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Page 1: Proposal Skripsi Yogig






As a bed time story, fairy tale is so familiar to children, so does Cinderella.

Almost all children in the world had already known this story. Cinderella is a

fantasy story, which is one of the most ambiguous notions in literary criticism. It

is often especially within the children’s literature, used to denote anything that is

not straight realistic prose.

Fantasy story is so interesting for children and sometimes teenagers as it

serves amazing story which make them as readers or listeners are like in another

world. They have freedom to see the visions with the author, going far away from

the real world’s limit. A fantasy story maker should be expert in assigning himself

as a child, thinking like child, having child’s vision, and creating a world where

there is nothing impossible. That another fancy world, fantasy creatures, massive

characterization, heroism and magic are magnet of fantasy story for fans. They

interest in going far away from the real world, admiring the author’s fantasy. It

generates readers who mostly children to set their fantasy. They dream as free as

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possible to be the character in the story, wondering all the wonderful things served


It is what felt by the fantasy fans, they are all illogic. That is why fantasy fiction is

created to children. But sometimes parents do not notice what notions from the

story were implied to the children’s mind and become their fantasy. As children

have awful imagination, they will not ask whether an event is logic or not, they

only get focused on their fantasy world which is so wonderful.

In Cinderella story, it was clearly seen that she was a very beautiful and

kind-hearted woman. She never did evil things to her stepmother and stepsisters

though they always did evil to her. One day because of her goodness, a fairy

Godmother came and helped with her magical power so that Cinderella could

meet the charming prince and they lived happily ever after.

This plot drives the children’s mind to imagine, creating fantasy. Since

Cinderella is listened enthusiastically by boys and girls, so they have different

point of view in expectation, “Fantasy”. Girls are dreaming that they must be

beautiful, kind-hearted, get charming prince who is so wealthy for their future.

Besides, the boys have fantasy that they must be handsome and wealthy so that

girls compete to get him and he can just select the best one without takes too long

time to find. This fantasy comes from Bourgeois cultural hegemony in France in

Louis XIV era and commonly other nations in Europe that differ the role of man

and woman at that time.

In this story written by Charles Perault, almost all settings placed in the

Kingdom. They portray the high class as the group who has power to conquer the


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colony. The choosing of “A pair of Glass Slipper” is a symbol that claims the

existence of luxury. This kingdom-centric setting and plot delivers a cultural

hegemony of Bourgeois that are implied.

It is not trivia, as the condition is not appropriate to the real life by now.

Unfortunately, gender bias still exists when the doctrine of Cinderella story

applied by the children, the new generation. It is worrying when this effect is

massively planted on the children’s mind that is not logic yet. Parent’s role is very

important to guide them to choose and take the positive lessons of the story they

read or they listen to. But the reality is many parents have not opened their eyes

widely, they do not realize about the danger happens to their children after reading

or listening the story. It conveys an important essential which needs to be



The topic had been chosen by the writer based on the explanation above is

intended to analyze the influence of cultural hegemony built by the Bourgeois that

given to the readers who mostly children throughout characterization composed

by the author. The writer chose “Cinderella” because the story is familiar to

children, they do not read novel at the age and this research is focused on

children’s psychology. The writer wants to explain children and parents not to

take the story for granted, it needs comprehension to accept the values.


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In this final project, the writer limits the discussion of the story by focusing on the

following problems:

1. What contribution can fairy tale give toward readers’ personality and the

effects to the society?

2. How does Cinderella fairy tale influence the children about Bourgeois cultural


3. Why did Bourgeois transmit their cultural hegemony to the new generation

with Cinderella story?


The purpose of this study is as follows:

1. To find out what contribution given by Cinderella fairy tale towards

readers’ personality and the effects to the society.

2. To identify the way Bourgeois set their cultural hegemony into the readers

mind through Cinderella fairy tale which belongs to children.

3. To analyze why Bourgeois transmit their cultural hegemony to the new

generation with Cinderella story.


The significance of this study is as follows:

1) This study is expected to reveal the role of Bourgeois cultural hegemony

in constructing adult fantasy from Cinderella fairy tale.


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2) The result of the study is to encourage people to think critically about

values in stories.

3) The study report can be used as reference for those who are interested in

conducting further research in the same topic.


a. Review of the Previous Study

After reading Cinderella story, the writer finds an explicit important thing

hidden from the story. It is reader’s fantasy that comes out from hegemony

attached by the author. According to the study entitled Adult Fantasy as The

Result of Bourgeois Political Hegemony in Cinderella Fairy Tale, here below

some related studies which can support the success indicator for this research.

The research was conducted by Karen E. Dill (OXFORD, 2009). Her research is

How Fantasy Becomes Reality: Seeing Through Media Influence. The focus of

this research is the correlation between media and fantasy which could affect the

society. She explained that “reading an author’s thoughts means looking out at the

world through that person’s eyes for a short time while still using your own head

to filter the author’s perspective” (2009, 7). Though have different subject, but

these both research have similarity in purpose, theory and object.

Another statement from Lucy Marie Cutchew emphasized this research

that “Fantasy, it has been shown, is a genre which invariably comments upon

reality and contemporary issues; this is despite its necessary escape from the


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real world through creating an alternative fantasy world” (2006, 94). It is

entitled Fantasy, Morality and Ideology: A Comparative Study of C. S. Lewis'

The Chronicles of Narnia And Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials.

Based on the studies above, it can be concluded that analysis on fantasy

and Bourgeois political hegemony is important and it can be in various ways. In

this study, the writer will analyze Cinderella in Charles Perault’s version. The

research above will be used as the reference in designing this study.

b. Review of the Theoretical Study

1. Fairy Tale

Fairy tale is a fiction story tells anything about miracle which ends

with happy ending. According to Jack D. Zipes (1994), fairy tales serve a

meaningful social function, not just for compensation but for revelation: the

worlds projected by the best of our fairy tales reveal the gap between truth and

falsehood in our immediate society. Fairy tales remains people about what

problems come to the society so that readers are considered to analyze the

incidents well and solve the problem. Fairy tales teaches children morals or

lessons usually by example. They teach the difference between good and evil, that

life can be very unfair, but one can find happiness regardless. Fairy tales teach us

lessons, and they entertain us with tales of mystical wonder.

What distinguishes the fairy tale is that it speaks to the very heart and soul of the

child. It admits to the child what so many parents and teachers spend hours trying

to cover up or avoid. The fairy tale confirms what the child has been thinking all


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along, like that it is a cold, cruel world out there and it’s waiting to eat him alive

so he begins to reach his fantasy world.

2. Fantasy

Fantasy commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a

primary plot element, theme, or setting. It is a popular genre, having found a home

for itself, moreover the fantasy stories were filmed and accepted as the interest of

society is high. Todorov stated “the fantastic . . . implies an integration of the

reader into the world of the characters; that world is defined by the reader’s own

ambiguous perception of the events narrated” (1975, 31). Mostly, “seeing is

believing” is being practiced by people. Seeing here does not always mean

visually using eyes right away, but imagination as well. Todorov here tries to

solve this problem by assigning the hesitation to an implied reader.

3. Hegemony

Gramsci used the term hegemony to denote the predominance of one

social class over others (e.g. bourgeois hegemony). This represents not only

political and economic control, but also the ability of the dominant class to project

its own way of seeing the world so that those who are subordinated by it accept it

as 'common sense' and 'natural'. So, it can be underlined that hegemony is the

dominance of one group or class in society. It achieved as other groups gave the

consent. Consent is achieved through the dominant group associating itself with

moral and intellectual leadership in a society. Gramsci greatly expanded this

concept by giving analysis about how the ruling capitalist class (the bourgeoisie)


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establishes and maintains its control. He said capitalist maintained control not just

through violence and political and economic coercion, but also through ideology.

The bourgeoisie developed a hegemonic culture, which propagated its own values

and norms so that they became the common sense values of all. It is supported by

Martin Clark (1977, p. 2) who has defined hegemony as ``how the ruling classes

control the media and education’’. Hegemony is the way the ruling class controls

the institutions that control or influence our thought.

4. Bourgeois

Bourgeois is relating to the middle class of society; having qualities or

values associated with the middle class; too concerned about wealth, possessions,

and respectable behavior

( ) . So, it can be simplified

that Bourgeois is middle class society. This society class comes from wealthy

families who live in the city. Deirdre N. McCloskey in his paper entitled The

bourgeois Virtues : ethics for an age of commerce states “Yes, we are bourgeois,

we educated folk, not aristocratic or proletarian. We are businesspeople or

bureaucrats, not kings or peasants.” (2006:68)

In Gramsci’s point of view, bourgeois cultural values were tied to folklore,

popular culture and religion. In the Western world, since the late 18th century, the

bourgeois describes a social class characterized by their ownership of capital, and

their related culture. For the individual, the word "bourgeois" belongs to

masculine and bourgeoise is feminine.


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According to Marxist philosophy, the term bourgeoisie denotes the social

class who owns the means of production and whose societal concerns are the

value of property and the preservation of capital, in order to ensure the

perpetuation of their economic supremacy in society.

5. Social Psychoanalysis

Social psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings,

and behaviours are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of

others. By this definition, scientific refers to the empirical method of

investigation. The terms thoughts, feelings, and behaviours include all

psychological variables that are measurable in a human being. Social psychology

is an interdisciplinary domain that bridges the gap between psychology and


The discipline of social psychology began in the United States at the dawn of

the 20th century. Karen E. Dill explains that in analyzing the events of the day,

social psychology necessarily enters the picture (2009, 191). So, attitudes,

feelings, and behaviours of society are basic expressions of approval or

disapproval, favourability or unfavourability and likes and dislikes which likely

becomes the agreement of society.

She emphasizes her statement by claimed “causes you to think that if others

care so much about it, maybe you should care about it too” (2009, 193). Reflected

to Cinderella story, it causes readers to think that what is done by the characters is

worth to be believed or supported. Readers are persuaded to agree with those


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thoughts and feeling in the story, then they commit that the fantasy of the story is

true and can be applied in the real life.

Social psychologists have long documented a basic tendency people have to

divide the world into ‘‘us’’ versus ‘‘them’’ - called the ingroup and outgroup,

respectively - and the consequences of those divisions (199). Studies show that

even when people randomly assign themselves to two groups, they will like the

members of their own random group more and they will give them more resources

when they have the opportunity. Social influence is an overarching term given to

describe the persuasive effects people have on each other.

The three main areas of social influence include: conformity, compliance, and

obedience. Social influence is also closely related to the study of group dynamics,

as most principles of influence are strongest when they take place in social

groups. Social psychologists study interactions within groups, and between both

groups and individuals. The goal of social psychology is to understand cognition

and behaviour as they naturally occur in a social context, but the very act of

observing people can influence and alter their behaviour.


Method is a way of doing something. Method is needed to obtain data in

research for it will be used in achieving a certain purpose of the study. Since the

writer took the qualitative study, in this section, the writer would like to discuss

the object of the study role of the researcher, technique of data collection and

technique of data analysis. Miles and Huberman (1994) defined qualitative


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research as analysis which involved of the data such as words (e.g. from

document), pictures (e.g. from video). The qualitative analysis is used to identify

the techniques used by the translator. Moleong (200: 157) states that the types of

data in qualitatie research include words and action, writen data, photos, and

statistics. Qualitative analysis is generally process of selecting, categorizing,

comparing, synthesizing, and interpreting the provided explanation of the single

phenomenon of interest.

In this research, qualitative analysis is used to analyze the adult fantasy influenced

by Bourgeois cultural hegemony transmitted in Charles Perault’s version


a. Subject of the Study

The data will be taken from Cinderella fairy tale by Charles Perault as the subject

of this study.

b. Role of the Researcher

In this study, the writer takes role as data observer, the data collector, the

data analyst, and the data reporter. The writer will observe and collect the data

needed and then analyze the adult fantasy influenced by Bourgeois cultural

hegemony transmitted in Charles Perault’s version Cinderella. As the data

observer, the writer will read Cinderella fairy tale by Chales Perault. As a data

collector, the writer collects the data from the subject of the study in the form of

words, phrases, and sentences of the story. All of the found data will be organized

in the table to make it easier to be analyzed.


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As data analyst, the writer will analyze the data using some supporting

theories. Finally as a data reporter, the writer will report the result of the analysis

by providing detail explanation.

c. Type of Data

The data will be in the form of words, clauses and sentences of the stories in fairy

tale “Cinderella” by Charles Perault.

d. Procedures of Data Collection

In collecting the data, the writer uses documentation technique. Documentation is

the technique in getting the data about cases at note, transcription, book, novel,

magazine, and newspaper (Arikunto, 1998:149). In analyze the correlated data,

the writer will follow some steps, they are:

1. Identifying the data

In this study, identifying is the activity of separating between data and non-data.

After reading the novel carefully, the writer identifies the data. The writer also

categorizes the data related to the sociology approach by quoting the sentences

2. Classifying

The writer classifies the data by grouping the identified quotations into collecting

of sentence which could support the statement of problem.

3. Selecting the data

In selecting the data, the writer used relevancy technique. It means that only

appropriate data are selected to answer the problems.

4. Interpreting the data


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It refers to giving the interpretation of the quotations that have been selected. The

important of these data is based on social psychoanalysis theories in order to show

or clarify the meaning of the quotations.

e. Procedures of Data Analysis

After defining the sample to be observed, the writer analyzes the data deeply.

First, the writer read the story enthusiastically. The second, the writer analyzes the

strong characterization in the plot to determine the subject and object of

Bourgeois cultural hegemony. Then the writer collects symbols which have

correlation with Bourgeois culture. After that the writer analyzes which notion of

the text that influences readers to imagine their fantasy.



Statement of Originality



Table of Contents

Table of Figures

Table of Appendixes


1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic


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1.3 Research Questions

1.4 Purposes of the Study

1.5 Significance

1.6 Outline of the Report

2. Review of Related Literature

2.1 Previous Studies

2.2 Theoretical Review

2.3 Framework of the Present Study

3. Methods of Investigation

3.1 Object of the Study

3.2 Roles of the Researcher

3.3 Type of Data

3.4 Instrument for Data Collection

3.5 Procedures of Data Collection

3.6 Procedures of Data Analysis

3.7 Procedures of Reporting the Results

4. Results of the Study

4.1 General Description

4.2 Detail Results

4.3 Discussion

5. Conclusions




Page 15: Proposal Skripsi Yogig

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His Dark Materials. Birmingham: The University of Birmingham Press.

Dill, Karen E. 2009. How Fantasy Becomes Reality: Seeing Through Media

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McCloskey, Deirdre N. 2006. The bourgeois Virtues: ethics for an age of

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Todorov, Tzvetan. 1975. The Fantastic: A structural Approach to A Literally

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Zipes, Jack D. 1994. Fairy Tale as Myth, Myth as Fairy Tale. Kentucky.

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