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Page 1: Presenting our research

Presenting Our Research.

Savannah Hardwick‘Food questionnaire’

Page 2: Presenting our research

What is the purpose of our research?

The purpose of conducting our research was so that we could find out relevant information that could help us further determine our audience. By asking questions such as ‘are you male or female?’ will help us see which gender has had the most influence over the results. We have also asked questions about who cooks the meals in the house, this type of question will help us to see who we needed to aim the recipe cards at, for example in our research we found that the mum or female carer would produce the most amount of meals in the house, as well as do all the food shopping. By looking at this research we can see that we need to make our recipe cards attractive to the mother in the house, as she would have more say over what gets prepared and bought.

We created 2 separate questionnaires, one specifically for vegetarians and one for people in general. When deciding what questions we wanted to ask, we knew that we wanted to aim one survey directly at vegetarians and one at people generally, so that we could see what each type of person thought and knew about vegetarian foods. For example we asked why vegetarians became vegetarians and we asked non vegetarians what they thought vegetarians reasons where for becoming a vegetarian.

These results could influence our recipe cards because if we had originally decided to target them at 40 year old men, then our results would show that the audience would not buy them, but middle aged woman who were parents would.

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Summery of data for ‘Food questionnaire’

This questionnaire was completed by 26 people, 41.31% male and 57.69% were female, this tells us that more females were willing to complete the survey then males. The next question we asked was the age of the person completing the survey, and due to the places we marketed the survey, its understandable that the 80.77% of people completing it were aged 11-20.

When looking at the results of the questionnaire, we can see that the majority of people who answered the questionnaires were 11-20 years old females.

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Analysis of questions-Question 1

The first question we asked was ‘Are you male or female?’ this was in order for us to establish whether the questionnaire was answered by more males or more females. As you can see, the majority of the people who answered our questionnaires were females. This then further tells us that it is more likely that females will be willing to buy the recipe cards. 15 out of the 26 people who complete the survey were women, which is more than how many men completed the survey.

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What is your gender?

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Analysis of questions-Question 2

This information shows us that the main bulk of people who answered our surveys were aged between 11 and 20. I think this is because of where we marketed the surveys, by using social media sites during the middle of the day we were more likely to get people of this age range than any other. The data also shows us that 11.54% of the people who answered were aged between 21 to 30 and 3.85% of people were aged 41 to 50.

By looking at this data, I can see that we should've advertised our surveys to a wider range of people, by just marketing on social media sites was not going to give us a bug enough variety of people.

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1 TO 10 11 TO 20 21 TO 30 31 TO 40 41 TO 50 50+

What is your age?

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Analysis of questions-Question 3

The third question was for us to establish whether or not the people completing this survey were a vegetarian or not. This data was not hugely important as we also had a survey that was specifically made for vegetarians. 12% of the people who answered this questionnnaire were vegetarians, and 88% were not vegetarians. This data will help us further understand the results of this survey as we can filter the results so that we just see the non-vegetarian results.

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Are you a vegetarian?

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Analysis of questions-Question 4

The fourth question was a way for us to see if the percentage of people who weren't vegetarian, had ever considered becoming one. 30.77% of the people who completed the survey had said yes, that they had considered becoming whereas 69.22% had said no.

Through this data we have found that if we had received completed surveys from a larger group of people, the answers would have been more varied.

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Have you ever considered becoming a vegetarian?

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Analysis of questions-Question 5

Our next question was about whether people had eaten a meat substitute, just over half, 53% had said no, but the others had. This data can influence our production because it shows that not only vegetarians are willing to eat meat substitutes. Which means that the recipes we use could possibly feature ingredients such as Quorn. We also gave the people who had said yes an opportunity to tell us which meat substitutes they had eaten, of the 11 people that furthered their answered, 10 had stated that they had eaten Quorn.

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Have you ever eaten a meat substitute?

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Analysis of questions-Question 6

The sixth question was asking the person what their favorite thing was to cook. This questions could be misleading because the majority of people who answered the surveys were aged between 11-20, meaning that they might not be the main person who cooks in their home. The most frequent answer was pasta and pizza.

This data can influence our recipe cards because we can chose to feature recipes that are similar to those that people have stated, for example pasta dishes and vegetarian friendly pizza.

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Analysis of questions-Question 7

This question allows us to see who the primary chef is in each persons household. 73% of the time that person was the mother, 15.8% was a spouse and 7.65% was the father. This data further helps us to chose who to aim our recipe cards at.

It will influence out recipe cards because we now know not to target our recipe cards at the siblings in the house and the fathers. The mothers are usually the primary person who cooks, therefore we should target them.

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Who does the majority of the cooking in your house?

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Analysis of questions-Question 8

This question is yet again a way to see who we should be aiming our recipe cards at. The person who does the food shopping in the house is usually the person who decides the meals the family eats and also who prepares the meals. 88.46% of the results showed that the mother or female presence in the house was the person who bought the food shopping, which solidifies our theory that targeting the mothers would be ideal for our recipe cards.

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Who does the food shopping in your house?

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Analysis of questions-Question 9

This question gives the person completing the survey a chance to say their opinions on why they think people would become vegetarians. The majority of the answers revolved around not liking the fact that in order to get meat, animals must be hurt. Another frequent opinion is that vegetarians might not like the taste of meat, so they decided not to eat it at all.

This data can help us with our recipe cards because it can help us when we are deciding on our target audience, we can use the information to influence our recipe cards and how attractive they are to the audience.

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Analysis of questions-Question 10

The final question revolved around what the persons favorite meal was to eat and why, this will help us chose our recipes to go on our recipe cards, because we can use the information gained to pick meals that will be attractive and wanted by our target audience. A lot of the answers to this related to ‘homey food’ (Sunday dinners, chocolate, pasta and pizza) but it also featured food that has lots of variety, such as jacket potatoes and salads.

This will influence our recipe cards because we can decided what recipes to put on them by looking at the answers we were given in this question, and making sure that they are safe for vegetarians.

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Applying a filter -Only females

By isolating the answers and having them be from a females point of view

specifically, it allows us to have the direct answers from the target

audience that we want for our recipe cards.

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Applying a filter - Only females-Question 2





1 TO 10 11 TO 20 21 TO 3031 TO 40 41 TO 50 50 +

What is your age?

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Applying a filter - Only females-Question 3




Are you a vegetarian?

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Applying a filter - Only females-Question 4




Have you ever considered becoming a vegetarian?

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Applying a filter - Only females-Question 5




Have you ever eaten a meat substitute?

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Applying a filter - Only females-Question 6

What is your favourite thing to cook?

By filtering the results we can only see the answers given by females. This question Is based on the person answering opinions, so it is useful to us for when we want to decide on the recipes being used on the recipe cards, if we were wanting to aim them at women.

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Applying a filter - Only females-Question 7

Who cooks the majority of the food in the house?






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Applying a filter - Only females-Question 8

Who does the food shopping in your house?





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Applying a filter - Only females-Question 9&10

Opinion based questions

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Conclusion of findings

When looking at our finding for ‘Food Questionnaire’, we can see that the results are very varied. This is because each person has different opinions and tastes. The data we have received will be very helpful when we are deciding on our audience profile and our target audience. Each question provided different data that we will be able to use to influence our recipe cards. For example, knowing that the mother/female in the house buys and prepares the food will be very helpful for use when deciding on our audience. We have also found that people favourite meals differ, but they generally like similar meals, such as pizza and pasts, by knowing this, we can change our recipes on the recipe cards to suit the target audience and what they like.

When collecting our results we used primarily social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook to market our survey, by only marketing to these places, we were limiting ourselves with who the people answering the surveys would be. Because we sent out the survey at mid-day on a Tuesday, we were only allowing it to reach the people that were online and who would see it. This was initially an effective way of gaining responses, but due to the age of people who spend a lot of time on Facebook, we were only gaining responses from people of a similar age, not getting a big enough variation in answers.

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Evaluation of the process In order for us to gain our data, we sent the surveys out via social

media sites such as Twitter and Face-book. We also went onto vegetarian chat rooms and forums, posting the survey on them and explaining what it was for. When looking at our results we can see that they are heavily influenced by people with the age range of 11-20. This is because we marketed them mainly on social media sites, which are mainly used by people in this age group, so because of this we didn’t collect a varied enough collection of responses. If we were to do this again, we would market the surveys to more websites, forums and groups pages that directly involve themselves with the vegetarian lifestyle. We would also make sure that we were to market it to older people, not just using social media but also using emails and asking people on vegetarian fan sites etc.

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