carver Barracks, formerly RAF Debden. The pillar was normally flush with the ground within a brick surround emplacement allowing three men to stand. It fired a 9 kilo anti-tank bomb at the effective range of 70– 90 metres and 6.5 kilo anti -personnel ammunition to 700 metres.

With thanks to Mike Barton and Edward Tetlow for the information.

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In response to readers’ requests for more information, here is a list of telephone numbers that may be useful.

Please inform the editors if any are out of date or incorrect.


Essex Police 101 NEW non emergency (15p per call) Neighbourhood Police 07779 085615 Hospitals Addenbrooke’s, Cambridge ……………………… ...... 01223 245151 Princess Alexandra, Harlow ……………………… ...... 01279 444455 Doctors Newport………………....01799 540696 Thaxted……………… ....01371 830213 Saffron Walden: Borough Lane……......... 01799 524224 Gold Street…….. ........... 01799 525235 TEDS (out of hours)....... 01371877410 Dentists (Saffron Walden) Church Street…….. ....... 01799 528555 High Street……..…........ 01799 521357 Hill Street……...… ......... 01799 528209 London Road……….…..01799 523194 New Road…………........ 01799 521265 NHS Radwinter Road Hospital ……….…………………..0800 7833396 Churches St Mary the Virgin & All Saints Rev Hilary Davey ........... 01799 522616 Pentecostal Church Paul Baker……………… 01440 710416 Debden Shop 01799 541348 Karen Roper (manager) 01799 541634 Footpaths Pat Hemmings ………... 01799 541308 Village Hall Hire Tony Hudson …………. 01799 541577 pref. email;…. [email protected] Schools Debden Primary ……… 01799 540302 Pre school Newport Free Grammar.. 01799 540237 SW County High …….. 01799 513030 Friends ………………… 01799 525351

Transport Train times …………….. 08457 484950 Ticket booking………… 0800 566566 Stansted Airport…………01279 680500 Noise Complaints……….0800 243788 Village link buses 5 & 3...08457 000333 Debden Clubs Football (Eddie Minet)…. 07766 970296 Tennis (Roger Forster) ... 01799 541409 Table tennis (Jim Watson) “ 540721 Badminton (Richard Simmonds) 541084 Karen Howarth School of Dancing ........................................ 01279 651535 Building Services Watson and Woolner ...... 01799 541846 RA Gunn 07708 493432 Plumber G MacSwan 07877 193292 Plumber C Wolff.............. 01799 543679 County Councillor Simon Walsh ………… email:[email protected] District Councillor Tina Knight …………….. 01799 540881 Parish Council Members (Village Hall and Pavilion) April Gardner ……………01799 542288 (Play Area and Parish Pump) Andrew Tetlow ………….01799 541502 (Finance) Stephen Jasper ………...01799 543141 (Localism Bill) Roger Forster ………….. 01799 541409 (Open Spaces)

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5th August : Ninth Sunday after Trinity

9.30 am Holy Communion 11 am Family Service

12th August: Tenth Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Family Service –

The Bread of Life 11am Holy Communion

19th August : Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Family Communion 11am Matins

26th August : Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Matins 11am Holy Communion

PRIEST-IN-CHARGE : Rev. Hilary Davey (01799) 522616

CHURCHWARDENS : Micka Brown (01799) 540395

Nina Manser (01799) 541863

PCC SECRETARY : Tony Vernon (01371) 830801

website :

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