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Professional Ethics MPH 250-D1 (3134)

Fall 2017

Faculty Contact Information Your Instructor for this course is:

James P. O’Brien, Jr.

Email address: [email protected] Telephone Number: 301-984-1398

Office Hours: By Appointment

Inclement Weather Conditions:

1. Check CAU’s main webpage ( 2. Call university’s main number (202-319-5000)

Metro Alerts If you plan to commute via Metro, riders are encouraged to sign up for MetroAlerts to receive updated

information about service disruptions by text or email. If you have any questions or need assistance

planning your trip, please call Metro Customer Service at 202-637-7000. Please note: during any future Metro shutdown, all classes will be held at the regularly scheduled times, as shown below.

Classroom Information Location: McCort-Ward Hall, Room 114 Dates: August 31, 2017 through October 12, 2017 Day and Times: Thursday evenings 5:30 - 9:45 p.m.

See Specific Class Schedule

Course Materials Required Text: Business Ethics, 3rd Edition

Published by McGraw-Hill / Irwin Authors: Laura P. Hartman, Joseph DesJardins, Chris MacDonald

ISBN# 978-0-07-802945-5

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Course Description A study of the relationship of business ethics and social responsibility in both domestic and global

settings. The aim is to explore ethical and moral considerations of corporate conduct, social responsibilities, policies, and strategies. Emphasis is on the definition, scope, application, and analysis of

ethical values as they relate to issues of public and organizational consequence and business decision making in the domestic and global business environments.

Course Goals After completing this course, you should be able to:

1. Identify ethical issues that arise in domestic and global business environments using an

understanding of ethical concepts and of legal and business principles . 2. Develop and evaluate alternatives to, and recommend solutions for, ethical dilemmas, taking

into account ethical and legal requirements and the essential mission of the business enterprise. 3. Effectively communicate to internal and external business stakeholders the complexities of

ethical issues, suggesting and analyzing various solutions in order to ensure appropriate business practices and accountability.

Instructional Methods Lecture, BlackBoard assignments, chapter- end case studies, and an individual research paper

Additional Information Workplace Experience Most students in the CUA Metropolitan School of Professional Studies bring substantial workplace

experience to any learning situation, and this course is designed to make maximum use of experiential knowledge. However, you are not penalized for a lack of such experience.

Class Participation Each student is expected to play a proactive role in the class and BlackBoard assignments by

participating in the discussions, sharing their experiences, and providing valuable feedback. This requires you to read and study the assigned text and other related materials ahead of time; reflect on

the weekly assignments, and to develop original ideas in your responses.

Regular class attendance is important. Students are expected to be punctual and remain for the entire class. As a courtesy to all in attendance, please ensure all communication devices such as cell

phones are turned off while the class is in session. Each student is responsible for all assignments and instructions announced in class even if you are not present. If you are unable to attend class the professor is be contacted in advance. If you miss a class you are responsible to find out what you missed.

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Learning is an interactive process and not a spectator sport. To comprehend the material for this

course, you must talk about what you are learning, write about it, relate to what you have learned to past experiences, and apply the new knowledge in your daily life. Active participation in class discussions, activities, and interactions with your classmates are essential aspects of this class. Make-up Policy You are expected to complete all of your assignments in this course by the assigned due dates. You are responsible for keeping up with the class by completing the reading and homework assignments on time, preparing and submitting your final term paper by the assigned due date, and participating in your

team's case studies within the specified time frames. Any late assignment, based on the e-mail transmission date and time (Eastern Standard Time), will have a full letter grade deducted for each week

that it is late. Thus, an A becomes a “B”; a “B” becomes a “C”; etc. Unless you have written permission from the professor, no assignments will be accepted after Thursday, October 12, 2017, the end date of

this course. No “incompletes” will be given, except in cases of bona fide emergencies, with completion of a substantial amount of the course requirements, and regular and satisfactory class performance, in

accordance with university policy.

Project Descriptions

Research Paper Research Paper Specifics: Each student is to create and develop a research paper on a current issue in ethics affecting business. Suggested presentation topics can be found in the daily newspapers, magazines, business journals, or court proceedings. The issue you choose must be in the public interest. That is, the issue raises the question of societal concerns about conducting business in relation to consumers, the environment, investment, reorganization, global competition, or human resource management. You must examine and consider the strongest arguments on both sides, and come to a reasoned conclusion. An acceptable paper includes the following elements:

1. A well-defined thesis statement.

2. Logical integration of information and arguments to support or disprove your thesis . 3. Organization consistency, orderly flow, relevance and effectiveness of sequential ideas to the

central theme of your thesis, grammatically correct construction, spelling and punctuation. 4. Scope of the research. 5. Recommendations, including at least one well documented example of “Best Practices”. For the

organization you select as an example of “Best Practices”, you must interview a key member of management who is responsible for organization’s ethics policy and practices.

6. The topic for your research paper is due, via email, to the instructor no later than Thursday, September 7, 2017.

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Research Paper Guidelines

1. Your research paper should be written and presented professionally, with clear syntax, correct grammar and spelling, and correct citations of the sources of all quoted material according to any one of the following: MLA Handbook, Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association.

2. Your research paper is to be typed, double spaced, with margins no wider than one inch using a

12-point type font from either American Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language Association (MLA) style guide.

3. The body of your research paper is to be a minimum of eight (8) full pages of text up to a maximum of ten (10) pages of text. In addition to the text, your paper is to include a title page with your name and your student identification number, a table of contents, and an introduction. Any tables, pictures, graphs, or lists required to support facts are to be placed at the end of the paper as an

addendum and will not count toward the text paper length requirements. (NOTE: A Research Paper

Template is posted in Blackboard under the “Assignments” section).

4. The research paper must contain a comprehensive references list of all sources actually used in preparing the project, including for each entry the author, title, city and state of publisher, publisher’s name, year, and page number, if applicable, or the precise webpage of the material referenced.

5. Each student is required to include a statement on the cover page of the research paper stating all referenced material is included in quotes and/or cited, as appropriate, and the work presented is their own.

6. Students who need assistance with their papers are encouraged to contact the CUA Writing

Center. For an appointment or additional information the web link is:

7. An electronic version (WORD) of the paper is to be sent to the instructor via email with a printed

copy of each student's Research Project Research Paper is due when the class convenes on Thursday,

October 5, 2017.

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Team Case Studies In this class you will be randomly assigned to a team of your classmates for the duration of the course. The number of teams will be dependent on the size of the class. Each team will be assigned several case studies to analyze for each of the chapters in the text. During the class sessions, each team will be responsible to present a minimum five (5) minute to a maximum ten (10) minute overview of the case that includes at least the following components:

1. A brief explanation of the significant facts in the case a. Identification of the most important ethical issue(s) in the case

b. Necessary for suggesting and evaluating resolutions relevant to the case 2. State the most important ethical issue(s) raised in the case

a. Could there be more than one ethics issue relating to marketing, management, or the workplace?

b. In your own words, a statement of whether it was wrong or not, and more importantly, why?

c. Was the problem more a matter of individuals gone wrong, or was it more systemic and organizational?

d. What could have been done to prevent the problem – more laws, government regulation, or internal controls? Persuasively explain which one you think is best

and why. 3. Suggest an alternative resolution of the ethical issue(s)

a. Consider the impacts of each alternative on all company stakeholders b. Provide at least one example of “Best Practices”

c. A question and answer period from the class. (NOTE: Q&A period is not included as

part of the 5-10 minute presentation delivery time). Each member of the team is to present some portion of each case study. Each team will decide on who, what, and format method to present the case studies. Each case study will be graded and included as a

part of the class participation component.

Case Study Presentation Grading Criteria 1. Presentation content

a. How well is the subject matter researched, presented, and discussed b. How convincing are the pros and cons

c. Do the examples of best practices include organizations that have successfully implemented ethics policies and programs

d. Are the recommendations practical and reasonable approaches e. How well are the presenters prepared and deliver the presentation

2. Presentation enhancements a. Are there any unique and interesting features of the presentation b. How well is the audience engaged

3. Presentation design and creative skills

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a. How well does the design and layout complement and enhance the presentation

4. Presentation slide content and format a. Is the slide content and format professional and logical

5. Presentation graphics a. How appropriate are the use of graphs and charts to support the presentation

BlackBoard Assignments Lecture notes have been prepared for each chapter in the text and are posted to BlackBoard in PowerPoint format. In order to enhance the class discussion on each chapter’s contents, students are required to post a brief summary (2 paragraph maximum), from the student’s perspective, on their observations and/or questions regarding each chapter’s contents. The summaries are to be posted in BlackBoard by each Wednesday for the chapter(s) assigned for the following Thursday’s class session. Students will be graded for each chapter based on the following criteria:

1. From the student’s perspective, an overall summary of the chapter’s contents. 2. Provide at least one practical application from the contents of each chapter.

3. Timely posting of each chapter’s comments in BlackBoard.

Grading Information and Criteria Each student is expected to play an active role in class by completing the BlackBoard assignments, participating in the class discussions and team activities, sharing their work experiences, and providing valued feedback.

Credit will be given for the following class components:

• 0-25 % Team Case Studies and Class Participation

• 0-30 % BlackBoard assignments

• 0-45 % Research Paper

• 100% Total Grade Methodology

• Each category is based on a range of 0 to 100 points

Category Points Earned Category Weight Points

Team Case Studies and Class Participation X 25% = Blackboard Assignments 3.0 Pts/Chapter 30% =

Research Paper X 45% = Total Score X 100% =

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Key Dates 1. Wednesday, September 6, 2017

• Post Comments in Blackboard for Chapters 1 & 2 2. Thursday, September 7, 2017

• Class Discussion of Blackboard Comments for Chapters 1 & 2

• Team Case Studies • Topic for Research Paper Due

3. Wednesday, September 13, 2017 • Post Comments in Blackboard for Chapters 3 & 4

4. Thursday, September 14, 2017 • Class Discussion of Blackboard Comments for Chapters 3 & 4

• Team Case Studies

5. Wednesday, September 20, 2017 • Post Comments in Blackboard for Chapters 5 & 6

6. Thursday, September 21, 2017 • Class Discussion of Blackboard Comments for Chapters 5 & 6

• Team Case Studies 7. Wednesday, September 27, 2017

• Post Comments in Blackboard for Chapter 7

8. Thursday, September 28, 2017 • Class Discussion of Blackboard Comments for Chapter 7

• Team Case Studies 9. Wednesday, October 4, 2017

• Post Comments in Blackboard for Chapters 8 & 9 10. Thursday, October 5, 2017

• Class Discussion of Blackboard Comments for Chapters 8 & 9

• Research Papers Due 11. Wednesday, October 11, 2017

• Post Comments in Blackboard for Chapter 10 12. Thursday, October 12, 2017

• Class Discussion of Blackboard Comments for Chapter 10 • Team Case Studies

• Final Day of the Course

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Grading Scale:


Grade Meaning Scale

A Excellent 93 - 100


90 - 92


87 - 89

B Good 83 - 86


80 - 82


77 - 79


73 - 76


70 - 72

D Lowest Passing 60 - 69


Failing -- the student failed

to demonstrate an adequate understanding of course

concepts < 60


Failure -- the student

ceased to participate in class

I 1 Incomplete

W Withdrawal

Extra Credit Policy Extra-credit opportunities are not available for this course. Due to the sort duration of the course, it is

important for students to focus their time and energy on the required assignments, readings and team case studies. University grades:

The University grading system is available at for undergraduates and for graduate students. Reports of grades in courses are available at the end of each term on .

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Expectations and policies Academic Deadlines

The following guidelines for regarding dropping (withdrawing) from this course will be applied: 1. September 4, 2017: Last date to drop (withdraw) from the class without penalty. If the class is

dropped (withdrawn) on or before this date it will not appear on your transcript. 2. September 29, 2017: Last date to drop (withdraw) from the class with penalty. If the class is

dropped (withdrawn) on or before this date it will appear on your transcript with a grade of “W”.

Instructions for viewing the academic deadlines for this course can be found at:

Academic honesty

Academic honesty is expected of all CUA students. Faculty are required to initiate the imposition of sanctions when they find violations of academic honesty, such as plagiarism, improper use of a student’s

own work, cheating, and fabrication. The following sanctions are presented in the University procedures related to Student Academic

Dishonesty (from “The presumed sanction for undergraduate students for academic dishonesty will be failure for the course. There may be circumstances, however, where, perhaps because of an undergraduate student’s past record, a more serious sanction, such as suspension or expulsion, would be appropriate. In the context of graduate studies, the expectations for academic honesty are greater, and therefore the presumed sanction for dishonesty is likely to be more severe, e.g., expulsion. ...In the more unusual case, mitigating circumstances may exist that would warrant a lesser sanction than the presumed sanction.” Please review the complete texts of the University policy and procedures regarding Student Academic

Dishonesty, including requirements for appeals, at

University Support Services Accommodations for students with disabilities: Any student who feels s/he may need an

accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Disability Support Services. Please contact Disability Support Services by email at, or call 202-319-5211 to

make an appointment to discuss reasonable accommodations. DSS is located in PRYZ 127.

Academic Support Services The university’s primary academic support resources are located on the 2nd floor of Mullen Library,

McMahon Hall, and at the Pryzbyla Center. These affiliated offices and services include:

The Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC) offers guidance to all undergraduates, especially first-year students, as they move toward their academic goals. The UAC is located in B 10 McMahon Hall. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

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Phone: (202) 319-5545 Email: [email protected] Web:

The Center for Academic Success (CAS) provides academic support services for all students through a broad base of programs and services, including Tutoring Services, Workshops, Individual Skills Meetings, Peer Mentoring, and more. CAS is located at Mullen Library Second Floor. Phone: (202) 319-5655 Email: [email protected] Web: The Writing Center is an excellent resource for any student. The Writing Center is committed to supporting the writing needs of students at all stages of the writing process. If, at any point in the

semester, you feel that you are struggling to draft, revise, or properly reference sources in a writing assignment, make an appointment at; we also welcome walk-in appointments

at the Writing Center, which is located in 219 Mullen Library. Phone: (202) 319-4286 Email: [email protected] Web:

The Math Center is staffed with Math Faculty and Tutors who are trained to assist students struggling in

areas ranging from the basics to complex problems in calculus and statistics. Any student who feels he or she may need assistance in this or any other math class is welcome to visit the Math Center on Monday through Thursday between the hours of 4:00 and 10:00pm. No appointment is necessary and

services are absolutely free. The Math Center is located at Mullen Library Second Floor. Phone: (202) 319-5655 Email: [email protected]

The Office of Disability Support Services provides reasonable accommodations for the classroom and

testing environment for students with documented disabilities. DSS is located in Pryz 127. Office hours are Monday, Weednesday, and Friday 8:00am-5:00pm, and Tuesday and Thursday 8:00am -6:30pm.

Phone: (202) 319-5211 Email: [email protected] Web:

The Counseling Center provides free individual and group counseling services, psychiatric consultation, alternative testing, and emergency services to CUA students. In addition, we provide consultation

services and outreach programs to the CUA community. Appointments can be scheduled in person in 127 O’Boyle Hall, or by phone.

University Policies Class Attendance and Absences

Success in college coursework requires regular attendance and participate by the student enrolled in a course, and all classes sessions are enhanced by the presence and participation of the whole course roster. Therefore, while recognizing that extraordinary circumstances prevent a student from being able to attend a specific class session, all students are expected to attend and arrive on time for all class sessions. Students who are absent from more than 33% of a given course (i.e., students who miss more

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than 5 classes in a 14-week course or more than 3 classes in a 7-week course) will be given a failing

grade (F*) automatically. The Metropolitan School of Professional Studies makes no distinction between “excused” and “unexcused” absences. Instructors teaching in MSPS may include supplemental attendance policies for their courses. Incomplete Grades A student may request the provisional grade of I (incomplete) in a course when the student is unable to complete the course requirements for grave reasons (e.g., family emergency, person illness or injury,

death in family, etc.). The student must make the request by submitting a signed MSPS Incomplete Grade Request Form to the Associate Dean after the last day to withdraw from class but before the last

day of the class in which the student wishes to receive the incomplete. The Dean’s office will only approve a grade of incomplete when all of the following conditions are met:

1. The student requests a grade of incomplete from the instructor by using the MSPS Incomplete

Grade Request Form which can be obtained from the student’s advisor; and 2. The student provides specific evidence to verify that the reason for the request is legitimate; and 3. The student must be passing the course at the time of the request; and

4. The amount of work remaining in the course can be reasonably and sufficiently completed after the conclusion of the course session; and

5. Both the student and the instructor sign and submit the MSPS Incomplete Grade Request Form to the Associate Dean; and

6. The Associate Dean approves the request by signing the MSPS Incomplete Grade Request Form.

Students granted an incomplete for the fall semester must complete the outstanding work by January 15 of the following spring semester; students granted an incomplete for the spring semester must

complete the outstanding work by June 15 of the following summer term; and students granted an incomplete for the summer term must complete the outstanding work by September 15 of the following

fall semester. In extraordinary circumstances, the student or the instructor may request an extension of the deadline for the outstanding work to be submitted. Such a request must be approved in writing by the Associate Dean. An incomplete grade not resolved by the deadline automatically becomes a failing

(F) grade.

The student is responsible for completing all outstanding work and submitting it to the instructor on time

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Course Schedule: MPH 250-D1 (3134)

Professional Ethics

Session Topics Readings/Assignments Action


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Welcome to the class! To begin: * Read the course syllabus, print it including the course schedule, and bring the document to class. * Syllabus Review

* Select Team Members and Individual Team Meetings

Lecture and Class Discussion

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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Chapter 1: "Ethics & Business", pp. 1-43 in the textbook.

Chapter 2: “Ethical Decision Making: Personal and Professional Contexts,” pp. 45-100 in the textbook.

Lecture, Class Discussion, Team Case Studies


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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Chapter 3: “Philosophical Ethics and Business,” pp. 101-145 in the textbook.

Chapter 4: “The Corporate Culture - Impact and Implications,” pp. 147-210 in the textbook.

Lecture, Class Discussion, Team Case Studies

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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Chapter 5: “Corporate Social Responsibility,” pp. 211-259 in the textbook.

Chapter 6: “Ethical Decision Making: Employer Responsibilities and Employee Rights,” pp. 261-333 in the textbook.

Lecture, Class Discussion, Team Case Studies

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Chapter 7: “Ethical Decision Making: Technology and Privacy in the Workplace,” pp. 335-399 in the textbook.

Lecture, Class Discussion, Team Case Studies

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Chapter 8: “Ethics and Marketing,” pp. 401-473 in the textbook.

Chapter 9: “Business and Environmental Sustainability,” pp. 475-521 in the textbook.

Lecture, Class Discussion


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Thursday, October 12, 2017

Chapter 10: "Ethical Decision Making: Corporate Governance, Accounting and Finance,” pp. 523-569 in the textbook.

Lecture, Class Discussion, Team Case Studies


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