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Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Energy


Dr Tracy Cohen, Chairperson : NNRAdv Boyce Mkhize : CEO

18 October 2011

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VISIONTo be an independent world class regulatory authority on nuclear safety.

MISSIONTo provide and maintain an effective and efficient national regulatory

framework for the protection of persons, property and the environment against nuclear damage.

VALUESProfessionalism. Integrity. Excellence. Valuing People. Team Work

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Overview of the Annual Report – Key Highlights

Nuclear Security Action plan for FIFA world Cup – This entailed providing expertise in radiological monitoring, instrument methodology and spectral analysis, and emergency planning and response measures in the event of nuclear fallout or dispersal of radiological material. This project was hailed as a huge international success story.

Emergency Preparedness - Progress in efforts to build stakeholder confidence in South Africa’s nuclear safety regime by conducting a regulatory emergency exercise to test the effectiveness of Koeberg Nuclear Power Station’s emergency preparedness and response arrangements. The results of this exercise reflect that Koeberg has adequate emergency preparedness measures in place in case of a nuclear accident. A few corrective measures were proposed to further strengthen the measures.

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Overview of the Annual Report – Key HighlightsKnowledge Sharing Platforms (ICRP) - Promoted openness and

transparency through the facilitation of knowledge sharing platforms, such as the technical symposia convened in conjunction with the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) for South African stakeholders. The symposia were held in Cape Town and Gauteng. Stakeholders represented were authorisation holders, academia, government, media, civil society and public safety and information forums.

Self Assessment for Regulatory Infrastructure - Conducted self-assessment through participation in the IAEA-initiated project titled RAF/9/038 ‘Promoting self assessment of regulatory infrastructures for safety and networking of regulatory bodies in Africa’. The primary objective of this project was to develop and sustain national regulatory infrastructures for nuclear and radiation safety. An implementation plan has been finalised to address the key strategic gaps identified during this project.

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Overview of the Annual Report – Safety Index

No incidents of undue or excessive exposure - A number of authorisation holders and facilities continued to maintain a safe operating record. There were no incidents of undue or excessive exposure of workers, the public and the environment to harmful effects of radiation.

Special Case Mines - We have put a constant watch on the special case mines that have reflected some raised radiation levels. The NNR issued certain directives to these mines such as;

Institution of engineering controls,

Temporary closure of certain shafts and

Other related interventions to protect workers.

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Overview of the Annual Report – Safety IndexThe Wonderfonteinspruit Contamination - the contamination

issue and its effects on the public and the environment continued to pose certain regulatory challenges. To this end, the NNR recommended;

That the local municipality relocate Tudor Shaft informal settlement residents due to a concern that they might be exposed to raised levels of radiation given the tailings upon which the settlement is built.

This recommendation was favourably received, resulting in the entire settlement being relocated to another site.

On the other hand, the NNR continued to coordinate and lead the steering committee consisting of government agencies, departments and civil society to provide a comprehensive strategy for the rehabilitation of Wonderfonteinspruit.

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Overview of the Annual Report - Challenges The NNR has faced a few challenges during the period under

review, including: Reduction in operating revenue and government grant Inadequate legislative framework to strengthen the Regulator’s

enforcement mandate Regulating special case mines Remediation of legacy sites such as the Wonderfonteinspruit

catchment area. In addressing these challenges,

the NNR has made proposals to National Treasury on its financial sustainability, while developing a comprehensive funding model for the future.

The Board of Directors also approved amendments to legislation giving powers to the Regulator for enforcement of its mandate. An on going monitoring programme has been put in place to address the special case mines as well as focusing on the remediation of the Wonderfonteinspruit catchment area.

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Employment Equity Profile

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Regulatory Criteria prescribed by the NNR

Workforce Regulatory criteria

Maximum individual

worker dose

Maximum effective dose of 50mSv in any

year and an average effective dose of 20mSv

per annum averaged over five consecutive


Average individual

worker dose

Controlled by application of the ALARA

principle. The ALARA target for the annual

average individual dose is 4mSv per annum

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Facilities Regulated by the NNR

Necsa, Pelindaba Site

Necsa, Vaalputs Radioactive Waste Disposal site

Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant

Mining and Minerals Processing facilities

Nuclear Vessels

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Overview of protecting people and the environment

Occupational exposure at Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant, Necsa, Pelindaba Site, Necsa, Vaalputs Radioactive Waste Disposal site and mining and mineral processing facilities were within prescribed regulatory limits

Projected public exposure at Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant, Necsa, Pelindaba Site, Necsa, Vaalputs Radioactive Waste Disposal site was within prescribed regulatory limits

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Necsa complied with the dose limitation system for individual exposed workers over the calendar year January to December 2010. The maximum cumulative dose accrued for an individual during the calendar year was 13.4mSv and the total collective dose for the 688 radiation workers was 0.6903 person-sievert.

Exposure Type Dose for January to December 2010

Maximum dose (mSv) 13.4

Average dose (mSv) 0.80

Total collective dose (person-sievert) 0.6903

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Necsa demonstrated compliance with the AADQs and the projected public doses resulting from the liquid and gaseous effluent releases during the 2010 calendar year were 5.093 and 4.102μSv respectively, which is a total projected public dose of 9.195μSv

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The occupational exposure for the workforce for calendar year 2010 was as follows:

The maximum and average doses are acceptable considering the regulatory limits of 20mSv and the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) target of 4mSv respectively.

Exposure Type Dose for January to December 2010

Maximum dose (mSv) 8.344

Average dose (mSv) 0.3912

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PUBLIC EXPOSURE - KNPSThe maximum public dose for 2010 was determined to be 0.003543mSv, which is considered satisfactory given the NNR regulatory limit of 0.250mSv per annum for Koeberg. The effluent discharges for key radionuclides for 2010 are given in the table below. These comply with AADQs), which are established to ensure compliance with the public dose limit referred to above. Percentage of AADQ in effluent discharged during calendar year 2010.

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The NNR has identified 17 mining and mineral processing facilities with the potential to exceed the set regulatory limit of 20mSv/a if not closely monitored. These facilities continue to implement appropriate corrective measures such as engineering and administrative controls to ensure that all dose levels are kept ALARA as part of the on going monitoring programme.

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2010/11 - PERFORMANCE INDICATORSThe NNR achieved 60% of its planned strategic initiatives during 2010/11. The areas of underperformance were primarily due to capacity constraints

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Financial Highlights Total revenue increased by 1% (R1,1m) compared to the previous

year. The minor increase is a combination of a significant decline of state grant by 16% and an increase in authorisation fees of 6%.

The effects of recession were felt in the industry resulting in a number of consolidations in the mining and mineral operations. This had negative impact on the revenue due to liquidations, surrenders, revocation and reclassification of certificate of registration from a higher category to a lower one.

Operating expenses increased by 7% (R7,5m) compared to the previous year. The major contributors are the reinstatement cost incurred at the old building on vacating, the new operating lease for the building, and provision made for restructuring cost.

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Financial Performance

Revenue: The NNR’s total operating revenue for the year was 109,8m (2010:R108,6m) mainly from:

R89,505m: Authorisations fees

R19,954m: Direct Government grant

R350,975: Other income

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Financial Performance – Operating Income





Operating income 109,810 108,675

Operating expenses 111,969 104,508

Operating deficit (2,159) 4,166

Financial income 4,792 5,451

Financial charge (296,283) (117,267)

NET Surplus for the year 2,337 9,500

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Financial Performance – Assets & Liabilities



ASSETS 100,330 102,626

Non-current assets 23,539 5,782

Current assets 76,047 96,844


Reserves 41,475 39,366

Non-current liabilities 8,642 33,360

Current liabilities 50,212 29,900

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Financial Highlights - Events after the reporting date

Post-retirement medical liability - As part of condition of service, the NNR committed itself to make medical aid contribution on behalf of its employees and their dependants after retirement. The actuarial value of the post-retirement medical liability at the end of March 2010 was R33,4m. This was, however, unfunded. The NNR did not have a plan asset to match this liability.

During the year, the NNR made a voluntary offer to members of the fund both active and retired. The offer consists of cash pay out in three tranches and 100% guaranteed consumer price index (CPI) annuity for active and retired members respectively. The offer was accepted by the majority of members on 31 July 2010 and cash pay out was made to active members. However, the pay out of R17,2m, which is the full and final settlement of the liability for retired members who have accepted the offer, was made to Old Mutual on 13 April 2011.

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Financial Highlights – Auditor General’s Emphasis

The NNR obtained an unqualified audit opinion suggesting a generally acceptable level of internal controls.

However, the Auditor General raised an emphasis of matter on the NNR financials which related to the restatement of corresponding figures. The corresponding figures for 2010 were restated as a result of an error discovered during 31 March 2011 in the financial statements of the National Nuclear Regulator at, 31 March 2011. Another area of concern was the irregular expenditure in relation to a few procurement transactions largely relating to the tenant installation for the new building. This will be strengthened going forward through rigorous monitoring of all procurement transactions.

Another area of concern was on performance information specifically relating to measures which could not be quantifiable

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• The NNR has recently completed the restructuring process and is now better positioned to meet its performance targets and enhance efficiencies

• The new nuclear build programme requires the NNR to be adequately capacitated and resourced in order to address the regulatory aspects of this massive programme.

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• Financial sustainability and viability of the NNR continues to pose serious challenges to the NNR and the country’s ability to meet its international nuclear regulation obligations

• A secure funding tenure is needed with the quelling of the systematic erosion of funding base line for the NNR by National Treasury

• Fukushima Daiichi accident …NNR commissioned safety reassessment

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• We will be reporting back on the safety re-assessment exercise once completed

• We will also be approaching the Portfolio Committee with a request for support in driving the NNR Act amendments in order to strengthen our regulatory regime

• Special briefing on Regulatory approach to the new nuclear build programme proposed

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• Portfolio Committee for Energy Chairperson, Honourable Mr Sisa Njikelana

• Honourable Portfolio Committee Members• Honourable Minister of Energy, Ms E D Peters• Director-General for Energy : Ms N Magubane• Board of Directors of the NNR• Department of Energy Support Staff• Staff of the NNR

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