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Network model formation to support the delivery of public health care services in rural

areas of Peru

Paola Sanoni

September 2011

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Quick review

How can ICTs support the primary health attention


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Áreas de aplicación de las tecnologías: Areas of application of ICT’s for health

(1) Processes of continuous formation of health system personnel.

Procesos de formación contínua del personal de salud

(2) Epidemiologic surveillance processes and procedures Sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica

(3) Attention to medical emergencies Atención de emergencias médicas

(4) Distribution of medical and complementary supplies to the health assistance locations.Distribución de medicamentos y requerimientos logísticos de los locales de atención de salud

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Main processes in health attention where ICT’s can be

easily implemented

Procesos principales de atención de la salud en los cuales las

TIC’s pueden ser implementadas fácilmente

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5 Basic procedures of intervention

(1) Reference and dereference of patientsReferencia y contra-referencia de pacientes

(2) Inmediate second consultation procedures Segunda consulta inmediata entre los establecimientos de menor a mayor rango

(3) Coordinación para el traslado de pacientesCoordination for transfer of patients

(4) Supplies and logistics controlControl de inventarios de material médico.

(5) Epidemiologic surveillance statistics and controlCoordinación estadística para control y vigilancia epidemiológico

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How these projects are organized and funded?

Cómo se organizan estos proyectos y como se proveen los


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Organization of the project

1. Idea: What do we want to do?–--Project posing

2. Location: Where we can do?---Area of intervention

3. Executive partners: Who can help us?

4. Study of diagnosis vs. Idea----Participative diagnosis Pertinence: our ideas are accurate with the community needs

5. Budget/ Financial resouces: How much it cost--- $$$

6. Sustainability: Long-wind partners

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Research QuestionWhat is the role of Universities, organizations

from civil society and local governments to support the sustainability of ICT projects for

delivery of health care services?

How the role of these social agents contribute to the sustainability of e-health systems to improve the delivery of health services?

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Master Thesis Purpose

• The aim of this work is to present a Model of Organizational Networking as a critical factor in Telehealth projects for rural populations in developing countries through a case of study in the Amazonian region.

• The study aims to examine the characteristics, patterns, strengths, weaknesses and limitations within the network and on its relationship with the environment. It also pretends to explain how these actors can work together and how their dynamics may contribute positively or not towards the improvement on delivery of health care services

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MethodologyI am conducting a qualitative research

methodology including: • participant observation in Napo network where

empirical data has been collected back in 2009; • a revision of maintenance documentation

materials (technical and audit reports, technical manuals);

• in-depth interviews to engineers, physicians, technical personnel, maintenance staff and representatives of local and regional governments updated 2011.

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Theorethical frameworkFor the analytic study, I propose a Model for Organizational

Networking (MON) based on:

• Triple Helix Model (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff 1997, 2002) modified and adapted to consider civil society participation, external aid and beneficiaries;

• The model for entrepreneurial Universities and technological transfer (Bercovitz & Feldman 2006)

• Model of Sustainability adapted by Batchelor and Norrish (2003) and a further model proposed by Sunden & Wicander 2006) in their theories about ICTs for developing countries in the rural context.

• The Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) tailored by Bebea in 2010 for the EHAS-Napo case.

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Triple Helix model (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff 1997, 2002)


Industry Government

Model for regional economies where the multiplication of resources promotes entrepreneurial universities to use the

incubator facilities to generate spin off enterprises

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The model for entrepreneurial Universities (Bercovitz & Feldman 2006)

University environment


Sponsored research, licenses, spin off firms, etc

Characteristics of the industry

Researcher/ Groups


Policy Environment

Legal Framework

Market needs

Market offers

Industry needs

Research needs

Environment: Technological



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Model of Sustainability adapted by Batchelor and Norrish (2003)

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Model of Sustainability adapted by Sunden & Wicander


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Sustainability Action Plan for The EHAS-Napo project.

Bebea 2010

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Case of Study: Project EHAS-Napo

Brief explanation

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• The main objective of EHAS-Napo project in Peru is to provide wireless connectivity services for primary health attention of rural populations.

• The project connects 18 health facilities in the Amazonia, from the Regional Hospital (RH) in Iquitos up until Cabo Pantoja in the north east frontier between Peru and Ecuador.

EHAS-Napo Project

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Loreto Region

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Province of Maynas

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EHAS-Napo Network

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EHAS-Napo Network

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EHAS-Napo Network

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Model of Organizational Networking (MON)

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