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Page 1: Providing Feedback

“The Best Way to Forecast the Future is to Create it.”

– Michael J. Gelb

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• Understand how to give appropriate feedback

• Recognizing and supporting your team

• The new one on one sheet

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• Clinical studies show the more you give of

yourself in learning about your employees (their

needs, likes, and dislikes), the more your

perspective changes and you find yourself better

able to lead them-with compassion,

understanding, and confidence (because you

know them, and you know they’ll follow).

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Before Approaching Each Agent….

Consider the Following Questions

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• Are my people in the right position to be self-motivated?

• If not, what is your plan to cause them to be more self-sufficient?

• Do they know what’s expected from them?

• Did you set your expectations early?

• Do they have the right tools?

• Do you give them opportunities and freedom to do their best work?

• Do I give praise and recognition to recall and celebrate achievements and


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Understanding Feedback vs. Criticism

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Gaining Consistency

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• If you don’t have a plan of action or suggestions, the agents probably won’t


• Ensure you’ve backed up your feedback in writing

• Lead by example. If they shouldn’t be doing it, you shouldn’t be either

• No one likes to feel like they’re failing. Always, thank the agent for taking the

risk to change if they’ve used your suggestion and were unsuccessful

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Topic: One on One Process

Objective: To ensure that development is

being taken place with appropriate goal

setting and follow up.

Overall Structure:

(1) Overview

(2) 1-1 Process

(3) 1-1 Form

(4) Feedback

(5) Time Frame

(6) Audit

(7) POC

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Topic: Giving constructive feedback

Objective: Provide effective feedback

that positively impacts performance

Overall Structure:

(1) Types of feedback

(2) Content

(3) Manner

(4) Timing

(5) Frequency

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• Do you vary your praise? Sometimes the thread isn’t


• Think about what you’d like. Praise comes in a variety of


• They may understand the job expectations, but are you

consistently motivating your agent their way, instead of

your way? Revisit MBS expectations

• Remember what recognition truly means

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• Re - to do again

• Cognition - to know

• Thus, recognition

means to know again

which is proof that

people do what you


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How to Truly Career Path

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• When planning goals together, consider their

performance appraisal. Work together to provide

the tools to achieve ‘exceeds expectations’

• When using the form, ensure you’re using the

SMART process (specific, measurable, attainable,

relative, and time-bound)

• Ensure you are turning a broad goal into a realistic


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SMART Goals and Business Needs

“That which gets measured gets managed”

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