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Page 1: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

Perceived Teaching Effectiveness

Login as Dean Ramser at 4/1/2015 1:05:20 PM

Select Semester:

CRN Dept Course Title Instructor Status

43027 ENG 110-30 Freshman Composition I Ramser Dean Lecturer

43029 ENG 110-32 Freshman Composition I Ramser Dean Lecturer

41839 ENG 110-81 Freshman Composition I Ramser Dean Lecturer

42004 ENG 111-15 Freshman Composition II Ramser Dean Lecturer

41798 ENG 99-76 Basic Writing Workshop Ramser Dean Lecturer

Login as Dean Ramser at 4/1/2015 1:06:35 PM

Dean Ramser - Lecturer

Fall 2014

CRN 43027 Course No. 110-30

Dept ENG Course Title Freshman Composition I

Number of Students Enrolled End of 3RD week 26

Number of Students Responded to PTE Form 21

To Be Included Automatically in RTP File Yes

PTE Results

Q1. The objectives of the course were stated clearly. Q6. The instructor show enthusiasm for the subject.

Number Percent

11 52 Strongly Agree

7 33 Agree

3 14 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Number Percent

17 81 Strongly Agree

4 19 Agree

0 0 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Page 2: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

Q2. The course content covered the stated objectives. Q7. The course assignments and class activities were helpful in learning the course content.

11 52 Strongly Agree

9 43 Agree

1 5 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

13 62 Strongly Agree

4 19 Agree

4 19 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q3. The instructor presented the course material clearly. Q8. The Instructor's teaching was effective

9 43 Strongly Agree

7 33 Agree

5 24 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

11 52 Strongly Agree

7 33 Agree

3 14 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q4. The class included appropriate student participation and discussion. Q9. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

16 76 Strongly Agree

5 24 Agree

0 0 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q5. The instructor was responsive to student's questions. Q10. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

16 76 Strongly Agree

4 19 Agree

1 5 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q11. What has the instructor done especially well in the teaching of this course?

He truly cares about his students. He doesn''t just assign basic english homework, but he also assigns extra assignments; that to me have proven to be very effective. For example, he provides his students with some very helpful english websites like the Rules For Writers website. He

makes the students do all the practices on this website until he is sure they understand the rules of writing. In addition, Dean Ramser takes his time correcting essays, and when he returns the essays he makes sure to explain what the student did wrong and how they can improve their

writing. Overall, he is a great professor who goes above and beyond for his students!

Making creative essays!

I believe this professor has done well putting enthusiasm into his teachings

Giving us many objectives

He shows videos that are part of the lesson so we can learn in other ways instead of him lecturing for an hour and 15 minutes.

He gives us great feedback on our essays and makes our discussions in class very enjoyable.

Always posts extra information on blackboard (like links or articles) that have to do with what we''re currently learning in class so we can learn more

He was very engaged with the students and made the class fun.

Involving every student to the class discussions.

Giving us extra examples on blackboard.

Page 3: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

he does an excellent job at bringing in groups together and forming ideas as a class.

The group discussions and class interactions have helped me learn better to gain ideas for certain essays.

Showing videos that relate to the topic we learn about in class.

he''s very hands on with students. he knows us individually

Q12. What might be done to improve the instructor's teaching in this course?


Stop giving us homework all randomly,especially on the weekend, and just tell us in class time,

What can be improve is to stay in topic and be more clear on his objectives and perhaps be more clear on what the topics of each lecture is before the class starts

Explain what is due on certain days the days we have class meetings.

His ways of teaching do not need improvement.

He could assign more work from our Rules for Writers book, it''s very useful and I''m sure that many students could learn a few things from it.

Be more strict about attendance

Just keep being you Mr. Ramser. You''re pretty awesome.

To go over things a little more than usual

Not much just more time in class is all

Promote office hours more.

Review assignments better and not be so harsh on grading materials we are not so familiar with.

Might not be so hard on grading

Q13. Additional comments

I believe this is an incredible professor and I love the way he puts his enthusiasm into English but I feel like his way of teaching didn''t fit my way of learning.

Professor Ramser always comes into the classroom with a big smile on his face ready to teach!

Great teacher and goes out of his way to come up with extra material for us to look at in case we need help

great teacher all around

Great class overall.

Login as Dean Ramser at 4/1/2015 1:07:10 PM

Dean Ramser - Lecturer

Fall 2014

CRN 43029 Course No. 110-32

Dept ENG Course Title Freshman Composition I

Number of Students Enrolled End of 3RD week 26

Number of Students Responded to PTE Form 22

To Be Included Automatically in RTP File Yes

PTE Results

Q1. The objectives of the course were stated clearly. Q6. The instructor show enthusiasm for the subject.

Number Percent

5 23 Strongly Agree

10 45 Agree

5 23 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

1 5 Strongly Disagree

1 5 NA - Does Not Apply

Number Percent

16 73 Strongly Agree

4 18 Agree

1 5 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

1 5 NA - Does Not Apply

Page 4: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

Q2. The course content covered the stated objectives. Q7. The course assignments and class activities were helpful in learning the course content.

6 27 Strongly Agree

11 50 Agree

3 14 Neutral

1 5 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

1 5 NA - Does Not Apply

5 23 Strongly Agree

14 64 Agree

2 9 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

1 5 NA - Does Not Apply

Q3. The instructor presented the course material clearly. Q8. The Instructor's teaching was effective

7 32 Strongly Agree

8 36 Agree

3 14 Neutral

1 5 Disagree

2 9 Strongly Disagree

1 5 NA - Does Not Apply

4 18 Strongly Agree

11 50 Agree

4 18 Neutral

2 9 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

1 5 NA - Does Not Apply

Q4. The class included appropriate student participation and discussion. Q9. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

10 45 Strongly Agree

8 36 Agree

2 9 Neutral

1 5 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

1 5 NA - Does Not Apply

Q5. The instructor was responsive to student's questions. Q10. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

11 50 Strongly Agree

6 27 Agree

4 18 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

1 5 NA - Does Not Apply

Q11. What has the instructor done especially well in the teaching of this course?

We was really good at teaching grammar and mla format

Has a lot of enthusiasm for the subject, and makes it interesting.

When he taught us he made his lectures fun for it kept my focus

Talks very respectful and humorous toward students.

He maintains a very open mind as well as giving us feedback on our essays.

The assignments are creative in a way that we can understand the subject being discussed.

He gives enough time to write essays and is okay he needs to teach more grammar though.

He enters the classroom with a smile and always makes it fun. He does not follow the syllabus most of the time but he does put the assignments online but forgets to mention them. He usually puts them on Sundays at night and expects you to have them done the next day. You do a lot of

reading though and you sometimes discuss it in class. You do a lot of essays too. You also play jeapordy for grammar exercises.

The way he teaches is great I understand everything well

He asked us if there was any way he could help us in understanding the material before we left class.

He created a lot of activities to help us out on our essays.

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How to create an arguement & support it.

I think he did well at making people share out their ideas and create discussions around topics we were learning on. I liked how he allowed editing and feedback on the essays because I felt that it was really helpful. I liked how he introduced us to Brandon Hein''s story and his father. I

like how we took trips to the library, the archives, and the art gallery. I also like how he incorporated videos into his lectures.

The instructor has done a good job of teaching us students how to write about topics and subjects that we aren''t necessarily comfortable with, to teach us more about that topic, such as racism, different kinds of laws, and many other topics.

The instructor was very enthusiastic when teaching, and was very positive and encouraging to his students.

He has been very helpful and has so much energy to teach his students.

The Teacher was very enthusiastic about the course and made the course interesting.

He was very caring about his students and went out of his way to remind us what was due. Very good professor!

Q12. What might be done to improve the instructor's teaching in this course?

Maybe if we had 3 weeks to do an essay instead of 2 weeks

Present all due dates and assignments clearly in class.

nothing it was good as it was

I don't see much to improve.

He might want to be clear in class about our homework assignments instead of sending emails last minute.

Nothing, the teaching is well understood.

He should mention when the homework is due and let us know if he is not going to include something from the syllabus. After reading some authors he should probably discuss what it was about and do some activity.

I say the way he teaches now is fine, I wouldn''t change anything

Reminding us of his office hours

He taught class very well actually.

more activities.

I think he could have been more explanatory with homework instead f just emailing it to us he could updated the course schedule or syllabus because we started to not follow the syllabus. Maybe the diagnostic test wasn''t a good measure because I feel like the timed prompts are never

good. Maybe he could have went over grammar more in class and had essays that related to different things than just the book A World of Ideas.

I think the instructor should help us develop our essays a little more so before moving onto the next one.

No complain.

He has to slow down the course because he goes through the lesson really fast and is hard to keep up with his class.

The Teacher was rather vague when giving instructions and occasionally posts assignments to blackboard late

Nothing, this course was well taught.

Reminders for those who don''t check blackboard 24/7.

Q13. Additional comments

It was hard to follow what and when something was due.

Overall, his class had ups and downs but he was a fun professor to have!

no comment

He is a great teacher and if I got the chance to have him as a professor again I would take him.

Even though we wrote many essays in this class, it was still a great class which I enjoyed.


Login as Dean Ramser at 4/1/2015 1:07:45 PM

Dean Ramser - Lecturer

Fall 2014

CRN 41839 Course No. 110-81

Dept ENG Course Title Freshman Composition I

Number of Students Enrolled End of 3RD week 26

Number of Students Responded to PTE Form 21

To Be Included Automatically in RTP File Yes

PTE Results

Page 6: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

Q1. The objectives of the course were stated clearly. Q6. The instructor show enthusiasm for the subject.

Number Percent

13 62 Strongly Agree

7 33 Agree

1 5 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Number Percent

17 81 Strongly Agree

4 19 Agree

0 0 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q2. The course content covered the stated objectives. Q7. The course assignments and class activities were

helpful in learning the course content.

13 62 Strongly Agree

8 38 Agree

0 0 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

14 67 Strongly Agree

7 33 Agree

0 0 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q3. The instructor presented the course material clearly. Q8. The Instructor's teaching was effective

13 62 Strongly Agree

6 29 Agree

2 10 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

13 62 Strongly Agree

7 33 Agree

1 5 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q4. The class included appropriate student participation

and discussion. Q9. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

15 71 Strongly Agree

6 29 Agree

0 0 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q5. The instructor was responsive to student's questions. Q10. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

15 71 Strongly Agree

6 29 Agree

0 0 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q11. What has the instructor done especially well in the teaching of this course?

Page 7: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

he''s been able to help us improve our everyday english levels as well as making our writing skills better.

he stays on track. Doesn't surprise students with work not mentioned or on the syllabus. He looks happy to teach every

day. He makes English seem kinda fun.

Giving examples

Starts with the basics and truly offers insight on the course.

how to interact and really work one on one with students.

I believe that Professor Ramser is a great professor. One thing that I liked about his class is that if he knew that any

student was at risk of failing he would encourage them to push their grade up. He also shows great enthusiasm and

passion in what he teaches, he includes things in the lectures that he knows we would enjoy doing rather than giving us

things that he knows we would not like. Also, I liked how he would ask for feedback back from the students to see if

there was anything that he needed to change to help us become successful. I think that professor Ramser is a great

professor. I also enjoyed the 1 on 1 feedback he would give to tell us in what areas we needed to improve to pass his


Going over the different learning styles to see if the work is effective and its helping us learn and understand the


Gave us a lot of things and useful tools so we can understand.


I liked the communication that he had with his students and lectures were straight foward

Not only has he went over the basics with us about writing but he has also showed us how to apply the basic steps in our

essays and has taught us how to improve our writing.

Making the class entertaining by letting the students be more creative.

The energy in the class was always exciting and I enjoyed his enthusiasm.

Hes done in class activities where us as students get to see physically what hes trying to explain.

show us new ways of learning and researching

Really cares about the students learning

he has done well in teaching all the material.

Professor Ramser did a good job in getting the class involved with discussions in the subjects so that everyone can be

open minded to different ideas. With his positive attitude and enthusiasm, he made the class more interesting and


Q12. What might be done to improve the instructor's teaching in this course?

He's great, don't need to change anything in the way he teaches!

Nothing, I think the class is fine how it is.

better communication of future assignments due.

I actually don't think that professor Ramser needs to change anything in the way he teaches. I know for a fact that I and

a couple of friends (classmates) found his teaching to be very effective.

giving about 5 assignments at once and not being considerate about the other classes and homework we have.

Less work and more time


A little bit more time on assignments

Giving more feedback on essay''s we write in order for us to improve our writing.

I feel that this teacher is good and I cant think of any improvements that should be made.

Being more clear on what is expected

He should maybe work on being a bit more clear about assignments.

Maybe if we were able to do more of the same in class activities as often


he''s really good there is nothing to improve

I do not feel like anything needs to be changed

An improvement can be that instead of letting the Turn It In website correct an individuals rough draft, the professor

could make comments of his own to help the student understand what can be improved in the essay.

Page 8: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

Q13. Additional comments

amazing personality

He is a great teacher.

Good Professor and I enjoyed his class

I have to give the teacher a lot of credit because he was able to work with me and my hectic work schedule this entire



Login as Dean Ramser at 4/1/2015 1:08:04 PM

Dean Ramser - Lecturer

Fall 2014

CRN 42004 Course No. 111-15

Dept ENG Course Title Freshman Composition II

Number of Students Enrolled End of 3RD week 27

Number of Students Responded to PTE Form 21

To Be Included Automatically in RTP File Yes

PTE Results

Q1. The objectives of the course were stated clearly. Q6. The instructor show enthusiasm for the subject.

Number Percent

6 29 Strongly Agree

10 48 Agree

3 14 Neutral

1 5 Disagree

1 5 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Number Percent

14 67 Strongly Agree

5 24 Agree

2 10 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q2. The course content covered the stated objectives. Q7. The course assignments and class activities were

helpful in learning the course content.

5 24 Strongly Agree

11 52 Agree

4 19 Neutral

1 5 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

5 24 Strongly Agree

11 52 Agree

5 24 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q3. The instructor presented the course material clearly. Q8. The Instructor's teaching was effective

5 24 Strongly Agree

9 43 Agree

4 19 Neutral

2 10 Disagree

1 5 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

4 19 Strongly Agree

12 57 Agree

2 10 Neutral

2 10 Disagree

1 5 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Page 9: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

Q4. The class included appropriate student participation

and discussion. Q9. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

8 38 Strongly Agree

12 57 Agree

1 5 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q5. The instructor was responsive to student's questions. Q10. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

10 48 Strongly Agree

9 43 Agree

1 5 Neutral

1 5 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q11. What has the instructor done especially well in the teaching of this course?

Professor Ramser always answered every question at his best ability.

Good group activities

The instructor has answered questions for the course well.

I think it is very helpful when the instructor have the class turn in their essay to be graded so we can see what we could

have gotten if it was a final and then allow us to revise to get a better grade for the final.

the problem is that he did nothing good in teaching this course.

The instructor has made sure that all students are aware of what the assignments are and is always willing to answer any

questions the students have. I think this is a great quality because he encourages students to ask questions to clarify their

issues on certain assignments. The professor is approachable and friendly.

His amount of writing different essays, about articles, and research is helpful.

I enjoyed his method of using He went down to specifics to help our writing better.

The instructor made all his lessons clear and interesting. He also was always willing to help me when I had questions.

Professor Ramser is a good listener. Because of this, he was able to adjust to the students needs. He also answered

questions in depth and tried to get us all as excited about writing as he is. He is very knowledgeable in his craft which is

comforting. He is helpful when students become stuck. He explains grammar very well.

he gets really involved within the class, he is straight forwards with everything, and whenever we have a question he

always answers it to his best capability.

He has a great attitude about the subject.

Teaching the students how to write better essays

The instructor has actually made English more fundamental by using arts and crafts, journal assignments, and

appropriate peer reviews.

Q12. What might be done to improve the instructor's teaching in this course?


Slow down speed and amount of assignments

What might be done to improve the instructor''s teaching is that he should discuss the topics for the essays more.

The instructor could have been easy on the homework assignments and rather review or do class assignment to better

understand an essay or to improve our grammar.

to improve the instructors teaching he should go back to be a teacher-student and learn how to be a better teacher.

Page 10: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

In my own personal opinion, I feel that the professor would have more success in his class if he would create descriptive

essay prompts for the essays that are assigned.

clarity, and spending more time on what we need to make our (the student's) writing skills more academic.

I would say be a little more clear on what he wants. We had grammar tests and we had to figure everything out on our

own rather than him teaching us the skills.

I believe there are too many assignments given/piled up to the same due date or last minute due date. Instructions in

order to complete the assignments all the time are necessary.

I think that the instructor needs to be a little more clear on what the homework is because I always found myself

wondering what it was.

There were many essays written back to back. I think this approach overwhelmed students and resulted in lower quality

essays as opposed to if students were given more time to complete the essays as well as time in between each essay. I''m

not saying eliminate them all together because that would defeat the purpose of bettering our writing. Just don''t

overwhelm the students

none, overall i think he is great.

He does need to be more clear about the instructions for the assignment.

Go over the readings and essay prompts more clear

Make due dates clear.

The instructor should continue what they are doing now, and slow down sometimes so that they can have time for rest.

Q13. Additional comments

I like how the instructor is willing to hear the class comments on a certain assignment then willing to arrange the

assignment so that it is more fair and reasonable. In other words we have choices if we actually speak up.

i strongly believe that professor Ramser does not know how to properly and effectively teach a college course. he is a

great person, but he should not be allowed to teach another course at CSUDH; CSUDH should always provide us with

good professors and of course with professors that make us believe that they are worth taking a $700 dollar course with.

please do not hire professors like Dean Ramser again.

He is very nice patient, and I recommend going to his office hours, they help!

He is a great teacher overall and has a lot of passion for this course.

Over all, I think he is a really good instructor.

Loved this course


This was the best English class I have ever been in and we need more "determined" professors such as this one.

Login as Dean Ramser at 4/1/2015 1:08:25 PM

Dean Ramser - Lecturer

Fall 2014

CRN 41798 Course No. 99-76

Dept ENG Course Title Basic Writing Workshop

Number of Students Enrolled End of 3RD week 18

Number of Students Responded to PTE Form 15

To Be Included Automatically in RTP File Yes

PTE Results

Q1. The objectives of the course were stated clearly. Q6. The instructor show enthusiasm for the subject.

Number Percent Number Percent

Page 11: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

8 53 Strongly Agree

5 33 Agree

2 13 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

10 67 Strongly Agree

3 20 Agree

2 13 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q2. The course content covered the stated objectives. Q7. The course assignments and class activities were

helpful in learning the course content.

6 40 Strongly Agree

6 40 Agree

3 20 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

5 33 Strongly Agree

6 40 Agree

4 27 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q3. The instructor presented the course material clearly. Q8. The Instructor's teaching was effective

5 33 Strongly Agree

5 33 Agree

5 33 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

5 33 Strongly Agree

7 47 Agree

3 20 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q4. The class included appropriate student participation

and discussion. Q9. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

8 53 Strongly Agree

4 27 Agree

2 13 Neutral

1 7 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q5. The instructor was responsive to student's questions. Q10. OPTIONAL QUESTION: NA

9 60 Strongly Agree

4 27 Agree

2 13 Neutral

0 0 Disagree

0 0 Strongly Disagree

0 0 NA - Does Not Apply

Q11. What has the instructor done especially well in the teaching of this course?

Discussing material

The essay prompts were helpful to prepare for exams.

Making sure We understood how to write paragraphs

Page 12: PTE CSUDH Fall 2014

Has dedicated his time to help his students

He always makes sure we understand the material before we leave the class

Interact with us as students and get to know us.

One thing the professor did really great on in the teaching of the course was making sure that every student can write

essays in preparation for the next English class.

made sure everyone was ready for our exams and to write good papers and essays.

yes, he allways was interesting in teaching the students

The instructor teaching was great because he introduced to us many sources like Rules for Writers to make our writing

more effective. He has also taught us to always reread our essays because the little mistakes could make a huge



i like that no matter what professor Ramser is always happy to be in class. not a day mad nor sad but happy everyday. i

like that positive attitude of him.

Q12. What might be done to improve the instructor's teaching in this course?

Nothing really

Less Essays.

not so many essays every week, doesn''t give us a chance to really look at our work.

Take it a little bit slower

His teaching is great

Talk about the material a little more, with extra detail.

The professor can improve on his way of teaching the class regarding the essay policy because he doesn't really provide

feedback on what we should focus more in our essay, but overall he did good in teaching the class.

spend more time doing actual activities.

to give us more readings

I think the instructor could have improved by giving lectures on class instead of assigning for homework. The book

work was a great help but it would have been better if we went over it in class as well.

Feedback on our writing.

Q13. Additional comments

Very helpful professor

Overall, good teacher.

The instructor was very generous and understanding when it came to our work. He always followed the syllabus.

Awesome professor.

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