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Protocol for a cluster-randomisedcontrolled trial evaluating the impact of apreschool-based capacity buildingintervention on intimate partner violenceand substance misuse in Sri LankaKamalini Lokuge1, Polly Wallace1*, Kalini Subasinghe2, Katherine Thurber1, Tissa De Silva2, Naomi Clarke1,Dulshika Waas3, Nisansala Liyanage4, Udena Attygalle5, Bradley Carron-Arthur1, Kalyana Rodrigo6, Emily Banks1,Cate D’Este1,7 and Thilini Rajapakse8


Background: Past research has identified links between intimate partner violence (IPV) and alcohol misuse andpoverty in Sri Lanka. Services that address substance misuse are amongst the few interventions shown to reduceIPV in settings similar to Sri Lanka. This paper describes the protocol for a study examining the impact of apreschool-based capacity building intervention on the prevalence of IPV and substance misuse in parents withchildren attending preschools, including uptake of available government services.

Methods: The study is a cluster randomised controlled trial. Government-managed preschools (n = 34) in Galle andColombo municipalities will be randomly assigned to an intervention (n = 17) or control group (n = 17). Parentswith children attending these preschools will be recruited to participate. The study intervention will build thecapacity of selected community volunteers (parents) and preschool teachers in the provision of information andsupport to families affected by IPV and substance misuse. This intervention is directed at improving uptake, accessand coordination of existing services. Data will be collected from all parents, and teachers in the intervention group,pre-intervention and 10 months post-intervention. The primary outcome for this study is experience of IPV amongstmothers of preschool-attending children. Secondary outcomes are substance misuse amongst fathers, measured viathe locally adapted Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and Drug Abuse Screening Test; and awareness anduptake of services for these issues measured through locally-relevant tools. Demographic information and satisfactionwith the intervention will also be assessed.

Discussion: By intervening through preschools we aim to support high-risk families early enough to arrest the cycle ofviolence that results in children themselves becoming victims and perpetrators of such violence. The innovative projectdesign will reach the most vulnerable sections of the community and will provide a sustainable and feasible strategyfor scale-up of the intervention.(Continued on next page)

* Correspondence: [email protected] Australian National University National Centre for Epidemiology andPublic Health, Canberra, AustraliaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Trial registration: This study is registered with the Sri Lankan Clinical Trials Registry (2017/038) and has beensubmitted to (U.S National Institutes of Health) under the title “Randomized control trial:preschool-based training and support programs to reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) by addressing alcohol anddrug misuse in young families in Sri Lanka”; Registration number: NCT03341455; Registration date: 14 November 2017.

Keywords: Intimate partner violence, Sri Lanka, Preschool, Randomised control trial, Substance misuse

BackgroundPast research has identified that intimate partner vio-lence (IPV) in Sri Lanka is often associated with povertyand alcohol misuse [1]. Such violence is linked to highlevels of psychological distress among children [2, 3],and childhood experience of IPV is also a strong pre-dictor of experiencing or using violence as an adult [1].Drug misuse is an increasing problem in Sri Lanka [1]and is also likely to contribute to IPV. Ensuring thatthose affected by IPV or substance (drug and alcohol)misuse receive support is critical in improving long-termoutcomes. Of particular importance is ensuring that thissupport is received early enough to disrupt the inter-generational cycle of violence that can result from child-hood exposure to these risks.Services that address alcohol misuse by perpetrators

of domestic violence are amongst the few interven-tions shown to reduce IPV in settings similar to SriLanka [4, 5]. Services for addressing IPV and substancemisuse in Sri Lanka are provided through bothgovernment and non-governmental agencies [6], but for-mal, integrated IPV and substance misuse programs donot exist. Uptake of services by those experiencing IPVis low, limited by factors including lack of awareness,poverty, stigma and limited coordination between dif-ferent referral sectors. Interventions that improve thecoordinated uptake of available services for IPV andsubstance misuse in Sri Lanka are needed and have thepotential to not only improve substance use problems,but also to impact positively on prevalence of IPV.Evidence, including from Sri Lanka, suggests that

women suffering from IPV are more likely to seek sup-port from family and community members in preferenceto formal support agencies [3, 7]. There is also evidencefrom high income settings that lay community memberscan be trained to effectively support those experiencingIPV to access services [8].Preschool teachers and volunteer mothers and fathers

(from the intervention group) will be trained as laycommunity members to support young families experien-cing IPV or substance misuse. They will receive trainingon the impacts of parental IPV and substance misuse onchildren’s educational achievements, key messages toconvey to families experiencing IPV or substance misuse,and practical information and resources for accessing

services to assist families including contact details, re-ferral criteria, duration of available programs, expectedcommitment of participant, costs of services and likelyimpact or benefit of accessing the available services.Preschools offer a route through which to implement

community support programs to increase awareness,knowledge and uptake of services for IPV and substancemisuse, and to target such programs to families withyoung children. Additionally, the preschool settingprovides a route for delivering preventive messages inrelation to these issues. The primary aim of the study isto determine whether such preschool-based capacitybuilding programs reduce the prevalence of IPV inpreschool-attending families. Secondary aims includeassessing the impact of such programs on awareness anduptake of services, and on prevalence of alcohol anddrug misuse in these families.

MethodsWe hypothesise that building the capacity of selectedparents and preschool teachers in the provision of infor-mation and support for accessing appropriate govern-ment services to young families attending preschoolswho may be affected by IPV and substance misuse willhave positive effects on:

� Prevalence of IPV reported by women in theintervention group

� Prevalence of drug and alcohol misuse reported bymen in the intervention group

� Awareness and uptake of available governmentservices that address these issues by young families

We will address the hypothesis using a randomised con-trolled trial (RCT) to deliver and evaluate a community-based advocacy intervention that is affordable, adaptable,effective, and community driven.

Study designThe study is a preschool-based parallel group clusterRCT that will be conducted to assess the impact of acapacity building intervention on IPV and alcohol anddrug misuse related knowledge, practices and prevalence.The comparison is between preschools who receive tar-geted training (intervention group) and the preschools

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that do not (control group). Parents with children at-tending government-managed preschools in two studyareas will be recruited to participate. ConventionalRCTs, in which individuals are randomly allocated todifferent treatment groups, are inappropriate for inter-ventions where the level of allocation is a cluster, basedaround a health facility, village or preschool as is thecase in this study. Figure 1 provides an overview of thestudy design.

SettingPreschools in Sri Lanka are attended by children agedbetween 3 and 5 years for at least one year prior to start-ing school and coverage in this age group is estimated at46% [9]. The majority of preschools are privately run.Although government-run preschools constitute only16% of all preschools [9] they are free of charge and aregenerally most utilised by economically disadvantagedsections of the community.

Fig. 1 Study design and timeline

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Education is highly valued in Sri Lanka, even amongstthe most socio-economically disadvantaged, and parentswill invest significant resources in ensuring the educa-tional success of their children. Based on discussionswith preschool teachers and community service pro-viders (both government and non-government) we assertthat explicitly linking IPV and substance misuse topoorer educational outcomes for children will supportprevention of these issues, as well as provide motivationto those parents affected by these issues to seek assist-ance. By ensuring information on such assistance is ac-cessible through trusted community members, we hopeto improve uptake, retention and post-treatment effect-iveness of support services.Our intervention will build the capacity of preschool

teachers in providing preventive educational messa-ging, selected mothers in the provision of informationand support for accessing services for IPV, and se-lected fathers in the provision of information andsupport for accessing services for substance misusesupport services. By delivering these interventionsthrough government preschools, we aim to deliver anintervention that targets poorer families with youngchildren that is effective, feasible and sustainablewithin existing government and community resourcesand infrastructure.

Target populationOur target population is families utilising governmentpreschools in two urban areas in Sri Lanka: Galle urbanmunicipality (Galle) and Dehiwala Mt Lavinia municipal-ity (Colombo). The urban site in Galle covers 20government-run preschools and Colombo covers 14. Allparents of children attending these preschools will be eli-gible for inclusion in the study, and will be included ifconsenting.

RecruitmentAll parents from participating preschools will be invitedto participate in the study. This invitation will be in theform of a written letter and verbal announcement madeby the project intervention team. The parents who vol-unteer to participate will be invited to attend the schoolafter-hours on a designated day to receive additional in-formation and complete the baseline survey under thesupervision of the data collection team. Mothers and fa-thers will be asked to attend on separate days. Two ses-sions (a weekday and a weekend session) will be offeredto each group to allow participants a choice in the timeat which they undertake the survey.Participation is voluntary and any participant can leave

the study at any time they wish. If a participant doesleave during the duration of the intervention, any dataprovided by them up to that point will remain part of

the study. Only de-identified data are collected. There-fore, the data collection team and data entry officer areunable to identify any participants who remain or with-draw from the study based on the information received.In the randomly selected preschools that will receive

the intervention, all mothers and fathers will be invitedto volunteer to receive capacity building and training aspart of the intervention. We aim to recruit two mothersand two fathers participating in initial workshops fromeach preschool. Those who volunteer will be inter-viewed by the training team (which is distinct from thedata collection team) and selected based on their per-formance in an initial workshop. Mothers and fatherswill attend separate workshops on different days. Trainingwill be delivered to mothers and fathers separately ondifferent days.All teachers from participating preschools will be in-

vited to attend the teacher training and will be includedif they consent. All teachers, 10 randomly selectedmothers and 10 randomly selected fathers who partici-pated in the training, will be interviewed at the conclu-sion of the study.

RandomisationRandomisation will be at the level of the preschoolstratified by study area. Half the preschools in each studyarea will be randomly allocated to receive the teacherand parent training intervention at the beginning of thepreschool year (n = 17: 10 preschools in Galle and 7 inColombo). The preschools that do not receive the inter-vention (n = 17: 10 preschools in Galle and 7 in Colombo)will act as time-concurrent controls. If the intervention isdemonstrated as being effective, these control pre-schools will receive the intervention at the conclusionof the study.Randomisation will be carried out by the study statisti-

cian based outside the study areas, blinded to study areaand preschool, in a 1:1 ratio to intervention or controlgroup stratified by study area and using a computer gener-ated randomisation process. The allocation program willbe archived for reproducible research compliance.

BlindingAllocation of interventions cannot be concealed from ei-ther training staff or study participants once implemen-tation occurs. However, all data collectors will beblinded to the intervention status of preschools. Thestudy will be presented as a project related to familyhealth and wellbeing, no specific study hypotheses willbe presented to participants, and data collectors will notbe involved in delivering the intervention. However, par-ents at preschools receiving the intervention will beaware of the training activities, and may still link theintervention to survey activities.

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The possibility of parents from a control group pre-school changing to an intervention group preschool atdifferent stages (pre or post intervention) of the study inorder to receive the intervention, will be minimised bythe intervention being implemented after preschoolenrolments have been completed for the school year.Participants from control areas may also obtain informa-tion on service use through interaction with interventionarea households, or through having siblings attendingcontrol and intervention area preschools. To assess thedegree to which this may occur, we will collect data onparticipant households preschool enrolment details, resi-dence and sources of information and utilisation ofintervention-relevant services.

Data collectionData from parents will be collected in de-identified formthrough anonymous, self-administered surveys. Literacyrates in Sri Lanka are very high for both men and women,so we do not expect illiteracy to be a barrier to participa-tion. Data collection will be supervised by staff recruitedspecifically for this task. These staff will receive trainingprior to commencement of the baseline data collectionwhich address the contents of the survey and how toprovide confidential, safe and appropriate support to par-ticipants who seek or request assistance, including for do-mestic violence or substance misuse, during completion ofthe survey. Refresher training will be provided to the sameteam prior to the collection of post intervention data.All government preschools in the study areas will be

involved in the following data collection activities:

� A baseline survey of mothers and fathers at thebeginning of the preschool year (January 2018)

� A follow up survey of all mothers and fathers at theend of the preschool year (December 2018).

Preschools receiving the intervention will participatein the following additional post intervention data collec-tion activities:

� Qualitative interviews with key participants includingteachers, community members, communitydevelopment staff and other government sectorservice providers to determine their satisfaction withthe intervention, and any challenges or barriers to itsimplementation.

Capacity building interventionWe aim to implement a community-based support pro-gram delivered by preschool teachers and volunteer par-ents that will increase awareness, knowledge and uptakeof available services for IPV and substance misuse, andof the link between these issues and poorer education

outcomes in children. Through this, we aim to decreasethe prevalence of IPV and substance misuse.The intervention design was developed prior to deliv-

ery of the baseline survey through discussions andworkshops attended by government service providers,including welfare, health, policing, substance misuse andeducation providers. These workshops demonstrated theavailability of a comprehensive range of services acrossIPV, substance misuse and other social services. A keyfinding from these workshops was the need for im-proved links between such services and the community,in particular the need to more effectively engage men.Another important finding was that promoting children’seducation was considered a promising route throughwhich to encourage positive behaviour change.The following specific activities and interventions will

be implemented in the intervention preschools: Capacitybuilding, training and support to selected mothers on theprovision of safe, confidential and relevant community-based referral and support services to women affectedby IPV; Capacity building, training and support to se-lected frathers on the provision of safe, confidential andrelevant community-based referral and support to menseeking support for substance misuse problems; Capacitybuilding and on-the-job training and support to pre-school teachers on provision of IPV and substance mis-use prevention educational messages (including the linksbetween these issues and poor child development [1]),and referral pathways to sevices for these issues. Thetraining intervention will be delivered after completionof the baseline survey and randomisation (see Fig. 1).Training for mothers will focus on what IPV services areavailable and how to access them. These trained com-munity members will work with those mothers experien-cing IPV to: define which health, safety, protection andjustice goals they are seeking in accessing services; en-sure they are aware of how to access services relevant tothese goals; and support them in the often drawn-outprocess of achieving these goals. The value of such pro-grams in supporting those affected by IPV suggests theymay also be an effective means of supporting uptake ofsubstance misuse support services for fathers in thesame way.Training is essential to ensure these community mem-

bers have the skills and knowledge to provide safe, non-judgmental and confidential information and ongoingsupport. Training and resource materials will be devel-oped through workshops with local service providers,with input from technical experts including socialworkers, psychiatrists and psychologists experienced inaddressing IPV and substance misuse in Sri Lanka andinternationally. These will cover information on availableservices for IPV and substance misuse including contactdetails, referral criteria, duration of available programs,

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expected commitment of participant, costs of services andlikely impact of benefit outcomes of accessing services.The training team, responsible for delivering the inter-

vention, will include local experts involved in developingthe training materials who have expertise in providingservices to families and individuals affected by substancemisuse and IPV. Training will focus on non-judgementalsupport and will be delivered in the local language of thecommunity on separate dates to, and after completionof, baseline surveys.Materials developed for this study will build on and

adapt existing resources developed locally and inter-nationally shown to have value in multiple settings, in-cluding those with limited resources. Such traininginterventions include those utilised in community-basedadvocacy and support services [8], and communitymobilization interventions developed to prevent violenceagainst women [1, 2].Through the training of selected fathers in the pre-

school community a similar model will be applied to en-sure that those needing support for substance misuseare aware of available services and how to access them,and complete substance abuse programs.Discussions with stakeholders identified the need for

preparatory community outreach activities in order tofamiliarise the community with the project team. Theseactivities were considered necessary to effectively engagethe study communities, in particular men, to supportgood uptake of the intervention. These community en-gagement activities will commence in both study areasprior to implementing the intervention and will targetthe community as a whole (regardless of their status asintervention or control preschool areas). Activities willbe developed based on the experience of service pro-viders working for several years in these areas and in-clude general health, sanitation and education relatedinformation and resources, delivered at communitymeetings by members of the project team.The impact of community-based support and advocacy

to address IPV and substance misuse is dependent onhow effective such interventions are in mobilising exist-ing services, in particular government health, policing,justice and welfare services. In each study area desig-nated government Community Development Officers(CDOs) manages all of the government preschools inthat area. The role of the CDOs include regular meet-ings with preschools and oversight of local-level liveli-hood programs and other welfare services. By includingthe CDOs in this capacity building intervention, we willstrengthen the link between preschools and governmentservice providers who are well placed to ensure access tolonger-term support for families.Our intervention is broadly structured to address the

different stages of behaviour change and decisional

balance [10]. Linking positive behaviour change to theeducational success of preschool children is designed tomove individuals from the stages of pre-contemplationto contemplation by influencing the way individuals assessthe pros and cons of particular behaviours. Providingtrusted sources of peer-support and information is de-signed to support individuals to move through the stagesof preparation, action and maintenance of behaviourchange by supporting increased self-efficacy.In developing, designing and implementing the inter-

vention, our work was underpinned by a framework ofcommunity engagement based on the following princi-ples: a shared vision; mutual respect; awareness; sharedresponsibility; building capacity; improved coordination;inclusiveness; appropriate timeframe; sustainability;and integrity [11].

Outcome measuresOf interest are differences at 10 months post-interventionbetween families in control and intervention groups in:

� the primary outcome: experience of intimate partnerviolence by mothers in this group measured usinginstruments developed and validated across multiplecountries for the World Health Organization(WHO) multi-country survey of violence againstwomen [12] .and

� secondary outcomes of interest:◦ Prevalence of substance misuse in fathers in thisgroup measured via the locally adapted AlcoholUse Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) [13]and the Drug and Alcohol Screening Test(DAST) [14]; and

◦ Awareness and uptake of services for IPVand substance misuse measured throughlocally-relevant tools developed during initialproject workshops.

Process measures that will be assessed through inter-views in intervention areas include:

� Teachers’ and volunteer mothers’ knowledgeand skills in regards to the initial assessment,management and referral of families affectedby IPV.

� Volunteer fathers’ knowledge and skills in the initialassessment, management and referral of familiesaffected by substance misuse.

� Community and service provider satisfaction withthe intervention, assessed through key informantinterviews with community development staff andgovernment service providers (health, welfare,police etc)

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Other factors to be assessedFactors identified as associated with IPV and substancemisuse in previous research include socio-economic sta-tus, educational status, age, marital status and mentalhealth. Data on these factors will be collected, includingon mothers’ and fathers’ mental health and depressionusing a locally developed and validated screening toolfor depression (the Peradeniya Depression Scale) [15].We also postulate that family and community function-ing, including measures of social cohesion and inclu-sion, may be associated with the outcomes of interest.These will be assessed through locally adapted indica-tors and rating scales measuring family and children’sresilience [16].

Sample sizeThe sample size was calculated to demonstrate a signifi-cant difference in the proportion of mothers of pre-school children reporting exposure to IPV followingintervention. We plan to recruit at least 34 preschools,with 20 families per preschool, for a total of 680 poten-tial families (which equates to 340 families in the inter-vention group and 340 in the control group who may beapproached to participate in this study. We anticipateminimal loss to drop out due to the educational focuson children this study promotes.We assumed a participation rate of 90%, based on past

research which found a consent rate in this populationfor domestic-violence related surveys of 97% [3]. Wetherefore expect a sample size of approximately 612families, or 306 per group. Based on a design effect dueto correlation of outcomes within preschools of 1.5(which equates to an intra-class correlation coefficient of0.025), 80% power, a 5% significance level and a pre-intervention 12 month prevalence of IPV of 40% [3] wewill be able to detect a difference in post intervention12 month prevalence of IPV between intervention andcontrol groups of 15%.There are no intervention studies in Sri Lanka or that

region that examine the effects of community-based in-terventions. However, an extensive community-basedintervention (SASA!) in Uganda, Africa reported a 53%reduction in physical IPV reported by women in theintervention group [17]. Therefore, we consider it justifi-able to expect an intervention effect of at least 15%.

Data management and quality assuranceData will be entered into password-protected data man-agement software by data entry staff during both surveyrounds (baseline and follow-up) and will be assessed forquality using standard queries in the software package.Any issues in data quality will be identified and addressedthrough discussions between the data collection team andproject supervisors in the field. Hardcopies of completed

surveys will be stored securely for five years at the studyco-ordinating site. Data will be accessible to the study in-vestigators as per the conditions of the ethical approvals.Any additional individuals within or external to the studyrequesting access to the study data will be required toapply to the ethical review committees.

Data analysisThe main analysis will be by intention-to-treat. The pri-mary analysis will be a regression model of IPV experi-enced by mothers within the past 10 months in theintervention group, adjusted for other potential con-founders, and correlation of outcomes within preschoolsusing a Generalised Estimating Equations approach. Pri-mary analysis will be a complete case analysis.Similar analysis will be conducted for secondary out-

comes including prevalence of substance misuse in fa-thers and awareness and uptake of services for IPV andsubstance misuse. Secondary analysis will use multiple im-putation. Sensitivity analysis will be conducted throughsecondary adjusted analysis accounting for potential con-founders. Confounders specified a priori as being poten-tially associated with the outcome include age, mentalhealth status and socio-economic status.

Dissemination of study findingsThe results of the study will be provided as a written re-port to key stakeholders including local government staffand donors. This report will also be presented and dis-cussed with relevant national government agencies bythe local study team. A summarised form of the reportwill be provided to community staff and preschoolteachers for discussion and feedback with parents. Sup-port will be provided by the study team to facilitate suchdiscussions. The study results will also be reported inpeer-reviewed publications.

Ethical considerationsParents will be invited to participate in the study as part ofa family well-being initiative. The full nature of the study,in terms of the emphasis on IPV, will not be divulged toanyone except the mothers participating and those in-volved in the support intervention, as recommended bythe World Health Organisation guidelines for researchinto violence against women [18]. Parents will not beaware of the IPV (for mothers) or substance misuse (forfathers) content of the study until they attend the schoolas per their invitation. Mothers and fathers will attend theschool at different times and be issued with different par-ticipant information sheets that will contain details of IPV(for mothers) and alcohol and drug support services (forfathers) in the local area. Also listed will be the contact de-tails for the Ethical Review Committees and local studycoordinators.

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Individual consent will be obtained from all partici-pants before any information is collected from them. In-formation will be collected from parents via anonymous,self-administered surveys. Mothers and fathers will pro-vide different data by completing different surveys (onefor all mothers and one for all fathers). For the mothers,a second stage of written consent will occur within thequestionnaire, after full disclosure of the nature of thequestions on family violence. If women do not wish tocontinue, they can submit their questionnaire withoutsigning the second stage of consent and without com-pleting the sections on family violence.Researchers will not be able to link data to a particular

individual within any preschool because identifiable data(including name) are not collected. This ensures confiden-tiality of response. During completion of the surveys bymothers and fathers, a trained survey team member will beavailable to assist (in a private space) if help is requestedeither to complete the survey or to access services.The Institutional Ethical Review Committee, University

of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2017/EC/17) and the HumanResearch Ethics Committee, Australian National University(2017/066), have granted approval for the study. Oversightof the study will be through regular reporting to theseethical review committees.

DiscussionIt is not possible to blind participants to the interventionand, as outcomes are self-reported, there is the potential forbias on the part of participants, particularly if participantsare able to link the intervention to the surveys throughwhich outcomes will be quantified. To address this, the datacollection team will be completely separate from the train-ing team who deliver the intervention, and participants willnot be informed of a link between these two activities. Thedata collection team will also be blinded to whether partici-pants are from intervention or control preschools.The preschool setting limits the time available to evalu-

ate the intervention. Children usually attend preschool forone year. Our follow up surveys must be completed by theend of the school year (December 2018) otherwise partici-pants will be lost to follow up as no contact details are col-lected. This provides us with a maximum of ten months toevaluate our intervention. Past research has shown thatpositive effects from community interventions may not bereported until later follow up of 24 months [8].No identifying data will be collected. Therefore there

is no possibility of following up any participants whodrop out of training or do not complete either survey.Our research is limited to urban areas and may not be

generalised to rural areas. As a separate component ofthis study, we are also piloting the program in threerural preschools. Levels of service provision are generallylower in such areas and, through this pilot, we aim to

determine the adaptations required to successfully im-plement a similar program in rural areas of Sri Lanka.Qualitative data will be collected in the rural preschoolsto determine the feasibility, acceptability and adaptationsnecessary for implementation of this intervention inrural areas. Data will be collected through interviewswith all teachers and mothers and fathers who partici-pated from each of the three preschools.

ConclusionThis study will develop, implement and evaluate a com-munity capacity building intervention aimed at reducingIPV and alcohol and drug misuse in communities in SriLanka. The innovative method of implementation, deliver-ing this training to parents of children utilising preschoolsand preschool teachers will reach the most vulnerable sec-tions of the community and will provide a sustainable andfeasible strategy for scale up of the project. By interveningthrough these preschools we aim to build capacity withinthe community to identify and support high-risk familiesearly enough to arrest the cycle of violence that results inchildren themselves becoming victims and perpetrators ofsuch violence.This research will address important gaps in literature

documented by other researchers [3] by robust evalu-ation through repeated cross-sectional surveys in thetarget population to assess the effectiveness of theintervention. Preschool communities have not previ-ously been target populations when addressing IPV inSri Lanka. Results will add to the evidence base for fu-ture interventions in Sri Lanka and have potential tocontribute to national policy.

AbbreviationsCDO: Community Development Officer; IPV: Intimate Partner Violence;RCT: Randomised Controlled Trial; WHO: World Health Organization

FundingThe Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia,provided funding for this research but has no role in the design, implementationor reporting of this study.

Authors’ contributionsKL, PW, NC and TR drafted the manuscript with input and final review by allauthors (KL, PW, NC, TR, KS, KT, TDS, DW, NL, UA, BCA, KR, EB, CD). KL and PWfinalised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThe University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2017/EC/17) and the Human ResearchEthics Committee, Australian National University (2017/066) have grantedapproval for this study. Individual consent will be obtained from all participantsbefore any information is collected from them. Information will be collectedfrom parents via anonymous, self-administered surveys. Mothers and fathers willprovide different data by completing different surveys (one for all mothers andone for all fathers). For the mothers, a second stage of written consent will occurwithin the questionnaire, after full disclosure of the nature of the questions onfamily violence. If women do not wish to continue, they can submit theirquestionnaire without signing the second stage of consent and withoutcompleting the sections on family violence.

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Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1The Australian National University National Centre for Epidemiology andPublic Health, Canberra, Australia. 2People’s Policy Institute, Colombo, SriLanka. 3Department of Psychiatry, University of Sri Jayawardenapura,Colombo, Sri Lanka. 4Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kahibowlia,Colombo, Sri Lanka. 5Teaching Hospital Karapitiya, Galle, Sri Lanka. 6PsychiatryDepartment, The Canberra Hospital, Woden, Australia. 7The University ofNewcastle, School of Medicine and Public Health, Newcastle, Australia.8Psychiatry Department, University of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Received: 4 September 2017 Accepted: 10 April 2018

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