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Page 1: Primannum Honor Society Farewell Finals€¦ · 02.12.2015  · FAREWELL FINALS | ISSUE 4 4 Course Professor Requirement Fulfilled Recommendation MUSC215: World Popular Musics and

Late Night Hunger FixesBy Veda Ravishankar

Primannum Honor Society

December 2015 | Issue 4

In This Issue:

Page 2New Year’s Resolution

Page 3 ‒ 4Spring 2016 Courses



It’s 2 AM on a weekday, and you’re sitting in McKeldin trying to cram a semester’s worth of information into your head before your final exam, in between yawns and your phone buzzing every 10 minutes to distract you. Suddenly, you hear a growl from your stomach and realize you ate dinner over 6 hours ago. Sound familiar? Fortunately, there are plenty of places near campus that deliver food to satisfy

your late night cravings. Apps such as Tapingo and GrubHub now make getting food delivered from a variety of places available at your fingertips. Tapingo delivers food from Chipotle, Blaze Pizza, Sweet Green, Nando’s, Noodles and Company, and Panda Express, just to name a few. GrubHub offers an even broader variety of places to order from. Eat24 is another similar app which delivers food

from around the DC area. If you have a sweet tooth, Insomnia Cookies on Route 1 delivers warm and delicious cookies right to your dorm. DP Dough and Slices Pizza are open 24 hours for late night pizza cravings. There are many options if you are looking for a late night fix while you’re studying, so take advantage of them during finals week!

Page 2: Primannum Honor Society Farewell Finals€¦ · 02.12.2015  · FAREWELL FINALS | ISSUE 4 4 Course Professor Requirement Fulfilled Recommendation MUSC215: World Popular Musics and


New Year’s ResolutionBy Ashley Carter

Beneficial to Your Education

1. Finish all essays 1 day in advance2. Create and keep a calendar3. Go to that club meeting that keeps sending you emails because you wanted to join freshman year4. Make a 5 year plan5. Have perfect attendance

Beneficial to Everyday Life

1. Workout at least __ times a week2. Sleep at least __ hours a night3. Try something new once a month4. Volunteer at least once a week5. Eat healthier

“The best thing you could do is treat 2016 like 365 separate opportunities to make memories.”

As December comes to a close and you rush to finish the resolutions you made for 2015 or struggle to remember what they were, it is time to look ahead to 2016. While individual New Year’s Resolutions are common they do not tend to last, a Forbes article found that

only 8 percent of people keep their new year’s resolutions throughout the year. While so many people did not succeed it does not mean you will fail. Most resolutions are not kept because the goal was lofty and unrealistic. Just because it is a new year does not mean you get more

hours in the day to achieve extreme goals. As college students there are many simple attainable goals you can and should make to live better more successful lives in 2016.

Page 3: Primannum Honor Society Farewell Finals€¦ · 02.12.2015  · FAREWELL FINALS | ISSUE 4 4 Course Professor Requirement Fulfilled Recommendation MUSC215: World Popular Musics and


Are you still looking for the perfect Gen-Ed course next semester? If you’re a freshman that needs to fulfill a requirement or a senior looking for a last-minute elective, the Primannum Communications Committee has you covered. Together, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite Gen-Ed courses offered in the spring. Check out our recommendations and sign up for some of the best courses our university has to offer!

Course Professor Requirement Fulfilled


INAG110: Oral Communication

Various FSOC I practiced public speaking skills in a small, fun, inter-active classroom environment while fulfilling the oral communication requirement. I loved hearing my class-mate’s personal stories and aspirational goals. It helped me prepare for other class presentations in the future.

AREC365: World Hunger, Popu-lation, and Food Supplies

Howard Leathers

DVUP I learned about various aspects of world hunger, including nutrition, economics and policy. I gained perspective on the lives of people in developing countries. This course inspired me to pursue a minor in Global Poverty.

GVPT289L: Special Topics in Government and Politics; Religions, Beliefs, and World Affairs

John Mc-Cauley


This course explores two taboos you are taught to never speak about at a dinner table: religion and politics. We analyzed relationships between religion and politics in countries throughout the world. While the course material was interesting on its own, Professor John McCauley made the course one of my favorites at UMD. His research expe-rience in Africa allowed him to provide firsthand informa-tion on the relationship between religion and politics.

ARTT100: Two-Dimensional Design Fundamen-tals

Various DSSP This course gives you the opportunity to experiment with various artistic materials. It’s a fun and new way to work on developing your creativity.

DANC200: Intro-duction to Dance

Various DSSP This course is an overview of dance history. While some professors may require you to dance, others will not. You will learn about various dance styles and the history be-hind each of them. The chronology of the course is inter-esting and connects to other disciplines such as music, art, history and psychology.

Spring 2016 CoursesBy Arlynnell Dickson

Page 4: Primannum Honor Society Farewell Finals€¦ · 02.12.2015  · FAREWELL FINALS | ISSUE 4 4 Course Professor Requirement Fulfilled Recommendation MUSC215: World Popular Musics and


Course Professor Requirement Fulfilled


MUSC215: World Popular Musics and Identity

Laura Schnitker

DSHU, DVUP This class is refreshing. You’ll learn about music from all over the world and how it relates to both culture and histo-ry. There are periodic quizzes, as well as a midterm, final and 2 papers.

HIST289O: Lawlessness: From Pirates to Body-snatchers, Exploring the Le-gitimacy of Illicit Activity

Anne Rush

DSHS, SCIS This class covers unusual topics and explains the driving force behind them. In section, we became the lawyers for these outlaws and debated over cases. The class has about two papers, a map activity, as well as a midterm and final. Professor Rush is patient and very willing to help students.

MUSC204: Popu-lar Music in Black America

Nicholas Tochka

DSHU, DVUP This class was a much needed break from your typical math, business, engineering or science course. We learned about the history of black music and how the past influ-ences music today. We even spent a good amount of time discussing the importance of Kendrick Lamar’s album and Nicki Minaj’s song, “Anaconda.”

ENES140: Discov-ering New Ven-tures

James Green & Michael Pratt

DSSP I enjoyed this online course because there is only one as-signment per week. I also developed a new entrepreneurial idea for an app that analyzes nightlife in College Park.

GEOG201/211: Geography of Environmental Systems

Keith Yearwood

DSNL This class/lab combination teaches you about the atmo-sphere and earth’s surfaces, emphasizing the interaction between climatology, hydrology and geomorphology. Dr. Yearwood is an engaging lecturer. You will not fall asleep in this class! There are only 3 exams for the course. In lab, you will study maps and use Google Earth.

FSOC – Fundamental Studies: Oral Communication SCIS – Signature Courses: I-Series DVUP – Diversity: Understanding Plural Societies DSHS – Distributive Studies: History and Social Sciences

DSSP – Distributive Studies: Scholarship in Practice DSHU – Distributive Studies: Humanities DSNL – Distributive Studies: Natural Sciences Lab

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